The #1 Zero Turn Mower! BEST Bang For The Buck!

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hey what's going on guys well welcome to another video hope you guys are doing well it's been a couple weeks since I've actually made a day in the life Vlog a lot of you guys been asking hey everything good what's up where you been all that fun stuff hey appreciate you guys caring about me uh honestly just took a couple weeks off from doing YouTube uh It's a Grind sometimes and spring Rush is a real thing as you guys know uh we've been dealing with a lot of heat uh a lot of work the guys have been crushing it of course we got the newborn baby crew who is uh eight weeks old today he's doing absolutely amazing uh but still even a great baby you don't get a lot of sleep if you guys know what I'm saying and then as you guys can imagine coordinating with the house getting the barn ready to go evaluating maybe buying another truck and then Liz and I are also moving for a temporary location until we get into the house uh it's a lot going on at once and sometimes something's got to give and also you get a little bit burned out during the Spring rush I'm sure you guys can relate uh so I just took a week or two off of doing YouTube and uh that's what I had to do for just some mental health and uh just some bandwidth so any which way finally able to uh pick up the camera again shoot some videos take you guys with us a little Day in the Life Vlog I'm over here at the lockers first thing in the morning uh the guys just ran to uh start mowing lawns they just a little left two seconds ago I won the check-in with them we had some equipment that we had to fix and I just want to give a big thumbs up to the team for putting all that together that being said um I got to sharpen some blades today I think we're going to be picking up a new Exmark radius maybe on today's Vlog or the next Vlog uh I've got to go to the bank to get some checks I've got to go to the property to see the progress on the home a lot of you guys have been uh watching the second YouTube channel building it together seeing all the updates on the home there very exciting stuff they actually graded the pad for the pole barn which is pretty dope so if you guys want to maybe stick around maybe I'll try to get the camera over there we can see that but any which way a lot going on um LEL tickets are going to be going on sale here the first week of July the launchpreneur uh Summer Tour series with all the teenagers are going to be starting here in just another week or so a lot going on behind the scenes as you guys can imagine so thanks for sticking with me thanks for all the support thanks for all the encouragement I always appreciate you guys checking in on your boy what's going on in your guys's world you guys mowing you guys doing landscaping are all the Lawns burned out I'm not sure but uh leave me some comments down below love to hear what you guys got going on and uh thanks for always checking in on me and making sure that we're doing good behind the scenes uh let's do this really quick let me open up the storage locker we'll go sharpen a couple lawnmower blades while we're here and uh make sure that those guys always have some Fresh Blades to just zip them off every day and they can change them out we change their blades pretty much every day so we go through them but for about 20 30 minutes of Blade grinding then we can get the rest of the show on the road all right hang tight foreign this right here though by the way is the Honda this thing has been a gem I think it's the EU 2200i it's great for doing some seeded rows or a dumbbell rows whatever you guys want to call it it's probably about 40 pounds lightweight [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] not too bad couple passes that's all you really need hopefully that's showing up on camera for you guys [Music] [Music] not too bad all right thank you by the way a lot of people have asked us what blades we're using we got Balor blades we've got x-part blades a lot of the Xbox blades are just what came with the mowers uh over time right about a box or two obviously but the Ballard blades they work just great as well you got the uh I think it's the Rockwell 4500 steel these are great it's not the exact same maybe which way uh what we try to do is have all of our used plates here in this whole box I'm gonna try to get through as many as I can today and uh this one not too bad as well a couple passes and we'll be able to keep them going man and people always ask me when do we replace our lawnmower blades I don't I don't really know I don't really know is that okay to say basically uh Juanita there's not enough space here or the blade disintegrates uh to monitor the foil disintegrates too much or there's too many Nicks and cuts it's hard to say but most of our blades we use for at least imagine [Music] all right all right well we just got out of the bank here had to go get some sheets of checks I guess I would show you the checks but probably don't need to see the account numbers right uh there's no money in the account anyway it's all going back into the business back into the barn and back into everything else that we're building um hey one quick thing I was going to say to a lot of you guys happy belated Father's Day I know that was over on Sunday over the weekend hope you guys had just a peaceful relaxing enjoy full maybe celebratory type of day maybe took a personal day if you will um I know Liz blessed me exceedingly it was really really cool uh we actually went up to Bay Harbor Michigan a lot of you guys know Bay Harbor Charlevoix area beautiful place uh if you guys have never seen it maybe worth a quick Google but they have the Father's Day weekend is also the uh in water boat show which was really really cool so we got to go up and down a bunch of different uh piers and docs whatever you call it and check out all the beautiful boats I mean three four five hundred thousand dollar boats all the way to three four five million dollar boats which was really really cool and uh let's get a little condo right there at the I think it's the village uh sweets or something like that just little condos that are down the Main Street and it was so cool just getting to you know relax just enjoy that three or four day weekend we go up there my birthday is June 10th Liz's birthday is June 20th we take that weekend to celebrate ourselves celebrate our birthdays you know if you if you will we take that weekend to celebrate our birthdays we take that weekend for Father's Day and also just to get up over the spring rush and actually enjoy uh some time together if you guys know how that goes so Any Which Way really quick happy belated Father's Day to all of you guys uh all right from here forward I've got like six different Forks in the room the mower is getting prepped at Weingartz I gotta go film a podcast really quick or shoot a podcast I gotta go get the utility trailer because I'm gonna go take the mower to the property to go do a quick video on the property for the second YouTube channel so let's find out where we go to next alright guys so really quick here funny uh quick little last part of the story so I'm actually hanging up here at Weingartz obviously and look who just jumped into here dude what's up what's up dude how are you uh Gabe's lawn care I'm good man it's uh uh we're coming in high it's early in the morning my brain's just starting to turn on he hops out he goes Brian what's up and I'm like Gabe what up dude you just told me the funniest craziest story we gotta wrap up the video with this last one um what did you just do you just did a massive irrigation job so yesterday I installed uh uh three zones of drip irrigation uh full-on install uh no previous work done there um and I did 1200 prison it's gonna be four zones and I made five grand and made about four grand profit wait wait wait wait wait how old are you again 16. and you made four grand profit in like a day and a day one day one day and so anybody that's out there thinking oh like kids can't do this or you know younger guys can't get into the industry or there's no money in what we do like dude that's awesome thank you you got the itch in your pocket right now to go pick up some new equipment now right yeah he's actually gonna go look at a quick trimmer and some other stuff but I I was like hold on hold on he's telling me this so I'm like let's get the camera out you got to tell the story but anyway what a great way to end cap the uh the Vlog today so all right man we'll uh we'll catch up with you guys in here in a quick minute great job bud thank you that's awesome all right guys well check this out so it's a little bit later in the day finally got up here to uh Weingartz I'm really really excited about this one all right so the big reveal first off before we do that little tease right before we do that I gotta say thank you to you guys for all the love all the support and making the channel what it is it's not stage dog it's not me just being fake on YouTube it's me telling you guys sincerely honestly thank you guys since day one for supporting the YouTube channel allowing it to grow to the size that it has to be able to work with some of the great Brands as you guys know but one of my dream Brands if you had to say hey what's the dream brand your partnership or brand dealer if you were a YouTuber and you weren't influencer and it was all that kind of fun stuff like what would you try to get out of it I would love to work with Exmark well a couple years ago that dream came true because of you guys and getting the channel to where it's at today and I just want to say thank you to all of you guys watching the channel I sincerely mean that uh we're able to get some cool perks like this once in a while and help you guys grow your business by reviewing some stuff like this and today is one of those great days one of those wins that I want to share with you guys all right so let's do this really quick I'm gonna show you guys the new xmark radius the platform has been redesigned a year or two ago whatever it was you've got to check this thing out this is a more that I am exceedingly excited to share about you guys generally speaking because for many reasons what's the best first mower to get what's a great budget option mower what's something that's beefy with a A you know a medium-sized price point what's something that I could get and grow into or or use as like grow my fleet and always has as a backup mower right I think this is the platform that's going to do it for so many of you guys out there all right let's check this out the big reveal you got the xmark radius this is the X Series so this is the top of the line version of this Mower and this platform all right so sorry about the uh brutal sun today it's a hot 88 degree day and uh tons of sun already sweating it out we'll do a little walk around here so you guys can see the platform now this is going to be used for my property our backup mower if we start a second route this is not going to be a pavement princess I will tell you that okay so let's look at this platform overall first off this is great for guys medium size businesses are just starting to grow they're starting to get 10 20 30 40 accounts they're starting to go from just being the weekend warrior guy you want that mid-tier platform maybe you've saved a couple bucks and you're looking to invest into a good first zero turn mower this is what I would suggest this is a awesome option it's a really awesome option okay you've got the xmark ultra cut series 4 deck you've got a beautifully comfortable seat check this thing out awesome option thick bolstered padding you've got incredibly large tires huge knobby tires like I can literally fit my finger between these things I mean these are chunky chunky tires on the back end she's thick she's thick you got a 31 horsepower Kawasaki engine 31 horsepower I think my first z uh 10 years ago at a 25 horsepower okay this has a 31 horsepower Cowie on a radius all right you've got the commercial grade air filtration canister system up top you've got the wraps up here which are great for you guys that have slope properties commercial properties just extra safety absolutely beautiful design it looks sharp and you've got the xmarks legendary build quality and engineering which means you're gonna have less downtime less braking Parts less Parts less things you have to service that is all things ax Mark all right you've got the foot operator platform right here to make the deck go up and down you've got the uh line of sight where if you're sitting from the seat now you can see your different cutting Heights nothing from the side this is going to be new and you can adjust your different heights all the way from one inch all the way to five in a three quarters most likely or five five inches let's talk about the control panel I know a lot you guys care about this stuff is you got your throttle your choke your PTO this is a new switch from what I I've heard start stop and your hour meter all right just some of the basics all right so this thing means business this is a solid commercial option some of you guys want to know price points most these are for the E-Series are going to run in the sevens with the S Series the middle tier of the radius is going to be you know eights and nines and then the X you might be around 10 11 maybe 11 5 out the door everybody's gonna be different all across the country different rebates promotions all that mess but 11 Grand maybe for a good commercial entry option 31 horsepower it's got the ultra cut 4 Series deck folks this is a serious Contender super awesome mower maybe you guys have a residential property with you know two to five acres 10 acres this would also be another great option for a homeowner that's looking for a you know good 10 grand budget uh mower that's going to go the distance and last in the good you know thousand fifteen hundred hours over the time that they have that property this is what you would go with all right so I'm super excited about that you guys want to fire it up really quick let's check it out a little choke yeah buddy awesome all right it sounds as good as it looks all right we're gonna load it up on the trailer I gotta go mow the property go figure so we'll get another video for you guys showing you a mo Vlog show you how to lay Stripes make sure you guys hit the Subscribe button so you guys can follow along don't forget to give a big thumbs up if you guys appreciate the video hey I just want to say again thank you to xmark for partnering up with us thank you to all of you guys that allow these opportunities to happen I couldn't be more thankful more grateful it's awesome and many many more videos to come all right over and out I hope you guys have a beautiful rest of the day make sure you guys drink water out there it is hot as heck over here and I'll look forward to catching up with you guys here on the next one all right guys so here we are really quick another little interjection Roman right yeah and we're just catching up for a quick second he was hanging out here he's like dude I saw you doing a video I didn't want to interrupt you can't make this stuff up but dude your team x mark yes you already got two yes sir and you're about to pick up a third third one I was just shooting a video here two seconds ago about the radius I want I'll watch this guy it's a small world man I literally called my wife and I was like that's the guy I just saw on YouTube I swear to God that's like I saw a lot of the stuff that you promote yeah I've picked up a lot of the stuff you were saying you were just watching the review videos on the mowers and then the locks the lock the lock system improve a lot yeah the proven lock see I mean we're trying to help you guys grow you just picked up a brand new trailer if I can get it uh right that big black trailer yeah uh business booming business is good and uh you have a uh a full-time career yeah in law enforcement yes and uh so fop you know what I'm saying thanks for coming up and saying hey but uh hey this is why we make videos for you guys man a lot of your videos are inspirational seriously thanks I I know you probably hear that all the time but seriously man it's what keeps me going I mean like it's hot out dude we're all sweating I'd say it's 90 degrees gonna be today and uh but this is why we do what we do for sure man I love it man thanks for the love all right brother picking my x mark up go do your thing bro you couldn't make that up if you want folks hashtag team x mark That's my man all right that's what I got for you guys over now have a great day we'll catch up with you guys
Channel: Brian's Lawn Maintenance
Views: 71,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brians lawn maintenance, brian's lawn maintenance, exmark, exmark radius, exmark radius x series, exmark radius 60 inch mower, exmark mower, best commercial mower, budget commercial zero turn, commercial zero turn lawn mower, brian's lawn maintenance youtube, brians lawn maintenance youtube, exmark mowers, exmark zero turn mower, exmark radius review, zero turn, exmark zero-turn rider, lawn mower, zero turn mower
Id: CjlougzCLv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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