How to split big rounds of firewood 🪵

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yeah living out his dreams huh yeah i mean it's it's okay yeah huh something's i don't know oh yeah that's something [Applause] all right we're back on site here buckin's gonna grab some of this nice fur here it's uh it's gonna be tough split in those first few rounds that was a coarse log good morning um how's everybody doing good i hope you're doing well we as you know we've done this job quite a while ago friends and uh i thought to myself i would go in those rounds where did you see that well you'll see it the ax bounces off this stuff our fur friends people are mistaken with our fur yes it once you get up into the log in a straight grain it splits like nothing it's beautiful wood to split but in the first we call it the buttress of the log that's where that tree has been holding on to itself for all those years and those wind storms and weather and just everything that's where it twists and so it gets really stringy and tough and callous coarse uh it's always the worst splitting so i think that's pretty much for every tree does that work for you guys in your trees too the the last you know six eight feet of log is always the toughest anyway friends this job we did a long time ago but i went back and i took care of the hardest rounds got them out of that fella's face there and threw it in our shed so it's just a video of me doing my thing with my axes and my power saws there's a couple of good tips in here for you doing the ripping with with the making noodles and i just go along with the power saw and make things easier on processing this firewood so i hope you enjoy it friends the merc is back i'm excited this heck more stuff to come talk to you on the next video but enjoy this one see on the next one friends check out the setting we're at today i mean it's just i got the power saw because i'm gonna uh probably end up ripping some of this stuff this this stuff's really coarse like i i won't i don't reckon i'll split it but i shouldn't say that i do have my big double bit but it's it's not gonna it's not gonna be easy friends so i i probably will do some ripping i don't see any yeah this is gonna bounce i can tell by the wood it's gonna bounce see that friends it's just not gonna happen that's why see this that's why we do this that's it's all you can do it's that kind of wood friends so i'll probably rip it yeah and this doubles this is my it's just too stringy there's no point [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] here's what to do and what not to do [Music] this watch what comes is of here that's what you get that's what you get trying to cut that stuff like that and that's what you get when you rip it the proper way [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Applause] [Music] [Music] up [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay i'm gonna do a couple more and then i'll bring you back up with the axe i'm gonna get these um [Music] hmm [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um okay you saw that right that was starting to run out of gas so i pulled it out tipped it on its side so it would pick up fuel again let it cool down and shut it down another good reason to shut your power saw off as soon as it starts running out of gas is it's easy to start next time you go pull it [Applause] uh i can split those now oh i got my back window protected you see that i don't need that on no more do i and now we're down to the core well would you look at that [Music] uh [Music] your certain pieces that's why when i'm doing this stuff i use different pieces for different stuff right see that's not going anywhere it's just not it's on the edge but it's not going anywhere you ask why do i why do i stack it well i may only stack these two because you get way more stacking than you do freaking just throwing it in loose plus i want to protect my window right friends and plus guess what i don't mind it friends now i got just enough to start this row here now there's a nighttime burner if i ever did see one right there okay that's all you get friends look at this setting look at this freaking setting you know we kicked all these just by the just by the building there yesterday right actually a lot of most the woods up top here's our australian axe here too now we got these are yeah these are lovely so this is our our tassie and our new dandy dong and our axe handle that i broke the other day and it seems to be splitting very nice actually actually better than i thought yeah much better than i thought you too take care enjoy the weather [Music] see that stringy bark the odd one left friends see that [Music] you [Music] well that is so cool this is neat look it so there was this much sticking out of the tree okay years ago look at this look at that isn't that neat not really steel it's got a really nice profile friends this is the profile this is it this axe is crazy look at i want to show you this okay you find something like that just put it away put it away build an axe with a good strong handle you'll never make another axe i'm talking wood chopping axe and also one that can do this which tells you you need sharpness at the butt you see that how you pick up wood like that i mean i don't know why you wouldn't have your axe doing that it's just you can't do it with them all so i don't know it just does not compute with me so when designing the wood bullet that was the path i gotta swing that dandy down again it's a it's on a white old candle fence it's ridiculous like i mean ridiculous it's split it's flat that's crazy that that is a beautiful freaking axe so so there we are friends i'm just i've got a little teeny spot at the back of the truck for the the old you know wood there or the axes and stuff i got the crew cap maybe i'll stick them in there that's usually what i do throw them in the backseat real good load better take some pictures look at that sucker hmm ah tires look good you see what i did today how i use this as a uh you see just i just use this to get higher up you know what i mean that's actually so if you think about it that's well it's up there it's up to the cab which is good yeah little crew cab is doing good look at the front end she's up here friends look at her that's what these trucks were built for they were built for this and this is just a three-quarter tonne with an overload package it doesn't really have huge mind you it's got a pretty good set of ribs it's not like the merc though let me tell you that right now actually there is no overloads in this in this package this is a light duty truck compared to the merc friends i think myrtle's here oh my goodness i know the sound of my truck it's myrtle here she comes friends listen to her oh she looks solid look at her come up that driveway oh my goodness that's a good looking truck i'll tell you something this ryan character he is he's a stallion look at that thing i mean look at her look that's it three quarter ton truck no overloads this is a light duty truck friends it is it's it's not heavy duty don't think it is i probably should have counted the rounds but i probably could figure it out one two three four five six seven eight left together it wasn't too many it's just it's about a 20 foot length of wood yeah you know what i'm saying so friends it's beautiful here look it's just glorious here how beautiful this is this is where i grew up frogs are just going okay let's creep out of here in in low low range [Music] so he said he says the decibels go up big time on these freaking frogs and i remember they do when i was a kid they were just a steady pop anyway let's pull out this was a great great job look at the old truck hey there they go off for dinner be kind
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 64,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jMovf3XvdTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 14sec (1994 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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