The 10 Most BIZARRE DEATHS of All Time!

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- You know, I'm sure that you all, just like myself, have all done stupid things in our lives. But at least we didn't die from it. Death, it's a normal part of life that we all have to deal with at one point or another. And there's really nothing unordinary about it. Tens of millions of people die every year of disease, hunger, murder, and just plain old age. But, not everyone that's died has done so from natural causes. In fact, there have been some deaths that were so unusual that calling them weird is a little bit of an understatement. So today, I gathered some of the strangest deaths that have ever been documented that will surely make you believe in Darwinism. So without further ado, here they are. The ten most bizarre deaths of all time. Number one is Wee for Wii. In 2007, the Nintendo Wii was one of the hottest products around, and it was in short supply. Both gamers and parents of gamers were willing to do pretty much anything to get one. To capitalize on this, a California radio station called KDND 107.9 held a contest called Hold your Wee for Wii. Contestants were required to drink about 7.5 liters of water and whoever held it the longest won. One of the twenty contestants was a 28 year old mother named Jennifer Strange. After coming in second, she didn't feel so well, so she immediately went home, only to later be found dead of water intoxication. Her family ended up suing the radio station, and won 16.5 million dollars for wrongful death. I'd just like to point out that the woman came in second. She didn't even win the Wii. I'm not saying she's dumb, but you know, someone may have popped a steamer in her gene pool. Number two is Death by Chocolate. Vincent Smith the second was a 29-year-old factory worker at Cocoa Services in Camden, New Jersey. He seemed to have the perfect job. He got to work with confectionery all day, and made a good living doing it. That was, until one day in 2009 when he was dumping cocoa into a giant vat of chocolate, and he was suddenly struck in the head by a mixing blade. The blow didn't kill him, but it did make him fall unconscious, causing him to fall over the side of the 2.4 meter deep tank of boiling hot chocolate. He had been in the vat for a full ten minutes before he was pulled out, and by that time it was too late. He had drowned on a lot of melted chocolate. This is really terrible, and a perfect example of why you should always practice workplace safety. Also ♫ Oompa loompa doompadee dee ♫ That's one tasty death if you wanna ask me ♫ I'm sorry, I'm going to hell. Number three is Through the Looking Glass. Garry Hoy was a 38-year-old lawyer from Toronto, Canada who was working at the Toronto Dominion Center. He was a highly respected philanthropic member of Toronto's Asian community, and was educated as an engineer before becoming a lawyer. So, he was a smart dude, or so people thought. One day, while working with a bunch of prospective apprentices in the office, he decided that he wanted to prove to them that the glass in the Dominion Center was unbreakable. Having tried this previously, where he harmlessly bounced off the glass, he again threw himself against it, where like he predicted, the glass did not break. No, instead the frame gave way, sending him and the entire pane of glass plummeting 24 floors down to the concrete below. This bizarre death was recreated by MythBusters, and actually got Hoy recognized at the 1996 Darwin Awards. Well, this proves once again, that you should never trust windows, because one way or another, it's gonna crash. Number four is All Choked Up. Angela Isadora Duncan was an American dancer born in 1877. Originally from California, she lived in western Europe most of her life, and was an accomplished dancer that performed to acclaim throughout Europe after being exiled from the United States for her pro-Soviet stance. She had a great fondness for flowing scarves that she regularly wore as a part of her wardrobe. Unfortunately, it was that very fondness that contributed to her death. One night, in 1927, she was a passenger in a Bugatti, while driving around in France when suddenly the car was in an accident. Her silk scarf, which was draped around her neck, became entangled in the open-spoked wheel hurling her from the car like a human slingshot, breaking her neck. Well, she didn't exactly wake up in a new Bugatti, but you know, she dead. Number five is A Serious Handicap. In the summer of 1994, a 16 year old named Jeremy Brenno was playing a round of golf with some friends at the Kingsboro Golf Club in Gloversville, New York. The day was going good, until Jeremy and his friends reached the sixth hole where Jeremy, in a fit of frustration, smashed his golf club off of a bench. Frustration in golf is pretty common, as is smashing the occasional club. However, this time, in a freak accident, the shaft broke, bouncing back and piercing Jeremy's heart, leading to his death shortly after. Yeah, so remember this story next time you're about to go all "Happy Gilmore" after losing a shot. You might die. Number six is Holy Cow. In 2013, a 45 year old man named Joao Maria de Souza was asleep in his bed with his wife in Caratinga, Brazil. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, a 1,400 kilogram cow fell through the roof of his house onto his bed, leading to injury that would kill him just a few hours later. The cow had escaped from a local farm, and somehow made it onto the roof of de Souza's home. The roof was unable to support the massive cow which collapsed, dropping the cow 2.5 meters onto de Souza's leg, completely missing his wife, leaving her unharmed, along with the cow. This was of course back when milk's marketing for "Got Milk?" was a far more aggressive campaign. Moo. Number seven is the Roast of the Century. St. Lawrence was born in Spain in 225 A.D. In 257 A.D., Pope Sixtus II ordained St. Lawrence as a deacon and promptly demanded that he hand over all of his wealth to the church. However, St. Lawrence believed that all of his wealth should go directly to those in need, and began promptly handing it all out to the poor. This infuriated the Pope, who had a great gridiron prepared with hot coals underneath, and placed St. Lawrence above it and grilled him alive. Surprisingly, as he was slowly roasted to death, he reportedly joked with his tormentors, saying, "Turn me over, I'm done on this side." Today, he's the patron saint of cooks and fire fighters, which is extremely morbid, and whoever decided that has a really sick sense of humor. Get ya head checked. Number eight is Backfire. Clement Vallandigham was a 50-year-old lawyer from Ohio who practiced law for many years. On one such case, he was defending a client, who was charged with murdering a man in a barroom brawl. In an attempt to prove his client's innocence, he demonstrated how the victim might have shot himself. Selecting a pistol that he believed to be unloaded, he put it in his pocket, and reenacted the events as they might have happened. However, the pistol was in fact loaded, and upon snagging the gun on his own clothing, unintentionally fired it into his own stomach. His client was cleared of the crime, however Vallandigham died shortly after from his wounds. Now that, that's dedication to your work. Number nine is Revenge of the Snake. In 2014, a Chinese chef named Peng Fan was preparing a snake soup for guests at a restaurant that he was working at. The soup is a delicacy and required the chopped up meat of an Indochinese spitting cobra. After killing the snake by severing its head, he continued to prepare the soup. However, 20 minutes later, as he was throwing out the carcass, the snake's severed head bit him, injecting him with a neurotoxic venom, killing him shortly after. What he didn't know is that some snakes have the capability to bite and inject venom even after their head has been severed, mostly as a reflex action. Unfortunately, he did not have access to antivenom in time, causing a quick death. Interestingly, cobras are a delicacy in China, and are considered good for your health. Assuming that the severed head of one doesn't kill you first. But if you can get past that, yum! Number ten is A Killer Meal. Adolf Frederick was the king of Sweden until his death in February of 1771. He was a weak monarch, and little more than a figurehead, but was known for eating lavish meals. On one such occasion, he consumed a meal of lobster, caviar, sauerkraut, smoked herring, and champagne, and topped it all off with 14 servings of his favorite dessert. The excessive meal caused severe digestion problems killing him shortly after. To this day, he's still known as the king who ate himself to death. Still, he's better off with that fate, because having been alive to pass that food baby the next day would have been quite the battle. And that's it for this time, guys. If you enjoyed this, you should definitely check out the video my good friend Rob Dyke just uploaded about mysterious deaths. It's a part of his Seriously Strange series, and believe me, you guys are not going to want to miss it. So, if you want to check it out, click the annotation on the screen, or the link in the description. And tell him I sent you. As always, I would very much appreciate it if you guys gave that Like button a click, and don't forget to click that red Subscribe button if you'd like to see future videos from me, because I upload every Tuesday and Saturday. I hope you guys have a great day, and I will see you later on my second channel, and on my social media. Peace. (cheerful fanfare) (techno music)
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Keywords: Matthew Santoro, Matt Santoro, Santoro, Facts, Myths, 50 Amazing Facts, Amazing Facts, Facts in 5, Top 10, List, Countdown, Crazy, Funny, Comedy, Matthew Santoro top 10, Matt Santoro top 10, Santoro top 10, Matthew Santoro facts, Matthew Santoro YouTube, Matt Santoro YouTube, Santoro YouTube, YouTube Matthew Santoro, YouTube Matt Santoro, YouTube Santoro, Top 10 List, Rob Dyke, Death, Deaths, Most bizarre deaths, Weird deaths, Crazy deaths, Crazy ways people died, Most bizarre
Id: UlzuGXG7eNw
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Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 03 2015
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