The 2023 Can Am Ryker Rally is WAY better than I expected! Now I want one! In-Depth Review!

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hey everybody it's Peter and this is going to be a great day I've been fans of these for such a long time and now I finally get to review one so this is the 2023 Canam rker rally now there's lots of versions of this and if you're a fan of anything like this from Can-Am make sure you subscribe to this channel because I'm just getting my first chance to look at them today and review them for you but I have the opportunity here at extreme torque Motorsports which they give me complete access to their entire vehicle lineup and if you have questions about anything Canan related I'm going to be able to review it and come back to them again and again and again so like I said this is going to be an in-depth review and one of the reasons I wanted to review these things is because I feel like a lot of the reviews there's some things missing that I want to know and I'm going to try to cover some of those things for you in this video but I can't cover it all so make sure you let me know in the comments what you want to know about these this entire line of vehicles and I'll make sure I come back to you both in the comment section and in future videos now this is an interesting interesting vehicle because it's unlike anything I've reviewed before and I am still getting to know stuff so your questions are really going to help me find out what you want to know and that's why this is awesome so again I want to thank extreme torque Motorsports here in frericks New Brunswick they actually have three locations in New Brunswick so doesn't matter where you are there's one near you and all of their inventory is shared so you can make sure you get the vehicle you want they're awesome people they're really knowledgeable even far more knowledgeable than I am and they're going to help me make sure that I know these to make sure that you know these and that's we're doing today so we're going to start with this review of this rally bike rally trike let's talk about it right now so let's get one thing out of the way right off the top you need a motorcycle license to ride this and Canan makes it super easy to get that they even have training programs where you can ride these so that's not a big deal the problem with the motorcycle to ride this is that most of the people that review it have been riding motorcycles for years and years and years and they approach it like a motorcycle rider that can be good but can also be a problem because this thing is not a motorcycle this the way it feels the way it is is very different and you'll have people say hey I don't like the way it doesn't lean in turns Well yeah if you want a motorcycle get a motorcycle but this thing is kind of a blend between a lightweight sports car in the vein that they don't make them anymore and a motorcycle so it gives you that open air open feeling that you get from a motorcycle but nobody ever drives around a really cool lightweight sports car around a track around the roads and says it doesn't lean right so this is something all to itself and it has characteristics that are really unique and I'm going to try to talk about it as an auto reviewer and a motorcycle reviewer and try to sort of put my feedback of both into what this is and what makes it fun what makes it great now what's cool about this one is this is a 900c 3-cylinder engine and it's kind of this lineup of the Rikers is kind of priced similar to the 900c motorcycle that I actually own so it is priced similarly to those this is what the original Can-Am Spider was it's compact it's light it's fun the spider has moved on to become a larger lineup with a lot more luxury features we're going to review them on this channel as well in the future but the rker fills in that playful spot that is very cost effective as well for a lot of us so again it's a midlevel motorcycle if you want to look at it that way but this is in the entry level uh span so if you're comparing it to motorcycle type uh bikes now again there's a rally off camera or there's a sport off camera we're going to focus on that one in a second and I'm going to show you the dash on that one just to sort of vary it up a little bit the rally is a step up from the sport so the way you can think about this in the motorcycle world is something like a adventure bike of sorts it's got a little extra ground clearance it's got some adjustable suspension which we're going to show you about and it has tires that are great for mostly onroad but also dirt roads gravel roads that kind of thing it also has some Drive settings that allow you to have some fun in it and we're going to talk about that in this video as well the sport model to me is a little bit more of a base model it doesn't have the same ground clearance it doesn't have the same suspension adjustments but if you're driving primarily on road that's the one to get because it gives you that sports car kind of feeling so we're going to talk about what this feels like what it looks like and we're going to dig into the specs to help you understand what it is and how it can work for you and if it's right for you so we're going to start off with the very front end here because there's some things I want to show you and whenever I review a motorcycle I always say you can tell the purpose of a vehicle by looking at the front of a motorcycle and this isn't a motorcycle but let's talk about what the purpose of this is if you see what you've got here it looks very Indie Car very F1 car but I like to think of it as more of a early Lotus 7 or a kater M7 if you've ever seen those um and what they do is they have a body in the center and the wheels come out and what that does is it really centralizes the weight makes it a great handling vehicle and that's what these are they have a lot of great handling and you can see the sup supension design is very race car like up here on the rally you do have adjustments we're going to talk about adjustments on the suspension in just a second here but I want to show you down in here typical stuff basically motorcycle style disc brakes and you can see I don't have huge hands although these look like car tires they are far narrower on the rally these are 16in wheels up and down so the wheel diameter 16-in wheel and 15 in in the back on the sport one it's 16 in the front and 16 in the back so you have a little bit of variance in there that you may not know about but you can also see the tread here this tread although not super aggressive is definitely a little bit more of an uh gravel roads dirt road kind of tread so it works absolutely great on the road but think of it like a good SUV Tire or you know like what Subarus do with their rallying as well think of it more like that a little bit more aggression a little bit more of an onoff road that gives you a little bit more tread in difficult situations so let's talk about that adjustable suspension and riding this in a sort of a rally type setting right now so I'm going to sit across this right now just as we talk about this rally in particular first thing I want to show you is this is just super comfortable so we'll talk about the comfort in a second so this as a rally type vehicle it has a different drive mode than it does for instance the sport vehicle it allows you some slippage on things like dirt roads and that kind of thing but what's cool about it is it still keeps you in control uh so it won't let you kind of like at least it will do its best to not let you sort of fully swing out but if you've ever driven a lightweight sports car the rear end is kind of playful and they really don't have lightweight sports cars anymore because you've got so much safety equipment so much other things that you need to put into a car for car regulations that you don't have in Trikes and what that does is creates a really playful feeling I think people are going to really like the rally because of that playful back end that you can kind of hang out but you can't you know it's harder to swing it right around and get yourself in trouble and that creates an overall really playful feeling so the other thing is with the adjustable suspension sometimes adjustable suspension can be intimidating for some people hey I I don't really know how to adjust it so if that's you just get it set up from torque Motorsports or wherever you're buying them get it set up the way you want it from the start they'll have some suggestions about sort of a factory Baseline type thing but you can adjust the suspension on the fly so if you start going down that really rough road like around here in frederickton there's some rough roads along the river they're super scenic but they're rough so you can dial in how it works and you can sort of discover for yourself how to smooth out the ride or how to make it more sporty or how to make it handle a little bit different by dialing in this suspension yourself and having some fun with it you can't ruin it it's made to be adjusted it's very simple we're going to show you that in a second and that to me is what's cool about the rall is you can kind of customize the ride so whether you get the sport of the rally and like I said we'll probably do a full other video on the sport in the future what you have here is a very fun vehicle a lot of people lean towards a bike like this or a trike like this compared to a motorcycle because it has that stability that natural stability of having that wider area what else is the other thing that's cool though is you really have a unique cornering feel with a ton of traction up front and again not a loose back end but a playful back end especially on dirt on the road it's going to be solid it's going to feel great what the other thing that's cool though is if you think about a motorcycle tire it's curved around just like these ones are curved around but it also has a curvature like this and they have very little tire on the road what this does is put a lot of tire on the road for the weight of this and that allows you to take some fun fast corners but also from a safety perspective if you jam on that brake pedal and there is only a pedal there is no uh lever here if you jam on that brake pedal you've got a lot of rubber on the road both in the front and the back to really control your stop so it feels very safe but it also feels very fun like I said it's a different animal so now let's look at how to adjust that suspension how to work the controls how some of these things work on this bike as we move our way through so suspension adjustment couldn't be simpler on a lot of vehicles it can be very complicated but you can see here there's sort of an upside down two from the angle you're looking at you've got one on the right side of the vehicle one on the left side of vehicle for the two front wheels and one on the left side of the rear for the rear wheel as well so you can play with that on the fly on the go and really customize out and that to me is what makes it kind of cool if you know what you're doing you'll know exactly what to do off the off the top but if you don't know what you're doing you're not sure how to adjust it you can play with it as you go just keep the front settings uh identical you can adjust the front and rear and this one does not equipped with a passenger uh on the rear as we talk right now but you can get that as well and that's where some adjustment in the rear suspension is also nice all right I'm staying along the right side of the vehicle here so this is on a motorcycle where you would have your brake and I'm in a wide angle camera type view right now so it's kind of ske the look of it I'm going to zoom into a normal angle and I'm going to zoom in further to see your foot Peg there and I'm going to try to put my foot on there hopefully it looks kind of normal as we jump on here so you can get on the bike or the trike I guess either side as you put your foot here it feels exactly like a regular motorcycle you've got your foot brake there and again your foot brake is your only brake now on this rally Edition you do have these extra rubber foot pegs there that give you a little bit more vibration uh absorption that kind of thing if you're driving on like real wash out type roads those are going to be appreciated on the sport model they have a little bit more of a metal smaller uh feel there but you can see it's very comfortable you can move lots of different ways uh the overall seating position is comfortable we showed you that earlier and again that single brake pedal that uh you can work to operate all the brakes no brake levers nice and simple so one of the things I love about this view here is it kind of shows you the intent of the designers here so what you have is a really open space Above This rear wheel here you've got that lay down shock here which is preload adjustable and the other regular adjustment like we just showed you on the other side and uh you've got a lot of open space and what that means is that all of the weight on the vehicle is moved forward and what that does is it places the weight between the front wheels centralizes the weight and again you saw how those front wheels are very spread out from the actual body itself so all the weight is very centralized very close and that makes something that is very fun to handle with the rear wheel hanging out back here and and you've got the acrapovic exhaust right there that is standard on the rally that lay down shock again they could have made it upright over here but they laid it down that's going to give you a lot more control uh because it travels a you know longer shock uh and it also gives you that weight balance of laying it down low moving it Forward which again helps with handling all right we're on the left side of the vehicle right now and I'm going to zoom in again and we're going to zoom in one more time if I can get it lined up correctly where I want it let's go right there and you can see there is your key now the key on this not your typical motorcycle key in any way so I'm going to pull it off of there it is a simple contact type key it senses that the key is there uh so really kind of cool uh you know one fits in your pocket easily and uh that's what you've got and again it just punches in here and you're able to turn it on we're going to do that in a second here you've got your parking brake over here let's go a little wider angle again You' got your parking brake over here a little bit darker area here but you can see that is your uh parking brake it's on or off and can move around and you got another foot Peg over there and then there is a gear shift this is an automatic transmission but I'll try to show you with my own feet how this works actually let's just get a little bit different angle and we'll show you how this gear shift works with my foot so this is a little trick I learned while I was here cuz it looks like a regular motorcycle gear shifter where you could pull it back but it's very hard to pull back so right now it is in the forward gear you only have forward and reverse there is no actual gear shifting to drive this but they taught me a little trick if you put your foot over here and pull it back there's your reverse you put it forward like that and there's your forward the gear shift stays out of your way while you're driving and it's just forward in Reverse which makes this super super simple to drive let's move our way to some of the handlebar controls and the dash as we talk about how this works all right now starting wide angle and then moving in again you can see we've got the dash over here we're going to go move over to the sport model for a second when we show you the dash just to give you a little bit of variety but right now we'll stay where we are you've got here on the rally the extra hand guards over here so again there's no clutch lever on this left side like it would to be on a motorcycle but you still have some handguards here if you're going down some stuff uh just to give give you a little extra protection the mirrors of course are mounted on the bar ends right there and uh that's a perfect location you can see perfectly but as we zoom in here you see basically typical motorcycle controls a little hard to see with the glare right now the lights but you've got your high beam and low beam you've got your good feeling signal lights that work exactly the same as a motorcycle and the horn that's all you need over here but you may notice it is mounted to a true handle bar that handle bar gives you the ability to mount things like a GPS a cell phone other types of things one thing I didn't point out is the rally and the sport they come with you see in the center of the screen right there an extra little button which gives you cruise control so when we talk about this as a comfortable vehicle that you can really put a lot of miles on having cruise control built in again when you look at the price of this compared to other motorcycles you're really comparing it sort of apples to apples from a price perspective but you gain a lot with this over here on the throttle side pretty simple stuff you've got a kill switch right there and a start switch right there now what you don't have again is the brake lever here so it's just twist and go and it's simple that's all the range of movement that you have in there so it works really really well if you want something that's easy to drive and you just want to enjoy the drive and not have to figure out the machine that's what this is simple easy to drive so before we go take a look at the sport I just want to show you a little glove box I would call it I'm sure they call it something different there this is something that does have a gasket seal here so it's going to be water resistant I don't know how waterproof it would be but I think it would be very good if you're really concerned about waterproofness go down to your regular camping store get a little dry bag for some of your small camping type stuff and that would fit in here perfectly so really nice you do have a port in here as well with a dual USB port we'll show you that in just a second here uh but you do have sort of a nice spot here we'll get another angle to show you that dual USB so again looking in here this isn't meant to hold a lot of stuff it's not going to fit a helmet or anything but it will take just the basics as you're driving there so you don't have to have everything on your helmet again USB ports there so if you want to keep your cell phone charged up or anything else you've got dual USB ports on that single port there so you've got a little bit of ability to keep your things powered up now let's move to the sport model take a look at the outside just just for a second we're going to review that one in a second but I want to show you the dash on that one so taking a look at this sport model here first of all colors can really be customized you can check out the website you can check out the dealership here there's all kinds of ways to customize that sport has a little different feeling little different sort of position for me here uh a little different seat as well it's got 16-in wheels that are different style up front and a 16in on the back instead of a 15in on the back so overall same thing no hand grips or no handguards over here but we're going to take a look at the dash on this one just to give you a little bit variety and we'll come back and do this in a future review so let me know the questions you have between these models again both 900 C 3-cylinder models let's take a look at the dash all right taking a look at the dash here a couple things worth pointing out here you've got your uh steering that is the dash that's tied to your steering so it's kind of connected to your handlebars here it is pretty cool to steer here and look at the wheels also turning which is just a fun view again this thing is just a riot to look at to feel it just feels so unique so we got here is a Dash came dead can you see it there let's just turn it back to the on there we go dash lights up there so you can see it's in park right now if I took took the parking brake off it would say F that's for forward of course it would go R for reverse that's all you've got remember there's no gears in this temperature gauge to the side trip meter regular typical odometer that kind of stuff up here and then you've got some information down the bottom you can move this between different modes including a sport mode here a rally mode on the other uh one as well but a basic Dash and it's all controlled with the buttons right here you have nothing on the handlebars that you need to control so clean easy to read Dash nice and simple so as we take a look at the front over here this is back to the rally I don't want to turn it on inside of fume up the inside here although we can do that in a future video right now you've got lights over here when you turn on your daytime R lights those are sort of your daytime running lights outside of course these are on as well the rally has an extra set of lights down there you've also got reflectors off the side here so you've got a really cool kind of face to it that makes it really unique when it comes towards you and again the overall position it looks very wide here but it's really not that wide this is you know much narrower than your typical car so it really has a Nimble and fun feel to it and a Nimble and fun look to it overall the other thing we should talk about is accessories so as you can imagine accessories are a huge piece of making this yours we talked about the rear seat here this panel here or this section here is equipped to accept all kinds of accessories and we're going to do a separate video talking about accessories in the future one of the most popular ones is to have a second passenger seat up here or second seat up here for your passenger it's cool because it'll actually label in your dash when your passenger's up here so it's built for that here but even just sitting here there's all kind of things you can add to this to make it yours it's a very comfortable bike and again like I said the accessories is all throughout um probably in another video you can check it out online but you can do so many things to make it yours from the color to the Comfort to the luggage carrying capacity capability a lot of people think you got to move to a spider the upper end three-wheeler from Can-Am in order to do your touring but you could certainly add things to this to make it touring like I said this one comes standard with the cruise control you can add cruise controls to other models but the rally here and I believe the sport also yeah the sport also has the cruise control as well so what is this and who is it for that's what we really need to talk about well let's just talk really briefly about the overall seating position here this seating position even on this rker is extremely comfortable this seat uh here on the rally feels a little softer than on the sport model so sort of like a adventure bike versus a sport bike I find this one to be a really nice mix like I said to me this feels like the Topline version of the sport model the sport model model feels like just a slight step down because it loses a few features like that adjustable suspension and in this case this seat but they're very very similar and I think you'd be comfortable on both ones but this is one that I can see really stretching into a touring type thing if you put the accessories on so as we talk about who this is for let's sort of broaden it out obviously this appeals to people who want something that's simple to ride twist and go you know forward and reverse that's it that is something that appeals to a lot of people even experienced motorcyclists to just enjoy the ride and not have to worry about the machine so much but I don't think it's only for people who want the stability of a three-wheeler it's also for people who want to have a lot of fun there are other three- whe motorcycles out there but many of them have wheels of the back and a single wheel of the front by putting your front wheels in you've got great stability in Corners this is a cornering machine it's all kinds of fun but it also gives you more braking power compared to a typical trike a typical trike has a motorcycle wheel with very little contact patch on the front and then it has uh you know the car style wheels on the back this one has special designed wheels for this vehicle that gives you tremendous breaking when you need to break tremendous cornering handling on a day like today it's raining if you got caught in the rain on this on a tour that kind of thing not a big deal you wear some good rain gear and you're good to go so I think it appeals obviously to the people who want something that is maybe a little easier to ride but where I think it needs to appeal is people looking for fun if you've wanted that lightweight sport sports car feel with the back end that can dance around a little bit and that good suspension that's set out so you've got all the center of mass inside this has that lightweight sports car feel there's nothing like this on the road and it's absolutely a blast to have something like this because it gives you that lightweight sports car feel it gives you that open air feeling of a motorcycle and to be honest it's not even like either of those it brings its own fun so let's wrap this video up with who is this really for the Can-Am rker rally is for people who want to go on an adventure in a sports carlik vehicle that's open air like a motorcycle the rally to me is super unique because it allows you to do what you can do on an adventure bike travel any road go down some gravel roads go down some dirt roads there's nowhere that's stopping you and when you compare this to an adventure bike it's a much better platform to add luggage to it's much more stable in unfamiliar terrain you can really go anywhere with comfort and ease you've got a cruiser style riding position which is one of the most comfortable riding positions but you've got a sport bike like feel Sports carlik feel the rally to me sells it for me personally and that's why I wanted to review this one first because it still has great handling I mean the sports probably going to have a little bit better sport tires with the 16-in front and rear but this one adds the adjustable suspension the little bit extra ground clearance that I appreciate that I think makes this something that I could ride absolutely anywhere and maybe even in any weather this thing is super cool it has to be checked out whether you're looking for a motorcycle a fun little sports car or just something to have fun and explore on throw a second seat on and explore with a friend with a passenger this thing is absolutely amazing so again I want to thank extreme torque Motorsports this is the handw location which is near frederickton there's also two other locations in New Brunswick if you're in New Brunswick you got to check them out and if you've made it this far on this video make sure you subscribe I'm sure there's things you want to know that I didn't cover and I'm going to cover the entire Can-Am lineup here and if you have questions and things that you want to know about it let me know because I'm going to make sure that this series of videos gets you the answers you need thanks everybody for watching thanks torque Motorsports extreme torque Motorsports here FR for giving me access to their stuff we'll talk to you in the next one
Channel: Peter Lowe One
Views: 23,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kktxJE1YhnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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