NLDS GAME 5 - October 11, 2012
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Channel: MLBGlobal12
Views: 79,115
Rating: 4.835351 out of 5
Keywords: Major League Baseball, γ¬γγΊ, Game Archive, γ‘γΈγ£γΌγͺγΌγ°, γΈγ£γ€γ’γ³γ, 倧γͺγΌγ°, MLB, ιη, Major League, San Francisco Giants, γ΅γ³γγ©γ³γ·γΉγ³, γ‘γΈγ£γΌ, γ·γ³γ·γγγ£γ»γ¬γγΊ, γ·γ³γ·γγγ£, ιηιε ±, γ΅γ³γγ©γ³γ·γΉγ³γ»γΈγ£γ€γ’γ³γ, Cincinnati Reds
Id: DcntWjbZRMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 246min 43sec (14803 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2012
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Fuck Mat Latos.
I was a senior in high school at the time, and one of my teachers sent his periods 3-5 classes to the library so some of us could watch the game in his room. Easily my most stressful day of high school
Was this the one that was in the middle of the day on a weekday? My work was cool and showed the game on the big projection screen in the cafeteria. Was awesome.
The Bruce at bat against Romo in the bot of the 9th. Still agonizing.
Gods we were strong once.
You're welcome.
This made my day
Grand slam lit up the silence of our library that day.