Pros & Cons of The 2022 Can-Am Ryker Rally

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[Music] thank you what's up YouTube this your boy T with trifax rides back with another video and today's video is going to be a little different today you know I'm saying you guys can see me put mods on the 2022 Rack or rally you know see me put little shorts up here and there a little video but you never really seen the bike with everything on it all the mods put on there I never really introduced you guys to the bike so I'm gonna introduce y'all officially to the bike and I'm gonna um show y'all something that I didn't put up I didn't do no sneak peeks so we're gonna go right into it without further ado this is my 2022 K.M breaker rally Elektra yeah take it in take every bit of her in from head to toe from the bite yeah all right so this is a lecture as I as you guys can see I hope that y'all got why I call her a lecture you know what I'm saying something slight all right so with the you know introductions out of the way we're gonna go jump right into the 2022 rack of rally and for this video I want to do some pros and cons right so it's gonna be some pros it's gonna be some cons and there's gonna be some that I feel like can go for either category so let's start with the bad first let's go ahead and get the bad out the way you know what I'm saying and the pros definitely outrated cons on this but let's let's go ahead and get it that way all right so Pro number one I got a little list right here Pro number one I mean con number one if you guys know about the 2022 Riker rally here's the key right here it's a key put it in there um that's in it's like a RFID type you know mechanism in there gives a signal to let the bike know there's a key so you can cut the key on crazy thing about the 2022 that anybody with a key like if you have a jet a jet ski key you have a um a four wheeler key any Can-Am Riker well k m key that looks like this can cut this on any other Riker with a key like this cut this on and it can you know I'm saying be taken away just like that all right so that's con number one you know what I'm saying anybody can pretty much come and cut this on right off with your vehicle that you can paid all this money for okay speaking of money that's the second con should have been the first con but we're gonna keep it moving second cone is the price all right now this is a beautiful machine but it's not cheap at all okay the Riker rally is the most expensive rap uh Riker you can get okay and as of to date the right the 2022 and 2023 Riker rallies are more expensive than any of its predecessors so you know what I'm saying starting out MSRP for this one 2022 was 13.5 you know what I'm saying so 13 500 that's MSRP that's not any accessories that's not any fees none of that you already paying thirteen and a half thousand dollars all right that's high you know for a motorcycle that is that's a lot of money but if you can afford it you know what I'm saying you want it get it all right let's go to con number three now you're spending all this money on this machine you expect high quality materials but majority of this trike bike whatever you want to call it it's plastic you can see majority of this bike it's my flat it's plastic plastic is everywhere except for the frame the frame and the engine and the wheels everything else handlebars you know all that except but everything else is plastic the gas tank is plastic gas tank cover is plastic all these fairings plastic air intake plastic everything plastic panels plastic fenders plastic all right so for almost fourteen thousand dollars that's just MSRP not not doing what you're gonna get out the door if you don't pay cash okay they need to step up the materials steering this particular Rikers do not have power steering power steering makes it easy to turn and maneuver the Rikers do not have power steering that's why this is a con because not even the more expensive Riker rally has power steering so you physically have to turn these handlebars especially if you're doing a sharp turn you have to turn the handball very hard okay you gotta physically turn these hand bars for a 600 plus pound machine all right that was uh con number four con number five you see the profile it sits relatively low to the ground you know what I'm saying and that's a con because when you're sitting on this thing and you're behind a car and then especially with the seat you're like kind of dipped in it it's a little intimidating because you you you wanna believe that cars can see you um and they can but it's just it's just intimidating when you you get behind a car or something and you see the low profile to me that's a cons all right and last but not least poor visibility on this what I mean by poor visibility you only get come with halogen um headlights halogen bulb headlights so not as bright okay it does come with LED um Hood light right there but so you have three points of light right there Then you have two on the fenders that's all the light you have on this bike as far as in the front in the back the only lights you have is these two brake lights right here that's it so if you're somebody's behind you all they can see is these two brake lights so it's very poor visibility that's why if you ever see any records They have a bunch of lights on them so you'll be able to see them at night all right so that was the cons we're gonna go Step Up before we get to the nitty gritty we're going to do what I consider a pro and a car all right let's do the wheels all right Pro wise with the wheels you know they look different they look stylish you can as you can see I'm quarter color coordinating with the bike and um you know that could be a pro another Pro this is supposed to be um stronger uh material throwing a piece of metal so bending it um is not going to be as um easy to bend these rims if you go over bump or two all right a con about these wheels they get very dirty by it being white by there being white the brake does dirt from the road dirt from debris these get dirty air you're gonna have to clean this bike every time you ride every time you ride all it's gonna do is just cake up more and more because they're being by they're being white every ride you're gonna have to clean these off like I just literally cleaned them and you might can see some dirt still all right so that's Wheels accessories are pro for accessories as you guys see I have a headrests I mean backrest um have a storage right there got some hand guards you know got some floorboards you know so it's pretty accessible got you can put all kinds of accessories on the Riker a pro to that is money-wise she gonna be putting a lot of money into all these accessories you're gonna put a lot of money into accessories to get it how you want it because it adds up another con I would say specifically for the 2022 rocker rallies there's not too many accessories for the Pacific this specific bike you know I have all the Rikers like all the Rikers you got a max amount you can put this on here or you can put this on here but if some is certain things like this rap certain wraps they don't have too many raps that will fit the 2022 rocket rally if this rap is not even made for this I made it be made for this this is made for 2019 to a 2021 600 to 900. so for the majority some parts add up and there they match up kind of good but some don't like the hood this is a different Hood from a regular 600 900s don't match up I had to cut them to make it match even right here had to cut this part to make it match a little bit some stuff just it just don't add up it don't look proportionate all right so and something I think if you're putting you're spending all this money like by this being the most expensive Riker which is the rally I think let me see it comes with a max amount okay that's good but you have to you have to buy the storage you have to buy the back seat you have to buy all this stuff that goes on what goes on top of the max out what what like you you put the max amount in to save us what 400 350 400 dollars but we still have to pay another 350 400 for a back seat passenger seat or something else so I think you're paying all this money it should at least come with a passion receipt a motorcycle every motorcycle that I know of that has comes with a passenger seat it's not a big like big luxurious seat but it comes with a back seat all right so let's move on buy it being wide okay it's a pro and a con that's up with a con it's a con that it's wide because if you have a two-wheel I came from a two-wheel motorcycle two-wheel motorcycles it's slimmer you can maneuver it better you can play put it in the garage out the way fine if you need to get it out the way just by this being 600 plus pounds and it's wide and it's hard to maneuver so you try to push this around you can hit knock and stuff and it's just it's just it's not good but it is good when you're out on the street when you're out on the street um and uh a car is coming or you're in front of a car behind the car this by being a wider base they can see you more with this wider base okay so that's that's a pro another con by being wider or having three wheels is bumps in the roads or um the little uh reflective uh things that be in the road you have to watch you're thinking you're missing it because you're you're um wheels are so spaced apart they're wide but you have to remember you have a third wheel back there and you'll clear it up here but hit it back there or you're clear it back here and hit one of these hit one of the wheels because you can't maneuver all the way out the way so it's kind of it's kind of bad to have it's a kind to have this so wide but there is a trick if you get where your knee is going to be at when you're sitting down and in between the a arm and the and the wheel usually you can miss anything that you you'll miss the rear wheel uh when you pass it all right next customizable these are these Rikers are very customizable as you can see you can put a wrap on there you could put storage on there you put a backrest on there uh hand guards floorboards put all that change them up paint them put wraps lights on them you can do everything right again con it's gonna cost you money um and two if you're like this with like I was saying earlier with the 2022 records it's it's limited some some records are interchangeable with accessories others you know I'm saying you have to it's not with the 2022 I don't know I think the most popular Records Was when they first came out in 19 to 20 and pretty much 21 if they if you don't have like a sport or regular 600 900 2022 the rallies are not really interchangeable like that all right the exhaust all right it's a pro in the con let's go with the pro first it's a pro because it's a name brand exhaust I could profit or acapulvic that's the name brand so anybody know anybody in the know anything about motorcycles acropovic is one of the leading exhaust manufacturers for motorcycles right or any like Power Sport but mostly motorcycles so you would expect okay that's cool but when you Crank It Up is it known since mediocre it's okay it's better than the stock 600 or 900. but it's not all that so you would think okay you're getting a you pay more money you're getting the name brand exhaust it would be better than what it is right and last but not least with that these aeon protectors as you guys see right here they got these a-arm protectors comes with the bike all right cool it will protect the a arm uh help with some of the splashing puddles water but they're welded you can't take these off so if you want those ones aftermarket ones that cover up here and goes all the way under this that protects under the A-Arms too you can't do that because these are fixed to the bike now you you may can still put them but I I'm not sure because it does have some like does have some holes like right there has us have some holes so you may can put aftermarket um a-on protections but I don't know how that would look and I don't know if it would really uh go against that all right let's jump into the pros it's already a long video I'm jumping to the pros real quick all right it has higher clearance it's low to the ground but it's higher than the regular um 600 or 900 records okay we're gonna go keep it moving We're Not Gonna spend too much time more protection as you as I said about the a army has the a arm protectors it has this like um uh Ram bar Bull Bar whatever you want to call it in front to protect the radiator um it has a radiator screen in there to take the radiator from rocks and things to two um but as far as protection um it has these pre-filter intake intake pre-filters and it comes with a screen right there all right so that's protection next this Comfort seat right comes with a comfort seat very nice Comfort seat versus the OEM uh regular ones for the 600 900s all right um it's easier to take on and off before um the regular seats you would have to some some have the clam shell the bike to um put the seat back on these you can pop out it's like some compression Clips you can pop in and out and it'll be secure all right comes with a max amount okay this is a um Pro because like I was saying earlier you can put all kinds of surgery on there you can put the storage bag you can put a um passenger seat you can put other mounts to mount other things coolers uh wet bags dry bags All the Above okay we're gonna go on to the LED Hood light as you see right here comes with that so that's extra visibility extra LED lighting so you'll be seen on the road all right next it comes with a wheel cap and the better so keeps out a lot of water so that the beginning the earlier models had problems with water getting in the the wheel the wheel thing bearing whatever it's called and it was rusting out so that's a pro all right trying to get out of the sun because the sun is beaming all right so next comes with cruise control all right so you you're riding on you're taking a long trip or you're going commuting to working is more than 10-15 minutes you're on a straight highway you know what I'm saying instead of getting fatigued in your wrist go up more than 35 miles per hour hit that hold it down boom just sit back and relax cruise control all right you got your gas tank lock so can't nobody put nothing in your gas tank or take nothing out it's lockable all right your parking brake lock if I can bring his on you can lock that so nobody's not so even if they take even if they have a key they would need this key when this is locked to move your vehicle all right um the fact that it can go into reverse by this lever um motorcycle cannot do that but this can all you gotta do is pull that back and you can stay on the bike and go on to reverse just like a car all right let's check out the suspension on this the 2020 2022 Rock Rally comes with um suspension reservoirs for each wheel got one right here one right here and one for the rear so it comes with that that's a that's a um definite definite um Pro so that's all the pros that um so far that I got out of this um k m racket for 2022 rally Edition um if y'all have any pros leave them down in the comments below um y'all have any suggestions or videos y'all want to see y'all want me to go over uh reviews of some of the accessories and mods put them down below and I'll try to get a video on it but uh thank you to all the new subscribers please continue to like comment and if you're watching this you're not subscribed Please Subscribe it's your boy T from try facts and rods in a lecture peace
Channel: Trif3ction Rydes
Views: 27,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KrICEpJdi_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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