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today I'm gonna see what the best team is that you can build on FIFA 23 in just 24 hours the timer starts when FIFA 23 opens so every second counts and as you can see we have got zero hours and zero minutes on the clock the first thing I want to do is just get to that main menu log ourselves in get that first daily SPC done because I don't want this to really start until Monday 6 p.m content because I want to unlock this right and then I also want to go to foot Champs and unlock this and the reason why is because now even though I have zero for Champs points I now think when I back out and go back in yeah there you go for Champs quality points so in terms of foot Champs there you go foot Champs qualification points are there I can just avoid division Rivals all together which is fantastic we are gonna have to do foundations one just unlock everything else so let me get through these real quick then you go lady I'll open these packs as I'll go as well because they're going to be quite useful is there anything here that's tradable that I can get some coins from let me just take this just in case I don't know what's in here an inform is that Trader winform no and then a gold pack so we get jeete and mbappe the gold pass trade War okay this is where we're gonna get our first coins which is quite nice there you go I'm actually going to store all of this stuff the footbirthday 10 coin pack start us off well yeah we've got a walk out off the Jump German cinemed Tony crows great great for spcs and a foot birthday loan it's the same guys all the time I'm gonna take Emerson Royale we'll get a bit more use out of him there we go all right now we could do what we're here to do it's taking me like 10 minutes to get to this point but obviously in a 24-hour Road to Glory not a problem 24 hours is gonna be plenty because what we're here to really do this right here footbirthday daily login number one and he goes we've got an 81 double upgrade pack we got lights up on that one always nice because I do want to do those uh nice play to style spcs over throughout this 24 hours but the FIFA World Cup what yeah one source now I've got taliso out of this two out of two times is it gonna be Toledo again it's lights up it's German this time it's a center-back it's gonna be schlotterbeck not bad I was I think rudiger's got a one Swatch hasn't it would have been a lot happier with that but slaughterbeck is not bad um we've got the quarter final Nations pack this could be quite good with for birthday to be fair this lights up is going to be uh the edge of Chelsea Tavernier Rocco and pazzini then the FIFA World Cup hero pack are we gonna be three for three with absolute bangers let's see polish Striker it's gonna be smaller egg I mean we are going to be three for three with absolute bangers he's only worth about 400k he's not like quite the Lucio that I got last time around but this is a great card to start our road to glory off with I'm just here for a second time we're off at 16 as well to get the daily login we don't want to miss out on this we get foot birthday day two done and we'll open uh the what is it an A1 double we've got the preview pack as well I don't think there's a 10 coin pack today you get a walk out from the 81 double it's Spain in center-back it's going to be LaPorte and veritongen Hey listen can't ask for fairer than that really can you alright guys just logging on for day three of the daily objective I just won the daily login there we go for daily login uh obviously this is just a gold player sorry I have bronze player big pardon uh to go in there boom yes we'll submit that I'm gonna need to get this done this I only have 194 coins of course three rares six Golds without even having to buy a player we managed to get that one done that gets us a token and by the time you're watching this obviously doesn't make any difference but for the 24-hour RTG swap starts today and this is where the roads of Glory is going to start kicking in this is where we're actually going to start investing time into grinding the objectives and menu items and such that we want we do get ourselves a lights up it's a Ricardo Pereira an actual Pope this time um and then a small rare gold players pack guaranteed 82 plus out of this it's not lights up this time so just six rare goals are definitely going to come in handy so that's it let me log out and I'm going to tell you guys exactly how much time we spent so far 23 minutes a lot more than I thought actually that's quite disappointing so I'm gonna take these three um daily completion packs first of all and what we're gonna do is open these and then build a team that will allow us to start completing through the first but birthday objectives so we're gonna do the foot birthday player we're gonna do silver stars because we want the token we're going to do play to ball and we're going to do the foot birthday party which is a lot of games and I'm actually gonna mix uh between completing those games on Squad battles and some of them I'm gonna complete on Rivals the reason why I'm gonna do some in Rivals because I actually think I'll get rage quits and get through the games quicker than sitting there for 15 minutes of squad battles so an 80 plus player pack there for Bobby firmino very nice indeed because for as many as I can if we can get some of the playable uh sorry played to Star SPC is completed that'd be nice as well we get another lights up here it's going to be dusan vlahovich which is good an 84 rated is going to be very helpful and inform is going to be very helpful can go we've got an 83 double upgrade come on start me off with a foot birthday why not it's a walk out Gordon it's Spain hey that's going to be super helpful um for doing on our assist eight with I need similars in there the pool's already a dupe all right well let's go and use that Laporte dupe I think the first goalkeeper that I'm going to be wanting is actually going to be or the first player that I'm going to be wanting is going to be Edison and then an 84 over an 83 that's going to be the team and uh that is the first segment already of Edison done even if we don't complete the other Edison having this Edison in goal it's just going to be nice isn't it so we'll get Premier mix players pack and I think at the moment in a you know in the meantime uh everything's just gonna get sold and then I'm also going to go ahead and open a 384 plus players pack what do we get out of this just lights up Italian goalkeeper it's gonna be Donna rumor well maybe I don't need Edison anymore don't remember Mertens and Jules kunde let me go and build the team and uh we're gonna go and do our first Squad battles games and I just want to make sure that we get it right right so we're in Semi-Pro difficulty I need to score four finesse goals and I need to score four goals scored eight goals with La Liga players right I need to score I need to assist four goals with Spanish players I need to score 10 with a Saudi player and assist four with a Saudi player but I could do that over a period of like some games but let's get into it and there we go guys so that is that complete 19-0 we finished we got 10 assists with vast pass the ten and four with the Saudi player and so we're gonna go and see what we completed 851 points which is quite nice they should have done quite a lot of objectives straight off the bat uh we're up to 880 coins 5400 XP 28 objectives complete so for birthday one of course the swaps token but Gregor as well who needs to go into the next one let's get that Gregor now he's gonna go into the next team and sit there in there as well we've got platable two out of three done the player matching score battles and uh the other one which we'll collect in a second we've got to stand up Against Racism one out of three and uh we've got Milestone so two out of four here which is quite nice we've already got another round that can go into the team now foundation's done and then season progress is uh quite heavy up there so some nice packs in here again but more importantly of course we are just looking forward to completing as many of the objectives as we can in the menus that's very nice um to get as many tokens as we can so that we could build the best team that we can from a 24-hour birthday road to Laurie good news is we've got some tokens already which is quite nice and uh we have got a feral chunk of gameplay ahead of us especially the you know the uh the eight games of draft and um a whole bunch of squad battles and Rivals and we should be able to get a good chance running as well the next weekend within the 24 hours which could be quite nice I do need some silver players because we are gonna have to play some silver Lounge as well again 81 double upgrade lights up which is quite nice no big pools yeah no for birthdays here we go castelles and Christensen so another nice little league player in there another 81 double upgrade pack to get lights up again it's Kim pembe and song air so some some more good fodder which is going to help with the uh you know the play to uh style objectives and the last one does not give us a lights up unfortunately is Gomez so let's go and get into that uh that next game as I say I think the the most important thing here is just scoring the 15 goals with Gregor the final rest there it is the final whistle we've got some more stuff done man 13 goals only with Gregor what a nightmare we was on eight at half time so just a couple more packs again and just a little bit worked towards it's a shame I couldn't get out Gregor because it would have been nice to get the Maldini straight away and work on the next thing uh but jumbo gold pack right here guys Oh I thought it was gonna be a special card it's not what have we got just some just some good fodder a small electron players pack up next it's gonna be a rare gold which is quite nice again some more Silvers which is quite nice and then an 83 plus rare gold pack which is going to be lights up obviously but it's not a special card it's only an 83 Jesus Navas and then let's let's get into a game or first owner Fiesta come on our first proper game if this is well easy I might try and play all of them I don't want to I don't want to lose about even though it's a 24-hour Road score it's about efficiency at the end of the day isn't it he's got a mad team what is that scored zidane must take the lead here oh man if I go two or three down I might have to uh back out of this one man love that oh how smaller it got that that's crazy lovely all right much better ordrees oh he's always are you kidding me yeah we're through oh it's clean clean it's clean this guy's gone hey um do you know what I went one nil down Bush mate I went one bill down I thought I was in trouble this guy's a decent player and he's got an insane team gathered myself sorted myself out oh I've got cross play on maybe I should turn it off gathered myself got myself sorted got myself in there got myself that token which is very valuable and we've got 25 objectives complete as well first owner Fiesta one win that's what I wanted man that token I don't know what we're gonna take from the tokens I don't know if I want to go for fodder I don't know if I want to go for the icons um the we get the extra log in here which gives us another you know it doesn't actually give us too much today it's just a mocking yours and another token uh 82081 boom there we go and that guys is Edison complete which is absolutely fantastic what I want to do is get all of the play to ball objectives okay to style objective cards and then go and finish off Squad battles oh I've got two draft entries now because at a season token there as well right so we've got enough draft tokens to finish off um this off token to enter yes we're gonna go on to begin a difficulty it doesn't have to be anything else and we are just going to build up a real quick draft right here yeah I know how draft works okay thank you very much and then yeah I'm just gonna go and get eight games of draft done and we'll see what we're at at the end of that all right so three hours and 22 minutes into the road to glory so far guys uh in terms of the time spent on the account I can't even lie I thought I would have spent more time on it than this by now I have finished the drafts we are already on to Wednesday um so we're nearly through week one and I want to be able to get at least one chance running and of course we don't need to qualify for Champs we've got gifted the points this week which is great so I did the accidentally opened one Premium Gold pack from the draft rewards and on those Drive rewards we got we got a Premium Gold pack and two Jumbo Premium Gold packs that's like over the course of the two rewards so that's all we're going to be opening that will be there from that today I actually think there's some good stuff here the jumper Premium Gold 26 pack this is from the menu Brian this is from the objective season grind um nice there a position modifier an anchor and a hunter both quite useful and usable a rare gold pack I don't even know where this is from some of these we've just picked up as we went we do get lights up off of this one it's all 283 is a hunter and a shadow that is really nice all right play to ball now that we've already got Edison actually as well that we've used the juice for might be a little bit uh more accomplishable um Luke Shaw is probably going to be a duplicate on trade well yes he is at this moment in time I'm not going to be focusing too hard on you know saving every single individual player on every single occasion we get another light up there which is always nice it's an 84 Hummels which is very nice a rare mix players pack with an 81 bus guaranteed it is only going to be an 81 or an 82. it's an 81 and we've got a couple more rare golds here to throw away there is some like upgradable Photo right now player picks and things like that but I think actually they're more of a hindrance not only for the time side of the 24-hour rotatory but also for the account itself like I think something I've kind of like been looking at since we started doing limited time road to glories one of the things I've been looking at is how valuable [Applause] actually rsbcs and the answer is more often than not not valuable at all they are more often than not an absolute rip-off and you're better holding on to your father and you know when you get one or two dupes and you start to think about no man left behind just I think oh should I just do one but you end up actually you know to save one card you waste 10 more and that's just a terrible idea isn't it um so we get an 82 983 we are going to utilize because we can put it into play to ball SBC and there we go guys that is US tuned in to that we get the Nani maruike uh done that's two of them done we have got a nice amount of fodder in the club right now as well so uh who knows man who knows we might be able to get them I might just go for like the better ones you know the Jack reelish um the Patrick bamfords but what I don't really want this to do is I don't really want this to end up being a play to style rotary we get ourselves a walk out from this pack It's Brazil it's CDM it's Manchester United is 89 casimiro that is a fantastic player to get along with inform Irvine and a whole bunch of other stuff A1 by 11 was nice that is some good footer in there for us as well guys we've got an 83 double upgrade player pack here as well it's another walkout let's go it's Poland it's goalkeeper it would have been nice if it was Striker Kieran trippier in there as well and then 383 plus players pack inform War cow very nice Belgian Striker is romelu Lukaku 88 rated on big ROM with an 84 and an 83 and then last but not least for this moment of time we've got jumbo Premium Gold pack tradable lights up on this one for a tradable pack I don't mind that it's an 84 munai 84's right now about three and a half to 4K it looks and I am tempted you know I am tempted to take Hernan Crespo for two tokens [Applause] um obviously I think the smart choice is to take the further packs for us right now but yeah two two tokens for that Hunan Crespo but I'm gonna need to go and uh grind out a whole bunch of the spcs so let's go and do that all right guys so after all that said and done we have finished off uh number 16 there well number six sorry we of course have got a whole bunch of tokens uh which means we've got a whole bunch of packs from those daily spcs and the Marquee matchups we get a rare gold pack for one of the sbcs we're getting informed from the Red Gold pack it's not on a walkout or anything it is a duplicate a duplicate Irvine but that's okay because we can now go and use him in one of the player to style sbcs and there we go boom that is kulusevski done and dusted oh we get a rare mega pack from one of those spcs it's lights up but it's not a for birthday it is going to be osimen it's really a bad pack for a rare mega pack isn't it couple eight threes could be a photo good 82s no duplicates some more good chem Souls we don't mind it we've got two red gold players pack tradable Oh I thought it was going to be a special card there uh it wasn't Gabrielle Martinelli in there though we've got two regular players pack untradable which doesn't give us a light up either you've got a premium electron players pack that is tradable which does give us a lights up very nice indeed it's a duplicate Aussie men can you believe that and we've got an 81 double upgrade pack lights up again duplicate Iago aspas very nice all right that is Jack grealish in the bag yes we would like to submit those cards and then an 84 player 84 plus rated rare gold player it's not anything special it is only an 84 Leroy sane now what we do have is some tokens but how many I have already got guys 10 tokens I know there's a few more that I can get straight away I really want the 81 by 11. I really want the Hernan Crespo and I really want the 82 by 20 and because I'm not gonna be able to get all of the tokens I am going to take the 85 by 10 right now and we're going to open it and from this guys we are either gonna get some mad players to put into our team off the Jump oh we are gonna get some great fodder to complete probably raval though is who I think I'd go for I reckon we could get him within the 24 hours but here we go guys our first Monster pack an inform walkout it's Belgian it's a striker it's another romelu Lukaku come on man have something else special in here don't leave me high or dry yea I mean that is a mad pack but also really painful or informs a cheeky Kayla Navas Robertson Coleman Pogba Soleil and georginio we've got to go and put this uh romelu Lukaku somewhere I think guys the guy that we're gonna go for is going to be Michel Antonio for birthday uh even though we don't need the inform here um it's gonna obviously come in quite nice and handy and the reason why I'm gonna go for Michel Antonio is because I actually think he might be I do think he's a bit overpriced but I do think he might be a little bit of a beast and because we've got such a heavy Premier League set up already which I don't really want to force but is kind of Just Happening naturally now there we go that is the threshold guys so we get to save ourselves Lukaku we are gonna build ourselves Mikhail Antonio we are going to complete all of the play to style objectives and I've got less than a day to finish those obviously this is a 24-hour Road Glory anyway but you know we want to go and get all of those guys in there and of course I want to complete all of the birthday content as well so we have got a lot of grinding to do I'm gonna go get ourselves Alex oxlade Chamberlain Patrick Bamford and Louis Diaz and then we'll see what we've got left to do all right guys this is a squad we're taking back into Squad battles here's some of the objectives we've got to complete we've got to score two more goals with Greg Gore we've got to score two goals in general we've got to score three more goals with the La Liga player uh we've got to win eight games in total with three little league of players starting which of course we've got we've got a score of finesse goal with Diaz we have got a score a goal with Bamford score off of a cross with kulusevsky a through ball with Oak State Chamberlain uh two goals with Jack grealish an assist with madawek a and five um five win five of Edison in I'm not gonna be able to do them all at once because I need I can only use five subs and I've got six players I need to do so I think matter where K is four games only required so we'll work on everybody else first and then um we'll come in after that but uh we've got a lot to be cracking on with so let's go and guys after just two games uh we now have Maldini we've got one of five of Maldini done we are on foot birthday player objective we now have another football day token which is gonna get us the 81 by 11. I think I'm definitely gonna go for Crespo as well on this one and a 75 plus rated rare player we've done play to ball uh play Four matches on Squad battles difficulty gets us another objective dance and then in the season progress we're now up to level 17 for an 83 plus double upgrade pack and in milestones we have also achieved 60 goals which gives us an 84 plus rated player we've got team of the week warm-up which gives us a two rare gold player pack and finishing Mastery number one which unfortunately is only a 75 to 83 rated pack so into sbcs into swaps and of course swaps makes this a lot more fun you know those you know those limited time Road stories we do but there's no swaps or a little bit uh a little bit less engaging in some regards uh if we could pack off first for birthday though that would be nice I do think that we're going to have an absolutely insane team to put together at the end of this I definitely want that uh Rivaldo um and a few other a few other SPC players to really like really make this one pop but we'll see what we get for the end of it so a duplicate or Armani there it premium electron players pack lights up baby let's go need the photo these days as well it's an 84 which is fantastic again when it comes to uh putting together the Antonio SBC and the Rivaldo SBC that is just going to be very handy we've got an 83 again from that and 182. that is lovely EA thank you very much we've got the 83 double upgrade from the season progress first for birthday no only lights up obviously because 83 plus oh geez it's 283s we get 84 plus or most likely we get an 84. well it's not a walk out it's only lights up it's an 85 this time and we get the 81 by 11 which will allow us to finish Mikhail Antonio it's lights up only it's no special cards it's no for birthdays it's 84s 83s and 82s only but with that we can do this and that guys is to complete Miguel Antonio SBC of course we can't really use him yet until we start getting into Rivals games um to start playing through which we're also going to do some objectives for in Rivals and our Champs qualifiers but he's a great player to have in the club he's going to work well with the play to style cards and the play to ball cards all right so Saudi build and Shamrock have been finished in goes magidi we have also already finished uh Luis Diaz 88 we can obviously now use his 85 or 86 for fodder we have got 91 Edison which is very tasty we have got 86 Alex oxlade Chamberlain and we have got goals with Bamford 88 rated this card looks quite nice as well should do well that Antonio up front we have also got some more season progress done an 84 plus a rare gold player pack that's gonna be quite interesting isn't it all right let's go and open some packs and uh rebuild the team a little bit a gold pack nothing worthwhile a two players pack nothing worthwhile a premium mix players pack nothing worthwhile this 84 is going to give us something good I can feel it there's actually some nice stuff in there to be able to do some like low tier spcs and stuff the goal net paint pack this is what I'm living for oh is that classic I was Clara I want a classic and then an 84 plus Gordon Brazil CDM man united it's a Casimir I think that's a duplicate here's a duplicate and see that all right what SBC are we gonna do Alexandro is there I reckon we go raval though you know I think he could be like a massive difference but that Alexandra is also tasty five-star skill moves since oh no let's you know what let's get an icon let's start working on an icon how am I gonna get an 89 rated Squad I don't think I am am I let's do Sandro that's not bad to be fair we saved the 88 and the 86 off of that we get small rare gold players pack that's the first and biggest segment of Sandro done and we now have the 89 casimiro back again to carry on getting involved with that Alexandro hopefully we get something nice out of this small regular players pack lights up yeah we'll keep the a3s and a2s all right but we've got to finish off uh the play to style and play to ball objectives six more objectives complete we've now got the Jean lucesky all we have to do is two more assists with anonyme and four more sets of two goals of Jack grealish and we've got all of that with an 80 plus by five pack we have now finished Jose Lu which is nice to have that one done and dusted we've also done for birthday we now have out position Maldini so we need to keep three clean sheets yes it will do that I'll do that on Squad battles but this I think I'm gonna start doing in Rivals because I'll be able to get a lot quicker um I'll be able to get through a lot quicker with uh rage quiz and this as well will be a lot quicker on Rivals and this will be a lot quicker on Rivals as well so this will be the last one that we do with Squad battles I think um just three clean sheets just because it'll be easier to guarantee the three clean sheets although saying that keeping three clean sheets in Rivals will probably also be quite quick to be fair so even though I don't need to play on Rivals to get those qualifications points it might just be beneficial to play Rivals to get this finished it's just whether or not I can also get the um Jack grealish goals or not I think I will I think I don't know what I'll do like two or three goals of Rio games of Rivals just to see where the land lies can we get the two goals of Jack grewish can we get the clean sheets and is is there anything else that we can do in Rivals it makes sense or is it now just just getting like Champs done and things like that I don't know uh right oh it's a double 84 upgrade pack come on give me my first oh walk out let's go don't be Casimir again French set it forward it's Karen there's not and couldn't go I thought who's going to be Caravan tomorrow it's going to get well gassed it's quite a nice little pack though we actually should be able to finish Alexandro like quite quickly but probably now to be fair with these 284 pluses as well happy birthday it's only gonna be Sal but it's a foot birthday let's go lovely Jubilee let me finish off uh Alex Sandro wow what's like pulling the rating up of that 186 286 is that's why and that's all right and then an 82 rated squad for that last segment the fact that we've already done that Sandra is I'm actually like a bit happy with that that's that's quite nice yeah that is all right like that Happy Days as Alex Sandro in the team let's go all right let's go build a team or um a couple of a couple of Rivals games yeah so all right all right we'll just play one or two Squad Rivals games we'll see how it goes oh brilliant lovely lovely lovely did I lose a game for that swear down at bernov I did what the hell man all right fixed matches what's his team saying oh he's looking at my team thinking what the hell oh he's got heal and bow what Legend that's an assist from McGee doesn't matter if I don't get the gold with behavior though good Jackie boy one more needed with grealish foreign hey there's his two goals and this guy's gone very nice that's a clean sheet in as well that is why I wanted to do it on Squad bows on the rivals nice as one [Applause] there's two let's go right now we can work on the uh the Hebrew assist sorry the behavior we go on the McGee assist and go let's go [Applause] there it is not gonna miss that one I can't believe that guy didn't try and actually attack the whole game he just was happy for me to sit there with a ball fair enough oh Saudi league is done that's another bit of fodder in it Igor Coronado let's go oh that's gone down to another goal what shot was on target EA anyway okay to grillish really should have back of the net got done in it this guy can it's like I can dust off now can't he he's dusted off as well let's go we've completed six objectives off the back of that that's what we like to see we've got an 81 by 11 the family celebration we're working on it we've also done mataweke now we've just got one more game for Jack grealish that is nice and of course for Mason mount and the 80 plus by five which is like too deep and then a season progress I don't think that's a pack this time oh it is oh mega pack let's go all right we go mega pack first come on foot birthday a foot birthday come on hook me up baby that's not even it's not even lights up it's not even lights up right 81 by 11. yeah you know I deserve a foot birthday icon right here I'll take like rush or something as well come on it's a walkout Cinema it's a fabinho this time that's too bad my squad's got a dead team though hey ref I don't even need to use this matter okay now do I oh there's one this guy instead he's just gone oh he's staying let's go what Legend or Jackie boy let's go that is all of play to style done which is obviously very nice and then we'll go and get the foot birthday pack we'll play one more game for now that gives us Mason Mount 89 as well which is nice we just need to play anyway oh this is like this is crazy crazy delay there it is there's the assistant the goal we're only one game away from that now as well love that okay with a goal on his debut all my days Oh my days Oh my days Oh my days now he's never gonna quit is he hey this kid guys moving his keeper so far man this is like the third person out of four that we played in Rivals that's been like semi-competent of the game all right there's one two four in div nine you were bad why is that what score line does it have to be where I'm not bad what about uh what about five two is that better making a guy rage queer is that is that better boom he's out and just like that we actually get ourselves a foot birthday packet we're up to 30 000 coins as well which is quite nice just two objectives done there are you to style boom um I wouldn't mind getting zinchenko like just any Defender really I obviously don't need la font because we've got oh walk out we've got Edison Portugal ah I was hoping it was going to be cheeky little Chris to run out but he's informing me in mind your birthday team one player pack let's go here come on [Applause] it's gonna happen man that's a duplicate cell that's too bad but let's get qualified we need to build a proper team as well I suppose don't we I'm gonna play uh four one two and two I think I think I'm gonna put Diaz up front really she's gonna be sentiment okay Champion is going to be DM we're gonna put a shadow on moldini trotterbeck doesn't need a chem style neither to sell because they both don't have any chemistry oh that's good enough for the Champs qualifiers all right let's get into it oh that's a nice uh nice starting lineup oh he's gone for the Crespo he's got Ox he's got Edison it's about oh he's through here oh that's a nice ball back there as if Edison hasn't saved that my stairs I read that as well holy [Music] that's the space I wanted that's a space on what nice he moved his keeper there as well which was it turned out to be a bit unlucky for him actually [Music] oh Antonio well bang that is me oh referee Everwood Oh my days [Laughter] what goal and I just got sourced on didn't he yeah let me cook mate let me cook I got a sourced on Jack greedish with two and two all right so lemon FC manian oh damn oh damn sweatiest team I've seen man like it makes it even harder obviously because he's like his AI just like does all the work whereas my player just runs past the ball all right there's one back nice no way game you're killing me man what is one of these penalty calls understand why I think it's a party I just got something Jesus Christ EA I I can't believe this guy's team 10 minutes we get one in the next five Gigi's to that guy that was too hard man like do you know where he was the first goal just set me off man look at that it's just counters the first goal look at look at how this goal goes in right tell me how I can defend this better I put myself between the ball and the man I need I I genuinely don't know how you can better defend there like let's go this guy's just gonna go straight away good go Antonio this car's gonna go as well lovely what a nice finish that is skill of the game hey these Ballers are actually like really nice to play with LOL Gordon Antonio let's go buddy he's gone Jackie boy lovely he's actually scored I think he's gonna quit as well oh no now he's here to play fair enough was that also a great work goal s well there might have banging penalty there pal right with one win away from the six and then I'll just end it there what the fudge is that team at everyone's team is cracked I've got a step over Merchant here here guys let's go Diaz oh Sky wins the ball back one pass through and goal it's tough against these like monster monster attackers man there's no way there's no way all white days Oh my days there's no way his shots are just going through me he's like crazy in it fair enough fair enough and here's cancello closing down well mate every literally everything I do is just falling straight back to this guy that is wild well eventually it went in [Laughter] well nice goal in the end oh that's a Super Bowl over the top and guess what it comes from again attack a good tackle I can't believe this game man and then he plays hours how the hell is his Defender his attacker got that ball that's tough man that's tough fair enough this guy's just giving me a goal fair enough that's a lovely goal [Applause] hey this guy's terrible Jesus Christ all right and that will be that for this run through I'm not going to push on to eight I just wanted the um the six wins to get the six win reward and to get or how many points do I need actually that's it I just get the six win reward now don't I get our rank three rank four rank four rewards two Mega packs in a rare gold pack and we also managed to pick up five objectives yeah nice A3 double upgrade pack as well right let's get some of these open 85 galashi only in the first one 85 fulcrug in the second one come on give me something higher than an 85 please yeah what the hell is that that's unbelievable that is awful oh do we start to build out kante probably he's probably the guy that's like a DM in the team would be quite nice to be fair all right that's not bad Edison is fine greenish is fine Bamford we don't care about Jose Lu we didn't play with but we don't care about we'd sooner do Alonso how much is Alonso like because you are right that Alonso is actually sick isn't he yeah four star four star a shadow Kim Style on him he's a beast in he yeah absolutely down to do uh Alonso instead actually damn that's not bad maybe I'll save Lukaku because he's an inform and put greelish in instead that's all right though that none of these guys are in my team towers of dupe trade that in might be able to finish off uh Alonso with what we've got what we've got coming and what we've got because obviously the bronze team and silver team are just going to be super easy to put together that's a walk out tradable card that is 89 Harry Kane damn gulashi as well I'm gonna put I might as well sell this cane right because I'll be able to buy a better photo with that that's already paid off a big chunk of that Alonso SBC three common goal players pack live for these ones we've got an 83 double to come as well I'll open that last because that'd be un tradable and then we've got a rare gold pack this is from our qualifiers rewards another walkout let's go it's not a special cars I don't really care Trent Alexander Arnold I'll save him we'll be able to use him Mega packet number one go and give me a for birthday why not nope not even the lights up and then another mega pack come on yay bless me on this one nope lights up but nothing special again Austin 83 and then an 83 double player pack nobody cares oh Sun Gear 87 that's actually all right we might actually be able to finish off Javi Alonso right here um an 86 rated again I actually think we're gonna be able to finish him right here that'll be that that's a nice one to turn in so Sal yeah we'll get rid of him as well small private players pack for that as well walk out again mate this shabby Lonzo spcs pay it out [Applause] nice big aea rated there we'll take those coins as well because we might be able to buy ourselves a nicer a nice big player and we put some 81s in instead of some 82s the A2 is obviously going to come in handy for an 8-3 rated Squad no we can't that is that get rid of two informs in there but who cares man uh they're probably not even that much more expensive than players that rating anyway no walk out on that occasion but we've got some mad stuff out of this Chevy Lonzo SPC I don't think I'll need that many but no no there you go one was right and that that really is another mad team upgrade we have got a team of the year jabi Alonso icon is definitely going to be an upgrade to Alex oxlade Chamberlain who wasn't really that good defensively anyway and so I don't mind getting rid of him all right Seven Player picks let's see what we can get maybe it'll be uh trebion maybe it'll be bad well I mean that is a great start isn't it 89 or black that's just already paid for all of that fodder whatever else we get here 84 yes and DD oh we get for birthdays here right I need listen I needed to send it back as well I don't mind your eye too much I might have to go for a La Liga right back now instead it's quite nice there isn't it E5 informed pewter search 84 trip here these have been blessed to take 83 Angelino as well and then last but Hey listen that is a dub we've got 83 David uh silver that is so nice Definitely improves the squad up a little bit we could put your eye in here it was like a real good right back now Spanish league Spanish basically a La Liga Spanish right-back is what I need 82k until I have enough coins for him let's put into Marcos I think I put a shadow on your eye this defense is starting to stack up a little bit now all right number one Sergey daughter number two a84 rated you don't mind that I think I need another 85 Plus so don't I Bush there we go Sergio biscuits that is going to allow us to do this though here we go right is it that that that's tough because that could have been like another SBC Squad completed somewhere that's why I don't want to do these but we'll do one for the content give me that blessed lucky a come on inform walkout Austrian cinemed damn it never mind never mind yeah that's bad that just wasn't worth it maybe first owner Fiesta would be worth grinding overall for that pack at the end because of the division I'm in we get seven wins is it seven wins seven wins could be quite nice to like push through he's outside any [Music] lovely goodbye friend goodbye Marky matchups and foot 19 we're gonna do so we've got a PSG against Leon I saw 73 rare Squad very nice boom very nice indeed another token boom that's that one done very nice and then foot 20 as well this is the last one we're gonna need the 82 by 20. that gets us the token that we need which is nice and that is going to allow us to get the 82 by 20 which should hopefully give us a massive you know what I might have actually already had I might have one extra token now that'd be quite nice wouldn't it guess it is what have we got in the store we have got a jumbo gold pack just hook it up EA nothing in this one we've got a jumbo Premium Gold players pack I love these packs lights up obviously it's a guaranteed 83 plus it's only an 83 Plus a premium electron players pack lights up on tradable very nice it's an 83 again we're gonna just hold on to all of that right there Prime electric players pack lights up on tradable again 85 geordia we're going to keep that as well just because obviously I'm going to want to try and complete one of those big spcs we've got an 81 plus a double upgrade pack no lights up on that one that's sad 282s and then the 82 plus 20 players pack coming here for birthday it's an informed walkout which is okay if we've got for a birthday hiding in behind which we don't but that's some good for the 89 casimiro 88 Crews 87 rodri and an 82 verts duplicate what can we do him I want to go for Rivaldo so let's work on him might might be one where we like we don't have the capabilities to do it you know might be one of those ones where we're chasing this towards the back end and we end up coming up short you know but we're gonna give it a shot there we go happy days it's only for a small remix players pack and it's only the 84 rated Squad but we're one down but birthday daily login I've done twice and not claimed the packs so that's going to be some nice extra fodder there we've got the foot birthday cup which is two more tokens which actually gets us now the guaranteed for birthday tea one pack just don't be sour okay don't be Sal and an 83 double upgrade pack and we get another pack 1082 plus rated rare players pad God damn that's nice an 83 double comment we've got a foot birthday or for birthday icon in here shortly the 83 double comes up is it is an 83 double cool we've got 284 plus players pack come on inform it's nice you don't mind an inform you don't mind it an 86 Laporte an 85 inform sale duplicate so we are now gonna have to go and do the next Squad of rival do which will be an 87 rated with an inform we should be able to get this done with our casimiro and Cruz oh Andy all black oh yeah those player picks like they served us very well didn't they and that is the 87 rate as well hey that's a nice one to have done that's for sure we then have the 384 plus players pack now we don't have much folder here so this should all just be nice now unfortunately no for birthday once again it's 384s of course of course um and then yeah 1082 plus rated rare players pack let's go inform walkout again German Striker from Wolfsburg is full Krug do we have it for birthday no we don't having won the first four games in the foot birthday cup I had six games left and wanted to know if I could go all the way and one of the perks of being in a low division on a brand new account is that the games are very easy indeed and that guys is 10 wins from 10 games in this game mode and we are done let's see guys what we managed to do at the end of that so like I say we got all the wins here which gives us another token which is nice let's go and open those packs and see if we can uh pack something special we have got an 84 plus a rare gold players pack just a gold that's tough It's just an 84 that's worse we have got 284 plus rare players pack is again just golds just an 85 and an 84 that's pretty brutal I can't lie and a 585 plus players back yeah come on this is where we want it for birthday it's just an inform again is some gather that's a nice high rated in form very nice indeed oh oh my days that's more like EA 291s in there that is more like it let's get our foot birthday pack guys let's see a birthday player pack what are you say Nea it is obviously gonna be a for birthday it's Onana I suppose it's nice because it's another bit of 88 rated fodder but we've got Edison already we don't need him and then we let the Champs run begin that's the team I think that's the team might go Mikhail Antonio four star five star yeah Antonio's definitely better than Bamford other than a dribbling but I think I'm gonna stick with it and then yeah other than yerai being on a bit low cam we're all good there and then for the tactics I might go for a four three two one you know I think it's gonna suit how I'm playing a little bit better at the moment Alonso in there Antonio yeah grealish amount like that that's much nicer stay back on the fullback stay back on Xavier Alonso and in grealish to get forwards yeah all right get into these games eleven wins the the the aim 14 wins probably would be super nice anything above and beyond would be amazing oh we're up against first and foremost Edison yeah for a team to come up against Whopper should have scored with Antonio but never mind we'll take that you're close enough man by that like there like I'm gonna end up conceding a goal there because of that yeah stuff oh there's one back there we go come on oh I had to work so hard for that oh that's nice goal that's a nice goal let's go rgg's first game first win mate how's that going in yeah this is Michel Antonio I know he's managed to score that I don't know if I like him man wow Antonio must take the lead here let's go magnificent defending hey well they get themselves level here I don't understand this game man nice well we've had everything Diaz with the glass so let's go Luis Diaz with glass oh this guy's gone feel later brother hopefully I'll get a couple of like nice easy games maybe a couple of free wins lovely oh what a glass oh who is that man I'm literally there for the tackle that's crazy lovely not really lovely like sweaty and boring but there's no way let's go Bamford ggs man another tough win there who said the one with the shadow yeah they get their perfect link man oh two dots each much better much nicer o and mbappe in everybody's team lovely it's the only way to score man long shots or cutbacks honestly unless you get like a counter attack or something long shorts or cutbacks is all you got lovely Whopper again just cut backs man it's just cut back three car backs he's gone all right does this guy have Jason yo and a Bape actions in the center oh Paddy B love that how cheese is that man he's actually gonna get another goal that's mad look that oh man I have to restart this game after this game because that is the fourth or fifth time I've tried to play to the fullback and it just keeps going to the uh the center back and I've ended up conceding off the back of it as well there's one back Hugo Sanchez there's no way there's no way man he's hitting me with skill councils and then he also has the vanders are who's obviously like one of the best goalkeepers in the game well I had the angle there let's go man Henry come on now let's go it's got to be really annoying for the opposite get done ice in the veins you know it man that was a good way that was a satisfying victory that was turnip gilf Iger Jersey yeah man let's go oh that's a cracking all that [Music] oh green knife or green that dips oh Neato there we go um see it pal get out my game brother I think once I take my official first loss I'll just go and throw like four or five games six seven games something like that but I'll throw it with this team so in case somebody like gets toxic or not we'll get mad toxic back yeah all right has this guy got bappa and jazzinio oh yeah two team of the ears he's got hullit Ben's probably Team of the Year Messi maybe Team of the Year is it lit this guy's got TV and Messi team video Ben's Team of the Year one of the center-backs I don't know who it is maybe uh van dijk Team of the Year Hakimi team media courtois I literally can't cannot compete with this level of player watching BTV events told you man this guy has got like I can't deal with this level of player man we we just may as well back out man we like this is a a waste of time or Cisco got for a team Rat King but birthday cacker Rush he's got a few objective cars in that no way man I'm literally reading the play there he greens it he greens it it greens it just got yeah Xeno again this guy's got Renato Sanchez regular that was cheesy man got a lie sex man yeah what what one each for the uh absolute cheese goals all I can do is cut back man oh it's impossible hey you can't like I genuinely believe this right you can't get like unless you play counter attacking football which is boring like in one way because you just let the AI play for you right unless you play counter attack you can't score other than like power shots and cutbacks it's just so hard or finesses from the top of the box just because the boxes get compact so quickly in in like a special like New Gen or current gym where we're calling this they just get like compact so quick wow so glad that went in wait what I'm playing AI aren't I oh I'm up against an AI cheater yeah no oh thank God why did he take such a touch man the last time I played against AI it was like it was an ultimate difficulty this this is the way they're passing and stuff like this is crazy this game is just a joke in it where in settings is it oh that said Aussie omf what I'm confused man is that his actual like game attack as well that's a great goal there you go that was an easy win all right nobody in sight just just for birthday best at aloe around instead no I I am I'm gonna quit if I don't score like in the next few minutes okay that was a nice goal three wins man let's just go get those three wins don't get a couple of rage quits quick ones maybe a free win since I only need three wins FC Southampton great name okay this should hopefully be a free win is going to be a free win absolute Legend two wins just need two wins now okay that's a much nicer teams come up against can't lie let's go and again literally first attack [Music] it's just a joke isn't it it's a joke I just can't get anywhere man I can't get anywhere this guy doesn't have the fastest defenders either which is the craziest thing come on okay come on oh thank God wow I somehow timed that green I don't know how thank God we're getting this win terrific hold on hold that thought there's kickoff goals in that boom all right one more to go one more to go mate look at those names you're free and the truth another absolute Beast team that's a cracking goal that is love that lovely goal this guy's gone and we have got R11 thank the Lord all right here we go three three throwaways and then the rewards all right here we go let's go and get our reward days and then the extras that we've got as well Frank five again way more stressful than it should have been but what do we get for our rewards give me a Christopher NADA Suey we get a croonich we get Romulus and we get a sabali that's some good photo there or one of 284 plus we get an 85 and number two is gonna give us 86 crewnitch again and then we've also got eight objectives complete the birthday player one I don't know what that is to be fair and then for Champ's bonus objective for a player pick I obviously can't finish the rest of it so this is the last bit of this hey the brand new maheli we can actually use him a ride back as well because he's Syria and so here we go or in the store we've got an 82 Plus we've got six in the store come on give me four birthday za informed walkout from the 82 plus let's go oh informs the beats a duplicate I should probably use him actually in uh Rivaldo that we do want to complete we've got a premium team with a wheat pack I just want Ronaldo here's a walkout not gonna be right now there's gonna be some pizza again I can feel it oh Danny Almo yeah we'll keep an 89 in form uh we'll pop him on a tripod as well you never know when we're gonna need another in form we've got the 583 plus rare gold players pack walk out always nice oh Joan Jordan not that he's actually more valuable than just a standard 84. 50k pack coming again bless us nope it is lights up but it's nothing special there is a special card in there though take the coins for him and last but not least the ultimate pack nope nothing out of that as well guys I accidentally opened some packs on the web app thinking I was on a different account uh we've got a duplicate in forms of pizza to deal with and I want to show you who I picked up after opening those packs because we actually packed a bit of a banger so here's the newest players we got Bros vision and Dede an informs the beta a kiesa Bono an 89 Neymar which is a massive player to pick up not that we're going to use him and then a little bit of just trash there right and uh the way I made a mistake on doing that was I did some spcs and then yeah went through that so um I'm gonna the the 85 by 5 pack has been re-upped I'm going to use sabita and Neymar in that to get that again and then I'm gonna have two of those to open which will be quite nice and that is the team we're popping in there guys so we are getting rid of the 89 Neymar um which is potentially a little bit Overkill a couple of the Reds in there as well but at the same time you know we do want to get ourselves a Rivaldo and I feel like trading 189 for a nice 84 by 5 or 85x4 is going to be quite good um and uh I get to say that's a beta now we have two of these so I opened uh we've got a daily SBC to come as well but we're going to open these first because we might have some photo to with hopefully we'll pack something sick out of this we're getting an informed walkout out the first one it's Belgian is Striker it's a nice big 88 romelu Kaku along with an 88 Joel cancello Trent Pogba and delict that is some nice very nice uh added bonus content and then another inform as well is it lights up so it probably is a walk out with a CR Oh my days another Lewandowski Cruz Royce Gerard Moreno and Robert lewandowsky number two I might be able to go and do the 89 rated team of Rivaldo let's see and guys we are just about to be able to do it now I am going to lose Mason mount um which I'm not overly bothered about I might have to figure out a different person to put in there because he's in the main lineup right now I don't mind losing small arik either um but yeah mace amount is going to be gone guys other than that I don't care about getting rid of any of these even including at 91 de bruyne so let's get rid of team that is the most difficult most expensive Squad done and of course we now have a 91 Lewandowski for the next Squad in there as well so this rival though will eventually DRS we get a lights up from that but I'm just gonna save everything at the moment because everything is going to be useful to us somewhere down the line and we're also going to have guys the for birthday daily login upgrade as well and that I believe is the last one unless I've missed one in which case we should get one tomorrow yeah so that's it 12 down an 85 double and an 85 by 5 which again hopefully will get us some uh some really nice returns and also a jumbo Premium Gold players pack which is very very nice an 85 double come on give me big for birthday man walk out which is nice 86 and 85 which is genuinely nice we don't want that for a rival do uh 585 plus players pack for birthday come on it's gonna be Kiev but it's still a foot birthday we don't mind it we don't mind it we don't mind it it's actually a pretty terrible pack to be fair um and we're also going to be picking up ourselves a jumbo Premium Gold players pack which has a lights up but nothing else it's an 85's too late only two dupes which is an 85 akunya and the Rojo which of course we can go and get for the cards for now to help with this rival though yeah I've given a whole bunch more content I've got a lot to grind um we've got the foot Champs bonus objective the foot Champs player hinkapi there for birthday draft challenge which I need to I want to do because I want the photo from that the foot birthday party which we want to finish off uh We've also got the the Milestone cards here which I'm gonna do as well I'm gonna go and build a team guys for all of the objectives that are there and probably grind a fair bit guys I'm just sit here chilling playing some uh squat battles for the 24-hour roads Glory look at this oh you just flying man oh my go wait I wanna I wanna get on to him I want to see it from his perspective oh I can't even see him whoa is up and he's back again oh he's he's stuck that landed too what what on eBay what a Donny we're up to 134 000 coins now as well which is quite nice a DeMarco soul that crows sold we've got a nice little bit of excess water on the trade pile as well team one pack is three tokens I'm probably gonna be able to do the team one pack and the Crespo of course Crespo will genuinely be used for fodder um and nothing else wow I have eight tokens still the craziest thing is I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be able to get to 15. there's just not enough tokens in the game for me to get to 15. I might be able to get to like 10. I've already taken everything that's worth anything so we'll take this pack and that means I don't even have to focus on the uh the other tokens which is quite nice um maybe who knows maybe we get like one of the borders out of team one would be quite nice and we'll take her and Crespo as well um just for again for a bit of fodder like he he even might go into this SPC straight away to be fair um pop him in and pop him in and there we go and that is an icon let's go uh and then the 85x5 we're gonna do right now I've got that Hakuna Matata we need an 86 rated squad or maybe not maybe not do I put all of this fodder in for an 85x5 you know what yeah in for a Pentium for a pound rifle we get something massive that upgrades the squads it's gonna be well worth it isn't it okay and then an 86 over an 85 for the rating all right there we go that saved the uh Marcos or kunya it does mean that we get rid of 911 Robert Lewandowski eleven andovsky that's his new name now forever right um but what it does mean that we can do is open some packs a gold pack first obviously I've got some like stinky bags I think I've got three nice packs come on good packs only please good packs only that is not it we've got the super loans team pack I'm just gonna discard all of this crap like nothing here oh hold on 106 game loan nothing here interests me at all it's all just gonna go I do like the fella got 106th game loan though right what the foot birthday team one player pack yeah just give me one of the best ones man come on Brazil right hey do you know what he fits into the team very nicely Emerson Royale my goat that that is one of the better ones we could have got yeah I don't like that that's quite nice that's quite nice for a couple of tokens that's quite nice um then we've got the 584 plus players pack but birthday icons that's all I'm looking for right now oh team of the tournament no German kimmich no it's Kai have hurts but under 88 rated is very nice the rest of it not so nice the 85 Plus players pack comedy a foot birthday nope this is gonna be gone Charlotte Ramos isn't it oh no it's Taps over oh do you know what this card is quite nice yo look at that oh that's legit legit that Hummels is nice I know he's cheap but he's nice worst case scenario we just got loads of photos best case scenario we've just upgraded our team a whole bunch let me do first on the fiesta first because then we'll have even more follow at the end of it here we go lovely deserved deserved he's not gonna die is he I knew it he quit he quit see that buddy let's go buddy that's why this guy's gone go on lad oh yeah yeah something working on working on come on now what player would you take on day one if you've got every card from any FIFA just one I genuinely don't know yeah you know what that 89 player a month on might be there for it because he was a cult hero Miguel Antonio scores told you be gone after two didn't I oh it's lovely in it that's that's quick worthy that is laddy yep see you later and this experience I've had right here guys I know I've beat six people in a row before this and would hopefully like to think that'll be this guy as well but this experience is exactly why playing Rivals isn't worth it it has made for me the first owner Fiesta way more enjoyable just because I'm in a really low division in rivals oh sent him home to the menus let's go all right seven wins in a row Happy Days hmm that small state it took me like what an hour to get through [Applause] um first owner Fiesta I think it's gonna be worth it just the seven games all of this extra fodder I'm feeling like a foot birthday icon out of a pack before this series finishes I really am a double 83 here hopefully no dupes nice and 86 in there as well which is really nice because we might be closer of finishing a rival though at the moment we get 284 plus players pack how many a just lights up again that's too bad literally 284s that's really sad we get a 3a3 players pack just lights up again including a duplicate 84 Sergio Ramos yeah 61k there for him pop him in there Emerson Royale I don't care about Lukaku don't care about Behavior McGee have already served their purpose I air I don't care about cheap on the market anyway Chris but I don't care about right small red gold players pack for that that is another big segment now of our mate done and we get to save the Sergio Ramos we get to open the rare gold small rare gold players pack lights up I do like that 86 new Cafe not a bad another bit of order for the next one 584 plus company amen not for us not today oh Lord you know what yes for us yesterday a nice big 90. okay that is the threshold and that is Showdown munier I thought his team in the air for a second there with just over eight hours left I went back into Rivals the task was to try and complete as many of the foot birthday objective and Milestone players as quickly as possible but I see what we've done nine objectives yeah I've done loads of Milestones okay I just need to win two more with the sub the combo guys out straight away now which is actually quite sad because De La Cruz is half decent to be fair but also have we just done loads of us oh I got well excited man Stadium customization stuff lovely call that all right eight more objectives done there's him Cappy done though hey I've got that done well quick small rare gold players pack here we go just lights up oh a duplicate Milling kovich Savage I might not be able to do anything with that I'm still gonna need an 89 race Squad it's you know what it's going to be one of those situations we're almost throwing this away is going to be what's worth it so what I'll do instead is actually work on that what's his name for a bit of fodder Gary lineker because we could trade like that low tier fodder into that high tier fodder all right that's that one done yeah that's all right there jumbo Premium Gold pack for that and eight super come on birthday icon that's what I want to pack the most with that for birthday icon a full greenish I don't mind walk out come on now ah who's gonna be Manet it's not informed though oh another 85 back on your duplicate what can I do with an 85 dupe now Brad oh yeah you know what Brad's a great Shout boom love that and there's another 89 which is madness that and then let's go and do a run through of that thing to get the bronze uh bronze Reyes to finish off Gary lineker who will be another player that will be able to put into their premium election players pack upgrade take those six rare bronzes just for some stuff out of the club love that and the other one is what 74 raid squads so I probably could do this SBC like a whole bunch of times with what I've got in the in the club another small bronze players pack lovely there's our bronzes for so we're gonna have Gary lineker done now I have to buy the silvers but hopefully we'll get some out of this we're getting lights up out of that which is quite nice an 83 another rare silver and then the 11 silver is I think we've got four or five already oh damn seven already only have divided by four boom that is Gary lineker done a second icon on the account already crestbone linica let's go obviously he is just here for fodder all I need is two more games now two more wins now I think with rashford and lingard was that right I think it was two more um do you know what even though we've got about seven hours left gonna be tough to get Champs in qualifiers in 13 more Rivals games in all of those draft games in oh he went let's go yeah that's the Saudi stuff done that's another 86 in the bag wait what is this game from start to finish from start to finish what is this game he quit see you later buddy Paddy B with a hat trick and that does indeed get us but birthday party six out of seven there's alessandarini an 84 by three pack which hopefully we can get a 90 or 91 out of you can now start using alessandrini up front instead of uh Bamford as well which is quite nice but here we go 384 plus is it's just like come on be messy I would love that oh that's terrible isn't it that is actually terrible Ephesians 7 reward upgrade is here I took the untraded one on this particular limited time road to grow guys because obviously we want to get that out of rear valve though so fodder is going to be the thing for us and on that note we are going to throw away an 84 lagovic there's just nowhere I can put him that feels right uh without wasting more fodder so let's get our two uh Mega packs open who knows who knows light top is always nice hopefully not too many dupes it's an 83 only two dupes which is really nice good positions uh good like consumables should I say and any tradables here yes indeed sure Beyond mega pack number two come on this is the one ah it's only lights again another 83 again two more dupes again Premium Gold players pack number one lights up again Robert rewards good but not great you know how it is onto trade War that's nice and uh before we get into just 10 we just need 10 wins now 10 wins no lights up on that one 10 wins is what we're looking for now let's go and get them nice ggs right next game come on would have thought that guy would have tried holy crap come on buddy give me a rage quit even if it is the 74th minute lovely come on greatest pal he's actually not going to score it that's unbelievable with it that's unbelievable in it Jesus Christ get me out of this game for a bit lovely this guy's gone this guy's not gonna see this game out yep there we go that's more like it that's more like it more of that there's more of that LOL see if how there's another one down come on that's more like it come on love that love that come on in this guy's literally not even playing yeah he quit fair enough lovely another easy win there we go don't mind it we don't mind it took us God honestly about two hours to get five wins and then it's taken us eight minutes to get three more I just needed a break and I could feel it I feel like I could feel my head was Gone with the way I was playing and it was just important that I just took took that break composed and went again and there we are we're up into division six now mind you but we only need uh three more wins and then we're done there we go back in the lead come on no for the minus three one and that's four one oh told you I'd make this guy rage queer just take a bit longer didn't I there you go just like that bash boss that's like three calls in three minutes I actually want to see that what are these match highlights 38 39 and 41 unbelievable kickoff cheese yay he went let's go come on right one more one more lovely there we go that is the 10th Man and that game was a little bit tougher this guy hit me on a couple of little counters and I couldn't deal with it and then I did deal with it and then we won the game that's it we don't have to play Rivals anymore thank God but what we do get from that is some more items now we can go and qualify for Champs and play Champs which is probably the last thing that we're going to be able to do to be perfectly honest we get a friendly teamwork 585 plus players pack we get the foot birthday party player pack we're obviously going to want to go and do a little bit of work on um what do we get here rare mega pack let's go we're obviously going to want to go and do a little bit of work on I can't remember whose icon we're working on that's right uh right tfo's pack to start with and of course we don't really have that much time to like sit here and like admire the packs we just gotta rip them and ship them so we're going to start with this rare Mega packet it's only lights up hopefully a walkout still though it's only an 83. yeah that's pretty poor I can't lie we also get ourselves the 85x5 very nice and we've got 85x5 we can grind as well right we're going to get ourselves a man of the match Swedish left wing is Jesper Colson that's nice 87 rated I don't mind that and a couple more 87s and an 86 all right let's go and see if we can uh we can actually finish off the 89 rate segment of Figo sorry raval though if not I'm gonna do an 85x5 with the dupe so we've got here I am way below what we can do here for an 89 rated Squad so what we're going to do here is do the 85 by 5 because I've actually got a lot of 87s that don't really serve too much purpose this one I mean we've got a load of 85s and a load of a4s and we might be able to go and do the um Guerrero SBC as well actually that might be a little help this might be a risk guys right this might be a wrist dump in all of these 85s into 85x5 we really need some like 90 and 91 rated cards or like 89 and 90s like we we kind of just need some of these big guys right um so another five by eighty five is it gonna give us what we need I could obviously buy some as well we've got a hundred thousand coins it's only going to be lights up oh damn that's tough and then we'll also get to open up the 86 road to the Final Fantasy foot or foot birthday team one pack and we rode to the final it's German it's a striker it's only going to be volunt so it's only another 87. so what I'm gonna do is figure out what the team is that we're going to use once we've got Rivaldo for playoffs we don't need any of these guys anymore so I now want to put together like what do I think my best team is and after that everything else can literally get dumped into something so anything that's not in this team can go basically there we go that's his 90 rate card in there that's going in tap sober can go lucevski can go oh no isn't kulusevski in the actual team and that is as low as it goes but that is nice because yeah we don't care about danjuma we don't care about bamfords do I I've never cared about Patrick Bamford see you in my team hold on we do care about Bamford don't we hold on hold on why is it why is it so hard Luis Diaz is gonna go I don't care about Lewis Diaz we've got loads of Wingers boom like that that's okay those guys going I don't mind we get a mega pack for that we've got 35 000 coins and a dream to get this last Squad done we get lights up on this one oh it's an 89 Allison do you know how helpful that is that is unbelievable let me actually do this player of the month first so that I know I've I've not like taken away from him this is only an 84 and an 83 red Squad this is gonna be fine all right how's that done in inform and an 83 rated Squad all right that's him done that's another little piece to the puzzle complete I think what I'll do is I'll hold Titan Rivaldo now and we'll see what we get from qualifying rewards and then get revaldo for that last chance run because that Guerrero is real nice yeah now that's nice so that's going to be our starting lineup guys that should be like 31 in chemistry I think 30 out of 33 so I think cap you on two Sandra on one that's a legit team other than getting rival though right and we'll we'll play the qualifiers and then go and get rival though as I said I just want to get qualified as quick as possible just four wins and and bouncing actually uh even though I'm gonna probably gonna lose this one now I actually genuinely feel like I'm like understanding New Gen fee for now let's feel overall a lot better at the game a few moments later told you I'd end up losing this one um [Music] yep that'd be it no point wasting time in this one take two of them why is Jesse lingard taking so long to make that pass man well they're in the end but holy lovely goal let's go come on effort oh Wow's cheese in it oh well in lad oh let's go I'm gonna make this guy rage great 100 as if his first time his first time even in my half and he scored off of it surely is a penalty that time there's just no way man let's go Bamford yeah goodbye insane little team there though yeah do you know why zero stamp player can catch someone Dave because when the AI is in control of the player stamina doesn't count we're just gonna move on I don't have the time to care about trying to sweat it out against this guy thank you oh good skill and he's managed to beat his man and he's made Headway there we go goodbye friend what's that three wins one more well two more now and one two more there we go a lost man holy lovely all that oh it might be love that that's the one I told you that's the one bye-bye do I go for one more win just to get the six win reward here no I don't have the time for that I genuinely don't we are qualified we are going to end foot Champs we're going to take those four four wins rank five we're gonna take these objectives as well the eight one by eleven I just need some good fodder man I need some good photo to get uh Rivaldo so EA if you could just bless me would be nice let's get his player picks open come on here big 88 89s taking 85 in form because we already have the A6 and kunku so the 86 Chesney doesn't really help to be honest I've got enough 85 and 86 footer I need some other things two regular players back but right his lights up come on give me like a gold and a Benzema or something 85 Sergio biscuits inform walk out come on be someone big 88 or eight nine 88 trip here superb he's actually gonna help massively the 84 plus regular come on another big player I don't care who is just no it would just want a big player you know it's only an 85. and then the eight one by 11.8 oh never mind I needed that to be someone big then or 25 000 better yet oh that is the squad but that's got Edison in it so that's the only player I don't actually want to put in this team now is Edison oh somebody listed messy for 10K what an idiot I managed to get messy anyway but somebody listed messy for ten I missed it because I was like Chuck I couldn't believe what I was seeing all right we've got Messi though we can now finish off and then play foot champions some of these guys are on the bench but I don't really care and that is Rivaldo for birthday complete I'm very happy about that and that is now the team complete the only thing that's going to improve this account hours whatever rewards we get from foot Champs which should be a lot of fun and I'm excited to have him as my Striker as well into the club he goes that's it that's the team we're taking into Champs 21 hours 39 minutes in yeah I think I'll just like assess the game like early days and if I could just if I feel like I'm comfortable to win it I'll try and win it if I feel like it's going to be a stress I will just go straight away for the uh the RQ right especially against a team like this I'd expect it's actually quite a nice scene but skiing goal come on brother cheers debut golfer Rivaldo love that yeah Guerrero less animators to play been excellent and they just haven't stopped working it's been a fantastic performance up to now what the hell game [Music] it's like lickety-splitted this guy man there we go there we go do that's one eight to go come on yeah I like that idea if we go one nil down in the game unless I like unless I'm like clear clear clear [Music] of my opponent if we go one nil down back out akowski straying you know what I'm saying well since you said Trust I will trust you bang give me some of that hopefully we get a really good it's a pen straight away straight down the middle brother boom yes please can he do it is Rivaldo let's go home thank you very much that's why I need jabby Alonso Right Center mid I need to change it into tactics this has been so far [Applause] here we go slowing the game down did very well there maybe he'll quit now five one's just too much brother he's gone let's go wonderful vision from Lionel Messi of course some outrageous 40-yard throw ball to benietta and that's it come on I didn't want to quit this one one no doubt because I don't think this guy's very good lovely lovely well they get themselves level here this game oh that became over well that's right preserving the lead and doing it really well it's Carlos santrini May alessandrini's been game changers down that left-hand side sit him down mate not gonna let him kick off cheese me he's got a book oh just kidding he's going to get it anyway what is that for a goal man what is that pass man honestly somebody explains me what is that pass crazy good what a joke you press tackle three four times next to a guy and the the ball just sticks to the foot man let's go this guy giving a win or just quitting the game I'm gonna quit before you brought down this guy's got a lone team wow got lucky with that or a script it's a lovely go on it let's just go back is one of those things right where once people realize the things that pay the most importance in this game is your skill your connection and your mentality once you realize that you will just have a better better time on this game for me I think I'm pretty good at this game my connection's always very good which doesn't always always help because of like compensation lag and stuff but you know my weak point is my mentality 100 the only time your team like the team becomes relevant be closer you are in relation with skill to your opponent so let's take like the foot Champs let's take uh Rivals divisions an example right an elite Rivals player will be a division Four rivals player like a true division four rifles player not someone that's sandbagged an elite Rivals player will be a division Four rivals player with a bronze team so team doesn't matter there an elite Rivals player will probably struggle against the division three or division two player with a bronze team an elite Rivals player will lose to a division one player if the elite person has a bronze team and then you know they'll obviously lose against an elite Rivals player if like a division four player matches up against somebody in division eight doesn't really matter about the team the the team is the team is next to him irrelevant because I look at this guy's team right this guy's got an insane team they're all loans but he's got an insane team yeah he's getting pumped by me and my team because I'm just that much better than him however if he was like let's say I'm a division one player if he was like a division three player with this team I would struggle against him that's where the team like pays dividends right the better you are compared to your opponent the better the team has an influence the team look look at the team is like a tiebreaker right that's what I would say if you're if you're in like a close game the tiebreaker is the team and I can't tell you the differences had to me just trying to keep like maintaining my play Stone on this is gonna sound well sad right it comes from Mikhail arteta after we lost like the United game and the one of the commentators was like make out like are you sad or whatever he's like nope we played exactly how we should have done you know we we did very well we played superb if we keep playing like this the results will just come right and I look I thought about that I thought yeah you know what so how many times I alter the way that I play to try and change something drastically instead of just focusing on and perfecting the way that I play and when I started taking that mentality of just like let me just improve let me let me win the second half let me just score a goal let me just hold the ball for a bit let me frustrate this guy but I started winning way more games way more we've got the trophy Titans stuff here now I didn't manage to get the rotatory finished actually during during the uh time that I wanted and so that was quite sad uh I wanted to get it done before her birthday was finished before this uh this trophy Titans was kind of here but hey you know not always nobody's gonna get what you want are you not always going to get what you want so um yeah we've got however many wins we can get in between now and the last hour and 15. we've got an 85 Plus player pack here it's gonna be a road no a man of the match is 90 Joshua kimmich not too bad for a few moments I'm just gonna go back out of some games and give up some some wins straight away to get my ELO down because if I'm on five and I need four uh I'm either gonna need some really quick rage quits or I'm only gonna have to stop on the six win rank so let's get some thrown away and see if we can get ourselves up to nine right with five and five now officially check okay this is a game I don't mind playing he has got a bat paper we'll try on this one for the start that's one oh Guerrero in that left Cinema has been beautiful oh Guerrero with the hat trick oh from there we get the win that is six three to go one hour seven minutes to go red bar connection that's not nice again I'm just gonna judge the team and although the team makes a player but if it's like a full-on sweat team which is kind of not it's an interesting team that one I'll give this like 10 minutes in game and see how I feel we only need three wins we've got over an hour to do it now oh surely nice nice all right that's one lovely Guerrero again my God this guy has been insane or Rivaldo let's go or Rivaldo lovely that should be game over yes it is all right seven wins two to go all right what's this guy got for a team what's he got courtois and goal all right I could play this team as well this is a pretty uh pretty generic old team nice there's one straight away let's go make this Guerrero I can't even lie man he's insane oh come on man David let's go baby come on nice all right let's game over nah man nah man that's a joke that's a joke that's a joke oh I can't believe it I could no I can't believe it I don't I genuinely guys I am baffled I'm not gonna quit obviously I I'm baffled as to how I have literally zero stamina on some of my players I'm not on constant press I am not an overload ball side I am on my standard tactics just balanced it's not pressed on heavy touch or anything and yet I have zero stamina that's a real pain in the ass man what a waste come on brother can we skip through this oh my God I'm Batman Jersey front three all right there we go come on ah joke [Music] just a joke in it this game's a joke man on Earth thank you General no game how does he come through those Midfield no I can't believe it I actually can't believe it come on come on I can't believe it oh my days this game really needs to get a goddamn Rage Quit here all right there's one come on oh you're kidding let's go come on bye-bye one more win guys I got 21 minutes on the clock one more win Edison tomorrow gold okay yeah I'm playing this one let's go come on that's two come on all right come on come on buddy game over surely surely surely surely all right we've got 17 minutes left guys 17 minutes left and that time is gonna be spent just collecting everything that we've got that's our ninth win I've got to go and throw a couple of games still um man that was getting stressful because at the time constraints that was getting stressful um but we're gonna go and throw a couple of games collect our rewards open our rewards and see what we get see what we have at the end of the 24 hour Road to Glory rank six done guys the nine wins were complete we do get the player picks the foot Champs player picks first we'll start with an 84 rated bit of fodder pick number two an 85 rated bit of fodder and a rare gold 84 plus which is going to be 88 David Soria that is not bad so our rewards guys after those player picks the final part of this uh this Road's Glory before kind of like just sorting the team out building it showing what we've got How deep the club is damn that's actually all right an 88 in form and 86 and an 84 the team of the week pack paid ow and then a 50k pack as well it's lights up but nothing else just an 85. and last but not least guys a 100K pack which is also just lights up and nothing else all my days 88 cruise and Reuben dish not bad nice bit of fodder there um and then just to show you guys where we are at with the time obviously it's going to take me a few minutes to kind of organize the club and whatnot and uh get the best team to together so let's have a look guys real quick at the amount of time that has been spent on the account if it wants to pop up there you go 23 hours and 46 minutes I have 14 minutes spare to organize my account let's see what the final team was and guys this is it the final team comprises of Patrick bamford's Jack grealish revaldu by the way he was fantastic like genuinely genuinely fantastic um we had kulusevski it didn't really like him and as you can see there are only 33 gold contributions in 75 games Patrick Bamford was okay 67 gold contributions in 81 games Jack grealish did feel nice to be fair 71 72 goal contributions in 94 games this guy was a menace I was I think he's like one of my favorite cars in the game this year and I know that's like bold to say after just 27 games I've been I was playing him at centimet in the 442 of course and yeah I I just thought he was fantastic scored some lovely goals he was so good defensively so good offensively absolutely brilliant uh probably the best player in the team overall is Javi Alonso I'm glad we completed him 85 games on him four star four-star superb stats uh we've got munier who we have played 50 games with got 10 goals and six assists and now he's five star five star with the upgrade of course we didn't get any benefits of that upgrade but there he is we've got Max Hummels who is brilliant five star week for a fantastic Defender we've got him Cappy who I wasn't really like I didn't really care about him too much I don't really get too much joy out of him and then Alexandra again I thought he was absolutely fantastic like one of my favorite players in the team uh for sure on the bench we've got Gregor terrible alessandrini very nice lingard terrible year I didn't really play with much and then just the fodder uh that's left over but more to more to the point of you know we're on an account for 24 hours less than 24 hours which you know has taken me actually over a couple of weeks because I've tried to do it like efficiently and smart um but you can like kind of gauge what you can get in just 24 hours of gameplay on this game and this isn't just the sort of team that you can get within 24 hours but when you look at the fodder that we've got kimmich Diaz Cruz sorry on honor at and then look at everything else that we've got in the club uh we have got just so so much so ignore the loans but once we get down to the players we've also got another couple of 86s there we've got another 86 a whole page of 85s obviously that rashford is alone another whole page of 85 so that's almost 20 85s there and then loads of 84s and loads of 83s and loads of 82s with also loads of informs and in general just pages on pages on pages of cards and it goes to show that just by playing this game you can build out your account like crazy you might miss out on some fun sbcs you might miss out on some things here and there but you can you can like build an account like crazy now I believe I didn't actually buy anyone that's here now did I because I sold them for fodder prices but we've also got 58 000 coins and uh that come from you know the foot Champs rewards we sold the inform we sold munai and a few bits and Bobs on the trade pile there but that is it guys that is it we we got through two foot Champs runs I didn't even do um you know some of the other stuff that you can do that would make a big impact like I didn't even get the 500 goals in I didn't get the you know didn't do the Dennis burkham didn't get the 500 goals or the 500 assists I didn't do the advanced sbcs which of course offer an absolute mass of packs that would also massively improve this road to glory all I did was just play the game for 24 hours and we ended up with a team that I think is absolutely phenomenal and that will be the end of the video thank you very much for watching and I'll see you next time I'm out peace
Channel: NepentheZ 2
Views: 856,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NepentheZ, FIFA 23, FUT 23, FIFA, RTG, R2G, Road to Glory, 24 hour rtg
Id: 78UsQh0ZPtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 51sec (7071 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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