Hell Let Loose - Rifleman Guide

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hello and welcome to my guide on how to play The Rifleman class in Hell let loose Now The Rifleman is a really good class to play if you're new to the game it's actually the class I would recommend starting out as because you get a really good solid bunch of weapons a good primary lots of secondary equipment to use and it it's quite a low stress role you mostly just get to focus on kind of engaging enemy inventry helping to attack and defend positions and it just gives you a great low stress opportunity to learn the game learn the movement get a feel for the gun play and just sort of find your feet before moving on to a slightly more complex class I think the best way to start this guide is by taking a look over here in the barracks and taking a look at what The Rifleman gets where with each faction and with each of the different loadouts included so let's just start with the Germans because we're there already so basic Loadout slots you got your all the three Loadout slots in this case here you unlock the later ones as you increase the level of your class which increases the more you play the class and the more effectively you play that class and the basic standard default load out whatever you want to call it the standard issue is always to the left of these columns here so um with the basic level one Riflemen as the Germans you're looking at having a k 98 uh which is a really solid rifle it's a bolt action rifle which means it's its fire rate is quite slow but with all bolt action rifles in the game they're able to down an enemy in a single hit to the torso up to 200 M so that's all bolt action rifles uh the main difference between them all is not necessarily stats it's more the Aesthetics and how the sights you know the ironsights look and just which one you prefer using the k98 is a good balance of all of them really popular rifle um so that's a good weapon to start with you also get with all level one Rifleman two hand grenades a small ammunition box a hammer to help build stuff like engineer resource nodes or defensive structures or what have you uh two bandages and a combat shovel in this case but a knife for some other factions so all this stuff is the same for all the level one Riflemen the only thing that's going to change between the factions is the main gun let's jump over to the Soviets so as you can see they get a different looking grenade but they get the same basic stuff except they get the Mosen neand 1891 so that's a bolt action rifle I'm not particularly keen on the sights on it the scope is quite hard to use lot of people like it um but that's what they get regardless the allies British um they get the Lee Enfield smle number one Mark 3 and also the same load out of grenades and stuff as well we have a couple of subf factions here which don't really change anything at the moment for The Rifleman class so the German Africa core that's just uh the L alamain version of the Germans they get the exact same kit as the regular Germans the British also get the exact same kit on L alamain with the British eth army then the United States get arguably the best uh rifle probably one of the best rifles in the game the best weapons in the game the M1 grand which is a semi-automatic so much more effective at close range than a slow firing bolt action rifle where you have to bolt back after every single shot semi-automatic uh the uh M1 Gand can fire I think it's seven shots seven or eight shots before you get the uh the very well-known Ding and then you have to reload and you can reload mid clip with that as well so very solid load out for the American and again same secondary stuff for their um their Rifleman as well except you get a knife instead of a combat shovel and we're back to the Germans that's the basic level one Rifleman kit covered now let's move on to the additional ones and I'll go through all the additional ones for each faction before moving on to the next one otherwise it's going to get confusing so level three once you reach level three Rifleman which you can see here I'm level six just by playing Rifleman class dropping ammo boxes and stuff like that you will increase inrease uh your XP and eventually you'll get to level three when you get to level three you unlock the second load out for all of the factions and uh that includes uh again the main weapon changes all of the secondary stuff is more or less the same for every faction with the Germans uh level three Rifleman you keep the k98k um so still a solid but slow firing rifle there but you do get the addition of a Wala P38 pistol so uh although you have to switch weapons it does make The Rifleman as the Germans much more viable in close quarters cuz that pistol is uh pretty good and it can like all weapons in the game headshot someone and kill them in one hit at any range so it is quite an effective weapon two shots to the Torso should do them in uh but it just gives you a a much more stronger close combat sort of uh ability and on top of that all the uh classes for rank three they get four HG grenades two smoke grenades a hammer two bandages and a shovel or a knife so four grenades and two smoke grenades is a serious Arsenal so you'll be bringing the pain whether you're on attack or defense with that and then the Germans and the Soviets are the only Rifleman class of all the factions to have a third unlock here which you get at rank level six Rifleman level six and that includes for the Germans the fantastic probably my favorite weapon in the whole game the g43 the G 43 semi-automatic rifle very similar in many ways to an M1 G extremely good stopping power one one hit kill to the torso up to 200 M really fantastic weapon uh and obviously you don't get the pistol with that cuz that would make you a bit op but this does allow you to fight fairly comfortably close to medium ranges as well as engaged targets at long range uh finally with this level six uh load out for the Germans you get two uh high explosive frag grenades you get two bandages a hammer an explosive ammo box and a shovel now the explosive ammo box box can be used to resupply your grenades uh one time per life and also the grenades at mines I believe anti-personnel mines and also uh the rockets for the anti-tank class as well so an extremely powerful load out given that most anti-tank classes uh don't necessarily have enough explosive ammo to kill a tank on their own unless they get some really good shots in so very useful and very powerful class to play next up the Soviet Union so remember the Germans and the Soviets are the only two classes to have a level six unlock but we're going to go to the level three Riflemen for the Soviets first of all in my weird turtle outfit that I've got my guy in here now level three Rifleman for the Soviets gets you the Mosen nagan M38 rifle uh and then the same kind of load out as the Germans get as well except they get an explosive ammo box at level three Rifleman whereas the Germans don't get an explosive ammo box at level three remember they got the pistol um so you get the explosive ammo box much earlier with the Soviets which is arguably I would say maybe better than a pistol because the explosive ammo box is so much more useful for taking out tanks but it depends I suppose on the situation they also again get the four frag grenades two smoke grenades a hammer two bandages and the combat shovel and then rank six for the Soviets brings us something new uh they get the M38 MOS in theant Rifle again so bolt action all the way for the for the Russians but they do get two Molotov cocktails instead of grenades which are extremely effective at clearing out buildings and trenches they get the hammer two bandages an explosive ammo box and a spade moving on to the British we have uh I hope I'm right about this but we have two level three uh unlocks here I'm pretty sure I'm right I have checked the wiki as well and that also says I'm right so I'm just going to have to go with that but they at level three get the um the Enfield rifle number four Mark 1 rifle for very unique frag grenades called Mills bombs that actually are the only grenade in the game to detonate on impact they get two smoke grenades two bandages a hammer and a combat knife and then with the third load out here they get the smle number one Mark I which is really just superb really is I know they get it with the first rank as well but it's just a really good uh rifle they get two detonate on impact Mills bombs two bandages a hammer and the uh explosive ammo box and the knife as well and finally we have the US with uh level three Rifleman giving them the M1 carbine uh which actually isn't that great uh the M1 carbine is a semi-automatic rifle and it has a as you can see fairly big magazine sticking down here but unlike the M1 grand and the g43 uh it doesn't actually have the same stopping power it fires a much smaller caliber round so what that means is that you get one hit kill to the Torso or the chest up to 100 m whereas a regular semi-auto has the same effect one hit kill at 200 M this has 100 m one hit kill with a torso shot uh and anything above that requires two shots um so it's a bit less powerful it's also I find to be quite an inconsistent weapon but some people swear by it some people hate it for me I'm somewhere in the middle but it's uh what you get nonetheless as well as four grenades two smoke grenades a hammer two bandages and a combat knife um and that is all of the different loadouts for The Rifleman class so a lot to choose from and they they're quite a versatile class there's a lot more to them than might be you know initially obvious but I think now it might be a good idea to jump into the game and take a look at how to use them in uh in a battlefield scenario okay so the first thing I think we should talk about is bolt action rifles so I'm playing as the British level one uh Rifleman at the moment and uh the the first thing I think the most important thing to keep in mind is that you've got a bolt action rifle so if we fire a shot and bolt it back I have manual bolting on if we do it full speed the fire rate is quite slow as you can see so close combat should be avoided as much as possible it's not always avoidable and it's not always bad to be involved but there are some things you can do to increase your survival if you do find yourself with a bol action rifle in close combat situations ideally on that note you'll want to be picking people off before they get close long to medium range that's 317 M that's a bit of a tough shot but it is still very possible hold down shift while aiming to get you know increased Zoom stabilize your sights and then combat compensate for uh bullet drop take a shot boom you know you're able to do it to get a kill up to 2 to 300 M fairly easily with 200 M being somewhere around around there um so kill them there ideally that's what you want to be doing but if you do find yourself in close quarters let's go into the hanger here and simulate a a little bit of a war then what you want to do is using Q ande you can lean like like this take a shot and then dip back into cover while bolting back and don't pop out again until you're ready like that and then you see what I did there I peaked the same space twice I peaked out the same spot twice and that's that's pretty bad that's something you want to avoid that's going to make it really easy for someone over there looking at me to just wait for me to pop out and bang I'm dead so instead what you want to do is something like this take a shot oh I missed go around this way and maybe uh do something like that and then move again then maybe and stuff like that so stay fluid stay mobile and uh if you can't avoid close combat situations then just try and make yourself as difficult to hit as possible an actual good trick which looks really stupid uh but you know it is something you can do anyway if you just do this your characters hold uper torso moves left to right fairly quickly makes you very hard to hit course they can still shoot your legs and stuff but it's just one of the many things you can do you can also kind of you know occasionally jump and then get down and then jump and then Crouch and then jump just try and make yourself as hard to hit as possible but it really depends on how gamey you want to make it jumping across to the level three German Rifleman now with the g43 semi-automatic weapon you've got that same fantastic stopping power as a regular bolt action with a one hit kill up to 200 m to the chest but you're also able to rapidly fire off those rounds in close combat so it makes it much more viable to play this role in close combat and actually you know push trenches and engage in in General close combat situations but the same rules apply don't Peak from the same spot more than once except you can get off a couple more rounds like that before having to dip in and then move and then dip up from here and so on it just makes it much easier to suppress the enemy and uh generally you know get stuff done another really good tip with any weapon is if you press T you see the amount of magazines you have down there in the bottom right corner that is the amount of magazines you have not the amount of bullets you have but it's a little bit misleading uh hell loose doesn't have an individual magazine count or a magazine status like in something like Squad where if you reload your your magazine halfway through then you you effectively have a half magazine left so you know you you might not realize you've put half a magazine back in your gun later on when your ammo getting low fire off and not realize you only have half the amount of bullets you thought you did head let loose isn't like that head let loose is just uh it uses a pool of bullets so although it says five down there five magazines if we fire off these rounds and then reload you can reload at any stage of the uh the magazine count and it just removes the amount of bullets that you've used from the overall bullet pool and that then is uh you know it's sub subtracted from your bullet pool so you don't really lose a magazine it's a bit weird that it shows you how many mags you have and not how many bullets you have but in other words you can't reload too much there's no there's no negative side to reloading too much so just my tip is reload after every engagement there you go just got a kill I'm hitting reload and that way you're always full and ready for the next fight uh there's there's no real benefit unless you're unsure if someone's right around the corner and you don't want to risk making the the sound that is you know part of reloading uh there's not really any benefit to not reloading once you have the time to do so now let's talk grenades uh all grenades work the same way more or less uh the Mills bomb for the British explodes or detonates on impact as I mentioned before but all grenades generally work the same way if you left click with a German grenade you can left click and hold and cook the grenade the only grenade that can be cooked uh cooking means that you run down the timer whilst holding it in your hand so it detonates sooner hold it down for too long and it'll detonate your arm off um but you throw it overarm by holding left click like so and with right click you can throw it underarm like so which is great for lobbing over walls uh just make sure you watch where the grenade goes because it's quite common for it to fall at your feet those were frag grenades you got the smoke grenades working exactly the same way I will talk a little bit more about how to use these in just a sec so we got the overarm and the underarm but smoke uh one thing I see quite often is people throwing smoke on friendly positions like this let's say the enemy's over there and we're here you know they've thrown a smoke here thinking yeah we're going to survive longer now maybe possibly but we can't see anything now so the enemy can just Advance on this position and we won't be able to stop them suddenly there's a guy with a submachine gun stood here blasting the entire line of friendlies and we lose the point that if that's the enemy position is what you want to see smoke the enemy don't smoke yourself because now they can't see and we can push up and move around on them they're not going to be able to see us doing any of this and if we're super quick get in there bang there's a kill bang there's a kill bang there's a kill and so on so smoke the enemy don't smoke your own team the only reason you'd want to smoke yourself is if you're attacking an enemy position let's say you got to run in the open uh you want to go to that point over there you know lobbing a smoke still as far towards the enemy as you can reach that's kind of okay just to to block the sight line a little bit but uh it's not cover so they can still shoot through it so don't be surprised if smoke doesn't keep you alive they will still shoot through the smoke and that's a good general rule if you see someone smoking somewhere then something's going on someone's moving around there that doesn't want to be seen take a few shots ideally with a machine gun or something in the smoke and uh chances are you'll probably hit someone final part of The Rifleman Loadout I want to talk about with the hammer and the bandage and the Spade being quite straightforward use the Spade with B to do a melee attack uh use the hammer uh with number four in this case to help build you know resource nodes or any green blueprints you see scattered around the map placed by other people you can't actually place the blueprints you could just help build them and uh use the bandage by holding F once you you get injured or I believe it's F or left click I can't actually remember uh to heal someone else but you do get a prompt on the screen but it's pretty straightforward stuff the ammo box on the other hand also pretty straightforward really but I do just want to cover it um you select the ammo box and then hold left click to place it on the ground in this case it's an explosive ammo box as you can see on the symbol down there which is now grayed out it's got a little mortar shell that means it's explosive otherwise it looks like a bunch of bullets as the icon and you would resupply these as can your whole team uh by simply holding F when you're near the box now they are quite small so when you're placing an ammo box do alert the people around you by holding V and just announce that you've dropped an ammo box here and also make sure that you have the right kind of ammo box for who you want to supply the most common reason to resupply is that you're playing as an anti-tank character and you need some more shells that will be explosive they also explosive also refills at mines AP mines and and grenades both yours and other people's uh regular ammo boxes resupply Small Arms ammo uh like that kind of ammo that we use in the guns and nothing else now all ammo boxes can be used uh once per Life once per person per Life to a maximum of five people so once five people have taken a resupply from this it disappears that means you need to place a new one to place a new one though you have to wait 5 minutes you can see that bar slowly chugging along slowly going from being gray out to coming back into life um that takes 5 minutes uh for the cool down to wear off but if you stand near a friendly Munitions node a resource node built by the engineer class which I'll be doing a guide on later on um if you stand there on Munitions node then within 50 m of it at least then your cooldown timer for the ammo box is reduced from 5 minutes to 2 and 1/2 minutes which is good to keep in mind but on the other hand a bit of a strange mechanic because as you can see our nodes on this match here which I'm not invested in at all by the way uh but our nodes are way over on the edge of the map they tend to be hidden so there's not really any any situation where you would go all the way over here it's going to take longer than 5 minutes just to get to these Munitions nodes to then you know decrease your coold down than it would to just keep on fighting so a bit weird but if you do find yourself passing am Munitions node uh but you know like which is the ammo symbol there then standing within that yellow radius reduces your cool down um but again just you're going to get a notification when you're box is ready to be put down again I tend to just wait for that and play the game forgetting that I have an ammo box every time it pops back up I wait for a good moment to drop it and just drop a new one and so on um tends to be good enough most regular ammo boxes aren't used all that much cuz you die quite often in this game as you may have noticed so not a lot of people run out of regular bullets unless they're a medic and they don't have many bullets to start with it's mostly the explosive ammo boxes for at inventory that are mostly uh most useful now final thing I want to mention is something I'm going to have to mention for every single class in the game and that is simply to communicate uh I know that I'm alone at the moment this is a training video so I didn't want to put myself in a situation where I might get distracted or have other stuff to think about it just it doesn't really make sense for the sake of the video but you need to communicate with the people around you let's say you know imagine this friendlies running with me here we're going down the street and you see someone moving around or some kind of movement there um you know it's quite common unfortunately to for people to say nothing they'll just say nothing maybe do this and if you feel the need to just start shooting because they're looking at you or you just want to take the shot and you think you can handle it that's fine if you can talk at the same time that's even better but ideally uh this is a fairly realistic game built around communication so ideally what you want to do is well guys we got enemies up ahead enemies up ahead left of the church he's running across the road to the left watch out watch out something like that will save lives make the game much more immersive for you and everyone around you but also get the attention of everyone who might not have seen him and suddenly it's not just you hoping that you're better than the other guy or that you know you're quicker you've now got four five 6 7even potentially 10 plus guys now all Blas in that position which can turn into a huge fight um it's just better all around so just communicate your position and if the you know if you're working with people around you hold V to talk in local like you can see down there hold C to talk with your squad which I just almost did uh although that would have been strange cuz they don't know who I am and just let them know about threats around you if you see someone spawn in say you see someone spawn in around that house say uh yeah I think I just saw enemy spawn point somewhere around my ping down there could you mark it Squad lead squad leader will place a Mark if he's paying attention and then you can either head over there with the position now safely marked on the map like so uh or you can then converge with your team and work on it together sending a couple that way a couple this way and and just make sure you get the job done cuz otherwise you die you know you might get it but if you rush in on your own and don't say anything to anyone you're going to forget where the position is no one's going to know what you were doing and this Garrison that the enemy might have in there is now you know completely able to overrun the church and you lose the point um so everyone loses because of a lack of communication and that is unfortunately quite common but it's something that I'm really determined to try and help fix so use your mic and talk too much rather than too little um just try and keep your your communication short sweet and to the point enemy down the road watch out that's all it takes you know enemies left side of the road yeah watch out mate watch out left side of the road yeah nice you got him stuff like that it makes a huge difference both to the team and to the immersion but I think that covers the basics of how to play The Rifleman class in Hell let loose um I'm going to be doing one of these class guides for every class in the game so do by all means let me know if you found it helpful uh if you thought I'm missed anything then let me know in the comments but um yeah if you want to see more of these go ahead and subscribe to the channel uh but yeah thank you so much for watching I hope it was useful and um I'll see you on the battlefield
Channel: RedcoatViking
Views: 9,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hell let loose, hell let loose rifleman, how to play rifleman, how to play hell let loose, hell let loose guide
Id: Fwrhdr-uzg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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