How to Turn $1,000 into $1,000,000

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How to turn $1,000 into 1  million dollars. Okay, I know,   I know. There are so many people telling  you that you can make a million dollars.   And I am here to tell you it is absolutely true.  I'm going to show you exactly how I turned $1,000   into a million. And more importantly,  how you can do it too let's go. I'm going to share with you today a step-by-step  guide on exactly how to go from $1,000 to a   million dollars really quickly. I'm going to  share with you my secret way on how to do this   even if you don't have $1,000 and if you even need  to use a credit card. And I'm going to share with   you on how I can take any business from zero  to a million dollars in less than 2 years.   I call it 2 to 2. Two years to 2 commas. So, there  are 3 basic definitions to being a millionaire.   There are 3 ways, basically. We have one, you  can be a millionaire because you have a million   dollars in cash. Now, this is definitely not  the type of millionaire that I recommend.   But if you have a million dollars in cash  then obviously, you are a millionaire.   The second way is to earn a million dollars per  year. If you earn more than a million dollars   per year, you would be considered a millionaire.  And then the third and final way.. And this is the   way that I first became a millionaire. It was  a millionaire by assets. Meaning, if you have   a million dollars in property or if you have a  million dollars in stock or if you have a million   dollars in anything, a million dollars worth of  cars and the liabilities on them are not exceeding   then you have a million dollars and you are  a millionaire. So, let me give you a quick   example. If you have 5 houses, just 5 houses  and each of those houses is valued at $200,000   and you don't have any mortgage on it. You own  those homes outright. Then you would be considered   a millionaire. What if you had 10 houses and they  were worth $100,000? Still be a millionaire. So,   it really doesn't take you having all of this real  estate or all of this property to have a million   dollars and become a millionaire? But I'm going to  tell you one of the best ways to be a millionaire   is to earn at least a million dollars per year.  It definitely puts you in income bracket where you   are in the 1% of all income earners in the world.  No, you are not rich and flying around on private   jets or anything like that. But you definitely  live a very, very, very comfortable life. And   that's what I'm going to tell you how you get  to that part. So, step one, create a business.   I know, this sounds so simple. But it really  is. You want to make an actual business. Now,   I'm not saying that you have to make a Walmart you  have to make a Microsoft or an Amazon. But you do   need to create a business. Meaning, you need to  follow these 5 steps. And again, I have an entire   playlist on YouTube teaching you exactly how to  start a business from scratch even if you have   bad credit. So, make sure you watch that entire  playlist if you need some more detailed steps.   But there are basically 5 things that you have to  do to have a business that will be viable for the   long term. And that is one you need to get an LLC,  an S Corp or C Corp. In other words, you need to   register your business with the secretary of state  so it can be recognized as an actual business.   Number 2, you need to get an EIN. That stands  for employer identification number. This will   work like your businesses social security number  and it's absolutely free if you go to The   next things that you want to do is get a  professional email, a professional phone number,   and a professional website. If you do those five  simple things and create an actual legal business,   you will be far ahead of most people and I will  tell you how you can unlock so much money for your   business in a really short amount of time. And  like I said turn $1,000 into a million. So, let's   get to the next thing because this is getting  good. So, number 2 and this is so important. You   actually want to become a entrepreneur. You want  to run a business. You're not just going to create   this business entity and then forget all about it.  You're really going to become a business because   there are so many benefits to becoming a business.  Not just owning a business and creating a business   but becoming an entire business. For example,  I am Noelle Randall Incorporated. Yes,   I have lots of other businesses but I have almost  become a business where everything that I do,   I am able to monetize and I am able to create  tax deductions and write-offs. Now, I am not   a tax a professional or an attorney or anything  like that. So, I'm not advising you in that way.   But what I am telling you is that once you  become a business and you start to monetize your   expertise and what you do and you actually don't  just have a business but you are the business,   you will have far more write-offs than if  you just are an employee. Additionally,   when you become an entrepreneur you become someone  that owns a business, you own your time, okay? So,   one of the amazing things that I love about being  a business owner and an entrepreneur is I create   my own schedule. I get to pick the clients that I  work with and say no to the clients that I don't   want to. I have unlimited income potential.  Meaning, I don't have a straight salary. And   if I'm only allowed to make this money then I have  to work overtime or do other things to make money.   I can do things in my business that other people  cannot do. I can increase my prices. I can take   on more clients, I can scale my business. I can  do things to grow my income way more than I ever   could at any job even when I was an executive  at some of these banks. I never had the control   over my income that I do now. So, there are just  so many benefits and the main 2 are owning your   time and having unlimited income potential so that  you have your freedom to work with who you want to   when you were to. Okay. So, let's get back to  this. Number 3, you are going to build business   credit. Now this is an amazing thing that you  can do really quickly to start getting money for   any business. Most people think that they need to  have a business that's profitable and making money   before they actually can get business credit  established and start getting funding for   their business. But this is not true. In fact,  it was one of the biggest mistakes that I made   in my business. I waited far too long to start  building business credit and start getting funds   in my business's name. And when I did do that,  my business absolutely exploded. Additionally,   I've been able to teach students people that just  got a business on day one. How to build business   credit and start getting funds for their business  in weeks, not years. So, this is something that   you can do today. You actually can move faster  than I did. You can catapult me in my results.   You can start a business doing those things that  I said. And then you can start building your   business credit really quickly and start getting  funding and grants for your business. And I'm not   just talking about funding as in loans. That is  definitely one of the options. But they also have   lines of credit, credit cards, and grants  available. I have students that have had   their businesses and there's tons of grant  and money out there for actual businesses. So,   make sure again that you have an actual business.  So, let's talk about how you'll build the business   credit because this is pivotal to turning  $1,000 into a million dollars really quickly.   Like I said in those other steps, you're going to  have to use some of that money that I mentioned   to set up the business entity to get the LLC or  the S Corp or the C Corp to get a professional   website and things like that. You'll probably  spend 3 or 4 hundred dollars doing those things.   In many cases, you can build your website yourself  or pay someone a really cheap amount to do it. So,   you're going to have some money that you spent  there. So, let's just say you have $600 left,   okay? And this is what you're going to do with  that. This is absolutely free though. You're   going to build business credit. You're going to go  to the Dun & Bradstreet website and you're going   to get a Duns number. That is the major credit  reporting agency for businesses. Now, again,   I have an entire video playlist where I teach you  all about business credit from beginning to end.   Make sure you check out that playlist on YouTube.  But I'm going to give you a quick summary right   here. You're going to get a Duns number you're  going to get that profile set up really quickly   and then you're going to start putting  trade lines on that business credit profile.   Again, I have an entire video where I tell  you exactly where to go and how to do it   so make sure you check out that playlist and  you watch it absolutely free on YouTube and   learn how to build your business credit in just a  couple of days. Step 3 and this is the fun part.   You are going to start marketing your  business. So, you have a business set up,   you now have a business credit profile set up.  So, now you're going to take a little bit of money   and you're going to start marketing your business,  okay? You're going to put out a few ads, you're   going to make some letters, you're going to run  Facebook or Google ads or Instagram ads. You're   going to put things on YouTube and boost your  posts and things like that. You're going to use   a small budget to start marketing your business. I  don't care whether you're doing videography, hair,   nails, real estate. If you're watching kids. I  don't care what business it is that you're doing,   you are going to start marketing that business.  Now, here is the key and I'm going to give you   this bonus and this is going to be worth you  watching this entire video. You need to make sure   that you get a business checking account. That way  any money that you get, even if you get %5 or $10,   you start making deposits into your business  checking account. Now, you can do some of that   with the $1,000 that you originally had. You can  start making deposits into your business checking   account and you can start making sales into that.  You really just want to start to show deposits   into your business checking account because there  are tons of lenders that will lend to a business   that shows deposits of a certain amount. So, start  looking into that. Do your research. You know,   I'm not going to be able to tell you all of that  necessarily here. But hopefully you're getting   what I'm saying and you're catching on to this  that if you have a business checking account and   all of these things, there are tons of lenders  and investors that will lend to your business   really quickly especially if you have already  started to market your business and they can   see that you're actually moving and doing things  in your business. And last but not least, you are   going to make sales. You are going to make some  sales in your business. Again, if you're cutting   grass, if you're doing hair, nails, videography.  Whatever it is that you're doing, you are going   to be able to turn that into a million dollars  really easily with the business credit and the   things that I shared with you. If you watch the  entire playlist on business credit, I teach you   how to start from nothing with business credit and  get other lenders and investors to lend and give   your business hundreds of thousands of dollars  in just the first year of your business, okay?   Once you have that money from your business where  they have funded you, now you can easily scale   your business. You can run more ads, you can sell  more products, you can buy more inventory. You   really just have to get going and use business  credit and business funds as the secret.   I have students that are turning a real business  just taking a small little business and turning   it into a million dollars really quickly just by  using business credit and the secrets that I share   with you here today. I just want to make sure that  you are using these things and you are actually   accepting some of these loans and credit cards and  funds when they give them to you. I know it may be   a little bit scary when someone offers you $10,000  for your business and you have to pay it back.   But if you're doing the things that I'm saying  and you actually use the money to run ads for your   business and you have a website and you have a  service that you're offering, you will be a-okay,   trust me on this. When you actually start  making offers and you sell the products and   the services that you have, more people will lend  to your business. It really just grows and grows.   So, step one, start an actual business. Step  2, start building the business credit profile.   Step 3, start advertising your business. Step 4,  continually build a business credit get business   funds and reinvest that money back into the  business so it can grow and grow. I have written   a book called real estate millionaire secrets  and I'm giving that book away absolutely free.   Just go to That's Noelle  (n-o-e-l-l-e with an s),   I have poured my heart into this book and I'm  sharing all of the secrets. There are checklists   and worksheets and things that you can actually  use and do so you can implement and make your   millions. I just want to make sure that you  have all of the resources, all of the tools,   and all of the knowledge that you need to be  successful. This is Noelle. To your success.
Channel: Noelle Randall
Views: 53,440
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Keywords: Noelle Randall, Noelle Randall Coaching, Real Estate, Airbnb, How to Turn $1000 into $1000000
Id: 7o_m3hLQC4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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