The ULTIMATE Linus Tech Tips Studio Tour!

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[Music] the cm storm sf-17 uses a massive 18 centimeter fan to cool your gaming notebook and it adds a four port usb hub click now to learn more so you guys have been asking me for a studio tour since forever ago i'm finally doing it this is the linus media group studio this is behind the scenes this is where all of the videos we make i was going to say we're all your favorite videos except they're probably not your favorites but this is where all the videos we make are made so this is the storage rack this is where the queue of upcoming content kind of sits as well as stuff that we haven't or that we have already done so this is here this thing keeps getting opened this is the lumia i'm pretty sure it's taran who keeps opening it because he's all like book of spells like going all larp on it and i'm just like no that's not what it's for it's a lamp not a larp anyway uh this is our rubber mallet that we used to recently assemble all these shelves um this is this is where i store my personal crap that i don't have room for at my house because that's what being a boss is all about it's a racing wheel i don't think anyone's gonna complain yeah yeah exactly right so this is the regular unboxing set so you guys normally see it from this angle so why don't we why don't we do it from the other angle instead right so this is our special table that's actually called a vert desk we uh we told vert desk they sent us not only this one which they sent us quite some time ago but they sent us another one if we promise to explain how we use it for shooting this makes our lives so much easier because instead of adjusting a tripod or adjusting a slider which i think brandon's actually setting up right now you know where it's like undo this stupid thing and then undo this other stupid ridiculous thing they are stupid compared to the vert desk so now we have vert desks instead so we can just be like oh yeah okay we need to slightly adjust the height depending on the size of the product or the size of the host for example and boom done they hold like 300 pounds uh over here is some some more pending stuff so this is stuff that i'm expecting to have to deal with pretty much immediately stuff like corsair's upcoming ax 1500i video and like oh yeah pretty stoked on this one asus's ws z97 board all about mws boards this is my garbage can that i made out of a cardboard box uh these are our fancy lights that we've actually had for a long time this is the brandon shelf so howard's up there and then uh things like his extra cameras that he insists that we have just in case he needs them actually it's for like commercial shoots and stuff this is a blackmagic cinema camera so uh i you know it's funny i've lost all perspective for how much things cost i would have looked at a blackmagic cinema camera back when we started this whole enterprise and gone holy balls that's way too expensive and then now with how expensive all the other production equipment we have is i just kind of go okay that's like an extra camera here okay so put this in perspective this is our main camera rig so this is a sony fs700 which is about a seven and a half thousand dollar camera now i think this lens is another 800 or so that's some tamron thing that uh brandon has a hard on for he owns one himself and still insisted that i buy one so he could use it this is a convergent design odyssey 7q so this will allow us to record 4k prores or even 4k raw in the future but right now we're able to record 4k but down sampled to 1080p prores so that's the improved sharpness that you've seen in our videos over the last little while it's a few grand for one of those including the proprietary ssds that go in it so it's just all this stuff is like so unbelievably expensive that uh like you guys just have no idea what it takes to make like really high quality videos well i guess you do now because you're watching uh this is our green screen so this is where we shoot fast as possible it used to be on like a self-constructed white wall that i built in my garage but we found an actual green screen is much more effective these lights are our old lights so we just used them to illuminate the green screen they actually have these check out these like janky plastic colored well whatever they're in there like janky plastic color changer things in there i want to get new lights and i want to have them ceiling mounted so the idea will be that you wire them all up to one switch just kind of go boom and then we're ready to shoot as fast as possible because the amount of time that we waste dinking around with getting the lights positioned and then fixing it in post-production is just not worth it uh here's where the stormtrooper lives until i get around to dressing up the mannequin and then this is the networking hub which i probably shouldn't even show anyone because of how brutal it is so here's the fiber box here's the cable box here's like all the routers that we were using to diagnose something here we were going to build a pf sense machine with this but then we just we just bailed so there you go this is what we use for our voiceovers so i've actually done an unboxing of this this is the editor's keys sl300 mic and then the little vocal studio booth thing is absolutely fantastic over in the kitchen here brandon is yeah i guess you're you're seeing what the process is for b-roll so you know a lot of work goes into getting things all you know set up and shot it's funny if you come over here behind you can see that things aren't quite as tidy as they at first appeared to be so here's like saw slade and gaff tape and brandon's like you know panini maker because like whatever that's the thing normal people bring to work and then i keep telling people please do why are there dishes in the sink if you have dishes at work you clean them and you take them home but for some reason we end up with dishes here i don't quite understand it back here we've got all the stuff for our build guide that we're working on filming right here this is the cardboard pile there's actually a real problem around here is what to do with all of the cardboard that things come shipped in like we don't know how to address this problem because we don't exactly have like a commercial sized dumpster out in the back yard or anything um i think that's mostly it for the uh for the oh yes right the bathroom and here it is the most frustrating room in the entire building because i'm the only one who cleans it and as you can tell it's not like that often and people just do the most the most sort of strange things like why do people put toilet paper in a can that is literally right next to a toilet where they would have the opportunity to flush it instead of me having to deal with it it's not me i would have to assume blowing their nose well they should blow their nose and put it in there do you rather than flush it yes if they weren't going to the washroom yes isn't that terrible for the environment well anyway uh the point of this is dollar shave club our sponsor for this video dollar shave club ships you high quality razors handles and other bathroom supplies directly to your door to save you the hassle and money involved with going to the store fighting with someone to go and unlock the safe to pull out some more razors and then waiting in line or going through the self checkout which if you've ever gone to the one at home depot it never actually works like have you ever successfully made it through the self checkout at home depot i swear you scan one thing and it's like boop please wait for attendant the chick doesn't even wait just walks over immediately when you show up to help you anyway home depot self checkout aside dollar shave club razors are high quality and cost a fraction as much as the ones that you buy at the store because they don't include any of the unnecessary bs frills and gimmicks that those ones do like vibrating handles that have actually been demonstrated to not actually do anything in any way they can actually be proven they are available in the united states canada and australia and for an under 10 a month you can even get their executive deluxe six blade razor shipped to you once every month so that you're gonna have a fresh blade one for every week of the month so you don't have to choose between the options of dragging a rusty nail across your face like he was doing before we got some dollar shave club supplies way to go man or you know fighting with traffic to go out and get some razors when you just want to get a nice clean shave they've also got other products as well including dr carver's easy shave butter which goes on clear so you can actually see what you're doing softens up the hair just basically does what it's supposed to do and smells nice which i consider to be an excellent bonus and another thing that also smells nice and has additional functionality is one white charlies you can see where these were positioned in the bathroom right next to the toilet which should give you some idea what one wipe charlies are used for punishing employees actually for wiping your butt anyway let's continue with our tour and head on upstairs thank you to dollar shave club for sponsoring this video on linus tech tips guys head over to linus and join the club if you want to start saving your time and saving your money actually we missed a couple things on the stairs here that's the water cooling supplies for an upcoming build guide there's a quadro for some reason i'm actually not sure why that's there um there i don't know what those are all right so up here is the legendary okay so here's the stuff from last week's garage sale that i'm gonna ship out this is the executive bathroom that no one uses because no one here is an executive i believe in a very flat you know organizational structure uh this is the water cooling closet so this is the uh this is the container that we use for spraying naughty employee i mean this is the container we use for filling up reservoirs and stuff like sorry it was tempting i don't know how long that water's been in there um we've got a whole whack ton of radiators up here so many that this thing is actually flexing here's the tubing bucket so we got all the tubing and the crabs in that bucket then we've also got fittings a bunch of like really old water cooling crap from like my house more radiators more like random widgets and like blocks and pumps and stuff and then down here is all the supplies from my old chiller so this could be used to make a sub-zero cooler you can get a cpu down to around -25 or so with that but you gotta actually put it together and then the wan showroom so actually this oh that's how it's gonna be all right i guess i deserve that so this room um i have already set up my whole system with the one button boop and the wan showroom is lit just like that so easy also in the lan showroom is our steel series set so this is where we shoot our steel series tech quickie videos and then over here is the random pile of stuff that has gradually reduced in size i mean some of it's like collapsed like if you look back here i don't even know what's up with some of this stuff like there's toilet paper rolls back here probably because i switched to one wipe charlie's there's also like you know guns and stuff you know uh these are just bb guns by the way they're not actually they're not actually weapons um so don't worry too much about it uh let's see what else we got in here this is the crt that we used to play games on the after party on back when we had one of those and then that's another black magic cinema camera so that's why the wan show went from um looking like kind of poop to looking freaking pretty good and then the lighting was what made a big difference in terms of the consistency of the show because i would look at the thumbnails and i'd be like okay it looks good and it looks good but they're completely different types of good so this is our sound setup that unfortunately no one here other than edsel really knows how to use so this is a compressor this is a mixer and then the problem is that we don't have the cables to something anyway that's why it's always quiet but that's also why when i talk really loud it doesn't just peak immediately or clip or whichever one is the one for sound not video this is the wardrobe closet so this is where uh slenderman lives uh until i address him in his stormtrooper armor this is a gill's outfit from the funk commercials here's our ninja suits from that be quiet commercial here's a ncix pc t-shirt for some reason um i don't know man i'm not sure what to say and then this is where most of the real work gets done so our team members in order of appearance are eds liago brandon lee taren van hamert and then finally someone you've never met before this is mr nick light so he is the one who is responsible for that recent fast as possible that had no ad integration on it this is our sales and advertising coordinator whereas taran does some script writing some producing some video editing and even some on-screen hosting brandon you guys and edsley you guys are probably mostly familiar with but they specialize in filming editing ed actually doesn't do much filming anymore i'm not even sure if he still remembers how to use a camera but he does most of our color sound and post-production work and all that good stuff and then uh i'm not sure what i do around here this is the old gear closet which has now because nick's desk is in the way of it has been turned into kind of long-term storage so boxes for things that we might need to return at some point if it's you know broken or whatever my monitor that i really want to switch back to this is that lg 21x9 monitor but i'm reviewing a monitor right now that's on my desk so i need to like deal with that actually here i guess i might as well show you guys my desk while i'm at it so this is my office with a window you know got my window here i share the window mind you but i share the office too but whatever is my computer that has no side panel as some people observed in a picture i took a little while ago this is a benq 32-inch 2560 by 1440 monitor that i'm taking for a test drive right now this is my water bottle uh this is huh this is kind of funny this is the random raid card and 10 gig ethernet or not ethernet lan card that i've had on my desk i don't really know what to do with for a while it's like funny this is my phone stand check it out it's from cooler master boop luke thinks they're stupid but i disagree because now i can see my notifications without even without even glancing at my smartwatch before i glance at my smartwatch i can see things this i probably don't even want to show you guys but this is sort of the server room i guess it's also sort of a bathroom no one is allowed to use this bathroom so i can walk you guys through a little bit of how the workflow goes in here so we have our scanner and printer we have storage that goes in the bathtub this is our fireproof nas down here that i haven't actually deployed but i should probably do something with at some point this is our archive so this is where anything that's no longer being stored on the raid array in the nas goes on wd sorry yeah very safe following all the best practices it's like there's it do as i say not as i do this room no one should do anything you know my favorite part is like this the water's on i'm not going to turn it yeah but i should turn it he didn't cut the water both the toilet and the sink actually work right now so like if something bumps the faucet well you shouldn't bump that i should be the only one allowed in this room anyway also he thinks that is a proper way to archive drives i don't look at this look at this it's not proper i know it isn't proper the point is that's where they are no one touched them okay so here's our switch uh this is mostly gigabit but also 10 gigabit so there's a 10 gigabit link to our server that also runs to edsel's machine since he's the one who back when we set this up who was doing most of the very high bit rate content editing this is our netgear storage appliance that we use as an iscsi drive so that loop can install all of his games on a network drive whenever he's benchmarking rather than install them locally and have to re-image those all the time down here is the main server so this is running a xeon processor with some intel board that has thunderbolt we are using a consumer grade board so that we can use thunderbolt for ingesting footage it's got i think it's like 10 or 11 drives in it that are running in a raid 6 right now so those are all three terabyte drives now that we're shooting prores i'm having to archive things a lot more often and it's getting kind of crazy in terms of our storage needs we're going to need to readdress this sometime soon whether it's with freenas or another solution but for the time being that's how everything runs uh we copy footage off of it here's those proprietary ssds i was talking to you guys about these things are so expensive like unbelievable so we use this thunderbolt dock right here for copying um very very large files and then we have this one right here for copying anything that's like moving moving archival footage onto greens for example or just if the thunderbolt dock is in use for whatever reason now let's move over into loops area so this is where most of the benchmarking happens uh there's the closet here which is overflow storage for things like the copious amounts of ram hey there's your stick no it's there's one the the other two are in this system and you missed an opportunity i said there's your stick and you didn't you know sue me for harassment um so this is a recent addition luke finally got a nice rack for his room where most of the storage is done it used to be kind of all over the floor but things are much much tidier now it's kind of easier for everyone to work lately so this is where all the graphics cards or anything that he's about to be working on go uh this is for an upcoming case review i know we're a little late on the 230t from corsair but we're finally getting around to it now so uh luke just did the build on that i gotta script it still and we're probably going to film that a little bit later um this is where the test benches go we've actually got oh you put the new leg in so this is funny oh it's not okay no because it has different screws the new legging it has different screws that's actually a problem anyway uh oh it doesn't matter you just they're not threaded you just i know i know oh well at any rate um so this is uh so here you should go back so that they can see the curve of this table like the bowing that's going on with this table so we finally got a fifth leg to kind of prop up the middle of it and then we want to get a thing down here that's actually going to be built on this piece of wood so that we can um so we can put the test benches down here and free up some more space on the top so there's lots more things to continue to do which i guess leads us to the overflow storage where we have things like city combs this is you're doing isn't it what do you know about this why do we have a shaw cable company i have no idea i bet you know nope anyway uh so like leaves for like a table that's here because i don't have room for it at my house the couch master because that's where i think most bulky stuff like this that people buy on an impulse and then can't figure out where to put ends up and then this most of these boxes are actually empty so there you go read into that whatever you will but this is where all the cases or the boxes for cases that we don't know like that we have deployed but we still want to have the boxes just in case our and like this mini fridge and that table that's hiding under a bunch of the boxes so this is where all the overflow storage is and i think that's pretty much it thank you for coming along for our little interactive tour of the linus media group studio i hope you guys enjoyed it like the video if you liked it dislike it if you disliked it share it if you know someone who also cares about what goes on behind the scenes over here and then uh as always don't forget to subscribe blindness tech tips for unboxings reviews and other computer videos [Music]
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 1,786,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Studio, tour, youtuber, setup, crib, behind the scenes, BTS
Id: _EMhR6cUN8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Thu May 15 2014
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