The 3 Worst (and 3 Best) Maps in Hell Let Loose

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all right guys today we are gonna go through the worst three and the best three maps in The Amazing tactical shooter hell let loose we've got a lot to get through so let's get stuck into it oh and be sure to let me know what your top three and worst three are down in the comments I will be reading them all [Music] as some of you may know hell let loose painstakingly create their Maps using satellite imagery and photographs and on one hand this creates some of the most immersive realistic and unique gameplay experiences I've ever had in a shooter on the downside is due to this lack of commitment to balance as a normal game would you can get some absolutely infuriated Maps now after going through all of this recording the footage and recording the commentary using the data from the community in the polls and then actually going on to these hated Maps I had a revelation well maybe Revelation is a bit of a strong word but I will elaborate further at the end Hill 400 is a map with few super fans but I feel like this one is a bit of a Marmite map Hill 400 as the name suggests is a big hill oh there you go teams will spend their time fighting up or down said Hill in a dense forest lit with bunkers and trenches no team really has a starting Advantage but fighting through a foggy Forest not known where anyone is even after they started shooting you is a bit of a rough one tanks will have a hard time with the limited maneuverability and visibility and also struggle to aim their turrets up to hit anyone that is above them and will easily be ambushed by anti-tank engineer teams I do believe a lot of players frustration with this map is the visibility uh one quick tip for that is uh try not to move too much stay still scan the Horizon scan the trees and you will be able to see people a lot easier when you move do it in small bursts go to that tree stop scan go to the next tree stop scan having said that Hill 400 has nailed the atmosphere and the sense of realism which obviously once again doesn't always translate to good gameplay nonetheless I've had some pretty good games on that map and obviously some pretty terrible ones as always but I feel like the bad outweigh the good due to the slightly unique nature of the geography any flank that you do try and attempt is usually overshadowed by one side of the Hill however most players will still groan at the site of Hill 400 turn up in the loading screen coming up next and absolutely no surprise to anyone I'm sure but Purple Heart Lane named after the award given to the American soldiers when wounded in battle and trust me this battle there was a lot in real life this engagement was absolutely horrific not just for the heavy losses and wounded but just the general fighting conditions flooded Fields deep Rivers oppressive artillery mortar fire absolute chaos and is translated perfectly well into hell let loose flooded Fields making any attempt to cross said field absolutely pointless either you'll be slowed down by the water or just be incredibly visible to the enemy as you try and cross the rivers are deeper than you ever thought possible just just endless endless bottomless rivers and little to no cover throughout most of the map which means you spend most of your time on your belly crawling through mud and water hoping that that random Rifleman 300 meters away doesn't spot your helmet bobbin up and down all of this combines to an incredibly rough gameplay experience for any side now as I said this is probably fairly historically accurate which unfortunately once again does not translate well to gameplay there's only so many times you can get obliterated by artillery or shot from someone somewhere you have no idea all of these problems translate to a very slow gameplay experience which helmet loose is already a pretty slow moving game but adding crawling never getting anywhere constantly getting bombarded it leaves most with a sour taste in their mouth and rightly so personally I do enjoy the map for what it is in terms of immersion atmosphere things like that are absolutely on point and some good games have happened in the past I think however overall most games are absolutely brutal for most and that is probably why you don't see it in many server rotations anymore I have not played on that map in a year and that's not for lack of trying so that tells you quite a bit about people's thoughts on Purple Heart Lane and the final pick for the worst hell let loose Maps is ramagan or ramagan ramagan whichever one you want to choose despised by most hell let loose players and once again a map that is attempting to favor realism and authenticity over any kind of gameplay balance with the German side having a large mounting leading down to the bridge the Americans largely flat lowlands the advantage is quite clear on this one German tanks and anti-tank guns and snipers alike can just camp on top of this daunting mountain and Rain Hell Fire on the poor Americans trying to cross the bridge or hold the bridge both sides have giant three full-story towers with murder holes to shoot out of however on the American side that is the only High Advantage you are getting armor is forced to push along the narrow bridge Bridge making it a perfect Target for any would-be anti-tank Gunner or tank or just anyone close by with the means to destroy a tank they are incredibly vulnerable not to mention any Savvy Commander could drop down a bombing run straight across the map killing probably the entire team in one go and making it an easy push for their side all of this combines to quite a frustrating experience a lot of the time and doesn't offer up many options for an effective flank even AirHeads are limited to where you can place them due to the the size of the river one small relief is the iron catwalk beneath the main Bridge allowing for infantry to try and sneak across however the catwalk is definitely not fit for two people to walk abreast so you'd probably have a better chance just jumping in the river and hoping for the best the night map is more of the same but dark I would talk about the rest of the map but I don't think I've ever seen it people were hating on this map before it was released after it was released and still hate it to this day even though it's actually very rarely seen once again I like the atmosphere I like the authenticity I have had a handful of good games where the bridge was not a complete meat grinder however the community has spoken and it is definitely one of the worst if not the worst I think it's probably the worst one in terms of gameplay alright now for a little bit of a palette cleanser but before that if you are enjoying this video please leave a like as it is the best way to support me and subscribe if you have not done so already now with the top three Maps starting with Foy and its nighttime variant Foy is one of those maps that can be intense tactical and Incredibly cinematic letting you play through probably the most impressive bander Brothers episode The mapping encompasses the town of Foy itself and the surrounding Woodland and farmlands each capture sector requires its own unique style of fighting or defense while at times it does feel flanking options are limited the possibility is there with some cunning and some ruthless leadership the Woodland itself is its own little nightmare any player caught alone or in a small Squad will have a mix of anxiety and utter dread when trying to push through one of the Open Fields and it doesn't help when an mg42 starts firing overhead and then you start to wonder is that shepherd's pie in my knickers the town of Foy gives you the Close Quarters combat that everyone seems to Crave while maintaining the absolutely terrifying haunting atmosphere of the whole map personally I get incredible enjoyment out of this map and especially the nighttime map and I definitely get more enjoyable games on this than I do bad ones having said that when you get a bad one on Fourier it is pretty bad that is that is the rule unfortunately if it's bad it's going to be really bad next up we have Karen tan or guaranton if you're not a heathen the map offers up one of the largest urban combat areas and still has some nice open areas for more long-range engagements the streets are littered with rubble the buildings are half destroyed and caved in any number of buildings could contain a would-be sniper or anti-tank player just laying in weight tanks will struggle within the town center and the streets unless being supported by some incredible infantry it's another map where every other capture Point feels like something quite unique and interesting rather than just your average Farmhouse the pumping station and Customs being standouts for me personally and also I do like some of the smaller Canal areas that make little one-to-one fights quite terrifying at least for me anyway one weird request I keep seeing on Reddit and from chat to players in game is people want almost every single building to be accessible and all the courtyards to be open well I do agree we need to open up some more of the buildings to allow some flanking routes especially on some of those streets Jesus Christ just horrific bottleneck blenders especially if you've got an mg at one end just being supported properly that's it you can't get down that street however imagine having to check every single building in Karen tan or guarantul in case there's someone hiding in it it will get tiresome quick so I think a middle ground is open up some more of the buildings allow for some more strategic flanking routes but let's not make it every single one because I will lose my mind having to search all of those but overall the same with Foy most experiences on karatan even if a loss is still fun and engaging because of the potential for flanks the difference in each POI is refreshing like I said it's not all just farm houses each place has its own little unique kind of story behind it it just offers up something I think most hell it Loose players want they're good combination of Close Quarters combat medium to long range fighting but still some cover and buildings to maneuver around tanks aren't completely punished by the city and will be stronger outside but you know that keeps it a little bit more realistic like a tank going down a street isn't going to fare too well is it unless he's hunting me then obviously he's going to be fighting no one's going to bother him and finally the tip of the top best map is Saint Marie De Mont the combination of built up towns for Close Quarters infantry fighting and horrific point-blank tank battles causing anxiety and tension in the most veteran players or a short stroll out of the town will leave you in a ravaged Farmland with terrifying trenches and the artillery emplacements at broccol Manor even the large open areas still offer cover and potential concealment with burnt out structures and vehicles trenches and even cows tanks will have an advantage in some of the open areas but they are never truly safe from a eager and cunning anti-tank player hiding in the bushes within the Hedgerow or just behind one of the cows I love playing on this map it offers the most Variety in gameplay without sacrificing one for the other however its own popularity means it is always being played on every single server multiple times in a rotation and after a while I do kind of want something else but then a couple of rounds on uh ramagan Hill 400 or purple heart Lane I'm ready to get back to summary demand I think what Saint Marie DeMont manages to do is not make every open space complete horror to cross and while the cover isn't perfect it gives you some protection or breaks line of sight for a moment while still making you feel vulnerable it offers the ability to be tactical and effective so I'm sure absolutely no one was shocked by the choices made for the three most beloved and most hated maps in Hell let loose but as I mentioned before a revelation came over me as we roamed the most hated maps with my friends we were just getting some footage driving around walking through flooded fields we naturally began discussing the problems with these Maps what we loved about these maps are appearances on them and everyone's problems with them first we jumped into Purple Heart Lane and we were driving around the foggy rainswept Fields the Deep treacherous Rivers partially destroyed settlements and all the little nooks and crannies under the bridges and waterways and we realized that a lot of people want very different things from hell at loose which is probably not shocked to a lot of people but I believe that's where the division in people's preference for maps arise most people probably want a serious tactical experience with balance Maps plenty of cover and structures and flanking routes and that's all to be expected then a smaller group won a World War II experience with authentic Maps brimming with atmosphere hard grueling fights that immerse you and make you come out the other end like holy crap that was a fight even if you lose the experience alone of working with a team down in the mud fighting picking friends up it all contributes now the top three are undoubtedly amazing Maps a very nice mix of fighting styles and overall just very well made Maps however for me personally they just don't have an atmosphere that these other hated Maps actually have they're perfectly Sun lit countrysides with fields and yeah sure there's some dead cows and blown up buildings and burnt out tanks but that's not enough to make an atmosphere for me and what happens because of these Maps being so popular Karen tan semory de Mont foi and Saint Mary glees which is essentially just Century demand you end up playing these Maps over and over again in a constant rotation the same four Maps usually occasionally stand grass chucked in but most of the time it's these four and after a bit you do get a bit bored of just seeing this perfect French Countryside I'd say personally for me to change up these Maps I'd like to see different weather effects in them just to change things up so the next time you play you might have a bit of fog or a heavy rainstorm something like that I'm not talking about a hurricane or a tornado or something ridiculous like that but just something to give a little bit more drama and make the experience feel different each time you play it I would argue that with some changes to Purple Heart Lane ramagan and Hill 400 these Maps would be incredible and the community would lap them up I mean maybe they need a little bit more than just a bit of work but I think people lose sight of the things that these Maps actually offer which is a true World War II experience they might not be fair they might not be balanced but it's a unique experience that I don't think any other game actually offers at the moment let me know what you think down in the comments and be sure to leave a like And subscribe before you go and I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: McBluffin Gaming
Views: 42,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hll, HLL, WW2, WW2 SHOOTER
Id: MxnZ9oTRgTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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