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what's going on guys today we're talking about overrated tractor features yeah there's a lot of them so this is just my opinion okay and so you're gonna have a different opinion believe it or not however I'm curious to know how many of these we share in common and how many you think are valuable and I think are simply overrated so make sure you leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts and while you're at it make sure you follow along okay hit that subscribe button below go to Facebook like it on their Instagram you can follow me there too really appreciate your support you guys make this a lot of fun let's get into it my poor clock it's working but if I have it on it's got a really loud grinding or whining noise of some kind I need to take it in and get that fixed okay so we have a lot of items to cover in this on the overrated list for these tractors we're gonna go from the least overrated we'll have that last one the grand finale me the most overrated okay so pay attention watch them all your rankings gonna be different you're gonna have some items that are on here some that are not interchangeable all that kind of stuff but we'll see how it goes okay first up guess what it is I'm sitting on it it's these are four tires okay this tread pattern that tires in general but the are for industrial tread pattern yeah it's overrated okay so over the last 15-20 years that's when these tires have really become super popular okay and with good reason they're very versatile very good on different applications they wear very well they've got a lot of good things about them I totally get it totally agree however any time I get a tractor in that does not have this style of tire on it boy it takes longer to sell people want to negotiate or ask how much it is for a different set of tires I said are four tires on there instead it's just amazing and to me are four tires yes they're good in applications but they are sacrificing effectiveness because of that ability you know so they're a hybrid right they're designed to wear very well they're designed to perform well and in a multitude of situations you know whether it's snow ice grass all that kind of stuff so they're not great at any particular thing other than wearing very well they are not superior on snow and ice they're in fact in my opinion subpar in mud they are pretty good but they're not nearly as good as an Ag tire on turf yeah they're good on turf I do drive them a lot on my on my lawn at home whether it's a little 10 25 hour or a big four series like this however turf tires are superior okay so there's something superior no matter what situation you're in so these are good all-round tires but you know I actually recently was trying to plow my driveway with this tractor here couldn't maintain traction for the life of me it was terrible and so even with this huge heavy tractor here all that ballast weigh everything else it was just a tough spot so for snow and ice I'd rather have one of these sets right here the Carlile versa turf or a set of aged apps over something like this every time and you can't get these four treasures of the size but there's other tires like the Nokian tires and some others out there that perform a lot better in slippery situations so they make the list because they're simply overrated in the fact that I think the whole subcompact and compact tractor world is so focused and so accustomed to seeing our four tires on their tractors that they discount every other type of tire that's out there and you need to take a harder look at those because they're great for a lot of applications single point hydraulic connections are overrated guys but that doesn't mean they aren't cool it's just that I don't really know if they're that necessary really how hard is it to just disconnect four quick couplers so I totally get that it's cool and I love cool stuff you know and in fact I think the single point hydraulic connection is awesome okay so that's a bit of a contradiction there I'm full of contradictions and it's okay have you seen the dual tighter semi 1025 hour I don't know how practical it is but it's super cool but the point being is that when I wanted to add a single point hydraulic connection to one of the tractions that I had in the past I got a quote and it was around $1,000 yes a thousand dollars to add on this feature right here this single point hydraulic connection really a thousand dollars just so I can pull one lever instead of disconnecting four and couplers thousand bucks I don't know I'm just saying I think that's overrated but let's take a quick moment here and talk about Kubota x' single point hydraulic connection as far as I know it's just included in the price on the new BX series if you get two loader okay there's not really an option to not get it if there is I haven't seen it because every single new style Kubota BX that I've seen has this single point connection here okay and so that's included in the price however it may be included in the price but there's still a cost to account for that and is it really worth it again we're talking about for quick disconnect couplers the Pioneer the AG style couplers it's not hard to do that guys so that's why it's overrated skid-steer quick attach buckets my goodness am I tired of hearing about how SS QA is superior to JT QA or to anything else no it's not cheaper than jdq way JD QA attachments are the same prices that's that's QA I can prove it to you because I sell them all the time and look it's on John Deere as well okay and it's a good system I'm not gonna knock it but is it superior the only valid argument I can hear for this is that there's more used attachments out there or maybe there's more neighbors down the street that would have SS QA versus JD QA attachments sitting around however this is my tractor here John Deere has this get steer quick attach on it it came this way I bought it used and I'm really considering getting an adapter to go from the SS QA to the JD q a reason being I think that it's easier to attach it's a lot easier for me to just line up to the JD QA and hook up and go that verses the skid steer quick attach it's not difficult it's just not as simple of a process for this one here guys we're talking cruise control it's overrated the only time I ever use cruise control is I'm going from my house to the shop or the shop to the house and do I need to use it not really I'm just using it I guess just to validate the stupid options existence guys say they want this option for their hydro tractors when they're doing field work you know they're tilling their brush hog and that kind of thing for me I never use cruise control when I'm in a field there's too many bumps Anjali things I need to go around I need to change direction I need to change speed I need to account for something on a constant basis and so my speed is constantly changing this is not a crop field they own the map planting corn or soybeans and if you were typically you're gonna be an AG tractor you know a hundred horse or 200 horse tractor that's a gear drive anyway and can go that constant speed just by going into gear but I'm telling you a cruise control for me is one of the most overrated things and really a lot of tractors just come with it it's not an option but if you're looking at a tractor and you really think you need cruise control I would encourage you to second-guess that because you could open up more options for yourself now this is a very basic cruise control here you know there's a more advanced one that's on the three hour and the four-hour tractors and some others out there as well which means you can set it with the push of a button and you can increase and decrease your speed with a push of a button that kind of thing as well that's pretty cool however it's not all that practical I mean how often do you need cruise control on a tractor next up we're talking about locking rear differential what an overrated item unfortunately this one's pretty much standard on any tractor you're gonna get oh there it is sorry guys it was hiding push it down with your heel it's gonna lock that rear axle and provide traction to both rear wheels seems like that's a pretty handy feature to have however almost every subcompact and compact tractor on the market happens to have this handy feature called four wheel drive or front wheel assist so if you need extra traction you're gonna use four wheel drive you're gonna use front wheel assist I've used locking rear differential on principle thinking it's really going to make a significant difference however it does not I mean I have totally tested this out of my driveway I've got a treacherous driveway in the wintertime going uphill when it's icy snow conditions I've tried just using the locking rear differential I've tried just using four-wheel drive I've tried using four-wheel drive and locking rear differential it just doesn't make a difference and in fact if it does is so miniscule that it's just not worth having unattractive four-wheel drive front-wheel assist that makes the significant difference this does not it's overrated guys you know what else is overrated pre emissions these are not diesel trucks it's not construction equipment very simple here and the subcompact and compact tractor world nothing to be scared of except for this word of advice stay away from the B 3350 yeah the Kubota B 3350 do not buy it supposedly the new B 33 50s are fixed however Kubota wouldn't stand behind all the issues they had with the B 3350 I know of a lot of customers in fact one of them encouraged me repeatedly to save his information because he sued Kubota and wanted to file a class-action lawsuit he did get a full refund after he finally went to great lengths to do so do not buy a B 3350 besides that pre emissions it really doesn't matter so what's an emissions tractor it's something that has one of these guys on it okay this is a regen system Tier four compliance for machines that are 26 horsepower and up need to have something like this that were produced I don't know after 2012 2011 the date is kind of arbitrary because it kind of ruled out in that timeframe however there's a 2016 John Deere 2032 our model I have one right now that does not have Tier four emissions that does not have a regen system on it so there must have been a rollout or an agreement in place when they upgraded a model or came out with a new model then they had to implement the Tier four I don't know exactly but that's all I can assume you can still use the tractor wallet to do when it's thing is simply going to instruct you by way of the - typically or a little icon on there that says you need to increase your rpm you can still use the equipment while it's going through the regen process which takes it depends some of them take 20 minutes or a half hour some of them take an hour to two hours my 40 60 6r took almost two hours the last time that it went to regen the 3901 the Kubota l 3901 i have over there took about 20 minutes to go through regen it varies your tractor will tell you what you need to do which is simply increase the rpms for John Deere typically that's 1500 rpms and minimum and once you go above that with a throttle and even if you go back down underneath it won't go below 1500 rpm with the Kubota that I did recently I had to put it to full throttle in order for to do the regen process this is basically a big collection box and this just burning off that so it burning off that build-up here periodically the stuff that doesn't burn off on its own as you're using it in operation is what's gonna be collected in here and then burned off when you get that heat generated once you go above a certain rpm level so tier 4 emissions is really nothing to be concerned about this is not like what you would have on your diesel truck or on some of the other construction equipment out there semis that kind of thing that really you had a lot of issues with this is very non-invasive the biggest downside really is that it's a big hunk here and this is material and so it's gonna drive up the cost of your machine for me that's the biggest downside to the tier 4 is it's just gonna be increasing your cost of your machine so pre emissions that's nice but it's overrated you're getting two for one in this one yeah two things related to loaders all right first quick park loaders they're overrated well sorta okay here's why on smaller tractors with belly mowers on them or with front mount snow blowers tractors they have a mid pto I can see where there's value in that you got to be able to take that loader I don't off quickly there you don't want to mow with your load around you don't want to you can't have us have a loader on if you want to use your snow blower on the front okay totally get that all right however when you get up to the 3 in the 4 series in the compact tractor world it's really not that big of a deal if the loader comes out and off or not very few 3 Series tractors are gonna have a front mount snow blower okay I mean a fraction of the overall population of 3 Series tractors and 4 series it's basically non-existent anymore and those that are running a front mount snow blower are running it on the loader so really you're paying engineering cost you're paying additional design cost material cost all that kind of thing for something and a quick park design that you're just never gonna use you're never gonna realize that benefit so I've been using 3 and 4 Series tractors for a long time and you know what the only time my loader ever comes off is if I'm making a video or if I'm doing a demonstration other than that my loaders on my tractor all the time I know some of you even on those bigger tractors or 3 in the 4 Series have a reason to take your loader off however it is overrated because most of us do not and you're paying more for that option to take it off oh wow boy this is comfortable this load or joystick location wow I can't imagine it being like right here please you're telling me from here to here makes that big of a difference you know I use a 3 E series for a lot of work in the past that loader is up here somewhere you know that's never an issue to me I mean come on give me a break guys I mean really operator fatigue you're gonna have that much more operator fatigue being right here versus right here I mean it's nice and I get that you have to do something to make it different make it premium or superior whatever versus the value series however it's really not that big of a deal you know so whatever overrated let's go take a look at a value series so you can see the difference okay so 40 44m value series here is your loader joystick location here's the fender okay here's a fender so this is the same fender if it was a for our series the deluxe series okay so they would position that loader joystick somewhere coming off of or mounted in here depending if it's an open station or a cab so it'd be right in this general vicinity right in here and so we're talking you know three four inches here of difference this is totally comfortable totally doable it's really not a big deal this right here is a fixed loader okay it is not quick Park they make a version in the 4-hour series this is the four M series but the are the premium deluxe that's I don't know 1500 bucks more that is quick park come on guys leave your loader on if you need to take your bucket off and on that note that's the more important thing you want a quick attach bucket that's the big deal quick Park loader not so much unless you have one of the smaller tractors with a mower deck on it or a front mount snow blower then I can understand it otherwise guess what it's overrated so this one here this little button here you'll see this on a lot of tractors something similar to this well there's John Deere Kubota or something else a lot of the premium tractors okay ether idle auto throttle one of those things one of those terms it could be called something different depending on your tractor but essentially what it does is leather act more like an automobile okay and so even if your throttle control is all the way in the idle position as you step on your forward or reverse pedals for your hydrostatic transmission it's going to increase the engine rpm cool in theory right we're getting more like automobiles these things are getting so advanced pretty sweet however in reality I almost never use it and I find it to be more of a nuisance than anything else I do get it in theory though if you want to use this for loader work for instance the manual will typically suggest that you put it in the mid point on the RPM scale okay for the throttle so put it somewhere right in the middle that way it's not a complete idle and you don't have those huge swings those huge variations in rpms so it's kind of in the middle there and then when you need it and you're pushing the pedal beyond that midpoint the RPMs is going to increase and give you more power more hydraulic flow more speed whatever you need it's gonna give it to you and then when you let off the pedal it's gonna go back down to that midpoint the RPMs again sounds kind of cool really I find it more annoying than anything else and you know what I just really help you sit again though on most of your premium on most your deluxe types of tractors in the three series four series this happens to be actually an option that's found on the new to our series this is a 2032 R it's just gonna be I think standard equipment at least for the three R in the forearm maybe it's an option on the 2r I don't know for sure but the three are in the 4r and Kubota as well it's pretty much standard equipment on those larger series it's just one of those options that drives the cost up and I would happily live without it if I can get it for a cheaper price point you just don't always have that option so it's overrated so this one here it's it's my favorite overrated alright and I get flack for it every time I talk about it I get it I totally get it however metal on tractors man this stuff is overrated plastic is where it's at I'm serious I'm a hundred percent serious these steel panels on tractors and they're just overrated come on guys plastics are not all the same these things are advancing at a rapid pace it's just incredible the technology that's out there and the advancement that these polymers are having okay these things are super superior to steel like the steel you would find on the older John Deere's and on the Komodos it's just no doubt about it sure you can break it the same way you can break steel okay I mean these things are rugged they're rigid they hold their color they hold their shape they rebound it doesn't matter they're awesome and I'm telling you give it time maybe you're the next generation okay maybe not our generation but the next generation is going to really fully understand that concept that there's advancement and this type of material here that is not being made and steel at least at a reasonable price point okay this is gonna be the way of the future and I believe Kubota will go this way as well eventually so when I talk about steel being overrated I'm not talking about four buckets for your mower decks or for the axle or the frame that kind of thing I'm talking about those exterior panels on your fenders on the hood that kind of thing okay I live in a world of used tractors so I see hundreds of tractors here at my shop that have been in the real world that coming to me who has trade-ins okay and I see tenfold that amount through pictures that are sent to me so I have a when I feel like a pretty good handle on what steel can handle so to speak and what plastic can handle I'm telling you it's very very rare even on low our Kubota tractors or low our John Deere tractors that have metal hoods on them for instance to not have some kind of damage that cannot be removed okay there's typically always a dent or a big scuff mark that's kind of creased into the steel in there you can't do anything about it okay and lots of times that goes through the paint it's gonna corrode unless you put some touch-up paint on there it looks really stupid okay with the polymer panels on the John Deere tractors I can buff out just about anything out of there and make it look almost brand new so some of my favorite arguments about steel being superior to plastic is well if something falls on your hood it's just gonna break that plastic hood and on a steel hood just take a hammer and pound it out okay so two things about that one you're not pounding anything out it's still gonna be a dent it's probably gonna look worse - I dropped a five-inch diameter tree onto my plastic hood and you know what happened I had to search and search and search to find the mark that it left it was so tiny it was basically not even there so you know what drop a five-inch tree on your steel hood it's gonna be a dent there that you have found out and it never looks the same again so another argument about steel being superior to plastic revolves around being brittle in cold temperatures and that's really a thing in the past so there's two videos out there yeah one of them is my John Deere and the other one is an independent video as far as I can tell a guy takes a bowling ball from a loader he puts two bowling balls side by side he has a Kubota steel hood and a John Deere plastic hood side-by-side and he just tips the loader and drops the bowling balls onto the hoods and it just bounces off of the John Deere hood while denting the steel hood so while steel is traditional and I totally get it plastics are the way of the future Steel's overrated guys okay so this next one is definitely overrated but I don't want anybody questioning my patriotism okay I am as patriotic as anybody so I have a lot of experience a lot of history working in other industries in aerospace and commercial equipment and tractors you know among other things and so it's just that you get to major manufacturers like Kubota John Deere even Toro back there have a grasshopper back there as well these big manufacturers are seldom going to be completely manufactured and assembled in one country okay it's just it's just unlikely you know in order to be competitive with the competition on cost you need to consider global manufacturing you know global sourcing for components and so that doesn't mean that you're gonna get every component from China and you're gonna get the cheapest quality and the lowest quality that you can get and assemble your tractor here in the USA and boom I think it's gonna be all hunky-dory so there's other things besides just where a component is made that you want to consider you want to consider design and engineering for instance you know there's a lot of hot spots in the world that are known that are renowned for engineering you know the USA is a really good engineering country but there's some other places too Germany for instance Japan top-notch engineers and superior to the US in different industries and so if you can control the design control the engineering process of it and perhaps that engineering or production control and quality control assist different countries in that manufacturing process you really even though it's manufactured in another country a component whether it's an engine or an axle or a bracket or a gearbox or whatever it might be you still have control over the process and so yes it may come from China or may come from Mexico or somewhere else however there's a big difference if you compare that against just a Chinese manufacturer that doesn't have that type of quality and production control that doesn't have oversight by a company like John Deere Kubota Toro or any other industry name name your manufacturer ok so I say all this stuff because it's too easy to put things in a box and think it's gonna be neat and tidy and it's just really not that way anymore we don't live in a world that's like that and I don't think we ever will again just my opinion you need to have a more sophisticated understanding that all these manufacturers these major manufacturers are going to be sourcing components from other locations and the reason for that is primarily cost because if you only chose to build a tractor or a machine that was very complex required hundreds if not thousands of components and you only source that from the USA the cost would be so astronomically high that nobody would buy it ok even the people that are diehard made in the USA people just simply wouldn't buy it because it would be so expensive it just wouldn't make sense so you just got to look at it realistically alright I'm totally on board with made in the USA when possible when realistic and when feasible you know so if you buy that tractor that has foreign components in it whether it's John Deere Kubota whoever you know you're still supporting the local dealers here the people that work there with buying parts and service and gear and whatever else in a way you're supporting me ok you're supporting me through the attachments and accessories that you buy so they use tractors that you buy by watching this video you're supporting me somebody in the us here okay so I'm just saying there's a lot of ways to slice it and think outside the box so made-in-the-usa overrated guys I hate to be the bearer of bad news but tractor backhoes guess what they're overrated yeah there's a handful of folks out there that need a backhoe that have an ongoing need a requirement of a backhoe perhaps commercial operations perhaps large farm studs that have a lot of tasks for them however most folks have one maybe two projects in mind when they think they need a backhoe and that's great because the backhoe is a very handy tool it has its place as do many other attachments the problem is it's a very expensive attachment it's one of the most expensive attachments that you can purchase so a lot of folks buy a back home they have one or two projects in mind they think it's a requirement for that you know unfortunately the backhoe is one of the most expensive attachments that you can get and if you're looking to accomplish one or two projects with that backhoe is that really a good use of money I would argue that it's not and the reason is is because what are you gonna do with this backhoe when you don't need it okay you can take a bath on it if you want to sell they use market and a lot of the back hoes have a subframe on them they have additional power beyond hydraulics that are tied into the tractor and some of them you know this one has its own seat but some of them require the operator seat here which would swivel around so there's a lot of other little components that go into it you're not gonna get nearly what you think you are out of a used backhoe okay or the flip side of that you've got a huge attachment that's worth a lot of money sitting in your yard get the Sun faded or whatever else not getting used that's a bunch of money that's tied up as well so in my opinion it's just not a good use of money unless you have an ongoing need for it so what would I do in that situation I would rent a mini excavator why so it's gonna cost you a lot less money that's for sure even if you think about it this way the amount of depreciation you're going to lose on the backhoe itself or if you try to sell it that difference between what you bought it for what you can actually get for it on the use market that's gonna be a significant difference there okay I don't care if it's John Deere Kubota Massey coyote LS I don't care what the manufacturer is backhoes just are not to hold their value as well as the rest of the tractor so if you consider that loss that amount of money that is lost by depreciation instead you can use that when you want to that amount of money aren't there to rent mini excavators for two or three projects okay and you'll still probably come out ahead many excavators are gonna be a lot more efficient okay so with a tractor you get the operator station over here if you want to move the Machine around so you have to raise up the stabilizer bars you have to raise up the bucket obviously the backhoe as well and then go move the machine around to the next location you want to be at and then restart that process and everything back up with a mini excavator or an excavator doesn't really matter you're sitting in the operator seat that controls both the backhoe as well as the movement of the machine and so you're right here you're set up you're ready to go so you can get from point A to point B a lot quicker you can accomplish your work a lot quicker and it's just gonna be a more efficient process that way as well well then answer me this Cortney why do you carry tractors the back goes on them well obviously it's because people don't listen to me they do what they want and that's okay because so do I all I'm saying is that from a practicality standpoint back hoes are overrated but if you want one just get the stinking thing tractor horsepower is overrated did you guys know that yeah it really is did you know that every tractor in here can come in a 25 horsepower variation so one of the things that I'm told a lot is hey I need a 25 horsepower tractor or I need a thirty five horsepower tractor I need a 40 horsepower tractor or a 30 horsepower tractor whatever it is that's just one piece of the puzzle so if we're talking about horsepower say it's a 25 horsepower tractors I can nominally now nominal horsepower here 25 horsepower 1025 are the 2025 hour and a 30 25e in Kubota and be the bx 2680 the b 2650 and the l 2501 there's huge changes dimensionally with the width and the length tire size frame size tractor weight hydraulic system loaders three-point all that kind of stuff so don't worry about horsepower it's really not a big deal you need to focus more on what the tasks are that you want to and then let that lead you to the correct tractor for you so in that sense guys horsepower is overrated alright guys so that completes the list so I am curious to know what you guys thought about that again my opinion okay this is my list make your oldest if you want don't get mad at me don't call me an idiot just tell me what you would change what you replace what you like that I don't like it's okay we all have our own opinions and it's not that big of a deal again I want to hear your feedback so leave a comment below if you haven't done so hit that subscribe button a lot of great videos all the time for you share them with your friends put them on forums head to my website go to works tractors comm I can help with a tractor or an attachment financing and delivery as well and don't forget I'm on facebook so you can head there and like that I put stuff on there that's unique and only found there same thing with Instagram go there and follow me on that so we'll see you soon thanks for watching take care
Channel: Good Works Tractors
Views: 269,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john deere, kubota, tractors, tractor features, tractor review, reviews, how to, overrated, over rated features, john deere overrated, kubota overrated, john deere vs kubota, kubota vs john deere, steel vs plastic, green vs orange, tires, good works tractors, gwt, ttwt, tractor time with tim, outdoors with the morgans, gp outdoors, dpf, regen, tier 4, pre-emissions, backhoe, cruise control, locking rear differential, horsepower, made in usa, quick park loader, loader joystick, michigan
Id: t0loPL6CpPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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