The Most Important Hindu Gods: Shiva - Vishnu - Brahma - Hanuman - Ganesha - Vol 1- See U in History

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Shiva is the Hindu god of destruction he is part that the great Hindu Trinity alongside Vishnu and Brahma often he is depicted in a sitting position with his legs crossed holding a trident in his hand the Trident is known as Trishula and with it this God destroys the ignorance found in humans around Shiva's neck there is a naja one of nature's most deadly creatures the symbolism of this neck and wrapping Cobra points to his victory over death the god also has a third eye which he can destroy any living being with just a simple glance when in the form of Rudra the God assumes his most dreadful and ferocious form although he is the god of destruction this deity is also associated with rebirth and transformation as a transforming God he took part in the world creation the sacred Ganges River which bathes a considerable share of India owes its existence to Shiva the river is the personification of the goddess Ganga who descended from heaven grabbing Shiva's braided hair in order to reach the earth and purify men's sins when in his form Shiva Nataraja this God reveals his happier side as the cosmic dancer and his dances represent the cycles of the universe's creation and destruction as well as a reincarnation cycles the god of destruction has the goddess parvati as his most famous wife who is a loving goddess and devoted mother symbolizing fertility but the goddess can appear as colleague who like her husband is also a deity related to destruction the Grim Reaper of lives Shiva is the god of yoga and for that reason he is also known as the great yogi Yoga is a set of philosophical religious and psychophysical practices whose aim is to transcend the limitations of the body and consciousness Shiva is one of the key gods of Hinduism in India there is a cult where Shiva is regarded as the supreme god this tradition is known as shiva ism which has a major influence in modern Hinduism currently practiced in India Sri Lanka and Nepal Shiva is a highly complex God and he participates in countless stories this video only wants to make a small presentation of this God who is extremely important to the Hindu religion I'm currently crafting a video series with which we will extensively increase our knowledge of Indian religion knowing its most diverse gods and heroes along with their fascinating quests Brahma is the deity that represents the universe's creative force he is part of the Trimurti the great Hindu Trinity alongside Shiva and Vishnu the God stands for balance while Shiva and Vishnu represent two opposing forces destruction and maintenance Brahma is the master of time and one day for the God is the equivalent of 4000 320 million years for a mortal beam in the dawn of time he curatu Saraswathy the beautiful goddess of superior knowledge who will become his consort and take part in the creation of the universe therefore every human being derives from Brahma Brahma is depicted with four heads each reciting one of the four Vedas and each looking in a different direction he had a fifth head initially but Shiva ripped it off after that head dared to insult the god of destruction this God has four arms as well he holds a rosary in one of them symbolizing the cycles of time to which the universal Bey's a book that symbolizes knowledge is held in another he holds the pot with holy water in the third symbolizing the cosmic energy there is a lotus flower in the fourth and last hand a symbol of the nature and essence of life the god crosses the universe riding a divine swan the animal is capable distinguishing pure milk from milk mixed with water this means the ability to distinguish good from evil although her prominent deity in Hinduism Brahma only has a large temple in his honor unlike Vishnu and Shiva who have temples spread all over India it is located in pushkar where Brahma defeated a demon with a lotus flower the flower petals fell in that location and turned the region into a sacred place during the Kartika Purnima festival those who bathe themselves on the sacred lake will be freed from their sins Brahma was expected to conduct a sacrificial rites in pushkar with his wife but as Saraswathi was late for the arrival God married the beautiful Gayatri has started the ritual with a new wife when Saraswathi encountered Brahma with his new wife Shion ragingly cursed Brahma the God was now bounded to be worshipped in pushkar only and that is why there are no other great temples in honour to Brahma the growing cult to Krishna and Vishnu diminished the importance of Brahma but the God of creation and true knowledge is especially honored by those who make use of knowledge in their professions such as teachers students and scientists and with the help of God they can walk towards the true knowledge Indre the supreme god of the vedic tradition is one of the oldest gods in the Hindu pantheon he is a rig Vedic deity therefore Indra has a strong presence in the Vedas the four pivotal works of Hindu culture Indra is the son of heaven and earth and the twin brother of Ag need a fire related deity chachi the goddess of beauty is his consort and together they give birth to several descendents Indra is the god of the sky the seasons of the year and the Lord of lightning and thunder but he is also regarded as the God of War and as a warrior deity he fought several enemies the god fought his enemies relying on powerful lightning strikes and due to his connection with lightning and thunder he was also considered the god responsible for rain Indra was an enemy of Richa a powerful serpent that personified drought itself the creature blocked the course of the rivers turning the land into a giant infertile desert injur fought the creature and with his powerful lightning strikes killed the serpents the god toward the monster's belly and released all the waters that had been trapped injures win over Vitra allowed fertility prosperity and happiness has spread all over the world Andhra is a God with great appetite and he loves to drink his favorite drink is soma made from other genic plants whenever he drank this ritualistic beverage the gods swelled and covered the whole sky as a sky deity he poured out the rain needed to preserve life Indra is often depicted on his four tusks white elephant known as airavata the Lord of all the other elephants sometimes he is depicted parading in the skies on his golden chariots followed by the ash wins the twin gods of medicine as the centuries went by injures position as supreme god began to be challenged by new emerging traditions deities like Shiva and Vishnu started to take the place that formerly belonged to Indra and with this the Gods reputation decreased with the years according to some stories Indra felt quite upset with people who were once devoted to him and started to worship the new gods therefore Indra assembled a powerful and destructive storm to punish his former devotees but Vishnu the God of conservation prevented that catastrophe by raising a great mountain obstructing the storm's trajectory although he has lost much of his prestige Indra the sky guard is still respected and revered by the different currents of Hinduism [Music] Vishnu is one of the most important deities in Hinduism together with Shiva and Brahma they are the supreme Trinity of the Indian God Pantheon while Brahma is a creative entity and Shiva is a deity connected to destruction Vishnu is a deity of preservation Vishnu is the God accountable for maintaining order in the universe he symbolizes kindness morality and mercy this God is the protector of humanity against the evil forces that assail men this God has the gift of omniscience strength energy robustness and splendor Vishnu is depicted as a four-armed figure he holds a lotus flower in one hand a symbol of purity there is a disk of energy known as the chakra in another hand which represents the mind and his creativity a shell is carried in his third hand the sound that gave rise to the universe can be heard when blown and finally he holds one of the most powerful weapons of the Hindu religion snakes protect and shelter him over his head the snakes symbolize human desires and the fact that Vishnu lies comfortably on the serpents symbolizes the gods victory over desires and temptations this God is married to Lakshmi a God is related to prosperity Vishnu can cross the whole world with only three giant steps this God has garuda the solar bird as his mount a chief deity of the birds of prey and snake hunter this mythological creature symbolizes the struggle between good and evil after the creation of the universe Vishnu visited the world of men several times embodying his avatars Vishnu embodies one of his new avatars whenever the world is in great danger or need when a great flood threatened to engulf the whole land and water the fish shaped God name at SIA taught Manu how to build a vessel and escape the flood when the waters receded Manu used the seized kept in his boat to fill the land devastated by the flood with life these are some of them famous Vishnu avatars Rama the great hero of the epic Ramayana and the famous Krishna both will be analyzed in upcoming videos Vishnu has already reincarnated nine times an attempt will take place a moment he will return mounted on a white horse to announce the end of the world Parvati is the mother goddess of Hinduism being one of several manifestations of Devi the great primordial goddess she's the daughter of Hema vod's the Lord of the Himalayan mountains and Meena Parvati is known as the wife of Shiva one of the most worshipped deities in Hinduism the goddess is the reincarnation of sati the goddess of virtue Shiva's wife she ended up dying and coming back as the sweet Goddess Parvati to win back the god of destruction Parvati had the help of Kamadeva an Indian deity similar to arrows in Greek mythology he struck Shiva with one of his arrows while the god meditated Shiva was consumed by desire and fell in love with Parvati but Shiva was relentless with kama due to his interference and fulminated him with his destructive gazed turning the god of love into ashes the god didn't appreciate the color of her Vaati skin therefore the goddess through rituals was able to acquire a skin with the beautiful golden tone with her husband she had several illustrious sons such as Ganesha the elephant-headed God and Skanda the Hindu god of war among others the goddess is known as the fertility goddess the goddess of marriage the goddess of beauty and the goddess of love Parvati is usually portrayed as a kind figure and in the arts she is usually beside her husband carrying her children on her lap the goddess paraded beside her husband on his mighty lion despite being a benevolent goddess parvati may also present herself as durga the warrior goddess in this form the goddess became the most feared DD as durga the goddess defeated several demons and won her fight against evil she was so ruthless that even the other gods feud her but she can acquire even a scarier look as goddess Kali she symbolizes death her appearance met the imminence of death or a great disaster her tongue is always bloodthirsty therefore in some rituals blood is offered to the goddess to and her anger her best-known story is the origin of Ganesha one of the most worshipped gods in India the goddess gave life to her son from the herbs waxes and oils that Parvati had used in his bath when he was born Ganesha didn't have his famous elephant head but his first head was beheaded by Shiva then Shiva restored the young gods life to avoid Parvati's wrath by putting an elephant's head in the place of the former currently the goddess is honored at various festivals in India as the guardian goddess of marriage married an unmarried woman pray to the goddess for a harmonious and prosperous marriage as a fertility goddess she is worshipped by those who seek to reap good fruits in their work therefore the goddess is a prominent figure in the period of great harvests the images of this goddess are in various temples especially in those dedicated to her husband Shiva the loving kind and beautiful goddess parvati is undoubtedly one of the most enchanting deities of Hinduism Hanuman is an important deity of Hindu culture he is a monkey God with an important role in some of the most renowned stories of Hinduism such as the epics Mahabharata and Ramayana Hanuman is considered the god of learning and wind the monkey God took advantage of the favourable winds to fly through the skies at high speed he was also a warrior God with an army of monkeys under his command Hanuman is the son of Queen antenna with by you the god of the winds he may have been one of the many incarnations of Lord Shiva one of the main deities of Hinduism Hanuman was born very hungry seeing the Sun he tried to eat it though thinking it was a fruit indra the god Thunder stopped him from biting the Sun striking him with lightning dead Hanuman fell from the sky how demons father was outraged by the fact that Indra has struck his son and so the wind ceased the absence of winds created many problems to be reconciled with the gods father Shiva resurrected Hanuman and the gods made the young man an even more powerful God the winds blew again as a youngster the god was impetuous and misbehaved in his pranks Hanuman ended up creating problems for the Rishi's who were great sages of the Hindu tradition they decided to curse Hanuman the god then forgot the true potential of his powers Hanuman had to go through a long process of self-knowledge to regain his potential during this process the God became a wiser in humbler deity the God has several special powers including the ability to reach absurd proportions shrinking whenever he wished his strength was absurd he was able to carry one of the giant himalaya mountains in the epic ramayana which tells the story of the hero Rama one of Vishnu's most famous avatars Hanuman has an important role the God was Rama's servant in his adventures helping him conquer his crown during these adventures he led his army of monkeys against Rama's enemies he also fought several demons Hanuman humbleness in serving Rama is represented in various works of art the figure of the Monkey God is present in almost every temple dedicated to Rama the monkey like God continues to be worshiped in several temples in India many of them are full of monkeys which knowing they will not suffer any reprisals cause endless mischief Hanuman is worshipped by the humbleness as someone who seeks knowledge and by his warlike image Hanuman symbolizes the human mind which is unstable by nature it constantly changes its focus like a monkey that jumps from one branch to another that is also as emplo fied by Hanuman it can fly from one place to another at an incredible speed as long as it is moved by primary instincts in an attempt to seek pleasure and avoid pain at all costs the man's mind will not find peace only when he decides to scrutinize his self and seek self-knowledge while his mind reaches full potential and achieved extraordinary feats as Hanuman did the God is also revered in Buddhist temples but there his accomplishments and stories are quite different from traditional Hindu tales Hanuman is a symbol of true devotion and unconditional surrender therefore he is one of the most revered gods of Hinduism neasha the elephant-headed God is surely one of the most popular gods among the Hindu pantheon he is a God associated with wisdom and success but his appearance was not always like the one we know today since the God was born with a human head Ganesha was raised from the oils and herbs used in the cleansing of Parvati's body using this material she molded a boy shaped Idol the goddess gave life to the statue and Ganesha emerged from it who at the time still did not have his famous elephant head Parvati raised Ganesha so that he would watch the door of her palace while the goddess took her bath the young God was born while Shiva had left on one of his journeys and therefore they did not recognize each other as father and son Ganesha had a strong bond with his mother he was always protecting her sometimes to the point of jealousy and over protection while the Goddess Parvati was taking her bath Ganesha protected her mother's privacy preventing anyone from entering the palace while Parvati refreshed herself Shiva her husband returned from his quest and wanted to meet his wife again but when he tried to walk to his wife the God was blocked by Ganesha enraged the God ordered his son to step out of the way but Ganesha who had no idea of his interlocutors identity told the invader he would not let him take another step both gods corraled and a youngster fought bravely showing plenty of skill Shiva was consumed by wrath and beheaded his son Parvati who had heard the noise at their clash rushed to help his son and was horrified to find him beheaded and lying on the ground with her heart shattered Parvati ordered Shiva to bring his son back to life otherwise she would assume the shape of Durga the warrior goddess unleashing her raft to put an end to his wife's suffering the god of destruction decided to restore Benesh his life but he needed a new head to do that shiva ordered his servants known as ganas to bring him to head of the first beast they encountered the elephant was the first to appear they brought the animal's head to shiva who placed it on what had once been his son's head Ganesha's life was restored and despite his exotic appearance the young God felt quite pleased with his exquisite looks together Shiva and Parvati raised the young God who would become one of India's most popular this is just the origin of the story of the elephant gods copiously worshiped in india for being a divinity who removes the obstacles that prevent mortals from achieving success our channel has much more to talk about Lord Ganesha since he is one of the most worshipped deities among all Hindu gods [Music]
Channel: See U in History / Mythology
Views: 523,807
Rating: 4.7801223 out of 5
Keywords: history, mythology
Id: ZQz-OxTqlTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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