The 100x Research Cost Experience | Fully Edited Factorio Playthrough

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support me on coffee to see my videos early the link is in the description or on my channel there are a lot of potential criticisms that can be levied against factorio but one that I've never heard someone say is that it's too short I think that it's too short what if we were to say make it a 100 times longer my settings for this run are simple we start with the real world preset we then increased technology multiplier to 100 I divided all by Revolution factors by 100 and increased the starting area size to 300% which trust me when I say just about makes as equally powered with them immediately this doesn't look much different from a normal run we begin as always building our burner mining setup to get a baseline resource income now it's time to address the elephant in the room you've read the title and our thumbnail so you know what's coming here every single technology requires a 100 times more science packs than usual so a technology that usually needs 10 red science packs now requires a thousand and the rocket technology itself requires more science packs than it takes to unlock the entire Tech Tree in a normal game this is not all strictly true however due to the factorio devs having some mercy and the Frank Ridiculousness of having to spend 92 minutes handcrafting red science packs to unlock automation the automation Tech is immune to the m applier so we only need 10 red science packs to get assembly machines no other technology in the game gets this concession so obviously it isn't sustainable to be handcrafting red science at any point from now on so we go straight into some industrial scale hand feeding one gear of assembler will be enough to feed these 10 red science assemblers and we have them all set up nicely in a row to make it as brain dead as possible to hand feed in a normal run this kind of level of production would carry me through to a rocket launch but in this this run it's hardly enough to get Logistics researched in a lifetime which means I'll have to build another one right next to it in retrospect I could have automated delivery of the gears but then where would I fit the suffering which seems mandatory with every factorio challenge so anyway we have a lot of science now and one lab will not be enough we need a lot of them with no beacons modules or research speed upgrades you will see that the number of labs required to consume all of the science we will produce gets ridiculous quickly still researching Logistics we have 20 Labs going and I'm not actually convinced it's consuming all of the science I'm producing the I never actually checked I also begin running the numbers for how many materials I need for 1,200 red science per minute which I thought was a good amount and I think it's feasible for me to just build outright as soon as Logistics is researched I begin setting up for smelting Stacks I'm going to need a little under three lens of iron and a little over one Lan of copper so I settle with four of iron and two of copper to save some extra for a small mall it's around this point I realized the degree of carpal tunnel compression I was going to experience if I hand placed everything from now until Bots which will be a long time so I downloaded ghost Placer Express which I think is the least cheaty of the early game blueprint placing mods for anyone who hasn't used or heard of it when it's turned on any ghost I have on my cursor over will be automatically placed if I'm within Arm's Reach and I have the item in my inventory soon the logistics Tech finishes so I can finish building these furnace Stacks it's a design as old as time so I won't show you the process but here's the finished result you can also see the ghost place of an action here the first thing I do is set up some automated gears and belts which will be useful cuz we're going to need a massive amount of them I've then set up circuits I don't need them for red science but I'll want some for the little mall I'm going to build to begin with I just build yellow and red inserts in the mall but I'll expand it as I see fit then we have the most important bit the red science itself I build this little module which on its own can produce 120 red science per minute so to reach our Target we're going to need 10 of these after that we have the labs it is going to be a constant battle throughout this play through to have enough of these to keep up with production since the game simply wasn't built of I was having this much science production this early on WE instantly get back to building more red science setups as the faster we get this up and running the faster we can get through the early Sciences user Al on my Discord correctly guessed the challenge for this run from the photo of this setup alone so shout out to them for that if you aren't in my Discord you totally should be it's where I post all of my updates about videos as well as just hanging out sometimes around this point I realize I'm going to have to go in the offensive or defensive at some some point as the bers will not ignore me for much longer so I get rifle magazines automated at my tech level I have very little options for attacking bases so unfortunately I must submit to the cheesiest of cheese the turret creep here's what that looks like I'm sure there are many colors of paint you'd rather watch dry than seeing me turret creep the poor natives a thousand times so I'll skip over most of it but rest assured this is a constant issue I face because unless I want to build defenses I will need to going out and clearing FS constantly to startop my pollution Cloud covering them thanks to the real world preset the nests will not expand so every Nest destroyed is a permanent upgrade to my available land I'll give you all the Deets now so that I don't have to rehash this later yes I am using the expansion indicator to find nests yes it is cheating no I don't care this run is already going to take a hell of a long time I don't need it taking any longer than it needs to as far as I'm concerned the real challenge for this run is the scale so I want to spend as little time buged down in the manucha as possible after a lot of going out and clearing nearby nests it's time to get back to the task at hand we return home and build more red science setups making that four and getting us to 480 science per minute however as you can see here we are very backed up on red science meaning we need way more labs to actually make use of the production we have here I finish off the fifth red science setup so we're halfway to the goal I set of 600 science per minute I realized that this lab design isn't going to work as soon as I want to add another science pack so I have to pick up all of this bottom part and move it further along the array is so large now I can't fit it all on one screen so enjoy seeing most of it in action according to the factoral cheat sheet we need 12200 labs to consume 12200 signs per minute if the research time for the technology is 60 seconds which is obviously infeasible so we aim for 300 for now which will fully consume our current 600 SS per minute if the research time is 30 seconds to this end I automate Labs yep that's right all of those labs were handcrafted no I will never recover this is our base as it stands currently as you can see we have plenty of lewar when it comes to pollution as the cloud is nowhere near even the possible expansion junks never mind the nests themselves it's a good job too cuz we aren't doing nearly enough mining to satiate a 1200 S per minute base so we will need to expand to this iron and this coal at some point I realized that to play through this entire game at normal speed could take a very long time so I decided that the only answer was to bend time to my will and maybe save a few dozen hours off my life to this end I installed time buttons to allow me to speed up time at the click of a button especially useful for the increasingly long walks between Exterminating nests and as a nice bonus effectively pening my S per minute in that time just look at that research bar it almost felt like a normal game for a moment there a quick reminder of the absolute dirt I get up to when the camera's not rolling something I hadn't shown up to this point was the absolutely insane amount of steam engines required to power this base which might I remind you has never even felt the touch of a green science pack and it's around here that I Chang tune and decide to fix that up until now I intended to make 1,200 signs per minute of be science but spoilers this is all getting torn down once I've unlocked trains and the Cyber in technology so I thought screw it and pivoted we could use our infrastructure for 1200 science per minute of red science but we could also use it for just barely 480 science per minute of red and green science so I decided to do that instead this will take the form of two 240 science per minute green science modules the first of which I'm building now now if you can see what I've done wrong here you're a lot smarter than I am whilst the research finishes for green sens I engage in more skirmishes against the locals I'll give you one last chance to see it yep every single inserter is the wrong way around I make the decision here to buffer green science because I still have some red Sciences left to do and technically my red science uction is 600 science per minute so the extra green will get used I can now introduce this green science into my lab build the problem I'm facing now is that I need more resources to actually feed this Factory but I need more power to feed the miners but my co patches entire production is almost being used the first thing I do is expand my power plant to have a second row of bers and steam engines mining this Co patch is next up on the agenda it's going to be a while before we can research any other power sources so I suspect we're going to melt through quite a few coal patches before this run is over and done with I connect it to my original coal patch with priority Splitters set up so it prefers to draw a CO from the starter patch before this new one with some of the spare Co kicking around I automate grenades to help clear nests and forests our poor starter iron patch can't possibly produce enough resources to feed the base so we set up a mining outpost on this massive iron pack to the Southwest for some reason despite me having just automated grenades I insist on ripping through this Forest manually with that connected up our base can theoretically support 480 science per minute of red and green all that's left to do is build the other green science module after Waging War across the southern part of the known world I return to clear out space for the second green science module with it built and connected up our base is now producing science at at 480 per minute so I think it's about time we bring this episode to a close thank you for watching and I hope to see you next time if we want to get anywhere near 480 science per minute of black and blue science this power plant simply will not do in a series such as this you'd likely expect less of a base and more of a mega base so it's time for me to build my first mega build a massive Co plant now handcrafting boilers isn't so bad but I'd rather eat my own hands than use them to craft 240 steam engines so I get that set up in the mall any sensible and supposedly skilled factorio player would have a massive M out by now but I'm stubborn and quite certainly very stupid here's a map of the known world when deciding where to build my massive Coal Power Plant I basically only had one consideration where's all the co at I decide that over here is a good place because it's slap bang in the center of fre sizable Co patches the problem however with this plan of action is that it's very close to our current borders with the local farer and we all know they can't resist the scent of burning coal so we'll have to reh home them farther away now I know last time I didn't want to show any of the battles against the biters but I spent so much time doing it this time I'd have no video left if I worry not it actually has some relevance this episode so far the turret creep is working even on quite large nests but once we get a bit further out we're going to start seeing medium worms and at this point I was worried what they would do to my archaic strategy we get our first taste of them against this Nest near of the northeasternmost co patch as you can see the turrets get absolutely obliterated by them whilst doing very little damage in return it's clear something is going to have to change that change can come later however as I choose to leave them for now and get to work on the power plant I clear out a chunk of forest here so that I can build it close to the water and with over a 100 boilers in hand I start laying down the Plant we'll start smallish for now but I expect to have to expand it massively as we increase production a single water pump can feed 20 bers so the plant is 20 boers high and we're going to build six sets of 20 boilers for 100 20 total which provides enough Steam for 216 megawatt of power it's worth noting that a yellow belt can't actually provide enough coal for 40 bu Los in a row but by the time that's a problem we'll likely have red belts so we can fix that with the first stack all set up and ready to be brought online it's time for the most essential part the call I choose to start with this patch over on the right since it's large and not as close to the biters as the one up top soon the co reaches the plant and we are in business I will build the other two when either we need it or I'm B of whatever else I'm doing and need something simple to do one resource which comes at an absolute premium in this challenge is land we need land for two things the first obviously being to fit the humongous Factory we want to build and the second to absorb all of the pollution that that factory produces now land covered in biters is obviously good for neither of those things so we're going to have to start finding ways to keep the war machine going in spite of the medium worms we're starting to encounter my solution is to split the anr five ways instead of four and take the extra Lan as well as Copper from this newly exploited patch and use them in a micro Factory to produce red ammo I also take any spare steel from this process and stash it away for any crafting I might need it for in the future I decided to take a temporary research detour to un lock landfill which spoiler is probably a total waste of time my thought process was that I will need it when I progress to the real Mega base but I'm still over 200,000 science packs away from that even mattering in the slightest remember when I said I'd work on the power plant when I was B you should cuz I only said it a minute ago well that time has come already as it's going to be a while before enough red ammo has accumulated to make a fighting run worth it I dirtily automate pipes here and then get down to some building which is quite easy with Ghost plac of Express that puts our potential production up to 281 megaw 216 of that from this setup alone whilst I did that we produced 1160 red ammo so I decided to take it for a spin our first Target is of course those two medium worms that caused us trouble earlier and it [ __ ] melted them fantastic and nest with only small worms stands no chance we quickly reduce it to dust across the Sands here's the real test a nest with mostly medium worms how well this works basically makes our breaks the run as we're going to run out of space quickly if we can't push through the medium worm nests we ourselves take a lot of damage skill issue if you ask me but the turrets absolutely rip apart the nest so I can pretty safely say the run is not Dead with this knowledge I run back to grab some more ammo and get back out there into the world to exterminate more nests we clear out a lot of nests on this right side here since it's so close to our power plant which is likely going to be the most polluting structure in the entire base for a long time these attacks aren't cheap however you can see from me cleaning up the aftermath here that quite a few turrets get destroyed and the ones that are left usually have very little ammo in them every time a turret gets destroyed we lose whatever ammo is left so we are burning through ammo quite quickly as well as turrets also it takes a hell of a long time to repair everything and pick it all back up anyway I spend about 15 minutes running back and forth and end up clearing land up to here which is good enough for now anyway initially my plan was to work on Blue science next but I started to realize that I'm going to need to clear an even larger amount of space still for that to work so I decided to start on Black science instead to make the cleaving process easier not only will it give me access to Defender robots and flamethrowers but also better damage upgrades which will be essential if we start to see medium biters and even later big biters this iron and this copper patch are perfect candidates and we will bring them up here where we can use this Co and these two stor patches bringing them all together finally in this area where the actual Factory will be all in all we need two yellow belts of copper four of iron six of stone and three of coal I fill my inventory with transport belts and get to work you may be asking why bring Copper from all the way down here when there's a big patch right there this is the part where I should have some very smart answer to that but the truth is I was asking myself the same question later on so I build belts from Theon and copper having to build a little chicane around these Cliffs God I can't wait for Cliff explosives we've had and rip a hole through this Forest before finally getting the belts to what is essentially their final destination whilst we're here I quickly lay out how the furnace Stacks are going to be four for iron and two for copper I then go plan out the stone smelting which will be a group of six Stacks because it takes two Stone to make one brick the stacks can only be half as tall and each will make only half of a belt of stor brick for a total of three belts building furnace Stacks is good and all but they're useless without resources to feed them so I go and focus on that first earlier I set up a little landfill plant on this Stone patch but it's an absolute waste so I quickly repurpose it for the black sence settle this is only getting us four lanes of stone however we'll have to get the other two from the smaller patch on the left I get the six furnace Stacks together before going to set up the other Stone mine back at the furnaces I've out in all six lines of stone next up we need coal both to fuel the furnaces and to build grenades both of these patches are good candidates so I decide to take both I'll start with the one near of my base from which I'm taking three lanes two for grenades and one for fueling all the furnaces the splitter book I have really saves my ass here because I have no idea how that kind of thing works when copying these Stacks I very foolishly didn't add the core input so I'll have to do it by hand now as you can see I absolutely butcher it next up is of course the iron and copper smelting Stacks which required a quick bit of clearing and there is the finished result because I trust that you will be as sick of watching me build furnace Stacks as I am of building them now I think that the nther end of my pollution cloud is much too close to Uncharted and most likely B filled territory and that is only going to get worse once I finish the setup and turn it on so it's time again for some B clearing we stock up on red ammo and gun turrets and get on our Weare and the thing about having so many turrets is that your potential DPS is nearly uncapped providing you don't run out with turrets ammo or space to place them watch me melt this entire nest in 20 seconds for example I actually spend on average like four times longer cleaning up afterwards than actually attacking the nests themselves we absolutely tear through most of the biters near our Northern pollution border and find a massive copper patch along with a quite modest iron patch which seems to be entirely forested over something you don't see very often then I go and start setting up the massive iron mine for black science the actual amount of miners required to finish this is ridiculous so I don't place it all down now but I make sure to put down all the power poles to make it as easy as possible to finish later we also connect up this copper patch leaving very little left to do before we can get to the meat and potatoes of this episode The Factory I get it all connected up to power and oh my look at all that pollution so close to what is essentially B territory I think I was a bit premature with putting down my weapons we have some more work to do so so being the lobotomite I am I go and build more miners finishing off both patches which increases the pollution output massively finally I get out there and start fighting in my hubris after leveling a dozen nests I let my guard down and get melted by some worms I rush back to get my stuff and finish the fight but in the meantime I lose over 50 turrets and with that hundreds of ammo to make matters worse my body Blends into perfectly with the piles of corpses and destroyed turrets making a sort of where's Wally situation where I need to find my corpse before I run through worm fire to grab it my biggest problem right now is water I have so much land captured that it's absorbing all of the pollution my factory is producing but water is terrible at absorbing pollution meaning nests on the Shar can be polluted quickly even before closer landrop nests for this reason I'm planning on clearing nests on this massive Lake to the southeast much further back than their counterparts Inland I end up going quite far in but I'll eventually have to come back and clean up the entire shs of the lakes surrounding my base it's finally time to put all of these materials I've spent the last 3 hours preparing to use and get this black science build done first up we need eight warless assemblers which I thought was a surprisingly small amount for 480 SS per minute especially compared to what we'll need to build for the other two ingredients since we have three belts of stone bricks I sett on three sets of free wall assemblers so I can skim off the extra production if I end up needing to build def fences sooner than I expected I've then set up the rest of the coal mining for grenades before combining our two coal sauces into three lanes also one and a half lenses of this iron need to be turned into steel so we can pull that right off at the start into these three half stacks it would be tempting to fuel them with this call right here but that's for the grenades remember we have a dedicated fueling lar down south with steel finally producing we're now 2/3 of the way to the next Black science ingredient red ammo all we need now is to build the yellow ammo which is not quite as difficult what's left of that second iron learn is about enough to feed free yellow ammo assem was and the rest comes from the next Lane then we just combine two lanes of copper and a split Lane of the steel and yellow ammo in this quirky little build and that says 2/3 of the way to Black science the next ingredient is the biggest pain both in design and scale we need 64 grenade assemblers so I decide on three sets of 22 but my aim of compact neat little designs comes into conflict with my wish of Designing them easily each assembler needs three times more coal than iron which is okay on the left because the coal is on the near side so we can use fast inserters but on the right call is on the far side so we need two red inserts to keep up with demand leaving no space for a power pole I end up with this design with undergrounds on the iron belt to fit the power poles this is probably the first time that this mod has presented me of a problem that isn't just having to build at scale as this could easily be done with medium power poles but researching them would be a massive waste of time right now I realize around here that my starter copper patch is quickly running out but I slap a Band-Aid Solution on and firmly mark it as a next episode problem anyway so we have a third of the grenade production we need all that's left is to copy it twice we bring it all together here and get to building the whopping 80 assemblers we're going to need to produce all the science although it looks familiar it's way easier than the grenades cuz we only need one red insert on both sides he or she is in action although these sort of zoomed out overviews of ridiculously sized early game builds are probably what a lot of you are here to see I'm terrible at remembering to do them now the best thing to go with stupid big science production is stupid big science consumption this area looks like a pretty good place to do it no cliffs and right next to our military Science 2 it's almost like I planned it I didn't so 480 science per minute no lab speed upgrades no beacons no modules worst case scenario a single research step takes 1 minute that means we need 480 laps so I plan out 600 seriously I don't know what was passing through my head besides empty air to make it worse it's only going to get more Overkill as we do start getting lab speed upgrades I start Play placing down all of the labs that I had accumulated in my mall but it wasn't enough to finish the sell whilst I wait for M to craft and don't worry I haven't forgot about my old setup pack and Salvage I plac down all of the inserts and power poles I do eventually finish all of it and the only left to do is bring in the science it is true that this setup only has space for four science packs but once we get blue science the nature of the game changes entirely so everything we've built becomes irrelevant anyway so I think it's about time we turn it on after hours of working on it that felt damn good unfortunately it won't all saturate because our current research only takes 30 seconds per step so less than half of the labs are needed anyway on that bombshell and having just passed the 12-hour Mark I think it's time to bring this episode to a close off camera I did a bit of work I spent a few hours clearing out biters to make enough space for blue science out until I started seeing big worms which are a bit too strong for my current tech level I'm liking the look of this area down here for the setup itself as it has two Ole patches as well as iron copper and coal and some extra patches over here if we need them you will notice however that it is exceptionally close to the nearby biter nests which as discussed earlier have a pain to get rid of and given that this is probably going to be bigger than the entire rest of the base combined we're going to need a way to deal with all the pollution we will be producing so I head up to the black science build and draw some resources off the bus with priority Splitters basically when we aren't researching using black science we want the excess resources to go to this setup I set up green circuits and a little bit of oil processing most of you probably already know where I'm going here we make plastic with cor off the fueling line and then bring it all together for a little red circuit build up here the goal of course is efficiency mod modules and all of this is enough for six assemblers making them I start setting it up and where are my efficiency modules yep I never even researched them I get them queued up and get to work elsewhere whilst we wait for it to research in a normal playu that would just be a silly goof but in a run like this it is easily wasting dozens of minutes of my life I get in my brand spanking new car filled to the brim with belts and inserters and buildings and head out to the site where I'm going to build the blue science due to the hiccup with efficiency module production I decide to build the entire thing before I connect it to power to prevent the full stink of the miners being Unleashed on the locals this will prove to be a mistake as it makes it near impossible to identify and fix problems anyway we start with the call Patch because I don't know you have to start somewhere it's a massive patch but we actually only need less than two yellow belts of Co so we use this balancer to shrink it almost comically I then realized I need a belt to fuel all the furnaces so I delete that balancer and use this 8 to3 one instead anyway I just used all my miners on that one patch so I'm moving on to basic resource processing we are going to have six furnace stacks for iron and four for copper and then a further three for steel coming right off the iron Stacks I didn't actually bring enough furnaces or power poles to finish this off so we had to make a quick trip back to the base in the middle but after 20 minutes they're all done because six belts is probably a bit too much to get from a single patch I put down this eight to six balancer and we will take four belts of iron R from two separate patches and combine them into the six we need around this point I realize that I'm actually dumb as bricks for 480 blue SS per minute you need 6.4 belts of iron 6.4 belts my brain must have just automatically chopped off the point4 but it makes a difference so I have to stick another stack on the end here technically I could get away with just a half stuck but that would look dirty so I'll go over the full one the efficiency module research finished whilst we were working so I go set the recipes and those assemblers to start production talking about efficiency I bring all these resources into a little bus here and one of those factorio players if my base doesn't look like a CPU layout it makes me sad our first intermediate product we're going to get out the way is green circuits we need only 24 assemblers for these which I'll break into two sets of 12 I've put this first because it's going to use up over half our copper and a qu of our iron so we can shrink the bus down straight away after this I use these weird belt minations to draw resources off the bus for reasons I can't entirely remember I used to do it like this a long time ago and I guess it makes sense because it draws evenly from the entire bus if i' done it right there should have been a splitter right here I believe so that's the green circuits done but I of course can't show you in action yet because of the lack of power now there's an oil field right in front of where I want to put my bus so we have to turn the bus to the right here as well as shrinking it down the first blue science ingredient we're going to produce is red circuits of which we need 144 assemblers now that's more like it a lot of people will ask why I'm using yellow belts Stone furnaces tier one assemblers and such and my answer is quite simply just that it makes the builds bigger but progressing into the next stage of the game after blue science I will be using higher tiered buildings rest assured here's a red circuit module containing 24 assemblers so all we need now is five more of these and thanks to ghost place of Express that's as simple as just copying it five times ghost Placer makes the game bearable but I'm positively ecstatic at the idea of getting Bots soon soon of course having a very different meaning in this challenge compared to a default settings run anyway with that setup done we're a third of the way to Blue science next up is of course engines which I want to try to fit into a similar footprint as the red circuit setup so we can copy paste Sy them right next to each other in total we need 160 engines so I'll break it into eight blocks of 20 I really like how these turn out in the end this is probably one of the cleanest factories I've ever built a factory does not a blue science make we also need to get resources to put into it I start with this conveniently placed iron patch before heading up to restock my miners as well as pick up some efficiency modules to put into the mining Fields efficiency modules are kind of of ridiculously overpowered when it comes to biters as a massive amount of your pollution comes from Mining and it lets you just cut that down to a fifth we also go to connect up this copper patch I'm not 100% sure that it will be enough to handle the demand of the setup but worst case scenario we get a bit less than 480 signs per minute for now and I can claim a nearby patch with a tank I'm hoping to get in the near future I'd like to bring your attention to this graph which says that spitter spawners are consum pollution yet we don't seem to be getting attacked well something I didn't point out last video is this island in the middle of the lake over here which is graciously acting as a massive pollution vacuum for absolutely nothing in return since I doubt we will ever be running critically low on uranium I'll happily leave it there forever anyway we've got no more convenient iron patches nearby so I'm going to have to go far field for the next one there are some iron patches nearer than this one but they're even closer to biters so close even the efficiency modules can't help so I begin the massive Trek to this other iron patch I have to restock belts three times on the way there and once there we quickly slap it down and fill it up with efficiency modules I parked my car on the belts so it's slowly delivered back to the base whilst I plac down the hundreds of small power poles required to connect this to the rest of the cell I intercept the car about a third of the way back and go to prepare to collect and process the final material we need thousands of pipes quite a lot of Steel and tons of green circuits I'm of course talking about oil processing because of how abjectly bcks basic oil processing is we need 34 oil refineries to provide enough petroleum for our needs and probably most of the output of the two oil patches to feed that have I ever mentioned how much I hate setting up oil patches I hate setting up oil patches I get to work building the I processing area which due to the fact we aren't intending on upgrading to Advanced I processing is almost disturbingly easy to build look at this for more than 3 seconds and tell me it doesn't make you feel deeply deeply sick I connect up the other patch and now we just need to set up the actual oio products we need for all of this setup we've done the actual number of chemical plants we need are surprisingly small 12 for plastic and only two for sulfur the sulfur part is most shocking to me so I build four instead just to settle my mind so all what left now is to bring our three ingredients together slap them in a bottle Sharpie it blue and ship them off to the labs we need a whopping 192 assemblers so I with not one but two mafs air levels copy down two sets of 80 and call it a day looks pretty cool though even if if it is wrong I rou in all the resources we need and then start the arduous process of bringing the packs over to the lab S I think we're about ready to turn it on try to enjoy between the absolute pain caused by my [Music] incompetence [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] thank you all for watching a mega base deserves a mega mall and so do I because I'll probably be here for a year if I wanted to handcraft it all up until this point I've been using crappy buildings Stone furnaces yellow belts yellow inserters T1 assemblers the works but I think it's about time to upgrade to less crappy but still not entirely Mega base worthy buildings between episodes I did some work clearing out this massive area for the mall killing a ton of biters and setting up new resource patches including connecting a closer iron patch to the blue science setup which frees this one right next to the mall for us to use I've left the Big Iron belt still cuz I'm going to use half of it to transport two belts of coal I need for the mar here a Quicken not on biters with the increasing size of nests as I expand outwards and the ever growing presence of blue biters defending them clearing nests is becoming a painful job I could just build a perimeter like a normal person but I had a more devilish idea what if we made a stealth Mega base this would consist of putting efficiency modules in absolutely everything and switching our power over to either solar or nuclear which if we do it right could result in the final meab base actually producing less pollution than our base as it is now of course without speed modules the base would be absolutely massive but that's what we all here far right in an effort to actually get [ __ ] done today I had myself this little checklist of stuff I needed to automate to make my mega base into a reality I should note now that although I'm saying the word Mega base because it sounds good it's actually only going to be a 480 signs per minute base so I suppose it should be called a 480 kilo base Mega base is a bad name anyway Mega meaning million suggests that it's a million science per minute when the mega actually refers to the temperature of your CPU trying to run it anyway whilst I've been rambling here is all of our solid resour is ready to be processed my first part of call is green circuits and then a mini mall to expedite the construction of the mega mall it does actually however contain the assemblers for Miners and blue assemblers so there's two items off the list I said we had all of our solid resources but we were of course missing out on everyone's favorite dinosaur juice here you can see my partaking in my favorite favorite favorite activity ever setting up a patches I then process the O and most importantly get lubricant set up it's always the best part of a game because as soon as you see the green liquid flowing you know Bots will not be far behind it's time for red circuits followed closely behind by engines before we get around to another item off the checklist efficiency modules at this point I was thinking that I would be using productivity modules as well as efficiency but later on down the line I will end up turning these productivity module assemblers into efficiency module assemblers as well I'll quickly run through the next couple as to not B you we build rails a load of train related stuff all types of yellow and red belts robot frames ready for both types of robots once we finish researching them electric furnaces and I set up a assemblers for robo parts and stack inserters ready for their respective research is finishing I set up power poles and finally solar panels and accumulators which we will be using to power the Base According to Kirk McDonald's fantastic factoral calculator my base will need 450 megaw of power assuming I put efficiency modules in everything that will take them which is equivalent to over 10,000 solar panels so we want them producing as soon as whilst I wait for construction Bots to finish researching I head out to set up some mining to make my life easier for now I'm only building the miners themselves I'll leave the rails and collection until I've decided on my train system for this run once construction Bots are available I instantly set up this system to top up the network to 400 Bots but once we start building properly I will quickly increase this value I spend some time setting up chunk aligned rails whilst personal robo Parts Research initially I intended to have four personal Robo Parts but of course a mere five solar panels can't keep up with that so I end up using two and filling the remaining space with more solar panels with my new robot army I set off to make a start on the rail system I begin with this massive railroad serving as the spine of my central base all of my smelting is going to be around this area as well as probably some high volume material wheel you can see the extent of it as I run down it here whilst I'm waiting for substations to research I start designing solar arrays ready for when they finish the ideal ratio of solar panels to accumulators is 25 to 21 so I'm trying to get it close but I'm not too stressed about getting it bang on despite that I end up with this almost perfectly raed build having only .82 many accumulators and a waste no time copying it down to give the Bots some work to do I decide that for fun I'm going to try to fit smelting Stacks in there a tiny gap between these two Railways fun in the same way of course trapping your fingers in a car door is it's only really entertaining for other people I with no thought at all make the decision to have one to three trains in the space if there is a good reason for it that isn't why I decided for it to be this way I discovered that three red belts of melting can fit into this space which is in all honesty surprisingly good I quickly build the furnaces all out and then fill them up with efficiency modules before turning to the loading and unloading we can just about with some generous use of underground belts extricate the resources from the unloading station into the inputs of the smelters getting the resources out on the other side is much simpler the stone supply for the mall runs right through where I want to build my my smelters so I decided to run it through the gap between this set of smelting stacks and the next once I get the stone line out of the way I can copy the smelters up here so here is the finished module providing six red belts of smelting now for our 480 kilo base we need uh well let's see oh ah right yeah 14 of these f [ __ ] te it's a good job it's so tiny and there's all this space so I copy another one down but quickly realize that there's not enough hours in a lifetime to build something this big out of my inventory and personal Robo parts so I connect up the robot Network to it and let the swarm of construction Bots chip away after about an hour of land filling belt routing and traveling through thick forest I get all 14 modules blueprinted down it's so big some of it hasn't even been revealed by radar yet though I promise there is blueprints there here's some footage of me driving through it to truly Express the scale of this setup even with hundreds of construction Bots and the entire mall at my disposal this is likely to take hours but in return it will be enough smelting to get us through to the rocket launch I recorded setting up this iron Outpost but whilst the smelting setup gets built I'm going to do some work off camera to build outposts and clear biters so we will return once that is finished if it was a while before I turned back on the recording I didn't actually spend 10 hours some of it was AFK time Waring to get some key researches but the furnaces are done our base now runs exclusively on solar power the bers are pushed back although it will be difficult to push them back any further and most importantly I am ready and raring to get some actual trains going I'm using project cyberin for trains so the first thing we need to set up is is a Depot for the mile I think 64 trains is a good starting point so I build the depot to hold that many as well as setting up Rocket Fuel to keep them fueled I start to let some loose onto the system which is as simple as setting them to automatic and sending them to a Depo from which cyberin will handle the rest so far these are the only mines connected up which is nowhere near enough for the final base but we'll be good enough for now to get some resources into the system we can see here the first of many train deliveries to furnace Stacks although it isn't as satisfying as it could have been due to the stack inserts not quite yet being able to keep up with a red belt so we have iron copper and steel now I suppose all that's left is to find something to do with it an obvious First Step would be red science once we get the first two Sciences set up we'll be able to get rid of the big setup in the middle of the base saving us space and pollution the actual resource requirements for red science and minuscule less than a red belt of each so I didn't need to put much consideration into the actual building of the thing here's what it looks like in the end and it is incredibly broken as Ros of you with a Keen Eye will be able to see I won't notice for a while however as our trains are too busy shoveling iron into the steel smelters to bother bringing any over here there was some bists to the NF a bit too close to an iron and a patch I wanted so I head up to dispatch them this also serves as an opportunity to show my new method of destroying nests as the turret creep was sucking away my soul if you have like me never used poison captures you will be surprised to find out that they don't actually kill nests so I Ed them to kill the worms and soften up biters before using a combination of rockets and Defender captures to kill the nests the day that I graced these bers Village was the worst of their lives but for me it was Tuesday with my blood lust mostly satiated and a newfound gravity of mind I returned to my red science setup and found that I absolutely wanked it up now I could and perhaps should just rip this bottom bit down and redo it but I instead go with this slightly junk but entirely functional solution and just resolve to never look at the thing again in Le of any proper o Outpost I set up this simple little station that draws extra oil from the mall if we want to use any V I have a few easy to access oil patches I can hook up given I can be bothered to do it I then decided to set up green science which again due to its low resource requirements doesn't need a particularly well-designed train station so I shove it into this little space here you've seen this all before except this time it's blue so I won't dwell in it too much now it's time to set up train stations to drop all this science off to the labs the lab setup itself cannot handle six different science packs but we're going to build six stations anyway because when we build out the final lab setup we can just build it where this one was I get the first two stations connected up to their respective inputs and with that a third of the final science production is finished and that's where we are now I've put a lot of hours in and brought us to this Lial point in the Run barely crossing the threshold into the final stages of the game next time we're going to finish what we started here and completely replace our old base with this new one as well as likely getting started on some new stuff until then thank you for watching and I hope you enjoyed I just moved house recently and recording in my new office I've found that it echoes like nothing else so say hello to Cave Ryan CEO of echol Laboratories if you are getting destroyed by biters you should use poison captur explo explosive rockets and a laser turret creep sunzo said that and I suspect he knows a lot more about war than you do considering he invented it sunu however is dead and has been for about 2 and 1/2 thousand years and he did not live to save a horrors of modern Weaponry most important of which being the console command you see when given the choice between the shortterm gratification of me getting this video out sooner which didn't happen anyway and the long-term gratification of watching me truly suffer my viewers gave me the easy way out and I am forever grateful I of course would never cheat in such a way so I cleared out all the nests by hand here is an impartial Source backing me up on that claim in all seriousness in the background is proof that I was not in somewhere deadlocked against the biters I was certainly making some progress against them but the time alone to clear out necessary bers to get the resources I needed is probably greater than and the time I had spent previously in the Run combined I hope that this Choice doesn't ruin the run for any of you but the general consensus in the comments on the poll was that most people didn't care for the biters and were more interested in the base so after a quick check of that they are truly gone I head back and get down to business winning the game to Aid in our Great Escape we're going to need oil lots of oil so much in fact that we need 86 refineries and over kilometer of pipes to provide it all before we even Get to cracking and the oil products themselves due to this and me foolishly failing to automate oil refineries or set up sufficient buffers for pipe production I set up these two machines to help me handcraft hand crafting at 63 hours in of a run the area I decide on for this setup is in the massive empty area right above the labs as I truly have no idea how much space it's going to take up since I don't know how many train stations I'm going to need and I generally want each train station to have at least one waiting spot which theoretically should improve through put and hopefully help keep the belts and pipes saturated I just build 10 waiting spots because sounds like enough to me this is the sort of design I end up with for the refineries three rows of 29 in hindsight it probably would have been better to do something like five rows of 18 or six rows of 15 asz once the rails are put in there is a massive amount of space above and below which I struggle to fill with anything you will see in this build and the green circuit build after it but I was slightly inspired by Doh darington's insane sea Block Base but I quickly realized I had neither The Experience NAA finesse to truly replicate the feel so I give up for the rest of the base afterwards I cram an aisle cracking setup into the space below the refineries the astute among you will notice I failed to actually connect it up and will not notice for some time but if anything it just makes that empty space feel so much bigger I also get this Loop set up similarly not connected but this one I don't notice until I'm making yellow science which as you can guess and you will soon see is not any time in the near future still thinking I'm the bee's knees in design I try to fit the sulfur setup into this tiny Gap and it almost works if not for this ugly ass belt drooping over to the other side I definitely need to improve my belt fill at some point in the future what is he doing he's beginning to believe next up is the redeeming feature of this entire God afle oil build the plastic setup in contrast to the rest of the thing it is Sleek Compact and manageable to look at good build the next thing we need is everyone's favorite rear sink green circuits the construction of this build was filled with plate as I initially designed it thinking that I needed 20 assemblers per side to fill a red belt when it was in fact 20 assemblers in total you can see that only the first half of the build is actually doing anything in probably my only nonbitter related save scum ever I go back to a point before the iron arrived and therefore the setup activated and chop the second half off I can then add the green circuit pickup station back on and that's a quarter of our total green circuits don't do this splitting design at home it seems to work fine whilst the station is saturated but after enough time will cause trains to have to wait in the station for a stupid long time I can just copy this over to the right here getting us up to half of our required green circuit production and now I'm going to build another half above to finish this off the whole setup ended up looking like this which is unfortunate Purge your dirty minds you degenerates it isn't fully saturated due to Chronic train throughput issues pling in the base but it is doing something at least the astute among you will have realized that I forgot sulfuric acid and batteries so I attached this tumorous growth on the side of the rail network to produce them thankfully we don't need too many the next and final big intermediate which is getting its own production area is of course everyone's favorite red circuits I built this big train station to bring in the resources but what little old past me this little guy living in blissful ignorance didn't know was that I seem to be incapable of reading the factorio calculator you see I opened up the Kirk McDonald factorio calculator and simply read this little value which tells me oh I need 8.3 red belts of copper plates to make the amount of red circuits I need however there is just one big glaring issue with this being that red circuits aren't the only thing on here which require copper green circuits do too and we're already making those elsewhere if we look at the Copper requirements for this this many green circuits we see that it needs five red belts of copper plates so this red chip setup actually only needs 3.3 red belts of copper God damn it once I finally came to this realization I had already built the whole thing out like this so I ultimately just decided to pretend that one of the train stations didn't exist and turn the remaining six belts of copper into four using this balancer the actual design for the red circuits you've probably seen a crillion times just this time it's big now that the big intermediates are out of the way I can get around to making the Sciences themselves since biters are off the table the next science is blue which needs these four resources as input although none of them in such high quantity to require two train stations the best thing you can do for yourself in a run like this is easily repeatable designs for basically everything I build I try to find a good fraction of the total required materials build that fraction and then just copy it however many times it's required the engine setup and my red circuits were probably my peak in this regard the rest of the ingredients we were already producing elsewhere so I quickly move on to creating the science itself another repeatable simple design I'm sure you can see why I'm glossing through most of this if you look to the bottom left you will notice that some copper has infected my sulfur Supply so I had to build a system to get it back out naturally the next step is to build purple science which needs a few more ingredient inputs there is some method to how it laid out with stone Iron and Steel grouped up for rails then the steel bricks and red circuits grouped up for electric furnaces before finally the red and green circuits together for the productivity modules rails I think had a pretty nice design as it isn't obvious how one is to get fre belts of output from a setup like this basically the first 2/3 of the assemblers output into the middle and the rails are taken out the top and then the last thirds middle belts run out the bottom and the two are combined into a single belt which is brought around to the top getting was I required three red belts of rails electric furnaces are barely worth speaking about requiring little materials or assembly machines for productivity modules I made the same mistake as I did with the red circuits earlier as I counted the green circuits required to make the red circuits as well as the green circuits for the productivity modules meaning I had two belts of green circuits here instead of the actually required one now it's as simple as bringing these three ingredients together and turning them into the mysterious purple fluid which fulfills all of our production technology needs before we can move on to our next and final science we need to upgrade our lab setup to be able to accommodate all of them a sever all of the incoming belts and wiser than to think my personal Robo Parts could do this in a reasonable time frame set up a temporary local robot Network to deconstruct the old setup for me the new design is nothing particularly special it doesn't have to be with only six Sciences to feed into it speaking of six Sciences all we have left now is the little piss bottles that are utility science utility science is the biggest of the bunch requiring 10 train stations and a massive amount of production for each and every ingredient we begin with a low density structure which needs three of these very massive but very baring setups one of my main grapes with vanilla is that for the most part at this stage in the game every solid to solid crafting recipe looks very similar whilst in the process of building LDS however I discover a massive deadlock gooing up the arterial rails at the heart of my base the smelting stack over which the entire train system crosses if I could do one thing over with this playr it would be a better design of the Rails as the terrible mess I created caused me more problems in this run than anything else all of this caused by me neglecting to separate my sides of the tracks when they crossed do not repeat my mistake anyway back to the yellow science I have never laid belts and felt such satisfaction as I did creating this I felt like a robot printing a circuit except watching back over if I were I would likely be sacked and find myself pile driven into a dumpster due to the number of mistakes I constantly made it is rare I stand still long enough when recording to get footage like this of a setup filling up robot frames exist but are not particularly pleasing to look at so I will happily gloss over them for blue circuits I build this pretty little thing before copying it eight times leading to this pretty big thing and it's quite cool pattern with the green circuits on the Belt pulsing I kind of lost inspiration for the piss botle production it's just 38 assemblers in a row on either side taking off a central belt you have to understand that this was essentially the final build of this Odyssey of suffering and I was ready to have it over and done with but once the first delivery finally reaches the labs all that stands between me and victory is time and outposts lots of outposts The Outpost building itself is nothing special so I've skipped out on it but I also did some more stuff in the background to tune this well oiled machine we have going the most important of which was to do with trains as it turns out I had more than enough trains but most of them were wasting their time with only half full loads due to cyberin I will probably do a full tutorial for cyber in the future cuz it is such a powerful and useful mod but if I were to give you one tip now it would be to use the quest thresholds on everything so the only fully loaded trains are requested because every partially filled train out on the rails is wasted through put anyway enough of me ning whilst the rocket research finishes enjoy an overview of the base [Music] as the rocket research closes in uncom comption I gather all of the necessary resources for The Silo and Rocket itself together in this Central area as well as setting up a dirty bit of hand fed rocket control units because it's easier than setting up proper production once the research does finish I get the silo quickly crafted up and placed putting us in the home stretch it isn't long before it finishes crafting before I can quite launch it though I first of C go and run the Victory lap on the members of my Discord server I go and grab a car place it in the cargo hold hop in and escape from this Dreadful place special thanks to my co-i supporters zakaa quack acred arsonist dronium arome Watcher mcka Fett scy Dick Dastardly Enthusiast Das Tom Dr duck lumps shrunk hoovie Leo Preston call Thomas Moon runes Michael shaing Suarez pubic tuft the fish Nathan 14321 stocky superintendent hay 11121 nich Dev and justice
Channel: Ryan Brown
Views: 111,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tY9eYLWjb9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 39sec (3999 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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