Borderline Personality Disorder | Misconceptions

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Yes I love Doctor Ramani! :)

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/bobagirlthrowaway 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

I loved her until I watched her NPD interviews where she just demonizes every single person with that personality disorder.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/spongebobsunderpants 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bettycooperjug 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for Sharing!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/estherika1603 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] borderline personality disorder comes with many misconceptions here to talk about some of the most common dr. Romani I'll just start with the name borderline personality what does that even mean right what does it's old it goes way back early in the psychoanalytic tradition where there was a theoretician that viewed borderline personality as being on the border between psychosis and neurosis the the sadness and the inability to regulate their emotions that being the neurotic part in the psychotic part being that that getting paranoid and delusional and sometimes even dissociative under times of stress you were seeing a little bit of each pattern they failed to get all of the instability and all those other patterns but the name stuck so people often say on the borderline of what would you do I would I would call it a chronic affective instability disorder chronic affective instability and what is that affective affective is a word we use for emotion effect means emotion mood so the in fact the disorders like depression by ploy to sort of fall under a rubric called affective disorders effect is emotion and so affective instability or lay bility if you will that's when you have very unstable moods and that's what I would call it because that's the core that that's the core just you giving me that name and we've been talking for hours shooting videos today just you give me that name brought a whole new sense of understanding yeah to borderline personality that's right that's why I don't like the name I think we should call it emotional instability disorder because that's really what it gets up order line personality it feels like a mystery and then any time it's a mystery it adds to the existing stigma have about mental illness and that's why we're generally not yeah there are people who go watch these videos go to med circle calm get on the free digest of whatever topic they're interested borderline personality disorder by porters or whatever and they immediately realized that the stigma was so great and the truth and reality behind whatever they're looking for was actually not as bad or not as mysterious as they thought that's right so that the number one the name raises some misconceptions it's really it's a disorder of instability instability of everything okay number two is that it often get another misconception is it often gets confused was bipolar disorder yep and and it's this idea that Oh her moods are all over the place she's bipolar as soon as I hear her moods are all over the place I'll say slow down sister step back and tell me a little bit more and the story they start to tell me is much more consistent with borderline personality that's probably the biggest misconception about it the other misconception is even this borderline word sometimes to some people does mean a split personality especially since we do talk about splitting in the disorder so people will confuse it with what we call dissociative identity disorder are multiple personality disorder as it's commonly termed it's not that either so there's all these things that gets mislabeled at and since borderline personality can look different in different clients it gets confused there another misconception is men cannot get borderline personality disorder okay there's a way there's a misconception that men cannot very rarely very rarely get or get diagnosed with it and anything I from what I've learned today I would almost feel like men would be more prone well what ends up happening is they do get misdiagnosed they get sometimes thrown more in the impulsive it and they get more thrown into the impulse control disorders so men are might men might be more likely to have what we call sort of anger management issues yes instead of calling it straight-up borderline personality we wouldn't label it sort of is its impulse control disorder friend men are much more likely for example though to be diagnosed with narcissistic traits or narcissistic personality men often though to at a young age are often required to sort of bring in that emotional world no they're just told to shut it down don't have those emotions and if they carry on that childhood teaching they might actually become the quite the opposite that become very emotionally restrictive which is again a different kind of a pattern so it could also be how girls and women are socialized to express emotion because to the degree that borderline personality would link back to traumas like sexual trauma many boys are sexually traumatized and so an experienced sexual abuse as boys in fact they're sometimes less likely to talk about it get help for it they express more shame in the face of it if a boy is raped he's much likely to ever come out about it than a woman who was raped you know much much more like a boy I'm sorry young man it or a boy is much less likely not to come out about being sexually assaulted then a woman might be willing to in both groups are not often that likely to run so what combination of stars here there also is how we diagnose a clinician who sees a man it's almost like they're borderline personality disorder radar drops this person is not going to borderline personality disorder it's a man and they're less likely to do so that's why it's so important that clinicians just get their data and good ones do and then make the diagnosis on the basis of the symptomatology and not on the basis of bias yeah and that's that's in a huge area in psychological and psychiatric research is how race ethnicity social class sexual orientation and gender can all come in to how we sort of push our diagnostic labels and we have to be very mindful of that is there hope for people who suffer from borderline personality disorder I want there to be hope for people who experience any mental illness personality disorders inclusive so I'm going to say there is hope but it's hope with caution this is an incredibly incredibly complex disorder to manage clinically and it requires really intensive clinical management especially in the initial phases dialectical behavioral therapy which has been shown in the research to work is an intensive model of therapy it requires individual therapy group therapy daily check-ins initially the gold standard would be and somebody with borderline personality disorder that they either have a what we call a partial hospital program meaning they come home at the end of the day they sleep at home at night but they're in a sort of hospitalization intensive setting all day or what we call intensive outpatient treatment where they're in an outpatient center all day that's often an important place it's almost like a full-time job to learn how to manage these symptoms for several weeks and then go to more of a classical dialectical behavioral therapy outpatient model on the outside but I'm gonna be frank with you the realist in me is gonna say most people can't afford that so there's a lot of people out there with under or untreated borderline personality disorder so is there hope yes but the intensiveness and the consistency in therapy that's often needed is pretty significant and if people can get that and can get in and out of the treatment that they need it's quite possible you can see some improvement particularly in managing well and you know what it might be expensive and a lot of work but at least there is a treatment yeah in place there are plenty of other diagnoses mental health or otherwise that there are no options right you know do you get a diagnosis from a doctor and they don't have the options right there is an option there is an option yes but it requires engagement and treatment and one of the hardest things with all personality disorders and borderline personality disorder is no exception is the willingness to enter treatment yes that's huge there's a lot of people out there with borderline personalities like you said I don't have a problem the you my problem you have worked with a lot of people with borderline personality disorder and saw success when they were motivated they're motivated and the therapist was supported this is not for the faint of heart and for a clinician who's working with clients with borderline personality disorder that clinician needs to be supported which is why it's really important they're working as part of a team and somebody who's soloed on some of this work it can get exhausting you feel invalidated remember narcissistic personality borderline personality these are disorders of insecurity people who are insecure always spread their insecurities on to other people whether they're doing it intentionally or not doesn't matter that's what they do so as room you often feel more insecure than when you walked in and that can be draining for a clinician for other people close to this person and that person with borderline personality often walks through the world slowly believing that nobody wants to spend time with them because that's the feedback that they're getting right well no question this is a complex issue I recommend if you've watched this video and have not watched the nine traits of borderline personality disorder that you go ahead and watch that next it's fascinating and shed some more light into this complex disorder and then from there make sure you go to med circle comm and sign up for that free digest dr. Romani you're the best thanks for being here thanks for watching your next step is to head on over to med circle comm and sign up for the med circle digest what is it well med circle will send you the latest articles and the latest videos on the mental health topics that matter most to you so go to med circle comm sign up for that digest and let's keep this journey on better mental health moving forward [Music]
Channel: MedCircle
Views: 553,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: borderline personality disorder, bpd, misconceptions, bpd misconceptions, myths, major, eupd, borderline personality disorder interview, medcircle, interview, discussion, chat, conversation, kyle kittleson, medcircle bpd, video, youtube, help, tips, mental health, mental illness, illness, borderline personality disorder symptoms, borderline personality disorder treatment, borderline, bpd symptoms, dr ramani, personality disorder, bpd treatment, borderline personality disorder explained
Id: E4k6jtAAJmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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