Is Four Roses Bourbon WORTH The MONEY?

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hey all welcome to slb basement bourbon bar my name is kurt uh we've had a lot of requests over the last several months from our faithful subscribers if we would do basically what i would call a case study in an individual distillery and go through their core releases from the lesser value bourbon to their more expensive bourbon and see if if paying more as they go up the ladder is actually worth it or not so as you can see on the bar top tonight we're going to start with four roses trent and i are going to taste each one and we're going to give you our thoughts and we'll see where we end up here now for those of you who don't know i'm sure quite a few do already but for those of you who don't know four roses has 10 different bourbon recipes from two different mash bills and five different yeast strains so you know they're their blends and recipes and so on and so forth is basically endless so it can go on forever so trenton very first one we're going to start with tonight just four roses bourbon that's our basic entry level bourbon it's uh it's been said to be aged for a minimum of five years and it cost me about 20 bucks so let's see what we got it smells pretty sweet i really haven't had this a lot i'll just be honest with you oh i like that too i know if you give you a little bit of right i get a little bit of rice spice there i'm kind of getting a little bit of a honey note to it definitely has some sweetness but it has a little bit of bite to it this particular bourbon actually they use all 10 different recipes in the blend so all in the pot all of it in a barrel all 10. so i get a little hint of some rye spice you know it you can kind of get a little bit of that sweet corn in there a little bit but definitely some honey but overall trend i think it's uh for 80 proof 20 bourbon you know it's pretty sweet solid choice not bad not bad at all all right moving on to the next offering from four roses we have their small batch now their small batch is going to run you about 35 and it's it's aged and they're telling me on their website corner their website it's aged between six and seven years and they use four different recipes for this particular bourbon so let's see what we got here with the four roses small patch and this is 90 proof 90 proof thanks for bringing it up 90 proof so we go from 80 proof to 90 proof proof goes up too i'm picking up a lot of the same sweetness but i'm also getting a little bit of caramel in there too a little bit of depth with the nose a little bit more complex as we go up for 35 bucks that's pretty good trend i'm getting a fruity tone up front i still get a little bit of the honey that sugary sweetness there too but to me i also get a little bit more depth with maybe a little vanilla or maybe a little bit of that caramel too going on in there as well yeah what do you got going on in there about i mean about the same i guess maybe like a let's say like a cherry or some kind of like a fruit there's definitely some kind of a red fruit going on and i don't know exactly what it is now do you get it on the front of the palette or do you get it more towards the back more towards the back more towards the back end i thought i got a little bit of that fruit note up front but it's still that you get a pretty nice finish there too that's 35 yeah i mean for me that graduation and price is only another 15 bucks compared to their you know their entry level bourbon their entry level bourbon i thought was pretty good for 20 bucks too so i'm really happy with that small batch so let's move on you know this is going to be one of my favorites you know that so this is not you know this is kind of a no-brainer but we're going to move up up the ladder a little bit more and get into the four roses single barrel now the single barrel will cost you about 42 to 45 dollars somewhere in that range it is a hundred proof right trenton and uh this one here specifically only uses one right or one mash villain is the higher right mash bill i did not know that yep so i didn't either until i did the research for this show so let's check this one out this one i'm i'm pretty happy with and boy the nose is good i personally don't drink much for roses no i i kind of you know i replenish this bottle every few months so far i'm i'm pretty happy with what they're offering so far especially with that 20 you got a lot going on for that price [Music] that's that's old faithful right there to me to me trending on that sucker boy you you get that fruity note you get that rice spice kicking in there you get a little bit of the oak in there and as always on the back end i always get a little bit of a chocolate note in there too that's just me but i always do i mean to me for a seven dollar increase over the over the small battle yeah you know what pounds absolutely and what and you know with all this inflation and everything else you have to deal with you're all dealing with it we're dealing with it boy i sure hope a lot of these bourbons just don't go through the roof but for 42 to 45 bucks for this single barrel hunter proof and it's available and it's available and that's the thing all of these offerings are pretty much should be available on your shelves which is a pretty cool thing too so hey that's to me that single barrel is a win-win yeah you know it's just a win-win lastly let's move on to their most expensive uh release that they have which is the small batch select now this small batch select trenton cost me about 65 bucks so it is a little bit just a little bit pricier not ridiculous but a little bit it's 104 proof and supposedly age between six and seven years but here's the kicker what i found out which i didn't know before either when i was doing the research this particular uh of this particular bourbon is non-chill filter so in hearing that we should be able to tell somewhat of a difference in the viscosity level or the mouthfeel in this particular bourbon so let's check it out oh yeah much different now we're we're digging a little bit more into the caramels and stuff in this nose i feel like i haven't gotten that much from the other maybe the maybe the single barrel but for the first jar i didn't get much of that at all that's even coming through on the nose quite a bit more than the others wow boy i really like that too it's been a while not for this one it's been a while for these other ones i don't know if i've ever had that a ton of yeah a lot of caramel go ahead yeah i've been talking all the time here you're 100 right tunnel caramel some beautiful oak in there too and it's got some really neat baking spices i think going on there too especially moving on still moving on through the finish question i have for you though did you identify or did you notice anything different with the mouth feel on this particular bourbon i feel like as they they progressed like not that the first one is thin by any means no but no but it is what it is yes the entry level it's a 20 bourbon the the last one there really lingers quite a bit and it's pretty viscous if that's the right word you got it you're on it i think so too tren i i i you know it's not leaps and bounds don't get me wrong because he's 100 correct you can you can pretty much identify the differences in quality taste mild field bourbon the whole experience as you move up the ladder but this particular small batch select you can really you know there's definitely an elevated viscosity level in that bourbon and definitely a better depth of flavor there and it definitely introduces all those caramel flavors and everything else that you're speaking of baking spices where the single barrel was more of a high-rise thing where you get fruity tones you know and so forth like that with a little bit of chocolate i thought this had a hint of caramel in it but yeah but the small batch but then again i thought it was more kind of fruity up front with some honey but then just a hint you get a little bit of an idea what this might be right but i thought this was great too so hey as far as we're concerned from what i can tell tren boy i tell you what i can i can really uh tell the difference as we move up the ladder i couldn't recommend every one of these bottles more to tell you the truth i think all of them are great i think it's a fantastic entry level for 35 bucks i just can't see how you can beat the small batch you all know the single barrel is one of my favorites i love that one 65 i know we're talking a little bit more money there talk a little bit more money but i really feel that the experience and the journey that you'll find with a small batch select being non-chill filtered the mouthfeel viscosity i think it's worth those few extra bucks so hey that's what i have for you tonight if you enjoyed it please please let us know in the comments because trenton and i were talking about this we like to do this with several other distilleries wild turkey and on and on we go i've really learned a lot and i was happy to experience you know all the core releases from four roses i thought it was pretty doggone neat so that's all i got for you boy we appreciate each and every one of you as always we ask you to please drink responsibly and we'll see you next time right down here with me in a good old basement bourbon bar see you later [Music] you
Channel: SLB Drinks
Views: 88,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bourbon, whiskey, whisky, overpriced bourbon, worst bourbon, worst whiskey, overrated bourbon, overrated, worst, overpriced, blantons bourbon, bourbon junkies, its bourbon night, weller 12, best bourbon, is pappy worth it, 4 roses, four roses, terrible bourbon, bourbon review, whisky review, whiskey review, four roses review, allocated bourbon
Id: dSa1hESVGVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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