The DAILY HACKS To End Inflammation & Increase Your LIFESPAN | Dr. Steven Gundry

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what I'm hearing you say is that the gut the microbiome and these bugs have a lot to do with how you can live the more diverse your microbiome is the longer you live and the longer you live well so why is that turns out the distinctive set of bugs that has now been found in pancreatic cancer in humans well that predicts and so there's an exciting new thing that you could take a you know swab of your tongue and sequence which bugs are in there and you can go oh oh crap you know um you've got a pancreatic cancer microbiome now the good news about that is is that you can alter that microbiome but a paper just this morning they literally stuck needles into the pancreas of people that were you know looking for pancreatic cancer and they were looking for pancreatic cancer cells but they're looking under the microscope and they go wait a minute there's a bunch of bacteria sitting here inside this you know pancreas what the heck are those doing in there so then in 105 people they sequence those bacteria and they're all exactly the same sorts of bacteria and they actually all came from them wow yeah doesn't most I heard this from a oral uh I guess hygienist or dentist or Doctor Who said a lot of the disease we we captures through the mouth yeah correct um Dale bredesen who wrote the end of Alzheimer's who's become a good friend of mine he and I are fascinated with the effect of the moral microbiome on dementia and for instance in the in the plant Paradox I wrote about there's kind of a fun study in rats where you can take LPS's lipopolysaccharides which are the outside wall of bacteria they're not living bacteria they're just the dead bacteria and in my book you know I don't swear but I call them little pieces of because that's what they are LPS's little they literally are dead bacteria and so these you can take rats and you can swab one of their noses with lpsos they're not living bacteria they're pieces of dead bacteria and the other side of the nostril you can just put a cotton swab with nothing on it right and you do that every day the rats who get the swab up one side of the nose their other side of their body gets Parkinson's disease no way yeah it's Parkinson's disease the other side you know the opposite side doesn't and you go what the heck is going on well if you think about it your nose and your mouth are gateways to your brain I mean literally the back of your mouth and the top of your nose is your brain your brain's just sitting there and so this is a direct shot into your brain and as I talk about I talked about in the planned Paradox but I really go into this in the longevity Paradox that to prevent Alzheimer's and to prevent Parkinson's and dementia one of the things you got to do is the care and feeding of your microbiome and that includes your oral microbiome because this is a direct shot and you gotta you got to take care of it so how do you take care of that so there are believe it or not certain bacteria one's called P gingivitis that has now been isolated from the brains of uh Alzheimer's patients and how did it get there well it got there through your mouth through bad dental hygiene through really gingivitis that's how the name so you can get Alzheimer's through through your mouth not taking care of your teeth exactly really yeah and in fact years ago years ago you know I'm such an incredible nerd um there's a very famous marker of inflammation called c-reactor protein CRP almost everybody's listening is probably out of CRP there's a more specific one called highly sensitive CRP um years ago I noticed that a lot of my patients with heart disease had elevated CRPS and I said you know my wife flosses twice a day literally I mean she's a nut that's good right yeah it's great I hate to floss so I design an experiment with like 500 people and I asked them to floss every other day okay and we'd measure their CRPS and then we measured their CRPS every three months for a year and the people who I could get to floss every other day and I included myself their CRPS came down to normal and they were elevated and the people who flossed more than every other day they had even lower and so I wrote this paper for the American Heart Association that says that since CRP is a very highly associated with developing coronary artery disease that coronary artery disease in fact partially comes from the mouth wow and if you want to prevent coronary artery disease you ought to floss I got honored by the American Institute of oral biology for my research you know everybody can give me a big hand but these dentists are right you've got to this is there's a barrier between the bugs that live in your mouth and you and it's at your gum tooth interface and you've got to preserve that barrier the same thing happens in the barrier in the wall of our intestines so here's the deal here your intestines are your skin turned inside out that's all it is that surface area of the intestines is the same surface area as a tennis court s that's big yeah that's big everybody's kind of looking down there there's no temperature in there yeah how'd they do that well and we can do this because it's kind of fun um I'm fascinated with plants as you know the plant Paradox and you know plants are actually very intelligent human beings they actually see a new book has proven that plants see uh anyhow so plants have a root system in the soil that they get their nourishment and those roots are surrounded by a microbiome of the soil and there's fungi and bacteria and it's actually that microbiome that gets the food into the plant gets all the nutrients into the plant so we actually have roots and this surface area those of you who remember high school biology we have all these little projections called microvilli and think of it kind of as a shag carpet and so we have roots that go into our intestines and everything we eat is actually the soil so intestines are like the roots yeah they are intestines out of our intestines are these roots and the soil is what we eat but the main component of the soil is the microbiome so you've got four to five pounds of bugs in my gut in your gut and there there we used to think they were just a bunch of crap we actually need it we we are not only needed they control everything that's going to happen to you so I want 10 pounds of bugs or do I just want four or five yeah well actually the more the more diverse set of bugs you have the more kind of mixing pot United Nations of bugs the better off you're going to be in fact why is that turns out if you take you look at what's called microbial diversity in other words you know how many that we now know that there are at least 10 000 different species of bacteria that live in your gut bone in fact a few weeks ago another thousand was was found that nobody realized so your gut is basically a tropical rain forest and you've got you know all these creatures and things happening and one creature depends on another and again you know you tip the balance off it's like introducing wolves back into Yellowstone Park right we needed wolves who knew um yeah right so there's this intense kind of communication dependence and the more diverse your microbiome is the longer you live and the longer you live well so why is that turns out that this root system is dependent on the nourishment it gets from all of these bugs got it it'll be like if you're trying to grow a plant or a tree in a desert it'd be challenging because there's not enough soil yeah and it would only Thrive for as long as it can or yeah in fact you know it's an oak tree in a desert I guess or whatever it needs more nourishment than it's receiving there right and you can actually there's really cool experiments where you can have two identical plants planted right next to each other and depending on the microbiome in that soil one plant will Thrive and the other won't right but we can go down a rabbit holes it turns out in a forest if trees sense that one of their neighbors is not you know doing too well they will actually send roots and supports over to that tree that's pretty interesting yeah too okay again we won't go down yeah we go down everywhere um okay so so all this has so what I'm hearing you say is that the gut the microbiome and these bugs have a lot to do with how you can live well now and also for extending life is that what I'm hearing yeah so you take 105 year old people around the world and you look at their and these These are thriving people not like about to die but they can move around they can yeah it's like it's like Edith Murray who starts the book that lady was 105 and a half when this picture was taken wow and so she was in two inch wedgies um she walks her little pomeranian and she's smart as a whip and she was one of the women who really changed my life uh her name's Edith Murray she's Michelle in all my books so anyhow so you take these people and you look at their gut microbiome they have the gut microbiome the diversity of a 30 year old individual wow and if you look normally at people as they age their gut microbiome becomes less and less diverse you ultimately have only a few species so it's this number one it's this huge diversity that makes a big difference number two we now know that there are certain bugs that really make the difference and the longevity Paradox is actually teaching people how to nurture the bugs that are very interested in keeping you alive another way of looking at this you're you're basically a condominium for these bugs for bacteria so how do we attract all these diverse good bugs I'm so glad you asked so we know that good bugs like to eat certain foods okay and a lot of this was actually based on there's this fascinating creature called the naked mole rat and naked mole rats make sure everybody who's listening or watching Google's naked mole rats and here will be my first controversial statement okay naked mole rats have sometimes been described as a penis with buck teeth okay okay so Google it there you go you'll see it so these are probably one of the ugliest creatures in the world they naked mole rats live in the Sahara Desert and they live in colonies very much like termites or bees and they live in Subterranean tunnels and the mole rats appear to have no end mortality in other words mole rats live at least 10 to 20 times longer than any other wrap rats live about two years naked mole rats have lived 20 30 years in fact no one has actually known that you could actually have a end life of a naked mole rat so they've been the darling of longevity researchers for a very long time in fact hilariously uh when I was a professor at Loma Linda which is a Blue Zone I had behind my desk this giant iridescent naked mole rat picture from the San Diego Zoo and everybody goes what you know what's the deal your famous heart surgeon and what the deal you got this Mike and mole rat behind your desk and his bright pink and purple and I've been fascinated with naked mole rats because they're the longest you know living creatures so naked mole rats have the same diverse microbiome as 105 year old people really really and what are the what the heck is going on well it turns out naked mole rats unlike any other rat eats roots eats tubers and each fungi that are growing in this Subterranean area so if you think I would like you to eat some roots and tubers and mushrooms you're absolutely right because the evidence is rather striking that the bugs that like these things are what keeps the naked ball rat living so long unlike any of its other rat cousins who eat grains and we can be sure to be talking about that soon so this is the only rat that eats tubers and mushrooms and roots and they have the microbiome of 105 year old people who are thriving in fact a study published last week out of Singapore showed that humans who eat two cups of mushrooms per week do not get Alzheimer's disease and it's because it comes with any type of mushroom any type you want to go to the grocery store or get some mushrooms turns out button mushrooms are second best of all mushrooms in terms of a compound that we now know is the secret of mushrooms porcini mushrooms which of course is the prize mushroom of Italians is number one for these compounds now these compounds are polyphenols they're actually cousins of polyphenols that are in green tea and what happens with these compounds is that they're actually eaten by bacteria bacteria love to eat polyphenols and the bacteria then for lack of a better word poop out of these compounds that have been changed a little bit and it's those compounds that enter our circulation and a particular compound in mushrooms that's been manipulated by bacteria protects the brain from damage from Alzheimer's or Alzheimers wow so mushrooms mushrooms eat your mushrooms every week every week what if there's a diverse of mushrooms or if you eat the same mushroom all the time doesn't matter it really doesn't matter it really doesn't matter and again the plain old humble button mushroom will do it for you just have a couple cups a week what I do is you know I take a bunch of different mushroom Blends and mix it up yeah and mix it up United Nations of mushrooms yeah and I take mushroom capsules and I take I have a product that's actually lots of different mushrooms you just squeeze in your coffee or whatever there you go yeah okay I have a question now so for people that want to live longer uh and be healthy while they live longer not having to get surgeries all the time right if you had three to five minutes max to talk to someone who said I just want to live longer I want to know the secrets to living longer I got to figure out the keys and you've got three minutes with them what would you say in three minutes are there things they must do every day or as often as I can for the rest of their life to extend their life the first thing they must do is realize that the only purpose of food is to get olive oil into your mouth the only purpose of food and preferably it'll be mushrooms that you pour the olive oil on that's number one the evidence that the polyphenols in olive oil if you really you know wanted to live well for a very long time olive oil is the key two of the blue zones actually three if you count the achiarollis use a liter of olive oil per week now that's a lot of olive oil uh it's like 10 to 12 tablespoons a day so there's a beautiful study out of Spain that I talk about where you took 65 year old people and we'll dumb it down real quick two groups one group had to use liter of olive oil per week for five years and they changed their olive oil once a week at the clinic the other group had to eat a low-fat Mediterranean diet and both Mediterranean diets Spain at the end of five years the olive oil group had better memory had improved memory than when they started the low-fat group lost memory the women in the olive oil group had a 67 percent less incidence of breast cancer than the low-fat group people in both groups who had coronary arteries the group that got the olive oil had a 30 percent less incidence of new events versus the group that had the low fat diet and so if you know three blue zones and this study doesn't convince you that you better get olive oil into you olive oil grows brain cells and it's not the oil per se it's actually the polyphenols and olive oil olive oil the polyphenols literally make your blood vessels slippery and I've actually published that on this that your blood vessels you cannot stick cholesterol to blood vessels if you have olive oil on yourself yeah so you know drink the dump stuff do you drink it yeah I do wow yeah I take a shot Craig's always talking about how he can drink as much as possible what I would urge people to do is so you can cook an olive oil this myth that olive oil oxidizes when you cook it is is one of the worst internet myths there is it turns out that all olive oil is the least oxidizable oil it's even better than avocado oil or coconut oil it does not oxidize oxidize meaning like evaporate no I I mean gets damaged damaged okay it turns out everybody sees olive oil smoking and they figure that's damaged it's not before the interview continues if you feel like you're not living your most authentic life not leaning into your purpose and not living the life that your future self would be extremely proud of I've written a new book called The greatness mindset and I think you're going to love this through powerful stories science back strategies and step-by-step Guidance the greatest mindset will help you overcome all the different challenges in your life to design the life of your dreams and then turn it into your reality make sure to click the link below in the description to get your copy today okay let's get back to this video so what would be the main ingredients or food of the new style of keto diet that you're recommending what would be the the 10 main foods we should be eating then within that diet so here's another really cool thing yeah um the principal Ketone that we use once we're in ketosis is a fat called beta hydroxybutyrate a lot of people have seen it as BHB okay right that is made from butyrate which is made from Prebiotic fiber being digested by our gut bacteria into postbiotics and these short chain fatty acids like butyrate are a product of Prebiotic fiber and digestion so one really easy way to make the substrates of ketones is to eat a high fiber diet soluble fiber yeah so you know asparagus uh the root vegetables leeks onions garlic um The Chicory family vegetables uh Radicchio chicory frize Belgian endive I just had a big Radicchio salad last night so those actually make the precursors for what we're looking for okay here uh ever hero of apple cider vinegar of course of course yeah uh I don't like it ever want to know how apple cider vinegar works tell me it turns out it is where by apple cider vinegar yeah so it is a short chain fatty acid called acetic acid or acetate and it just so happens to be a backbone for making a ketone aceto acetoacetate but more importantly both butyrate and acetic acid are mitochondrial uncouplers in their own right so have yourself some apple cider vinegar put it in sparkling water like San Pellegrino have some balsamic vinegar put it in you know some water and drink it okay put it on your salads now have some other fermented foods it turns out that the fermented foods are not doing anything for probiotics it turns out that they have these post-biotics already in there and fermented foods like wine have postbiotics and fermented foods like cheeses they have postbiotics and there's these are a class of class of postbiotics called polyamines and one of the most famous ones is spermidine okay and you can guess where that comes from there's another one called putresine putrid rotting and these things are potent mitochondrial and couplers that's why men in Italy who eat a lot of Parmesan cheese which is aged parmesan cheese have lived longer and have much better vascular Health than men who don't that's why those sardinians and those Costa Ricans are eating lots of goat and sheep cheese have such great health so have yourself some goat yogurt stir in some polyphenols get yourself polyphenol of your choice I like to do what's called reverse juicing take fruit put it in your Jacqueline juicer I know you got one in the cupboard yeah throw the juice away you know how much I hate fruit juice exactly we lit up the internet without like a lot of sugar a lot of sugar a lot of fructose yeah but take the pulp which is pure polyphenols and freeze it or just take it and put it in your goat yogurt your sheep yogurt you can get goat yogurt at Trader Joe's and you will just have this uncoupling burst you'll have breakfast but you'll generate ketones you can even have some pistachios and you'll generate uncoupling what does goat yogurt taste like yeah uh it really doesn't taste very goatee uh fun fact um MCT um is a component of five different fats and four of them are named after uh the Latin word for goat capras so there's capric acid caprylic acid caprylic acid so it's so it's name for goat so it came from the fact that goat milk has all this MCT so these and Sheet milk is fantastic similar right yeah same thing so minchinos and cheese from Spain in Portugal that's cheap cheese okay so you know have yourself a slice of cheese for breakfast now the Costa Ricans and the sardinians that are in the blue zones how much goat milk sheep cheese are they eating on a consistent basis they have it almost every day a little bit every day or just just A little dab will do you yeah let's talk about in the book do they have cow's milk do they eat other cheeses do they have so cow's milk cheeses don't have MCT but if you ferment any cheese you're going to produce post-biotics like all these cool polyamines which will uncouple your mitochondria is that a is that a blue cheese then so blue cheese is great but yeah blue cheeses are great um so that's good for you yeah even if it's okay it turns out um years ago there was a wonderful book and I'm blanking on his name but it was called the man who ate everything and he was the food editor for Vogue and he wrote a fun book about his life and he he had a whole chapter about cheese and he said you know the chapter was entitled why aren't the French dead because the French actually three times the amount of cheese that Americans eat about eight times the amount of butter they have skinnier they they have yeah they're skinnier why are they skinny well some people say because they smoke cigarettes I'm glad you brought that up do you know one of the best mitochondrial and couplers there is nicotine oh man it's not good for your health but it'll make you that's right yeah that makes you burn calories and you know I write about this in unlocking the keto code so that's why a lot most smokers are very skinny because they're wasting fuel but the other thing that's interesting is the French despite you know all this cheese they you know have much less heart disease than Americans much less and he made a point of that he said why aren't they all dead if this theory of you know saturated fat is so right and then I I had a British doctor I mean Tim Spector on my podcast who makes the argument um that if you look at cheese eating britons that they actually have better health than non-chees eating britons and he said we shouldn't you know put down cheese so I then said okay I'm going to find out why this is so important and it turns out it's it's the fermentation process of cheese it's the MCTS in sheep and goat but one other factor that turns out that there is a miracle essential fatty acid in cheese called carbon 15. okay in all cheeses in all cheeses and work from the dolphin study of of Naval Dolphins found that C15 is an essential fatty acid and the Framingham heart study the longest heart study of all time started in the 1940s show that two components in Dairy are only one of four fats that improve heart Health and Longevity and it turns out that two of them are in Dairy so the idea that we should be avoiding Dairy is is a bad idea but having said that there's a protein in American cow milk that happens to be lectin-like so get your cheeses from France from Italy from Switzerland get goat and sheep they don't have any of that so and then you'll be safe you'll actually get health benefits from eating cheese what a take-home message so is it you know I'm all I'm a fan for the stinkier the better yeah exactly for me it tastes better putrescence is one of these polyamines so the stinkiness whether you knew it or not was uncoupling your mitochondria interesting yeah my wife and I uh usually every afternoon you know have a glass of red wine and several pieces of stinky cheese what do you okay so I'm hearing the high fiber gives the key apple cider vinegar yeah any vinegar anything your name of the vinegar the obviously the the famous olive oil olive oil is great source of it uh you because you told me in a previous interview we did that you want your your your poop to look a certain way I don't remember this yeah you want it to look like a snake a snake a snake looking at you yeah exactly right would you look down at it look in the wall you want to see a coiled snake looking up at you yeah and that comes from high fiber yeah that's from fiber it turns out it's not what's looking back at you is is not plant fiber it's actually mounds and mounds and mounds of bacteria and the big bacteria are bad good bacteria okay you want good bacteria bad bacteria don't like that stuff bad bacteria want sugar and saturated fats give me give me give me and they as we've talked before they control your brain to go find it the good bacteria want soluble fiber and they want it because they make more babies and that's that big poop you're seeing but the benefit is when they ferment that fiber they produce post-biotics which are fermentation products that uncouple your mitochondria so it's a win-win you we should be eating for them and they'll take care of us they've got bacteria yeah I mean there was a cool study that I talked about in the energy Paradox they took some Chinese volunteers men they put them on a 14-day water fast tough that's tough half of the group were given a hundred calories a day of Prebiotic fiber powder mixed in water 100 calories they couldn't digest those we can't digest prebiotics only bacteria can digest them the guys who got the Prebiotic fiber had no hunger despite a 14-day water fast and it actually prompted they their proponents of What's called the gut-centric theory of hunger and the theory which I really like is if we give our gut bacteria the good guys what they want to eat they send signals to our brain so hey you know great we got everything you don't need to go look for anything we're happy we're satisfied and we know this actually to be true because as we've talked on your program before we can take we can take skinny people and give them a fecal enema with bad back from obese people and they'll become fat wow because they're these bacteria literally you know take over our brain and what we want or what they want so I think it's really cool like hey you know have 100 calories of Prebiotic fiber grind us from flax seeds put them in your yogurt um grind up some psyllium husks put them in your yogurt grind up you know juice your fruit and put the pulp in the yogurt sheep and goat and man you're uncoupling I can just you're not coupling machine it's going to be an uncoupling machine speaking of which so there's the there's the there's a Theory of Aging called the the rate of living and it's been popular almost for a hundred years and that is small animals have a very high metabolic rate and they don't live very long and that's because they're metabolic rate it's just really hot large animals on the other hand have a slower metabolic rate and they live a long time you know elephants us blue whales can live 200 years um but there's one problem with that theory and that's Birds birds are really small and yet they live an incredibly long time a hummingbird in captivity can live ten years this this little dinky and a parrot you know can live 80 to 100 years that crazy and so people said well what the deal they have a really high metabolic rate this doesn't make sense guess who has the most uncoupled mitochondria of any animal or Birds so they have all of their uncoupling proteins activated and it turns out in the case of the hummingbird that I write about the hummingbird uses the polyphenols in the nectar of the flowers as the uncoupler and that's interesting yeah so if you want to live a long time uncouple to survive and thrive I can tell you that if it's in a package it is probably a simple carbohydrate even what would appear to be healthy so plantain chips um no I can't eat those come on read the label and it will scare you to death will I eat plantain chips sure I will but I will use them as a dipping chip to get guacamole in my mouth or olive oil or olive oil yeah so yeah I know so you stay away from simple carbohydrate the best way to suppress your immune system is Sugar Sugar absolutely suppresses white blood cell function so please don't eat like that okay but luckily the stores are and and the other thing I remind all my listeners is that we are the only creature that needs or uses toilet paper right and if you follow my program you won't need it you will not need toilet paper I I have many friends that say they don't need a wife yeah maybe you take one little piece just to make sure just make sure it's Insurance yeah you never know yeah and so you know I know when you know I've got some issue that you know that I need toilet paper more than one piece of toilet paper yeah so if you're if you need toilet paper I got news for you you got a leaky gut you're eating the wrong you're eating the wrong stuff so no simple carbs essentially if it's in a package it's probably not good no sugar it suppresses the immune system what else um either so any Museum and what boosts the immune systems yeah so what boosts the immune system it turns out that um olive oil the polyphenols and olive oil actually really boost the immune system so do components of mushrooms and you know I I make one and we'll get you some called M Vitality which is a mushroom extract but mushrooms in general even the humble button mushroom will actually boost your immune system and it does that actually by having the sort of complex sugars that your gut bacteria really really wants and needs exactly and so it's more of an indirect effect you give your gut bacteria what they want to need they in turn will tell the immune system hey we got this and you know relax and enjoy yourself wow the other thing every human being that I see initially with leaky gut or autoimmune disease has a low vitamin D level I had Mark Hyman on my podcast recently and Mark has never seen vitamin D toxicity I have been measuring vitamin D levels for over 20 years now I have never seen vitamin D toxicity uh I can't have too much necessarily I yeah I have yet to see it could it exist if you have a whole bottle of day maybe yeah well and actually Dr Hollick from Boston University who's really the world expert on vitamin D has seen it only once and that was in a physician who by accident was taking a million international units of vitamin D3 a day for six months that's a lot it's a lot now what is that a whole cupboard well he had been getting it from a compounding pharmacist and it had been mislabeled so he wasn't doing it on purpose um but for instance I I I run my vitamin D level greater than 120 nanograms per milliliter and I have for 18 years to prove I'm not dead right so many of the labs now are coming around to saying 120 is absolutely normal and it's not vitamin detox I have patients I may have told you the story it's a great story years ago I had two people in their late 70s first time and we get vitamin D levels back in those days we could actually Quant we quantify the vitamin D level and the vitamin D was 270. both of them and you know I'm looking at them and I was young and naive and I'm thinking you know why aren't these guys dead and I said you guys take a lot of vitamin D don't you they say oh yeah yeah it's it's a it's an anti-aging vitamin it actually is but um I said well how long you been doing that and they said oh all of our lives and I'm going you know you look pretty healthy to me and in theory vitamin D can give you kidney stone toxic vitamin D levels never seen it but in theory uh any kidney stones no why um and the other theory is it makes your fingers and toes numb and I said do any you know fingers toes no no why and I'm going you know huh so that's when I actually started researching in vitamin D and for instance the University of California San Diego says that the average American should take 9600 international units a day to have a safe level of vitamin D the other thing that's fascinating is most people with cancer have low levels of vitamin D and there's some very interesting Trials of boosting vitamin D in people who have cancer to prevent recurrences so um right now I I think everybody should be taking 5 000 international units but right now a day a day right now we're probably wise to boost it to 10 000 a day wow I'll give you an example last week when this started and I still see patients every day um I took a hundred thousand units on Monday I took 50 000 units on Tuesday and I took 25 000 units on Wednesday and then hit 10 000 units if I feel I'm coming down with something you think more about it I will take 150 000 units three days in a row 50 000 three times a day for three days that's nearly a half a million international units of vitamin D in three days wow and I'm Not Dead uh I have my patients do the same thing none of them have died none of them have gotten vitamin D toxicity but I can tell you it always cuts whatever it's one of the most effective antiviral service the second thing we need to do is we need to get if you can time to release vitamin C Linus Pauling was right vitamin C is incredibly antiviral but what he didn't know is we can't absorb enough vitamin C and keep it in our bloodstream because it comes out very very quickly so get yourself some time release vitamin C the stores are empty Amazon's empty right but in the future barring them in the future borrowing that Dakota it's still there I go to health food stores every day and just kind of check and see what's there and what isn't get yourself just the chewable tablets or get the capsules and take it four times a day take 500 to a thousand four times a day yeah it's still better than nothing it's still better than nothing uh zinc is a great idea get about 30 milligrams of zinc I'm a big fan of kercetin sometimes pronounced curcitin it's a compound that's present in the white pith of citrus it's in apples and it's in onions and it actually may be the compound that the old wives tale and apple day keeps the doctor away so kercetin is also a very antiviral I mean the immune system is strong then you you don't get sick you don't get sick and it doesn't matter how strong the virus is you should be able to defend against it it's when it's weak when you start to get sick that's exactly right wow and you know I mean you have different parts of your immune system lined up on all your mucous membranes and it's ready for you know what's coming and what's unfortunate is in a lot of our patients with leaky gut and with autoimmune diseases we can actually measure that they're very deficient in the immune system that makes for instance IGA which lines are on walls of our gut and IGM which is the second line of defense and we can see that when we get their gut sealed that wow their immune system is back all their numbers are back up to normal we are a society of a weak immune systems it seems like oh yeah we're just I mean we're just set we're just set up we're and it all kind of goes back to how we and the types of foods we eat yeah and the amount of antibiotics we take we we didn't know that the broad spectrum antibiotics that all of us took for every little sniffle for every little cough that hurts us we're killing off our microbiome it was like putting Napalm on this tropical rainforest how important is probiotics right now that's a great question so we are unfortunately just because of our lifestyle very deficient in probiotics so should we be taking that we should be taking them but most probiotics are pretty worthless because they're not protected from acid in the stomach or bile in this in the first part of the duodenum which will kill them though most most probiotics never make it to the gut so you got to look for a probiotic that is actually encapsulated that's either a Spore forming probiotic or that's encapsulated so it resists gastric and bile digestion for instance gundry MD makes a 24 strain probiotic that is in a capsule that prevents digestion all of our probiotics in like vital Reds in like biocomplete 3 are Spore forming probiotics that cannot be killed by gastric acid so it doesn't matter if you see oh this has got a hundred billion probiotics uh if it doesn't have a system for getting it into your gut it won't get into your gut but what's more important than probiotics and we need them what's more important is prebiotics so that's the food that the probiotics have to eat and that gets back to the crazy nine cups of vegetables every day um so if you need the prebiotics the vegetables in your gut for the probiotics to feed off of exactly yeah so you got to give them what they eat it's like I tell my patients in Palm Springs if I if I sold them grass seed and say go plant some grass seed and they come back a month later and say Hey you sold me bad grass seed uh it didn't grow and I go well what'd you do and they said well I put it out on the sand and I said well did you water it no you didn't tell me what did you fertilize it no you didn't tell me to I said well of course it's not going to grow so you could swallow all the probiotics in the world but if you don't give them what they need to eat and that's soluble fiber they're not going to grow and that's the that's the sad thing we've learned is we don't feed these bugs what they need yeah and that's why you know for instance I make pre-bio Thrive which is a bunch of different prebiotics what would be some of the alternative food Foods that we could eat and consume if we got rid of all these because it sounds to me I'm just eating broccoli and cauliflower all day yeah so what are some of the Alternatives that are also I mean there are great pastas out there made out of cassava flour I make one at gundry MD made out of sorghum flour uh again have no relationship jovial makes phenomenal pastas out of cassava flour cassava cassava yeah it's a Tarot root oh and I tell you I actually one of the restaurants Italian restaurants in Montecito keeps you know cassava pasta for me and I just had a big bowl of penne pasta a couple nights ago it doesn't affect your you don't feel like this no this is the moon hangover and it's got this mouth feel it's really good now it's you know Al Dente so the idea that you have to you know suffer these things is is old school and I think one of them one of the big benefits of the plant Paradox being so popular is that consumers wanted Alternatives and companies rise to the occasions and they're making lots of stuff okay there's lots of now pasta sauces peeled and de-seeded tomatoes you know again there's lots of pressure cooked beans so um it's actually it's been exciting to watch um these things come about right what about uh so what other Foods we've got the cassava flour pasta what about I mean so there's actually increasingly now a lot of fairly safe ice creams out there that can use alternative like coconut milk as an example there's actually some ice creams that use a sweetener called allulose which I'm very high on Ali hello is a rare actual sugar it was first discovered in figs but it has uh no caloric value and they actually it's primarily produced from corn but before everybody has a fit by GMO allulos most Corner in the United States is genetically modified and that's a whole nother story in itself most corn in the United States is sprayed with Roundup as is all are we as in all of our everything yeah um so but alleles is actually a Prebiotic so a Prebiotic is fiber that feeds good gut bacteria so get non-GMO and it's easy to find it's on the internet a lot of stores are getting it but it's starting to appear in uh starting to appear in bars it's starting to appear in ice creams so protein bars and stuff yeah okay any other what about for like the the nuts what's a replacement for nuts so number one nut and we'll talk about this in a little bit is pistachios I love pistachios pistachios have so many crazy health benefits and they're number one Health Benefit uh spoiler alert is they are the highest source of melatonin of any food really really and everybody says well wait a minute I don't want to go to sleep after I eat pistachios it turns out that melatonin is only one of two actual antioxidants that are used in mitochondria to protect mitochondria the other one is glutathione all the other antioxidants that people talk about you know vitamin C vitamin E blah blah blah have absolutely no effect on oxidative stress in mitochondria there's only two melatonin and glutathione okay so melatonin is not a sleep hormone melatonin has a much higher purpose and that is to actually repair mitochondria to uncouple mitochondria we'll go into that for sure yeah so pistachios is pistachio the number one can you have too many nuts uh of pistachio Macadamia you can't so if you want to gain weight macadamia nuts are the way to do it and I've actually had some weight gaining challenges for some of my really skinny people and if you want to gain weight macadamia nuts are the way to do it Mac what about pistachios pistachios is pretty hard right nuts are so good oh I know that's part of the problem that's why that's why you gain weight yeah you really do gain weight with Macadamia so you can have more walnuts are great hazelnuts are great uh pine nuts are great okay yeah so uh pecans do have a lectin I wrote about in the plant Paradox cookbook that we often see on food sensitivity yes pecans pecans but you know I I just tell tell people to go easy because you know I went to medical school in Georgia and it's the state you know nut yes the economy what do you think is the best diet or food eating plan to go on to help you reverse age uh believe it or not my keto my new keto program really yeah to help you reverse age why do you think that what's the difference between that and the plant Paradox so this is the planned Paradox taken to its kind of ultimate conclusion you know I the plant Paradox had a ketogenic program but people were shocked with the amount of carbohydrates that were available to them in my ketogenic program and nobody could quite figure out why but it was really effective particularly at losing weight and I didn't even realize why until I was writing the energy Paradox and then it was like oh my gosh why this works has been sitting here in plain sight and I didn't see it and no keto expert has ever seen it because we've all been kind of LED down the garden path that ketones and being in ketosis is you know it's a miracle Fuel and it Burnsville it burns fat and makes you an efficient fat burner and let's look at it this way if you become an efficient fat burner which is what every keto says that you will be efficiency means you get more out of something you get more efficiency in other words if you want to save gas you buy a Toyota Prius which is very efficient at getting the most miles out of a gallon of gas on the other hand if you want to be fuel inefficient then you buy a Ferrari which is really good at wasting gas no there might be other reasons to have a Ferrari rather than a Prius but we won't go ahead so fat has nine grams nine calories per gram amino acids and carbohydrates have four calories per gram so fat has more than twice the calories by weight of carbohydrates or proteins so if you become an efficient fat burner and you're eating fat then you ought to gain weight why don't people gain weight believe it or not a ton of people gain weight on ketogenic diets why is that because they're actually reading the wrong kinds of fats and the book shows why eating the wrong kind of fats to do this you most people eating a high saturated fat diet you know cream cheese and bacon and actually become insulin resistant and insulin and they actually develop high blood sugar and that insulin goes up and insulin is actually the fat storage hormone so when you're eating a lot of fat you actually can get fatter and fatter and I profile a patient of mine who I call Miranda in the book who had been doing a true supervised ketogenic diet for two years and she had gained 30 pounds in two years and was really pissed and she's like all the experts say that you're supposed to follow this and I mean she was doing it she showed me her food Diaries And yet when we measured her she was insulin resistant she had eye insulin levels she was pre-diabetic and she I mean she was Apple eclectic and she's literally what are you talking about you know I'm a saint on this diet so yeah this is you know what we see that's why 60 percent of people who try a ketogenic diet Give It Up quickly because they don't see the results that are promised and it's clear after I wrote unlocking the keto code why people aren't getting the results that were promised because what are people doing wrong on the old way of doing the keto diet and how should they approach it now with the new information so one of the big problems is that and this is shocking information you look at normal weight individuals in the United States 50 percent of normal weight individuals are metabolically inflexible and I've used those terms before but let's let's define it again okay what is that normally you and I uh can burn glucose to make ATP in our mitochondria but we can also if glucose Runs Out burn free fatty acids fat as a fuel and normally the second glucose runs out we should be able to switch over to burning fat as a fuel just very much like a hybrid car when you're running on gasoline the battery which we'll call fat is being charged when the gasoline runs out the battery can discharge and power the vehicle fifty percent of normal weight people are metabolically and flexible they can't do that they can't switch on again with fat they can't switch now you look at overweight people 88 of overweight people are metabolically and flexible they cannot switch over to burning fat how do you switch over then and get this 98.5 of obese people are metabolically inflexible they cannot make the switch is that meaning they can't make the switch on a day-to-day basis on a 24-hour basis they can't switch and burn they can't but if you but intermittent fast for a couple days I'm glad you asked that you've been reading up yeah so it turns out that when when we have in metabolically and flexible people have normally High insulin levels okay simplistically insulin is a fat storage hormone yeah that's why back in the old days when we gave people insulin who were diabetics they got fatter and fatter because we were injecting them with the hormone that stores fat so when we eat insulin comes up insulin knocks on your muscle cells and says hey you know Lewis just had a great meal here I want to sell you this stuff open the door and your muscles say oh yeah yeah good I'm hungry give it to me so your your insulin sensitive now unfortunately most people insulin levels are high almost all the time because your muscles are full they don't want anything to eat they go go away don't come back but insulin keeps trying so it keeps pushing when insulin is high it has a second effect it blocks the release of fat from fat cells okay now think about if you and I just killed a bison and we were gorging on bison we would want a store most of what we ate as fat for because probably we weren't going to kill a bison for a while so insulin when it's high is storing fat but insulin you wouldn't want to burn fat while you're doing that so insulin says no no no it's staying here in the storage tanks so there was a very good purpose for that but normally if you and I stopped eating after about eight hours your blood sugar levels would pretty much be used up insulin would fall and then fat would come rolling out of your fat cells out of your Hybrid battery and you'd start burning fat as a fuel and everything's fine but if you go on a ketogenic diet when you're metabolically inflexible and all you're eating is fat what happens then you don't you can't get to that fat and you crash and burn and that gives you the keto blue the keto flu the Atkins Blues your athletic performance plummets the energy goes down your energy goes down you get that headachy feeling you say give me some carbs yeah and yeah yeah and your brains go what the heck you know I got nothing here I got nothing and that's what's really cool so normally all of your cells all of my cells are delighted to burn free fatty acids it's a great fuel the problem is free fatty acids are actually big molecules and they can't get through the blood-brain barrier and they're too big so that's a problem everybody else and you can do fine but if your your brain can't burn free fatty acids because they can't get there it could do it if they could get there so we have this clever system that when free fatty acids are outflowing some of them go to the liver and the liver converts them into water-soluble short chain fatty acids called ketones or Ketone bodies the liver can't use Ketone bodies so it throws them out into the bloodstream and Ketone bodies can get past the blood-brain barrier so they can serve as a backup fuel for the brain during the time you're sleeping during the time you're starving or during the time you're eating a low carbohydrate ketogenic diet but everybody got the idea thanks to some research out of Harvard and the NIH Years Ago by Cahill and Veach that because ketones could provide an alternative fuel that it must be a super Fuel and that we should always try to be starving in fact getting the ketosis right get into ketosis well one of the Protege of Dr Cahill Dr Owens in 2004. it was you know fairly recently showed that even at a full ketogenic output a full ketogenic diet only 30 percent of our power could come from ketones 70 still had to come from free fatty acids and glucose and even at full ketosis your brain still has to have 30 to 40 percent of its energy met by glucose not ketones and so as I was you know researching this for the energy Paradox I went well wait a minute something something's not right here something isn't making sense these aren't a perfect fuel at all but we clearly make them and one of the reasons we make them is to keep our brain kind of going while times are tough makes sense but they must be doing something else and uh that's when I discovered what ketones actually do what do they do they are signaling molecules they are messengers to believe it or not tell mitochondria mitochondria or the little energy producing organelles in almost all of our cells to protect themselves at all costs number one to make more of themselves to carry the workload which is called mitogenesis and here's the best part to protect themselves they should waste fuel they should burn fuel they should burn it but don't make it into energy they should become a Ferrari why is that well that was the sixty four thousand dollar question because think about it if you're starving to death you would think that you would want your mitochondria to become the most efficient get every last ounce of ATP out of every last calorie in you and the last thing you would want them to do is waste them so a researcher by the name of Martin brand in 2000 wrote a little tiny paper that said the paper's name look it up it's great uncoupling to survive uncoupling sounds like a relationship yeah yeah well we know yeah we think of coupling yes yes so and I think we may have to get out the chalkboard but yeah so what he said was so if if you're starving to death if your mitochondria die then you're you're not going to be here if your mitochondria die yeah if they don't make it you're over and who cares about your muscles who cares about anything else you gotta keep your mitochondria alive and turns out making energy is really really hard work okay it is incredibly damaging work for mitochondria and they injure themselves in the process of making energy they make energy by coupling protons with oxygen if you will marrying a proton to an oxygen molecule and they make ATP great so it turns out that normally you and me sitting here right now uh 30 percent of all the calories entering into our mitochondria never couple up with oxygen to make ATP they are uncoupled from making ATP so in mitochondria there's an electron transport chain that was the Nobel Prize was awarded to Peter Mitchell for this discovery and so the mitochondria have these membranes and in the book I call it the Mito Club in the Mido Club is the hippest place to be for all the Millennials and the Mido Club the patrons enter One Direction and so we've we've got protons and we've got electrons and we've got oxygen and it is it is the hottest place to be and everybody wants to be in the club and there's actually bouncers in the club and those bouncers happen to be melatonin and glutathione and they kind of keep things okay so there's only one exit out the back and so the object of the game is you know for a proton and oxygen a couple and on the way they go and as they leave they actually make the energy molecule ATP and that's how we make energy so this is the electron transport chain I mean it is hot and steamy and lots of damage sometimes oxygen couples up with an electron those are free radicals those are reactive oxygen species those are bad you don't want that to happen and the protons get really mad because you know they're why are they coupled up with who they want to go with okay so everything's kind of really bad now it just so happens that there are emergency exits okay and along this route and they're supposed to be closed except for emergencies but these can be opened by what are called uncoupling proteins and there happen to be five of them okay so if things are really steamy if things if chairs are thrown punches are being thrown protons can escape out the emergency exits and not participate in making ATP what happens when that happens things quiet down okay things return back to a nicer level and more people can actually join into the club so the point of all this is you can actually process more calories through the mitochondria but you actually do a caloric bypass by wasting these calories before it makes ATP exactly and that is beneficial why lots of things number one it generates heat okay and it turns out you probably know that there is brown fat and beige fat and white fat so Brown fat is brown because it is loaded with mitochondria and brown fat makes heat and it turns out that people who have more Brown fat actually are much healthier than people you're burning more fat too right burning more fat so how this whole Discovery came about is actually one of the funniest things in medicine uh back in World War one it was noted that factory workers in Germany and France who were making gunpowder Munitions were really skinny despite being huge amounts of food okay and they were running temperatures and nobody could figure out what they were doing and then a couple doctors at Stanford in 1930 said I think we figured it out these guys were using a chemical called 2-4 dinitrophenol okay dnp uh you can find it on the dark web uh anyhow so and they thought that this dnp was making them waste huge amounts of calories they didn't know why but they thought they were generating it in heat it increased their metabolic rate and they go oh my gosh this is the greatest weight loss drug ever known so they actually started prescribing dnp to human beings and a hundred thousand prescriptions of dnp were written in the United States alone in the 1930s wow and DMP was miraculous one a small dose you could lose a pound a week at a higher dose you could lose five pounds a week I mean think about that who wouldn't want that right only one problem so these guys got really hot they ran fevers it actually affected their thyroid it caused cataracts and this was before cataract surgery and then there were a bunch of deaths because they got so uncoupled that they couldn't produce enough ATP to stay alive interesting they died okay so one of the first official acts of the FDA uh when they were formed was to ban the sale of dnp now and every now and then you'll you'll read on the internet about a bodybuilder who was using it and who died so it turns out the dnp was the first known oral mitochondrial uncoupler and the reason it was so effective is that it made you literally throw tons of calories out the back door out the side door too many though yeah too many and it turns out there's a lot of research in controlled low-dose dnp um a lot of money looking into okay how can how can we find that sweet spot and I talk about it in the book so what we want to do is there's a Goldilocks rule rule with mitochondrial and coupling we want just the right amount of money yeah it's the right amount so now we go back to ketones and we go okay so what the heck if ketones aren't this great fuel what exactly are they there for and it turns out the ketones are a signaling molecule to tell mitochondria to uncouple and to uncouple to survive like brand set and to protect themselves at all costs now we most of us have accepted the mitochondrial Theory of Aging that mitochondria eventually gets so damaged and they're the powerhouses and kind of things fiddle out and it's a pretty good theory so the idea is let's keep the mitochondria repairing themselves not harming themselves by trying too hard to make fuel and to actually tell themselves to make more of themselves simultaneously in a way try to make brown fat in all of our tissues and it turns out interestingly enough if you look at super old people they have the most uncoupled mitochondria really really why is that because of the foods they eat and it turns out I mentioned two four dinitrophenol for a reason it has a phenol group and where have you heard the word female phenol when I have talked to you Polly right phenols right lots of phenols yes all right here's where it gets really good all right so plants have to produce energy and they have their own version of mitochondria which are called chloroplasts and they take photons from the Sun and mix it with carbon dioxide and produce glucose ATP and oxygen so it's actually the reverse electron transport chain photons sunlight just like oxygens really damaging to mitochondria sunlight is really damaging to plant chloroplasts they're mitochondria so plants produce polyphenols yes to uncouple their mitochondria to protect their mitochondria from sun damage and also other stressors and so the more a plant is under stress or even the higher a plant is in altitude the more polyphenols it makes it and surprise plants produce melatonin as a major protector of their chloroplasts and as an uncoupler it turns out that melatonin in itself is an uncoupler so what happens when we eat brightly colored plants eat the rainbow what we're actually doing is we're eating uncouplers interesting and the more un couplers you eat the more you will protect your mitochondria so now we go back and look at something like the Mediterranean diet well it turns out that olive oil is full of polyphenols red wine is fully full of polyphenols these bright colored vegetables are full of polyphenols and each one of them is documented to produce mitochondrial and coupling another interesting aspect of the Mediterranean diet is that there are two two blue zones yes in the Mediterranean Sardinia yeah Sardinia and Greece is but there's another Blue Zone in Costa Rica on the Nagoya Peninsula um and I got really interested in why those guys were so unique in Costa Rica in Costa Rica and Nagoya Peninsula and the only people in Sardinia that constitute the blue zones are the sardinians who live up in the mountain the sardinians live up in the mountains have incredible longevity the sardinians who lived down by the sea don't why is that I'm glad you asked it turns out the sardinians in the mountains are sheep and goat herders and fun fact 30 of all the fat in goat and Sheet milk are medium chain triglycerides MCT oil 30 MCT oil in goat and Sheet Metal who knew it's not present in cow milk and it turns out that the Nagoya Peninsula also eat lots of goat and sheep cheeses and so you can actually look at what happens when these people are eating goat and sheep cheeses and it turns out that to come full circle MCTS are fats that don't behave like any other fat they go right through our digestive wall they go directly to our liver and they are immediately made into ketones do not pass gold and not collect two hundred dollars so for instance you could have I you could bite into an apple and have some MCT oil or better yeah have a delicious piece of goat or sheep cheese and despite the fact that you bit into an apple and had all that fructose running around your spiking of that yeah you'd be in ketosis really yes how is that possible because you're coupling the two Foods no because the MCTS are going to your liver and your liver is making ketones despite what else you eat despite the fructose that you eat yeah interesting so that's unlocking the keto code the cool thing is you don't have to go on a miserable high-fat diet to activate what you're trying to get from ketones and that is to unlock mitochondria so the cool thing is you can have some MCT oil you can mix it in your salad dressings you can have it with olive oil which has uncoupling power you can have some pistachios which are full of melatonin which will encap on a couple you can have a glass of red wine which will uncouple your mitochondria and red wine has lots of melatonin and so you can literally have your cake and eat it too as long as you know the tricks of foods to uncouple your mitochondria final thought so why does intermittent fasting work so well in the energy Paradox I wrote about these fascinating studies with Dr de Cabo from the NIH who was convinced that calorie restriction didn't provide the benefits because of calorie restriction he thought that there was another mechanism and in animals what we do when we calorie restrict animals is we give them their 30 percent less food Portion once a day we we put it out here you go that's it when you're getting 30 percent less food you eat what you got very quickly right now right now it's gone and he thought that what was happening was that the calorie restricted animals were actually eating much quicker and they were fasting for a longer period of time during every 24 hours so they weren't nibbling throughout the day exactly and so he set up an experiment where he would give animals calorie restricted food or he would give animals regular food to eat all day but the third group he would put out their food only once a day at three o'clock in the afternoon it would be a full full days portion but it turns out that these mice who could only start eating at three o'clock in the afternoon only ate for about 10 hours before it was gone the other guys nibbled all day long they got to eat all day long when they looked at all the results it turns out that the time restricted mice lived 11 percent longer than the guys who munched all day the calorie restricted time-restricted mice lived about 30 longer but if you do the math if we timed restricted like a mouse we would get an extra 10 years of good life really 10 years okay so what's happening what does that mean time restrictions a certain amount of time so here's the deal normally after about eight hours of not eating we start producing ketones normally and those ketones remember are not a fuel they are a signaling molecule to to make your mitochondria protect themselves we reach maximal ketosis after about 12 hours and so if you go a 12 hour window you're getting a nice effect of ketones but let's suppose we push that out an additional four hours to a 16 hour fasting okay now we've got a good actually 10 hours of Ketone production telling our mitochondria to uncouple and protect themselves so it worked out from Dr Matheson who worked from the NIH that probably for us a six hour eating window may be perfect so an 18-hour fasting window now why shouldn't we if that's so good for us why shouldn't we be in ketosis 24 7. the problem is is The Sweet Spot the Goldilocks rule continuous ketosis starts to impact muscle production because if you're always in ketosis your mitochondria being told that this is you know we're starving to death protect yourself forget about those muscles they don't you know who cares about them protect yourself and don't make Muscle protein make protein for yourself and make sure the muscles don't get anything by producing insulin resistance so the whatever is round can't get into the muscles right right so that's why continuous ketosis is so dumb and dangerous and why intermittent ketosis is so important on a 24-hour basis yeah well this seems really hard to be always in ketosis it's like how does your brain function after a short amount of time that's a really good question because we now know that even at full ketosis your brain still wants 30 to 40 percent of its fuel is sugar and where's the sugar come from it has to come from your muscles so you're using the muscles yeah and you know I've I've a colleague who went all in on this 24 7 Keto thing for a very long time and despite the fact that he exercises like a fiend uh he got sarcopenia he got muscle wasting really and finally Donna said what the heck am I doing so the cool thing is ketones are really cool but not why people think they're really cool and you don't need to do a high fat diet we have actually all the genes to manufacture vitamin C there's actually five of them the last Gene is turned off it's called a ghost Gene well why do we do that well we manufacture vitamin C from sugar from glucose and it's actually very expensive to manufacture vitamin C so the theory is and I like the theory is we grew up uh in Africa with lots of vitamin C containing plants in our diet and so it was unnecessary for us to manufacture vitamin C and the theory goes we'd have some extra glucose left over that we could store as fat to make it through the winter when times are rough and we're the only fats storing ape so the problem is Vitamin C is essential to repair collagen in Arabic collagen Okay the reason smokers get wrinkles is collagen is broken because you actually repair cracks in collagen with vitamin C and smokers use up all their vitamin C with what's called oxidative stress so they don't have any vitamin C in fact here's another controversial statement if I've got a smoker with heart disease I'm willing to trade him his smoking with him taking large amounts of vitamin C while I get the rest of his diet squared away rather than tell him to stop smoking now the reason I say that is and I talk about this in the book there's this fascinating island people called the catavans in New Guinea who smoke like fiends they eat 60 of their diet is tarot root the other part of their diet is coconut oil and they live into their mid-90s with no medical care but they've been studied extensively there has never been a case of a heart attack heart disease or a stroke in these smokers what they do do is they eat a lot of vitamin C containing fruits and vegetables as part of their diet olive oil as well they don't have any olive oil they have coconut oil that's their coconut you know they don't have any olives down so you can do without olive oil and still live a long life yeah but you think olive oil yeah since olive oil is so readily available it might as well it might as well might as well okay so okay back to vitamin C yeah you have to have vitamin C to repair the cracks in blood vessels people remember scurvy where people would die they bleed to death on Long ocean voyages actually 50 mortality on those old ocean voyages just dying from scurvy and the British Navy the reason they're called limeys is because the surgeon in the British Navy realized that if he gave them limes to take on the voyage that they wouldn't die of scurving that's why the British Navy is still called limeys so vitamin C repairs the cracks in collagen and our blood vessels are flexing all the time and so these cracks have to be repaired and if they're not repaired you basically bleed to death we have a system of repairing those cracks and it's called cholesterol and cholesterol will patch those interesting so if you have plenty of vitamin C throughout the day you won't you'll be able to repair those cracks and there's a wild study I mean to head down a rabbit hole you can genetically engineer rats to lack that final Gene to make vitamin C and they will live half as long as a normal rat if you then put vitamin C in their water they will live as long as a normal rat who can manufacture their vitamins but they're drinking the water throughout the day yeah so vitamin C unfortunately we have to manufacture we have to manufacture it and we've got some interesting tricks to do that uh coming up okay but in the meantime the average person should take like a thousand milligrams of timed release vitamin C twice a day okay to cover their ass wow okay so the first thing I heard you say this three minutes is turning into 20 minutes okay no worries the first thing I heard is olive oil oh and olive oil is actually one of the tricks to activate the dose Gene a polyphenol and olive oil okay you will actually make vitamin C okay there you go so there you go another good reason so have olive oil vitamin D have lots of vitamin D three D3 D3 and then what's next to the long life next is you got to get some form of long chain omega-3 fat better known as fish oil and vegans have no excuse anymore there is algae-based DHA and EPA but here's the deal your brain is about 70 percent fat so if you want to call me a fat head you know what I will thank you yeah yeah and yeah I can just see how the internet lighting up here so half of the fat in your brain is actually an omega-3 fat called DHA so a half basically half of your mind is fish oil and as I talk about in the longevity Paradox you look at people what are called the omega-3 index which basically looks at how much DHA you have in you over the past two months people with the highest omega-3 index have the largest brains and the largest areas of memory the hippocampus people with the lowest levels of DHA have the most shrunken brains and the smallest mirror memory areas hippocampus so Mom was right when she said fish is brain food you know she was absolutely she didn't know why it was but we now know it's DHA is really what makes your brain so Sushi's good sushi is actually not a good idea most of the people I see with high mercury levels are Sushi eaters or dentists uh so in particularly Sashimi grade tuna you just wanna it just kind of want to stay away from it oh sugar fish is amazing though and it's got the grains too yeah it's got the grains you know so so no sushi yeah so once in a while yeah once in a while okay absolutely yeah yeah but yeah so fish oil is incredibly important yeah and what I try to get people to do and again I measure this every three months in all my patients and when we're talking you know thousands and thousands of patients over the last 20 years you want to get about a thousand milligrams of DHA per day now how do you do that well you get fish oil I mean you can go to Costco and you look on the back and you find serving size and make sure it says one serving size they love to fool you they may say two or three and then you look down below and you see DHA and you look to see how much DHA is in a capsule and you add it up and say oh okay there's 250 milligrams of DHA in this capsule so I need to take four wow four a day yeah thousand a day okay we got olive oil we've got vitamin D3 we have fish oils what else do we need to live longer so you got to have polyphenols in your diet so pot what the heck is a polyphenol how do you remember polyphenol think about polyuana phenol okay um phenols are plant compounds polyphenols are plant compounds that plants use primarily to protect themselves against stress and sunlight just interesting fact we know that red wine is beneficial for you because of actually two polyphenols the most famous is Resveratrol the other one is kercetin or curcitin the higher the grapes are grown the higher in altitude the grapes are grown the more polyphenols they make because they need more to protect themselves yeah exactly it's basically uh suntan uh you know they've actually protected themselves against sunburn interesting also the more the plant is stressed the more polyphenols it makes to protect itself right okay so polyphenols are traditionally in dark colored berries so for instance blueberries blackberries raspberries interesting fun fact the leaves of these trees or Vines have more polyphenols than the actual fruit does so for instance black raspberry leaves have far more polyphenols than black raspberries and I take black raspberry capsules oh by the way and it's in the book there you go um so olives for instance are loaded with polyphenols and olives that are stressed better they're even better Olive leaves have more polyphenols than olives so olive leaf extract is an easy way of getting the huge amount of benefits without drinking a liter of olive oil so what about like uh you know leafy greens do you want stressed out looking leafy greens or do you want healthy thriving excellent question it turns out that the reason organic vegetables in general are better for you besides the fact that they haven't been spraying with pesticides and herbicides and probably Roundup and we can get into that is the fact that these creatures these plants actually have to work harder and they have to produce more polyphenol to protect themselves against insect predation and so that's actually the reason you want to eat organic so when you're going to the farmer's market and the poor little organic vegetables they've got potholes of insects that they're dying and they don't look very good you go I want that guy that guy is struggling he is going to just be so loaded with polyphenols and correlation with that is the more bitter the better because polyphenols in general are very bitter for instance when we were developing you know my signature product vital Reds it's pure polyphenols primarily and they're bitter so we did lots of taste testing to figure out how the heck we're going to mask these really bitter compounds so more bitter more better in fact as I talk about in in the book I I had the pleasure of knowing Jack LaLanne uh who who you would know is really the Godfather of Fitness and Nutrition in the United States and I knew him in his later years um and Jack used to have a saying is that if it tastes good spit it out interesting now what he really meant by that is bitter things nasty tasting things is actually what is going to give the bugs that are actually going to keep you alive what they want to eat and don't you know more bitter more better so you know the more polyphenols the more bitter greens I can get into you the better interest but you can get that through capsules and other things too you don't yeah you can uh and in fact that's one of the reasons I'm a Nut about taking a bunch of supplements because we if you look at even you know really good organic eaters most human beings only eat maybe 20 different plant species um I probably like three yeah yeah most people do like five maybe you know and you know ketchup is not a vegetable it's a tomato and we can't we can't do that so our our ancestors and even looking at modern hunter-gatherers like the hanza tribe they go through they eat 250 different plant species on a rotating basis and you think about all those plants are grown organically uh they're in six feet alone soil they got their cool microbiome so they're just replete with all these nutrients and polyphenols and so you know if people think that they can actually do a great job eating healthy without supplementation and I got ocean front property in Palm Springs I'm happy to sell them um it's a surprise exactly okay so I want to give one more thing I've heard that in order to extend your life you need to I can't remember the name extend something at the end of your telomeres telomeres what is your telomere so how do we is that true you have to extend this so that is one theory of longevity and that it is a it's a good theory I like the theory it's controversial um vitamin D turns out that people with the highest levels of vitamin D have the longest telomeres there you go so why wouldn't you do that right if you like that theory there you go so that's vitamin D is vitamin D it's if anybody who is if anybody takes away it's vitamin D so you've given four things so far let's give me one final thing that can extend our life and the the quality of our life as well great so the last thing we want to do is we want to turn off as much as we can the sensor called mtor originally called the mammalian Target of rapamycin it's subsequently been discovered in all organisms besides mammals and so now it's called the mechanistic target of rapamycin and so mtor is an energy sensor and it's in all of our cells and basically we come from a circadian rhythm system of plentiful food at one time of the year and very little food at another time of year right fruit sometimes nothing exactly and we use fruit to gain weight for the winter and that's a whole nother subject so mtor senses energy availability and it senses sugar molecules and it also senses amino acids protein now it turns out that it's very sensitive to particular amino acids rather than all amino acids the ones that's most sensitive to are amino acids contain in animal protein and animals include fish animal protein includes eggs it includes cheeses and besides you know meat so beautiful work that's been done a lot of it done by now my friend Walter Longo from USC from the longevity Center is that the mimicking yeah the fasting mimic and I've taken that a couple times and I yeah he got a patent for prolong yeah prolonged yeah yeah you got a patent for it yeah it's a prolonged is a vegan low amino acid diet that you do for five days yeah it's tough the first time it is for me now in the book I wrote about in the plant Paradox actually before he made problem but I write about it again and he and I and he's even given me a nice shout out on the back uh if you the idea is you want to reduce mtor as much as you can and the longer the more you suppress it the longer you live and here's the reason you if times are rough and you sense that times are rough your body your immune system actually goes around and looks at all the cells in your body and says who's pulling their weight who is really you know contributing to this effort and who's a slacker who looks a little weird who's not you know not doing and it actually instructs cells to commit suicide and it's called autophagy and it tells cells sorry you know you're not you're out of here you die um and so it gets the fittest of the fittest to survive it makes you stronger and you have to have these periods of time you have to call the herd as we say so unless you do that you have all of these cells that just kind of build up the debris they're called senescent cells some people call them zombie cells and it's the amount of these zombie cells that is actually going to make you deteriorate long before you should get sick exactly so you got to call the hurt so how you do that five days in a row once a month once a month you do this once a month five days in a row five days in a row you follow uh a vegan diet of about 900 calories and I got some great recipes it's easy to do and you do it five days in a row yep it's as if you did calorie restriction every day and what this does is not only call The Herd but it activates stem cells now everybody says oh stem cells you know it's the future you've got Oodles of stem cells in you already where do you think we get the stem cells we you know take a liposuction and suck out your fat and then we spin it around we get your stem cells and inject you right back in they're already there you just have to call them into action so when someone does that when they pull it out of you they're essentially just killing off the dead cells and then putting the good ones back in no they're actually you know they're sent confusing out the stem cells stem cells are in fat they're everywhere actually so you but you got to activate the great crazy thing so you activate them by this modified fast or you do intermittent fasting or time restricted fasting for instance for the last 12 years during the winter from January through June Monday through Friday I don't eat breakfast I don't eat lunch and I eat all my calories in a two hour window from six to eight o'clock a night so 22 hour 24 hours I'm fasting for how long for six months six months you do that yeah oh my gosh now I do that because way back when you're just drinking olive oil and vitamin D all day no during the night during those two hours yeah okay wow our gut is leaky so that our cops are always on hyper alert so a little benign little peanut lectin comes in now it breaks through and the cops go oh my gosh you know kill it kill it right and that's why we got epipens with all of our little kids wow now the same thing happens we most of us number one don't have a great microbiome that is able to fend off viruses fend off bacteria like they should after all they are defending their home right but more importantly probably because most of us have leaky gut most of our immune system that should be up in our nose in our mouth protecting us against a virus is down in our gut attacking whatever is coming through the wall of our gut and it's completely distracted now where I'm going with this is you hear on the news that people with chronic medical conditions are the people who are most susceptible to viruses in general to the flu to whatever and well why is that why why would having high blood pressure make you susceptible more susceptible to dying from a virus that actually doesn't make any sense but if having high blood pressure is actually a sign that you have a leaky gut and that most of your immune system is actually down in your gut rather than patrolling the periphery like it should in your immune system is I mean all the troops are down distracted then it makes completely sense that you would be susceptible to this yeah and let me give you a great story years ago years ago I was at the uh I present a lot of papers at the microbiota meeting in Paris every year and there was a fascinating paper that um there are smelling neurons olfactory neurons you know that live in our nose that live in our kidneys and live in our heart and you and you go well why would I need why would my kidneys need to smell anything why would my heart need to smell anything and it actually intrigued me until I realized in writing my next book which is called the energy paradox that these smelling organs in our kidneys and our heart smell bacterial farts the fermentation products of bacteria and they can smell good farts and they can smell bad farts and if they smell bad bacteria farts they actually activate the blood pressure system to make your blood vessels more rigid and give you high blood pressure and what was striking to me and I didn't know the reason way back when is when I had people with high blood pressure and we put them on my program one of the first things the first calls I would get is uh what are you giving me what supplement are you taking that's making me lightheaded and dizzy and you know I look at my nurse and I look at me and there isn't a supplement that does that you know come on into the office let's see you know of course their blood pressure is really low and we go okay you know let's cut that high blood pressure pill in half and then they call back a couple weeks later so I'm dizzy again and we bring them back in sure enough their blood pressure is low okay okay let's get rid of that blood pressure what we were doing is we were changing the bacterial signals in their gut and they were now getting if you will good farts that they were smelling in their kidneys and their blood vessels were reacting and we eventually developed tests that we could prove that in fact that happens and publish that data as well so this is not it's not Science Fiction it's not conjecture and so we we now know that there's this incredible symbiotic organism that is us and the more we learn about the really important part of us the more it almost makes sense on how we work and returning to Dr David Kessler the head of the FDA he said you know when you and I Steve were going through medical school we were taught that the intestines was just a hollow tube and all they were there for was to absorb protein fat and carbohydrates end of story that's all we were taught and he says who who could have guessed that you know living down there were a hundred trillion five pounds of bugs that were essential for the functioning of everything uh you know it's like Dr Ayman says you know who would have guessed that mental illness is coming from the gut wow the brain and the gut yeah the gut brain connection he said who would have guessed because all of us thought that's just a tube and yeah there's a few bacteria down there and they're really bad and we poop them out and you know just waste right now we know to think more on that they are us wow now there's so many things you've covered here that I want to close a loop in a couple of these I'm trying to figure out the solution to my peanut butter problem what's the nut butter that I can eat that's actually okay so uh is there one yeah so interestingly enough we have a number of people with rheumatoid arthritis who react to the peel of an almond there is a lectin in the peel of almonds so you take the peel off you take peel and skinned almonds are okay yeah so like Marcon almonds and you can find them really yeah it shouldn't be an issue then it shouldn't be an issue yeah so um if you're going to choose that's interesting yeah so walnuts are a great choice pistachios are a great choice every time I eat a walnut I sneeze uh so there are some tannins and walnuts that certain people react to so stay with stay with pistachios macadamia nuts I love Macarena nuts they're really good um magnets are okay you know so but yeah so get yourself some peeled almonds I'm gonna do that now try it okay uh you said American milk is something that we should not have in order to fix leaky gut yeah is there such thing as non-american milk that is okay to drink yeah so most people can have sheet milk can have goat milk interestingly enough goat milk traditionally was called mother's milk because the con the components in goat milk are very different than cow milk yeah they're far more similar to human milk and so I actually tell mothers if they're going to you know give their child some animal milk please make a goat milk yeah rather than cow's milk okay is there any other foods that we should know how to eat to heal our uh leaky gut so the the more the more you and I need to talk about this in planned Paradox as well but yeah uh the more you there are a few people that actually react to either the white or the Yoke of eggs most people don't okay but that we test for those and here's just something to throw out I don't want to cause Widespread Panic yes there is a lot probably enough of that in the water right now that's right yeah we have plenty there is a lectin in spinach that um I was unaware of but thanks to a company called vibrant America they discovered that there are class of lectins called aquaporins and they're present in tobacco they're present in spinach they're present in corn they're present in soybeans they're present in green peppers and I think that's it anyhow they actually can cause leaky gut and they can cause leaky brain and I stumbled upon this because I have a few people with really bad IBS and really bad autoimmune disease who are Saints they follow my program they never cheat why would they why do they still have and they why do they still have issues and so when we had these new tests lo and behold almost every one of these people reacted to spinach no way and they ate a lot of spinach and knock on wood so far when we took the spinach away from them that was the key now don't everybody go home and throw out your spinach but if you're following my program and my program does have spinach in it and we're still having problems consider giving up spinach there's no human need for spinach now you said uh what was her name is she had Dr Terry is underneath Gary Walter you're Terry Walsh you said she was doing like 10 or 12 cups of veggies a day for nine cups of vegetables the snake looking back at you yeah now what should those now why is it important to have nine cups of vegetables and what does that do for your microbiome so you've got every day this is so getting back to Dr David Kessler head of the FDA we thought that carbohydrates for carbohydrates and you know and complex carbohydrates starches were fine because they're complex carbohydrates everybody's wrong food manufacturers have figured out how to make a complex carbohydrate a simple carbohydrate and make you think it's a complex carbohydrate okay so when you read a label number one if you have to read a label you're probably you should put the package back because there shouldn't be a label on a head of lettuce right give you an example but you have to take and if anybody if the take-home point from this is where we'll save so many people's lives read total carbohydrates on the label then take away the dietary fiber that'll be the next thing under it so that will tell you the amount of grams of sugar per serving in that package do not look at where it says sugar do not look at added sugar it is a lot if it says zero sugar zero added sugar yeah so let me give you an example that he used on my podcast which was a great example he said let me what would you find in a store the label says it's 300 calories it has zero fat it has zero grams of sugar and it has four grams of protein and it has 35 grams of carbohydrates the broccoli I don't know what is that it's a bagel a bagel a bagel and wow 300 calories 300 calories wow zero sugar how does that have zero sugar I thought that's just it the label law lies to you it's got 35 grams of carbohydrates now to make that extra sugar which is sugar it is pure sugar in fact it is better than sugar the way it has been manufactured so you take to figure out how much that is there's four grams of sugar per teaspoon so let's take his 35 grams of sugar divide by four let's make it easy make it 36 grams that's nine teaspoons of raw sugar in that bagel so that's number one all of a sudden you have how many grams of sugar would that be that's well so a Coke a 12 ounce Coke is about 12 grams of sugar wow so you're basically chugging a Coke when you eat a bagel it'll actually get into your bloodstream faster now than if you chubbed a Coke no way how is it going faster when it's just because it's been broken down you actually have to digest the sugar molecule and the coke you don't have to digest the sugar molecule in a bagel really yeah and Main lines so that's number one number two what nobody knew was the bacteria that most of your bacteria live down in your colon and your lower part of your small intestine and they're waiting for the complex carbohydrates that you do not digest normally they're waiting for their meal that always used to come and that meal never comes anymore because everything's been so finely processed that we don't get those complex carbohydrates down to them so they starve to death now what's really cool is that those guys take that meal and they make all these really cool compounds that number one keep the wall of the gut intact allow the wall of the gut to heal itself they make compounds that actually are text messages to the mitochondria in all of our cells and particularly in our brain that guys down in the engine room are working under full power and we've got you know Scotty beam me up sort of thing you know give me warp drive five and we've got the power and you know it's okay to go into hyperspace if they don't make those compounds your mitochondria go jeez I'm not I got nothing to work with here and we got no backup system I'm going to sputter down to a crawl and people wonder why they're fatigued even though they're eaten more than ever and they're eating all these sports drinks and they're having you know 27 cups of coffee and going you know where's my energy and it's because we no longer have this beautifully designed symbiotic relationship and we starve the most important part of of us and that's why Jacqueline said if it tastes good spit it out so it's a why nine cups of vegetables then because that is actually giving those guys what they want to eat now Terry doesn't didn't know this back then but her first book was minding my mitochondria or feeding my mitochondria but now we know it's actually we gotta feed those guys we have to eat for them mitochondria we gotta eat for the bacteria they'll back they're back so not the mitochondria yeah so in the longevity Paradox here's the really scary thing mitochondria are actually engulfed ancient bacteria wow billions of years ago um cells invited bacteria to live inside them in exchange for a nice place to live the cell said we'll give you what you want to eat in exchange for you making ATP energy for us and obviously it was a good deal and because that's continued now So within us all of our cells have engulfed ancient bacteria that produce energy for us and what so really fun is the bacteria in your gut are the sisters of the mitochondria which are bacteria in our cells and they actually talk to each other okay and here's what's really cool you and I inherited our mitochondria from our mother dad did not give us any mitochondria okay so all mitochondria are female and if everything went okay you and I inherited our gut microbiome from our mother who literally took a crap on us as we exited the birth canal right and you know most everybody kind of knows that you know yeah mom took a crap on me yeah ladies if you hate your mother no she didn't she didn't take a crap on you but your mother gives you your initial dose of bacteria and that's actually why cesarean section babies who don't get that dose take up to six months to get a normal immune system compared to a vaginal delivery what do you think I mean a lot of research has changed since you wrote the plant Paradox I mean new research comes out in the world sure as more people are studying these things around Health what do you think is going to evolve in the next five to ten years like that hasn't come out yet that is going to be the next new science in five to ten years that maybe you're testing or you're seeing other people testing or you just have a hunch about well I think one of the things um that is interesting is this whole food sensitivity idea that we could be eating what would normally be what would seem to be very healthy food like say broccoli yes and yet if we have a leaky gut that broccoli in itself could be our enemy initially interesting and I think it actually it it's fascinating when I do and I do it more and more now with with people who have really followed the rules pretty well but I've gotten better but they're not all the way when we do you know leaky gut tests and the food sensitivity tests it go it flashes and people go oh you know oh my gosh you know um I can tell you you know when I have ginger uh you know I don't like ginger it bothers me and yet Ginger is really healing we have tons of people react to Ginger or they'll say oh yeah you know I knew that I didn't like this I didn't know why but you know there it is so I think we can really you know kind of customize um people for interesting and I think you know this is not new but I think the more we come to realize this um you know Hippocrates said 2500 years ago that all disease begins in the gut yeah and the guy was right and I think what we are beginning to realize is you name the disease it's from something going on in the gut leaky gut I now think heart disease is from leaky goddess just the manifestation so you know and I paraphrase Hippocrates all disease begins in the gut but all disease can end in the gut that's when we fix it yeah which I think to me is really empowering food is medicine yeah it can kill you or it can heal you very true now here's something we haven't talked about yet which all the keto people are going to want to hear and learn more about because on the keto diet what I'm used to knowing is that you eat as much meat and cheese and milk as you want right it's like you need all the meat in the world yeah well that's a high protein keto diet okay yeah there's so many crazy versions there's the high protein there's the dirty there's the clean keto so what is I mean so but you're right um all the longevity experts including yourself have talked about something around the Mediterranean diet like having more vegetables yeah a lot less meat you know if you're gonna have meat have fish um and where does meat come in with this now yeah so that's those are good questions there's there's several problems with uh beef lamb and pork and I wrote about this in the plant Paradox and with each passing year it gets a stronger and stronger evidence there is a sugar molecule in beef laminate Port called new 5gc and I talk about who knew and it new 5gc is on their blood vessels we have a different sugar molecule called nu5 AC we share that Sugar molecule with Fish and Chicken fun announcement you saw about the pig heart going in too yeah done by a good friend of mine Bartley Griffith so tell us about what happened so they engine I I used to hold the longest record for a pig to baboon heart transplant ungenetically modified 30 days well the baboon stayed alive yeah yeah and working you know and you made the transplant yeah I did the parents but the record unmodified now what they did what we knew back then that's crazy is the pig had this dumb sugar molecule on it that we react to it had new 5gc and so what they've done with that pig is they've genetically bred that pig to have our sugar molecule new 5ac so when our guys go past the wall of the pig's blood vessels we see you know our sugar molecule so why is that important well we know that we can develop an antibody to nu5 GC in beef lamb and pork and it looks so similar to the antibody that lines our blood vessels that we attack our blood vessels by mistake when we see our own and that may explain why meat eating is much more associated with coronary artery disease number one we also know that cancer cells use new 5gc to hide from the immune system they literally cloak themselves we don't manufacture new 5gc we we have new 5ac so they have to acquire new 5gc from our diet and that may explain why meat eating Associates higher with cancer development because of this molecule and so that's one reason second reason that the Cleveland Clinic would propose and vegans would propose is that a lot of our gut bacteria will take components in meat even chicken even fish and turn it into a compound that can really damage blood vessels called tmao and I've written about in all my books most of us have got bacteria that when we meet uh we'll make tmao fun fact if you eat a lot of polyphenol containing foods or take polyphenol supplements like Resveratrol like grape seed extract those polyphenols paralyze our gut bacteria so that they can't make tmao they don't kill him it paralyzes the enzyme system and that may explain why Italians can eat sausages and you know whatever and not have much heart disease it's because of the rich polyphenol diet that's suppressing that production so those are yeah those are some of the arguments so if someone's going to be on this specific diet how much meat should or can they have well so what types of meat yeah so what I try to do is limit people to about two to four ounces of animal protein a day and less the better is what I'm saying yeah really the less the better use it you know use it yeah a couple times a week yeah use it as a garnishment not the main thing not the main thing a little yeah you know I mean if you want a big giant you know Caesar salad with no croutons and you know I want three grilled shrimp on you know great you know that's a that's a wonderful meal but we really our protein needs are so overestimated and we could get into our discussion on that but we really only need two and a half eggs gives you all the protein you need in 24 hours you don't need a lot more meat you don't need a lot more meat gotcha don't get me wrong I grew up in Omaha you know I mean steak all day oh yeah you know steak and bacon for breakfast you know steak and eggs for lunch you know side of side of pork for dinner I mean that's 11. yeah exactly not living very long time quick so um high fiber yeah High soluble fiber Less meat Less meat uh and and really less lamb beef and pork is what I'm hearing yeah less lamb beef and pork like if you're gonna have a steak do it once a month yeah you know actually you know my wife and I will have a grass-fed grass finish uh six ounce fillet um once three every three months and it's really good and we enjoy it and but you know it's really good yeah um but even that every day doesn't from your research and your experience for what decades doing heart yeah well I've been well and I've been doing you know nutritional research now with patients for you know this is my 22nd year but you were heart surgery for how long oh for too long no I was a heart surgeon for 50 years 50 years so working with the heart for that long and seeing what people were eating to get to that place right and the exciting thing you know subsequently is watching people reverse heart disease by changing what they eat by eliminating some of these things now to go back to the the pig heart what has happened now so there was a pig heart transplant from a pig that was modified genetically modified to have a sugar molecule that we that we have instead of his sugar model and so lining his blood vessel and so this happened what a week or two ago yeah last week so the your colleague did a heart transplant of the pig into a human being correct and the human's alive yeah and no just remember baby Fey uh my colleague Leonard Bailey she lived for 14 days with a baboon hard in her so there's this kind of grace period where this intense rejection against all right a foreign substance takes place now so it's not going to feel good for with pigs the the in the rejection was so immediate that before my research the longest a pig in a baboon could go was about four hours because the intense rejection was after that Sugar molecule on the pig blood vessel so it's gonna I mean they've done some really hard to heart transplant from Human to human it sure will attack it's dramatic exactly but yeah but they've done they've done their homework this has been going on now for well over 20 years a lot of the research that I started at Loma Linda and it's it's gone to fruition and you know the FDA has allowed a compassionate use for this guy and but they've done they've done very good homework on looking at what the protein molecules that our immune system is looking for that's different in a pig and then genetically modified that's crazy yeah so we'll see how what happens yeah so but is this guy awake oh yeah he's waiting he's talking he's able to talk right now then wow yeah that's fascinating yeah so I mean this was not one of these last ditch spur of the moment this this has been this research has been going on for a very long time wow I started I started this research at Loma Linda in our xenotransplant lab in 1989. so it's been going on now how many heart transplants did you do oh geez uh we usually did baby heart transplants we did over over one a week for multiple years we've we don't do them as much anymore because we've refined the way of repairing baby's Hearts where they can actually survive the operations and so we don't need it as much anymore but in adult transplants we need so many adults we don't have any donors so I mean there's a tremendous need for this um and artificial Hearts you know I was one of the first 20 surgeons selected to put in the artificial heart um even artificial hearts are not great I mean they're a nice stop Gap but so if this can happen it would just be phenomenal so the plant Paradox is that there's certain plants that absolutely positively do not want us to eat them at all in that circumstances took them or chop them or slice them or skin them doesn't matter they were here first and they had a really great before animals arrive because nobody wanted to eat them and my you know my my research at Yale was in human evolutionary biology so plants have the same evolutionary drive as animals they want to grow and they want to have baby seeds they want to protect themselves and they want to protect us they don't want to die exactly so when animals arrive they had a problem because animals can run they can hide they can fight but plants are stuck but plants are chemists of incredible ability so they can turn sunlight into matter like around your wall here wow and so what they use is chemical warfare to actually defend themselves defend themselves and to even make animals do their bidding because for instance just throw an example most plants want you to eat their fruits because the fruit continue to go reseed them yeah so you'll eat their fruit the seeds and the fruits are inedible and you'll either spit them out or if you swallow them they'll survive going through your intestines and you'll poop them out someplace else and with fertilizers it's perfect yeah and they're away from Mom and Dad so for instance if an apple you know Falls underneath the apple tree that poor kid doesn't have much of a chance because Mom or Dad going to shade them the next year but if it gets carried off you know even 100 feet away and then it gets dropped the plant does this on purpose crazy and in fact you and I love fruit because you and I were designed to eat fruit once a year in the summer to gain weight for the winter so it was a really good trade-off between for instance great apes and plants but the fascinating thing is manufacturers food chemists know this and we are drawn with color vision and only animals that are fruit Predators actually have color vision because you want to know when the fruit is ripe when it has the highest sugar content right and the plant wants you to know when it's ripe because that's when the seed finally has an impenetrable shell and it doesn't want you to eat it before that time so it tells you okay Now's the Time the shiniest object it's time to eat it yeah yeah you know so what colors does it use in general it uses Reds and oranges and yellows to denote ripeness so the next time you're going down the snack aisles looking for all the great munchy stuff you'll be shocked that most of the companies use oranges Reds yellows to get your attention because it goes direct into the deep Center of your brain and says that color means I should eat it I'm going to get a lot of calories and I'm going to be the big winner for the winter wow but if you're doing that every day many years in a row yes you're always storing fat for the winter that's exactly right and that's part of the plant Paradox is that once upon a time we only had fruit and a very limited time period now we have it accessible all the time there were no 747s bringing blueberries to Costco in February and they just weren't so one of the weird things about our computer program is like Tony Robbins is always fun to say we we were on version 1.0 of our operating system we've never had an upgrade and the same goes to the foods and the plants and the fruit we eat so we were supposed to eat fruit once a year and when we were eating fruit our brain says oh my gosh it's summer winter is right around the corner you know we should eat this stuff because Winter's a tough time whether it's dry season in a rainy season a cold season and we better store up fat just like a bear you know bears eating all those blueberries and huckleberries and they're storing fat for the winter so if you're eating blueberries at Costco in February that came from Chile your operating system doesn't know it's February it says heck it's August and Winter's right around the corner so I better eat some more of this stuff and this is one of the things that's happening to us in particularly American society but now most of the Western countries yeah we're eating things that we have no business eating 365 days a year and most of us are just getting ready for the winter That Never Comes especially within live in LA yeah it's never getting cold yeah never comes you don't need a store like that you really don't yeah but that's you know that's part of the problem wow so huh what are the main plants that we should never be eating then okay real quick uh up until 10 000 years ago we live primarily on the leaves of trees and we ate two birds that grew in the ground like a sweet potato a yam I love those yeah they're actually they're pretty darn good for you now you were actually designed to eat them and 12 000 years ago 10 000 years ago we switched over to things that we had never eaten before and those were the grains of grasses and beans now the reason we'd never eaten them before is number one we didn't need to there's never been a documentation of an ape eating grass or grains beans are so lethal that five raw kidney beans will kill a human being in five minutes by coagulating their blood what five raw kidney beans raw kidney beans in fact you know most people have heard of the poison ricin the white powder you send to your elected official oh yeah lots on the way to Washington yeah that's another subject so ricin is the lectin of the caster bean and we'll talk about lectins next electin is the plant defense system these are proteins that are designed to basically kill us in one way or another and so ricin so powerful that about four molecules of rycin will kill a human being instantaneously there's a great study that was written up in one of the journals about a few years ago they decided to have a healthy eating day in Boston yeah and they serve the kids beans and because it's so healthy part of the Blue Zone yes and they had 30 or 40 admissions to the hospital with severe diarrhea hypotensions and it turns out that it was all the fact that the beans were undercooked and beans are a plant baby and we're not supposed to eat those and so no beans no beans zero beans unless you use it Pinto black none of that we shouldn't be eating it shouldn't be you weren't designed to eat it you had no defense no matter how it's cooked if you pressure pressure cook it it's fine pressure cook it what does that even mean put it in a pressure cooker the modern pressure cooker is as easy as a rice cooker got it it's one touch it's not your grandmother's pressure cooker that blew up in the kitchen so then it's okay to eat yeah so you can pressure cook beans now the other thing we weren't designed to eat grains now just a quick question before you start there how much of it can we eat it doesn't matter once it's pressure cooked obviously everything in moderation but I mean yeah well like I was presenting 20 beans are gonna kill me or whatever no if you pressure cook them they're fine it's all good okay and we talk about how to do this in the plant Paradox but my personal feeling is the only purpose of eating a being is to get olive oil into my mouth and we can talk about that as we go along okay so grains for instance everybody heard about gluten yes all right so gluten is a lectin and again a lectin is a plant's defense system It's A protein that actually is designed to act like incoming guided missile attacks wow on the inside wall of our gut and these things actually pry open the lining of our gut and actually break through the Border really yeah they really do that's what causes eczema and bingo breakouts yeah exactly acne brain fog irritable bowel this is actually all part of that process wow and so it's fascinating to see people who either have come to see me or have even read the book and then write on Amazon oh my gosh you know I had this horrible eczema and now a month later it's all gone and all I did was you know take grains and beans and night shades so away from my diet and everything got better so that brings us to the second kind of group of things we shouldn't eat all of us are not from the United States America we're actually from Europe Asia or Africa every one of us so and even our Native Americans are actually not Native Americans they're from Asia you know get over it right you're right so none of us were exposed to an American Plant until 500 years ago when Columbus started trade so getting to know a new plant a new lectin in 500 years is speed dating in evolution and I just don't think it would be done for instance the Italians refused to eat tomatoes for 200 years after their Native Son Columbus brought them back because they knew how dangerous they were they were part of the deadly nightshade family and they when they started eating them they always peeled and deseeded their tomatoes because the Peels and the seeds actually have the vast majority of the lectins and it's interesting years ago I was did my fellowship in children's heart surgery in London England and I had a house officer from Italy and he invited me up for pasta and tomato sauce yes so I I brought you know it'd be nice if I bought a couple cans of canned tomatoes you know help out sure and he looks at he says why did you bring me this we can't use this what do you mean canned tomatoes he says it's got Peels and seeds you can't make sauce with Peels and seeds he says what am I going to do with you you can't use Peels and seeds and I said why he says they're deadly and I said really and he says yeah everybody knows that and then I thought back as a child my mother my grandmother was French and she taught my mother that you always peel and deseed tomatoes before you slice them and and serve them so until I went to Yale I had never had a slice of a tomato with a peel and a seat wow and we it this was you know this has come from cultures for instance Peppers peppers are the same way they're part of the nightshade family you'll never open a glass jar of Italian bell peppers and see Peels and seeds because they're gone and the most striking thing is the Southwest American Indians uh always peel in DC they're Peppers before they eat them the Hatch Chili roast will be happening in another month and what do they do they roast their chilies peel the scarred off part de-seed them and then they eat them or they make them into chili powder right and you know you can prove this in your grocery store buy a can of green chilies chopped green chilies open it up you won't see any Peels and seeds because they're gone so tomatoes and um Peppers eggplant potatoes and potatoes now the if you peel them and Seed these things you're safer correct but you can pressure cook them and they're fine they're okay yeah got it now there's two American beans that everyone should stay away from peanuts or not a nut they're beans 94 of human beings carry a pre-formed antibody against the peanut lectin we can take rhesus monkeys our cousins give them peanut oil and they will develop atherosclerosis heart disease really if we take the lectin out of the peanut oil and then give them the peanut oil they will not develop heart disease so if you get lectin free peanut but there is no such dang it okay so get almond butter instead yeah it's much snow peanut butter no stay away from it you should eliminated 100 from your absolutely we can take and this has been done men feed them peanuts take their bowel movements feed them to rats and you will grow cancerous cells in the rat colon because they've been exposed to the peanut lectin yeah I love peanut butter though oh you know so I can have as much as I want and I went to medical school in Georgia you know Jimmy Carter you know man peanuts or everything yeah nope sorry eliminate it gone gone say goodbye lectins uh the science is getting better and better every year lectins thanks to a professor at Harvard uh Alessio fazano proved that in fact lectins like gluten can attached to the wall of our gut and kind of flip a switch and produce leaky gut and so it's not Science Fiction it's not pseudoscience we can now measure leaky gut we can quantify leaky gut and you wouldn't believe the number of people who have leaky gut have antibodies like they've been vaccinated against the various forms of Wheat and gluten is just one of the lectins in wheat there's plenty more so is gluten harmful for everyone or is it some bodies can handle a certain amount it's okay or is it like if you have gluten it's going to affect it in a negative way no matter who you are excellent question um so I've actually published data that we can take people with gluten sensitivity and with leaky gut and with antibodies to gluten and over a year period of time take away the foods that they're sensitive to and heal their leaky gut seal it up and with the passage of time those antibodies to the various forms of wheat disappear disappear wow they go away it's like it's like you keep needing a booster shot for you know for covet you literally lose the antibodies you lose the memory that you were interested in gluten gotcha and that's really exciting what does that do to your body when you lose the antibodies to glue so I think that you can now reintroduce gluten and get away with it got it okay in fact I've written about this on my personal self years ago we started doing uh autoimmune tests on on everybody including ourselves and there's markers for autoimmune disease like like lupus like Hashimoto's uh and so my assistant comes running and she says doc you got lupus and I go I don't have Lupus and she says yeah you know you have anti-nuclear antibody positive and I said huh that's interesting because my father's side of the family had massive psoriasis which is an autoimmune disease and he was on Methotrexate for 50 years long story short so I so I said huh yeah okay I've got a you know very strong family history for an autoimmune disease and I'm always experimenting with food I said that's really cool um I'm going to try to turn it off and so I went two weeks perfectly following the plant Paradox program measured it two weeks later gone wow okay that's that's good information if you stayed on that track it would stay probably gone but oh it was gone for years but if you went back on the so I decided to test it you know you got to experiment on yourself so I was we were editing the longevity Paradox in New York City and we we needed to do some more editing uh finished on Friday and I had to stay over for Monday to keep editing so I said you know I got a whole weekend here I'm I'm going to test the system so I had pizza I had bread I had pasta Tomatoes yeah I had ice cream and so I come back to Palm Springs and I test my anti-nuclear antibody and sure enough it's positive oh wow this is great and so I wonder how fast I can turn it off so I went one week retested negative so what does that tell me tell me tells me that I would I can produce leaky gut in myself but I can fix it really fast what I've learned from my patients over 22 years is when you got really leaky gut it's not going to fix in a week or two it can take three six nine months a year I have one patient and we just celebrated it's been a year and a half we've finally done with it wow um and the really cool thing once you once you heal a leaky gut you no longer have particles coming across your gut wall and eighty percent of your immune system is sitting lining your gut all of your white blood cells are just there waiting because troublemakers can come through and so if troublemakers are constantly coming through the immune system is on hyper alert and you know people hear about cytokine storm in covet well with the immune system hyper alert they're ready to fire it any little thing example I like to use Believe It or Not 95 percent of us are born with an antibody to the peanut lectin born with it what does it mean when you have an antibody to that so you literally have been vaccinated this means you can eat the food and it won't affect you it will it will affect you so 95 of us have it we have an antibody where it will affect us in some way but when I was growing up every little kid had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in school there were peanuts on airplanes baseball games yeah and baseball games or having peanuts and nobody had a peanut allergy nobody had any pins now of course if some you know poor little kid brings a little snack of peanuts uh three epipens are coming out and kids are having these tremendous allergic reactions and you go wait a minute oh why is that why you know my generation didn't ever had that never had that that's because back in the good old days almost nobody had leaky gut and so our immune system could defend against or no the immune system goes yeah I know that I'm not very interested in that you know that's not a big deal but now our immune system is walking around with Uzis you know and anything that looks even remotely worrisome you're gonna okay and that's why okay all of us I mean autoimmune diseases are off the wall 60 million women have Hashimoto's thyroiditis in America wow it's like huh and you know when I was in medical school back in the Dark Ages I mean these were incredibly rare diseases they were so rare that these series of tests looking for autoimmune diseases we called funny tests because we almost never ordered them let's get those funny tests but now people use them every week oh yeah I get autoimmune tests on every patient and it's shocking how many people have it okay so we all right so it's a gluten and lectin so what are the main foods so in the main yeah that have the most gluten or the most well so wheat Ryan barley yeah uh oat have a protein that cross reacts with gluten and I can't tell in the number of people who are eating oats is that they're one of the culprits what if it's when it when they say gluten-free oats is that right what does that mean when it's gluten-free yolks it basically means nothing because there's a protein in oats that isn't gluten but it looks a lot like gluten our immune system can't tell the difference similarly 70 percent of people who are sensitive to gluten react to Corn as if it was gluten and that's why so many patients when I've written a paper about this who are gluten free eating gluten-free foods so still have leaky gut autoimmune diseases and when we take away their healthy gluten-free foods it's like corn like oats like quinoa then their leaky gut goes away and their immune disease goes away what about when you process the almonds or the oats into almond milk or oat milk it's part of the problem with oats is that almost all of our oats in the United States have been sprayed with Roundup and a ton of our organic oats have Roundup on them and Roundup glyphosate is a major leaky gut disruptor in and of itself is so so even if it says organic oats gluten-free organic oat milk you you no human being ate a grain until 10 000 years ago no human being ate a grain of rice until 8 000 years ago these didn't exist human beings used to be as tall as you ten thousand years ago wow yeah then We Shrunk down to my size after we started eating Graves really yeah We Shrunk about a foot after uh agriculture okay literally shrunk our brain sizes decreased 15 percent after the dawn because of the foods because the foods were ready yeah that's fascinating yeah okay so darn it so when you process it into a milk you know what does that mean is it better is it worse is it the same so how does the gut take it in it really doesn't make any difference oh come on doesn't make any difference I'll give you a great example people age at different speeds and they date on your license may not represent your inner biological age at all if you're looking for ways to extend your health span and slow down the aging process the keys to your Health and Longevity run in your blood that's why inside tracker provides you with a personalized plan to boost your metabolism reduce stress improve sleep and optimize your health for the Long Haul it's created by Leading scientists in aging genetics and Biometrics inside tracker analyzes your blood your DNA and fitness tracking data to identify where you're optimized and why you're not you'll get a daily action plan with personalized guidance on the right exercise nutrition and supplementation for your body at inner age 2.0 to any plan for a definitive calculation of your true biological age to see how you're aging from the inside out when I got my results back from inside tracker they told me and I quote Lewis you're beating the clock and that feels good and now that inside tracker has shown me my biological age they are now providing an action plan of science-backed recommendations with the goal of improving the quality and quantity of the years ahead for a limited time get 20 off the entire inside tracker store just go to inside forward slash School of greatness for more originally the plant Paradox program was called The Matrix after the movie and my editors and Harper Collins thought it was kind of two macho man yeah no not touchy feeling enough true story right and uh so we called it the plant Paradox and the rest is history but uh originally almonds were not allowed on the program because I had a ton of people with autoimmune diseases that almonds they would react to even almond flour but uh the plant Paradox you know take away a lot of stuff and my editor said hey come on you're a mean guy you know give us some you know give us something like well almonds the peel of the Almond has the majority of the lectin so I'll tell you what let's have you know blanched and peeled almonds like Marcon almonds that's why those people do that um and let's give them blanched almond flour okay and everybody's happy so it works for ninety percent of people who just pick up the plant Paradox with an autoimmune disease they resolve their issues without even visiting me but about 10 percent of people even visiting me playing by the rules still they're better we can measure that they're better on their leaky gut but they're not all the way and so we do these tests called food sensitivity tests now that's totally different than food allergy tests food sensitivity Believe It or Not basically says that if you've got spaces in the wall of your gut that undigested food particles like let's just use almonds which would normally be digested into simple sugars simple fats simple amino acids and absorbed through the wall now pieces of food can potentially go across the wall undigested and your immune system says what the heck I've never seen a piece of broccoli before you know what's that doing in here that's foreign to me and I'm going to attack it and I'm going to make a memory of what that broccoli looks like and anytime I see anything that looks like broccoli I'm going to attack it so we see these people who are you know they're having almond flour cookies and you know almond bread almond milk and almond milk and then we test them for food sensitivity and up comes almonds and um yeah I just got some wonderful story I had this woman with psoriasis horrible psoriasis on Two drugs and anyhow we got rid of all of our psoriasis got her off of all of our drugs and she had this two inch patch of psoriasis in the middle of her back and that's all she had still left yeah and she said look you know I'm really happy you know it's nowhere else no one sees it but isn't that and she goes isn't that interesting that there it is and I said yeah I said would you mind if we did a food sensitivity and just kind of see if there's a couple things that we ought to get rid of and sure enough almonds you know pops up and so she got her results a couple weeks before I saw her and so she comes in and she said I got my results and guess what she's I've given up almonds two weeks ago and now it's down to an inch it's shrunk interesting yeah 50 in two weeks just by getting rid of almonds and she did that for another two or three weeks yeah and now it's gone wow isn't that interesting yeah I think they were food sensitivity or food allergy tests one of the two because I had a little patch of psoriasis right here like a little different skin you know it was like kind of a raised little impact it wasn't like spreading but it was a little patch here and kind of come and go and on all these tests I took they were like you have no sensitivities no license fees to allergies I'm not sure which one it was probably allergy tests we used to do those and I never thought they were any good even though gotcha I never thought I got the sensitivity the sensitivities sensitivity anyways they said that I didn't have any allergies or sensitivities I'm not sure which one it was but a lot of it what I realized was based on stress it was based on a lack of sleep and a lot of stress that was facing internal internal emotions that I wasn't able to process and essentially abandoning myself in certain occasions which made me kind of feel like I had a heightened immune system I guess which I think was the cause of this and stress in itself can actually produce leaky gut really oh yeah um I have particularly a number of women who can point literally to the day and hour that their autoimmune started their leaky got started so were they a sudden death of a mother for instance a divorce yeah divorce is right up there yeah so were they still eating like perfectly to you know the diet they were supposed to eat but they're like why do I have this you know yeah I mean they were eating quote a normal diet and they've been fine up until that and then stress heightened right and then kind of once you produce that leak they're open and interesting enough your immune system actually comes up to the Border or the wall your gut and you know there's a war going on there and as the war goes on you actually have friendly fire so your own immune system worsens the problem and so it just perpetually yeah the other thing we've learned is that viruses are actually really good at making leaky gut and my humble opinion is a lot of the long covet we're seeing is actually because of leaky gut from covet covert is a loves to attack the mucous membranes of us a lot of people present with Kobe with diarrhea for instance um so we've got gluten lectins wheat Rye barley oats the nightshades the nightshades tomatoes peppers Goji berries wait a minute Goji berries are supposed to be healthy for you algae berries are actually night shades darn it they're actually American plants they're called The Wolf Berry in America and they were taken over to China and trade in Colombian trade and they grew extremely well but yeah Goji berries are nitrates so all these and potatoes and potatoes and potatoes not sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes sweet potatoes are fine but potatoes are and beans but beans you can detoxify really easily with prolonged soaking prolonged cooking but most importantly a pressure cooker okay and there's two brands of beans now I have no relationship Eden and jovial that soak and pressure cook their beans before they say they send it to you yeah and you know people say wow you know you hate beans I have beans several times a week there you go as long as they're pressure cooked so what about potatoes is there a way to eat potatoes so anyway so most of the lectins are in the peel the skin the skin same with tomatoes and same with peppers so if you take the skin off your tomatoes and deep seed the tomatoes and peppers then you can eat them in sauce or yeah exactly in Italy you cannot make tomato sauce without peeling and deseeding tomatoes interesting you'll never open a jar of Italian red peppers and see Peels and see eats because they're gone you'll never open a can of chili peppers in the United States and see Peels and seeds because they're gone because the traditional cultures have always known to do this and how they know because their mother told them and blah blah blah and yeah I mean the Italians wouldn't eat tomatoes for 200 years after Columbus brought them back their native son because they knew how bad they were for them wow in fact Americans didn't start eating tomatoes until the late 1800s because they were believed to be you know deadly really and they were calling a part of the deadly nightshade family and then this had forgotten his last name and I think it's Colonel Mitchell he wasn't a colonel at all he stood on this he put an announcement in the paper in a suburb of Philadelphia that he was going to commit suicide by eating a bushel of tomatoes on the courthouse steps and he proceeded to eat a lot of tomatoes and he doesn't die seriously and I actually talked about in plant Paradox and that actually opened the floodgates to Americans uh eating tomatoes they said okay he's fine so we can say yeah yeah look he didn't die yay uh it's a myth where people thought of you eat this it's gonna kill you it's gonna it makes you really make you sick and we still have a lot of people who um do react with pain to the nightshade family so potatoes are fine if they're peeled yeah just don't eat skin or pressure cooker or pressure cooker then they're fine okay are there any others that you have in mind is that the main one peanuts and cashews cashews are actually poison ivy they're the same plant as poison ivy and why anybody would you know want to munch on poison ivy yeah it's beyond me but they taste so good well I agree I used to love them I am out of cashew I don't know how long so what do you see when people are eating cashews when they take the food sensitivity tests who have who stop eating cashews but there's probably a number of foods they're eating that affect them then they remove them correct yeah we remove them all and some of them make you know people cry um you know I have a I have an executive high up in one of the social media companies who developed a just a devastating painful autoimmune disease and the meds were making them even sicker and long story short and got referred to me and we did these tests and among other things he was sensitive to both egg whites and egg yolks and so you know now it goes now the problem was this guy lived on omelets he had an omelette every day he loved so good and you know he was yeah I can't do this I know look you know come on help me out here I said well get him back I promise just so you got to fix them yeah fix the leak so and sure enough you know his pain went away we got him off his meds so about nine months and we could measure his leaky guts getting better and better and better and he's a happy guy but he still wants his omelet so nine months in we retest them and now he can tolerate egg whites but he's still not good with egg yolks but now he's a happy guy he can have an egg white omelet here's the best part of this story so we go over this data two days later I get a phone call from him and he says oh I'm in such pain I said what'd you do I have an omelette he said well um I had an omelette for breakfast an omelet for lunch an omelette for dinner and then I just had another omelette and I'm in such pain what'd you do that for I I said you know you haven't seen this in nine months you gotta put it in there slowly yeah I got it yeah dumb sorry you know the light bulbs went off this morning yeah it was dumb but now he's eating you know egg yolks and so the really cool thing really cool thing is you can retrain the immune system and you can seal leaky gut so that you can have these Foods back as long as you you know moderation some precautions well you got to fix you know why for instance you got heart disease in the first place and um I was taught as all my colleagues were taught that heart disease is kind of inevitable that you know that's the leading cause of death for both men and women it's inevitable for all of us for yeah pretty much that's what we were talking about yeah and then even if you get it let's say you get coronary artery disease that the best we can do is slow it down to slow the progression and what I realized thanks to Big Ed who I talk about in all my books who reversed his coronary artery disease this is a man who had a hundred he was a thousand weight yeah yeah he was he was really overweight he was late late 40s he had inoperable coronary artery disease everything was clogged up and and this guy went so you went you opened him up no I well he had gone to six different centers the United States saying do you know do something and everybody who saw him said uh well no there's no place to do bypasses there's no place to do stents because everything's clogged up have a nice day and so this guy spent about six months doing this and um he went on a diet during this time and he went to a health food store and he bought a bunch of supplements kind of willy-nilly quite frankly and so when I met him he was still a huge guy with 265 pounds and he brings me his angiogram the movie of his heart from Miami Florida and I look at it and I go you know I agree with everybody else there's nothing I'm going to do for you and he says well yeah that's what everybody says but here's the deal you know I've gone on this diet I lost 45 pounds in the last six months and I've taken all these supplements and you know maybe I did something in here you know and I'm scratching my professional so the video was from six months prior prior wow okay and I said well good for you for losing weight and you know I know what know what you did with those supplements you made expensive urine which I fully believed and he said well you know why don't we do another angiogram you know what would it hurt so I go yeah hopes up but okay so this guy has cleaned out in six months time half the blockages in his coronary artery you know go on Trump and you go I've never seen this before that you know that that doesn't happen um and so what after 30 years of doing this oh yeah 35 years yeah and that doesn't happen you know come on that's impossible you don't clean things out the only way to clean it out is through surgery right yeah or put a stent in wow so let me give you an example and this is kind of off the subject um so if you work out with weights and you happen to wear a wet wedding ring or an aura ring you get calluses right yes so calluses are your body's response to protecting itself against an irritation and you build up layers and layers and right so it turns out that these plaques inside arteries is a response to an irritation and you build up calluses and think about if I took off this ring and started working out with weights uh this callus would go away because there's no longer any irritation and what Big Ed showed me was he had removed the irritation so he no longer needed calluses and starts his heart started to heal and it literally goes away and so that's what I've been doing for the last 20 years is teaching people how to remove the irritation to the inside of their blood vessels and the calluses miraculously go away they don't miraculously go away you don't need them anymore and was there was there a moment when you were doing deep in your practice where you're like I'm not going to work on another heart until they actually follow this plan and start losing weight and start eating the right things and then if there's no hope then maybe I'll dive in but was there a point where you're like never again will I do well yeah so I mean I wrote about this in the plant Paradox that I had this gentleman in his 60s bad diabetic who came in with a heart attack scheduled him for surgery the next morning we're in the pre-op room and the guy's trembling like a leaf and he says I can't go through this and I've learned enough that if somebody is that terrified don't go put him to sleep and do it because something probably is not going to work out very well fear um so I said okay I'll make you a deal I said you've got to follow everything I do tell you to do and if you do it I can guarantee you I will not have to operate on you but if you don't do it you know you're coming back here and we're going to do this well that was now 10 years ago he's not a diabetic he has no coronary artery disease he and you know he comes in twice a year now and just you know we do stress tests on him and and you know and he that he became one of my best patients wow and you know if you were going to do yeah all right we were Wheeling him into surgery and the guy's shaking like leave go I don't think I can do this I said okay here's the deal wow that's crazy oh yeah we always reminisce you know he says you know it's been 10 years now and you know I followed what you told me and I said yeah here you are you don't have a scar in your chest I said you're really bad for business what were the few things you told him that he went out and did was there like some specific exact things he did yeah um well I I do this in in all my books so we're actually Jack my my staff always told me don't don't say this story because if people get the wrong idea Jacqueline I got to know Jacqueline late in his life yeah he was actually an advisor to our arthritis Institute in Palm Springs and so you know jacket with a Godfather of Fitness I mean come on let's get let's do it the juicer the juicer that was his big mistake but anyway so Jacqueline used to have this expression is that if it tastes good spit it out and my you know I obviously like to sell books and my you know my staff don't say that because then they think they're going to eat twigs and weeds and it's going to taste awful and you know you gotta eat bad tasting food well that's not what he meant he actually meant that you should not be eating for this two inch by three inch piece of muscle your tongue but you should be eating for the microbiome for the back interior and all the other cute little viruses that actually live in your God live in your mouth live on your skin and if you eat for them they will take care of you because you are actually their home we're merely a condominium for bugs and and how many bugs do we have on our body so yeah we have well over a hundred trillion bacteria and since the human microbiome project was you know finished about five years ago now I mean we didn't know that these guys really existed in fact I was on my podcast the Dr gundry podcast we had Dr David Kessler who was head of the FDA in the Reagan years who made the um guidelines for the labels the labeling laws on the back of packages that you know show saturated fats and carbohydrates and the labels by the way if we get into this are completely wrong um they were forced on the Reagan Administration by big food companies wow and so anyhow you if you feed bacteria what they want to eat and that's is all in the longevity Paradox they will take care of you they will not they'll take care of the wall the lining of your gut and they you will not actually age which is kind of cool so if you take care of them of the bugs in your body you will not age right so you got a hundred trillion bacteria you have over 10 000 different species of bacteria and just last year they discovered another thousand so who knows right so 99 of the genetic material that exists in you and me is non-human genetic material we're only our genes are actually so unimportant it's kind of humorous and when people take a family history what they're actually finding out is if you if your parents taught you how to eat and most people's parents teach the kids how to eat and your parents had diabetes or your parents had high blood pressure or your parents had coronary artery disease and you eat like your parents did the odds are that you will do that right for two reasons the food choices that you made but more importantly you inherited your bacteria from your parents and actually your sibling there's a phenomenon called the Hallmarks of Aging which are these underlying things that go wrong as we age and these are phenomena that seem to underlie all disease so the idea is if you if you treat these things if you correct these problems all the Hallmarks of Aging that
Channel: Lewis Howes
Views: 1,485,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lewis Howes, Lewis Howes interview, school of greatness, self help, self improvement, self development, personal development, success habits, success, wealth, motivation, inspiration, inspirational video, motivational video, success principles, millionaire success habits, how to become successful, success motivation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 29sec (11069 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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