Can you beat Factorio with a Sushi Megabase?

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hey guys my name is Doc Jade do you love factorio but wish it was slightly worse in every way well this is the run for you as is tradition I'll remove some rocket debris skip the joke about trees and start making iron plates I'll also go fishing just in case the biters catch me off guard but early game is probably going to last a while so I think we'll be fine now for some copper then we can set up power production mostly standard stuff so far it's pretty easy to avoid using belts in the early game and I'm avoiding them because I don't want to set up Sushi without circuit conditions I'll handcraft the science we need to unlock automation then we can start working our way over to Green science then combinators and wire there now I don't have to handcraft everything except gears oops researching with one lab is is pretty slow but through the magic of making two of them there's green science oops and electronics now for the circuit Network making 100 green signs like this takes a while but it's not too bad oops well the biters are here a bit earlier than I was expecting no idea where they came from though oh well let's research the submachine gun and go take out that Southwest base oops [Music] there we go now I'll walk around and take out any more nests I see oops okay back on track oops let's expand power production slightly so I don't have to run over here as often more science and and there's circuit networks now I'll research Logistics there we go and now steel next is medium power pulse oops we'll start setting up the sushi circuit in a second but let's finish those power pulse first okay let's tear all this down and start working on this Sushi now I'm not going to be using the traditional looped belt design because I have an even worse idea in mind instead I'm going to be using a design more akin to a grid cell rail base 4x4 balancers make up the core of the design but the real trick is in the corners the inner two belts of items form a loop around the grid cell but the outer two belts are split out off into the neighboring cell and since the lanes are evenly balanced each time they go around a loop it ensures an even distribution while also accurately simulating Los Angeles traffic oh and four assemblers fit in the center of every cell oops now it's time to set up the sushi logic all of the power pulse will be connected with red and green wire wire the green wire will be connected to all the inserters that add items to the Belt while the red wire will be connected to all the inserters that take items off of the belt each inserter will be set to read hand contents in pulse mode so each time an inserter picks up an item a pulse will be sent down its respective wire next we'll make all the items on the red wire negative with this top combinator and then connect it to the bottom combinator the bottom combinator will act as our memory cell it will store everything we put into it until we remove it to achieve this we take each signal do nothing to it and output each of them again then we'll take the green wire and connect the output of the combinator back into its own input creating a loop then we'll connect the green wire from the inserts to the memory cell since we also connected the inverted red wire to the memory cell those negative numbers will subtract from the memory cell each time an item is taken off of the belt in summary the green wire will add to the item count and the red wire will subtract from it now let's make a blueprint of the grid cell then swap in some furnaces oops now let's get all the raw resources belt it over to the sushi oh and let's not forget about the filter inserters for the furnaces there we go now we can plug in the resources and start smelting since the belts add to the system we'll hook them up to the green wire and since the green wire also contains the current item count we can set the circuit condition on the Belt to only allow a certain amount of each item into the system there's a slight design flaw with this system though items get stuck in the corners if there isn't another cell for them to flow into but we can just ignore it by filling up the corners with items and there we go we're starting to smelt now we can add another grid cell right after I get enough resources to build it and here's the first of many times that I'll mess up the item count I accidentally used the green wire instead of the red one I'll pick up all the items off the belt and reset the memory cell back to work on this assembler cell I'll place the assemblers and start making more belts this cell is going to make green circuits and gears only problem is I have to increase the limit for ores again since there's now more dead ends in the sushi there we go oops by the way the inserter hooked up to the outputs of the assemblers have conditions on them that limit how many items they can put on the Belt this will make sure we don't end up with a million greens circuits in our system let's keep expanding I'll use this filter inserter to pull items that I want off of the belt oops since our Sushi belts have coal on them we can run up a belt to fuel the steam engines hopefully I won't have to say oops anymore time for some more smelting the pollution cloud has gotten pretty pretty big but we've still got time time to set up science nothing special for red science but we do need to set up belts and inserters for green science after a bit of waiting we've got science first up is turrets speaking of which let's set up ammo as well and there's turrets next up is walls we'll need stone for that and next is projectile damage now that Stone's hooked up I'll expand again to add brick and steel smelting then we can set up turret and wall production so far this isn't as bad as I thought it would be instead of working on projectile damage let's change gears to Steel furnaces speaking of changing gears we're out of them we need more iron plates hence the steel furnaces in the meantime I'll just add some more Stone furnaces there's steel furnaces we should probably start working on a wall around the base but I don't have enough walls right now let's go find some oil instead thankfully it's not too far away just a tad South I'll take out the base next to it looks like I forgot to connect the wires to the new smelters I'll readjust the iron ore count hear that that's the end of day sound effect you'll hear it a lot later anyways let's finish that wall I'll also start working on the south one oops there we go south wall is done now now let's keep expanding this time the expansion is just to help with congestion let's start working towards plastic looks like we need more green circuits I'll expand again there's engines next up is automation 2 and another expansion because why not next is fluid handling then I'll build the East wall and oil processing to be prepared for blue science I'll set up engine production also I need to expand again the belts are getting too full actually before we finish oil processing let's take a quick detour to set up military science I have a feeling we might need to abuse flamethrowers there we go military science I'll upgrade some of the more important assemblers to level two and there's oil processing I'll start researching flammables and start hooking up the pump jacks now we're making oil although these biters are a bit too close for comfort oh well we can worry about that later let's set up oil refining instead of making it from scratch again I'll just steal it from my factoris CMO run there we go I don't have advanced oil processing yet but the setup will still work with the basic recipe and there's flamethrowers I'll start researching tool belt then finish the oil refinery there we go now we can start working on plastic production oh wait we still need to research plastic green science is currently limited by a lack of inserters due to a lack of Gears due to a lack of iron plates due to a lack of iron ore I'll modify the iron input to keep adding iron ore until we hit 1,000 iron plates and I'll also make sure we don't end up with over a th000 ore in the system there's plastic next up is red circuits now I can turn on the chemical plants still need more iron plates but at least it's improving now why does this belt Stu stutter woob please fix still need more iron time for more smelters and after we finish those red circuits are done next up is sulfur I'll build a spot for the blue science and then we can research it sulfur is easy just add water with that done and blue science being researched we can set up the red circuits and start making the science if we add together all the signals on the green wire we can see that we have a nice 6.9 th000 items on the Belt pretty cool although that probably isn't counting Stone because at some point I accidentally unhooked it now I have no idea how much is on here oh well next up is Advanced oil processing since we'll have light oil soon now is probably a good time to make some flamethrowers and start designing a wall one flamethrower would probably work fine but two is is more fun building all the flamethrowers would be a really slow process so hopefully we can get working on construction robots soon for now let's just protect the oil field while we wait for research I'll expand steel a bit more up production of a few things and upgrade some assemblers actually quick detour I'll research the Nixie tubes from the uh Nixie tube mod the Nixie tubes are pretty great just plug them in set the item and Bam you can see how many of that item is on the wire Advanced oil processing now we can finish the oil refinery and once we finish researching Lube the refinery will be completely done I'm going to use the Nixie tubes to make a little item display for some of the more common items oh and the science too looks like we're low on Blue science which needs more red circuits which you can see here I also added displays for copper and iron ore for fun then accidentally enabled disco mode oops and there's lubricant next up is electric engines my intuition says we need more copper so let's expand again and one more time to ease congestion okay now it's time for uh batteries batteries are pretty easy just need sulfuric acid iron and copper now we can research robotics I remembered a cool mod I saw that lets you follow items around on belts so I gave it a try and you know what actually works super well it's a bit jumpy on Splitters but overall it worked great until it crashed oh well robotics is done now we just need to set up the robot frames and Electric engines slowly but surely we're making the frames and after another quick expansion we can research construction robots 7 hours in and we can finally make robots I'm a little excited let's make some shall we and I'll finally get tool belt and steel axe out of the way Robo ports are expensive they might take a while but they'll take even longer without power oops let's finally expand power production some more speaking of power we'll need substations later now that we're starting to make Bots it's time for the cool part chopping down a single tree and importing the grid design I made in advance eight Lanes of red belts being mixed by some beautiful 8 to8 balancers it might be super expensive but we're going to need it but why do we need it well lucky for you I haven't told you the best part yet but we have to build it first so I'll tell you later issue is we don't have enough red circuits for robo ports now I'm doing a sushi run because it's painful not because I hate myself so just to keep a tiny bit of my sanity I will unfortunately be removing all the biters from the map I have a feeling we'll be running into performance issues later anyways so might as well remove them sooner rather than later feel free to call me a chicken in the comments no biters means no walls so I'll tear them back down after building a port and setting up some passive provider chests the Bots happily get to work creating useless dead ends oh well speeding up a bit here I'll place the first Robo port for the red belts expand power again and then add lights to the blueprint because I totally didn't forget them there's substations I'll get started on Logistics 2 then we can set them up there we go I'll start on stack inserters next after setting up red belt now we just need to wait stack inserters next up is landfill okay now we just need to wait those red belts are going to take their sweet time since we don't need to research anything else in the starter base I'll tear down all of the SS I've also added a storage chest that dumps the items back onto the belt and since making red belts is super slow I'll start making them by hand as well although we are starting to chew through this iron patch pretty quick shoot I forgot to research electric furnaces before tearing down science we have enough red and green science packs so we just need to set blue back up instead of sitting around and doing nothing for quite a while let's sit around and do something here's the best part I was saving for later I'm going to create a giant display to show the status of every item on the belt and the target amount that we are trying to reach 200 science per minute not a super impressive number by any means but come on it's a sushi base now for the fun part I've got to manually set the Golem out for each item by hand in all of these combinators and I'm also in a handcraft on the Nixie tubes because I've got plenty of time okay after placing all the tubes and plugging them in now I've just got to start punching in the numbers in descending order first up is copper wire with a goal of 54449 this actually didn't take as long as I thought it would only about 20 minutes now I can tear down the old display and hook up the new one and after all of that we still aren't even nearly done with the first set of red belt cells and we're still researching electric furnaces here's two more fun numbers our current item count versus the goal item count we're currently about 4% of the way there back to making red belts but dwindling iron Supply forces me to rebuild the [Applause] mine red belts the reddest of belts electric furnaces are done let's keep making belts then I'll expand again to ease congestion still need more so how about some gears now we just need a few more underground belts eventually we're going to deconstruct the old base so let's make sure we have enough storage to do that and since we don't have stack inserters yet let's just use regular ones let's set up smelting in the new base for iron plates our Target is 33,900 174 which if you think about it for more than 10 seconds is probably a bit too high for now so let's tone it down a bit don't forget to use filter [Music] inserters I threw some plastic on the Belt to make sure the Splitters were set up correctly then we can set up the side balancers next is copper then steel after fixing the inserters that I placed backwards I now get to make the worst decision I have probably ever made in this game we are going to barrel all of the fluids in the base so we can put them on the sushi belt this is a terrible idea no no no anyways we'll start researching solar so we can move away from steam power then we can build our new mall man Sushi makes malls easy the new base is just going to make red belts for now once that's set up we can move the sushi circuit get over here then start tearing down the old base since I don't want to clog the new base with the old items I'll just leave them in storage for a bit there we go no more starter base now I'll bu the ores over to the new input and fire it up balancers can do weird things to full belts sometimes I'll start resetting up stuff from the old base but no science yet oh and fast inserters once again the iron mine is too slow so I'll rebuild all the mines to optimize for throughput almost forgot to finish solar accumulators are next except I don't have enough science so we'll do it later once again items are getting trapped in the corners let's fix that here I expand for the first time and accidentally reset all of the recipes on these assemblers since we're going to Sushi all of the fluids this oil refinery also gets to go bye-bye more gears and weirdly enough we apparently only need 772 in the system for 200 signs per minute that seems very low the belts are full already we need to finish this expansion using this chest I'll feed the extra yellow belts into the system to hopefully give red belt production a little boost here I finally realized that I accidentally overr all the recipes slightly annoying but easy to fix stuck with the extra room green circuits gets its own cell now but man the belts are still congested we need to expand again oops let's start making some solar panels shall we luckily they're not too expensive on the belt side of things we need more gears and iron plates and with our Iron Mine being basically dry at this point let's get started on on this other patch we're out of regular red belts so I'll run a line of undergrounds instead but that's still not enough iron and we somehow have a negative brick okay fine let's make a dedicated Sushi setup just for making red belts it's pretty easy since everything in the belt is just made from Iron but I forgot to count the iron ore so I have to rebuild it let's keep expanding I'll build some more iron smelting and make some Bricks now we need to get started on oil refining and according to the hitch Checker's guide over here we need about 2,000 barrels of oil shouldn't be too hard only problem is there aren't enough empty barrels and we can't make more due to a lack of Steel and steel is stopped because all the belts are full I'll Place some landfill over here and then we can expand again back to oil refining our current setup doesn't fit into a cell so let's design a new setup we don't have enough Splitters to finish expanding right now so I'll just do as much as I can oops the refineries are starting to run but the belts are still way too full as I start finishing the expansions it slowly gets better still need more Splitters though now that we've got more room I'll increase iron production oops looks like our coal miners ran out of coal let's move them there we go oil refining is running we'll crack it later for now let's keep the ball rolling with another expansion and some more oil refineries oops now we can crack the oils down to petroleum then watch a fish get sucked into a pipe power ain't looking so hot time to build some solar since we don't have batteries yet we can't make accumulators but at least the panels will help during the day I expanded iron again and now we've got about 10,000 plates in the system woob please fix it looks like my wiring is wrong somewhere we've got negative amounts of light and heavy oil and the system hasn't even seen petroleum yet oh I forgot to enable readand contents whoops I'll try to fix the values in the system by hand but there's no way for me to know if I'm even close oh I can use the production menu and some math time for plastic super easy to set up and I'll dump all of the plastic in storage onto the belt for no reason next up is red circuits somehow we still don't have enough gears for Splitters even with 10,000 iron plates in the system system and why is light oil negative again there must be a leak somewhere pun intended I did some experimentation with the sushi circuit and it turns out that the combinators slow down as they run out of power this means that since the power has gone out so many times the item count probably isn't very accurate anymore I tried to find a way to easily recount the items on the Belt but I don't think it's possible the item count is probably close enough so let's just ignore it for now okay let's start working towards making more robots electric engines need Lube we'll set that up right after we make some regular engines I'll sneak Lube production into the heavy oil cracking cells looks like it's working I'll set the limit to 200 for now the refineries have stopped due to a lack of oil it looks like we aren't barreling it fast enough so I'll dump more barrels onto the belt light oil is still drifting negative pretty quickly so I'll cave and build some more steam engines construction robots are almost done just need to set up the robot frames but for that we'll need batteries so rapid fire here's sulfur then sulfuric acid then we'll need to make some more room for the batteries slowly but surely we'll start making robot frames I'm starting to think there's another leak in the oil system and sure enough I find more misconfigured inserters I'll fix those then reset the oil counters again somehow we don't have enough copper or iron plat for Batteries even though it says we have 10,000 iron well I guess the count is wrong I'll reset the iron plate value and slightly bump up copper ore input the game is really starting to slow down at this point so I'll build myself a nice little AFK spot a couple hours later petroleum has also gone negative there's definitely still something wrong with the oil setup since I still haven't set up science I'll just handcraft enough of it to finish researching accumulators more circuit testing shows that the barreling process is thankfully aired tight but low power does make the count Trend downwards so maybe we still don't have enough power no that's not it looking at the power graphs we haven't had a dip in over 5 hours and after double and triple checking the blueprints again they look fine to me so I sent a copy of the save over to my buddy Dr cats and they found a couple issues accumulators are done let's make [Music] some we've hit the goal of 2,000 oil barrels but we're still having throughput issues so I'll raise the limit okay let's finally build some science and set up the labs next up on the research list is explosives then Cliff explosives after some experimenting blueprint snapping is now working this will make expanding so much easier [Music] here expanding this fast killed power at this point the item count on the belt is ridiculously far off I guess we'll have to drain the belts this might take a while oops coal patch ran out again I'll rebuild it yet again man Robo ports are power heavy we should probably set up some accumulators power is so low during the night that the inserts are having trouble grabbing coal after several hours the belts are basically empty so let's turn the system back on crap forgot to remove the drain after waiting another hour we can try that again since I don't want to make too many barrels I'll sift through storage and pull all of the old barrels and fluids out actually I'll just WIP fire it up and dump everything back in I'm going to start focusing on proper ratios now so I'll tear down all the old science and start rebuilding it at full scale using all of the new room also we should probably start researching purple science next up is trains 200 science per minute isn't too crazy we only need two cells for red science trains next is modules green science needs three cells but now we need to expand again to build blue science modules next e productivity modules then purple science looks like we're out of copper time for a new [Music] mine sulfur production isn't getting enough water it looks like we don't have enough empty barrels so let's make a bunch more purple science is done now for low density structure whoops forgot to plug copper in okay let's expand again and again coal is starting to run out again let's go for this patch to the Northeast easy peasy let's keep the expansion ball rolling then we can set up military and blue science military needs two cells and blue needs five now for the green science intermediates belts and inserters more Labs then we'll start on purple science three cells rails for purple science then yellow ammo red ammo grenades and walls for military green circuits are going to be a pain for sure there's low density structure next up is blue circuits actually I'll take a quick DeTour for some power armor this base is getting pretty big so I'll need some EXO skeletons soon the separate sushi belt belt production isn't quite optimal so let's redesign it with proper ratios in mind there we go should be a bit faster now personal solar panels now I can research belt immunity going to be honest with you here this is probably the first time I have ever used these oh I forgot to plug in Coal belt immunity is done I'll do personal batteries next there we go I'll make a couple of them back to work another expansion finish rail production then expand again since the base is getting pretty big let's research some robot worker speed I want to build more solar but I don't feel like redesigning the solar panels again so I'll just yoink the blueprint from my crft Oro world I'm going to stop telling you when I expand now I think you get the point turns out the solar panel ratio was wrong in the croro blueprint guess I'll have to design a new one after all worker robot Speed 2 let's finish blue circuits that's going to be fun well let's get started but I forgot to set up electric furnace production so let's make some [Music] bricks blue circuits time for exoskeletons iron plate production has stopped looks like I forgot to raise the limit I'll fix that copper to just do it speaking of raising limits I'm going to raise all of the science to 2,000 you can't really tell from the video but items are starting to get really space out exoskeletons are done next up is some better armor maybe I should have made the base with blue belts kind of too late now power armor next up is yellow science which is pretty quick then might as well research blue belts even if we're not going to use them let's Place yellow science then the robot frames for the science now let's build the ingredients for the frames first up is electric engines than normal engines I just realized we never finished finished purple science let's set up productivity [Music] modules man this bace is getting big I hope YouTube compression doesn't turn it into pixel soup there's another iron patch near the bottom of the belts so might as well hook it up we're making purple science but it isn't very fast due to a chronic lack of red circuits so let's start setting up green circuits we're going to need 14 cells of [Music] them we needed more belts so all double production there's a lot of copper wire on the belts now the whole base is turning orange a couple hours later looks like we're waiting on Splitters and undergrounds a couple more hours later we're almost done but I'll just connect the expansion now we're going to need a a lot more room like a lot a lot so I'll start filling in the middle too there is a nice 69,000 belts in the base now this base is huge oops I expanded too quickly and killed power and the combinators plummeted on satisfaction so now the count is wrong I'm a little angry thankfully I can just load an autosave I think we should turn the base into a big rectangle Ang Le but before we do that more solar after expanding iron and copper smelting again let's set up the copper wire for green and red circuits 26 cells time to fill in the middle again slowly this time I researched beacons but I don't really end up using them much despite them being in the grid cell blueprint I'll automate them but I'm going to remove all the beacons from the base later I'm not sure why but there seems to be a slight Northwest bias on the belts hopefully it won't be too big of a problem we're out of stone and the nearest patch is all the way over here great after running the world's second longest belt stone is back the middle section is done but that Northwest bias is definitely a problem almost no items are on the right side of the base anymore maybe connecting the middle will fix it I'm not sure but I think finishing the perimeter of the base should fix the imbalance blue belts are done can't wait to not use them next up is Rocket Fuel time to get started on our final oil production first up is plastic 11 cells Rocket Fuel is done next is speed modules efficiency modules then some lav research speed I really need exoskeletons now the base is huge I'll sneak an assembler in here and hand make some blue circuits more speed there we go one exoskeleton back to work on oil we need 11 cells for light oil cracking and 24 cells for petroleum I don't have enough room for the oil refineries I'm still waiting on landfill so I can expand again I'll handcraft some yeah we're going to need a lot more lab speed is done speed module 2os are next then productivity modules 2 then productivity modules 3 after making more blue circuits I can make some better power armor now I have three exoskeletons still waiting on landfill time to make some more manually after about half an hour we can finally place the next row of grid cells making landfill inside of the main Sushi base is way too slow so I'll make a little Sushi setup for it now we just need to fill in most of this Lake oops must have hit a load bearing power pole after loading an autosave I need to rebuild the landfill production with a couple of power bypasses added let's try that again and we didn't have enough accumulator char to finish the night crap temporarily canceling all the construction fixed the problem back to landfilling it looks like I forgot to fix some intersections so I'll do that now let's finish building the oil setup by adding the refineries 44 cells we're still way behind on red Splitters we need over 1,000 more and we're currently averaging about 1 per minute not fun well let's start filling in the lake while we wait after using up all the landfill I started handcrafting Splitters I'm building only the top sections of the Splitters to hopefully get some items flowing back to the right it seems to work but it's mostly copper for some reason oh well I'll keep filling in the lake the oil setups are taking forever to build turns out we aren't making any chemical plants or refineries due to a lack of pipes there's currently only around 1,000 pipes in the system which is double the goal amount but since the base is so big now they're super spread out at this point crafting stuff has turned into a giant game of chance since most of the items are stuck on the left side of the base we need to reset and drain the entire system again to hopefully even out the spread of items okay that was a complete lie I have no no idea why I decided to reset it here past Jaden must have been higher than a kite to think this was a good idea while I was draining the base productivity 3 finished next up is speed module 3s while we wait might as well keep land filling in the lake I'd say we're about halfway done that was the end of daytime not because I was finished playing for the day it's now midnight I kept waiting for the belts to drain until I gave up at 2: a.m. after a quick 20-hour nap I woke up the same day and decided to plug the system back in I've decided the item count doesn't really need to be perfect as long as it's good enough I'm happy I'll start dumping everything back on the Belt let's finish the outer ring just in case items start to Bunch up at one end again all was going well until we ran out of power again from expanding too quickly oops let's try that again I love that sound still a long ways to go but it could be worse we just passed the 100h hour mark why did I think 200 signs per minute was a good idea we made a ton of copper wire before storage could completely drain so now we've got way too much on the Belt I got bored so I decided to hook up some speakers to the Circuit Network and have them play when items are picked up this led to the invention of the brake coronator it can also play a combination of jazz and Funk called Junk checking in on chemical plants and refineries it looks like we don't have enough steel we need 34 steel cells but uh we ain't got room for that guess we'll have to finish the rectangle first and we're done with landfill time for some more copper and and iron smelters we're out of purple science and blah blah blah we need more steel I'll sneak 10 cells of it above oil production looks like it's time to start building the other side of the loop the next day I'm almost done connecting it but it looks like I miscounted our iron patch to the right side of the base finally ran out so I'll tear that down and move belt production over to the newer mine now we don't have enough substations we need more steel and red circuits which we haven't even set up at full scale yet speed module 3es are done now I'll research level three assemblers and never use them now for Rocket control units just a few more blueprints to go and we've finally finished the outer ring I'll start fixing all of the outer Corners then we can start filling in the middle and this is where the Run goes from bad to worse I have an i7 8700 K but it just can't keep up with this monstrosity of a basin anymore but performance only dips occasionally right now so it's not too bad iron plates now wrap all the way around the base but we still need 21 more cells and some of the intersections over here were built backwards somehow no idea how that happened anyways filling in the base is coming along nicely except we need more Splitters again uh-oh negative oil I have no idea how it happened but I'll just make more oil barreling assemblers and ignore the problem and I'll also Raise The Empty Barrel limit for good measure our copper patch is almost dry time for a new one refineries are starting to run again but we're already backed up on petroleum because we've hit the target amount of plastic so that's good news we still haven't built any more red circuit production but we're almost done filling in the base so I think it can wait a bit longer actually never mind we need more substations and Robo ports so I'll put some up here never mind the never minding we actually need more steel looks like we've hit the steel Limit Oh well looks like I'll just have to wait a little longer just to make sure I don't forget let's make markers for all the items that are completely finished looks like having more barreling assemblers for oil really helped so let's do the same for water there we go now we just need to bridge the gap that separates the current base from the massive expansion but only after we finish making almost 6,000 th Splitters taking a look at the production menu we're building about two per minute and if my math is correct that will take a very long time and crafting it is then I just realized the mall was never plugged in great just great now I have no idea how far off the item counts for buildings are so it's time for yet another reset but since we don't have to worry about power issues while we're draining the belts I'll Channel my inner onel and deconstruct construct every tree in the [Music] base after a few hours there's still a ton of items on the Belt but I really don't care anymore let's just plug everything back in that is a lot of wood I forgot that we are building beacons and they use a ton of power so it's time to get rid of all of them we aren't mining iron ore quite fast enough so we need yet another iron mine I'll connect it with the world's third longest belt while I craft some more Splitters I'll set up solid fuel production 4,000 Splitters to go but we're super low on Gears so I'll handcraft a few I ended up making around 450 by hand and put them in the chest and then I realized it would probably be faster to just handcraft the rest of them so I got started on that then I got bored and gave up 3,000 more to go looking at the splitter assemblers we need more gears and gears need more iron now we've already hit the goal amount of iron but at this point I don't care let's double it after updating all 56 cells we start cranking out that iron faster than a really fast thing hopefully that should help 2 and half thousand Splitters left after changing some of the item ratios for belts 2,000 to go fast forward 4 hours 800 to go instead of just standing around I should probably keep working first I'll build 16 cells of low density structure then I'll finish steel production then I'll do six cells of speed modules one cell of solar panels four cells for sulfur 35 cells for Rocket Fuel three cells for batteries and 13 cells for blue circuits 400 Splitters to go but now we have a shortage of fast inserters which yet again is due to a lack of gears on the bright side our wood collection is coming along nicely more waiting and the Splitters are finally done still need more inserters but who cares we can finally connect the expansion belt production got stuck but here's a fun trick if you spam the rotate key on a belt the items on the Belt will slowly compress works wonders for and clogged Sushi setups like this there we go the rectangle of sushi stupidity is done now we can finish placing the rest of the smelters for copper and iron then we can place the rest of red circuits now we just need to finish the ingredients for yellow science and make the rocket control units for the rocket still need to research it though blue circuits are stopped due to a lack of sulfuric acid oh there's only 100 barrels in the entire system let's increase that our research bottleneck is yellow science which needs more blue circuits oh the limit is way too low let's raise that to a th000 six science per minute so far not too bad but still way off Target low density structure also stopped at around 500 way too low I think 1,000 should be the new minimum for everything there's rocket control units now for The Silo oh wait concrete I always forget about concrete now for The Silo this will probably take a while let's set up the rocket control units 12 cells there's a ton of extra room oh well sulfuric acid has gone negative but I'm sure that's fine I'll just up the sulfur limit again to speed up production except now we don't have enough water really water I considered upgrading the entire base to Blue belts and I even went ahead and built production for it then I realized that's a horrible and expensive idea so never mind the rocket Silo is done now we have to research the satellite The Silo took about 5 hours so this will probably take around 10 now let's make the silo looks like I need a lot more concrete not enough bricks no problem I can hand feed it and I should probably put productivity in the labs I'm not sure why I didn't do that earlier hey wait a second I'm not using barreled water there we go low density structure is low on plastic and we need more petroleum for that looking at the item count we're backed up on heavy oil and after a quick internal investigation it turns out the inserters were disabled by accident no wonder oil was so slow looking at the production graphs looks like that didn't help either turns out petroleum cracking was also broken after fixing that petroleum immediately skyrockets to its maximum value that's definitely a good sign I'll increase the max limit for all of the fluids to hopefully speed it up even more there we go instead of one big bump for oil production it now runs around every 5 minutes and if you look at consumption on the right it's trending upwards good stuff and to make sure I never have to deal with it again I'll duple the limits of the fluids now I'm just worried that we'll run out of empty barrels so I'll go completely over board and make way too many of them great now we don't have enough crude [Music] oil after running the world's second longest pipe we should be good except now we need more barrels apparently 16,000 isn't going to cut it and now we also need more water barrels so I'll raise the limit again and make even more empty barrels by the way the play time counter in the top left isn't accurate anymore because of the lag it counts in-game time not real time there 22,000 barrels looks like they're helping yellow science needs more low density structure but low density structure has already hit its limit if I disconnect and reconnect the system without draining it I can effectively double the limits of all the items in the base but that's a terrible idea so I'm not doing that guess I'll raise the low density structure limit again how about 5,000 changing the limits sure does take a while after grabbing some blue circuits we've finally got all of the ingredients for the rocket Silo man why doesn't it fit evenly oh well I'll just move the substations now I just need to make some productivity 3 modules slowly but surely we'll start making a rocket and with the magic of editing there's those productivity 3 modules I increased Rocket Fuel production but now we need more solid fuel I'll raise the limit again space science is done now we can start making satellites for the rocket well I guess I'll start doing mining productivity yellow science is still the slowest science and blah blah blah we need more barrels again more steel it is then I'm getting really tired of manually setting all the circuit conditions and the inserters so I spent some time designing a setup that will let me put control signals into the green wire without them being counted by the memory cell after hooking it up to the main Network I can now set up control signals for all the items in the system which will let me adjust the ratios remotely I should have done this a while ago just to make sure the system works I'll switch green circuits and copper wire over to the G and W signals respectively now if I turn off this constant combinator we should see the copper wire start to drop and when we turn it back on it Rockets back up to the set amount looks like it's working let's switch over the rest of the items P is for plastic B is for barrels speaking of which more barrel assemblers and the rocket is almost halfway done s is for steel since we can edit signals on the fly now I can add a turbo button for steel so we can crank out barrels faster than ever solid fuel has gone way negative something is up but I think we just need more oil more empty barrels should fix it I is for iron I'm also setting it to 100,000 because I feel like it C is for copper 50,000 I'm also raising science again this time to 10,000 T is for stone 41,000 barrels in the system and we still barely have any oil 41,000 is a lot but it is stretched out across almost 200,000 belts after doing some napkin math I'll set up an alarm to make sure the belts don't get too full six science per minute O is for Gears because they're round since we haven't launched a rocket yet I can't start mining productivity 4 yet so I'll research the portable Fusion reactor and since we're done expanding I'll tear down the red belt production solid fuel is still low and we're starting to run out of plastic too time for even more barrels I guess more steel I feel like bar are going to be my downfall looks like we've made a satellite but since the rocket wasn't done yet it's probably long gone by now Fusion reactor is done I guess we can just start working our way towards the spyron first up is Rockets the rocket is almost done shouldn't take too much longer and there's Rockets next up is military 3 then efficiency module twos 98% now for military 4 and and the rocket is done now we just need to wait for another satellite to pass oh no well we beat the game but we didn't launch the satellite after watching back the footage frame by frame turns out we accidentally launched a single piece of Steel into space great just great using filter inserters will prevent any premature launches ask your doctor if filter inserters are right for you after a quick supply chain analysis looks like we need even more barrels 50,000 still isn't enough fine how about 100,000 putting barreled fluids on the Belt was such a bad idea I wish I could go back in time and beat the crap out of myself with a set of jumper cables time for even more steel and iron or as Randall Monroe once said this quote was taken out of context military 4 is done and instead of researching the spidertron I'll do mark two power armor very cool now for efficiency module 3's after grabbing most of the ingredients I'll handcraft the new Power Armor efficiency 3 now for the spidertron notice how plastic production lines up with barrels means we still need more more barrels are more betterer remember how the goal was 200 science per minute that's definitely not going to happen we're chilling at around 7 so let's aim for 20 science per minute instead my power armor is finally done now I just need a fusion reactor for it I forgot to remove these red belt chests check out the bot centipede oils are still trending upwards we'll stop Barrel production once it levels off eight exoskeletons nice and they're especially nice since the game is now running at about half speed so iron smelting is around the perimeter of the base but all of the ore seems be getting concentrated around the middle so in an attempt to fix that we can add another iron mine to the top of the base at this point I'm really just trying anything I can think of to improve the science output we haven't even launched a second rocket yet okay that's done what's next looks like we need more batteries for flying robot frames but it's just out of iron and copper plates so it should fix itself over time but I will increase sulfuric acid and sufur production U is for sulfur the new iron mine is finally starting to spin up and we'll see if that fixes our iron issues now I'll give copper the same treatment with another mine over here looks good iron is getting a bit too high I forgot to turn off the turbo button actually on second thought I'll raise the limit to 200,000 Just for kicks and giggles and copper will be raised to 300,000 we've now got over 100,000 barrels in the system now let's focus on the rocket Silo we need more more rocket control units e is for Speed modu Els we've got over 1 million items in the system now looking at the belts they don't look too full so I'll raise the Alarm by a quarter here I revive the idea of blue belting the base and raise gear production to match I'll turn everything non-blue belt related off so hopefully I can crank them out at a decent speed oil currently only has one filling point so let's build another one you know what how about another one up top we can use this oil field out here time for the world's third longest pipeline there we go it looks like oil production has finally stabilized now I can drop Iron and Steel back to normal level levels 200,000 barrels that's just a little silly our new slowest science is military science and that's due to a complete lack of walls for some reason I'll raise wall and brick production R is for red circuits we're not getting enough coal for plastic now so time for yet another mine plastic production is skyrocketing now good stuff but somehow our science per minute is going down instead of up wait how is copper wire negative it looks like we're consuming it faster than we're producing it I guess there was a leak somewhere no idea it eventually fixed itself but still weird actually never mind the minus sign was just off the edge of the display oh well I'll Place some more labs to increase science consumption oh looks like we made another rocket oh apparently we already launched one with a satellite 4 hours ago still cool though L is for lowdensity structure n is for Rocket control unit might as well reset the copper wire count there's not really much we can do to fix it at this point the spidertron is done but we're not going to make one let's start researching follower robot count since it uses all seven Sciences military science has gone negative time to increase production again how is copper wire negative again and why are green circuits so low no iron oh the new Iron Mine concentrated all of the iron supply to the top of the base it became the very thing it was trying to fix not really much I can do except crank up production again copper two you know I really couldn't come up with a good way to finish this video the game was running at about half speed and I was now a month into this run I kept increasing production as problems arose but there really wasn't much I could do 20 science per minute was still too far out of reach after another couple hours of trying the base hit its maximum item capacity and I finally threw in the towel after almost 200 hours of in-game time which is probably closer to 250 hours of real time we ended up with around 9 science per minute less than 5% of the original goal but regardless playing with sushi does definitely have its upsides it's super convenient being able to play production wherever you want and expanding is pretty easy so for smaller setups it's definitely worth a shot and for those of you who want to try this yourself I've got one key insight for you barreling fluids was stupid don't do that it wastes a ton of time resources and space seriously don't do it and luckily for you playing on the same map for a month straight made me so unbelievably bored that I started coming up with even worse video ideas so stay tuned for those as per usual I'd like to thank my supporters on Kofi their contribution help me fuel the caffeine addiction that this run gave me and that's all for today my name's doc Jade bye-bye
Channel: DocJade
Views: 296,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: docjade, sushi, factorio sushi, factorio, can you beat
Id: 6Kvi4JPUsak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 9sec (3669 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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