Make Money Copy & Pasting Motivational YouTube Shorts & Reels with ChatGPT

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I'm about to show you how people are actually making thousands a month creating motivational YouTube shorts and reels and you do not have to show your face or use your voice and the good thing about this is we will be using chat GPT to give us every single idea we need and to give us all of the content that we are going to be putting in these videos and I'm going to show you how you can actually create an entire month of videos in less than a day and of course how to start getting paid and not only on YouTube We gonna take this to some other places too what's up guys this is Monique and welcome back to the channel I am back with the news that you can use but first if you are new here hello bonjour Hola Aloha konichiwa wagon Shalom assalamu alaikum Jambo Namaste so jumping right into this these are the type of shorts that we are going to be creating and these are very simple and easy to make this channel be positive it was made only a year ago and according to socialblade they make up to 11 000 a month or over six figures a year and over here they have only post about 391 videos since they started this channel so that's about one video a day and don't forget I will be showing you how to create an entire month of videos in just a few hours that way you'll be able to schedule these videos out and YouTube will automatically release them every single day at the time you set and then they'll Place ads between your shorts when people are watching watching it and that's how you'll be able to get paid and over on Facebook I've talked about this before but they have a Facebook real bonus program that they are paying people up to 35 000 a month to create these type of short form videos videos that are less than 60 seconds so I have been talking about Chad GPT a lot on this channel because it is an AI tool that has really been making people's lives much easier and all you have to do is sign up for a free account yes it is absolutely free and once you do that you just log into it you'll be brought to this screen here and then we're just going to ask you some questions at the bottom here we'll say give me 30 motivational topics for a YouTube short and look just like that it is literally listing out and not just any topic y'all these are the ones that have been doing pretty well and that people are interested in because that's important we want to put some stuff out there that people want to actually watch because that's how we're going to get paid but but that's not where a stop show so then I'm going to go ahead and extract GPT to give me three inspiring quotes for each of these from the list above and again just like that it is listing a whole lot of quotes that we can use because a lot of those motivational videos are either facts or quotes so you can keep it simple just like that and I asked for three which for each short we're making we're only going to be using one quote so this is really going to turn out to be 90 days of content but I just asked for three so that you can choose the best quote that you kind of like to fit that topic for the day but sometimes when ux for these long list chat GPT may stop writing it out the only thing that you have to do is type continue and it's going to continue to list it and if it stop again you just tell it to continue again and it'll continue to list it until it reaches those 30 quotes and y'all that took less than five minutes to come up with an entire month of content this is stuff that literally takes people days to figure out and plot and chat GPT just swooped in and made it all easy for us not as wonderful as a tool let's chat GPT is sometimes I tend to run into problems with it especially when there's a high demand just like this right here when I just tried to log in again it said we're experiencing exceptionally high demand which means that it's going to slow down my results it has been booting me out a lot and then I've also heard from a lot of you guys that it's been even hard to sign up and get an account and some people have said that they can't even get it in their country so to combat all that I found another amazing tool and it's actually much better especially when it comes to YouTube content and that's going to be vid IQ over here on vid IQ you are able to find the best keywords and you know keywords are important when it comes to your videos being found they will give you daily ideas they will also tell you about the trends that are going on that you need to hop on and that is big especially when you're trying to grow as a new content creator catching those Trends will kind of give you a little bit more visibility which helps to get you before the right people and then you'll start to grow and get the views you need but one thing I really wanted to show you is that they have a new AI coach and this AI coach is actually tailored to helping you with your YouTube growth and we can use it to do the exact same thing that we did with chat GPT but like I said this one was built specifically for YouTube so it will definitely give you some different results maybe even some better results that'll help you to grow on your channel and we're going to go in here and just ask it the same thing to list out 30 topics for YouTube shorts and just like that it'll come up with it and these are different topics like I said from chat GPT so this may get you better exposure on your channel and also we can ask it to go ahead on and give us some quotes for each of these topics and it's going to list it and so the good thing about this one is if you use my link Down Below in the description you can get a 30-day trial for only one dollar and this is an exclusive offer with this link only so make sure you go ahead on sign up get that 30-day trial and see how this can help to transform your YouTube channel so now that we have our 30 days of content it is now time to start creating our shorts and I'm about to show you a way that is going to be so easy that anyone can do it again this is going to do most of the work for you I'm trying to take a lot of this stress off you as you grow if you are anything like me I used to put up one video and just think that I was going to make it overnight it's not going to just happen overnight but these are some ways that's going to help make it easier for you help you to be able to produce things much faster and to create these videos we will be using in the video so we're going to go to create new and then we're going to go to templates in video has some built-in templates that's going to make your life so much easier basically all you will have to do is copy and paste the information that you got from chat GPT into these templates they will already pick a good song for you they will already put videos in for you this is going to allow you to create these videos in a matter of minutes so once we click on templates will be bought here and we'll just search since we're doing something motivational I usually search motivational video and then it'll show me all of the different type of templates that they have for that and then you can just scroll through and see what type you like so I'm going to just go with this one right here I like how it flows make sure you select portrait for shorts and then we'll click on the use template and once you come into here like I said they're going to have every single video in here already they're going to have the way that the words are going to float on here already they have music down here so the only thing we're going to do is just change out the order of the words and for some reason the way that it is listed it goes from bottom to top so I'm going to go back to chat GPT and I'm looking at this very first quote I'm not going to even do the whole thing I'm just going to use the first two parts strength does not come from winning your struggle develops your strength so I'm going to take in that first part and I'm going to change the words here you just click into it and you type strength and then you can stretch it out to make sure that the word fully fit in there you click on the word to kind of move it around and adjust it to where you want it and then I'll go to chat GPT copy that does not and then I'll paste it in here and then of course you can adjust the size of it by going up here to the font size and I'm going to bring it down some and then you can stretch it out again so that it fits in there all the way strength does not then you'll just continue to do this come from and then I'm changing the font size again and then I'm going to drag it over and then I'm going to change that last word winning and then bam we have that first part of the quote already done you can watch it back and make sure it looks good that's how it'll come up and then you can just drag your playhead here along to see when the words pop up when they don't and so now I'm going to change this scene and I'm going to go and grab that second part of the quote it says your struggles develop your strength so then I just click on it here your and then I'll click on the next and it's going to be struggles then I'll click on the next word develop your and of course like I said if it's too big we're going to stretch that out and then we are going to bring that font size down a little bit you can also change the fine if you want to but like I said we're keeping it easy and simple and then the last part of that quote is strips so then I'm going to change that stretch that on out and then bam that's the end of that quote and they had something else that popped up you just drag your playhead to make sure you're not missing nothing and I like how they end things work out so I can just leave that like that so if you don't like one of the videos that's in a template you can always change it out by just clicking on whichever part that the video is in and over on the side it'll say media video you select that and then you can come over here to videos and you are going to come and search for whatever type of video you want I just type in motivation you can use inspiration relaxing calming a lot of mountains scenery type videos are usually in the motivational type of videos and then I'll hit this add this plus button here and then make sure you select trim video to fit scene if not it's going to throw everything off y'all so it's important to make sure you do that step and then you can also drag this port to make sure it includes whatever part of that video you want in there and you hit add and then you'll stretch it and make sure it is centered in the screen and that is oh so that's how you change a video if you don't like a particular video in there if you want to change the song in there you'll just go over here to the music button and you can look under genre you can look under mood like they have something inspiring here they have relaxing you click on it and you can go through and listen to each of these to see which one you like and when you are ready to add it you'll just hit that click to add as layer and you can delete the other one and if you have a logo you can add your logo to it it'll be up here you'll just click on it and search for your logo and edit but I'm going to remove it from all scenes because we don't need it but that's pretty much it y'all again this is something that literally took us maybe two minutes to do I'm explaining it so that's why it's taking longer but for the most part it takes a couple of minutes and once you're done with your video you'll just repeat these steps for each of the topics and it should only take you a few hours to complete all of them for the whole month and so now we are going to just save the video and to save it you go up here to export and then you are going to select 1080 because we do want the best quality and then you'll hit export again and it's going to save it now while that is downloading let me let you know yes you can create all of these videos do everything I just did with the free plan however if you want to actually be able to download it and upload it to any of these other platforms like YouTube Facebook anywhere else you will have to have a paid subscription and right now the paid subscriptions is 15 a month if you get the yearly subscription or if you want to do month to month they have a 30 a month plan but regardless of which one you get if you go down to the description right now and click on my link you can get an additional 25 of whichever subscription you choose for the lifetime of their subscription and there's also a seven day money back guarantee you don't like it they will give you your money back so you definitely don't want to miss out on this deal if this is something that you really would like to get into then this investment into your future into your business is definitely going to be worth it now I told you I will be taking you step by step through this process I'm not going to bring you this fall just to leave you so I'm going to actually show you how to upload this to YouTube and some little tricks of the trade that will help to make sure your video gets out before more people and please listen closely y'all don't just upload it to YouTube because if you do you may be missing out on many other streams of income and I'm talking about uploading to YouTube to Facebook to Instagram to tick tock put it everywhere that you can put it you never know which platform of video May perform better on but when it comes to actually uploading this video on YouTube so you're going to go to the arrow button and you're going to choose create a short and then you are going to go down to that square and bottom corner and then you'll select your video hit done and then you just choose that check mark in the corner and from here there are several things you can do you can use the sound that you got from in video but one thing that's helping a lot of people is by using popular trending sounds so you'll just click on sound and if you scroll through here you can see what they recommend and then there's top sounds that a lot of people are using that is trending and that's helping a lot of videos get more views you can just hit see more and scroll through those and see which one you want to use and you can also go to the top and search for different stuff I typed in inspiration and then the first thing that came up was that epic inspiration you could take a listen to it and if you decide to use that you hit the blue little arrow there and then you can come and adjust it because you may not want it to start at that beginning part you can just drag it over to where you want it to begin and hit done and then also as far as volume you want to make sure you click volume and turn the original sound down especially if you used a sound in in video because they'll both be playing at the same time and then you'll definitely lose interest because that's going to sound like a whole lot of chaos and confusion and then from there the only thing I do is hit next and then we are going to title it your title you want to get something catchy something that'll make people click and I just put something like this will change your life or once you hear this your life will never be the same like you can do different stuff like that and I'll maybe use a hashtag motivation and as far as the visibility you want it to be public when you are ready for it to go live now if you want to schedule it because I told you that you can schedule your videos for the entire month you'll go to the schedule and then you'll click on that date you pick whichever date you want and then you'll hit okay and you can pick the time you want it to go live and then you'll hit OK and from there you'll just hit that back arrow and you'll hit upload short and it'll be pending and once that day and time come YouTube will upload it and you can do this for all 30 videos and you will never have to worry about having to make sure it goes live and that's all there is to it this entire process for one video will probably take you less than 10 minutes to get the content to create the video and then to upload it a scheduling and if you want to upload it to Facebook I actually have a video where I really went into detail about the Facebook rails bonus program them and all of the qualifications how to apply all of that I'll link it up here so that you can actually get all of the information that you need about it because I don't want to have to repeat it again but I'm just going to show you how easy it is to upload it I am in the Facebook reels right now I'm going to go to create and then you just choose whichever video it is that you want to add and it'll come up so and then I'll go ahead on I'll search for audio in here now let me tell you something when it comes to adding audio and getting paid for your ads on Facebook it does not work the same as with YouTube with YouTube you can use popular songs from different artists when it comes to shorts and that will not affect your ad Revenue however when it comes to Facebook Facebook do not play they are not paying a lot of people when you are using different artists songs so for the most part I will stick to the music from a video or I wouldn't use music at all when it comes to that so I'm just going to leave that as is I'm going to hit next and then again you just type in whatever title you want and you'll leave it as public and then you'll hit share real it's that easy yo same thing with Instagram same thing with Tick Tock same process but you want to make sure you're putting it on all of them because that's going to increase the amount of money you're making but other than that that is all there is to this entire process I hope that this has helped you out please go ahead on and like this video for me because that helps me out other than that I thank you so much for watching and until next time we are out peace thank you
Channel: Journey With The Hintons
Views: 486,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money online, how to make money online, chat gpt, how to make money online 2023, chatgpt, make money with chatgpt, make money with chatgpt in 2023, chat gpt explained, ai, ai tools, how to use chatgpt, how to use chat gpt, chatgpt tutorial, youtube shorts without face and voice, youtube shorts tutorial, youtube shorts monetization, make money with youtube shorts copy and paste, make money with ai, make money with youtube shorts, reels, youtube shorts with chatgpt
Id: GhBCZirq-mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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