The #1 Online Work From Home Side Hustle For 2023 ($14,600+ Per Month)

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one of the biggest one of the best one of the most effective ways that people made money online last year was through print on demand and the top selling print on demand item was t-shirts this person here makes fourteen thousand dollars a month in passive income selling T-shirts online so I figured this is the best side hustle for you to start today and it is going to cost you zero dollars to do this you don't have to have any skills and don't worry I am going to show you step by step how to make sale weather sale I'm gonna give you everything you need to know to get started foreign what's up guys this is Monique and welcome back to the channel I am back with the news that you can use but first if you are new here hello bonjour Hola Aloha konichiwa Guan Shalom assalamualaikum jumbo Namaste all right y'all so we have a lot ahead of us we're gonna do a quick overview of print on demand we'll be talking about the best platform for you to sell on to really make money and I'm also going to show you how to connect your store to the print on demand company we will be using then I'm going to show you how to create your T-shirt and the last thing we're going to do is upload our designs so that we can start making money so jumping right in my friend basically what print on demand is is where you will work with a third-party company that has blank products like Shirts Mugs socks pants bags phone cases and then you'll take your design uploaded to their site and when a customer comes along and purchase that design that company is going to print it for you and they're going to ship it for you which means you don't have to worry about keeping up with order you don't have to worry about stashing your inventory in a warehouse all you have to do is create the design upload it and start making money so the company that we are going to be using to print our products and ship it to our customers will be printful shout out to printful for working with me on this and we're going to start out right now by creating a free account with printful they'll ask you a few simple questions and then you're done but one of the first things we'll have to consider when we are about to sell these shirts is where we want to sell them that's going to determine how much money we make so there are two ways that you can go about this you can create a storefront like Shopify where you'll have to create your own website you'll have to kind of draw your own traffic into that website or you can sell on a Marketplace that already has a customer base built into it like Amazon or Etsy you know millions and billions of people or shopping there you don't have to go out and find them but you do have to make sure your products can be found by them so what I suggest you do is start out on Etsy because it's not going to cost you as much now when it comes to the Etsy account creating your account is absolutely free however when you are ready to place listings on their platform they will charge you 20 cent per listing but there's a way for you to get around that and get 40 free listings you'll just do that by searching Etsy for 40 free listings and then you'll come across all of these options here just click on one of them and usually they'll have a link for you to sign up because basically what this is is an affiliate of etsy creating these listings and they're doing that because if they refer you and you sign up for an account they get 40 free listings and you get 40 free listings so that's why people do that so if you decide to do it this way you go ahead on and hit open a shop today you'll enter in your information then it'll say welcome you click let's do this they'll ask you a couple of questions and make sure you name your shop as well it doesn't matter what you name it that's not going to determine if you get paid or not and then it's going to tell you to create a listing so in order to connect your Etsy store where you'll be selling your t-shirts to printful we're going to have to create an active listing that's the only way that we can connect it to so the first thing that you have to do when you're creating any listing whether it's a mock listing or not it's pretty much the same step you'll have to add a photo of your product and so since this is not an actual product we're trying to sell right now we're going to go to printful we'll be flip-flopping back and forth y'all they have what's called a product template and that will allow you to create some photos for your listing we're going to click on product templates and we're going to select create new and then you can go to whatever you want to create just like I said this is a mock it doesn't matter I just click men's t-shirts I'm going to select this shirt here and there's no other way around this part y'all we have to have a listing on here so these are just the Little Steps I'm just going to add a clip art just so we can have something there we go a smiley face but now we're going to select continue and then they're going to ask you to title it they're going to ask you to add sizes to it and we'll just do all sizes and then we'll hit save product template and then what we're going to do is go up here to these three dots and we want to hit download mock-ups and then they're gonna ask you which ones do you want we'll just go with the first one like I said this is just a mock listing that we're doing hit download all and now we're going to go back to our Etsy shop so that we can upload that Mac photo so then you have to fill in some information the title about the listing you can say that who made it is I did it's a finished product you just created it select the category that it goes in but one of the most important things I want to pull out here is that you want to add a new production partner so we're going to select that and then we'll say printful and then as far as location you will have to add a location and what you want to do right here is add one of the Fulfillment addresses this is the contact page I'll make sure I put it down in the description and you can just find one that is close to you and add it I'll use the Dallas Texas location and then you want to put a quick description about what it is and I put a third-party print on demand company that fulfills online orders I mean it doesn't matter what you put here just as long as it kind of summarizes what it does and then the last things you need to answer is right here why are you working with this partner you don't have the technical ability or equipment to make it entirely by yourself is what you should choose and then what is your role in the design process you design everything and the last thing you want to select they're going to ask what is this partner's role in the production process and you can click that they do everything for you because they are doing the printing and the shipping and then you'll select save partner and I'm trying to save us time that's why I'm not going through every single step but you do want to answer all of the questions especially the ones that have an asterisk ride because you won't be able to add this listing if you don't and as far as a price I'm just choosing a random price ten dollars under shipping you can use the zip code of that fulfillment center that you chose processing time I just put five to seven business days and honestly I'm making up the rest of this the item weight is one pound and as far as the item size I just put lint 20 inches width 10 inches height 6 inches like none of this really matters again I'm stressing that part because you're probably freaking out like oh my God what am I doing don't worry about it we just need this to go active so we can connect the account and once you do that we have everything set up then we can go back and delete this mic so we'll hit save and continue so now it says great job on your first listening so once you do that then you just finish setting up your account they're gonna ask you how will you get paid that's for tax purposes they're also going to ask your bank information and they're going to tell you to set up billing and what you do I'll let you are done and ready for the next step all right y'all so now we have our active listing here like I said that we needed we're gonna have to go back to the printful dashboard and once we are over here we want to come to stores we're going to select that then we'll connect or create your online store to start adding products we want to choose platform and the platform we're going to be using and from there we want to hit connect to Etsy then it's going to bring you over to Etsy so you have to be logged in and it's going to ask you to allow access and once we allow access they're going to say confirm connection we'll select connect store so it's official if you made it to this point get yourself a round of applause because you now have your Etsy store connected to print so the next important thing for us to do we have our shop connected but we need our products on our shop so we're going to go ahead on and start creating our t-shirt designs now when it comes to creating Your Design first and foremost you want to make sure that you are doing something that people are looking for that people are actually buying and one way that I do this to try to find the best designs that are out right now is if I'm selling on Etsy go to Etsy type in t-shirt and look at the different types of designs that they have up there and if you notice a lot of the designs have words in it I had my patients tested I'm negative I love it when my husband and Me time always right like these are the type of of shirts that are selling as you can see over here this one has 6928 sales this shirt alone has brought in a profit of 125 396.80 now please listen close and listen Monique is not saying to go and copy what other people are doing but you can use this to figure out what people like and then you can add your Flair and your touch to it don't go out there and just stealing people's stuff yo but this is just a way I want to make sure you are picking things that will bring in money we don't want to waste any time this year so another shirt that did pretty well on Etsy was coffee gives me teacher powers that one sold actually 183 344 sales that's a lot of sales y'all at 11.89 let's see how much they mean so two million 179 960 dollars y'all that's two million dollars from one shirt so when it comes to designing these t-shirts there are several different ways that you can do it you can use printful printful has a designer built in it with over 16 000 clip arts that you can utilize for free and they also have like a tech section for you to add text to the shirts there's also something called creative Fabrica that you can use I actually use canva so we're gonna go into canva and we are going to search for t-shirts and they're going to give you all of these templates they have many templates to choose from whether you're using the free or the paid version of course you're going to get access to more if you have the paid version and just stay away if you're using the free account from the ones that have the crowns in the corner we'll go with this one here we'll hit customize template and then we'll be brought to the this screen here this is where all the fun is going to go so since that coffee shirt did so well I'm gonna just add coffee coffee to each of these and you can just play around with the design you don't have to keep everything on there if you don't want to you can bring it in some you can do a lot with this show you can also go in and you can add graphics if you come over here to this side you select elements then under it they have a Graphic tab you can see oh now you want to be careful with these because some of them allow you to add it to shirts and sell and some of them don't so if you want to find out which Graphics you can use let's just go ahead on your click on those three dots there and then right here it says free but we can click on that it'll tell you what's allowed with this license you can use this in marketing or social media or even sell merchandise with your design on it the only thing is if you're using these Graphics you don't want to just sell it as a standalone so you don't want to just take that one graphic and then be like ta-da I made this no you want to add something to it and honestly I I like this shirt without that box so I went on ahead and removed that now in order to download we're going to go up here to the share button and then there's this download button here I'm going to leave it as PNG and then one of the options like I said it gives you when you have the pro account is to have a transparent background that's going to remove all the black from behind these words so that if I want to put it on a pink shirt then it'll just have the coffee words so now it is time to add our products to our store and it's going to be very similar to when we were creating our product template we're going to select stores and then we see our Etsy store on here we want to go to add product we're going to hit add product again and then you just select from here what type of product you want to add it to I'm just going to keep it simple and I'm going to go with men's clothing I'm going to go with men's t-shirt I'm going to just go with the best seller this time now here they're going to ask you the technique and are you doing embroidery or are you doing digital printing we're going to select Printing and then we are going to go to design we're going to click choose file we're going to hit open and then we'll be brought here and we want to select apply and you can move it around you can stretch it make sure you stay within that little box the inner box it'll tell you that's the print area so then we can go to proceed to mock-up and once you come to the mock-ups they're going to give you all of these different people to choose from because you want to be able to show the potential customer the potential buyer what this would look like on them and this is a man's shirt so we're gonna have to go with a male so I'm going to use this is the main image and then you can select additional so that you can give them more options to see what it's going to look like so I can choose this one as additional so then we hit proceed to details so now under the product details we have to fill in all of this information they are asking first and foremost you want to change the product title I'll put coffee t-shirts and then as far as description they will go ahead on and pretty much tailor make the description for you which saves you a lot of time that's another reason I really like this company because it will save you a lot of a headache and then you can add a size guide so that people will be able to kind of figure out how it will fit them now one of the most important things that you can add on here other than everything else that's important is the product tags the tags will help you to be found so you can add t-shirt you can add men's t-shirt one of the things I do I might add tee shirt because that may be a way people search for it you can add graphic t-shirt you just want to add as many tags as you can to increase your chances of your shirt being found and then we select proceed to pricing so now we are ready to price these products this is going to tell us how much we're going to be making per shirt that we sell so there's a couple of things I want to tell you here the first thing is we want to set our revenue and when we set our Revenue this will allow us to determine how much we want to make per shirt and you can play with with this I'm going to change the percentage here to dollar dollar bills y'all how much we want to make and then I'm going to just put eight dollars and once you do that that'll pretty much adjust the price over here and you can go up and down you can play with it just to see pretty much you know how comfortable you are with those prices and before we move forward with something else I want you to consider something that's really important is possibly doing free shipping when you have free shipping you pretty much will stand out against the crowd that's going to put you a step ahead of your competition and people are more likely to make a purchase if they see they don't have any additional costs and why are you considering this something you can do to kind of counter that loss when it comes to shipping is you can increase the price of your products you can add another three or four dollars so that you don't really feel the loss the customer won't know that the shipping is really in the price so they're really thinking that they're getting a deal they're getting a steal but you're making sure that you cover your butt so we can go up here to price setting and then you can turn on free shipping on your storefront and at this point the last thing you're gonna do is just hit submit to store you'll have to finalize everything in Etsy that's kind of like an extra layer of security so we're going to go to Etsy you're going to select shop manager you're going to go to listing you'll see over here you have a draft here and one of the things you're going to have to do is go to the settings to add the production partner so you'll select settings you'll hit edit and then you can kind of just review everything as you're going through this just to make sure the title is right but once you get right here to this about this listing one of the things you're going to have to do is click on this they're gonna say who did it you're gonna have to choose another company or person and you're going to have to select the production partner and then we'll choose printful then once you hit published you'll have your product on Etsy and you can start making money and I know that you guys are going to be successful I can't wait to hear all your success stories whenever you start getting sales whether it's one or one million I want you to go ahead on and let me know about it but other than this guys that is all I have for you today thank you so much for watching and until next time we are out peace [Music]
Channel: Journey With The Hintons
Views: 258,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money online, how to make money online, online business, make money online 2023, side hustle ideas, side hustle ideas 2023, best side hustles, best side hustle ideas, best side hustles for 2023, side hustles, best work from home side hustle, make money online 2022, the #1 work from home business for any beginner, the #1 online work from home side hustle for 2023, how to make money online 2023, how to make money online 2022
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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