The 10 Avatars of Vishnu - Hindu Mythology

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Vishnu is one of the most important gods among the many Hindu deities he is responsible for preserving and sustaining the world to accomplish this Vishnu assumes different forms or avatars to restore the cosmic balance and protect the world from the forces of evil dashavatara is a Hindu mythological concept designating the 10 incarnations of the god Vishnu these 10 avatars or incarnations represent distinct stages of evolution appearing at different yugas or times in Hindu mythology when the god Vishnu manifests on Earth to restore Cosmic order he does so in different incarnations or avatars in today's video we'll learn about the 10 avatars of the god Vishnu and their roles in the evolution of time and the preservation of Dharma Cosmic order and Justice matsa was the first of the 10 Hindu incarnations of Vishnu he took the form of a fish to save the world from a huge flood that threatened to destroy all life matsa is usually portrayed as a figure with the upper torso of a man and the lower torso of a fish with four arms holding weapons and symbols of power during the great flood of Hindu mythology matsa appears to save the pious and first man Manu he advised him to build a great boat and take with him seven sages and samples of all living creatures and seeds of all plants as the world would undergo a renewal when the flood happened matsa guided the boat to safety and Manu became the progator of the new human race matsa represents the need to preserve wisdom in life in the face of adversity and destruction the idea of a new beginning after a cataclysmic event makes us reflect on resilience renewal and the ability to overcome challenges matsa also highlights the importance of responsible leadership ship King Manu Guided by matsa is the Guardian of Life and knowledge he shows that leadership requires wisdom courage and a sense of Duty towards all living beings the matsa Avatar is celebrated during the Hindu festival of dashara which honors vishnu's 10 [Music] incarnations in Hindu mythology kerma is the second incarnation of Vishnu in this case he took the form of a turtle to help the gods and demons contribute to the churning of the cosmic ocean known as samudra Manan and to recover the nectar of immortality concealed at the bottom of the ocean according to this Hindu myth the gods and demons cooperated to obtain the nectar of immortality which they believed would give them eternal life and power to recover this nectar they needed to stir up the ocean using Mount Mandara as the trigger and the vasuki snake as the Rope when the churning began the mountain began to sink into the ocean as it was too heavy to be supported by the gods or demons it was at this point that Vishnu took on the kerma Avatar held the mountain on his back and allowed the churning to continue the churning of the ocean produced many things including a poison capable of destroying all life on Earth the god Shiva appeared and drank all of it saving the universe from destruction numerous objects and creatures also emerged from the ocean including the goddess of wealth Lakshmi and the god of medicine Dan vantari who carried with him the nectar of immortality gods and demons fought over the nectar but with vishnu's help the gods managed to defeat the demons and secure the nectar obtaining immortality and eternal life the kerma Avatar symbolizes stability support and balance by bearing the weight of the mountain kerma maintains Harmony between the gods and demons allowing them to reach a common goal this story shows the importance of cooperation even between enemies to achieve greater goals and Collective benefits Vera is worshiped as the third Avatar of Vishnu he is usually depicted with a human body and a Boar's Head holding a disc a conch shell and a war club symbols of his Divine powers in Hindu mythology Vishnu took the form of a boar or a human with a Boar's Head to rescue the Earth personified by the Goddess bivi from the demon hin yaka who had kidnapped her at the bottom of the cosmic ocean Legend has it that varaha dived to the bottom of the ocean and fought a fierce battle with the demon here in yaka killing him after an epic battle that lasted a thousand years afterwards varaha carried budvi on his tusks to her rightful place the goddess bevi was so grateful to Vera for saving her that she became his loyal devotee and vowed to always serve him after rescuing the goddess Vera rested on Mount meu the axis of the world and created the universe he is sometimes referred to as the cosmic boar and is said to have dug the Earth out of the cosmic Waters with his tusks in this Redemptive Mission vaha symbolizes the Divine Force capable of rescuing and purifying the story reminds us that even in the most demanding circumstances light and truth will prevail over darkness and [Music] Injustice narima is considered one of the strongest and most fearsome incarnations of Vishnu this Avatar has a human body with the head and claws of a lion narasa is considered a symbol of protection and courage capable of destroying all the forces of evil Hindu myths state that narasa was created to defeat the demon king here in yakashi who received the blessing of invincibility the demon became arrogant and tyrannical persecuting anyone who did not worship him as a God the Tyrant banned the worship of Vishnu and oppressed his devotees but his own son prolada remained a fervent devotee of Vishnu resisting all attempts to change his faith angered by pra's unwavering devotion hiranyakashipu challenged him to show where Vishnu could be Prada replied that Vishnu is everywhere even in The Columns of the palace hiranyakashipu attacked one of them where narashima appeared the demon and narashima fought fiercely but here in aipu was unable to stop narasa who killed the demon by laying him on his lap and tearing him apart with his claws that was the end of tyranny and the Revival of cosmic order the universe felt relieved and vishnu's devotees celebrated the victory of Justice prila with tears of devotion in his eyes knelt before Nara the latter despite his ferocious appearance blessed the Young Prince with love and protection narima Saga is a Timeless narrative that portrays the power of Faith narasa with its ferocious form and protective nature symbolizes Divine omnipresence and intervention to protect righteousness and Faith this story underlines that no matter how strong the forces of evil justice and truth will [Music] prevail in Hindu mythology during an ancient war the king of the Gods Indra lost his Empire to the king of demons Bali Indra asked the god Vishnu for help in recovering his domains Vishnu embodies vamana for the fifth time the younger brother of the god Indra a Brahman dwarf Bali was an extremely virtuous demon observing all religious principles and never failing to fulfill a request from a Brahman vamana got an audience with Bali asking him for a piece of land to live on the size of three of his steps Bali own the entire Galactic system and wanted to fulfill little V's humble wish after all how big would the expanse of land be if it could only fit three steps of a dwarf in the first step Vishnu enveloped the entire galaxy in the second the entire universe and then wondered where he was going to put his foot for the third step when Bali noticed that V was Vishnu in Disguise he offered him his own head Vishnu put his foot on bali's head and pushed him into the underworld vamana symbolizes Divine cunning and humility showing that Cosmic balance is often achieved not by force but by wisdom Bali on the other hand represents righteousness and virtue even in the face of unfavorable circumstances it shows that true devotion has no room for Pride the story underlines the importance of balance and Justice as well as the need to keep one's word and honor commitments even when the consequences are unexpected parasurama is the sixth Avatar of Vishnu in Hindu mythology he was born to Sage jamadagni and his wife ranuka parasurama was known for his exceptional talents as a Brahman Warrior and his unwavering Devotion to Vishnu often depicted with an ax par sharama used it to defeat and destroy the forces of evil during parasurama's time the world lived under the tyranny of the katria who neglected their duties exploited the people and disrespected the sages and brahmans in this context par sharama was born into the family of a sage with the Divine Purpose of punishing the corrupt krias and restoring balance and Justice branding an axe paru given to him by Shiva parasurama carried out multiple campaigns against the Kat Trias eradicating those who practice practiced Injustice and protecting the righteous he not only purified the Earth of corruption but established the supremacy of Dharma teaching that power must always be balanced by virtue and responsibility after fulfilling this Mission parama donated the lands he had conquered to the brahans and retired to devote himself to meditation and Penance becoming an AIC I.E someone who renounces worldly and physical Pleasures to reach a higher state of spiritual uality or understanding he continues to guide Kings and sages to find righteousness unlike the previous avatars parasurama is immortalized in Hindu mythology not only as a ruthless Warrior but also as a dedicated AIC a symbol of the power of discipline and commitment to [Music] righteousness in Hindu mythology Rama is the seventh Avatar of the god Vishnu he was the king of ioda and the main character in The Epic Ramana one of the most famous Hindu texts which narrates his adventures it is a genuine Manual of Ethics Duty and Dharma in this epic Rama is described as an ideal King and person he is one of the most woried Hindu deities in India and this incarnation of Vishnu is also the most famous Rama was the eldest son of King dasharatha and Calia he married saitta the daughter of King J Naka in the swam Vara ceremony during this event ceda's suitors had to assemble a powerful bow and consecutively shoot an arrow at Seven Trees only Rama as the Incarnation of Vishnu was able to accomplish this task when he was banished to the forest for 14 years after his stepmother Ki wanted her son barata to be the king of ioda Rama set out on a path of self-discovery and Enlightenment helped by his wife saitta and loyal brother lakshman one day Rama and lakshana went hunting and left saitta alone she was kidnapped by The Demon King raana he had 10 heads and 20 arms and ruled over Lanka he held Ceda captive in Revenge to rescue CA Rama formed an alliance with sugriva's monkey Army led by the undeterred and devout Hanuman together they built a huge bridge to Lanka ravenous Fortress Island in preparation for the imminent confrontation the decisive point of the battle was the duel between Rama and raana the latter using his mystical powers and superhuman strength was a worthy adversary on the other hand Rama personified virtue and Dharma with a Divine bow and arrows offered by the gods the fight was long and arduous both combatants exhibited extraordinary skills raana cast spells and summoned demonic creatures while Rama responded with Divine arrows and the power of His virtue each of rana's attacks was countered by Rama who remained steadfast the battle reached its climax when Rama under the guidance of the wind God veu and armed with the knowledge he had acquired from the sages launched the Divine Arrow of Brahma at Rana it pierced his heart and he fell defeated it was the victory of good over evil of Justice over Injustice after the end of his Exile Rama returned to ioda as a hero and was crowned King today Rama is revered for his courage virtue bravery and absolute Devotion to his wife and to [Music] ioda Krishna is one of the most famous and fascinating characters in Hindu mythology he is vishnu's eighth Earthly existence and the sacred reincarnation most revered by Indians he is usually depicted as a blue- skinned cow herd who loves to play the flute to enthrall all living beings Krishna is known for his love of Rada his Divine consort krishna's Story begins with his birth in a prison cell in matura where his parents vasu Diva and daki were being held captive by the cruel King kamza fearing a prophecy that foretold his death at the hands of dak's eighth child kamza imprisoned the couple but at the moment of krishna's birth their chains miraculously snapped the prison doors opened and vasu Diva took Krishna along the yamuna river to vrindavan where he was raised by Yoda and Nanda vrindavan became krishna's Divine playground it was there that he pulled off countless pranks which are remembered and celebrated to this day one of the most cherished is that of Krishna stealing butter from the gopies houses earning him the nickname makan chor butter Thief Krishna was not only a cheeky boy but also a loving protector he saved vindon from various calamities which proved his divinity when the serpent demon Kalah poisoned the river yamuna Krishna subdued Kalia with his Divine dance over the Serpent's heads purifying the waters and saving the villagers the later phase of krishna's life is filled with heroic deeds and political cunning the God is also known for his teachings on the path of righteousness and his role as guide and friend to the hero Arjuna in the Indian epic poem Bhagavad Gita in it the master guides his discipline Arjuna in the Battle of kurk shatra between the kavas and pandavas fought to combat good and evil Krishna is celebrated annually at the jamash Tami Festival which honors his birth and Legacy with his delightful flute and profound wisdom he continues to be a source of inspiration and devotion in Hinduism whether as the mischievous boy from vrindavan or as a Juna spiritual guide Krishna exemplifies Divine love and eternal wisdom his teachings in the Bhagavad Gita continue to have an impact on devout Hearts Illuminating the path towards spiritual fulfillment and harmony with the Divine in addition to Hinduism Krishna is also venerated by some followers of the Hari Krishna movement originating in the 20th century the Hari Krishna chant krishna's names and performed devotional practices to achieve spiritual enlightenment in Hinduism Buddha is revered as the ninth Avatar of Vishnu a Divine Incarnation who brought with him messages of compassion nonviolence and Enlightenment this belief is based on the idea that Vishnu the preserver God of Hinduism takes on very forms or avatars to restore Cosmic order and protect the world from evil as a rule most Hindus believe that Guama Buddha was another incarnation of Vishnu however most Buddhists do not share this belief this issue is critical for both religions as Vishnu and Buddha are deeply venerated Vishnu took the form of Buddha to eradicate pain in suffering teaching the path of renunciation and Enlightenment he was born as sidartha guatam into a royal family but renounced wealth and power in search of Truth achieving Enlightenment under the bod tree the Buddha Avatar's mission was to restore balance and Justice by eliminating excessive ritualistic practices and fostering the true essence of Dharma Central to Buddha's teachings are the four noble truths diagnosing the nature of human suffering and prescribing a path based on ethics meditation and wisdom to achieve Nirvana the state of Liberation and peace the presence of Buddha in the Avatar tradition of Vishnu points to hinduism's capacity to absorb and harmonize different currents of thought valuing spiritual diversity and recognizing underlying Unity as a Vishnu Avatar Buddha is a prominent example of Harmony and mutual respect between religious traditions in India he is revered as a compassionate guide who illuminates the path of wisdom and compassion teaching how to overcome suffering and reach inner truth whether as the founder of Buddhism or the Incarnation of Vishnu Buddha continues to be a source of light and peace for [Music] Humanity Ki The Destroyer is the 10th and final incarnation of Vishnu according to Hindu belief Vishnu materializes on Earth whenever the world is threatened by evil and Chaos with the aim of restoring order and righteousness in Hindu cosmology Ki is prophesized as the 10th and final Avatar of Vishnu who is destined to appear in the future to usher in the end of the current age known as kuga and begin a new era of Truth and virtue Satya Yuga Ki is often portrayed as a warrior on a white horse wielding a flaming sword which symbolizes the destruction of eil and the reestablishment of Dharma According to some Hindu texts Ki will be join joined by a group of saptarishi Warriors who will help him in his mission to restore order to the world the God will establish a new era of Truth and righteousness and his teachings will put an end to the cycle of birth death and rebirth CI is considered a symbol of Hope and renewal in Hinduism his appearance is eagerly awaited by many Hindus they believe that his arrival is imminent and that the signs of his coming are evident in the world today [Music] [Music]
Channel: See U in History / Mythology
Views: 53,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, mythology, See You in History, See u in history, Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parashurama, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, kalki, Vishnu, Avatars of Vishnu, The 10 Avatars of Vishnu, Hindu Mythology
Id: r7ZxNqEfmkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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