The 20 HARDEST Final Bosses Of All Time

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let's go the hell are you thinking played college ball you know welcome to Mojo plays and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 hardest Final Bosses in video [Music] games for this list we'll be looking at the toughest boss fights that are the last in the main store stories of their respective games so no DLC or postgame bosses here also since many of these bosses are story important some spoilers ahead if there's a brutal last boss we've left off share your experience in the comments number 20 Hades Hades you wish to have your mortal colored blood spill once again upon this bed of snow than fine let us proceed the god of the underworld who lends his name to both his realm and the game Hades will do his utmost to ensure that zagas never leaves not only does he do a ton of damage over a wide area but Hades can also hit you with skulls that will make you way more susceptible to hits ranged weapons tend to work best against him and using dashes and the environment to keep away from him will be essential bring As Much Death Defiance as you can learn his patterns and be prepared for pain because Hades has two phases and you probably won't get them through the first time and if you fail you have to restart at the game's beginning no pressure number 19 taboo Super Smash Brothers bro this ethereal being is the endgame villain of the Subspace Emissary campaign and will put you through your Paces taboo may be a big question mark when it comes to motivations but players most pressing questions about him is why he's so difficult the strange entity can teleport around the arena and several of its moves hit a wide area and or can be instant kills depending on the difficulty thankfully you get five different characters as single stocks so if you get knocked out you get four tries be careful though this is the creature that pimp slapped Master Hand a literal [Music] glove number 18 Shadow Queen Paper Mario the Thousand-Year Door the Final Bosses of Mario games are generally pretty easy but the Shadow Queen is the exception a shadow fiend that possesses Princess Peach the Shadow Queen has multiple phases and can easily destroy you if you're not prepared and can steal your HP and restore hers if you don't block her multiple hands can make things tricky too since they can regenerate even if you take them out the shadow Queen's strongest move is quite nasty too but thankfully you can avoid it with vivien's Veil ability if you can hit her hard and fast and take advantage of the free healing you'll get in her second phase you'll be able to end her Reign for [Applause] good number 17 Mr X Resident Evil [Music] 2 the T Tyrant or Mr X is an implacable mutant super soldier in a trench coat that pursues the player throughout Resident Evil 2's remake unfortunately you'll be stuck facing Mr X in the finale of Leon's campaign in an elevator the Tyrant will come at you with his claws in the enclosed space which can be tough to avoid one of his attacks is basically guaranteed to kill you too shooting his exposed heart can damage him and the more he's damaged the more Rubble will fall giving you cover from his attacks if you have enough powerful weapons and or you're a good enough shot you'll eventually receive a rocket launcher to finally finally finish him [Music] [Applause] off number 16 the devil [Music] cuphead If You Dance with the Devil you're going to get burned the grinning goat-like demon can make this battle figuratively and literally hellish for you throughout his four phases the devil will throw plenty of attacks your way in the first phase frequently shape-shifting into several tough to Doge forms with his minions proving an annoyance [Music] too the next phases are set on progressively fewer sets of platforms as the now giant devil throws attacks minions and poker chips that you must Dodge and shoot through while also attacking his eyes invincibility and the smoke bomb Dash are Essentials here and if you can endure you'll wall up the devil and get your Souls [Music] back number 15 Dr Neo cortex Crash Bandicoot 4 it's about time but I can't kill him because that would kill me so I guess that means I'll have to kill you Crash Bandicoot games have some brutally difficult platforming and the boss fights are no exception the final confrontation with crashes mad scientist Nemesis Dr neoc cortex sees the villain take all of your Quantum mask powerups and use them against you you must jump between disappearing platforms leap or duck over/ under lasers and throw his own assistance back at him oh and you have to do all this while dealing with the effects of the masks which include turning your world upside down the doctor may be trying to change the past but there's no way to undo our many failures in this fight not like this number 14 Raven beak Metroid [Music] dread this power mad choso leader is the definition of challenging Raven beak goes all out right from the start with strong attacks and an aura of lightning he also has four phases to get through while some of his attacks namely the ones shaped like spheres can be destroyed for health and ammo in general you're going to want to hit him with missiles as much as possible oh and counter every chance you get if you haven't gotten that down by this point this won't go well for you if you're persistent and learn his patterns this terrifying metal Birdman will eventually get his Grand comeuppence courtesy of a power beam to the face number 13 galdera the Fallen octopath [Music] traveler The octopath Traveler games go all out when it comes to their High Fantasy Final Bosses while it was tempting to discuss the wicked God vi from octopath traveler 2 our choice goes to the first game's big bad not only is this a tough multi-stage boss but you also have to fight each stage with a different set of four party members so if you didn't level up everyone equally your chances are pretty abysmal what is The Logical course of action nothing will Additionally you have to fight galdera after a gauntlet of eight bosses and if you lose you need to fight them all again and that's not even touching on his obscenely powerful attacks and ability to become randomly immune to some of his own weaknesses what a nightmare time to close up shot number 12 otaki Maru Neo two given the bar set by the rest of the bosses in this game and those of the games that inspired it otaki Maru certainly lives up to the standard this powerful yo-kai can shift between the same forms the players can making his attacks faster and more power powerful and his own body more durable while he loses his ability at around half Health OT takim Maru then gains access to powerful Elemental [Music] attacks if that weren't enough his last phase has huge swords that can insta kill you a protracted battle is definitely going to favor him so if you can try to take him down as fast as possible [Music] number 11 zero dren Guard [Music] 3 for most of dra and Guard 3 it alternates between either hack and slash or rail shooter gameplay the final boss in the final timeline is neither of those instead zero is fought through an elaborate rhythm game sequence timing the button press PR can be excruciatingly difficult even after practicing dozens of [Music] times and considering you have to restart the whole thing if you mess up you'll be playing it at least that many times it's a sad commentary on the difficulty of this boss fight when the best advice the internet has to give on beating it is to cheat by syncing up a video while playing [Music] number 10 Nick's Avatar Persona 3 yes the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed attaining one's dream requires a Stern will and unfailing determination there are a lot of multi-stage Final Bosses but Nick's Avatar puts most of them to shame to beat this personification of death you need to plow through 14 different phases 14 the Time Has Come All Shall Perish the absolute grind it can be to get through all of them can take up to several hours and if you're underleveled they're going to be stressful ones it doesn't have any major exploitable weaknesses either plus its Final Phase has a lot more HP and if it charms your party members they'll attack each other Nick's Avatar is a marathon of a final boss but it can be rewarding after all the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed alongside time exists fate the bearer of Cruelty number nine Mike Tyson punch [Music] out the game May label this battle the dream fight but getting into the ring with kid dynamite in this old school NES game feels like a straight up nightmare Mike Tyson is the last out in punch out and it's a good thing too since anything Tougher Than This would have us swearing off the game for [Music] good the fictional version of the real world boxer will uppercut you so hard you'll be knocked out instantly if you're not blocking add in some rapid fire punches and you've got a recipe for a classic boss fight that still gives Gamers PTSD your best bet besides a lot of trial and error is to hit Tyson while he's blinking [Music] [Applause] number eight nekron Final Fantasy [Music] 9 the embodiment of dread and death nekron can be one of the most difficult boss fights in any Final Fantasy game since it lives up to its reputation really it just comes down to luck and what you have equipped [Music] this is due to its wide variety of high damaging moves as well as Grand Cross which can have a random effect on your whole party abilities that protect you from statuses can help as can Auto abilities since they provide passive Buffs nekron may be as inevitable as death but that doesn't mean you have to fear it [Music] number seven Senator Steven Armstrong Metal Gear Rising Revengeance what the hell are you why don't you stick around and find out this boss battle may be packed with more memes than you can shake a nano machine at but it's also punishingly difficult Nan machine son the war mongering Senator will throw a metal gear at you before taking you on with his own enhanced body in a fight that lasts several phases that's the best you got the timing to Perry's attacks can be tricky to get down but if you're patient you can Master it dodging certainly helps too given enough effort you may get your chance to slice IND dice The Ripped politician and ensure he never holds office or anything else ever again we're done number six Virgil Devil May Cry 3 Dante's Awakening you're never going to be like Father we're wasting time Dante's brother is devilishly difficult whenever you encounter him but the final battle of dmc3 is arguably the hardest and a serious Contender for the most difficult in the series Virgil can teleport which is never not annoying in a boss deflect your bullets and swing his sword faster than you can blink and then he has his own Devil Trigger formed which you should avoid like the plague however after he uses his you can use yours to get in a good Counterattack in fact countering is pretty much the name of the game here time to get motivated Dante number five Wy capsuled Mega Man [Music] 7 Dr Wy really outdid himself this time this floating vehicle is Infamous for a number of reasons it can disappear and reappear in various positions across the screen which can make hitting it difficult not only that but its one weakness springman's weapon wild coil is hard to hit with and barely does any [Music] damage honestly you're better off using Freez man's weapon since at least you can shoot that diagonally to hit the capsule up in the corners lastly its attacks are fast hard to Doge and can freeze or burn you given how tough it is we have to wonder why Wy bothers with Robot Masters at all number four the radiance [Music] [Applause] Night Hollow Knight's Pantheon of bosses are absolutely brutal and they saved the hardest for last the radiance is a luminous moth that may look Heavenly but she'll put you through hell she'll reain attacks on you from nearly every direction so keeping on your toes is [Music] essential unfortunately she generally stays so high up that it's hard to hit the radiance consistently made all the worst by the fact that should she Smite you you're going to have to fight your way through the hollow Knight in order to reach her again number three Sans [Music] undertale you're going to have a bad time with this boss fight Sans is the Infamous final boss of the genocide run of undertale while killing most monsters in this run is fairly easy Sans unleashes a devastating opening Salvo that will obliterate you if you aren't expecting it then he'll Dodge nearly every attack you throw at him and force you through brutal platforming [Music] segments the onslaught of attacks never lets up and Sans will even attack you while you use the menu it's a good thing his song is such a banger because you'll be hearing it for as long as it takes for you to master this sinfully challenging fight number two ragun of the golden order Elden ring it was only a matter of time before we got to a from software game the enormously popular Elden ring also has an enormously difficult final boss ragon has a wide variety of deadly and unpredictable moves at his disposal dodging is absolutely your best strategy in this fight although bringing protection against Ragan's holy attacks and using fire one of his only weaknesses certainly don't hurt either and just when You' finally beaten him you have to fight the Elden Beast immediately afterwards who is no slouch in in the difficulty department number one ishin the sword Saint seiro Shadows die twice and you thought we were done with from software not on your life right off the bat the fact that you must fight isin directly after another boss giniro sets the bar high on difficulty but the swordmaster himself is no walk through a field even if you have to fight him in one isan has three surprisingly long phases a ton of moves that are hard to anticipate AOE techniques and other changes to his fighting style as it goes on defeating the sword Saint requires saintly patience and dedication and rest assured he will break you do you agree with our pics check out this other recent clip from Mojo plays and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest [Music] videos
Channel: MojoPlays
Views: 186,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adventure Games, Video Games, boss battles, boss fights, elden ring, final fantasy, games, gaming, hardest boss battles, hardest boss fights, hardest bosses, hardest final boss battles, hardest final boss fights, hardest final bosses, hardest games, hardest video game bosses, hardest video games, list, mario, metroid, mojo, nintendo, playstation, resident evil, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, xbox, god of war, best boss fights, hardest modern bosses, best boss battles, best bosses
Id: c811lU3CWCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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