The 10 Most Common Questions Posed by Muslims and How to Respond - Jay Smith

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you listen thanks for coming this my name is dr. J Smith I have been to e.l.f maybe six times or they say the last time I was here was three years ago and so it's been a while I no longer am in Europe though I lived in London for 25 years working with radical Muslims they we just got news we're just getting news as we speak that looks like the Muslims have been on the killing spree again and seventeen tourists have lost their lives in Egypt so it's it's this these Muslims that uh Hutton and I have been on a team we've been working together for about six years and we particularly work in this area of apologetics and polemics this is our area of expertise I didn't start out that way I started out much more in the friendship evangelism friendship methodology the grace method these are the kind of things that I was brought up on these are the paradigms that I was taught this is the methodology I began to use until I went to London in 1992 and in 1992 I came across a very much more radical more orthodox much more aggressive type of Muslim and much more adept when it comes to understanding our scriptures and also understanding our Lord Jesus Christ what was fascinating the first time I ever went down to a place do you all know speaker's corner do you know what I'm talking about when I ok speakers corner is an institution in London Hyde Park that has been around for a hundred and sixty years it's the bastion of freedom of speech it's there's no other place on earth like it it could not exist anywhere else we couldn't we've tried to have speakers corners in America and we have too many guns it just doesn't work England has one of the strongest anti-gun policies there and so that's why it can exist and still does exist today we tried it in Italy it did work out there in and whereas Francisco what is this in Milan there in the Piazza we got up and we actually did it in the Piazza and Francesco was in a ladder next to me you get up on these little kitchen ladders that's you know a little two steps high just like you have in a kitchen and you take on any Muslim on any question at any time and it's exciting because Muslims love that type of engagement we don't what Muslims do and it stands to reason they do because they come from oral cultures you know what I mean by that most Muslims that you meet they come from either well the Middle East but the vast majority of Muslims do not come from the Arab speaking world they come from India Pakistan Bangladesh and then of course further to the east your side this direction Malaysia and specifically Indonesia places like that they come from North Africa and in most of their cultures they learn by memorizing they learn by hearing teachers chefs or Imams or peers and it's these teachers that they that take the Quran this book right here and they not only read it and memorize it all their tally base are permitted are demanded to memorizes they start memorizing this book but at the age of three and if you go into many of their cultures you will see them and they'll be sitting there going back and forth memorizing verse after verse they will not understand what they're memorizing because it's in Arabic and only fifteen percent of Muslims speak Arabic eighty five percent don't speak Arabic but they will memorize it in Arabic because they believe that it is God's holy word it is well as they believe it is eternal you don't question it you don't critique it you memorize it now what's fascinating is as Muslims come in contact with Europeans they then realize that we have a different book this book the bigger one you notice I keep it bigger for a reason it's the bigger the better book this is the book they come in contact with and when you do a comparison between these two books there's no comparison is there now you probably don't know because you've not read this book we're not taught to read this book here in Europe how many have you have read this book in your own language okay but parts of it in Norwegian in English okay in Albanian you've read it okay did you understand it not many people can say that it's very difficult to understand so you can see the dilemma for many Muslims there is only one complete story in the entire Quran that's chapter 12 the story of Joseph other than that it's very difficult to understand they can read this book much easier and what's interesting once they read this book they start to hear things they never heard before and they start to question and the beautiful thing about Muslims and what I love about them is that Muslims have no difficulty confronting our Bible they have no difficulty confronting us they have no difficulty confronting our Lord Jesus Christ and most Muslims now I've been working with Muslims for almost 40 years now and almost every Muslim whether they are radical or nominal or liberal in every case they always confront two things the Bible and Jesus the book in the man the book in a man because of that what we're gonna do today is we're going to show you how or what are the most often asked questions that they're confronting us with and how to answer them but I'm not just going to answer them apologetically that's apologetics right I'm also going to confront them polemically do you know what that word means does anybody not know what polemics means okay do you play football oh you're American no you're no good well yes no let's use you your Egyptian okay you've been in America yeah American football has two teams right but on each team there are also two teams offense and defense am I correct in fact that's probably even a better example than the rest of you Europeans you only have one team but you have two different really push you have two different halves of each team am i correct and when you defend the goal you need to have a good goalie right what if now you need to have a good goalie but you need to have just really hefty mendick made defender the others from using and making a touchdown in your case from scoring the goal that's called defense am I correct now in Christianity defense would be apologetics okay and we're pretty good at apologetics I mean we have a whole what two tracts of apologetics at this conference and most schools will teach apologetics how many of you have had courses on apologetics most all of you okay apologetics is something that we do because we get attacked all over the world and historically we have been confronted for 2,000 years thank God we have because that sharpens us doesn't it now in America lint Vince Lombardi you know that name Green Bay Packers your Egyptian I thought you okay and and he had a famous phrase that he always said the best defense is a good offense there you good there's another American the best defense is a good offense the best way to win the game yes - yes please do defend but if you really want to win the game go against the others this is what General Patton said when he said to his men before he send them out to battle in the Second World War men I don't want you to die for your country make sure the others die for their country this is something that we call polemics going the other direction and am I correct in the American football team the offense are the better known players if not also corrected in Europe the football the strikers by far the best known players they are the Christian Renaldo's lyonnel Messi's of the world right they are the certainly the best paid they are the ones that win the game now what in the world or what where in the world do we have an offense there is no offense that's polemics polemics is the opposite of apologetics it goes the other direction and confronts the other I lie we do have polemics when it comes to humanists or atheists am i correct in every seminary you're taught to the teleological argument and the cosmological argument the moral argument every one of these arguments on confronting the atheists and we're very good at that if any of you have Jehovah Witnesses come to your door you're taught every argument how to confront their scriptures and how to confront their theology the same with Mormons am I correct but when it comes to Islam suddenly no polemics there's no school in the world that teaches Islamic politics except us in London we're the only ones cut tuned let me ask you you use polemics correct and you use apologetics correct and you do them simultaneously in fact you almost cannot do one without the other she actually does it every Sunday we will be its speakers corner next Sunday and we're going to use it in fact we're gonna start with polemics we're gonna confront the Quran next Sunday the material that I'm gonna introduce on Tuesday night we're gonna take the speaker's corner get up on a ladder and we're gonna use that against the Muslims it'll be the first time most of them will ever have seen this material now polemics is difficult because most people whenever I mention that in Christian circles they say this is not Christ like Christ never used polemics is that true did Christ ever use polemics not sure okay where give me an example absolutely from verse 13 to verse 33 the entire chapter you hypocrites you den of vipers you whites up liquors the entire chapter is all polemical the probably the best example of polemics in the New Testament would be Paul Paul was very polemical in fact if you want to read a good number of chapters on polemics just open up the book of Acts and read from chapter 17 to 19 where he went to her there in Cappadocia Beria Ephesus almost every city he went into he went right into the synagogue's and he used polemics now they threw him out sometimes they threw him into prison he got beaten twice they tried to stone him to death and he caused a riot in Ephesus so he did get reaction when you use polemics people are going to react and I think that is the problem here in the West in Europe we are so fearful of being disliked we want to be loved do we not Christians want to be loved and you're not going to be loved if you use polemics especially against Islam so I'm not here to do polemics tomorrow we'll be doing polemics mostly but today what we're gonna do is looking at apologetics and we're gonna use 10 questions that I think are some of the most often asked questions you're supposed to you were supposed to get a handout but I understand if you have the app look at it these questions these areas will be on your app we've modernized since 2016 so if you have your app let's go ahead and open up and let's start with the very first one and this is the question of whether or not Yahweh is the same as Allah Yahweh would be the name of our God Allah would be the name of the Muslim God how many people believe we share the same God just off the no one's gonna raise their hands oh that's unfortunate in most churches I go to in America at least a few people raise their hands because this is a this is a common this is a common assumption in the American church maybe not in Europe that we do share the same God so I'm assuming all of you believe we don't share the same God am I correct Muslims will believe we share the same God the reason why is they believe that the Allah of the Quran and let's say the other of the Bible of the Arabic Bible your Bible is the same name both gods of both scriptures go back to Abraham therefore it stands to reason we share the same God so you're gonna be my Muslim today okay I'm gonna make you feel uncomfortable that's good you're gonna be up till 4:00 today okay we give you a completely new name a slave of God mmm no I want him to be up there I want to be a slave today because I want to be totally obedient to me I want you to be submissive I want you to be obedient that's what your name means okay so up then we share the same God just say yes to everything I say okay I want to shake your hand god bless you updo I'm so glad that you finally have admitted that Allah of the Quran and Yahweh of the Bible are the same God I'm so glad you have finally admitted that Allah is triune God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit I'm so glad you have finally admitted that Allah came to earth and walked and talked in the cool of the day finally you have admitted that Allah died on the cross and rose again and that he has a son and usually they pull their hand out of mine before I finish and they recoil now what have I just done I've used for areas where we disagree using the same name but look at the four areas I'm used have you noticed he immediately realized something was wrong here and he will never say we share the same God again because and how long did that take me 15 seconds can you see how quick you can do this but what I'm doing as a Christian I'm nailing down who my God is my God is triune immediately you cannot say that Allah is triune you merely I could see your eyes wyden even I just said you put on the cap really well secondly you know that your God does not come to earth Allah never comes to earth because if he does come to earth then he would be finite like us and we would be corrupting that idea of God how can the infinite take on the finite form thirdly no Muslim will ever agree that God would die certainly not an ignoble death especially on the cross they would throw that out and most importantly and this is probably the most difficult one for a Muslim to hear me say that his God has a son so those are four areas and stop and think those are the four areas that we agree disagree with Islam the most have you noticed they all surround the person of Jesus Christ really the difference between Abdullah and me is the person of Jesus Christ no wonder almost all the accusations against us are against Christ which gets me excited because that means I can talk about him for the rest of the baby do you see how easy it is and that's why Muslims are the easiest to talk to because they want to talk about issah Jesus now in two days Hutton's gonna do a a here in this room I think it is in it she's gonna unpack yessuh and Jesus so I'm not gonna take her thunder wait till you hear what she has to say about essa who is the real Jesus is the Jesus of the Quran the same as the Jesus of the Bible in the same token the Allah of the Quran is not the same as the Allah of your Bible because your name for God in the Arabic Bible is Allah am I correct okay let's take that apart I'm gonna I'm gonna have three problems with that not as an Arab Christian I'm gonna have three problems with that name first and foremost since we share the same name Allah in both books does that mean it's the same God no your name is Abdullah right are there other Abdul's in the world probably millions are you all the same person can you see how simplistic that is yet I hear so many Americans I'm not sure I can say Europeans who believe since they have the same name they must be the same God so that's the first thing dispel that one you may share the same name but you don't share the same person secondly when you look at a lot of the Bible and you look at Allah of the Quran there's there is a problem right there because in the Arabic Bible and this has been a problem the Arabic Bible was translated by Europeans and Americans not by Arabs by who van Dyken who what was the principle that van Dijk use to incorporate Allah into the Bible exactly actually he was an American his name is Eugene NIDA and Eugene NIDA started the principle of what we call dynamic equivalence are you familiar with that term whenever you go to a foreign language you find dynamic equivalence to that name so when they came to Arabic they wanted to find the God that was equivalent in the language and of course by the time van Dyck was translating the Bible Islam controlled Egypt that's why he then incorporated Allah into the Bible do you see a problem with that when you incorporate the game of the God that is there you also incorporate the meaning are you all familiar with form and meaning these are sociological terms the form is Allah the meaning however comes with it so suddenly in the Muslim mine the other of the Bible becomes al Rahman al Rahim bismillah al Rahman al Rahim who is that that is the very first verse of the Quran that is the bismillah which defines who Allah is in Allah is always the compassionate one the merciful one immediately the Allah of the Bible becomes the Quranic Allah can you see the problem here and this has been done all over the world now not just in Arabic we're having this probably in every major translation because when you take the name that exists there you take the meaning that comes with that name from the existing culture especially this is a problem especially in a Muslim culture because that Muslim culture has already indoctrinated that name it has already given the meaning to that name and that main that name can only be the Quranic meaning there is the problem with dynamic equivalence and to extricate it now can you do that it's hard it's difficult even when you talk to your fellow Egyptians you're gonna have to spit maybe five to ten minutes trying to say no no no no now let me just give you the example just shake their hands and say thank God and do those four things and that should help you much quicker so that's the second problem the third problem is that we now know quite a bit about Allah we're now doing some historical Studies on this name and what we now know is that Allah is not an Arabic name did you know that it actually is a Nabataean name the Nabataeans if you look at the history of the Arab world especially that part of the Arab world the Nabataeans were the precursors to Arabic the Arabic language that we haven't that we use today comes from the Nabataean script the Nabataeans had as their headquarters Petra in Jordan Petra is a very famous it is the was not it was the Petra was never a capital because the Nabataeans had no political movement they did not they were nothing more than nomads they were traders there ones that traded all over the world but what they would do is they would always come to Petra and carve these beautiful temples and beautiful tombs out of sheer rock so when you go to Petra today and Sall Medina salat these are the two major cities of the patrons who are all over the world they were in India they're in Pakistan they lived in many other places because they were traders but they always came to be buried in Petra and in Medina Sally and their their language then became the language of trade that language then is what Arabic was derived from Arabic is actually a very new language and the god of the patrons the god of the Nabataeans was named do Shara that's his formal name but do Shara is not his only name he has a generic title allaha now allah means what the god it's not even a name it's a title how many of you knew that before today Allah is the God as Allah is the god to do Shara which is the formal name of Allah but see here's the real problem do Shara has a wife her name in is a loser her title is a lot which is the feminine form of Allah am I correct now have you read the Quran have any of you read the Quran here have you read the chapter 53 or you read chapter 53 in the Quran what do you notice in the chapter 53 verse 19 and 20 of the Quran Allah alma not in illusia the three names the three goddesses known as The Satanic Verses are in the Quran to them are the same goddess one is the formal name that about Nabataean name the other is the generic that title of that goddess but doesn't it say in the Quran in chapter 6 verse 101 that Allah cannot have a wife yep Allah the Nabataean God has a wife named a loser or a lot what does that say now about Allah he's what said again not handsome to his wife I sometimes I have no idea where you're coming from can you see that this is a polytheistic God this is a pagan god this is a God that has no right being in any holy book and more than that this is a borrowed God but then most of what we see in the crown is borrowed from other sources they've got the wrong God is do we have a generic name for God no we do in Hebrew what is it Elohim there is probably the closest equivalent that you can find to Allah although Allah is singular Elohim would be plural so there would be the equivalent but Elohim is not the name that Moses wanted am I correct in Exodus chapter 3 verse 14 and 15 when God was asking him to go down to Egypt he turned to God and what is it he asked God give me your name what is your name so when I go down to Egypt those down in Egypt the Israelites will know what God I you represent him what's the name he gave to at that time Yahweh Jehovah is correct just four letters and that's the name he took with them and that's the name you will find six thousand eight hundred and twenty three times in the Old Testament Elohim you'll only find about two thousand times I'll deny you'll find about three hundred and forty so you can see by far which is the most important name for God and that is not in the Quran I'm gonna keep pointing at you don't take it personally okay they have no idea they have no in fact I've never seen a Muslim that can answer that have you seen someone that can answer that here's the problem I go to Britain I am the ambassador for United States I come to the Queen I go to Buckingham Palace I introduce myself to the Queen I said hello my name is J Smith and I represent the President of the United States so I she says okay the president what's his name I have no idea what kind of ambassador would I be if I don't even know the name of my president in the same token Muhammad is the greatest in the final of all prophet and all he can come up with is a title for God but he doesn't know the name of the God what kind of a prophet is he and you can ask Muslims this and see what and that's usually when the penny drops when they realize that if whoever put the Quran together why in the world did they use a Nabataean name and why did they go to a pagan name and mourn that why did they go to a polytheistic name when what we know about the other of the Quran is here's one how can it be one if he has a wife who I love it makes my job so easy I wasn't gonna go here but thanks for bringing it up so what do you think we need to do now fortunately in English and in German because God comes from German got it comes from the German God that is actually a pagan God is it not it is a God of the earth in in some cases fortunately because Christianity has dominated Europe and has dominated German in England the English language most everybody who hears the word God now thinks it's the biblical God fortunately fortunately the problem in the Arabic language is that whenever they hear Allah immediately what comes to mind is the Quranic God so I would suggest answering your question is that we go back to our Bible and put Yahweh back where he belongs I think we need to put Yahweh back there because look at what God says to Moses in the very next verse in verse 15 after he gives him his name he then says to Moses this shall be my name forever so why have we got rid of Yahweh let's put it back well they used your hova so I prefer to go with Yahweh Bisping so people don't get and most scholars would say it is Yahweh nonetheless can you imagine if we did that to every Bible in every language would there be any doubt what God we're talking about we won't even have this discussion it would be so clear I mean it's just like you go out I just was driving down from the airport and I saw two golden arches I didn't even have to know what that was when you see two golden arches what is it McDonald's if you look at some people have shoes there down the chute what's that mean Nike you don't even have to know it but if that if we can do that with products today can you imagine if we had been able to do that with our God but now we have God in the name of every language no wonder there's so much confusion I think God knew what he was talking about thanks for bringing that up I wasn't going to bring it up because it isn't but I'll blame you for it if it people come back to me on it number two can God be one yet three simultaneously now this is the whole problem with the Trinity how do you answer that now there are many ways you can do this I don't know which is your best one of the best things I like to do is to find out whether or not they are really serious in most cases whenever they ask that question they really don't want to hear an answer they use it as what we call a in your armor question they're trying to find a in your armor so what I love to do is I say listen I could spend the next three hours telling you my opinion about the Trinity but you're not going to you're not gonna trust my opinion I don't even trust my opinion how about we go to the Bible and let's see what the Bible says about God as one yet three what you're doing is you're making a test and you're asking them whether or not they're really serious because if they say yes then you've got a Bible study you can open up the Bible and you can go through and you can really start unpacking we're all the way from the very beginning of the Bible starting with the very first verse of the Bible you can start to see where the trend God has one yet three is right through Genesis Exodus in fact we have um we have a paper that we've put out that where we have dr. Paul blacken has gone through almost every chapter of Genesis showing where you can find the Trinity page after page after page it's brilliant don't even start the New Testament start with the Old Testament you can do that and it's great it's uplifting and I have found when you set down with Muslims to do that they usually do not have a problem but see then it's not you speaking it's scripture speaking there are very few Muslims that will want to do that and then you know pretty much that they're not really interested in this question so I said well listen if you're not going to let me go and show you in Scripture which is my Authority where God is then why don't we just talk about something we can't agree upon but what I like to do is I like to go another step with them I have to go and I say listen let me ask you something your God is one monad one singular and he's defined by many names and the names that you have you have 99 of them the 99 names but what are the three most common what are the three most important names well we've already done a little man eloheem alwah dude what is the rahman al rahim compassionate loving okay so there you have the three and those the three I like to start with you can almost talk to about any of them but those are the three best ones because they're in there in the bismillah which is the very first verse of the Quran and every Muslim knows the bismillah but more than that they have to every time before they pray that you have to start with the bismillah so say let's just take those three so compassionate merciful loving by definition in order to be compassionate and merciful and loving you need an object to your compassion am I correct you need an object object to your mercy you need an object to your love am i correct otherwise you're just loving yourself how can you be compassionate merciful to yourself so here's what I ask are these names are they his eternal names well yes they define him he doesn't create them as he goes along your names are there from the very beginning especially if they define hims his character and his character has not changed eternally so these are his two eternal names so I asked them alright then let me ask you before Adam and Eve were created who is he loving and merciful and compassionate - oh you can see the gears start to turn this doesn't make any sense Allah cannot be merciful or compassionate there's no object to his mercy or compassion or love until Adam and Eve are created until there is an object another then there this makes no sense and more than that as a Christian I love that question because my God is compassionate merciful and loving but he has always been compassionate mercy and in loving within the triune Godhead God the Father has always loved God the Son God the Son has always loved God the Holy Spirit that has always existed that's why I know that I'm made in His image that what it says says in Genesis 1 verse 26 and 27 if I'm made in His image therefore I am loving I am compassion I am merciful I know where I get it from I get it from my God who has always exemplified it within the Godhead now see what I've done immediately what I've done is I've taken three names they already understand show that no God that is a monnet can't even understand this name but then there's also I'm saying you in order to understand these three terms you're gonna have to come - my god come on home from that you can then get into a great discussion because what you will find Muslims though I'm gonna trip over this yet Muslims though they have never thought through this before they need to they need to understand that the tribe the Trinity by definition if my God is triune then how is it that I am relational what do you think my relationship comes from as a social animal we're all social animals how could it come from a God that is one put Isaiah 63 in your margin and just put that as a reference so you can go back to that but she's coming up now she's going on the offensive here's the complaining so she started out with a defense apologetic by going Isaiah 63 said there's the three names for God so my Bible is very clear that he is one all the way through Deuteronomy 6:4 is very clear on that Yahweh Elohim Yahweh God but then 63 has all three within scripture so scripture is very clear one yet in three persons now let's look at the quranic reference to this and you have to go to chapter 5 verse 1 1 6 in the Quran or Sura 5 ayah 1 1 6 and certify by a 1 1 6 as cartoon is pointing out who are the who are the 3 persons there can you see a problem there so now she's gone on the polemic and saying hold on a minute if Allah is all-knowing why did he allow this to be put in your Quran when this does not represent anything that any there's no Christian that I know of at least not living today historically there were there are some groups that did believe Mary was part of the Trinity number 3 and this is another biggie Ken gone have a son now what he is saying is correct much of this is coming out of the European this is coming out of the European milieu this is not this is something you do not get in Egypt we're getting this from Pakistanis and Indians and Bangladeshis they're way ahead of the Arab world you weren't here when we talked about it the Indian subcontinent is much further ahead case in point look at all the major debaters in fact give me the names of all the best debaters in the Muslim world today off medida where is he from no he is history but where is he from India Zakir Naik Bombay Shabbir Ali India the people we have to work with odd number Ashiq Pakistan Mansour Rahman Bangladesh and the reason for that has an awful lot to do with the British they colonized those three countries and made it one and they introduced in English educational system which still exists today I grew up in India I was born in India my parent my father was born in India my grandfather died in India my family's been in India since 1913 and all of our education from middle school on up is all in English because we have well in India alone we have 300 languages you can't have education in 300 languages in the same way in Pakistan and Bangladesh so therefore they make English as the medium now by doing that that means that they get all the best material from all around the world and they get a bit much quicker than the Arabs get it but more than that they engage with this at a much quicker letter and that's why almost all of the ones that you're going to be confronted by if you go up on YouTube those names are all over new YouTube adnan little sheet zakir naik Ahmed Deedat Shabbir Ali there's thousands of videos they're way ahead of the Arab world so you're right in the Arab world this doesn't come up because Christians don't appear very you're very small in the Arab world you're not a threat this is not really this is not something that we're in front back when we have speakers corner everybody comes to speaker's corner rarely do we see Arabs take us on in any of these it's always Pakistanis it's always Indians I was asked to fly down to Kenya to Mozambique to do a week of training for all the IMB missionaries from Yemen Oman Somalia Kenya and Tanzania and I remember coming down there and I was scratching my head and I said why have you called me down here I don't I don't work in Africa I've never hardly been in Africa I have never been to those countries before and they said because all of our missionaries are being hit with material from a man named is lucky tonight I said suck yet a night says yes they're all pulling it down from the internet all of these now are available to all these countries and what they're doing is they're find that this the best material are all these speakers they do their work in India but the YouTube has been shut has spread them all over the world and they said we have never heard these kind of questions before you have brought have been brought up with these questions that's why we want you to train itself so you're going to get it I can't say for Dushanbe in places like that I've not been there but what we're hearing and all over the east coast of Africa this is all they get I just got back from spending time in Ethiopia in Togo in Ghana and in Zambia four different countries and in every case every question that came to me were from people like Ahmed Deedat Shabbir Ali their names just come pouring in and they're all from the Indian subcontinent because it's all in English okay let's jump to the Son of God so how do you do with the Son of God now remember the son of God is a big one because Muslims assume that whenever works using that term we're talking about a biological term you're so you can understand that I would suggest when you probably first heard it that was also a problem for you how could Jesus be the Son of God the first thing that comes to your mind especially in English there is only one definition that's a biological son am I correct it's the same way in Italian biological son yet there's no one in this room that believes that God had sex with Mary to have Jesus am I correct no so where did that come from why is it that you don't have a problem with that the reason is because you have been told that this is not a biological relationship now in Arabic it's even easier because you have two different words for sonship you have Walid and even now Walid is biological it bin convenors now let me ask you where you're from are you a son of Egypt yeah wait a minute so you're a biological son of Egypt okay we are son of the Nile you're actually born of the Nile there's a biological relationship and see we always do that where are you from your son ability aren't you and you're proud of it am i correct so immediately when we say you're a son of something me leave we can realize there's another meaning and in Arabic that already exists even can mean anything that is relational you were related to the Nile you're related to Italy I am a son of India okay so bring dear conversation especially with Arabs it's so easy but I want to get even one go one step further in chapter 39 verse 10 of the Quran or is it verse 439 for I think it is in chapter 39 verse 4 it says if Allah so had willed it he could have a son who took a tattoo to throw that right back on them so hold on the Quran is saying that Allah can have his son now ask them how can he have a son unless it's a biological son seemingly you put the throat you've thrown right back on them and say now you tell me explain to me because that is a biological side now it can you understand mmediately they are putting back and they realize so the Quran even accommodates is you can also use chapter 2 verse 177 in chapter 2 verse 177 it says that someone who is travelling from one city to another is a eben sabili what does it mean - Sibylla mean Museveni son of the road so a traveller is a son of the road so that's in the cross so use these verses and say obviously even the Quran accommodates sonship that is not biological it is inherited it's an inheritance it's a relational title I know so now you end off with now actually it is eben Allah even Allah means that everything that God inherits Jesus inherits yes so now you're putting content to it and this is you have to end off with this so when Jesus takes the title son of God he's not talking about biological at all he's talking like the son of the Nile he's talking about the son but more than that he's going even further than that he's saying by be calling himself the son of God because you're a son of God you're a daughter of God we're all sons and daughters of God but none of us in this room ours is the son of God definite article then you need to go to matthew chapter 26 verse 62 to 66 where ka Caiaphas who is the a chief priest there in the Sanhedrin he asked Jesus's very question are you the son of God not a son of God are you the son of God that we're waiting for the Son of God inherits everything that the father inherits basically this is a divine term when jesus answered yes i am and then he went in answered and he actually added a third day because he just got done saying he was the messiah he was the son of god that's in verse 62 and verse 63 he then it says and you shall see the son the son of god referring to daniel chapter 7 verse 14 Sunim and and i said oh god sorry son of man thank you for correcting me the son of man there's a third title look and see the reaction of Caiaphas he tore his robe because he knew that Jesus was claiming three different divine titles for God so when were saying son of God when Jesus claims it in 25 times he uses this he is referring to that divine title and that's why what they Jews had to finally kill him because he a mere man was taking on God's Holy Name oh I love it and that segues right into the next question where does Jesus say I am God start I like to start with Matthew 26 because it's so easy cuz you get three right there within three verses and you get the reaction of Caiaphas but there's probably a better one there's a fourth name for God that we've already talked about in this room what's that name that Moses needed back in Exodus chapter 3 okay and where is that found in the New Testament where does Jesus claim that John 8:58 John 8:58 is a very good one for Muslims to go to the reason why is because he's in the temple therefore he would have been speaking Hebrew though it's written in Greek ago ami he would have been speaking Hebrew to those who questioned him because they were Jews that were questioning him they said how do you how can you claim to know Abraham and you're not even fifty years old and Jesus response was before Abraham was yeah wait he would have used Yahweh now in Greek it's a go a me and there's an awful lot of back and forth whether or not a go a me or Han it's the same as Yahweh I believe it is nonetheless because he gave that claim look at the very next verse and see how the reaction of the Jews what did they do did they wanted to stone him why because he a mere man was taking that name so use that I think it's great that you can always go right back to scripture like Hutton has been doing like we're doing go back to Scripture and just let the Muslims see this so you can see where Jesus is claiming those names for God let's go on to the next one and that is is Jesus the true prophet or Muhammad sooner or later you're gonna have to talk about Muhammad be careful be careful when you talk about Muhammad we have found haven't we had tuned that when you talk about Allah they're not going to get too upset when you talk about the Quran yeah they'll get up a little bit more upset when you mention Muhammad what happens it's like a Slifer I'm said to me it's almost like a switch turns on inside them and they go visceral there's something about Muhammad in every it doesn't matter where you are in the Muslim world this happens it's not just in the Arab world it's not just in Pakistan in India where I grew up at speakers corner you do not touch Muhammad so be careful that's all I'm gonna say now all right let us do it we take on Muhammad all the time and we love it because we love it when they go visceral because then you know you're really getting you're starting to scratch where they itch or where they hurt but what you can do is you can do a comparison what I like to do I never did this I did this when I was I had gone to Detroit to do so I talked and talked there and they had they had this great fare they used to have it open every July which would be an Arab fare in Detroit Dearborn because there's about six hundred thousand Arabs that live in Dearborn who work at the car factory there the Ford Ford factory so we would go and I remember going there one day and I saw a man with a sign walking up and down Jesus and Muhammad we loved them both so I went up to the man and I said I'm so glad you have Jesus above Muhammad it's so important that you keep him above Muhammad he is much greater than Muhammad and of course the master no no no no we love them both they're both equal I said no no no he's much greater he's much greater let me look at and let me show you and I said I'm gonna open up your Quran I'm gonna prove from your Quran that Jesus is greater than Muhammad so I'm not going to the Bible here I'm going to the Quran I'm using what they already are familiar with and I'm also using what they will accept and I said let's start and I'm just went to the two chapters and you can put these verses down there just four verses I'm gonna give you I started with chapter 19 verse 20 and I said in chapter 19 verse 20 it says that ISA ISA was born of a virgin and so I asked the fellow was Muhammad born of a virgin did Muhammad had a miraculous verse no I said why should that be so important something is unique he's born of a virgin and I said you don't know the answer do you and I said when you have her have a question who are you supposed to come to chapter 10 verse 94 chapter 21 verse 7 o Muslims if you have any question go to the people of the book come back to us your porter to ask us I will tell you why the virgin is so important and I said you need to go to Isaiah chapter 7 verse 8 verse 14 Isaiah 7:14 like Daniel 7:14 sevens the perfect number doubled at 14 I'm get as easy as I can for y'all Isaiah 7:14 it's very clear it says for this shall be a sign okay wake up Muslims this shall be a sign a virgin will conceive and bear a son eight hundred years before this to happen you hear this prophecy about this virgin I said that's why you need to go back to the scriptures you need to come back to us but greed on the rest of it I said to him a virgin will conceive and bear a son and he shall be called Emmanuel God with us that's why it had to be a virgin because when the virgin conceives God's with us he's you're on earth then I jumped to chapter 3 verse 46 chapter 3 verse 46 it says that this is a spoke from the cradle could Muhammad speak from the cradle know yet it'sso was able to speak from the cradle three verses later chapter 3 verse 49 it says that ISA took some clay fashioned the mean to birth blew on them they flew up in the air so he created out of nothing good Muhammad do any miracle absolutely not three times the Jews asked him in the Quran to do a miracle his only response was I the prophets before did miracles and you killed them I'm nothing more than a Warner not much of a defense so here you see yah is born of the Virgin Mohammed is not he could speak from the cradle Muhammad could not it says that he created out of nothing Muhammad could not and then it says in the same verse that he gave sight to the blind healed the lepers and resuscitated the dead three more things that Muhammad could not do Muhammad could not give sight to anybody he usually cut out the eyes of those did he ever give healed anybody no he usually made them sick did he ever resuscitated that no he usually killed them just the opposite so you can see in just three verses I found six differences in in every case Jesus is superior and then come back to chapter 19 again this time verse 19 in chapter 19 verse 19 so now you've come full circle there you have Jibril who's coming to marry and says to Mary behold I am going to give you a righteous son what does righteous mean holy sinless and the neat thing about that is you can ask many Muslims why is that they have such a hard time of believing that God can enter time in space why is it they don't cannot understand why God could take on human form and usually their reaction is how could God become corrupted like us how could God take on sinful human form were sinful we're human how could God take on human form and I say well your Chron answers it in chapter 19 verse 19 if God is truly God Keti not enter time in space and still remain uncorruptible absolutely even your Quran says so the sinless one was Muhammad's sinless no chapter 48 verse 1 and 2 chapter 48 verse wanted to it's God is talking to Mohammed and he says he says for ask forgiveness for the sins you are have done and the sins you are yet to do so even as a prophet according to the Quran Muhammad continue to sin but not Jesus not is now I have a whole list of differences that you can do you can give this to you any of you who want it just bring up a flash drive I'll hand you the all my notes on what I've gone this afternoon but there's a whole list of doing a comparison back and forth between Jesus and Muhammad I'm gonna hold off on that because you're gonna be talking about this versus Jesus okay let's back up a little bit most the time we do Jesus with Muhammad you might correct and we do Chron with the Bible what's the problem with that that's right they're not the same are you hearing what he's saying the tendency that we always have is to Perry compared the Bible in the Quran and there really is not they they're not the same they're not the same model Jesus Muhammad are not really the same model as well because for the Quran for a Muslim is their primary revelation that's it the Quran is all they've got Muslims do have nothing without the Quran there it is the only revelation of God that is eternal that's the first thing it's the only revelation of a God that cut is sent down to earth over a 22 year period to a man named Muhammad it's the only revelation that was complete at the time of Whitman and it's the only revelation that has been unfettered by human hands as Hutton said there has been no change not even a dot has changed in 1400 years so those are the four claims they make about our about their Quran do we make that about our Bible what any of you say the Bible is eternal please don't was it sent down no was a complete yes we would admit to that part at one point the originals autographs were complete have they been changed of course they've been changed we know where the changes are we're very transparent about it we put it in there we put a line before mark chapter said 16 verse nine to twenty they put a line there to warn the readers that we don't know whether or not this is from the original autograph because we don't have the original autograph for those verses with John chapter 7 verse 53 to John chapter 8 verse 11 the story of the woman caught in adultery as Greek manuscripts and especially first John chapter 5 verse 7 is should not be in our Bible at all because that was only introduced in Fort the 1600s in the six eleven King James Version that was the first time that was introduced okay so we are very open about it we know there have been changes but we know where the changes are all right so don't do a comparison don't even make those claims about the Bible so what you're suggesting is well then what can we do well here is a better suggestion instead of comparing Jesus I'm sorry instead of the Bible in the Quran why don't you compare the traditions the Bible is like the Islamic traditions now what do I mean by that well there are four genre of what we call the Islamic traditions to know how you're to act how you to live as a Muslim you have to go back to the example of Muhammad and the example Muhammad is found in four different types of writings one is called the citta the cerebral Allah which would be the biography of Muhammad and the other is called the hadith which would be the sayings of Muhammad the third would be the tafseer which would be the commentaries on the Quran and the fourth would be the topic which would be the histories those are the four Islamic traditions the Sunna of the Prophet the example of the Prophet all written in the ninth and 10th century and later but not before the ninth century Muhammad died in the seventh century do you see a problem immediately none of this existed for 200 years okay now where is the parallels for that well let's start with the citta of Jesus do we have a sit up for Jesus do we have a biography of Jesus yes we do Matthew Mark Luke and John the black letter part of Matthew Mark Luke and John do we have the hadith of Jesus yes we do anytime it's let read letter that's what Jesus spoke there's the hadith of Jesus there's the parallels do we have the tuffsy of the commentaries yeah Paul's letters or commenting on what Jesus did what he said he then comments and shows how it's applied in Philippi in Corinth and Ephesus so there's the the commentaries and then do we have a history of the topic the book of Acts so the Zack shame for genre that they have in the Islamic tradition we have in the New Testament that's the parallel so therefore what's the parallel with the Quran if that's their final revelation if that's their eternal revelation if that is their primary revelation who is our final revelation who is eternal who came to earth Jesus can you then see Jesus fits the very thing they claim about their Quran Jesus is eternal in my correct Jesus did was sent to earth am i correct Jesus is complete and Jesus does not change so the four things they're claiming about the Quran we claim about Jesus but as we're gonna find on Tuesday night we're gonna destroy those claims about the Quran Tuesday night hold on hold until we do that so wait till that on Tuesday night let's go then to the next one does tearing the page was Jesus crucified another biggie because this is at the very foundation of everything we believe we've got to answer that question see most of us have been told to Syrian on the resurrection because when you're talking to atheists and Jews you've got to talk about the resurrection for Muslims no there was no resurrection because Jesus never died okay you've got to change gears with Muslims so you've got to take on the crucifixion and the crucifixion is denied in chapter 4 verse 157 so that's why you need to therefore ass and I asked five questions immediately I go right to the Muslims I say okay there are five problems if you believe that the Jesus never died according to one verse in your Quran you're going let me show you the first prop the first problem is are you have an internal contradiction because in the Quran it's very clear that Jesus did die as well in chapter 19 verse 33 Jesus himself says claims blessed be be the day I was born the day I die and the day I rise again so he's claiming that he died and he's 10 claiming it as a child so when they say no that's the future tenth of course he's a child he's gonna die he's yet to die okay you can throw that back at them if they say no this is for a future time then jump to verse 15 because it says the vak same thing about John the Baptist blessed be he the day he was born dies and rises again and then you can jump to chapter 3 verse 55 because in 355 it says God Allah is speaking to Jesus and he says for I will mutawafee' cup what does that mean in Arabic yeah I will cause you to die I will put you to death I will cause you to die now be careful because in your english translations all the translations is i will put you to sleep or they just don't even translate it since the 1930s all the english translations have now taken that word out they but you can't take it out of the arabic it's still there in the arabic with Dolloff it cut it's also repeated in chapter 5 verse 1 1 7 so there is an internal contradiction you have chapter 19 verse 33 you have chapter 3 verse 55 you have chapter 5 verse 170 that contradicts chapter 4 verse 157 let the Muslims deal with it thank God we don't have that contradiction number 2 you've got a theological contradiction because in chapter 6 verse 164 in chapter 53 verse 38 it says very clearly that nobody can take on the guilt of another so what was that man if no if Jesus didn't die someone did die on the cross another man took his place what was that man taking his place that's a theological contradiction then you have the historical problems we do no historian after historian from the first century thalis who is debating Legon in 52 ad they were debating the death of Jesus and they were talking about the fact that the Sun went dark and the earth shook in 52 AD Jesus died in 33 AD within 20 years you have reference from a Greek historian you have Tacitus who is a Roman historian writing at the end of this first century beginning of the second century who not only mentions the death of Jesus mentions that it happened during the time of Pontius Pilate under the the authority of Tiberius proving that it happened in 33 AD so there's a Roman historian agreeing to that fact Josephus is a Jewish historian who not only says and talks about the death of Jesus he mentions also that the Christians believe that he rose again the only non the known secular reference do we have to the resurrection so there you have Greek Roman and Jewish historians that believe that Jesus died show me one historian in the first six hundred years that denied the crucifixion and I've been waiting for 35 years for Muslims to show me they can't now then we end with the moral problem and this is probably the most difficult one for Muslims to answer if Jesus did not die another man took his place what was he doing three days later going into the upper room and claiming that he had died does a prophet lie like that and a week later when Thomas comes and actually questions him he shows the holds in his hands in his feet what kind of profit lies like that what kind of God would send this man another man to his death put the image of this man on another man and send that man to his death and then not tell anybody for six hundred years and then six hundred years say oh let me tell this man over here in Arabia who can't even read and write the real story is that the kind of God we have is that the kind of God that we have in the Bible my God does not lie like that thank God we don't have a deceitful God that's the moral problem and Muslims have a hard time dealing with that number seven which is the religion of peace after the news we've heard from Egypt today I think we know that almost a month doesn't go by when we're hearing about one atrocity after another but you can't I use that to answer them so what I do and what you can do ask a very simple question and this is what I always ask when Muslims claim that the Islam is a religion of peace that Muhammad was a man of peace that the Quran is a book of peace I asked him to come back to be next week and show me one verse in the Quran that says there to have peace with me I've asked us for 37 years they will come up with three verses one is chapter 2 verse 256 which says there is no compulsion in religion probably you've heard that one ask them to read the rest of the verse and to read the verse that follows it and see if there's no compulsion for he who stands against Allah and His Prophet great shall be their perdition for they shall be in Hellfire now tell me if there's no compulsion but does that have to do with us no that's to do with other Muslims that is only for Muslims they like to go to 2 190 which says if you are attacked defend yourself but don't go beyond the limits ask them to read the next 2 verses that follow because I would like to know what limits they're not to go beyond and it says very clearly in 193 slay them wherever you find them so what limits have they gone to they can't go any further I'm dead so you have to look at the context of all the verses the favorite one is chapter 5 verse 32 and this is the one that Obama uses this is the one that all the politicians uses which says for he who takes the blood of one and see if he takes the blood of all he who saves the blood of one it's if he saves the blood of all have you heard that one how do you know that right at the beginning tell him to read the beginning of the verse o children of Israel he who takes the blood it's referring to verse 31 which is Cain having killed his brother Abel it's talking about the blood of Abel it's a rig up a paper it's a Redemption analysis on the blood of Abel for the children of the Jews so that's not to do with Muslims that's not to do with you where is the verse that has to do with you the very next one verse 33 so just read the next verse he who stands against Allah and His Prophet crucified them and cut off their hands and feet from opposite ends how many of you knew that before today in every case whenever they come up with a verse just read the next verse and you will find it completely contradicts what they're saying and in 37 years I have yet to find a Muslim that can find a verse that says there have peace with me the closest they're gonna get is surah 109 verse 6 which says to you your religion to me my religion but that's almost the end of the Quran it's one of the first verses that was revealed to Muhammad if he was revealed to him in the Quran you have two different sections one you have Medina the other is Mecca Mecca is the second half the crown that's the earlier part that was revealed from 610 to 6 622 Medina is the first half that's from 622 to 632 when you look at those two halves they're almost like two different books all the violence is in the medina and sewers 150 violent verses we're not gonna even get into them slay the unbeliever wherever you find them cut off the heads of the unbeliever all in the medina now in the Quran it is aware of these contradictions so it gives a law of abrogation in chapter 2 verse 106 in chapter 16 verse 101 which stipulates if you have two verses the first verses month soak the second verse is not seek which means it abrogates the man Seuk so all the medinan verses abrogate the Meccan verses and chapter 109 verse 6 is abrogated by a hundred and one verses so you can't use it not lovely no it's terrible because it shows how violent the Quran is if you want to go back to Muhammad we don't have time but it's all here in the notes we can show you also what the notes say let's go to number 10 because Islam is growing so fast and it is so much stronger won't it beat Christianity this is the relevancy question and Muslims always love to talk about the fact that Islam is the fastest growing religion on earth which it is that is true it is the fastest growing it will soon surpass Christianity web by 2050 both Catholics and Protestants so we've got to wake up to it folks we've got to wake up and we've got to make sure that we know how it what's happening fortunately Islam has not come in a big way in Europe yet but it's coming it's coming by their millions and I think we need to know how to engage at this level now here's the question it is the fastest growing religion but how is it growing anybody know demographically it is the fastest you are born Muslim you do not choose it is that how we grow as Christians no we choose to become a Christian what the kist ik you need to look at is what they is what they call conversion growth when you look at conversion growth Islam is growing about 2.5% Christianity is growing by 5% we are double their growth conversion and the beautiful thing about that is conversion growth is by choice Islam does not give you that choice chapter 4 verse 89 is the law of apostasy is built into the Quran all four schools of law have our dictate that if you leave Islam you will be you hearin the only difference between the hon bodied the Hanafi the Maliki in the Shafi school is what day you were to be killed if it's the third day or the tenth day or in the case of the hon Bali immediately so it's very clear that in Islam the apostasy law is absolute you have got a Dowie probably one of the greatest certainly one of the most popular clerics today he's an Al Jazeera television in Qatar every night has this famous quote where he says without the lava pastas be without of the law of apostasy there would be no Islam we are dependent on the law of apostasy you
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Length: 66min 12sec (3972 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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