The 1st Time In Our 33 Years Of Marriage

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good morning [Music] [Applause] oh wow is that dinosaur tracks you see them is that way yes okay okay [Music] okay okay come in I want to show you the new table look at that it's beautiful it fits in here perfectly It lines up with the doors let me go on this end [Applause] so you can see these chairs um like there's uh your seat is made right into it then a curve on the back they're very [Music] comfortable so with the table and chairs I found these cute um cushions this is a wood round and um look how cute and so it's just a cushion for your butt so I bought a couple for the chairs um they're really not needed cuz the chairs are comfortable but I thought they were cute I actually got them for uh Hannah's baby shower but ended up and I was going to use them for decorations but I ended up getting a few for the the chairs and like I said they're really not needed cuz the chairs are comfortable just the way they are like this side you don't have any I guess there's one there okay I'm very pleased with this table we got this at the hardwood Mall um they delivered it uh it came where it was just the base um the main part of the table and then the legs were put on uh he did it right here and he had all the chairs with them you can get more chairs and you can even get like one side could be a bench and then just chairs on the other side but I'm happy with it I love it it's beautiful it fits perfectly in here we have three theater chairs got this nice area rug got a big bean bag type chair Big Comfy now I want to show you the new sectional this just came today it's a dark dark brown leather sectional with a chaste here in the corner very comfy all the pillows came with [Music] [Applause] it okay there you have it I put some pillows up just so you could see the couch this is in the shape of a sectional with the chase I think it looks really nice I have to take off the uh why am I so comfortable tag that comes with it but it really is it's got some firmness to it so you don't sink down in but I really like it these pillows these ones are so soft but yeah I think it looks great in here um if anything I might bring it out away from the wall a bit but we'll see and I have to remove the tag so the couch we got this sectional this leather sectional from Lavin furniture brand new first time in our marriage we've had a brand new couch sectional and also the first time in our marriage we've had a brand new table our um our furnitures in this marriage you know you're always scraping for whatever but has been like a hand-me-down or someone's selling it um or someone's moving so we've always made do with what we could get our hands on so 33 years of marriage first new couch leather sectional and first time getting a new table I'm pretty excited so in the room we have to the right the closet's not finished the kitchen's not finished we have a fridge stove top oven you can see the stone on the bar area is finished so look nice we don't have countertops or cabinets yet working on the license plates and we're working on a lot more we'll show you that when that comes together so I think it's coming together I like the lighting in here oh our wood burning stove we are all set to start a fire possibly tonight the nights have been cold mornings are cold so uh midday warms up but um look at that I think we are ready and it might be tonight shelving units next to the computer desk and computer uh just to give you a glimpse of what's going on in here uh it's coming together but we still have some more stuff to do and like I said we're working on the license plate um theme so I'll show you that when it comes together all right we're going to head out here we spent a lot of time out here uh we love this furniture we got it from Tri State gazebo um down in Maryland and uh it's it's been great uh this high top with the swivel stools that's a favorite for everybody but I do love that and can't go wrong with the picnic table that has a uh weed trimmer on it you know string trimmer but anyways the the picnic table wellb built um can't go wrong and you know the old yep sounds good these chairs we put them right around the Brio pit and uh we love the Brio pit but these chairs are the ader de style very comfortable I love the coloring I think I think it matches with the building perfectly and um like I said we spent a lot of time out here so just want to show you that and then this handy dandy bench if you don't follow daughter Eva Eva Morgan has a channel on her very first video for Father's Day was her building a bench for her dad for Father's Day and this is it it's still standing um no one really sits on it too much just because that's um it's special it's a very special bench but these little chairs are here for Ty and Thea they sit there and if we're having Food they'll put their plate on the bench for a little table how cute showed you my gym I have uh placed everything here it's depends what the workout is but you just kind of have to move some things out and I got my weights with my barbell my dumbbells this is the ski this is my rower the assault bike the bench the treadmill got a pelaton which I do use and um just some these are like the foam but they're a nice block that you can do step UPS kind of like a box and I have my wall ball so I in the back you'll see this I have to get some uh rubber flooring because this cement floor concrete floor is hard for my feet I've noticed so in the back I have that rolled up nice little foam mat I pull that out when I'm doing some of my workouts depends what I'm doing I also have a big ball yeah so maybe I'll put some video of some of my workouts but this is my home [Music] gym something else else I want to show you is I picked this fabric out this pattern um life is where we're camping it says uh cabin life I picked this up uh this fabric out a while ago and the back is super soft and I joined this quilting Club a good friend of mine does a quilting group and I had all intentions of doing this as a quilt and and she kept it at her shop and after a year she did the quoting for me because she knew I ah I just didn't I failed out a quote group but here it is look how beautiful and I want to show you I'm not sure if you're going to be able to see in this video the stitching is like a flame like let me lay it down and then then I'll show you [Music] look how nice isn't that nice but can you see the stitching is like it goes up like this it looks like a flame which is so perfect for the pattern that I've picked from the cabin to Camping to the fire I love it so I'm not sure if my friend Paula watches my videos but Paula thank you so much this means a lot to me it's so beautiful and the back is this is like a soft plush I think you can probably see but look there see that how the stitching is it's beautiful I absolutely love it and I'm going to use it I wanted to hang it like on a wall okay so for right now I'm going to put it on the back of the couch this leather sectional that I shared with you but I sure do love it so I want um Paula to know thank you so much this is a really nice gift it means a lot to me i' like it I wanted to share that with you um how many of you do quilting or have your wives your mothers grandmothers that's a skilled that's a skill that I still want to try it one day but I'm sticking to my crocheting right now I'm working on a Afghan for Hannah's little baby that will be born maybe sooner than later but she's getting to the end of the pregnancy so I have a lot of crocheting I got to get done to get that Afghan done for baby okay Mike talked about the sound system in his video I don't know if I touched upon it here in mine but we have a sound system that goes with the TV so you turn this TV on and there's a speaker up there and in that corner and way back there in that corner and one there and then also over in the work area of the garage so whatever like game or you know a big movie something that's uh even you could do family videos and stream them on your TV the sound can go through those speakers so it's pretty cool it's pretty exciting to just be if here in the theater chairs and uh watch a movie I found myself watching a church conference and I settled in and the speakers are on I'm like this is great and before you know it I was out I'm like how did that happen so these chairs are very comfortable all right I'm going to show you these chairs they recline this but one button I'm pressing does it all so the back goes the feet go up the back goes down and look you're almost lying completely flat but it's pretty comfortable there's cup holder compartment here for you know snacks TV remote whatever you need to put in there they connects to the next guy and the next guy so there's three of these chairs connected [Music] together here on the barrel with the concrete top has outdoors with the Morgans underneath it that Tom from concrete with the hos has made us I just put this nice little Checker set for you know we have the steel barcels nice little game kids can play they can move this to the floor and play checkers or uh you know couple people want to sit there and play checkers so I still like I said I still need to get blinds for all the windows haven't done that yet but when I do I'll let you know we had grandson Tai's birthday party Happy Birthday Ty how old are you [Music] four look at this tray the trunk is just like that's all rotted out but look it has leaves on it that is so crazy it's just it just has a trunk that like H not good like this is all rotted and it's wet but it I don't know it got blown over or something but it put it sleeves out sadly I think this is the end [Music] f Piper saw a deer so she's going that way and walking into the chicken run there's a blue jay somehow him and another blue jay got in here and this one can't find his way out you know know how I feel about Blue Jays [Music] right all right here Mike Morgan is with his birthday cake on his birthday we were invited to the Fishers Adam and Mandy Fisher invited us up they do apple butter making applesauce apple cider and they also have uh ice cream making so it was a lot of fun we sang happy birthday to Mike and we really enjoyed ourselves okay here we have my brother Lee from Las Vegas with his wife Sheree William Millie Nora with daughter [Music] [Applause] Eva
Channel: Morgans Off The Leash
Views: 120,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #firsttime #marriage #furniture
Id: jQ1SHtcbYi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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