10 WEIRDEST Things Ever Sold on eBay!

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- Need a way to make a quick buck? Just go on eBay and an auction off your friends! - Yeah! Wait, what? - Quiet, Eugene. Okay, well, that auction is likely to be taken down pretty quickly due to ethics and morals, psh! But, Eugene wouldn’t actually be the weirdest thing that someone ever tried to sell on the site, believe it or not. Since the site was founded in 1995, there have been thousands of strange items put up for sale, and many of them just been shocking, confusing, or just downright hilarious. So today, I rounded up the most bizarre, insane items that people have ever put online for others to buy. So, these are them: The 10 weirdest things ever sold on eBay. Number one is an Illinois shaped cornflake. Startin’ weird already. In 2008, two sisters in Virginia started an eBay auction for a single Kellogg's cornflake that perfectly resembled the American state of Illinois. What's even more disturbing is that after only one week, they received the winning bid of $1,350 from a guy named Monty Kerr, the owner of a trivia website from Texas. He went as far as to send an employee to Virginia to pick up the flake, instead of having it delivered. He purchased the cornflake to add to his pop culture traveling museum that he was starting, and this wasn't even the first cornflake that he's tried to purchase online. Well, that's nothing. Monty, if you’re down, I have a Fruit Loop shaped like the entire world so you know, (laughs) call me. Number two is a ghost in a jar. Oh god. In 2003, Arkansas eBay user TJ101 started an auction for a jar that he found in an abandoned cemetery. He claimed that he had been haunted by the ghost that resided in the glass container and started the bidding at $99, noting that he was to not be held responsible if the thing escaped or any damage that the spectre might do. After seven days, the winning bid reached $55,992, however, the winner just didn't end up paying, likely due to the fact that he must feel stupid trying to buy ghost on the internet. What's wrong with people? I feel it's kind of a lose-lose situation. I mean either it’s fake and you just got ripped off, or it’s real and now you own a poltergeist that's going to terrorize you for the rest of your life. Yeah, better spending habits, friends, better spending habits. Number three is the original Hollywood sign. In 2004, Dan Bliss auctioned off the original nine letter sign that became a landmark in California. The Hollywood sign was put up in 1923, at a cost of $21,000. Bliss, who bought the sign two years prior from a nightclub owner, started the bidding at $300,000 and ended up roping in $450,400. That is an insane profit! You might even say he's in bliss? (laughs) Sorry. Number four is forehead advertising space. In 2005, Utah mother Keri Smith was in a tattoo parlor getting the website address of an online casino permanently inked on her forehead. She did this because she started an eBay auction for the advertising space for her son Brady’s schooling. Jumping on the opportunity, goldenpalace.com clicked buy now when the auction was only two days old, agreeing to her low asking price of only $10,000. 10 grand to be a walking billboard for the rest your life! Poor choices, my friends, just poor choices. Number five is a human kidney. Highly illegal! In 1999, when eBay was only 4 years old and was still sorting out its stance on certain items put up for sale, a Florida man only known as hchero online, tried to auction off his own kidney. He even granted whoever won the auction the right to choose which kidney, but insisted that they could only have one. Durr! Starting the bidding at $25,000, it wasn’t long until his auction passed $5 million. However, of course, the Anti-organ trafficking laws in the United States stopped the auction in it’s tracks, and eBay took it down just as it has surpassed $5.7 million. Wow! I just realized I have two kidneys! Eugene, get the scalpel! Number six is a haunted rubber duck. Want to add value to your eBay auction? Just claim whatever you're selling is possessed. Easy! That's what happened in 2004, in Cartwright, Ontario, Canada, when eBay user N8701 successfully managed to sell his child's possessed rubber duck for $107.50. The seller wrote a long story on the auction’s page, claiming that's the duck, named “Yella”, warped and faded all the other toys in the bathtub and even bit his son. (quacks) He and his pastor concluded that selling the hunted toy on eBay was probably the best way to get rid of the family curse, as is always the way with these things, am I right? Hey guys, check out this new auction, where I'm selling this haunted toothbrush. It’s possessed by evil spirit of a dentist. Bidding starts at $500. Number seven is a weekend of beer and fun. Ooh, these guys have the right idea. In 2006, four men in Balmain, Australia used Ebay to auction off a weekend of their company, guaranteeing that the gathering would consist of some beer, some snacks, some conversation, and hell of a lot of laughs. The group said that they would consider the winner to be their best mate. The auction netted them $1,300 and was won by another local Australian man, who joined the group to party shortly after. This actually an amazing idea, mostly because these guys were likely to just hang out and drink the weekend away anyways, so they thought, “Hey, let's make some money “and maybe a new friend while we’re at it!” Brilliance! Number eight is New Zealand. Yes, the country of New Zealand. In 2006, a man in Brisbane, Australia put up an eBay auction to sell New Zealand. Starting the bidding at $0.01, the man claimed he had been to Auckland, hated the weather, and decided to sell the country. Shockingly, the winning bid was actually able to make it up to $3,000, but once it was discovered, eBay took the auction down. Twist ending! While most viewed this as a funny bit of humor, the New Zealand Foreign Affairs Minister, Winston Peters, actually got ticked off, saying that it was nonsensical stupidity. Yeah, this is coming from a politician whose job it is is to spit nonsensical stupidity so, yeah, that's the pot calling the kettle black. Number nine is the meaning of life. If there is a person out there who can answer the questions everybody has about our existence and what it all means, well, chances are, you can purchase that vast knowledge on eBay! In 2000, a North Carolina resident posted an auction claiming that they had discovered the reason for existence and would share the knowledge with the highest bidder. With an opening bid of just one cent, people either didn't trust the authenticity of the information, or no longer cared why they were there, and the auction only netted the seller $3.26. You know, maybe some of these sellers would have been taken a little more seriously if their user names weren’t things like catlover69579784679. You know, maybe it was like Buddha, then, then you would have got a little more. And, number 10 is a man's life. In 2008, in the middle of a midlife crisis, that have the world watching him, a recently divorced Ian Usher realized that he needed a fresh start. So, naturally as people do in these situations, he decided to auction off his entire life on eBay. Starting the bidding at just $1, broken hearted Usher included in the auction, his house in Perth, Australia, Mazda car, motorcycle, jet ski, spa and belongings, and on top of all that, a trial run at his job as a rug store sales assistant. It even included an introduction to his friends. How nice. The winning bid was over $300,000, which he used to go on a giant world tour, which included buying himself a tiny island off of the coast of Panama. So, remember folks, when life gets you down, sell that life on eBay and just buy a new one. And those, my friends, were the 10 craziest things ever sold on eBay. I hope you learned something in this video, but is there something else you want to learn, like maybe how to shoot amazing photos, or build a website, or even edit your own YouTube videos? Well, if so, then you should check out Lynda.com/Matthew. They have over 100,000 tutorials and courses for just about anything that you could possibly want to learn, and one of the best parts is that you get to learn at your own pace. Ah, but here's the best part. If you go to Lynda.com/Matthew right now, you can sign up for a free 10 day trial to get unlimited access to the website. I just started a tutorial on animation and I love it. So click the link in the description, or go to Lynda.com/Matthew and sign up right now. Seriously, check it out guys. You will not be disappointed. Seriously, if anyone wants to buy this, hit me up; twitter.com/matthewsantoro Tweet me some offers. Remember to click that red subscribe button to be notified of my future videos on this channel. On the right, you'll find an annotation to my last video, as well as an annotation to pick up some merch, if you feel like getting some. And you also find an annotation to my second channel where I make vlogs, unboxing and a lot more. Be sure to subscribe to that, and other than that I will see you all next time, same bat time, same bat channel. Bye! Ha!
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Keywords: Matthew Santoro, Matt Santoro, Santoro, Facts, Myths, 50 Amazing Facts, Amazing Facts, Facts in 5, Top 10, List, Countdown, Crazy, Funny, Comedy, Matthew Santoro top 10, Matt Santoro top 10, Santoro top 10, Matthew Santoro facts, Matthew Santoro YouTube, Matt Santoro YouTube, Santoro YouTube, YouTube Matthew Santoro, YouTube Matt Santoro, YouTube Santoro, Top 10 List, Auction, EBay (Venture Funded Company), eBay, Sold, Buy, Weirdest things ever sold on eBay, Weirdest, Sold on eBay
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Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2015
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