Hell Let Loose Beginners Guide Part 1. The Basics.

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hello and welcome to a hell loose tutorial if you're new to this game uh which I assume you are if you're looking at this video uh there's going to be quite a lot of stuff to learn quite a lot of stuff to go over I'm going to try to go over some stuff quick for you just so you can uh hopefully get in the game and at least have a better understanding of what's going on so we're on the main menu here you got enlist as your servers Barracks is just a place you can go to uh change load outs of every class however you want to do it you can change your appearance as well uh when you're looking at your loadouts whatever you have unlocked you can click on whatever load out you want uh you unlock these by leveling up that class and to level up that class you got to play as that class makes sense hovering over all these white icons it tell you how much of everything you got what everything actually is uh some of the stuff I wouldn't worry about as a new player like the watch that gets into a whole another thing uh pretty much an officer only thing Commander I wouldn't suggest touching that either uh for now we're going to look at that later but one main thing you should definitely do go into your options in gameplay the first Tab and these name plates name plate view distance I would definitely recommend setting that all the way up to 500 I don't know what the default actually is but uh that's going to help you out a lot to identify enemies if you're new to the game it's you know we're shooting over some pretty long distances here it's hard to tell who's who if that's all the way up you'll always at least most majority of the time you'll know who you're shooting at cuz you'll see a little blue icon or green icon over them and know that's a friendly uh other than that another thing I'd highly recommend you do is go into the basic training here which just can give you an entire manual that'll actually explain everything I'm about to explain to you uh might not be as much stuff that might not go in depth in this but again you got the whole manual here you got tabs on top for whatever you're looking for and then within those tabs there's a whole another thing you can learn every weapon every tool everything you want in here uh it'll give you a pretty good idea of what you're doing the whole how to play section here but uh I'd recommend going into the practice range here at least you can mess around with guns Vehicles grenades you can run around do whatever the hell you want uh usually when you get into a game this is the first screen you're going to see after picking a side of course you're going to have infantry squads armor squads and Recon if you're new highly recommend you stick to infantry first just so you can get an idea of what's happening and again I would not recommend going officer for your first time pick any one of these other classes Best Bets probably to pick Rifleman he has a very simple job it's shoot the enemies so you'll click on uh choose roll it would say and then just going to spawn in the game and do whatever you want to do uh we'll go over some spawn point things here for you actually now as well so we'll go over the map a little bit later uh what everything on the map actually is but for now we're just going to look at the spawn point so all the green flashing pulsing things you see on the map all of these are your spawn points which you can also choose from the right menu here which every time you click it it'll highlight which one it is on the map uh it's usually easier to just look at the map and fig figure it out from there but uh if you're in a squad the only way you can play is in a squad this little triangle here with the two hash marks on top that is your Outpost spawn that's something put down by your squad leader uh usually it's a lot faster you'll spawn within 20 seconds on this compared to a Garrison which is the circle with a little flag above it those take up to 40 seconds to spawn on and then you also have your half tracks over here which are uh kind of rare unfortunately they're good spawns but they can take up to a minute to spawn on but they are mobile spawn points uh you can't spawn on it when it's mobile but you can move it around however often you want and almost anywhere you want so for now we'll go ahead and spawn in on The Outpost uh this is what your American Outpost looks like just a little radio the Germans is also all the factions are little radios you can hear them uh the further you get the less you'll be able to hear them but keep an ear out for you know if you're Americans anyone speaking German and then you'll know oh hey maybe there's you know an enemy Outpost nearby uh your garrisons generally look like this they all have a very similar look of a table usually some other random [ __ ] on it maybe the spotter scope chest whatever some chairs and this is your half track which if you're a new player yes you can drive these please do not if they're placed somewhere other than the spawn I would not recommend driving it because as you can see on the map right now it's green which means you can spawn in it the second you start that engine up it's going to turn black and now nobody can spawn on it until you turn that engine off so again if you're new please do not jump in the half tracks and start driving it around thinking it's fun cuz you might be [ __ ] up a spawn point for an attack or a defense when it comes to movement in this game it's just like any other game you can strafe left and right you can run forward and backwards uh you can jump you can Crouch you can prone and you can lean left and right leaning is obviously very useful in this uh you can Sprint you can Sprint infinitely in this game so you can just press shift or whatever button it is is or hold it down however you have it set up and you could just pretty much run for Miles uh you can also actually dive only while you're sprinting so if you're just regular jogging we'll say and you go to dot or hit prone you'll go down kind of slow but if you're actually sprinting and you go to prone you're going to do a little dive and a little slide uh it's definitely helpful for getting under objects just use this as a quick example slide right underneath that you can get up almost right away and keep moving uh you can Vault over things so you got this low wall here all you got to do is run up to it and tap your jump button once you'll Vault right over it you can get over higher walls so anything above your waist like this you'd actually have to hold space to go over so if we just run at it and tap space like we do with the low wall you're just going to hit it and bounce off of it but if you run up to it and you hold space you'll Vault right over that uh you do want to be careful when it comes to your diving cuz if you're trying to dive for cover just make sure you dive just a little bit before the cover so you actually get into it so let's say we're getting shot from uh that gate right there and you're going for this tree if you dive at that tree you're going right past it they could still see you from that gate so again try to dive a little bit before it you'll slide right into position now we got some cover from that uh shooting you got your aim down the sights you can also hold your breath which will steady out your rifle and zoom in just a little bit you can see there we're pretty much perfectly steady uh there's not really any alternate fire on any of the guns unless you want to include putting your biopod down for the machine gun uh you can't really change between semi and automatic so you know just take your time with the shots whatever all right so we went over some basics of uh the game which is you know the same as most other firstperson Shooters but there's some other stuff here uh that's pretty important so if you go to your key bindings you'll see marking you're going to want to bind that uh they just call it pinging in the game but marking is very important uh if you press that button for example we're going to get that little red mark right there little red exclamation point with or white exclamation point around the red triangle that's what we call pinging so you can ping stuff to bring your squad's attention to it uh now that's only going to be for your squad so the entire team's not going to see it so if you're next to a guy that's not in your squad uh and you do that he's not going to know what you're talking about so the best bet is to use your compass which you can see at the bottom so uh again whenever you ping something it's usually best to say uh you know let's say there's some Germans up in this house and you want to Ping it you're going to say uh hey pinging Germans at 302 302 at the bottom is perfect uh that's all you got to say and then at this point if somebody's looking let's say to the north this way they're going to say oh 302 and they can look down at their compass and go 302 is over here okay that's around this area somewhere hopefully your ping will stay active for that amount of time uh they go away pretty quickly because you know you can just Spam the [ __ ] out of it which would probably get pretty annoying uh now you can also ping stuff on the Tactical map which you can find that default is M right click hit ping that'll ping other stuff if you uh want to guess where something is so you know for example let's say you died you respawn back in you can go oh you know what I was uh I was down by this house so I going to Ping that and I think there are some guys around that house and that'll bring up your ping uh the only thing to note is that if you're trying to be super accurate with the Ping for example you got Germans in these windows you can actually pretty much ping the window right here but now if you go into your map and you're going to try to Ping the house that Ping's usually going to end up on the roof let's just say those pings are coming down from the sky so if you want to be more accurate in first person is the best way to Ping stuff and now if you actually hold that ping button down uh as a squad member you'll get all of these which pretty much everything from your 12:00 to your 8:00 these are all uh non-verbal Communications so for example if you hit request explosive ammo it's just going to show up in your in the top left by the text chat uh hit repeat same thing the only ones that uh are actually going to be marks is moving observing attacking and defending so these four right here which you can put these up whenever you want uh you don't necessarily have to use them that's fine if you're using uh voice Communications you you probably don't really need those but let's say you want to move to that house and uh you just want to do it real quick just say hey moving put up that Mark now your entire squad's going to know all right uh you know Rhino's moving all the way over to here again you got some Germans up in that house you can mark it say there's Germans on my ping and then even put up an attack Mark just to show that you are currently attacking that house uh if you thought you saw something let's say we're running over here and you think oh [ __ ] I think I saw something by that house throw up an observation Mark say hey something was on my observe I might have seen a couple guys running that house whatever and uh speaking of verbal Communications now too you have uh three options for that uh only two of which you're really going to be using here so it's going to be v c and x X I think that is the default where V is proximity chat c is your squad chat X is leadership radio again if you're not a commander or a squad leader you don't have to worry about x uh as regular infantry men which again if you're new that's what you should be doing to start off V and C are are your main things V oh it's not working in the basic training all right well whatever uh so V is going to be your proximity chat hold that and talk people can hear you so let's say this is one of our friendlies here this uh this a little scarecrow you walk up to him and you want to say hey there's Germans be behind there hold down V he'll be able to hear you the further you get just like real life the less he's going to be able to hear you if you got a shout that's fine that'll actually work or if you just want to whisper to him the enemy cannot hear your proximity chat so you don't really have to whisper but I don't know if you're trying to be sexy or something go for it is that a nose or a cigar I guess that's his nose looks like a cigar for a second uh C is going to be your squad chat c is basically a radio you can talk to your squad from anywhere hold down C uh even if your other gu is all the way over at that house there he'll be able to hear you because again it's like a radio picture c as a walkie-talkie V is your mouth so uh you're mostly going to be talking in Squad chat see uh hopefully you're talking in in Squad chat and again make sure whenever you see something you want to say you want to Mark something just ping it find that to a nice Easy Button you're going to be doing that a lot you're going to be doing that very often the marks you're probably not going to be putting up as often uh the squad leader is going to be putting those up more often than not uh but a good little hint here now too is if let's say your whole map is cluttered right now or your whole field of view is cluttered with marks from your squad uh let's see can we do that can we clutter this up no we can't all right well again and let's say uh you're trying to shoot in that bush and there's that defend marks right in your way you can actually press uh T by default and that will make that disappear press it again it reappears press it again it disappears press it again it reappears that works for a lot of different things on the map like for for example there's a whole bunch of ammo boxes and a Garrison here so if you press T bam that all comes up you can see that now you can see some supplies there uh any white Mark like this within 50 m will appear but if you run if you're 50 m away from it you'll see like those supplies those will start to disappear now we can't see them we can see everything else we get within 50 m of that they reappear is that 40 it would be 50 m yeah so again uh T by default is that let's see what that is actually called in the key bindings here I assume it's toggle HUD or something to that effect yep toggle HUD T that's another important button you're going to want to bind there uh that's going to help out a lot so again if you're if your field of view here is clutter up with [ __ ] and you don't want to see that cuz there's guys around you're trying to see them just press T they will go your HUD will disappear a lot of times uh let's say you capture a point uh the Hud's going to re reappear for you and if you want to get away real quick just press t uh that'll also bring up in the bottom right here you can see your current weapon and your ammo count so I have 19 clips for this on one grand press T again disappears uh when you're actually in a server you'll see a whole bunch of [ __ ] at the top too to tell you what point you're at if you're capturing it defending it or whatever again we'll go over that in an actual server as while we're in the practice range we'll go over some uh key elements of the map here uh to be honest as a squad mate you're not really going to be using the map too much I mean unless the your squad leader tells you to check the map uh otherwise he's is going to get the squad L is going to get a lot more information off this map than you would he's going to be able to see a lot more marks from other squads and whatnot and have a better situational or Battlefield awareness um than you will battle space awareness or I guess Battlefield awareness we're in 1940s World War II here so whatever but uh he's his job is basically mostly to relay everything to you and try to get you into the battle and uh accurately engage with enemy forces so to start off we'll go with uh these big red things here these big red lines those are roads you got rud of Vin rout de la plane rud de Tang whatever blah blah blah uh those aren't the names aren't really that important unless your squad leader is trying to tell you hey we're going to go from rudilla plane all the way to rudilla tang and then you're going to know all right we're coming up this way going here but again he's probably going to have marks up like he'll have a move mark up on the thing uh you can also see those on your map I don't know remember if I mentioned that otherwise uh you're going to see a lot of like red marks like these with little X's that's going to be your uh barb wire here and the map's not always 100% accurate so these Open Spaces that you can see is aren't always going to be there in fact sometimes you won't even see barb wire on the map and it will be there so if you're going towards some barb wire and you see it on your map just you know you might have to uh close the map and just look around for an open space cuz this might not actually be here this might even show up fully en closed or whatever uh you're GNA have these little blue lines which I usually denote a path of some sort so you can you can kind of see tire tracks denoting the path uh a lot of times it's going to be way more obvious you know you'll be in a grass field and just see a dirt path running around uh this one's kind of hard to see but those blue lines are paths going around so if you follow this the entire time you'll see will kind of St on that blue path there m might be off a little bit you know goes off to the left uh some stuff you're not even going to see like these hedgehogs and these uh dragons teeth they're not even on the map here uh they will be on some maps they might not be on other Maps gets kind of confusing I know other things like these big red squares are obviously buildings so for example we're going to Ping that one and there it is that's a building right there this I feel like I shouldn't have to explain is water that's water Green's usually uh let's say some sort of wall but they're not always accurate again you know these Maps might be old so they're not 100% accurate so for example here we see a green wall to our left uh it's a pretty solid wall pretty legit wall I'd say but then we also see there's a green wall to our right and it's this shitty little broken down fence that we can you know just [ __ ] walk through it's not really good cover so again if you're running towards uh these green Walls and you're thinking oh that's good cover yeah you know you might want to take a look before you run to it try to let your squad leader know hey I might I'm going to try to run over to this wall and take cover there and he might know better and then you know you got low walls like this that uh these aren't even showing up on the map you don't even see that there at all uh trees obviously they note trees it doesn't necessarily mean a forest let just go up there and show you I mean you know let's uh go ahead and throw an observe mark down here that's where it's showing all these trees we're going to get up there and it might not even actually be a forest at all there's just going to be a couple trees uh doesn't you know it's going to be more Woods than a field would have at least so you know there's going to be some cover in that area some concealment in this area but I mean look at this it's not actually a giant forest so be careful when you're running towards those uh sometimes trees won't even be on the map sometimes you'll run into some woods look on your map and it won't even say there's Woods there uh this is all open field so again we'll put another observe down here in the middle of this and yeah there we go kind of pretty much an open field here let's see looking at some other things and then from time to time you're going to see uh black hash marks like these too that usually denotes trench of some sort or just pretty much any sort of fortification uh you might see a line around with three hash marks under it that just means there might be some cover there it's probably not going to be the best cover but there will be some cover so these hash marks uh generally the closer they are denotes a trench and The Wider they are denotes kind of an open area maybe a you know not a concrete bunker but a bunker so for example in the Water Area here and you got you got some netting over it I guess you can kind of consider it a bunker it's just more of a fighting position but again map not being fully accurate you know right here looks like we should be in the middle of a trench and uh not really a trench not too good of uh cover here so you know be be weary of that when you're running around places uh this one actually is more of a trench than this one is unfortunately in the wrong spot to show you that but whatever just you know keep an eye on that uh sometimes you'll see like an actual bunker icon that means there could be a bunker there could be destroyed you never know most of the time uh those bunker marks are accurate but again you might find some that actually aren't on the map I mean even these trenches sometimes could have a little tiny murder hole on the end of it it might show an icon it might not just know that usually these are some sort of fortifications that you should be able to get a little bit of cover in maybe a little bit of concealment in and uh also just to note all these buildings there's really no way to tell which one's open which one's not you just know that they structures uh fortunately on this map all of these buildings you can go into uh there's 's a lot of Interiors in the game but uh you can't go into all of them but they're all going to show up usually as red buildings like that we'll try to see more of that in an actual game here this map's very small compared to what an actual map would be now you're also going to see a lot of uh other little smaller actual icons on the map these are Dynamic icons that can be placed uh some of them actually like this Ammo Depot that's just going to be at your spawn all the time they'll always be there uh you can't really destroy it it's pretty much uh exclusively used for rearming trucks and tanks and whatnot uh some trucks carry supplies uh these little squares with the tools in them those are supplies if you hover over anything in your map usually it'll tell you what it is uh you know any icon that's placed so like The Outpost Garrison supplies ammo ammo depot we even tell you what these are but uh these are supplies here you got these are uh the little bullets are ammo boxes so if you ever need some more ammo you can go to that and and the little explosives the little bomb icon is explosive ammo for grenades Rockets uh mines whatever things like that and again uh that show HUD button let's say that ammo box was a little more hidden and you couldn't find it just press T and there you go that'll pop up just like that you'll be able to find it a lot easier so instead of running around in circles trying to look at your map and get right on top of it now you know all you got to do is press T and it'll pop up or again whatever your show HUD button is uh now we also got these black icons uh those will usually be blue or green blue and green icons usually denote friendly uh green being your unit well blue is just your team so if one of these trucks is a different color than black it means they're currently o occupied uh the one with the three dots in it just imagine those are helmets that's a transport truck you can get about 12 guys in that generally transport trucks don't have the cover on them uh the line down the middle it's Supply truck they generally do have the canvas cover on them so you know German trucks British trucks American trucks if they have a cover their supply if they have no cover their transport Supply trucks are probably more important because they can carry a lot of supplies and supplies are used to build garrisons and nodes and whatnot and things that are going to help the enemy team win so uh if you have a Target if you see one of these trucks and there's no one in the back and one of these trucks I'd highly recommend shooting at this truck first because that's probably more important that's going to deny the enemy the ability to build garrisons or nodes or whatever well all this is doing is transporting troops to the front uh you got this little weird icon with a notch in it that's a Jeep these little guys they're fun as hell to drive uh but you're rarely going to see them not really used for Squad operations CU you can only put two people in it even though it's clearly got room for four you know maybe you and your girl back here with your arms around each other whatever uh your half track you saw that should H he kind of saw that when it was black already that's fine and then you got H your ovals here one two and three dot ovals those are your tanks one being uh the armor and the gun or the dots uh would be the armor and the gun so one dot is light tank you know small gun light armor blow up pretty easy but they're pretty quick and they could still do a lot of [ __ ] damage two is your medium uh a little harder to destroy but they're definitely uh definitely got a bigger gun they could do even more damage and three dots being your heavy tank which again bigger gun more armor most damage so heavy tanks are heavy tanks are good if you see a lot of heavy tanks on the battlefield that's great uh but if you you're not going to see these icons for the enemy team these are only for your friendly team uh we'll go over some squad leader marks later on here as well so if you do see uh for example let's say an enemy tank there again just mark it and say Hey you know in your squad chat hey Squad lead I got an enemy tank on my ping and if he's behind you say hey Squad got an enemy tank on my ping at 253 again let looking at the bottom at your compass 253 is the direction from you that the enemy tanks in so you know if your squad lead is all the way down here while you're all the way up here and you say 253 253 for him is going to be this way it's going to be nowhere near that tank so just say you know 253 for me or if he's down here you can say hey he's to the that Tank's to the north of you that that might help him out but you know just make sure you let him know what you're pinging because if you're just constantly putting pings around the map no one's going to know what the [ __ ] it is you're going to you got to say something or at least type it out and just say hey on my ping got a tank hey on my ping I got some infantry that's going to be your best betat just you know Battlefield situational awareness at this point is what everyone's looking for the more situ situationally I can't say that word the more situationally aware your team and your squad is the better off you're going to do in battle if you got a bunch of guys just running around nobody's saying anything nobody's marking anything no one's going to know what the hell is going on you're probably going to die but if you got got a squad that's constantly marking things and saying hey I got enemy troops over here enemy tank over here that whole squad's going to know what's going on and that squad leader is usually relaying the information to the rest of the team using his command chat now uh one quick thing I forgot to mention with this map too is down in the bottom right you'll have a key you can press enter to expand that key and you're going to get a fuckload more information pretty much everything I just said uh it'll tell you what every single [ __ ] icon is on the map so you can just look at this and uh it's actually kind of new it actually has uh more information under each of these which is interesting uh yeah look at look at this if you need to you know if you ever need a [ __ ] reminder in the middle of the battle there you go right there but again you can also just hover over everything and it's going to tell you what everything is but uh just had a quick glance this little key is going to be very [ __ ] helpful to you press enter again to get rid of it there you go all right being that you're probably new to the game uh you're going to have all these classes but you're not going to have all these loadouts unlocked so we're just going to go over the first load out for every class here nice and quick so we'll start off with The Rifleman you got your M1 grand your ammo box all that fun [ __ ] uh let's deploy up here so Rifleman your main goal is just going to be to shoot [ __ ] again right click hold that down he'll aim you can hold down shift and you could steady your aim and just [ __ ] shoot things just kill the enemy you also have uh the ability to place ammo boxes so just scroll to it or press five whatever however you get to your [ __ ] weapons look at the ground or whever as soon as that icon turns green as opposed to gray gray green gray green gray green you can press q and need to rotate it and then you can place it and now uh anyone can go up there and just hold f as it'll show you on the bottom to resupply your ammo and now you got all your Clips back for your M1 grand again Rifleman just [ __ ] close with and destroy the enemy just shoot them up whatever uh you can also hit the redeploy button here it's a good little help uh that's just going to redeploy you it's going to basically suicide you and you'll get an extra 10 seconds added on to your redeploy time but sometimes it's worth it to just redeploy uh next class is going to be assault you're going to start off with your Thompson few grenades few smoke grenades uh assaults role is to assault [ __ ] so usually you're going to have an automatic weapon later on you can get a shotgun which is pretty fun cuz you can [ __ ] literally blow people up part but uh yeah mangle here is going to be throwing grenades and uh providing support fire support for you guys so Thomson's pretty fun gun I really enjoy this thing but again it's only a 45 caliber so uh those rounds aren't going to be going as far as your M1 grand you're 30 out 6 but if you try hard enough you could probably still get a head shot on that guy there we go now grenades uh you have two ways to throw it uh left click and right click when you're actually clicking things or when you're actually you're clicking it you just want to hold it just hold it down once and you're going to pull the pin and you're going to ready it to throw you don't have to click once to pull the pin and then once to throw it just once that's all you got to do uh they're a little bit weird to aim so for example if you're trying to aim in that window uh from right here and you have the [ __ ] screen centered pull that pin and throw it yeah that went all the way up on that [ __ ] roof actually stayed on the roof too maybe it'll fall in nope that stand up on the roof you're going to want to you know you'll get used to how you throw grenades uh there's secondary option where you can kind of toss it so if you're you know really close to a guy here and he's just on the other side of this wall hold down right click and you can just [ __ ] right over the wall there and probably good to lay down after you do that cuz that'll [ __ ] you up if you're too close to it uh smoke grenades very important uh let's say you're trying to uh well actually let's go over this first so if you're getting shot at from that house you don't want to just [ __ ] drop that grenade uh you know right in [ __ ] front of you we'll right click throw this thing right here because uh yeah yeah that's probably going to block their line of sight to you block their Vision a little bit but at the same time it's giving away your position now the entire enemy [ __ ] team if they're looking knows oh [ __ ] there's some guys behind these [ __ ] hay bales and it's really not helping you out because if you run a little to the right they could still see you before you get to the [ __ ] cover here what you want to do with the smokes is throw them at the enemy's [ __ ] position so just toss that [ __ ] out there get it over there not only are you blinding them a little bit you're also kind of showing your guys where they are so now your guys are going to know [ __ ] that smoke is where they're at and you know now they're blind for a much larger range I me look at this I can run all the way the [ __ ] out here and they're not they're not going to see me much better than that little five feet I could run from there just keep that in mind with the smoke grenades don't just drop them on your position throw them towards the enemy it's going to block their view a lot more it's closer to them that should be some basic uh I'm going to go ahead and say physics I know it's not really the right word for but [ __ ] it who cares all right let's go find our next roll here which is going to be automatic rifl man uh what you do is in the name you have an automatic rifle you got the beautiful [ __ ] bar here unfortunately there's no bipod on it but the bar is a [ __ ] beast too uh you can kind of snipe with this [ __ ] thing if you really want to it is pretty goddamn good so let's Pop Some Heads right here uh you only get 20 rounds in this so we're going to show you real quick those Go real fast that's it that's all you got now you got to [ __ ] reload uh it's not the best for suppression if you are going to use it to suppress I'd suggest you know two to three round bursts just real quick that'll still suppress him enough and it's going by a lot slower than if you're just wasting that entire [ __ ] mag off but uh yeah this thing use same rounds as an M1 grand so you can probably snipe out those dudes all the way down there throw a fresh [ __ ] mag in this thing see if I can pop that guy's head off way the [ __ ] out there let's see there you go no head beautiful Dead all right our next one we're going to be thrown up here is medic medic can't really show you in this because there's nobody to heal but your first load out you're going to get N1 carbine but look you only got two [ __ ] magazines for it that's 30 rounds that's it your goal as a medic isn't to go around [ __ ] killing people you're not closing with and destroying the enemy all that fun [ __ ] you're healing your dudes you're fixing people up you're going to 20 bandages 20 morphine cetes your settes are what you use to revive people uh when you play as medic you'll see little cross icons all over the place uh that means you can go revive those guys you'll also see little heal little bandage icons that means you can go give them a bandage if you're a medic I'd highly recommend you try to use your bandages before your squad uses theirs you want your squad to have as many bandages as they can because if they're using theirs while you're around them they're [ __ ] wasting them because now if they're away from you they're out of [ __ ] bandages use yours on them first let them [ __ ] save theirs uh the all have that a support first one standard issue you are going to get a supply Crate here which is nice your support guy uh very important you're going to start off with the M1 grand couple grenades you got a little Hammer you can help build some [ __ ] and you know you can't melee with the hammer unfortunately but uh you can help people build stuff the more people you have building something the faster it's going to get built biggest thing is this here supply Crate this is very important thing uh don't just [ __ ] spawn in and put it down thinking no I'm going to get points from this no I mean you you will get a couple points I'm not going to lie but you'll got a lot more [ __ ] points if you use it correctly I'll try to make a whole tutorial about supplies and [ __ ] and Garrison whatnot later on but these can be used to build garrisons at guns resource nodes fortifications all sorts of [ __ ] to help your team but again any of that [ __ ] needs to be within 50 meters of these supplies so don't just [ __ ] throw it down ask whoever you're with ask your squad leater hey do you want supplies anywhere ask your engineers hey do you want supplies anywhere ask your at guys hey do you want supplies anywhere Mak [ __ ] sense right and now to put it down same thing as the ammo box when it's green you can place it that's it hold down left click it's down that's your little Supply right there uh now again you have to be within 50 m to build [ __ ] to know if you're within 50 m press T soon as it disappears right about here I assume oh [ __ ] that thing's staying up for a while there we go all right oh that's over 50 meters so if we Mark that 51 meters we're going to press T we get close there you go 50 m 50 m is your mark so anywhere from here to that ammo box uh that supply Crate people can build [ __ ] uh keep that in mind too when you [ __ ] place them so if somebody says they need them you know try to be within 50 m of where they're trying to build something before you throw it down it's probably best to just get right up next to them and throw the thing down next class we're going over is our machine gunner now starting off you just get a nice 30 caliber [ __ ] Browning machine gun I know a lot of people like to just [ __ ] jump in with this thing and just start [ __ ] laying down the hate which is good but uh you're probably not going to last that long uh some quick basic functions of this you can't shoot it just holding it like this you have to hold right click you'll hold the handle and then you can shoot it does have some [ __ ] recoil cuz it is a [ __ ] machine gun uh you can run up to a wall or you can lay down and press F or your interaction use key you'll see it says it on the bottom deploy weapon so again a lot of people like to just get up here and just start [ __ ] blasting but you can see your tracers that's a good way to figure out where you're shooting or where the dirt's coming up you don't just want to hold down the [ __ ] trigger that's dumb the enemy can track your [ __ ] tracers the longer you're holding down that button the longer your tracers are in the air you're basically drawing a line straight back to where you are and you're just going to get your [ __ ] head blown off short controlled burst is the way to go um also don't [ __ ] sit here and try to be a [ __ ] machine gun sniper and you know just [ __ ] try to one hit everything cuz that's just [ __ ] dumb too it's a goddamn machine gun light some [ __ ] up throw some [ __ ] lead down range that's your [ __ ] job uh best way to use it like I was saying before as I was controlled burst uh the the the less ammo you use in the amount of time it takes to use that belt the longer your suppression is going to last on the enemy so for example if we just went full auto on this house uh we might have a good 30 seconds of suppression but you can make that last a lot longer using controlled burst so let's go with 3 to six rounds 3 second intervals so 3 to six rounds 3 to six rounds 3 to six rounds and obviously this suppression is going to hold up a lot [ __ ] longer than it would if you're just wasting that [ __ ] belt off your main goal here too is suppression and support it's not primarily to just start blasting enemies and set up wherever the [ __ ] you want and again these tracers are going to lead back to you so every once in a while just [ __ ] move just find a new spot displ a little bit you don't have to go too far if you really want to you can go super far the suppression actually lasts a while if it's close enough to them and uh it's going to help your squad move around so if your squad's trying to move on something through an open [ __ ] field and you know there's Germans in this house let's say this is going to be your best bet suppress these [ __ ] Windows these doors all these [ __ ] openings all these rounds going in there is going to suppress the [ __ ] out of the Germans in there and they're not going to be able to get shots off at you guys as they're trying to cross you can reload this thing while you're running you don't have to be deployed for it uh you can actually Sprint and reload it too which is pretty nice next class is going to be anti-tank uh start off with an M1 grand and a bazooka uh youv got some [ __ ] grenades too the Bazooka is fun I know uh just know that this thing does not have the greatest range in fact the drop off is uh quite a bit so for example we're trying to shoot at that roof there right we're aiming at it looks [ __ ] great we're even going to steady our aim take a rocket off nope not even [ __ ] close [ __ ] 100 [ __ ] meters off the [ __ ] Target you're going to have to aim up quite a bit with these if you're shooting out of range you can use it for anti-infantry it doesn't have that big of a splash damage but let's we see if we want to hit that roof maybe up uh here maybe close enough good enough we hit the [ __ ] building at least that's good uh now again if you're out of rockets you only get two look for these look for these bomb icons you'll see them hold down f on it and resupply Rockets now the main use for these Rockets is anti-tank that is the name of the class makes [ __ ] sense right cool can adjust the sights unfortunately that make life a lot [ __ ] easier but when you're shooting at tanks uh you always want to go for the ass if you see a tank that's bigger than a little tank like this it's just assume it's a heavy assume every tanks are [ __ ] heavy and it's going to make your life a lot [ __ ] easier you can penetrate mediums from the front uh but they also have a whole machine gun that's just going to be lighting you up you know you don't want to get in the way of this little [ __ ] mg34 here it's going to [ __ ] your life up so go for the ass always try to get up behind it and go for the ass you can actually hit it if you're uh if you hit the engine block from the side so right back here in the engine that's a good good spot to hit it too might not do as much damage but you could [ __ ] their engine up but you just want to get right behind them and take a shot we'll show you what a good hit looks like uh not too much Splash damage for the uh shooter here but you heard that sound you see those Sparks coming out you see the [ __ ] thing start smoking at some point probably you [ __ ] penetrated that's a good hit that means they're [ __ ] hurting now now again if you're going from the front it's going to look totally [ __ ] different you're going to see that rocket just going to burst into [ __ ] shards on the front absolutely nothing no sparks no nothing that rocket just [ __ ] disappeared and all you did was piss these [ __ ] guys off and they're going to be looking for you now cuz they don't want you getting up on their ass and Drew attention to yourself wasted a [ __ ] rocket you only have one you're not going to do a [ __ ] thing if the only thing you can do is hit a tank from the front you can always go for the tracks the tracks uh you can drop those and you could slow it the [ __ ] down and now if he's got if his tracks are badly [ __ ] damaged he's going slow as [ __ ] you can pretty much climb on [ __ ] top of him wait for your guy to get close to him reload your [ __ ] jump off the back put a rocket in his ass blow him up run away happy [ __ ] days go get your goddamn coffee whatever or maybe beer rations who [Music] knows after that we got our engineer uh this is a very interesting class there's a lot of [ __ ] with this class too uh you're going to sort off with your carbine you also have blowtorch which you can use to repair vehicles uh you got AP mines anti-personnel at mines anti-tank blow torch is simple walk up to a vehicle that's wounded you'll know when it's wounded you'll see it and just hold down let left click you'll see in the bottom there it says repairing the three icons under it is pretty much the whole the engine and the wheels you don't really have to worry about that just look at the percentage [ __ ] keep hitting it until that percentage is at 100 uh AP mines these actually work great you could throw them in [ __ ] doorways everybody loves walking into a house and getting [ __ ] blown up immediately uh you know little open ways like this it is good to hide these but I mean they're pretty [ __ ] small that a lot of times guys you know aren't actually looking at the ground they might not even see that I mean you know even if their guns covered and they're running up to here might not even see it they'll walk right over it uh good to place them around little [ __ ] corners Corners are always fun to place them on doorways again uh if you want [ __ ] it man just throw it in some [ __ ] tall grass like this hide the [ __ ] thing right right here that's pretty goddamn hard to see people might not even notice that uh your at mines the American ones stick out quite a bit uh so you're not going to really want to place it in the middle of a [ __ ] road if you could find a big patch of dirt maybe it'll help a little bit uh but you're best bet again for for that grass just find something to hide it behind hide it around a corner or whatever again that's really hard to see the driver hopefully isn't looking for it maybe the tank commander is not looking for it maybe they won't see it maybe they'll get just close enough here to [ __ ] run it over and blow up now uh you also got your Hammer to help build [ __ ] and as an engineer you're going to be the one that's uh initiating the build so you got your little wrench it's three all you got to do is hold down right click that'll give you a whole bunch of options here you'll see barb wire uh zero out of four on top your scroll wheel to go down that zero out of four means you can only place four so you as a one player can place four another player can place four another player can place four you could build let's say you got 50 [ __ ] people in the game you could build 200 Barb wires anywhere and these these will do great they're great for area uh denial you know the only way to blow them up is with the Satchel uh Vehicles can roll right through them unfortunately but they won't break them they can just go through them uh hedgehogs are great for area denial for tanks cuz they're not going to be able to get over those so in cities you just throw one of these up in the middle of a [ __ ] road and you just block that whole [ __ ] road off for that tank uh barricades are simple enough it's pretty much just something uh for cover bunkers whatever Repair Station uh when it comes to some of these things like bunkers and barricades uh you can actually upgrade them multiple times so if you place this down it's just going to be these logs uh if you have more supplies and build it again uh it's going to upgrade it to have some sandbags and a third upgrade it's going to basically be a bunker itself this thing it's just the three walls right now but you can build it up to a full-on concrete [ __ ] bunker uh repair stations are good for vehicles if you're on the front line and you see some supplies lying around uh like right here for example you can put up a repair station I believe they only cost 50 uh you can actually you can place down anything you want when it's green with this wrench and it's not actually going to use those supplies until you build it and then you can see on the bottom says left Mouse build repair station that 50 that's how many supplies so if we started holding the left Mouse button now those supplies are going to disappear so we don't really want to do that uh cuz I just want to show you the main reason well not the main but a good thing with Engineers is these resource nodes we'll go over these real [ __ ] quick uh you have fuel Manpower and Munitions you as a player can build one of each uh the entire team can only place three so you can only have three fuel three Manpower three Munitions and each one of these is going to give you an extra Plus 10 a minute uh we'll look at that here real quick as well so top of your map here you see it says 500 uh that's Munitions that's Manpower that's fuel they're all for Commander uh abilities Munitions is things like air strikes bombing runs uh strafing runs whatever manpow for things like encourage uh anything on the point like reinforce it'll help you know hold that point fuels for vehicles so if you need more tanks uh build some more [ __ ] fuel nodes again you can only build up to three and you can only get up to plus 60 a minute so right now we're at plus 30 on all these we're going to build up this fuel node here which takes a minute again the more guys you have uh with hammers out building this thing the quicker it's going to be so we could build this in 3 seconds if we had five [ __ ] guys here but it's going to take a while cuz it's just us by ourselves also a good thing to not is don't build these in the middle of the open like I'm doing right now you want to try to hide these cu the enemy can take them down uh I'll show you real quick on the bottom you'll see that gray circle around it if we hold F that white bar filling up that's how long it takes to dismantle one of these it's a long time it's like a full [ __ ] minute to dismantle this thing uh otherwise press T again you'll see it says plus 10 a minute you can also look at your map hover over it plus 10 a minute next to that get rid of that thing real quick and now you look up here plus 40 a minute so you build three of these well you build one and the rest of your team builds the other two you can get up to plus 60 you're doubling the amount of resources you get in a minute very important very helpful all right so when you get into an actual game this is more of what your map's actually going to look like at the start of a game uh we're just going to do this in Photoshop here it's going to be a lot easier so I can actually make marks and show you what I mean by things but you're going to have uh these a to J and you're going to have 1 to 10 going down here so you're going to have 100 grid squares in total each one of these little ones is one grid Square that's 200 M across so from here from here across to here is 200 M that's going to help you out a lot uh when it comes to placing Garrison and whatnot or trying to figure out where enemies are but regardless of that these 40 up here so between so all of this unplayable area because it's gray out all of this unplayable area because it's gray out this giant square right here that I'm showing you now is the only playable area and now to break this down even further you'll see you have laprairie rud of gamesville St mes artillery batter Crossroads so right here this is our friendly territory because it's blue and this is our enemy territory because it's red what's in the middle here that's no color is neutral that's going to be at the start of every game there's going to be one neutral territory now when I say territory this is pretty much the breakdown of territories is these big [ __ ] rectangles so this is a territory uh let's just do this this whole thing is a territory this whole thing's a territory this whole thing's a territory this whole thing's a territory this whole thing's a territory to actually capture those territories you need to get into uh the sectors now the sectors we can break down these territories even further like this let's just go all the way across here [ __ ] it why not and now we're going to turn this into 15 bigger grid squares of four smaller grid squares this is a sector this is a sector this is a sector this is a sector this is a sector this is a sector I'm sure you get the point by now but now the capture for the entire territory which again is these big [ __ ] rectangles you need to take those sectors you take one sector you get the whole thing now you can only actually attack one sector to take the territory which is marked so Crossroads is one artillery batteries one St Mar G is one rud to gamesville is one and laprairie is one these strong points that I just circled are the sectors you have to capture to take the entire territory so once a team takes St mirle in here this sector so this big X here these four squares is all you have to be in to capture s mirror a you will take this entire territory now when to say all you have to be in is these four little uh [ __ ] grid squares I don't mean you just have to be in there you have to have more guys in there than the enemy does and what's going to help a lot is this [ __ ] black circle with the stripes uh the the line l through it as I was sorry I've been drinking a bit that's called a strong point that strong point which artillery batter is a strong point Crossroads is a a strong point it doesn't look like it right now because we're only fighting over the neutral zone these lock icons here mean that you can't capture this so anything with the lock you cannot capture once a team captures this if the Germans capture this this lock will disappear and you'll get the same strong Point Circle as this or if the Americans capture this this lock will disappear and you'll get the same strong point as St Mir IG uh that St Mir strong point will stay there because that's the American defend point and this will be the Germans defend point or this could be the American attack Point that'll be the German's attack point however the [ __ ] you want to say it regardless of that that strong point is going to help a lot it is very important to take that strong point because that's going to Triple the amount of players you have in this sector what I mean by that is if you only have three guys in there the game is going to count it as nine in this entire sector so if the Germans only have eight in this entire sector and you have three guys in the strong point you technically have more guys in this sector than the Germans do you're going to start to capture it so the more guys you have in that strong point the better off it's going to be so let's say it's a perfect even 50 versus 50 everyone's infantry if you have 50 guys in here it's impossible for the Germans to to hold this point even if they have their 50 guys in here because now you technically have 150 guys in this one sector that's what the game is going to Cal calculate everything as uh that's where the strong point gets very important so it is good to take that but at the same time you just want to be in these four little grid squares down here these four squares that's what you want to be in so thinking about it tactically attacking from the north you know coming down from here is probably not the best idea because for the most part you're going to be stuck outside of the sector attacking from the south is pretty good because you are going to be in the sector not in the strong point but you'll still be in the sector putting pressure on the enemy even attacking from [ __ ] here now the good thing about the blue territories is it costs less to put a Garrison down and that Garrison's not going to get locked out as easily so if you have a garison right here on this red dot it's not going to get locked out unless an enemy is directly on top of it so you can constantly get reinforcements in and again like I said from this line to this line is 200 M so looking at this we're only about let's go with like 150 m to the point even even less than that that's all those guys have to run to get into that strong point if they can get into that strong point it gets very confusing I know it's weird as hell but there is a lot of tactical things to think about if you're a squad leader or a commander uh some points you get lucky like this where it's right in the middle artillery battery here uh that's actually pretty good to defend pretty easy to defend any points like laprairie here this is a shitty point because once the Allies take this whole [ __ ] territory by taking this whole sector they can put a Garrison right [ __ ] here and they're literally within 25 MERS of laprairie so again this will turn blue and it's easier to put a Garrison up right here and they're right [ __ ] there it's that it's they're that much closer to getting their entire team onto the point now uh I guess this is not really a good point to show this but let's go ahead and for instructional purposes say that the strong point of L prair was back here instead of over here now the Americans have to run more than 200 M cuz again here to here is 200 M so they're going to have to run almost 300 M to get to the strong point as compared to to here where it's only 50 the Germans can put up garrisons every 200 M they could have a Garrison back here they have a headquarter spawn there a Garrison here and a Garrison here maybe even a Garrison uh let's say up here and now you're going to have to get through all their enemy forces to get there so again some tactical thinking comes into play but that's basically how the game works I'll go over it real quick one more time you have your territories are between the red lines let's do that real quick so this is a territory this is a territory this is a territory this is a territory this is a territory we get rid of those and now you have a sector this is a sector this is a sector technically this is a sector but there's no strong point in it sector sector with no strong point sector sector sector with a strong point again these 15 grid squares are considered sectors these are the strong points the strong point is what you want to do you want to take this sector with the strong point in it to take the entire territory I hope that makes sense I hope it's not too [ __ ] confusing but there you go
Channel: Schneids
Views: 19,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n54N5y1YWhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 6sec (3126 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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