The 10 Best Superheroes Of All Time

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today's episode of Aryan is brought to you by Netflix today on variant they count down my top 10 favorite superheroes of all time welcome to Barrett we love comments when that feeling of when you got two bags of chips or candy out of the vending machine when you only paid for one I'm your host eros quinones today I'm gonna be counting down my top 10 favorite superheroes which can I just say was extremely difficult like it took me almost an hour to settle on the list difficult and even still there are a couple ties on my list because I'm just so attached to so many characters and comics and grow up breathing and following them since I was like 5 and will continue to do so until I'm so old I forget how to read but after much deliberation I have settled on my list so let's start from number 10 working our way up to number one [Music] at number 10 and kicking off this countdown is a tie between Deadpool and Captain America Deadpool first debuted in humans issue 98 in February of 1991 Deadpool eventually became super popular and for a good reason he's hilarious always having quips and just saying funny things all the time he's also self-aware he's inside of accomplish is awesome and makes for some pretty funny moments not to mention he has one of the best healing factors in all of comics along with arguably being the best assassin I love comics so that makes him the bee's knees as for Captain America he first appeared in Captain America issue 1 in March of 1941 Captain America is just one of those characters that if he didn't make his way somewhere on anyone's top ten superheroes list it would just be kind of weird as he's one of the handful of comic characters that had a huge impact in the comic industry as a whole Captain America is the classic tale of the small guy coming out on top and being able to make a difference I mean come on we all wish we can get some Super Soldier Serum get rocked have an awesome shield and then save the day because that would be amazing coming in at number nine is the fastest man alive the flash she first appeared in flash comics issue one in January of 1940 many people have donned the mantle of the flash over the years like the first flash Jay Garrick all the way to the most widely known flash Barry Allen so some of you may be asking eros which flash would you be talking about well I'd be referring to Barry Allen in the Wally West flashes I've always loved to flash the whole idea of being able to move so fast you can vibrate through solid objects and even time travel has always fascinated me since I was a young and not to mention he's one of the original members of the Justice League and has some of the coolest fighting scenes and comics since everything with him is in super fast motion so fast he even gets Superman a hard time while trying to catch him he also was one of the best parts of the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited cartoons making his way to number eight is the Hulk Hogan made his first appearance in the Incredible Hulk issue one in May of 1962 the Hulk is pretty much one of the coolest characters in all of comics reason being because he's just a dude Bruce Banner to be exact that turns into a huge raging practically unstoppable monster when he gets mad which i think is one of the coolest concepts for a character ever and as we all know the matter he gets the stronger he gets but it wasn't always getting mad that turned dr. banner into the Hulk originally it was the moon that turned him into the Hulk much like a werewolf but that eventually changed and definitely for the better along with being just a super cool monstrous hero that just likes to smash things and destroy anything that gets in his way his human form dr. Bruce Banner is one of the smartest people in the Marvel Universe and on top of that the Hulk is one of these strongest characters in all of comics so strong you can even pull off those purple shorts at number 7 we have the last time I list with Iron Man and Thor Iron Man made his first appearance in tales of suspense issue 39 in March of 1963 a lot of people only know of Iron Man because of the success of his movies and the Avengers films but as I just said he's been around since 1963 and in my opinion has always been one of the coolest superheroes I mean there's a plethora of armors that can do anything his brilliant mind can come up with and he's a billionaire they can get any woman he wants it doesn't get much cooler than that as for the god of thunder Thor he first appeared in journey into mystery issue 83 in August of 1962 what I always thought was awesome about Thor is yes he's a superhero but first and foremost he's a God which I always thought was a really cool concept you have this god from Asgard who's super powerful and he defends and fights for Earth and the way he flies by spinning his hammer really fast I always thought it was a really creative way to make him fly instead of just the typical he's a God or super being of course he can fly what explanation do you need but he's a God who's a superhero with an awesome hammer that he control Thunder with I don't think I need to say anything more my number six pick is Martian Manhunter he first appeared in the text of comics issue 225 in November of 1955 Martian Manhunter is easily one of these strongest superheroes in the DC Universe he's so powerful in fact that he was recently picked for the new Justice League of America team purely to fight Superman as Superman ever got out of line so that right there should tell you how powerful he is he's an alien whose planet and race has been destroyed so he now defends Earth and is currently on the Justice League of America team he has multiple powers like shape-shifting reading minds flight super strength and the list goes on and on he has a very calm intellectual demeanor about him which just makes him even cooler all while being this powerful alien much like Superman since Superman is also technically an alien plus he just looks freaking awesome and even if you haven't read him in the comics you can probably still relate if you've seen the Justice League cartoons which he was great in making his way to my top five at number five is Nightwing Nightwing first appeared in tales of the Teen Titans issue 44 in July of 1984 Nightwing and or Dick Grayson was the first Robin and definitely the most skilled Robin and protege Batman has ever had though the other Robins like Tim Drake Jason Todd and so on are highly skilled as well Dick Grayson definitely surpasses them all so much so that after Batman's apparent death he took over the mantle of Batman for a while and made Damian Wayne the new Robin Nightwing has always been a cool character to me he's essentially an extension of Batman which is probably part of the reason why I like him so much but at the same time he's completely his own deal and different than Bruce and he has a bunch of cool gadgets like Batman most notable are as a scrum mistakes that he carries on his back they could also form a bo staff with he also is extremely acrobatic so he's like a more gritty version of spider-man he's a character that will forever be one of my favorites because plain and simple he's just frickin cool coming in at number four is Superman Superman first appeared in Action Comics issue one in April of 1938 I don't think any best superheroes list could be complete without having Superman somewhere on list without him superheroes pretty much wouldn't exist or at least the way we've come to know them he's the superhero that started at all so even if you're not a fan of Superman I just think out of sheer respect for how his creation to change comics and how he was the start of the superhero genre were so familiar with today he would need to be on anyone's list and on top of that I just think he's one of the coolest superheroes I mean he's Superman did you do anything pretty much and he's argued to be the strongest super hero in all of comic books but besides being super strong and being able to do practically anything he's the epitome of a superhero his interests and motives are always for the well-being of the innocent he's the ultimate Boy Scout who's always striving to do the good and right thing which is why so many people may not like them but at the same time which is why so many people do like them like me my top three favorites at number three is Green Lantern Green Lantern first appeared in all American comics issue 16 in July of 1940 there have been many people to Don the Green Lantern ring first of which was Alan Scott but also since the Green Lantern Corps is exactly that a core group of lanterns you probably want to know what Green Lantern I'm referring to and I would be referring to how Jordan followed closely by a Kyle Rayner first of all I love how the Green Lantern's deal with space and intergalactic stuff that's just always a win for me and the concept of the Green Lantern's has always been awesome I thought I mean the fact that you have this ring that can create anything your mind can think of and or is only as powerful as your will is amazing it just adds a lot to the characters Plus Green Lantern has one of my favorite villains ever Sinestro whose power ring is controlled by fear so throw that all together and you have a great character at number two is spider-man spider-man first appeared an amazing fantasy 15 in August of 1962 one of the many reasons why spider-man is so high on my list and I like him so much is because he's very relatable and even with his superpowers he has all the problems any normal person would have like he's not rich he doesn't always get the girl but besides even just being relatable he's hilarious while fighting villains and his powers are awesome I think his powers are so awesome that six-year-old me would tie one end of a piece of rope to the upstairs banister and the other to my wrist and then try to swing like spider-man slinging Webb through New York City and of course my mom yelled stop and panic which I said no I got this clearly I'm spider-man and I actually didn't say that it'll actually stop the media because at the time she was much bigger and scarier than me and he's one of the characters I attached myself to at a very young age I always liked his costume design with the huge white eyes and the webbing everywhere he just looks really cool he has one of the two best rows galleries and all the comics I think and as I always say a heroes only as good as the villains he faces and finally at number one and it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that my number one pick is Batman Batman first appeared in Detective Comics issue 27 in May of 1939 I've been a huge Batman fan ever since I was like three or four running around with a bat symbol on my chest and cape around my neck Batman is actually the character that got me into comic books which from there on out opened a whole world of superheroes to me much like most people my age I would watch the Adam West's Batman reruns on TV and then when I was around six that started reading comics Batman the Animated Series came out and it was official Batman was the end-all be-all for me and comic books in general then took over my life Batman just looks freaking awesome being all dark with the cool Cape Stern demeanor white eyes pointy ears and just striking fear into his enemies it's the best concept ever in my opinion he's this guy whose parents were murdered in front of him and from there on out vows to protect Gotham and the innocent from any threat that may oppose them I mean just like the saying goes he is vengeance he is knight he is Batman it doesn't get much cooler than that and if Batman wasn't ba enough on his own his villains in my opinion make him that much more awesome and as a whole are the best villains of any character ever I mean again that's just my opinion but to me hands down Batman has the best villains period he has the Joker Catwoman mr. freeze the Riddler Bane Clayface and I could just go on and on for days but those are just my 10 favorite superheroes and a very brief summary of why I'm such a huge fan of all of them but I know my list probably isn't what your list would be so don't get all mad if a hero didn't make my list we all have different favorite superheroes for different reasons so post yours down below and let me know what your list would be Netflix Dreams TV shows and movies directly to your home saving you time money and hassle as a Netflix member you can instantly watch TV episodes and movies streaming directly to your PC Mac or right to your TV with your Xbox 360 ps3 or Nintendo Wii console Plus Apple devices Kindle and Nook you can get a free 30-day trial membership by going to Netflix comm 4 slash rants and signing up now [Music] first up for Wednesday November 13 so we have the Walking Dead issue 116 all-out war continues in The Walking Dead universe as the first battle of war rages on next we have all-new x-men issue 18 the x-men are shaken to the core by the Battle of the atom kitty pryde is especially shaken by the events of the x-men crossover with her students gone what is kitty to do now we have Justice League of America issue 9 a forever evil tie and Martian Manhunter literally claws his way out of the fire with one other member of the JLA on his side but what are the chances of survival on a world run by the deadliest of supervillains here we have Superman Wonder Woman issue 2 seeking help against doomsday Diana turns to her brother for weapons but a more immediate threat is Apollo and the other gods and finally we have Batman issue 25 Batman zero year reaches a new level as the Riddler sends Gotham City into total darkness Dark City begins in this issue well that brings another episode of bring it to a close now some of you might be thinking his list was just all DC and Marvel and there's a very simple explanation for that because much like most people who grew up reading comics and following them DC and Marvel is what I mainly grew up reading now I'm not saying I don't like other characters from publishers like image Dark Horse and so on because I do like spawn and Hellboy I love it's just DC and Marvel will always be closest to my heart since that's what I grew up with but remember to like our variant Facebook page keep up with the show and all the things comic related you can also follow me on twitter slash airs underscore cannulas but i'll see you guys next week when i talk about all things comics [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 1,565,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Spider-Man, deadpool, Hulk, Wolverine, Captain America, The Flash, Iron Man, thor, martian manhunter, Nightwing, Avengers, JLA, Justice League, Justice League of America, DC comics, Marvel, Marvel comics, superheroes, variant, variant comics
Id: EkrpDKV50B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2013
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