WATCH: Liverpool FC Legends vs Celtic | Ft. Steven Gerrard, Jamie Webster LIVE & more!

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] welcome to anfield the home of the mighty Reds usually where most salar veto Van Dyke and Co put on the show but today the club are rolling back the years as the Legends take Center Stage against Cell Tech [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] oh goodness [Applause] [Music] hopefully raise a shared loads of money for charity while they're at it it is the Liverpool FC Legends versus the Celtic Legends presented by AXA Health in association with Forever Reds kickoff is at three o'clock and the whole game is live and free to watch on lfc's Facebook and YouTube channel as well as for the subscribers of LFC TV link and intro welcome to the Legends live it's Liverpool taking on Celtic the Great and the God I thought that was for me but it's John Barnes through it all listen we've just got I've got a text oh we got here who have we got here it's me sailing Festival I knew this girl was just running around with a little nappy on oh wow can someone get John Barnes a microphone you might as well come on well the intro was going a bit mad so I just thought you've actually just saved the day what a wonderful young lady because when you were two and three running around we were worried about you I have to say we were worried about you John Barnes says that he knows me from way back I can't remember but it's all right where did you meet her I can't tell you oh okay oh no hang on a second hang on a second I'm 30 years older than her so it's not like where did I mean the baby show John listen talk to me about today it's the first time me and Ian Affinia will buy the cop we're not in the copper in front of it today how good does it feel to be back it is incredible I'm so looking forward to it mainly because I'm not playing because listen I just get tired I get tired just walking across the pitch did you see how long it took to get across here but it's a great occasion of course it's for the foundation 48 000 are going to turn up Celtic have come down and all the good work that the foundation does for the community is fantastic so it's great that the crowds of turn them but they want to see a good game so they're kind of limited limited the over 50s to one or two so Gary McAllister is a bit younger than me so we've got some young ones there's going to be a great game but you don't want the old ones playing well that well that's Scotland because as I said last time I played was about 10 I would have been 49 and I think the fans turn it because of the great occasion but of course they want to see a good game as well and if you have the older player so myself and Russia and Aldo are the assistant assistant we're the assistant manager so it'll be a good game from the 85th minute he might be able to sneak ahead oh come on Russia couldn't even last five minutes I'd take it from me because of course there's some some players are playing who are just retired you know Charlie Adams aren't even retired yet I know yeah and some retired many years ago but is there a party or that does want to get your boots back on there was not at my age and my stage now where russoma Patel attendant I get injured every time I play so therefore my my head rules my heart so I suppose when I first stop playing in these kind of games 10 years ago for a couple years I thought it'd be great to play but after a while you know when your time's up Chelsea what about you I'm English you're still playing aren't you get your boots off I played in sawgrade one Year John and it went so well I've been doing the commentary for the last three years since the opposition I played for the rest of the world left back I was breathing out of him parts of my body I didn't even know existed by the end of it you look young this year thank you very much for asking how did you do that uh fitness and exercise job but it's not about me today well um boys I'm excited what players are you guys looking forward to seeing today that's the one that's the thing I want to know who you're looking forward to seeing playing John Luis Garcia oh my gosh look at him on social media with his wife doing all kinds of weights and he's like so fit but of course Stevie as well you know obviously but all of them I think McAllister having a word with Gary McCarthy yesterday because he um he was a training with white socks and his legs were whitening his socks so I told him he's got to put some false Tan on because you know he looks as we just come down from Scotland in the winter well you're looking good if you have a town you're not legally alive yeah Gary's actually one you're younger than me so he's 58 so he's probably the oldest one playing so he's asked for he won't last long he didn't know he was that old did you Gary McAllister I had no idea just just stop right there because should we have a little look at the team now oh yeah take a look at the team you can talk us through it John if you want what's the team in the first half yeah this is the team apparently this is the team in the first time normally we've got a team for the second half because we've got 21 players so if you look a little strong on the back yeah and Sammy is very competitive I mean and of course either side of him Squirtle and um Clavin uh and Greg with vinyl who's very fit he's coaching at the moment Cavani Tori it's he's also very fit McManaman Charlie Adam in there well Charlie was still playing up to up to you know 18 months ago last year great things that of course second half if you look at the team in a second I've got CC Robbie Keane's actually playing for Celtic in the first half of both I told him it's all right because he scores a few months he'll come on and of course we still got some young players Gary Mack is open for 10 minutes and the Celtic team are also fairly young and strong Celtics though I think mcginsto please good luck sticks and they've got him you know some good young players as well yeah we're still playing up to nothing I don't remember yeah back when you had to pay per letter for on the back of the shirt so nobody got him so I think it's going to be a good game you know you've got Trevor Sinclair who's gonna you know come on in the second half Harold bratbuck I had a Celtic who's a commercial pilot now so of course you know he's a very bright Boy Ramen Vega I think is trying to keep out the way to be honest with you I don't think grandma wants to play too much I can't wait to get it what's Trevor Sinclair doing in the Celtic Legends look at that [Laughter] we have to go around and tell everybody who was playing because when Kenny picked the team no one understood a word he said yeah that's Robbie did you are aware to you then John what's your motivational speech for the boys can he do it we just don't get injured don't get injured yeah don't get injured I've not seen so many men over the age of 40 in tracksuits in my entire life I don't think but it's a bit different because when I played players over 40 in my time we're still very unfit you know because we kind of let ourselves go whereas all Sammy hoopia is still as fit as Slim as he was the fittest do you think well you know I have to say because Sammy is probably a little bit older than a lot of but he's still very very fit um Steve McManaman is always famous yeah you don't do any training but he could run ever since he was like five years old but Louis Garcia probably obviously you know what he does so but you know they're all fitting competitive so we're hoping for a home win home win I hope so I hope so and um you know training were you there last night I was here last night yeah I don't know if you can call it I don't think you're gonna call this training a train and who's the best or Steve McMahon is the worst but he was worse when he was 25 years old the best player at Liverpool went to Real Madrid but he was the worst trainer but when he because he can run all day so he doesn't even try and training yeah but wait till they see the white legs if you see them well of course that's obviously the top don't show below the below the waist of course the belly because my belly's a little bit you don't want to see that if you don't believe me slow motion about some good fit ones yeah is also very fit you are right though I mean the shots are amazing but I don't really see much trade intake in place it's not sort of slow-mo I mean I'm not a director you said this took a training energy but you put that on so I was going to describe what we saw in training but you know talk to you all day and I know you could talk to us as well but I've got to go and get the bodies ready exactly because I am the fourth assistant you know the viewers on Facebook and donate by the button below or visit forward slash donate to help the support of the LFC foundation and Forever Reds don't forget the money raised from today's fixtures will fund programs and schools inclusive Sports social action health and we well-being and tackling food poverty details are on the screen throughout the show so please I know it's a tough time but donate what you can well now we've actually got another little chap Becky is over there with Jillian and someone is very important to today so if we can go to Becky yeah thanks guys we are with Jillian McMahon from right to play who work alongside the LFC Foundation Jillian firstly just tell us all about what you guys do thanks yeah we're delighted to be here today so right to play is the only Global development organization that will focus exclusively on using plea to protect educate and Empower children around the world we reached over 2 million children every year and which in some of the world's most vulnerable children in Africa Asia and the Middle East and we help children stay in school gain an education and recover from trauma through play and we're delighted to work in partnership with the Liverpool Football Club Foundation side by side helping children claim their future and have happier lives and sadly obviously there are so many children across the globe really facing hardship at the moment just tell us how they can benefit from the work that the LFC Foundation does yes we work together in programs in Thailand where we help children gain vital life skills and learn about youth leadership through play and Sport we're working in Senegal working on issues of gender equality and helping and girls get into education helping young people and young women participate in sports and we're just starting to work together in Tanzania a program funded by the UK government that helps children stay in school and access their education for a brighter future and people will obviously have seen as well the side-by-side logo the players wearing in the the Champions League the last two seasons so what kind of exposure you know that kind of exposure can have what kind of a benefit can that have yeah it's just amazing we're so grateful to have that been that exposure on on this trip and um you know Liverpool has such amazing fan base around the world and allowing us to raise awareness of what we're doing is it's really important so we're really grateful to the club and to the foundation for letting us do that and finally what does it mean to be here at anfield today hopefully a lot of money to be right [Music] well we've got a very very important VIP with us now bvip it's only Jamie Webb that's come to talk to us there so nice to meet you yeah genuinely yeah me fiance is going to be jealous I'm talking to me I can tell I can tell you that I've seen you perform live about four times and I remember about one of them so it's always been a fantastic time please just for me and Jamie just say I've got a text I've got a text yeah I asked Elton John for the support slot when he was here last summer but it didn't come through unfortunately um no I've played in the lounges and stuff like that obviously you know over the years but no never played looking at this unbelievable site which we probably take for granted more than we should 100 um yeah obviously I'm up there today just in amongst all the fans so it should be exciting it's filling up as well no not with I mean there's always a little bit of names before you play your first chords or whatever but you know like this is just a lovely family day isn't it money's getting raised it's it's that's what I did there's still what I mean I love it I was going to say because you know on days like this how important is this you know the money that is being raised and what I mean you know we're going back in the Years a few years taking us back into watching Stevie Lewis Garcia exactly loved it I said just a few The Lads when we were having something to eat before I said it makes me realize how old I'm getting now that the Legends at the labs who were like my heroes do you know what I mean but now it's um it's just amazing to be here like you know obviously community's such a big word in this city and it should be in every city and you know thankfully you know Liverpool fans we know how to look after our own and that's why we're all here today yeah we want to see Stevie you know replicate a few goals that he scored Years Gone by we'd love to see Lewis Garcia score you know one of his memorable goals that he scored so many years but it's all about the foundation today and it's all about raising money for the for the causes that need and I'm just so proud to be part of it as I'm sure we all are yeah I mean it's gonna go off any it isn't it when he starts singing it's going to be it's going to be unbelievable I mean we had to drag them away from everyone asking for autographs more likely even gotten started here today so thank you for taking the time jimin the one thing I was going to ask you as well is like the great amount of beta is that make sure you realize that like how amazing football is but like also how important football is isn't it to like a city like Liverpool well it's massive you know you you look at all your or your typical you know working class cities you look at Liverpool you look at Glasgow talk about Celtics two cities that are so similar and identical in so many ways you know Community is such a big world in both cities and both cities not have just said you know how to look after the people and it is especially here and you know you've only got to see just oh it's you know we've got a long way from kickoff you know on as far as my today's goes and look how many people are in the ground today look at the reception bands you got you know after these kids never ever seen Barnsley kick football I didn't see bandsy kitchen off the FIFA exactly yeah exactly and it's just it's just an unbelievable day thankfully the sun's out for us as well and yeah it was raining at the start but the minute John Barnes arrived at some point yeah well listen boys you're gonna stick around with us dead quick Becky is having a chat right now with Robbie Keane and Steve McManaman so let's go and see what she's got to say okay we are with Steve McManaman and Robbie Keane Robert she your second one I think Steve you're a veteran of these games yes um been stood here a long time in these games thoroughly enjoyable games still really still really honored to be invited great to see a lot of players that I didn't play but of course Robbie likes of Martin scale I mean there's so many actually in this team so it's um it's a Pity I couldn't see a lot of a lot of the um the lads who played last year but um new set of new set of faces and it's great to see everybody we say your second time but you must get such a buzz when you walk out onto that pitch yeah absolutely yeah I think of first and foremost it's for a great cause you know as as like I said you know I grew up watching Maca and and the Robbie Fowlers of of this world so I don't I don't show your age um send out to be you know on the pitch with them and uh is great as I said it's my second one looking forward to it I was a great great atmosphere and of course for me it's a double by me today so playing playing 25 minutes for Celtic first half so uh I hope the lads don't kicked me because I have to play for them never do that Becky no no we trained last night and had a good laugh so um the thing is we know his moves like because we showed them last night so well yeah we'll try and close them down a bit I was gonna say once you prep like you know in the the wheat running up to eight weeks even do you do a few more gym sessions get a few gym sessions yeah I did a little bit of training with Shamrock Rovers for the last the last week to get a little bit of a little bit sharpness I'm not into the treadmills and all that so just for football trying was looking in shape and training last night well to be honest we're quite fortunate the Liverpool team I don't know whether you've locked but you know I think Martin scale only retired recently didn't he like no clavan's the same Louis Garcia always looks that looks good to of course Steven um always keeps himself in trim so we've got Mark Gonzalez who of course you've played recently and scored goals here against Manchester United so we've got lots and whenever Liverpool asks former players to play they normally say yes if they can so I think we've got 20 players um here today so we've got lots of opportunities to change if people get tired or whatever so that's always a great thing as well I don't know how strong the Celtic boys probably might know more than me but certainly the Liverpool Lads look um look fitting well to be very honest obviously it's it's primarily about the foundation it's a fun day as well but there is a real Competitive Edge to these as well isn't it it is because you know I was in the boat about the restrooms before when the managers doing the team talking you know Saturday taking a very very serious they've got players of actually kind of still playing one that's still playing nine again and a few just retired so the players don't want to win like any player as soon as you go over that white line it doesn't matter whether that's for it's for for charity or it's competitive game you want to win you want to win this is yeah that's a competitive nature if we're here you might as well you might as well win the game and lose the game won't you and that's not I mean of course it's it's being competitive we know it's you know what what what we're here for we know that we're trying to raise money for the foundation and a number of other challenges but while we're here you know he wants to score goals of course he's just that's what he's done all his career when he played so he wants to score goals he wants to play well he wants to win the game and that goes for everybody you'll step foot out there yes we'll injure ourselves you know we'll all have a beer late and Shake Hands afterwards but while you're there you might as well be a little bit competitive and try and win the game you mentioned the teen talks there obviously Kenny will be giving yours what are his his words of wisdom like beforehand a lot of the foreign Lads could understand him that was that was the thing we still don't know that you name the team and people were still questioning um but yeah Kenny's Kenny isn't he you know I've known him for a long time I made my debut wondering when he was manager so um you know I've always had a great relationship with him and of course John Barnes and John Aldridge and he and Russia were there as well to talk about you know the other states been giving us people who've won absolutely everything so it was great to say about you know very relaxed as it is with Kenny but the fundamental thing is you know make sure you fit in well make sure you don't get injured you know try and win the game work to do so I'm going to let you get off enjoy have fun back to you Charles I mean it's just wild isn't it the noise is crazy right now in here Jamie yeah hey something else that wasn't it gather your thoughts when hey when Kenny Douglas she's 10 yards behind you in any way it's never never an easy thing to get used to Ian can't speak he's right there it's just like it's it's mind-blowing Ian are you okay he's coming over he's coming over Kenny I see you mate you're all right [Music] um I think Ian's lost for words to meet you Kenny I was gonna try and have a really good interview yeah but it's so loud whenever you come over or whatever wherever you are the crowd's just going crazy um talk to me about today is foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] respectful of that as well respectful of the players football what they've done for the football club and what they're doing for other people so obviously they wanted one obviously they want to win unfortunately we've had a bit of a microphone issue so I've got to use my microphone and I can't let you go without Ian asking you a question because really you are his God so thank you very much hey okay I guess what here I was talking to Jim Webb's earlier about how important like football is I say like Liverpool and events like this um what do you think it is about this club in particular that brings our city together and brings our community together yeah I think football clubs it's hard with the community as we were set up for in the first place so I don't know why it's getting lost some sometimes with some clubs but for Celtic uh and Liverpool the relationship there is fantastic because first first game back after houseboat uh it was at Celtic park and if you've ever looked at YouTube and seen the division that both players go and everybody walking onto the pitch both people standing together red and red and white green and white it was unbelievable and since then there's always been a really close affiliation for each other and what they did for us out there was unbelievable I mean today they even have turned up and have later it at the Hillsborough start you so it's the relationships here yeah I'd say we've actually got some footage of you and uh there's some of the Celtic Legends laying down I Reef I don't know if we can show that now but I think that was there and there is a long history of Celtics supporting Liverpool and particularly with things like the Hillsborough and that relationship's always existed it's a lot of people can see anyway we've got this footage here now go talk us through that Kenny it just tells you the how the club is how good the club is and how thoughtful letters of the community there's no their local community it's ours but they want to pay their respects to the people from Hillsborough and they've done it and they're fittingly well that's that's uh football's very competitive the rainy day there's plenty of room for some compassion as well well we're excited aren't we to get it underway now we're hoping we're gonna win hahaha oh look at everyone the most important thing is thousands of people here going to benefit not just the ones you've come and they've made a contribution as well but simply by being here but you're helping people who are less fortunate and can guarantee them every penny is a prisoner that's what I was about to say you know we forget that we this whole thing is to be raising money I think about 50 000 in today 4 000 Celtic fans as well well they had to start the sale the sales this ticket to the Celtic fans but I don't think the ability to stop them because they'll be in and around everywhere they'll mix freely and they'll have a great day thank you so much just the reason isn't it what do you reckon the score is going to be Kenny today as long as it's positive for us we're all right I'll tell her I told Rob bikini can offer Celtic just score more for us and it sounds as well for Celtic there's no chance again a game for us how is he first off for them first offer King Kenny thank you very much absolute pleasure good luck see you later Ian well I just went I just went Kenny the score is going to be so I feel like an absolute fool now but there you go what but what a lovely manner I tell you what switched on unbelievable better public speaker than both of us it's it's been awkward though we still have to keep using this mic between us I'm not really sure what to do do you know what it feels a bit late do you know that scene from lady in the with the past stuff to leave to you to me but no talk to me scores what you think the score well from what I can hear Liverpool I've got they've got a lot a lot more Firepower and a lot depth for Squad so you think legs they've maybe got it but Celtic have got a young young team I mean the fact that celtico got Legends are the same age as me as depressing for me and also a site that they might have um they might have some young Ringers in there well Stevie J obviously we're both looking forward to seeing him and I think Becky is ready now and we could see it all because it's even right now yeah Chelsea of course he has graced this pitch hundreds of times before but only a second appearance in the Legends Steven Gerald how old I think it's me there the field is actually sorry to correct you um no listen I'm okay I'm fine I'm really looking forward to today we obviously know it's a fantastic cause the LFC foundation and forever Ed so when you get the northern the invites um it's an absolute pleasure to come here today to see so many um faces that I'm used to seeing in in this Stadium I can't wait to get going now yeah it's not just the game is it it's like almost like a reunion for you guys obviously you don't see each other that often anymore so nicer to get bags again yeah it's a great occasion to you know share the old Stories the dressing room see how everyone's getting on because you do lose contact with people because you live in different countries and you're all doing your own thing but um you know what is the main things to win the game I think every time you put the little kids on and whether it's for charity or not we've got to win the game we've got a lot of supporters here today and a lot that are watching so priorities to win and then obviously hopefully we raise a lot of money for fantastic Clauses Here Local Celta can obviously take their chunk as well and and spend it wisely in good courses up in Scotland and we'll also support RDX players um you know run the 8000 B obviously people like Ron have had issues and the forever red support people like him so it's so important and you've got your little ladder as well he's just behind you they're having a little kick about me and that must be some something points you get for today bringing them to a day like this listen it's it's what I've always wanted to do where I've got three daughters I haven't been able to really do that they're not really into football so I have Leo who loves being here just as much as me it's great to spend your day with your little boy that was about the prep you do as well to you know you're obviously keeping yourself in shape but see gym sessions in the week before what have you been doing to be honest with you I haven't been too great um I haven't been feeling too well and it normally I'd prepared I'd do a couple of days in the gym I go for a few runs I keep myself in shape but my preparation for this game I'll have to be openly honest is to be in a disgrace you're not feeling too you did the full 90 of the against bastard didn't you Kenny says goes you know that so we'll see what the government's got for me but I haven't been feeling great I haven't been feeling myself I've had a bit of a chest infection but once the game gets going um you know I'll be there for whatever Kenny needs me for all right no worries I'm Gonna Let You Go and join in that warm-up thank you so much enjoy it Stephen bye-bye oh it's always just so good to say Stevie I don't feel Stevie Chan out anfield but he belongs closed my eyes I can almost see you know where I was at sitting certain games you know man united for instance here we go this is the last Legends game oh oh it was cheeky did you come to these here I've not been this is my first Legends game actually so I'm really looking forward to it but I believe what we won the last two of course yeah that was an absolutely lovely finishes that's a throwback and we beat and we beat United both last Legends games exactly exactly we're on good stead More Gonzalez scored a few as well didn't he so listen if you are watched online stay stay on the Facebook page on the YouTube channel to watch the game because look these these guys can still play football like you can't you can't bear put off there again and don't forget if you can at any point please do try and click the Donate button or visit forward slash donate to help support the Liverpool FC foundation and Forever Reds sorry and I'm literally I'm just watching all the goals [Applause] he's slowly getting ready so there's a bit of a buzz round now everyone can see him getting ready um I still can't believe Jamie's getting ready for his first performance Assam no I can't I can't like he said you know there was there was a bit of East on the lounges I've performed to them in Madrid when we went out there at the at the after party um with all the players and kloppel that was Unreal well I think Liverpool do the Liverpool do the best box Parks like and I think a big part of that JB's put a massive part of that in the last like two or three years now this is about to go off when Jamie picks up that guitar yeah it's gonna go mad like we've scored a goal he is he's a son of Liverpool and they're the second starting already now the Celtic fans have started singing as well then they get drowned out Jamie get your guitar try not to Celtic fans ASAP there he is yeah it's gonna be it's gonna be a good time I'm not sure what's going to be louder to be fair if Stevie scores or as soon as Jamie's finished singing because I'm telling you baby look at Jamie as always even when he's sitting up he's still just chatting away to fans is chatting to the security you should set up your cap you should set up your your guitar yes he is he talks to everyone oh look at the boys there warming up I can't get over how good Gary McAllister looks for a man in his 50s how old is he now 50s is it John I think John Barnes said 57. that can't be right though it's on this picture man that John Barnes every time I see him says I know you when you're alone what is the chat what is the chat right now I just think he's thought I was someone else is that what it just no I don't know my family never said John Barnes used to come around and Play Boggle or whatever oh no um you're not even told me who are you looking forward to seeing today I mean it's the obvious ones isn't it the stevies I don't even want to mention his name because I'm very excited to meet him you know I met a few Liverpool players over the years yeah with the day I'm there Stephen Gerard that Guy brought so much joy to my life as a Liverpool fan growing up I was here when we beat Olympiacos you know on the way to Istanbul yeah I remember that volley I remember the Cup finals that he just dragged us out off you know it's like Annie even saskow suddenly showed me growing up that you know your dreams can't come true do you know what it is very true again it's another thing as well as football helping communities and the LFC Foundation raise the money for Charities it also inspires young people it's hoping there'll be some people watching today that might insulate them do you know what I can do this I can achieve what I want to do exactly exactly will be playing today is so impressive okay well anyway Jamie is ready so should we should we just sit back now and enjoy his performance I think I'm gonna have a little drink [Applause] [Applause] animals [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with my [Music] father [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] real Chase parent talk to me about Jamie Webster please I'm absolutely buzzing you know he's actually wants me to make me play a game here I think listen if you could get out in a league game the atmosphere for League games I know it's incredible as it is but what an atmosphere they could kick off before a game and some of the songs he's a true scouter he sums up the scouts as well actually those he actually does field it's actually quite bad that it is the first time it is it's crazy as well but what a moment because even like you said they'll be watching me live obviously the Celtic fans as well they're all getting involved and they were loving it and the atmosphere is brought in the last couple of the last 15 minutes it's been incredible and it gets it right off for the game now well you are here today um you know as a guest for forever EDS how important is it today to be here and you know just you know before that you're not out there I'm a little bit quoted yeah but obviously I played a game for the Youth team yesterday yeah so that was obviously good for me with the role that I'm doing but in the Forever Reds I think it's an incredible thing that the club have done um it keeps his ex plays involved in a club this is a this isn't just a little bit of family and I felt that since coming back at the club and even when I left there many years ago I still felt that I was always part of it and then to come back and see a lot of familiar faces and be able to speak to the king just then before they're special moments and then for me as a boiled Liverpool fan but more because well you're gonna stay with me but we are going to jump back to Becky now she caught up with deer kite a few minutes ago foreign looking forward to it really looking forward I put a bit of water on my face because it's the sun is shining but great to be back at anfield with so many supporters uh for a very good course and what's uh very special is that there are so many Celtic fans as well so it's going to be a real game today absolutely perfect day for you I mean it's only it's the perfect day weather-wise fingers crossed I mean kick off very close when you hear You'll Never Walk Alone in a few minutes time it has surely we'll stand up a bit on your arm yeah of course you know it's a very special song for all of uh for all of us also for the Celtic supporters and I was here a couple of weeks uh before during the Liverpool Man United game was very special what is more special when you are as a player on the pitch and everybody's singing You Never Walk Alone was it it's a really important day as well for the foundation and I'm sure that the players are all delighted to play their part in that as well no that's that's great you know we love to come back uh to our club Liverpool all the players come from all over the world but what makes it very special is that we're always playing for a full crowd so uh I'm really happy that I'm here I was very in degrees of Fitness in this squad I think you're clearly in for a game like this oh you're just trying to uh to train a little bit but you cannot compare it to a full match because now we need to run over a long distance so I'm sure a few people popping up with injuries probably hamstring injuries but it's all for a very good cause and finally there's some big names in this team obviously Steven Gerald of course Louis Garcia looks in incredible shape as always who's going to be key for you this afternoon well I'm happy that Stevie uh is again here to play the game uh he's also playing very close to me so it makes things easier for me to play today I'm going to let you get back in the dressing room enjoy it take it he looks ready doesn't look like he's eating tall well this corner it's the popular Corner everyone's been here today with me but we've been joined by Gina and obviously we were just talking about you know Zoe's place and how important it is not just for the day and obviously the foundation given money and stock yeah for you just talk to me today about being here so Zoe's place is a baby Hospice we're located in West Derby we take care of children that are age zero to five with life limiting and life-threatening conditions we're the only baby specific one in the whole of the country we do have premises in Middlesbrough and in Coventry but I'm the corporate major donor fundraiser for Liverpool so we've been lucky enough to be invited today by the LFC Foundation we've got one of our families actually upstairs yeah they're having a ball the kids have fed ready to watch Jamie well just watched Jamie Webster stay just over the moon oh they were so happy to be here Jay said then you know if this happened every March okay just be amazing yeah invite me every time please you've got you've got the support from the club as well it mustn't mean a huge a huge deal to not just you but the families that you're obviously supporting and to have three young girls myself but it them opportunities and have that back in it obviously must take a lot of Weights off the shoulders the honestly the support that LFC give us it's it's unmeasurable like it's not only days like this and the experiences you know we've got 42 families that we look after but I'll tell you now 40 arrests 40 are red and when we bring a player into the hospice everyone is so excited and so Overjoyed to see them and obviously we've had a recent donation from the Forever Reds foundation and has gone to supporting a police specialist salary for the whole year that produces just the most amazing opportunities for our kids and to be honest from food hampers match their experiences financial gain it's a partnership we're very lucky to be a part of could you talk to us just really quickly you know people watching now how can they help so obviously we're a partner with the LFC foundation so if they're supporting any of the ways that there's getting supported today if you want to talk to us directly I'm in the office on Monday ring Service close baby hospice I'll be there or if not just the text to donate everybody seems to be doing so any helps appreciate it I'll meet you soon minutes out to the break we'll bring you all the action live Pete McDowell Nigel spackman and of course Ian Stalin will take you through all of the action of the Liverpool vs Celtic yes the Legends the back are anfield it's going to be a good day isn't it [Music] someone's saying six one which is crazy I'm not sure I might I want it to be close can we do penalties no let's get the job done I think if Stevie scores I'm happy all right see you later [Music] the LFC Foundation delivering real change in local parks community homes classrooms and on football pitches I have the best job in the world it's a big bad swab on our chest and we wear it with pride it's an unbelievable privilege there's no better feeling in the last 12 months alone we've supported 83 000 people almost two-thirds of those coming from the most deprived areas in the UK the LFC Foundation literally creates life-changing opportunities it's very welcoming football is almost like a new way of communicating that's what LFC is showing we've delivered eight million pounds into our local economy and nearly 25 million pounds in sport is at the heart of what we do but the LFC Foundation goes further runs deeper there's the support we provide to help keep kids out of guns and the skills we teach to get them into Jobs Plus a pioneering techniques we use to improve our young people's mental health and increase their sense of belonging access to sport for children and young people is so important for many reasons not only does it have a positive impact on physical and mental health by encouraging a healthy lifestyle and building important skills such as confidence and resilience but also has the power to bring communities together we are trying to help our communities grow the young people get lots out of it but also the communities that they live and work in get a lot out of it as well we train we play matches and we do fun games if I didn't come I'll probably sit forward in my room crying because I'd have nothing to do with 114 employees and more than 200 Partners our hours of activities have increased from 66 000 to 348 000. Empower language to provide 18 million pounds of social value in the past year this means for every one pound spent we created the return of 16 pounds to help Future Kids Future Families future Generations that's what it's all about over 128 000 items mostly food hampers donated to the local community with a total value of over 750 000 pounds it's a Once in a Lifetime experience It's gotta be the best day ever the most rewarding part for me is seeing the young people that were with us 15 years ago when they say how the impact that we've had on them has changed their life I wouldn't want to do anything else as a proud supporter of the LSC Foundation I've been lucky to see firsthand the difference their work makes to so many young people and families across the city and around the world in these uncertain times their work is more important than ever and seeing their dedication and passion to creating opportunities for young people is really inspiring for the support of everyone in the LSC family I know the next 20 years will be just as successful and impactful that's us LFC Foundation providing life-changing opportunities for young people and families for 20 years [Music] big thank you to Chelsea and to Ian good afternoon from this iconic place of worship 46 000 inside anfield here this afternoon either to roll back the years or just get that first iconic moment the sight of this wonderful green grass the lights the bright red and the noise there's nothing like your first time in here and today will be life-changing for so many Liverpool Celtics always been a carnival and this will be no different around six of the 46 000 is from Scotland and they always make themselves heard as you know it's the LFC Foundation charity match presented by AXA health and brought to you in association with Forever Reds the club's former Players Association and we are delighted that you can be alongside us we do have in the commentary box today a former Liverpool player that might get a bit of stick himself he's loved by Rangers fans not least because he scored for them on New Year's Day in 1989 against Celtics at their place days after he joined it had been a long time since they've done that three successive League titles in the blue half of Glasgow and of course the Liverpool favorite as well how much are you looking forward to this one I'm looking forward to this treat I've been in the dressing room uh talk to some of the lads they're looking forward to it as well but on my way here I saw some Celtic fans uh coming up from London and a lot of them outside as well who asked me for a couple of photographs I thought I was going to get a bit of grief but they were polite but I'm just a bit worried that the sun is shining on all those Celtics fans there and they're not used to that in Scotland so hopefully they've got the sun cream on Ian Sterling bafta winning stand-up comedian one of the most recognized voices on TV in the wake of Love Island would you like to respond to that for your Scottish counterparts uh well I just think you know we know what Sun cream is and we're willing to use it over in Scotland actually and there's that sort of attitude that might get you air into some bother me so enjoy your next trip up north that's what I'm gonna say on that matter Ian Sterling lifelong red great to have you with us on commentary here today as well let's take a look at the two teams shall we and start with the the visiting team of Celtic who have managed today by Paul Lambert he's well known in these parts of course and he's fond memories of this place brought a young Aston Villa team here one one nil back in 2014. his Squad slightly older today but they have some proper Heritage in there as well with big game moments of concerned that Captain by still in Pet Shop who will hope to have his slippers on today he's going to play in a back three for Celtic Ross Wallace and is again at 36 and 37 will bring the effervescence Nile begin at the age of 35 is still playing in Northern Ireland and he's the support actor Robbie Keane will play both uh for uh both Celtic and Liverpool today and Jan venegor of hesselink up front as well Liverpool Stephen Gerrard returning from TV Duty unwell he spent yesterday in bed so missed the training session there would usually be the instruction from Sir Kenny dog leash that he's the only player to play the full 90 minutes we'll see on that no way he was missing this and captains this Liverpool team today have a listen to this now Celtic and Liverpool fans in unison in the voice of Jerry master [Music] right [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] Park in anfield United red white and green joined as one of the backing singers to the great late Jerry Marsden this afternoon Ian Sterling is here as a lifelong Liverpool fan also able to soak in the atmosphere that Jamie Webster created beforehand he could fill the stadium on his own with his music Sam Fender was blasted out in the Celtic dressing room before the game certainly won the atmosphere for it I know it was actually me and Chelsea grounds were doing a pre-match sort of a commentary and it was Jimmy Webster's first time ever playing anfield he said he's done a few of the boxes and what not but his first time actually I couldn't believe it but I bet you they'll be at one point it'll be Heming out and John playing this playing Las Vegas at the same time Elton John [Music] [Applause] his support at the way things are going through his career at the moment uh right on the cusp of releasing his third album and uh inside the Liverpool dressing room before Stephen Gerrard who I can't put too far at a point on this now just Batman he spent all of yesterday in bed he had um you know prescription uh medication dropped off for him at the hotel this morning as well just to try and get him out here so Kelly about least desperate for him to play yeah Stephen desperately play himself he wants to play against Celtic ex Rangers manager of course but he wasn't sounding too good in that dressing room but we'll see how long Stephen lasts but he wants to give it his full energy see what he's got and also he's got a little bit of there coming back from the England Italy game hasn't he as well as being ill of course the Chesney Steven Gerard but let's see we don't often see him in the uh the the tight Under Armor Gear do we have a Steven's yard normally it's the the shirt sleeves but it gives you a bit of an indication as to how much of a struggle it was for him uh to be here this afternoon is that Celtic get things underway still in Petrov in the heart of quite an unorthodox back three for uh Celtic and Liverpool will play a similar system as well with the three center-back skirt or clavan and hippier and Gregory vignol and uh Bjorn talk of army being asked to do that job of getting forward whenever they get the opportunity yeah I think in these games three is uh I played in a lot of these games a long time ago and you just want to go out there and run around and enjoy it so it doesn't matter where you pick to play you end up in different positions and you just try and enjoy it and do a job but the problem is we all want to win and these Lads all want to win out there you might think it's a thrown together team as well the organizer's still marveling at so Kenny the unleash his passion for winning these games they tell me he had quickly worked out how Manchester United would play and managing his own Squad now like so he decided to play two different elevens to ensure that they were fresh an hour into the game old habits of sakani certainly dying hard place to win doesn't he everything the football at golf it's Scrabble and he wants to win that's so that's how those people get to where they get to be though the constant desire to win absolutely typical with a bit of possession down the right hand side it will be a bit of a chess match in these opening stages opened the scoring after seven minutes of this game against United Liverpool will certainly want a good start Steve McManaman who will play inside that Midfield with the relatively youthful legs of Charlie Adam who was a late signing of Sir Kenny valglish second time he's grabbed his signature I mean Charlie Adams Charlie Adams picks up Player of the Year at Dundee yeah here he is on the ball now recently retired always tell full advantage of the uh challenge that was absolutely disgraceful it was in his way and obviously being in next Rangers man as well that's where Charlie started they want to beat uh Celtic today that's for sure that explains that tackle anyway Salah the hour with a spread of play out to Gregory video out in France at the moment continuing his uh badges Charlie Adam collecting some of the booze but they're reserving it for this man floating it wonderful looking ball in towards the on talk of army who is um actually testing his legs for the first time since he was injured in the game against Manchester United was telling me last night that when he reached Amsterdam airport he had to go to one of the airport desks and ask for a wheelchair the calf injury that he'd sustained against United was so severe actually taught it completely I had to get a wheelchair after the Stag to an Amsterdam once actually I was going to say the same yeah don't go drinking in Amsterdam you will need it who I was in a wheelchair oh dear celt it with their first meaningful spell of possession and again up there trying to cause a nuisance of himself and they will really rely on him today just 35 and again a late addition to their squad still playing at glentorin nine goals in 21 games he's got already this season so Liverpool will be aware but they're trying to play the Liverpool way in these opening five minutes with a risky one but scurtle just plays it cool he was doing tea you said the risky one our Chalk in Jamaica before the game he said Don't expect a lot out of me he said I've not been training hard enough I said yeah right he said keep it to my feet and I'll be all right John Barnes says he never trained hard enough his whole career he did when he did when he first come but it was when he found out about Kentucky Fried Chicken it went downhill a little bit there's a late one coming in on Charlie Adam there who um felt the full force of the challenge that came his way his back up on his feet now he'll be all right Jerry he's we will be asking that question as to um is everything all right Ross Wallace was the The Man Who challenged them Charlie Adam you actually only finished playing as mentioned there before last season two seasons at Rangers before his low move to Blackpool and could have gone wrong for him there he sent off on his debut for Blackpool on that loan still very fond of this place in the Liverpool supporters wonderful season Blackpool didn't know they came up into the Premier League getting them there also Robbie Keane who will play a half for Celtic and he will come on in the second half for Liverpool as well I don't think Kenny's broken the news soon yet that he's not going to start the second half that is an exclusive for you that he's going to get him 25 minutes well this hope he doesn't do too much in the opening 45 minutes and he's too tired to do something in the red shirt asphalt Celtic came through the B and C teams that Barcelona never played for Celtics first team to play in Russia after his uh his career in Scotland had finished but quite a few of the Celtic players today never played a first team game which gives you a bit of an impression now to as to how the average age of the the two teams works out they've gone for youth Celtic well I think it's who's fit and uh who's actually associated with Celtic somewhere along the line and get the younger legs in and that's the thing that Liverpool will go to cope with because obviously the men in the red shirts have the ability and Technical ability to have they got their legs over than 90 minutes or however long we play today process to Ross Wallace in that wig back position for Celtic here this afternoon and many of Liverpool's players who travel here and those that have come over the years to play in these games just want their official goodbye then always get to pick when your last game is for Liverpool certainly here and for many of them who talk about it this is their chance to draw a line under it is addictive though once they come here once and play in these Legends game sitting by the foam and the game is announced in the hope that they might get us back again I always wonder if um the crowd and the people watching home know how much it means to the players because like even something like I do socrate and the first time you do that you think it's a jolly then you just chomp at the bit to get another game with a big pitch I said where he picks it up and there's a chance here for a cycle for Robbie keed who is looking for the return passion across ass and didn't get it to the shop we're going to get in there but it is it's I mean it's a fortress turnout they want to watch these Legends but the Legends want they really want to uh to watch these players and the players want to put on a good performance for them as well you want that moment you want that killer pass speaking of which yeah Rico looking out for you who was truly tipped down in his pursuit of trying to get Liverpool started again that was a bet for Scottish independence right there wasn't overly happy with the challenge either uh you'll talk about it I think he screamed Nicholas dungeon as he jumped in there you won't talk of army by the way who is um Arsenal Skipper Martin odegaard's agent is he really yeah wow so he's a very busy man off the pitch now aside from his exploits in Amsterdam airport yeah what a brilliant season he's having Nick to Arsenal but shame it didn't work out for him at Real Madrid but whatever what a player Charlie Adam with that left Peg looking for the winner for Steven Gerard and just again a reminder Charlie Adams starting his career at Glasgow ranges to a former Glasgow Rangers manager past wonderful according to pass it [Applause] come on that's not bad fantastic defeat that sort of offer donation I don't know what is on the subject of twitch if you are in a position to give something today you can do that by visiting the LFC Foundation site at just giving if you're watching this also on Facebook today you can donate on that stream as well I know it's not always the dumb thing to talk about money you've donated to charity but you were talking about it on your Instagram stories for example will encourage other people to do the same usually hashtag legends2023 Legends 2023 and tag the LFC Foundation we appreciate you even if you can't make a donation today just watching and spreading the word of what Liverpool Foundation are doing here is really important as well and the weather has changed the blue skies it was black clouds for a large part of this morning and rain as well but the sun has come out for Liverpool against Celtic with Robbie Keane on the ball here well no look passed by Robbie though yeah of hessling who will be that link man and there's a early effort that there's rain towards the Liverpool goal from Ross Wallace he played in the Martin O'Neill and Gordon Strachan at Celtic probably his best season at Sunderland when they won the championship on the Roy Keane and certainly some charismatic managers Paul Lambert is the Man In Charge today who will believe Gary Gillespie was famous for finding players for Lambert I don't know I played against Paul when he was a young player when I was at Rangers so he was at motherwell before he went off to uh Celtic and then off to Dortmund of course to find Ball by salivao Ken Cavani that's a robust Challenge and out comes out of War action this game is starting to warm up a little that's nice to see him getting full we're getting a tackle in dirt count just couldn't get on the end of that one and you can jump in these games because half of those guys haven't really got their knees anyway they've nothing to lose he's just their ankle yeah Ian Sterling is the voice that you hear you love Island fans out there and let me tell you Ian will tell you in more detail but Liverpool's players are massive fans of Love Island yeah well um it was a couple of years ago actually Andy Robertson of all people got in touch and asked me to sort them out with him Rob Island water bottles so there is in anfield right now there is a love Island water bottle with yogin in on it somewhere it's a big part of the the summer training camps that because they often um will join in with whatever reality TV show is on at the time but love island is one that they all spot whatever they're doing come together as a squad and watch together chance perhaps so Robbie Keane again is just sniffing around just in case the challenge coming in from his big pass Sammy hoopier Gerard with a bit of space now to run into he's only got the support of dirt count up there that's all you need Steve McManaman is joining in as is Charlie Adam back to the skipper Stephen Gerrard big shots and shooting Charlie Adam just struggling to keep his feet on that occasion wasn't the best ball in the earth in the skipper it was in square parts from Stephen no taste on it so I started from that hipier challenge out there on he went to get the ball off Robbie and he got Robbie's balls instead Robbie key exact position he scored at soccer though fancies it from from distance Robbie Keane who brought the Mother-in-law as well he was very big on that he wanted extra support because he wants to have a good party in Liverpool tonight will he have a goal to celebrate for either Celtic or Liverpool or both or both indeed taken rightfully by sander Festival this first real involvement after his countryman duck out here who can't keep it in players Stellian Petrov comes across and sees that danger clear from a Saturday that's a really good throw out from stand up and do it keeps it well but his lack of support is those little bits and legs in the middle of the park are lacking at the moment for Liverpool and just uh getting theirselves up to speed [Applause] a Liverpool player here back in the day there are some center-backs in that that three in our different pair to what we expected with a side part Ragnar clapping with a bit more hair than we remember now he's been indexing on ice but he's still praying though let's go back in his own country now isn't he and that plane is a center forward not a center back Liverpool are going to make a change as well very soon for uh Momo susoka who will come on for Salif diyao is what we're hearing he's waiting at the Touchstone this is the juggling task that Kenny valglish has alongside Stephen Gillespie Who's down there helping him out with the substitutes because of course they come all this way they expect quite a bit of playing time bro as long as they're fitting up you can do it it's actually going to be Beyond talk of Army and I'm hoping I didn't Jinx him before because he lasted 11 minutes of the first game against Manchester United back to 13 and a half minutes he's done well he's got four and a few times made some crunching tackles hopefully he'll be all right to continue sissoka one though so in fact Beyond talk of army has actually come over to this left-hand side when he's going to come off or not was a debate but it is left the pitch and there will be a little bit of engineering going on down there saliva who's gone stroke down the tunnel that could be a shower as he made that executive decision for the manager kabama is struggling so it looks as though Fabio Aurelio will come on and uh he might have to go across and play it right back yeah that'd be interesting there's very good left foot okay over there I think it's probably hurt himself anyway in that slide tackle with down in the far corner there hopefully it'll be okay recovering from a torn calf when they played Manchester United here in September Paul Kelly the uh the physio has gone down the tunnel with him and they are some of Liverpool's most important signings the physios this week they'll have the work cut out I think they think that they work out before the game make sure after the game and Celtic have had enough of the opening 15 minutes of this game to think that they might be with an opportunity and Petrov tries one from distance but still didn't want to take the chance to the way and then Fabio with his first cut to the game and uh not happy there Stephen Gerald with the decision of Ben Speedy to stop play didn't feel he was in the wrong but the referee did or Stephen dancing is a push this is the shot Petrov one for photographers that one investor could punch away mimos ahsoko that was his first attention it's broken here perhaps Robbie Keane again and then the shot coming in from here to that penalty area still feeling each other out these two teams should also say that there were the usual problems for the Liverpool staff on duty last night Robbie Keane turned up without any boots Gabriel forgot those trainers not sure they're crucial to him playing but I imagine they'll play a pretty pivotal part in his night out tonight it's difficult footballers yeah normally everything's done for you forget your boots forget your shin pads forget your water bottle yeah forget your trainers where they forget their name you're not wrong not just Batman it but just coming up to 62 just missed out on the cut today to make that playing squat big I would love to have played against Celtic you know that but more importantly I'd love to play for Liverpool but the back doesn't let me these days unfortunately glad you could be with us instead it was good to have a chat in the dressing room with John Barnes and rushy and Aldo down there it's good to see their man Kenny good to see the king and they're also welcoming as well I can't believe how nice everyone's been to these as I got here good that's what it's all about yeah and these are occasions for exactly that though you know they did most well say most people there is a big proportion of people inside the ground today that don't come to First Team games they can't get tickets for it so this is their part of being a Liverpool fan week to week it's make it's nice seeing them outside the memorials and the walk down and getting the photos the sort of thing that a lot of the fans not all the time but you can take for granted if you come here a lot first it's a nice reminder of how special this place is yeah absolutely and it was good to see Liverpool and Celtic fans minging together down there at the memorial one of them fixes taken Ragnar clever Charlie Adam I hoopier who still runs 10 kilometers every day on the treadmill he's probably only a couple of pounds heavier than when he was here as a Liverpool player has his um Motocross that he's interested in as well likes his uh his winter sports ahsoko was foul and Liverpool do get the free kick in a position where potentially they could climb that little bit closer to goal are they able to get up the pitches as quickly as they would like at the moment there's a little turn and then he crashes into Celtic player the referee gives that as a free kick and I think Robbie Keane was too happy about that one but Charlie Adam might fancy uh a shot from here with those big thighs of this prefer layout Liverpool do have men forward in the form of sissoko and Steven Gerrard hoop here and the account of there as well clavan takes up the back post and it was almost teed up for the head of couch yeah it's a really good defensive header in there really well effective away threes followed by the cheers for their returning Skipper Stephen Gerrard one of the set play there from post area and it's uh claven who tried to get ahead on it couldn't get the flick on nobody up there Robbie didn't fancy it I reckon he'd run for that if he was dressed in red maybe conserving his energy for the second half because seven is energy for when it matters you know Central lab rugby sweaty play for Ross Wallace now I'll be Keen having to come deep to get involved for Celtic lots of Celtic players involved today Darren O'Day who uh was three years retired was just on the ball then actually had a trial at Liverpool before signing for Celtic as a youngster for the space now as the offside flag goes up against Robbie Keane as he was trying to turn his body in a direction to get the left foot on goal but goes the flag from Neil Evans and it's offside free kick to Liverpool now yeah Sammy Hector here does really well just orchestrating that back line hold your line and let Robbie just drift offside opening 20-minute team what have you made of it I think it's been an interesting exchange you can tell that they're maybe lacking a little bit of pace for those that balls through the back but lovely battle for in the middle of the park I think Charlie's had a great start to the game so we'll see what happens spent a lot of time on the ball Charlie I don't want nearly all of it on his backside via the uh the big challenge of cross ass who's got him every time he's been awkward one that might just raise the temperature somewhat Charlie Adam AKA Kung Fu Panda though I love it I'm interested that Nigel actually how difficult that first game is back when you retired and you wait maybe the six months and somebody invited to play in a game like this I looked off side again there holding a good one for when we got together we used to play the this the exercise as well that you should keep you fit and then you come on to an 11 inside pitch and it's completely different and then uh you just get you just get into it get your legs and get that understanding but the best bit about getting together is being in the dresser room with the lads and the stick you know it's flies like you're in the dressing room you know yesterday with them and uh that's what the Lads Love coming to these games playing but they also love meeting up with their ex-team mates and having that banter taking the Mickey out of each other because you missed that that's the biggest thing you miss when you retire if you don't go into coaching or management past some Steve and Joe I'm looking for it right now you don't hear that very often collect it got a toe meaningful enough to start a brick in the Celtic goal yeah it's a lovely ball from Stephen oh downward header just takes it on his chest but can't kill it enough to get it down and get the shot off and it runs through to barrage but it still looks fit doesn't he had a good career when he left celt he went to Southampton didn't he did did very well down there for a bit yeah known as the holy goalie as well a devout Catholic and played until he was 42. he was sent off at his last ever game in Poland you know and then vowed unless the red card was overturned he would never play again and he actually went through with it retired on the back of it try to the tail of Liverpool attack but can't quite get going yet this Liverpool team now it's all right in the middle of the park and Dirk gets a little bit isolated by himself up there and I think you look in the middle and say Steven's trying to get forward to make those runs but um Maca at the moment Steve mcmanahan's not getting on the ball enough and Charlie Adams trying it's a long long way to go in this match here and they all know that they're conserving their energy I'd like to see another attacking option for Liverpool someone's going on say that that he's a bit isolated up there at the moment isn't he the Dutchman had a short-lived career as a manager I'm sure he looked to go back in he was in the Youth System Of course at ayats and just a very short spell in his homeland coming to an end so in the former player mode again Liverpool will make a change as well soon it's uh Mark Gonzalez I think who's going to come on for Liverpool he was the the Midas touch of um the Manchester United game made a massive difference to Liverpool's team McMahon by the way was telling me um on the way into the game today that he's playing in Glasgow at ibrox midweek so maybe he's saving his legs I think he's going to be the player that will come off so Celtic longei ranges the next it was a good idea from Charlie Adam looking for the Run of Stephen Gerrard now Stephen Gerrard in that number nine position [Applause] and just in case you are joining us and you're not seeing the Steven Gerard motoring around as much as you used to yeah he's 42 now but he's also spent the last 24 hours laid up in bed with a chest infection Mark Gonzalez comes on well up at the end of the day yeah I still could be happy with that if you have a chat with him he said that he's in good Nick but not as good as Nick as he wants to be he doesn't have a show anymore he has one of those walk-in baths but the ice ones yeah Steve McManaman was struck down the tunnel at the age of 51 years of age he might feel that with his two Champions League winners medals a couple of La Leaguers he's done his bit for today cross us to our day Ross Wallace joining in for Celtic Soul Ragnar clavan standing it up towards fenugor of hessling it's a good where he's balling clear bike skirtful second opportunity Maybe cleared this time by the head of Gregory vignol my memory is a child of yarn vinegar of hesselink was it was back in the day where you have to pay per letter to get stuff in the back of shops so no one would get his name put on the back of their shirts it was too expensive we just had the end yeah [Applause] there were it's just a such a an unusual name isn't it it goes back to the 17th century apparently there were two families um in his home Village and they were the two dominant families and they just decided to put their names together when one couple got married as opposed to the the bride taking on the the groom's name you've done your research very very well with antique every day's a school day educating us all it was definitely interesting Amsterdam 26 minutes on the clock then no goals as yet no meaningful chances as yet Liverpool have made a couple of changes as well it's a smart ball in towards Robbie he will kick himself it should have been the opening goal of the game in Celtic Colors at the coffin yeah he's trying to flick this for the far Corner because he's just got to help it on his way and he gets too much on it well but it's a really good movement lovely ball in he just heads it down and he's trying to flick it for the far Corner got it horribly wrong it looks like he's done his shoulder in the little roll as well we might have to come up for a resting ready for the second half do you remember his goal celebration he used to do that forward roll and yeah maybe it's an old injury that [Applause] he's got repetitive strain injury scored a few didn't he was a guest on the podcast recently you've not heard that yet do check it out he was a very young player with the option of joining Liverpool and we went to wolves instead because he felt it was going to represent his best opportunity of playing games it was his mum who said who advise them don't just sign for Liverpool because you love them go inside for a club where you're going to play games and what a career he had [Applause] I don't know before get the big men forward to soco's joining in Martin's as well I fancy this Sammy hoop here involved as well it's an in-spinner and he actually got in each other's way even Gerard that's where the roofer look towards his old team like Sally hoop here Sammy what are you doing [Applause] too many cooks yeah good lad though Sammy see him at the hospitality when we do the hospitality here is is such a nice guy brings his family along a lot as well which really fit still more hair these days I think it's Testament generally to Liverpool is you you never really hear about that player that's got a bit of an attitude or whatever you just you're genuine and I'm not just saying this because I'm up here you just genuinely don't hear it [Applause] well in order in my day when you're at the you know Ian rush and uh Bruce groblower around and Kenny himself Alan Hansen there's no room for that you weren't allowed if anybody wanted to be that they weren't in the dressing room it's a hard school you know yeah there's still a little bit like that now aren't they they release it themselves if people get a bit too big for their boots they're told with that Scottish wit of Kenny dog leash that will cut anybody in half absolutely together unbelievable if you could understand them yeah whereas if you're at man united they just double your wages hahaha or have you ever moaned yeah you have a moon sign your back says the little give and go and this is a big opportunity here at kneeping on it they saved that actually yeah Santa did really well [Applause] there's a guy he was the creator who won the SPL Player of the Year in his first season in Scotland it's consecutive League titles he won at Celtic and is time only really coming through them and Kiran Tilly came in and made a reputation for himself in that position and of course now playing his football and Arsenal six seven bodies inside there of a green and white variety but out comes the safe hands of sander Festival again known as the bomb in his younger days at vitazana he can kick and throw the ball a long way yeah you could see him wanting to offload to someone but there was just no options up top really yeah I think Celtic had the uh the better in the final third so far they've got the legs in that final foot they're much younger than the Liverpool players obviously as we all know and they're quite intricate here probably key it's a nice idea isn't it I've come sand the westerwald again and he's um also continuing that family name as his son Sam this is Sam the festival by the way son Sam is a professional goalkeeper at AZ elk mark who's 20 years of age so what is he now 22 23 years still in the game to go you can play till you're well into your 40s now yeah as long as you're good with your feet and your hands if you're a goalkeeper of James Milner the couch Gerard Mark Gonzalez fancies one on that left Target for it really a little sight of there as to what Mark Gonzalez at the age of 38 might be able to offer this game yes good strike from Gonzalez just opens up for him fighting to take that on oh she watches it all the way just tips it over the top coming back to players who are playing well into their 40s to be AC Milan game the other week when uh Ibrahimovic the oldest score of all time in Syria they lost the game right he scored he was happy Stroker Charlie Adams left footed corner of course spear towards Stephen Gerrard helps it on its way again Ragnar Clavin fancied it didn't quite have the distance on it can tosoko keep it alive Celtic just find the way play allowed to go on by Ben Speedy it's a circle yeah Gonzalez we've had that heart scare a couple of years ago you might remember at the age of 36. but um he's back fit again giving the all clear and uh big part to play for Liverpool here Steven Gerrard trademark cross again not real presence inside but they will get a free kick in a decent area and the chance for a much-needed breather oh that's a really good place to get a free Kick this just outside the box right hand side there we go [Music] are just giving the Celtic fans a little bit back yeah just Pride your time Stephen I want to see the celebration of his scores it's all about nature he's actually he's actually got a ranger shot on underneath that Charlie Adams getting involved now as well as a former Rangers player as his backup Steven Gerard or Charlie Adam it's going to be Steven Gerard it's a fine ball as well it just above the jump of Stanley hoop yet the count ier tried the little flick around the corner second opportunity maybe for dirt celt again cleared for Soco left header towards Gerard one two with Sally hupio just got away with it still alive for Liverpool and again the offside flag just curtails the progress I want to finish yeah Charlie on his left foot he's got that ability to shame it was offside correct decision though [Applause] you can see Charlie and Steven are absolutely jealous absolutely desperate to score while there while the goals don't not end they're not celt again absolutely well it's been a decent game so far no goals couple of chances for either team most meaningful one for Robbie key and Mark Gonzalez just a few moments ago it's the sixth Legends game here at anfield and it seems like a longer run covert of course interrupted that five million pounds it's raised in that time and hopeful of bolstering the coffers here again this afternoon even if you can't donate today you can still share the club and Foundation posts on your social media and don't forget if you are watching this game on Facebook you can donate on the stream as well there's no amount too little it will make a difference to the great work that's going on and the Liverpool players who've been involved since the start they'll have seen the amount of staff grow across the years as well of the LFC Foundation it's a direct result of the money raised that they've been able to bring on more coaches the foundation they've got 90 dedicated staff on their books now and just five years ago that was the number of 30 so yeah there's a great need in Liverpool and your money whatever the amount will certainly make a difference no you're absolutely right from from Sports all the way through to education to people who are finding it hard at the moment is quite brilliant the foundation and what the work they do around the community and that's what Liverpool Football club's all about isn't it focus on food poverty this year as well as you know the food banks are under increasing pressure more pressure than they've ever been and different kinds of families coming for help that's where a lot of the money will go Joe ledley trying a shot at coal blocked by Charlie Adam energy now is what Liverpool need and that's where they'll be looking in Mark Gonzalez Direction but in between a bit of kickball fan got bored as part of that battery he's now playing the left side of Midfield yeah he's moving forward he wants to get involved down this left-hand side let's try and get himself a goal Gerard with the diag on who was telling me last night because he took part in the version of Strictly Come Dancing in his home country that he was one of the worst dancers the show has ever seen I um strictly would be an interesting one wouldn't it I wouldn't mind learning a few minutes surely that's going to be a penalty and it is oh my God and I wonder who's gonna take this he was so cruelly stuffed in his trucks that could have been one of the best goals we've ever seen in Legends Football I told you he's training is the striker back home brilliant skill he nicked a balloon little drag back onto his right foot taken out it's a definite penalty it's an awful challenge as Ian says who's going to take it then Stephen Gerard Charlie Adam here we go there we go I don't know whether you saw that just after your picture but Martin skirt will walk towards the ball like he was going to take the penalty because he won it it's not playground rules is it make us take us Steven Gerrard over the free kick then 17 Seasons here at Liverpool this will probably be his favorite goal if it is to be in the anfield road and against himself and it's a celebration like the one we used to see when he was the first team player he enjoyed that future Liverpool lead by Golden Hill yeah I think there's a few things being thrown in Stephen hope he's just empty water balls but he enjoyed that brilliant penalty yeah a lot of friendly game of football [Applause] mostly is good nature than Stephen Gerard there's the Liverpool Captain certainly enjoy his penalty ever so calmly slaughtered away oh brilliant finish just wait for it to go to his right hand side to slot it in the other Corner really confident penalty from the skipper and you wouldn't expect anything else less than Stephen good celebration as well and uh let's also spare a world or two of fresh for Martin scurtle who was in The Dizzy Heights of a center-4 positionarian and what and what a little dink in the Box as well to take it over the defender to win the penalty as well [Applause] and uh they certainly feel energized by that and something like feel as though they've had the better part of The Possession the more meaningful possession a big chance for Robbie Keen as well but the stat that matters if it's a time you don't really want to concede just before the break absolutely great time to score there's no bad time to score is there but it just shows you possession means nothing it's all about goals Charlie's falling over again the groundsman is not happy I think it might be Heavenly forgot his boots also um should mention Graham Carter the former Liverpool kit man who is back here today as part of the the staff that's a wonderful ball from Steven's yard looking for Ragnar who brought it down wonderfully on his chest despite the claims of Ross Wallace it's got a very wide chassis into the gym Gonzalez fall into the box he's got some nipples on his biceps couldn't do so yeah Grand party was actually back in the day of Nigel spotman playing for Liverpool the coach driver his name's helmet he's not Graham we used to call him a helmet for his haircut helmet great guy I'm glad it was because of his haircut [Applause] enjoying his retirement these days buddies he looked really well didn't he he's got a lovely Sunshine he said he spends a lot of his Winters now away on holiday which he could never do when he was trying to sort out the kit of Liverpool's players now but he was the coach driver to start with then the kit man um what a great character was here for years and years 30 years he did yeah 30 years sissoko to irelia Aurelio in the right back position because of the injury to be on tour Cavani earlier Charlie Adam with a lovely ball into Gonzalez Steven Gerard takes over the goal scorer taken late by cross ass who left a little good on him Gerard again look at that lovely run from irelia on the right side just didn't have enough sand underneath it Charlie Adam bringing out the party tricks now trying to get onto that favored left foot again and he looks as though he's found his Reigns now Charlie I think he's enjoying this isn't it he is now one now up trying to get on that left foot it's just if he can stay on his feet or not Pete might help longer studs at half time I think it's been a so y to life under the likes of Pat lindas who at halftime you might often see going over to the grounds we're saying we need more water or we need more zip on the surface place that they probably don't want any water on it at all the players will be saying can you read the lines and make it a bit smaller [Applause] again is a welcome part of this Liverpool Squad again [Applause] it's a typical part wasn't the end of the uh the reign of Rafa Benitez by the way was at the actor Training Center last night catching up with some of his former players who'd invited him over for a coffee hold in court with all of them Rafa Benitez Gonzalez with the foul in and it gets Celtic a bit further up the pitch they've struggled since the goal yeah they have but this is a good place free kick push all the big guys up let's keep it away from Xander that's what you've got to do looks like uh Russ is going to put it in with his left foot Sandoval will be desperate for that clean sheet Jersey do that we'll come on the pitch for the the second half of course they were passing ships in the night is Liverpool first team players they will play that same role again this afternoon on duty for the legends it's nice to says it's Ross Wallace to T1 up and not even close to closing Liverpool a problem there nope that was good to see you in it straight I play on the other side takes the pressure off everyone we just need to get to half time now just a bit deep there been some really good games over the years though here five five here you might remember five years ago the cow was playing that day probably Fowler on the score sheet as well we should say as well Robbie fallow's got covered at the moment he'll be watching this one on the Telly we wish you well Rob he's doing tests by the minute to try and get out of the yeah the confines of his house he would love to be here Robbie he loves these games mixing with the boys which frame was that was that the AC Milan game that was the uh the Bayern uniform yeah Chevy Alonso can you just here we've had some really good games here haven't we yeah some fantastic occasions also we mentioned before that it might be some fans inside here's first visit to anfield the likes of Paulo Maldini coming here over the years has been great to see hasn't it what a man his English is absolutely brilliant fantastic what a lovely guy but most of the as Ian said earlier most of the players are really top people such nice people these days is unbelievable and then but it shows you they'll still come here and give up their time because it's for charity and because they love doing it the bottom line is you play football because you love football absolutely absolutely that's those Milan not all those Milan players prayed um and they turned up because they wanted to be here at anfield they wanted to come back to anfield and they waited some free tickets but mainly they weren't really great so it may be a free beer afterwards as well one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen was on Castle Street in the middle of Liverpool that night D they're dancing in the window of a bar you just think how does it go from the Champions League final to that they love Liverpool Liverpool does some weird things to you you're here at a weekend is Robbie Keane well just a reminder we'll play for Liverpool in the second half and they'll Miss himself they're going there he's been at the Forefront of every bit of danger that they've presented in Liverpool's Direction you can't see them scoring without him really actually hopefully not there's dirt cap but his face to run into Gerard moving us to that right hand side the goal scorer probably had a bit more time than he realized there and Celtic Will Survive so coming back to the dancing you're saying that Cleveland's not very good at dancing but Dieter is is that what you're trying to say well maybe uh there could be some kind of competition in the future but uh he's funny you know Ragnar clever and he would be the last former Liverpool player you would expect to go into a competition like that but he's he's got quite a mysterious side and he said he's really enjoying his retirement from football no added time which will come as really good news from Liverpool and Celtic players point of view this is the moment of course when they go in where they decide for Kenny valglish as to whether they would like to reappear for the second half but Steven Gerard as you would expect this played the pivotal role Robbie Keane was the the man of course who presented the main Danger from Celtics point of view as well but it is warmer Liverpool uh in front by a goal to nil at half time and it's uh more analysis after the break [Music] game on is a community Sports based program with the aim of getting schools to try different sports that they wouldn't necessarily do like Athletics tennis lacrosse and find out they might have a talent for it [Music] foreign wanted to partner up with those clubs to help them to grow give these children opportunities in different sports we've identified over 30 young people to come and try Athletics for the first time we've started up a basketball team in Wirral when clubs get involved it helps them to grow by getting more football down on their sessions it grows their name in the schools and local areas to actually see the kids coming down and joining the club is it's great for us but it's also great for the club as well [Music] thank you the Liverpool hadiish came to the school and he said why don't you come down to the Hadith and test it out and it was just fun being able to run around and live the harrier's track and being able to just be here so really kind and the improve was a lot it's completely free every day was a put on events like this higher in a hollow Athletics track with no cost to any of the individuals who provided free school lunches the kids love it and told us to the teachers and we love it as well we love seeing the kids enjoying themselves it's trying different sports and being able to come down to these clubs is really what the program's all about [Music] when I was younger I knew that Beatles are coming from here and they have a great football club [Music] s are very friendly very open very warm my Mrs and my sons are much more involved in society than I am and they are over the moon about the wrongs of the people and how friendly they are and how helpful they are and you say I got the price for by bringing Joy to the people it sounds a little bit like I'm a comedian they are probably much better than that but I understand it and I always understood football like this so since I'm a kid I love football but I always knew there are more important things in life the only problem is during that 98 minutes I never felt it I thought it's the most important thing in life when you're a part member fan of to ride Club then you are really suck in I had that already in slightly different ways that mines in Dortmund and here Liverpool is like it's like it's I said it before it's the heart of football Liverpool is music and football it's good because we all work enough life must be as well some distraction from from the all-day duties and as much as we can help with that as much I want to help with we would have thought that I would have any key of a city whenever first about it it was absolutely um I didn't understand it in the first place we have these kind of things in Germany so somebody needs to explain it to me piece by piece understood it and then I felt a sort of pride I can't remember a fella before it was really strange but I can tell you I will take it and I will keep it forever in my mind and heart [Music] well anfield is a splendid site this afternoon it was great skies and Rain not that long before the game kicked off here this afternoon but it's been replaced by this Splendid View and 46 000 fans inside anfield who are looking forward to a carnival here this afternoon we certainly need did a goal and we got that goal from Stephen Gerard as well who in the lead-up to this game today was in bed all day yesterday wasn't sure whether he was going to be able to play but in true Liverpool style they patched him up and Captain Fantastic has done his role so far delighted to be joined for the first half as hopefully you were with us as well with Nigel spackman who was a big part in that team that won the league arguably Liverpool's most flamboyant team of all time in 87-88 and Ian Sterling as well one of the most recognized voices on your TV the voice of Love Island and a stand-up comic as well more important than all of that lifelong Liverpool fan how did you enjoy that first thing I loved it it was so nice it's sort of like a reminder of um how the age you've got to know when these Lads are one not only Legends and some of them know it was the same age as me some sort of yeah but it's great great great deal Liverpool have certainly had to work their way into the game it's not been the kind of pace that we're used to from a Liverpool first team of course but they needed the goal didn't they needed to go the game needed the goal and it was great that got a penalty and Stephen Jeffer scored it in the Celtic fans then we're not happy through everything at him a good celebration as well but we needed the goal and uh because Celtic had probably been the better team or the more likely to open the scoring and then um we get the penalty and Stephen stuck it away and that's just what we needed I think Robbie will be the supporting nuts I've got a goal that half actually it was probably the most flamboyant player in that half yeah absolutely I think his movement was really good vessel has made a couple of really good saves as well and Celtic looked the more likely to open The Score as he said and that's because of Robbie's movement really and now hopefully we'll see him at some point in the red show of Liverpool yeah he's going to play probably about 25 minutes of the second half for Liverpool let's take a look at the penalty incident first of all because we might have been talking about one of the greatest goals we've seen in Legends football amazing ring from Martin's Circle it was cruelly curtailed Nigel well he wins the ball in the first place in front of Robbie Keenan and it's a lovely well it's a die it's an absolutely terrible tackle week [Applause] went the other way and his celebration has only gone in One Direction and that direction was Celtic fans do you ever get the ability as a former player to turn the other cheek even in retirement or was that too good an opportunity to Turn Down for him I have to tell you I have to tell you guys this I mean I was lucky enough to play here in Liverpool with anfield magnificent going to Rangers and being in the city of Glasgow and you're either a blue or you're a green you have to get caught up in the whole thing of it and you live with that luckily when I was there Rangers were the dominant team I'd hate to have been on the uh on the other foot and I think when Stephen went to Rangers first season did really well didn't win and it's second season won the title he's a hero in Barca now for the Rangers half and that's why he's disright by uh the Celtic fans Glasgow he's loved by the blues and then Liverpool he isn't that's very true um it was a good celebration all the same from Stephen Gerrard's point of view um something about their chances Ian you mentioned before Robbie Keane has been a bit of a thorn in Liverpool's side when they have had the the ball in the final third and uh he was one that had a decent opportunity to maybe put the the Celtic team in front yeah it was just a little header and as we said there they looked like he just tried to flick it into the fire force but just got a bit too much on it and put it past the near yeah but if he's moving they're getting beside behind Sammy it's a lovely ball from from Warwick on his left foot I think it was and his movement in behind but he just can't control the header and sometimes I mean Robbie knows top Strikers know the goals don't move he's just trying to flick it on and gets it horribly wrong yeah as well who had a decent opportunity he might feel to score as well here for Celtic yeah it's a Time sander comes out [Music] first half Celtic you know in the final third we're creating a lot more than we were and I think that just shows that they've got the younger legs Young well Liverpool's um former players have come on the pitch and had their moment Liverpool's most decorated player Phil Neal the player that had the most appearances for Liverpool in their history Ian calligan amongst them as well so it's a real Carnival atmosphere and there will be substitutions in the second half that we'll tell you about very soon but of course it's a big occasion this for the LFC Foundation today so if you are watching this game on Facebook you can donate directly on there using the links that are in front of you uh here or by donate and help support the LFC Foundation doing wonderful work for Liverpool as well gonna take a quick break here and when we come back we'll be with the second half in the company of Ian Sterling and now just see the other side [Music] the LFC Foundation delivering real change in local parks Community hubs classrooms and on football pitches I have the best job in the world it's a big bad swab on our chest and we wear it with pride it's an unbelievable privilege there's no better feeling in the last 12 months alone we've supported 83 000 people almost two-thirds of those coming from the most deprived areas in the UK the LFC Foundation literally creates life-changing opportunities it's very welcoming football's almost like a new way of communicating that's what LSC has showed me we've delivered eight million pounds into our local economy and nearly 25 million pounds in benefits sport is at the heart of what we do but the LFC Foundation goes further runs deeper there's the support we provide to help keep kids out of guns and the skills we teach to get them into Jobs Plus the pioneering techniques we use to improve our young people's mental health and increase their sense of belonging access to sport for children and young people is so important for many reasons not only does it have a positive impact on physical and mental health by encouraging a healthy lifestyle and building important skills such as confidence and resilience but also has the power to bring communities together we are trying to help our communities grow the young people get lots out of it but also the communities that they live and work in get a lot out of it as well we train we play matches and we do fun games if I didn't come I'll probably sit forward in my room crying because I'd have nothing to do with 114 employees and more than 200 Partners our hours of activities have increased from 66 000 to 348 000. Empower English to provide 18 million pounds of social value in the past year this means forever one pound spent we created the return of 16 pounds to help Future Kids Future Families future Generations that's what it's all about over 128 000 items mostly food hampers donated to the local community with a total value of over 750 000 pounds it's a Once in a Lifetime experience It's gotta be the best day ever the most rewarding part for me is seeing the young people that were with us 15 years ago when they say how the impact that we've had on them has changed their life I wouldn't want to do anything else as a proud supporter of the lse foundation I've been lucky to see firsthand the difference their work makes to so many young people and families across the city and around the world in these uncertain times their work is more important than ever and seeing their dedication and passion to creating opportunities for young people is really inspiring for the support of everyone in the LSC family I know the next 20 years will be just as successful and impactful that's us LFC Foundation providing life-changing opportunities for young people and Families 20 years [Music] and welcome back to anfield if you are just joining us you've been out and about doing your Saturday afternoon thing it's a Liverpool leading via goal to nil here at anfield and yeah she guessed it Stephen Gerard Captain Marvel is the goal scorer of four Liverpool from the penalty spot who's not been too well in the lead up to the game but not that you'd know it Skipper will come back out for the second half and Liverpool will also make a couple of changes as well it was the plan at the whole of the back four would continue for the entire game but uh Bjorn talk of army has had to go off Fabio relio's replaced him at right back he will stay on so as you were for the back floor in the second half years he do that will come on as will alberia Luis Garcia and also Gabrielle cisse as well so fresh legs the Liverpool leader in this this second period Nigel I think in these Legend game you always need fresh legs but it's when you when you use them and Kenny decides to use him at half time the worst thing that happens is if you come off and they said can you stand on the bench case we need you to go back on and then you you sort of cool down you get stiff and then you've got to come back on so hopefully most of them allowed to be able to last the second half and maybe uh Robbie Keane is probably having a massive opportunity ready to come on at some point a lot of those Lads are but hold on they've not been stuck for years as well because they're not they've not they've not played and then sat back down obviously is what I mean like their legs that's what I mean obviously we make your own jokes at home the two poles together Arthur burritt and also yes he do that who will come off [Applause] [Music] [Music] just before they get rushy Aldo and John Barnes and although just let the conversation go to one side so can we go and have a pint now that's what you said before kickoff can we have a pipe before kickoff you know what all those right I think John and uh Rashi said hey wait till later but uh great characters the boys you've met them and uh you know they're they're really looking forward to this game and so far so good for Liverpool just like did you get underway we should uh also mention the fitness of players like Louis Garcia who's 44 he's 45 in the summer he won't thank you for for saying that but I'm sure you're following on social media and he's never absolutely mad it's mad he's like a love Island contestant he's always pausing me he's top off everybody can go it's incredible to see I was in Qatar with him uh if we're in the same Hotel he was doing a bit of football and I was doing a bit of football out there a few years back and he was doing doing his blog in the gym and actually I sat in the gym and he was working out nothing changes sat on the cafe but he never likes you putting a picture on without him seeing it first though just in case there's not the correct filter on okay it's a different world why is it filter what is a filter so I think you put in your fish tank so you can't put it in your car these days can you no Stanley hoopier looks for the aforementioned Luis Garcia who has set Liverpool on their way here a mark on side what a wonderful guy [Music] as well for Mark Gonzalez in Liverpool it was a big long ball for Martin skirt or Garcia involved the crush is wonderful the Finish was brilliant yeah but Seaside was brilliant because his vision just to put it inside the defender for Gonzalez to run onto it and then Gonzalez is shot isn't the best on his right foot but it hits the inside of the post look at this Rumble forward CC knows the movements there it's a lovely ball in between the Defenders back on his right for his weaker right foot doesn't hit it cleanly but it hits the inside of the post and Burridge just barrage just watches it go in the back of that for two nil Liverpool that was a brilliant team goal I have to say I'll tell you what lustig you've got any advice for the second half what's nice shortly Come dancing but he could be doing it he could do that dance on Ice Clapham with a wonderful interception there to stop Celtic in their tracks but uh just the start that they didn't want to the second half after conceding so close to the break Celtic of course without Robbie key now in this second period as well in a uh two have made a change at the halftime break and it um has come in the form of Robbie Keane coming off the pitch and Simon Donnelly who plays for Celtic in the early to mid 1990s as the player that's joining in he's joined from Queen's Park played six seasons at Celtic I think actually he's scored here didn't he at an anfield in the UEFA Cup in a a bygone era he was um he's like crying panini sticker book for me yeah wow he's definitely been a swapper a swap or a need for me at some point the wonderful thing about those stickers where they were in twos weren't they the Scottish Panini stickers we're always we're all we're always up for saving a few quid Here and Now so cross us over the set play the Celtics Stanley hoop he has sandwiched in between two Celtic players gets it clear across asses after Stephen Gerrard Gerard ever so calmly sprays the play out to this right hand side let's hope he's adequately warmed up for those diagonals 40 50 yard passes across the side of the pitch at the age of 42. alberia's first involvement well one I felt he was fouled by Joe ledley and um he's another one that's gone into the ranks of being a manager alvarea he's manager of Olympia Ljubljana in Slovenia now big Club over there he's made a great start to Life as a manager lovely place to live he arrived last night you might remember his social media post by the way he was 35 when he finished he just posted a picture of his boots hanging up on a tree amazing simple ones are always the best he did say a 35 though he finished too early you know sometimes players now can go on Long beyond what was traditionally the age to finish your career well I think if you don't get the injuries then you look after yourself you can carry on for a long time especially as a goalkeeper that is our filter is you've got to be super fit look after themselves so well now it's Russ Wallace on a foray now for Celtic managed to get three four bodies forward O'Donnell couldn't keep it shot comes in from distance and it was almost one of those moments [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just to see that ball wide of his post yeah it went down and installments there Jersey just kept it out though that's the main thing it wasn't the cleanest is strikes it bounces in front of him and sometimes those are awkward once but he pushes it to the side Robbie wishes he was the opposed on the end of that now again it was who had the shot who is still playing at the age of 35 he's got nine goals this season for Glenn Torin young 35 though and it's young isn't it's very young 35. Sonny Hooper just might have a problem here he's um he got a bang on the head a few moments ago in the a little sandwich between two Celtic players and he's still feeling the effects of that so he will be seen to buy the Liverpool medical staff who as we mentioned before are very important to a day like today Bev mccartan the the club doctor Tony Jones running on there as well I'll tell you what they're both quick we could do with him up front rapid is having a race between themselves we can get on the quickest Martin skirtel you might remember in the Manchester United game got a bang to the head and he was devastated because afterwards he couldn't have a beer he had to stay on water all night because of the bang to the head so oh no you'd want to stay out of the way of danger with the party I'm fine I'm fine I wouldn't admit to the bang on the head I'm being honest hopefully Sammy will be all right and they don't have many Defenders either Liverpool so they would have to shift things around a little bit [Applause] he looks like he's okay big Sally hoop yeah take more than that won't it too finish his day today it will make you feel old to know that Sammy hufio is 49 now not far away from turning 50 in October and like I said still runs 10 kilometers every day on the treadmill first thing he does when he wakes up [Applause] is O'Donnell across ass facility I had to run across his body really well there Ross Wallace Liverpool have some defending to do clavan across well [Applause] cleared by Martin scurtle and then Steven Gerrard you just feel like you want them to shoot there don't you yeah [Applause] Steven's still getting booed by the Celtic supporters the persistent at nothing else should also give mention to the fact that former players at the heart of this game today it's driven with great Passion by the likes of John Aldridge and Phil Thompson Liverpool fans from small kids themselves and some of their own Heroes have hit hard times so it's an organization that they can reach out to now forever read to the partners in today and part of their mission going forward is that as mentioned former players that do need some help for their health and well-being will qualify as well really important work Celtic enjoying a bit of a period here Liverpool through alberia look to come forward but he was fouled the player in there by 18 team come here comes around the other side it was uh Michael lustig the Swedish player quite a few swedes that played for Celtic wasn't there over the years cult hero status not least for celebrating the goal in 2018 by stealing a policeman's hat and putting it on in the goal celebration wins a free kick for Celtic I need a way back in soon Skipper still in petrol big native James Milner by the way as well great ball great well ledley's falling cleared by Sally hoopier [Applause] Gerard back there helping out Ragnar Clavin with something on it they thought it was handled there the Liverpool players but allowed to go up cross Wallace clavan couldn't get near him it's a really good goal from Celtics perspective side offside oh Dave here's the one who headed it in and his celebration will be short-lived because there's nothing it's quite correctly pointed out the offside black cane it came late [Applause] [Applause] for the next couple of minutes not sure he's going to enjoy running one two three five changes coming up maybe six Celtic making a raptor change has only made one at the break and they need some fresh legs they need a change in Fortune they thought it had come there through Darren O'Day old school center-back with an old school celebration but it was one that ultimately he was slightly red-faced about on the end now amongst those substitutes down there you'll be looking and thinking I'm not sure Travis Sinclair ever played to Celtic did he you're right he didn't lifelong fan that's what qualifies you apparently well I mean it's more of a qualification than half of the Scottish rugby team to be fair yeah I can remember him in the Hoops of qtr blue and white ones stealthy Hoops but [Applause] so across that will come off former Barcelona youth team player this is the point that which is a former player presume leaving that's my job done now I've done my bit I'm off this is the bit they look forward to most but you normally want to come up when you're winning you don't want to come up when you're losing so Shake everything going out here it is is one of those players again who came through and you probably don't remember him playing for uh for Celtic he was somebody who started there in the early 1990s he just sat on the bench for them really Kenny Douglas signed him uh Blackburn and his son Paul went the other way as part of that swap deal he had a big draft of them Irish Keepers around that same Celtic Pat Bonner played of course scored past himself of course he did one new Rangers New Year's day again we should also say if you were joining like that now Josh button won score that Park had four Rangers a couple of days after signing for them it was a New Year's Day game you don't have to worry about it when it comes up it will remind us yes I will remind you there's not many Rangers players scored uh on the old firm debut you know no it was a rare thing yeah very rare music you know that you could have had your poking slippers on after that and all first could you score in an old firm away from home on your debut you can't really better that can you but you did you went on and won three League titles absolutely but yeah that was a New Year's Day gaming yeah I don't remember the evening though I think I was in a lift going up and down because of the because of the Euphoria it had so much fizzy water yeah and I was so tired yeah so South will hope that the fresh legs will give them fresh impetus to the Sinclair I think we'll go in as almost an orthodox number nine to try and get the goal threat going for them his mumblesome Sligo has stepped over from Glasgow he's actually come out over a time a couple of times in his early 40s to play again at Lancaster and Squires gate but he's um he's actually one of the older members of their team Travis singer at the age of 50 now wow you like this one actually uh Ian Harold brat back who's also come on he scored a really famous goal it was one that stopped Rangers winning the title 10 years in a row he's now an airline pilot for a Norwegian wow Airline Norwegian air Ryan I'd like to show them out here shuttle yeah virgin airships of other airlines are available but they're not as good Ian actually went to University in Norway I went to University in Norman beautiful city it's it's beautiful until you go into a pub and order a plane uh well when you should do preseason there when we're at Liverpool we used to do pre-season in um in Norway Sweden Denmark obviously with yeah it was magnificent but it was expensive but then you should give us these little tickets you know after the game you get a ticket you get a point to it lovely so we didn't have to pay as much as you in I played um I played football in Norway and it's basically just Lads from all over the world that literally just met Scandinavian women and moved to the country that was every football team in Norway you can see actually how you love for Liverpool grew that part of the world is Liverpool mad Army everyone in Norway pretty much supports Arsenal or Liverpool and that's it be plenty of um that corner of the globe watching today and don't forget if you're saving your 11 or 12 pounds of plank today you might want to donate that towards the the charity and people benefiting from your donations and those buying tickets for today Local Schools social action programs big Focus this year on food poverty and epidemic in itself that is only getting worse there are plenty of prompts on our social media channels and on the channel here today as to how you can make a difference with whatever money that you can spare O'Donnell for Celtic cut out by Ragnar clappan who's is that a great game club who's been involved in everything hasn't he looks so fit as well didn't he it's been up top at the back Louis Garcia just straight offside oh wow he's not overly in agreement with that decision from this linesman on the near side Louis Garcia and he arrived in there in Liverpool at three o'clock this morning probably where most of the players are just getting in yeah that's when most people arrive in Liverpool here's nailer so to play to that right side Paul Lambert assisted by the way today by Tom Boyd who's um Boyhood Celtic fan Captain aside to the first league title in 10 years back in 1998 won the treble there as well so we're all looking for people to say that just couldn't reach its Target from Louis Garcia yeah I prayed against convoyed a few times as well really good left wing back ended up to Chelsea but big money Chelsea paper and it didn't work out for him there went back up to Scotland did really well but he was always really fit he was in a lot he was in the last um Scotland Squad to qualify for a World Cup in 98 yeah yeah the fear on Brazil's face when they saw us coming it was embarrassing sniffing again around the Celtic back line again it's that man Ragnar klavan who's well in contention for Liverpool's man of the match here Steven Gerard in a bit of space here Aurelio's joining in as well nice dummy run from Louis Garcia makeshift right back roll oh from that'll see it Soko trying the Liverpool press but not overly back up by players behind him and it's brat back with his first involvement irelia now full of a pull could block run there from the Celtic Batman Lewis Garcia it makes me think watching this as well technically James Milner not technically he's older than some of these Legends the engine on that man yeah unbelievable his engine is appetite the helping of the young players yeah keep that motivation incredible it's uh the non-celtic oil travel Sinclair though has he never played for Celtic he actually can't legally be fouled so should we just play on Albert riera who made the foul eight countries he played in during his career brought back and uh Martin's skirt up and conversation there and uh Baron O'Day has just come off the pitch there who uh scored the goal that was ruled out this is to come back on again was um had two spells of itself he's now a sporting director at the Honduran side montuga that was the team he started out at and it's a free kick that's fired towards the goal of us who do that but he's ever so grateful to see that go high wide not so handsome yeah coming back to the World Cup 1998 I was scouting for England and I was based in Paris and I went to I went to that game obviously one of the games was Brazil Scotland which is the opening game costume in the tournament so I turn up and there's loads of range of supporters aren't they Hey Big Man can I get a picture with you and all this stuff as you come up to the stadium and when a Stockton did a few photographs some of the Scottish uh boys having um photographs taken with the locals and then there was some Brazilian girls and all this stuff and then Japanese girls over there I was looking and what it was was they were actually having an air conditioning unit from the car park underneath was coming up like this and it was blowing up their Kilts yeah with everything hanging out and all the all the locals and their pictures taken with them this is before we call it we call it the ugly Marlon Monroe painted some wonderful pictures there didn't mean I just spat one but a co-commentator does best CC on this right side now Luis Garcia is just warming up his knees just getting that final product and it was a lovely ball again from debris and Ragnar father I just couldn't get the direction on it it's a brilliant fall in he's made a fantastic run again just can't control his head up that would have been man of the match in the bag you'd think if you put that away or we could have just walked off then couldn't he wave to the crowd come on see you later in a left back position now Ragnarok he's going to score I've Got a Feeling what else would you get on that now certainly enjoying life as a retired Liverpool player of course played under Jurgen klopp and a couple of iconic goals along the way if you're a YouTuber by the way just take a look at the Ragnar clavan body swerve he became famous for it but a really popular part of the Liverpool squad on their way to winning everything we've still not seen Gary McAllister by the way the age of 58. who significantly brings up the average age of this Liverpool team but I tell you what in the the game last night in training he was involved in everything he wants to come on Gary He's a mad mad Rangers man absolutely crazy obviously was there with Stephen Gerrard but growing up as a lad in Glasgow he's a he's a Rangers man he's loved to come on and play against Celtic that's for sure should also give a mention to some of the players not here today um I've spoke about the ruthlessness before Mark Gonzalez Got The Equalizer against man united Florence Cinema Pongo got the winner in the closing stages said he's still waiting for the phone call to invite him back for this United you don't even get in the squad next time he gets to lots of Premier League games now Florence Cinema Pongal doesn't have the dreadlocks anymore but he's um a big part of the canal plus team in France and uh covers all of the Premier League football is that his daughter actually is an actress in Liverpool have you got any youngsters who watched Jamie Johnson his uh his daughter is actually one of the stars in that series still living in Liverpool great great fact that really good program actually in fact you don't have to have young ones it's follows the uh the exploits of the young footballer and lots of Premier League players appear in that as well as cameos sea States had a great start to uh to life here is on the pitch here in anfield he's uh set one goal almost set another one up for clavan he's causing all kinds of problems there again he still looks fit doesn't he good that's good awareness he won a goal as well Gerard getting a bit of a warmer reception for this corner than he got for the one in the first half by the way is four goals away from a hundred and French football he's 41 now he's offered to play for free professionally for any team that will come in and give him the chance to get to that record [Applause] is causing problems again Garcia to riera try to turn his way towards Martin skirtel but stopped in his tracks and he was trying to see three on two here Naylor joining in run from O'Donnell at the back post the gameplay is just struggling to keep their feet [Applause] yeah brilliant from the rep and he's um he's full play up there he's going to get the drop ball is he from Celtics advantage in the spirits of the game The Natty and then the shot comes in again from mcnaylor on his left Peg and it goes wide and just looking for any activity on that bench Stephen Gillespie who you might see just sitting alongside Kenny dalglish is the brains behind the substitution that's Stephen Gillespie who knows well researched the view might remember him in the Liverpool youth team squads he actually broke Robbie Fowler's Liverpool scoreboard record and uh it stood until Wayne Rooney came through and took it off him had a good career Stephen at uh I like to Cheltenham and Paul Chester now a big part of the LFC Foundation there's a pitch Invader just out of your picture at the moment who's been brought to ground quickly brilliant rugby tackle from the steward I have to say he was quick took him out and play will be allowed to go on just once the uh twos run onto the pitch is um taken away it's not acceptable that sort of behavior but he was running across the pitch saying if you could spare any money for the LFC foundation so we've got to give them that at least Barry McAllister was just tapped Kenny bald leash on the shoulder there is it just to remind him he's still there yeah yeah the Wellington games I'm sure neither though you're on the bench where you wanted to stay out of the way of the manager he didn't want to come on yeah but if you want to come on you have to start warming up in front of it and doing your stretches and all that pull your thighs off and remind him oh is that what I always wonder when I see the players unzipping and zipping up their jackets yeah give me a little hint I'm still here get me on maybe they're waiting for that moment Kennedy dog leash is very mysterious and there's a former Celtic man he's maybe waiting for the right moment to bring the former Glasgow Rangers to keep him quiet we are getting towards that point aren't we where Robbie Keane will come on in a Liverpool shirt he's just struggling at the minute because he's had to take his socks off and at his age it just takes a while I can't do his laces up oh he's got he's got a lady with him to help him afterwards his absolute Carnage it was Nayla trying to uh get that cross in from the by light no danger from Liverpool's point of view though also we have to remember that John Barnes was at Celtic as manager 1999 just for the uh I'm not even sure he took his coat off he was there oh dear it didn't work it didn't work out did it unfortunately for John what a guy John is brilliant guy but unfortunately unfortunately at Celtic it didn't work out for him he's a bit young though wasn't he first job really first job yeah what he did do though of decent value was signed to Lillian Petrov who yeah captains this Celtic team here this afternoon [Applause] John old as you mentioned before big Celtic fans since the Lisbon Lions conquered Europe what Kelly Douglas would do for a recently retired John Aldridge as well by the way to bring 104 games he played for Liverpool although 63 Liverpool goals brilliant he was jump and I have to say to anybody listening that John used to stay out after the rest of us were around now cup of tea and biscuit and do his finishing Crossing and finishing absolutely brilliant with his head with side foot Follies on his right foot not too good on his left but he was magnificent let's have a Sinclair with the attempted switcher play how calm was that from Ragnar Clavin again he's been brilliant Stephen Gerrard his groins are going to be screaming tomorrow with these diagonal balls he's been playing today yeah he's Robbie King getting ready to come on oh he looks good in red can I just say good he looks good in red number seven [Applause] hasn't quite found his range yet Louis Garcia who's playing at the new camp the other night looks like he's still there that's better I was on FIFA riera who will rock your King come on for is the decision that the manager will have to make Celtic are hoping it's for them he's a good Eric oh Donald as well but again he's uh just without a player [Applause] already come out right somehow managed to Arrow its way just above the hand of Jersey that would Celtic Mike talk about the Injustice of this two two times the ball has been in the the back of Liverpool's there both ruled out yep running off side and this one was out of play came back in The Dugout are making there though didn't it there's another look here now gone out yes well out play we've cursed the Russian with the manager I have to say it's at least two meters out of Play-Doh only joking I think it was one of the Celtic fans that pushed it back in actually now I see it in the slow-mo yeah they blew it back in soccer Who Will Make Way for Robbie Keane he wanted to play in his favorite position just behind the striker that old-fashioned number 10 roll and uh Louis Garcia who will stay as the number nine probably came with 146 caps for Ireland he spent a six-month Loan in Glasgow 21 games for uh for Rangers now for Celtic I should say washing my mouth out [Applause] tells a great story Robbie Keen you know about um when he was at wolves and he got a phone call from Gordon Strack and manager of Coventry and he said the first thing he said to him was do you want to become a millionaire and of course he said yes who Robbie said that to Gordon Stratford great career and he absolutely loves coming back here to anfield as well [Music] and there's Nigel correctly pointed out in commentary you get to a certain stage of the game or you don't want to come back on again after you've done such the tutor but I think he said for just that excitedly warmed up just slightly too advanced than moved into an offside position yeah just got to remember to pass it to the right kind of shirt now you figure out what color shirt you've got on hopefully probably won't [Applause] Sinclair trying to knock it off to Wallace there but it was too high to advance for him and Robbie Keane with his first opportunity to open up those legs of this in a Liverpool shirt onto the return from cset so neat and tidy isn't he in these positions Robbie Keane waiting for his next opportunity as a as a coach and um slightly slower that ball than he was anticipating for alvarea yeah I think Robbie's been one of those players who um got a really good touch he turns well on the ball he's got the vision as well can score some Screamers but he likes to play off a main Striker doesn't it that's where his favorite position is but I think he could bring an awful lot to the game coaching wise for youngsters especially with finishing just as he enrusted a lot of youngsters encourage them taught them how to pass the ball in the back of the net instead of Smashing it you just pass it in the background don't forget a Lee Market Socrates missed goal after goal after going and one training session with Robbie and he scored the winner last year the rest of the world took some um what's his names didn't it to take that penalty only missed three yeah missed three in the shootout scored the winning penalty this time very few stories like that he should never play again chilly after that you're never going back to that he'll be back he'll be back Wallace thought why not travel myself and as you do that because it's had little to do other than to pick two balls out of the back of his net that have been ruled out so Liverpool with the tuna lead Celtic with a feeling probably of slacking just this well wow his nailer Wallace is that cross again and it was the head of Trevor Sinclair this time hopelessly off Target in the end though you've actually be surprised you know how many of the players get nervous before these games they were so used to approaching these games at anfield in Peak condition the whole week leading up to it in training and how they prepare but um they really get nervous about playing as former players and you will probably have that feeling as well Niza when you played yeah absolutely because you're playing with your ex-teamates and you want to do well they want to do well and you get nervous you obviously want to play well and win the game but it's nervous because you're meeting up with your teammates and they will review if you don't play well or you get the ball away the teeth will be showing at you is you know they're all winners there's been lots of wonderful Side Stories to this here this afternoon but it's like a throwback isn't it Celtic fans in amongst the Liverpool fans in the copper and there's lots of green and white mixed in with the Reds they're doing the famous celebration in there with the Liverpool fans as well you have the feeling that town is going to be a bit of a carnival tonight as well oh yes there'll be a lot of um there'll be a lot of Scottish themed pubs in Liverpool tonight I think yes Scottish Irish any any theme you like but as long as you've got a pint of Guinness they'd be happy but I think that's I think I told people have so much in common I really do I really do genuinely believe that yeah Carrie McAllister is going to get his moment very soon Paul Lambert's gonna cross the have a word with him just getting some final instructions um from Stephen Gillespie as to where they would like him to function but I tell you what at 58 Gary you play wherever you want just make sure you wrap up your catch you'll catch your death over there Kenny log which was um was taking the Mickey out of his lack of a suntan yesterday he said he looks like he's wearing full-length white socks are you joking he looks he's positively bronze for a sportsman he's got the uh he's got the Lanzarote glow about him going across him Louis Garcia just feeling the uh the weight of the challenge there from study effect I'm just a bit of an awkward Landing in here nothing Sinister about it let's have a Sinclair who'd never played for Celtic has come off it's like Cameo for him they never played for Celtic Legend and still never played the Celtic yeah and benador pestilink has come back on for them so there are rolling Subs coming on and after Gary McAllister that is going to come on for the Reds here now for the last 11 minutes of this game who will uh gentlemanly Make Way Christmas day he was born Gary McAllister and he was the kind of wine he would say for Christmas day as well was the real vintage yeah but he was when he came into a lot of people thought why are they shining him and he was absolutely magnificent in his latter years but his Church's ability his vision and it's all around game the superb here at anfield some achievement to play for Liverpool till the age of 38. James Miller's actually chasing his record isn't he as uh to the oldest player I thought well this is his famous goal at goodison Park his boss apparent his Derby goal one of the best songs that Liverpool fans ever created was for Gary McAllister we've got a top giant as well here's cease Clapham One Touch Gerard One Touch Harry McAllister's first touch he does what he does best wins it in the middle of the park Garcia tried to find the Run of cset she said as well Garcia with the second attempt to look for Robbie Keane Martin's girdled as well by the way who has two boys playing football now he's got four Sons Gabriel cisso one of them's at Liverpool one of them's at Knox County so there's well um his 15 year old actually plays for Wales as an international as well having the ball in that part of the world so still could be a cc story or two ahead what have CeCe and Jupiter got in common they both got four Sons there's nobody prepared that wasn't it yeah could be a future for me and you Ian did you hit hard times I'm not sure um political plans I'll uh be happy about that Sammy hoopia Gerard dest finds Robbie Keane Garcia amazing run here to get Celtic back in again the Celtic fans have realized it could be a long afternoon for them they're still singing their players home players forward now in the form of Naylor who gets another good cross into the box and it was benador of hasselink who's trying to get the final touch it was agonizing very close that here he had to stride for it but just couldn't stretch that right foot of his or the right leg of his enough to get a contact on the ball good ball in from Naylor you could build up from Celtic good ball in just can't get there [Applause] it's a nice football list from Liverpool [Applause] with a space for Robbie Keane Garcia's made a decent run for him gets it back will be key is this the goal what a good save by given thought his former Irish team I might have done him a turn there that's a really good move from Liverpool though probably interchange and Lewis got to see him back into Robbie in the good save from the goalkeeper shade given back at the other end still a bit of energy to expel facility Ragnar clavan in the way again [Applause] the game is opening up as we say Louis Garcia I think has felt the weight of That Awkward fall just a few moments ago and he will come off for Mark Gonzalez this was the opportunity for Robbie Keane yeah just couldn't get out of his feet he got stuck under his feet a little bit so he couldn't generate the directional power it's good [Applause] slight shift of things for Liverpool then so rear will come off to this right hand side and um Gonzalez will go across to the left Ramen Vega will come on for Celtic here as well it was only Excel take six months but held into three trophies he's 51 now actually scored two on his debut against Aberdeen RAM on Vega so we'll have fond memories of life in the green and white [Applause] gone off and come back on again actually scored a winner against Liverpool in his town at Crystal Palace you may remember Joe ledley 36 years and 82 has only just finished playing Steven Gerrard looking for Robbie Keane he might have advanced into an upside position and the flag does come on this right side good good reaching from Stephen though lovely ball and Robbie just offside how well is Steven Gerard done to last the face of this Ian I know with a chest infection like you I mean just shows you you'd rather have a chestage error than most other players quiet week for him next week Stephen Gerard the event are lying down and there's been plenty of clubs sniffing around him as well Stephen Gerrard is the manager that is he's enjoying his life on the TV and it's not just Batman will tell you he's managed to life on the TV a bit less pressurizing a bit more fun than management no Management's fun when you're winning he's like playing it's fun when you're winning but unfortunately you don't always win but the stress levels have been a coach or manager um in football these days as always I suppose is right out there but there's no hiding place if things aren't going well but Stephen had come back in here get the right job that's what he's waiting for the right job we always say that the right job but here know when it's the right job to go back into it and also someone like he's the sort of person that he will not he'll not hide behind the Players He'll take everything personally on the chin which obviously it must add an element of stress to the job as anyway absolutely and the thing is with social media now there's no hiding place and you know your family get it as well as you as an individual you know you just uh can't keep everybody happy as we all know but you know Steven's have been a wonderful player and I'm sure he's going to go on and be a wonderful manager as well giving the right opportunities again Turtle read that brilliantly onto this moment on the ball as well and does well to sweep things up from a Liverpool perspective some of the Celtic players are deciding now that maybe the taxis into town will be the best decision they've made today special relationship between these two clubs continues this is actually the 17th friendly that um Liverpool have played against Celtic last time they were here was 23 years ago for Ronnie Moran's testimonial a 4-1 win for Liverpool that day Steven Gerard and both played that day there were 33 000 people here and just a little bit of research on that by the way as well they weren't soft Liverpool players back in the day because of course Celtic bring 10 000 fans guaranteed Ian Rush Ron Yates um both had their testimonials against Celtic back in the day in Russian 94 around the 1874. he told me Burns were in at Celtic Park uh I was involved in 1987 yeah so I knew when I went to Rangers I knew what Celtic consulted Park were all around we're all about fantastic support it's a nice ball around the corner for debriel cisse he was looking for Rodney Keane again trying Chancellor Albert riera [Music] to honest acrobatic Gerard perhaps challenge was read brilliantly by the Celtic player in a way they come again it's a three against three here Ross Wallace Mustangs joined in as well I felt it was a handball they feel like no luck is about to go their way today though [Applause] Wallace again wanted the uh one alongside his three effects off his uh steaming there he looked handball from up here I have to say yep but the referee teams out to he's not even looking at the balls just here's hand gets given in the Premier League that's the Premier League absolutely no one has any idea anymore yeah oh that I'm biased or anything you've got 15 quid in the clean sheet needed to save yes you do that to just tip it away from danger another thought having to survive in these final moments here the effort there from Glenn lewins up on the back of the net they want a consolation goal that's for sure these Celtic players and the fans Corner out on that right hand side [Applause] it's been a brilliant turnout from the fans though isn't it yeah what did you say it was 48 000 46 they were expecting here amazing you know credits of Celtic fans for coming to this and the Liverpool fans of course it's been a good day out I think it would be an even better night out in um Liverpool City Center tonight so are those buses back up to Glasgow I sell you off Joe ledley then we'll take this set play could be the last opportunity that Celtic get and it will end up behind that Liverpool goal and that is the final action I think the whistle has gone amongst the noise down there and Liverpool with a two goal [Music] this afternoon it's been a really decent game and true Steven Gerrard getting the whole thing underway in the first half of that penalty just before the break and then Mark Gonzalez with a really brilliant individual goal that rounded things up Ian Sterling is going to join us for the the post match here but Ian your overall impression of what an occasion it was here today I just think what an amazing what amazing day everyone's been everyone's been so lovely there's some absolute Legends on the picture now I think there's a lovely battle in Midfield and it was a great game all round neighbor should be very proud of themselves thank you for your company it's been great to see you up here in the uh the commentary box and he will be down pit side Now with uh Chelsea Graham as well really appreciated thank you the the post-match reaction and also the lap of Honor as well we'll join you for that the other side of the break when we come back larger spackman is here with me as well and uh the players just getting the opportunity now to stay there thanks not just to the Liverpool fans but also the Celtic fans as well a really decent game of football on it all I think uh both sets are players did extremely well obviously the pitch was fantastic but the conditions are a little bit slippy but then the sun come out but uh oh overall you have to say that uh that both uh sets are played did extremely well they made the changes the Celtic fans turning up with the liberal fans it's been a really good afternoon and Liverpool deservedly won two nil how emotional can these occasions be for you as a as a player because they always say that experiences sometimes wasted on the young isn't it you come back as a player who's had all of those wonderful memories before of course there's ups and downs as well but you've drawn a line into your career and you get the chance to come back and smile and wave to the fans and and play in an occasion like this no you you spot on about that is sometimes in the old days maybe you wouldn't get the opportunity to come and play at anfield or bet Celtic park or play your eyebrows or play these places after your careers it's finished but nowadays with all these brilliant charity work going on between clubs it's fantastic you get the opportunity to go back and you can take in the whole atmosphere I mean I come here for the hospitalities in this new stand and anfield is a brilliant Stadium once again now and once it's finished at the the behind the goal it's going to be even better but for these players to come back and play out there Kenny to come back and manage Russia Aldo Barnsley everybody just really enjoyed this moment I'm sure they want to do it again as soon as possible all the things that they don't get the opportunity to do as well you see that the bush coming in that there's a guard of Honor from the fans who want to come and see them they've all got the phones out they're all filming it some of them got their phones on the pitch now as well for the lap of Honor all things they couldn't do as current players that they can get the chance to do now is former is no absolutely and I think sometimes today today's players can't get close enough to the fans either with the security and everything we grew up you know getting close to the fans enjoying things and that's what they're doing down there you know Steve and Gerard going The Shining shirts giving shirts away doing a lap of honor and that's what people come here today to see these players see the game but uh it's great to see Kenny looking so well check into him before the game is really in good health at the moment so it's good to see him and he would have enjoyed this and he'd certainly enjoyed winning as well we can't put too far and a point on that you know Kenny valgly sir Kenny valglish I do beg your pardon he's desperate to win all of these Legends games you know people who say it's just a bit of fun doesn't matter he wants to win all of these games against all the big opposition I have to tell you if he in training when we used to have the train in the eight of sides whatever team he was on he wanted to win and it's the same with anything as I said the Legends games today he wants to win this if he's playing Scrabble with you he wants to win you know if you paint cards he wants to win whatever it is that's his mentality and that's what a lot of the players who are playing through the Liverpool turnstile um want they're winning they have a winning mentality they're The Lads wanted to win today it might not be as fit and strong as they once were or the ability that they once had but they still wanted to win the game so many young faces In This Crowd today that will be sampling anfield for the very first time I'll make you feel old now Nigel my first experience of anfield was that famous Clash of heads between yourself and Gary Gillespie Luton Town just before the Cup Final again Wimbledon I can still remember walking up the steps seeing John Barnes on that far left-hand side of the pitch the green grass the lights on it's a Memory that will never ever leave you your first game of football in a in a stadium like this oh absolutely absolutely I I mean it's a bit different for me when I was growing up going to to I always remember the smell of the rub on the legs and all that from the pleasure and you serving those days but you know to come here if your first game was coming here to anfield to watch that Liverpool team with John Barnes and Peter Beardsley and John Aldridge in Alan Hanson I think you've got spoiled people straight from work work go to become a Liverpool supporter but you know football is a special thing and Liverpool is a great City it's a fantastic football City and people want to turn out and watch football and watch the great play but also watch today's team play as well and support the club and support the community John Barnes part of the the staff of Kelly valdlish today I know I'll be preaching to a lot of the converted watching here today that will remember John Barnes playing but the queues outside the cuff all morning were to see John Barnes Play In the Flesh weren't they so exciting John Barron's the best player I've ever played with for two years here at little he was magnificent until we've got that Achilles injury and that slowed him down a little bit but John not just the great guys not just a great football but great for football and I think if we weren't banned from Europe in that time John would have been even bigger Legend than he is today because he was absolutely magnificent and adapted so well him and Steve nickle down that left-hand side Stevia left back joining left side of Midfield were absolutely brilliant there he is alongside John Aldridge who is a Big Driver of the Liverpool former Players Association the Forever Reds who want to really put the former players at the Forefront of everything it's not just about raising money they're out in the community they're out on these sports games at the foundation fun through occasions like this they love going out to meet the fans they love going out to see the great work that's going on and around the ground well you you miss it that's what I'm saying what you know when you've been in that dressing room you've been coming every day and you've got the bands with your mates telling what you've been doing yesterday they're telling you all that and that's why when we come and do the hospitality it's like yesterday telling stories you know from the intelligence unbelievable return that Turner to Phil Mills all the way through to the John Aldridge myself and the younger ones you know John uh John Barnes as well Bruce obviously the characters that you meet and uh it's a privilege to play for this great club and that's what John John's obviously a scouter through and through going to grow up in this city support your club and then pray for them it's something very very special and they get that Fanboy moment now the Celtic players as well who will absolutely adore Kenny log leash for all that he gave Celtic all of those years ago as a as a player himself um a right half as he was then made his debut against Hamilton ackies away from home 1968 his first game for Celtic and in 1972 73 scored 41 goals alongside a player by the name of Dixie Deans with an s on the end and then the whole world changed didn't it 9th of August 1977 when he became a Liverpool player and nobody looked back people were depressed that the prospect of key and leaving and look what they got well that's what Liverpool do though one one goes out for a lot of money he was a legend and they bring someone else in who most Liverpool supporters wouldn't have known who Kenny dalglish was at that time but they soon found out and that's why it's called King Kenny sir Kenny because we've just been brilliant Liverpool brilliant facility but brilliant for the game and also for Scotland you must remember that but he's a real gentleman not bad at go further what are you um going away with the impression of today in terms of really decent performances from Liverpool players they're of such a level of Fitness now aren't they that these games are really decent he'll impress you today yeah I think most players ex-players keep themselves as fit as they can now we're looking at a couple now and maybe didn't keep themselves into such good shape but clever and today was brilliant down that left-hand side is his movement Robbie Keane still looks fit doesn't he with his movement as well but uh I think today's about football isn't it you know people turning up to watch x-players quality X players and some people come to anfield maybe for the very first time as you touched on feet because they can't get tickets to come and watch this great Club on a Saturday or a Sunday or midweek they come and watch the Legends and hopefully the youngsters take that on board and they want to come back here for a first team game in the very near future then get a ticket isn't this nice as well seeing the Celtic players go and greet albeit quite a lot of their own fans inside the cop in and there's the family of debriel cisse I was speaking about before the the two boys in the middle are the the top footballers the young lad as well as quite good there must be something in the jeans wasn't it yeah I can remember watching him play uh he played for the French under 21 so under 18 so I should say in an England team um under 18s I think it was at Bradford and in what a player what how quick was he superlc say and uh I think he's good he's definitely got that ability that he's shown here but he's giving that on to his kids now and hopefully they go on and have good careers in football Robbie came with his boys there as well massive Liverpool fans it was a great occasion for him today wasn't it being able to to play for the two teams that he adored he's often wound up about it um Robbie Keane isn't he that you know people used to say he was a big Liverpool fan he's a big Celtic fan the area of Dublin he grew up in it you know it was Celtic and Liverpool they were the two teams they followed and he got the chance to play for both today well fantastic to pay for both teams in uh in the same day but I think for well it didn't really work out for him when he came here to Liverpool I think he was disappointed about that I think maybe it's to turn around saying maybe he didn't get enough chances but he wanted to come here and I thought it was going to really work out for him man I thought he's going to be a brilliant player didn't quite reeks their heights he'd hope but to go and pray for the two clubs that you supported as a kid can't get much better than that Kenneth and then go and play in a Legends game the only thing missing with gold Stephen Gerrard and Gary McAllister over to our position down there as well there's Liverpool Heroes we spoke about Stephen Gerrard just before we finish Nigel uh about his next move it's a really big decision that isn't it we've seen his his little boy before wants to watch him play football as well but his next decision on what he does next is it TV is it is it management is is an important one isn't it you can do TV anytime I mean I'm still doing it now and it's great it's a great job to do and you're still involved in the game but if you're Steven yet Gerard and you've had the career he's had he did really well at the Rangers didn't quite work out and how he's hoped at Aston Villa but I'm sure Stephen would get the right opportunity to go back into it and make a real successive Management in the near future but we're going to hear from him very soon Chelsea Grime alongside Ian Sterling as well we will continue with you here on this Legends occasion uh come back after the break and we'll get some more reaction down there pitch side we're back in a few minutes [Music] game on is a community Sports based program with the aim of getting schools to try different sports that they wouldn't necessarily do like Athletics tennis lacrosse and find out they might have a talent for it [Music] foreign opportunities in different sports we've identified over 30 young people to come and try Athletics for the first time we've started a basketball team in Wirral when clubs get involved it helps them to grow by getting more football down on their sessions it grows their name in the schools and local areas to actually see the kids coming down and joining the club is it's great for us but it's also great for the club as well [Music] thank you the Liverpool hadish came to the school and he said why don't you come down to the Hadith and test it out and it was just fun being able to run around Elizabethville Harry's track and being able to just be here so really kind and the improve was a lot it's completely free every able to put on events like this hiring a whole Athletics track with no cost to any of the individuals who provided free school lunches the kids love it and so does the teachers and we love it as well we love seeing the kids enjoying themselves it's trying different sports and being able to come down to these clubs is really what the program's all about [Music] when I was younger I knew that Beatles are coming from here and they have a great football club [Music] was a very friendly very open very warm my Mrs and my sons a much more involved in society than I am and they are over the moon about the wrongs of the people and how friendly they are and how helpful they are and you say I got the price for by bringing Joy to the people it sounds a little bit like I'm a comedian but they are probably much better than that but I understand it and he always understood football like this so since I'm a kid I love football but I always knew there are more important things in life the only problem is during that 98 minutes I never felt it I thought it's the most important thing in life when you're a part member fan of the right Club then you are really sucking I had that already in slightly different ways that mines in Dortmund and here Liverpool is it feels like it's I said it before it's the heart of football for his music and football it's good because we all work enough life must be as well some distraction from from the all-day duties and as much as we can help with that as much I want to help with that we would have thought that I would have any key of a city [Laughter] whenever first about it it was absolutely um I didn't understand it in the first place I'm sure we have these kind of things in Germany so somebody needs to explain it to me piece by piece I understood it and then I felt a sort of pride I can't remember fella before it was really strange but I can tell you I will take it and I will keep it forever in my mind and heart [Music] [Music] you know what it's always enjoyable to play here in front of a you know nearly a full crowd and they were amazing the main things obviously it's for a good cause if the liberal Foundation Forever Reds that's the reason why we're all here but you know it wouldn't be so successful without the support of the fans and to be fair to Celtic you know they turned up in the numbers today and it's been a really enjoyable day no I'd go along with it I think it's a fantastic thing that Celtic brought four or five thousand all the way down for Scotland to come and support the foundation it supports Celtics Foundation as well and I'm the same as Stephen anytime you get a chance to come and play here on this pitch it takes all of a millisecertain to say yes but then when you know what it's what what's the causes for it makes it even more great yeah I was I was talking about half an hour last night but as we get closer to the kickoff it went from half an hour to 20 to 10. [Music] there's a bit of pressure on me actually I took my son to football this morning he scored a couple so he said to me you best score today or you're gonna have to buy me something so at least I'll save a few quid by getting on the squishy but it's not really about that it's about all the people that are going to benefit from this I don't know what we're going to raise in the end but so many people local so many people in Scotland and our ex-players the ones that need a little bit of treatment Here There and Everywhere they're going to benefit from it as well and the main thing is everyone's had a good day it stayed dry and we're all happy I'm so sorry I'm getting told oh my cause that's not good enough to use your interview with me and also he's got a chest infection so we're all going to be able after this no that was close call wasn't it you you were maybe not gonna play that much but you're still done 90. he was over well listen they sent me a bag of medicine over a couple of days ago without sleeping me out I got through it that's the main thing I was there I didn't play too well but we gotta win can we talk about the penalty quickly it was definitely penalty won it definitely definitely Martin scale it was excellent bassing through like he does here he is he picks it up like a midfielder absolute storm War penalty and there was only one taken from there and that's me unfortunately in front of the Celtic fans a little bit of pressure to go you'll have to milk it listen I've had so much stick off them so they can have a bit back there you go I mean it was like watching back in the day I still remember it I was suffer many of your goals growing up well that's gotta feel good still listen it feels good when I score in the back Garden against Leo anytime if you love football if you love The Game you love this club score in front of these supporters I'll never get tired of that I've got to let it in say something well I was gonna say Gary one of the one of the one of the oldest one of the oldest person people on the pitch today what does it what does it mean to come back to anfield and what does it mean remember that's what I keep telling people no it was fantastic you know reception and that the affiliation I've got with this place is very special so when I'm asked to come along and help the foundation but also just to say hello to the fans again it's very difficult to see and also another great day but again the foundation will benefit greatly from this great amazing I'm just happy everyone Gerard scores you play 10 minutes we've got one like between four of us I'm happy ones yeah that isn't a reason to donate to the foundation and I don't know what else to remember there is a good donation button down below you can click on the link on the LFC website as well I just feel terrible because all the fans are standing here now all wanting to talk to these boys and we've just got them talking still anyone else boys from today no just want to say uh you know Echo a huge thank you from all the players all the staff to turn out in your numbers like you do every time we have a game like this we can't thank you enough Scotty no I think we'll have a good night as well we're going to step a little bit of a party with the Celtic boys and have a few beers and there'll be loads of stories flying around boys thank you so much for talking to us I'm going to let you go and enjoy it now I'll cool down brilliant oh my goodness they've just be quiet to let them talk but I tell you what just listen to the families I know it's like even when they first arrived on the pitch it just makes you realize not only how much livable football club means to this day but how much Stephen Gerard means to this city it's absolutely I'm gonna give this microphone a go so we don't have to share it and we're back all right I'm back brilliant I mean some people here I've just watched two Lads in the front there standing the whole time just waiting to touch Stevie I mean he is still a God for me personally I've always said in any interview I've done growing up he was my hero because he was from where I was from and he reached the top and it's still the same there's absolute scenes over there out here I know and I mean we've just been surrounded by Legends another thing I've always said I said this in the commentary box and everyone agreed was like no matter how big these guys get they're just so humble and they're so happy to be here and there is just an atmosphere when it comes to anfield and this club where everyone just realizes how lucky they are to be associated with it and they yeah that never goes away it's amazing well this is the corner to be in Legends yes can we just do one thing you know right yeah can we do one thing first boys please can you check your microphones work uh I'd be Wicked oh Russia yours is awake you might have to share um talk to me about today just amazing right oh yeah yes sir do you know to an occasion like this people don't realize what it means to the foundation and to Liverpool itself and nbx players and the people to come on the droves and and the Celtic fans were amazing as well uh with the exception of who's dvg all day um yeah just terrific absolutely unbelievable yeah I just although said that it's a fantastic day uh the amount of cloud when you come out here it's like what like watching the first team play you know the crowd now but Celtic fans are fantastic but to fill the cup in a game like this is amazing and they all goes through great cause incredible I know is yours working I think mine's is working I'm not really too sure but um I always wanted to say to you um you guys like what do days like this do um what do these ideas say to you about um the anfield as a as a venue in anfield as a sort of a cultural hubs does it make you realize how lucky you are to have been associated with this area it always has been you know I've come in here since 65. so the passion's always been here yeah you know it's different in the old cup obviously you know when it used to be like crazy to being a bit of loved it you know loved it but now it's it's different like all stadiums but it generates a great atmosphere you know today was not that way inclined because it's a different type of day yeah but one thing for me what what it does as well is the money we raise is you see kids can actually get into the stadium whereas on liver must stay it's impossible just you know we turn away about 30 40 000 every after turn away every game but be given an opportunity to get to come in watch okay the old boys give a good game and and and and and you know the occasion it's it's an experience for them but they can't afford it and they can't get in for knowing that a game so I know it's not not great to not be the first team but it gives them a little bit of sense of what it's all about although what about playing now was there pass yeah because we have got some footage of you playing there we go okay it's buying I don't know if we can dig it out now [Laughter] oh I tell you what that's like that's you got your shoes no we had knows what what to do but my legs didn't come on twice I was sort of too excited to think funny funny but yeah it's the apartheus too that obviously you know when you're watching them out there you know they've obviously retired now both are used you just want to get you through to my hunt yeah you want of course you do yeah I think your brain cell you can do it but your legs are saying you can't yeah it takes that long to get down there for the Triple as soon as you walk out of the place that you would not want to play on the place like this no it's the only place in the world where you can get so many people coming so everyone wants to play some part of the game we accept the fact that we can't do nothing that's proof of the pudding I have actually got to say a big thank you to you because you won't remember this but you're actually the reason I started playing for Liverpool ladies when I was 10 because my granddad was a massive fan of you and you had a soccer school on many years ago and I calm down I come down to it and I got to go to buy Liverpool ladies from your soccer school so thank you very much um anyway just had to say that yeah you're also the reason my dad had a mustache in the 90s so I'd like to thank you for that as well how did you guys find a manager managerial side of things today I believe you're in The Dugout today yeah well you know Kenny's the manager and to be quite honest you can't understand the word he says at times where the translators we worked it out because no to be honest it's hard to to get to be fair to all the players that's hitting up you know there's 20 22 players there Wendy so you've got to make sure to get the right minutes right time balance it out who's the owners is the only one who moaned he didn't get enough minutes now that glass just like to be a part of it and get across I think the main thing that allows you to be invited I think Lewis Garcia's moments come off we're also currently um looking for some older contestants for love Island so I'm just wondering who you think they played today's guys Jesus I tell you what the club arm was looking in Kraken clavon was in good shape wasn't he up and down that Wing he was looking forward I can see him slow more walking into a villa I tell you what Rihanna does well looked like he could still be playing but yeah it was decent there but yeah just amazing have a great day mate we won the Celtic fans give it Stevie give it back obviously that penalty do you want to talk about that really fast was it a clear pen it was yeah it was a super challenge and you know that but um it was hard for Stevie's concentrating because he had so much stick off the chair of the banter off the Celtic fans I actually thought he was gonna he might miss it but he didn't I had confidence in himself again as well as I made better for Stevie it's a great pen hey it's what we expect from Steve oh I mean it's just writing on the wall isn't it anyone else hearing from you I think that's it I just want to say a big thank you guys for being involved thank you very much Gonzalez you did yourself Justice out there today uh was was nice to be on uh on a good crash again and kind of the emotions took over and adrenaline and everything so it was nice to run around yes how has it been for you being back overall because 2018 you left so five years have gone by but I imagine still was corridors this year probably but it's still lovely to to be here yes and to work hard first time also from the locker room to to anfield and to all the trip together with with the Legends team and uh yeah a lot of memories came back and it was it was nice to relive them again and you've been checking out the new facilities obviously at the training ground as well which you were you were really impressed I was yes you think about the accident in general it's a bit different to mold isn't it a bit of a different feel but you enjoyed being there last night it's TV General I mean we can't say more about it you guys might have hung up your boots professionally but it is still pretty competitive out there when you're on the pitch is that you're always desperate to win it always always it's always competitive all the team uh doesn't matter if it's a charity game we always want to win and I think we show it every game so that's important always too to keep the competitive you know active and it is great as well you know you mentioned charity there obviously the LFC Foundation is the main beneficiary from today and I'm sure you guys are all delighted to play your part in that yeah of course and we can see all these people supporting us they can still donate to the LFC foundation so give a call as well and we're so happy to to be part of it it's always important to to help others what's the fun fact for later there more catch-ups huge hopefully hopefully yeah I'm looking forward for that so yeah I don't know when's the next game so I'll be I'll be in shape for that are you desperate to get back already yeah yeah enjoys the night thank you very much yeah I like we're just or or you can go to forward slash donate to donate and we're going to use some of the money to buy some new microphones I'm just doing that now but the best thing I just found out when oh rush I packed you on FIFA yesterday I did he's got a new icon car though actually it's what I actually have decent Bank just amazing Jay you're back with us I was that did you enjoy it I loved it yeah I thought it was brilliant um obviously the game was a little bit slower than what we normally expect on a Premier League game but you can see it at the Players we've still got the technical ability and the wow factor and Stevie obviously score celsea candles a bit of a moment and I think we all enjoyed that one then we just like he did so yeah I know the game was fantastic and the win's the main thing yeah Debbie talked to us about today as well for you you know what what a day it was for everyone here oh it's been amazing since I run immense mental health charity and we've had 20 of our Labs here to enjoy it today listen to JB Webster singing it's just the most unbelievable opportunity that we've had so it's been been very special did they all were they just literally singing along to everywhere yeah absolutely like we've been very fortunate LFC Foundation invited some of a lot of the games but these charity ones are just amazing so we love the work of the LFC Foundation we wouldn't be able to do what we do can you talk to us a little bit more about Sean's place and where'd it come from yeah so Sean's Place exits because my brother was short and sadly he took his own life three years ago because support for men just wasn't available you know it was so hard to find any hell for them as a sister was just desperately like where did these people go how did we get hell for them they must be somewhere and there wasn't so when John's as I created somewhere then we support now about 170 men every single week you know to through free intermediate access to support and give them opportunities like this just to enjoy life again it is just amazing isn't it what the foundation are doing and like I said to keep players in and to be doing this even for fans to donate to come down watch the football to give people an opportunity of things that they you know they don't get to do very often it is amazing yes so I was just wondering so what sort of um services do Sean's Place provides to the people of yeah we've got a whole range of service Australia because as you know with mental health it's not a one size fit all so we provide things like counseling and therapeutic support to give people that opportunity to you know to talk about what they're going through but also the social support as well so they can make friends and have those connections and then positive sorts of elements to the day so we have things like angling clothes guitar lessons we do Fitness class men Joker that's really popular as well we have about 20 Lads a week I love yoga yeah what about you tell you a bit of a yoga man I'd say I like it but I can't do it because hamstrings we've literally just had a guy in the 70s learning how to do headstands so it's never too late [Laughter] talking about Ian Rush no unfortunately nobody's welcome to come and try oh the grass is getting caught there it's a lot of fresh fresh grass um yeah Jay talked to me as well obviously you know talking about mental health there and being a player with you know Forever Reds foundation and stuff like that how important is that as well I think it's massive because if throws his X plays obviously that that your life is evolved around football and your day-to-day routines that you've had since you're a young age then have them taken away when you do retire it is a mentally soft thing to do and listen I'm in a very fortunate position where I can involve facility Academy now but speaking to feel Neil upstairs and he was talking about it saying that like when he finished his game he found it really difficult to to find this place or where he belonged and to speak to someone like him and the historically he is of this club and the legendary is a club I found that obviously a new new chat with him and it was difficult to listen to as well but to know that the forever Ed has come around and helping him now and he said he feels like he's got a new release of life since he's been found been founded so for us it's been it's in that fantastic thing I guess like for me one of the big things uh men's mental health is men opening up and men being able to speak so I guess for me anyway personally I've got a big water group my mates we talk about fantasy or fantasy football we talk about our own teams so I guess football must play a massive role for you for you guys uh in terms of management like football is a great place for men to open up emotionally and just sometimes like men see themselves in the world of football they it might see themselves as they weak if they want to open up to someone but lad should know that they should be able to talk to anybody whenever they need to when they ever feel like they'd want to and I don't see I'd advise anybody if they ever feel anything whatsoever then go and talk to someone because we've had friends in the past and have tried to hide things and once you really open up they feel so much better after that so for me it'd be about listen open up tell anyone that you can and be open as well brilliant it's a last question to you Debbie we're asking people today to donate to the LFC foundation and what can those donations do for you for Sean's place in particular what will you do with the money to help people the support is incredible like Sean's Place runs solely off donations and you know climbing mountains and running marathons for us so with this money the LLC Foundation can continue their work with us like they come and deliver a program called man to man which is exactly what we've just been saying is giving people that safe space to talk really but without that you know I don't know where people would go because it's great telling people to you know make sure you talk come and speak to someone but it's like sometimes we don't always have those places to go or other people to speak to but programs like what the LLC Foundation provides that they give men that opportunity really oh it's so lovely to talk to you today I think you're sticking around but we've got Becky um too many people I can't keep up there you go debut for the Liverpool Legends and Ragnar club and as debuts go I think you can be pretty pleased with that one yeah some surprised how many people came out to see the old legs and uh it was so nice to be back and hear the you know walk alone and also with the great atmosphere with Celtic fans as well yes it was a great afternoon we spoke pretty much didn't we and we said there's maybe a bit of pressure on you that the lads were saying is the most recently retired Pro that you were maybe the fittest now I think you did yourself Justice out there today uh was was nice to be on uh on a good crash again and kind of the emotions took over and adrenaline and everything so it was nice to run around this how has it been for you being back overall because 2018 you left so five years have gone by but I imagine still walking these corridors they've changed a little bit since you were last year probably but still lovely to to be here yes and to work hard first time also from the locker room to anfield and do all the trip together with with the Legends team and yeah a lot of memories came back and it was nice to relive them again and checking out the new facilities obviously at the training ground as well which you were you were really impressed I was yes what do you think about the AXA and in general it's a bit different from old isn't it a bit of a different feel but you enjoyed being there last night with all that yeah I think uh Melwood was also high level but uh was the connection between the young players was not there so I see the I see the big possibilities that the AXA Training Center has to that the young blacks and also see the big players to come in and they can smell the the atmosphere and dream a little bit higher and bigger so that that is a really good thing for you guys this evening as well yes reunion and a recovery for all of us hopefully more ledge Yes it was really nice to be part of it and when I'm cold and I will be ready to to come again yes I'll show you because again thank you very much thank you it was really nice thank you thank you thank you clavan what a performance two minutes in general because they got the goal but he could have been far behind he was great wasn't he I thought he's brilliant I think I think him happier scale are they all play 90 minutes so to be fair to them to play 19 minutes after retiring to switch I think he was probably the the most recently he looked in decent condition he looked really good so you don't matter he looks a bit like you actually yeah the second goal was an absolute Beauty today as well I did I did a 40 um when it came money changed it down that left hand side yeah a little bit a little bit of tempo a little bit of a speed to it and a nice Cut inside and the Finish was a little bit slow keeper maybe could have got down if you want to question it but yeah listening no it's a little goal four years it's a great ball from CC right through and you were you're on the toilet and you missed it no I was getting a picture with Paddy the body from your sister yeah everybody what I don't quite on I don't know what the keeper was doing but it doesn't take anything away from that touch sets him down listen to defend the defender's been he's been sold Annie he's been snipered from the crowd down nice I mean I'm just supposed I still can't believe we've done this talk to me that quick about commentary how did you find that because he left me then for the whole thing myself the whole thing was like an amazing experience so it's time to chat in tune and I cut through I cut through and everyone's warming up and as I'm walking Stephen Jared just comes up to me and goes welcome to anfield not like what is what is my life today but we're up there the fans were absolutely lovely there's actually a few Celtic boys and girls mixing their mums but everyone was having a great time it was just a nice sister nice to watch it take it all in suck in the atmosphere and the one thing I find about this club is you never hear anyone talk about any player in terms like oh he's a beg for these boots and it doesn't happen [Music] I mean there's no funds left it's just us so before we do go I think we've got to get everyone to make sure that you donate and okay you can go on Facebook you can get it on the Instagram there's links anywhere just please donate donate please donate what a day boys thank you thank you thank you for having me yeah thank you for coming here should we have a little hug Ian same time next year maybe I might bring a pair of boots just in case as well [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] Liverpool again not hurrying things because the team that panics now will lose this Cup Final s and over the barriers they come here they come here comes another fellow to Tim John and there goes after him [Music] hopefully this is Alan Kennedy and he goes on Adam Kennedy the unlikely man again the man who scored in the League Cup final and now
Channel: Liverpool FC
Views: 1,659,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Liverpool FC, LFC, Liverpool, Anfield, Melwood, Liverpool Football Club, premier league, klopp liverpool, Klopp, Inside LFC, watch live, full match, anfield
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 45sec (12705 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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