5 Stay At Home Side Hustles You Can Do Now

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did you know that there are more stay-at-home opportunities than ever before did you know you can make money using your cell phone or your laptop and be in your pjs while you're doing it well it's all true I'm going to show you exactly how I make money with my side hustles and some new side hustles that you have not even heard about that can start making you money now let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's fix that I'm going to share with you my fully researched and implemented SCI businesses that I do now and you can do too I'm going to share with you my true story of how much money I made with my side hustles and the opportunity that exists to make even more for someone that wanted to do it on a full-time basis and last but not least I'm going to share with you a new idea that almost no one is talking about because they don't even know it there are so many benefits to a home-based business and side hustles are now the new thing and that is because we need to create multiple streams of income so I know you're probably watching this video thinking yes I need some side hustles I need some side money and you are definitely on the right track I remember when I was working I always had a side hustle whether it was selling it works or Herbalife you know some of those type of things I always kept aside hustle and I even had some side businesses and there's so many benefits one you're working from home so it will allow you to work from anywhere that is your home you don't need an office you don't have that extra expense of paying for a lease or even buying or paying for space and working with someone and having to owe them space there's just so many advantages to working from home additionally tax breaks when you have a home-based business or side hustle you become a business and you'll be able to write off so many more things for example your cell phone or your car expenses just to name a few in fact I made an entire video telling you all about all of the benefits for a home-based business and I'll make sure to put a link in the description box for you and on the screen but again the bottom line to it is I know that you are watching this video because you know there are so many benefits to a side hustle and the biggest benefit is that it's really easy to get started so let me tell you how you do that so as many of you guys know I started off as a real estate investor from my parents basement and essentially it was a side hustle I ended up in my parents basement because I was trying to flip houses when I had a job and I absolutely did not know what I was doing and so when the market crashed in 2008 and 2009 we ended up losing everything and I ended up back in my parents basement dejected broke with bad credit well that's the perfect time to start a side hustle if you ask me so that's what I did I started with something called wholesaling and this is the first side hustle that I'm going to tell you about because I made a ton of money doing it and you can truly turn this into a full-time hustle if you so choose but I started like I said as a side hustle and I was making about five thousand dollars per deal let me quickly explain to you how you do that so wholesaling is a process where you find people that are behind on their mortgage payments or they're in a home that they cannot afford or the house is falling apart or there's some type of property problem that's causing them distress meaning they're about to lose the house or they do not want the house any longer and so you Market to these people you get them under contract and you flip those contracts to investors people that Fix and Flip homes people that want rental properties okay and again I'm telling you this absolutely free and I paid over twenty thousand dollars to learn this skill and I'm gonna quickly tell you the gist of it because you can start doing this now and I've made an entire playlist teaching you exactly how to start wholesaling houses fast and again I will put a link to the description box for you so back to this point you want to start finding people with property problems and it is very easy to do and it's very low cost you can find these people again get them under contract just use an example for one hundred thousand dollars and then simply flip that contract for maybe five thousand or ten thousand dollars more so in the example you get it under contract for one hundred thousand dollars and then you Market the property to other investors for maybe one hundred and five thousand or one hundred and ten thousand and you get to keep the difference so essentially you are work working as a marketer for the homeowner you are not their agent you're not a real estate agent that's not what you're doing you're just helping them find a buyer for their home through a network of wholesalers and investors again super simple I have an entire video teaching this it's a little bit too much to go into here but know that this is an awesome side hustle because again I was able to find a deal in like two months a month two months I had a deal worth five thousand ten thousand and then I was able to do this every single month my first year of doing wholesaling I had a deal almost every single month I think I did 13 deals that first year and I made over sixty thousand dollars just as a side hustle and again I didn't have to leave my home I was able to do this from my house with my computer and just look items up and then Mark it and send these things out absolutely free you gotta look into the side hustle most people don't know about it and it's absolutely amazing and there's even more opportunities now with some of the things that have happened with the pandemic and things like that there are so many people that need help with their homes and you can start making money in the process number two and this is the easy side hustle this is really just reading if you speak well if you know how to read you can make a ton of money reading people's audio books reading doing voice over work again a voiceover is when you speak over something that is happening or you do an audiobook recording where you record the book you just have to read the book and you record the audio and people will pay you for that I actually have books and I have paid for this service you can get started absolutely free in many cases and start signing up to do voice over work additionally if you have a phone or a computer you can start doing some samples and get your work out there there's websites you can just Google and put voice over work or voice over gigs and put your city and state and you can start getting signed up with all of these different companies that let you do this and on average you can make three hundred dollars a day doing this pretty simple pretty easy no real skills required except being able to read number three I absolutely love this one and this is a social media manager I know many people think that this is going to be something difficult or you need some specialized skill but that is so not true I have hired and paid so many people to do my social media and they did not have a lot of experience doing it as a business owner I am very busy I do not have time to be on social media making posts making stories and doing all of the things that are necessary for my business so if you are a person that enjoys being on social media that enjoys putting posts together if someone just sends you pictures and you can caption them and start to put little videos together you can make a nice gig doing this for people you can work for doctors lawyers chiropractors again really easy to pick very professional people that need help with their social media but do not have any interest in ever learning it those people need a social media they have the money to pay you and they're looking for you trust me I have a ton of lawyers that will love lawyers even accountants actually one of my good friends he's an accountant he needs a lot of help with his social media Facebook ads Instagram ads he makes a ton of money and he's making even more money because he now has someone posting on his social media every single day now and he pays that person and they're able to work from home it's an awesome side hustle check it out again I've also made a video teaching you how to make ten thousand dollars a month from social media make sure you watch that video because I go into full detail on this side hustle number four private label products again I'm telling you side hustles that I did I know there's tons of side hustles out there but I'm telling you the high making money ones and the ones that I did so make sure you go ahead and click that subscribe button and like this video because I am killing it with this content and I'm not just telling you stuff that you can do I'm telling you stuff that I have done so let's get back to it private label products those are products that have no label meaning lotions um different hair different tees there's lots of companies okay that you can look on Alibaba you can even look on Amazon for private label people and they have products that you can put your own logo you can put your own things on and the product is already packaged and made for you this is an amazing way to start making money with a side hustle so let me tell you what I did because I've done this twice the first one I did was with t more skinny t-e-a Moore m-o-r-e skinny is this detox tea that I absolutely love I was drinking it and I was losing weight you guys know I have five kids okay I got five birth five I really have seven but I burst five so I needed to kind of lose some of that baby fast especially you know you're working you're not necessarily able to go to the gym you don't have a lot of time so the team wore skinny that I was drinking was actually a detox tea and I actually bought the proprietary mix and then he was able to private label it for me and it's my blend now so it's absolutely easy to do things like that I know people that have done lotions hair products clothes there's lots of different things that you can do private label start looking this up it's an absolutely amazing thing to do like I said I've been selling tea now since 2014. it's 2021 I make money every single month selling my tea and it's just a nice little side hustle I've never really focused it on it as a big business just because the profit margin never matched real estate or even the wholesaling and other stuff that I told you about that I make a ton of money but if you like products this is for you Timor skinny is an amazing product I believe in it but I did not have to actually make the tea or put it all together there was a company that sold me a proprietary blend I own it and now I'm able to sell it and it was super inexpensive too ah and last but not least YouTube YouTube is my fifth and best hustle okay I was so late to the party with YouTube and it was probably one of the biggest mistakes that I made when it came to side hustles and even getting in on the party YouTube is an absolutely amazing stream of income at the time of making this video I make nearly forty thousand dollars a month just for my YouTube now again I do it on a really high level and I've spent a lot of money making my videos but in the beginning you do not have to spend that and you can start making a profit now yes with YouTube you will need 1 000 subscribers and 4 000 hours of watch time again at the time of this video before you can start to monetize your channel meaning YouTube will share the ad Revenue with you they will run ads on your videos okay you get to decide if you want them if you don't want them if you want skippable ads if you don't want skippable ads again there's a whole Nuance to it I'm not going to get into it but know that this is an amazing using side hustle and it doesn't cost a lot of money you really just need to start sharing your knowledge your information and what it is that you can do if you want to make something that's entertaining or something like that that's not necessarily my recommendation if you are talking about doing it as a side hustle where you're going to be making some money my suggestion is teach something that you know well it could be how to braid hair it could be how to potty train a baby it could be how to you know potty train a dog it really doesn't matter but it has to be something that you know really well so that you can keep making content teaching people on it and you can really start to offer them something off of YouTube to make money so let me keep going because I just have to tell you this because this is just like an amazing bonus okay this is an amazing bonus when it comes to YouTube and social media and all of these other things the real side hustle and the real money is taking people off of these platforms and getting their emails getting their contact information and then offering them your product and service this is how you really make a ton of money with any side Hustle No matter what it is that you do even if you do makeup at a store you can start to offer packages where you work outside of the store so again just giving you some ideas of what you can do but when it comes to YouTube and things like that my podcast the way that I've really been able to monetize this and turn it from a side hustle into real money which is what I promised I would share with you is by giving away content for free offering them some type of free download some type of free book some type of free podcast some type of free training so that you can get their email the email list is going to make you so much money and turn your side hustle into a real business once you have people's contact information you can email them your offers you can tell them what you got going on if you're having an event anything that you want to do you can contact them and start making offers and turn that into money and that's really how you turn your side hustle into a multi-million dollar business okay I said I was going to say that was going to be the last bonus I have one more sales sales is like this last thing you can do sales from home so this is number six I know I said I was going to give you five but I always over share and I have to over deliver you need to know that if you can talk on the phone and read scripts and things like that you can make a ton of money working from home for lots of different companies including Noel's if for example you want to stay at home job where you're talking on the phone like call center customer service or something like that I have six businesses that I run and we are constantly looking for great people with great voices and an awesome attitude so you can email your resume to careers with an s c a r e e r s at noelranzel.com send us your resume we're always hiring for sales and that is a stay-at-home side hustle that can make you over ten thousand dollars a month check it out and so there you have it I have given you five stay-at-home side hustles that anyone can do right now but one of the things that you are going to need that is so important is a business checking account okay this is so important that you get a business checking account so that you can start showing that you have a real business that has money coming into it so any money even if it's a hundred dollars that you make in your business it was deposited into your business checking account so you can start having business checking account statements I recommend a bank called North One bank I put a link below because this bank is completely virtual and will allow you to set up your account in less than three minutes from your home check it out I have so many people that have already taken advantage of North One Bank they've been writing and emailing me telling me how much they love them I opened up an account with them I absolutely love this bank and I think it's great for new entrepreneurs they have some great services and they have a great platform and you can get your business bank account set up really quickly from your home it's amazing make sure you're doing this because this is the step that you're going to need again to take that business from a side hustle to a real business and start getting a whole bunch of money and funding for your business in the process so go ahead check out north One bank and make sure you open up your business checking account as soon as you can it's so important I want to make sure that you have all of the resources all of the tools and all of the knowledge that you need to be successful this is Noelle to your success
Channel: Noelle Randall
Views: 324,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noelle Randall, Noelle Randall Coaching, Real Estate, Airbnb, 5 Stay At Home Side Hustles You Can Do Now
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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