Hand Splitting Firewood with an Axe.Techniques, Axemanship.

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[Music] she goes [Music] [Music] okay let's go [Music] so we cut this tree down for this dollar yesterday um for those of you this is a well for those of you who are asking and I get asked and I well what a beautiful day it is it's so beautiful I don't have a lot of jam on my phone but I got enough to play around for a little bit um here's that we're back at this job we took this tree out yesterday it was dead and you can actually see how actually dry it is but anyways regardless friends ah we don't this is the recipient program people ask me what is the recipient program because they go to the website if you want to know what the recipient program is go to buckingbillyray.com and just take a minute and read through there well this gentleman and his wife happen to be the recipients I I don't like that pat on the back video where you're showing yourself doing something good for someone although I do understand why people do it because it perhaps can Inspire others to do the same and I do like that so I struggle with the fact of telling even telling you that we we didn't charge here and to thank are messengers of kindness and to thank YouTube plain and simple because of those of you who've been here for seven or eight years you know my heart and you know what my goal was to come here my goal one of my goals was to not charge people for tree work that has happened that has happened so if you want to know what the recipient program is friends is it it's a it's a kind of a two-fold thing when he didn't want to he didn't he wanted to pay me Kevin you'll meet him he wanted to pay me and I wouldn't accept and I and I said uh if you want to do something let's do something for the new uh program that we have in my hometown Nanaimo British Columbia uh it's called roughing it and it is for the homeless youth not just homeless adults and drug addicts and mentally the whole homeless thing we have worldly it's for the Youth the homeless youth I think we have just over a hundred homeless youth in this town which they've documented so it's a little thing called uh roughing it and I believe it's just new in our town I'm doing it because I'm doing it it's been a long time goal of mine so we got some wood we got some axes people ask me about the flick method we're gonna get after it let's do it so as you can see that beautiful little ax right there on the ground it is the wood board this is this is we we don't need this right now we're gonna need this this is the famous gorillax we're gonna need it over there we should actually almost go over there to be honest with you see these these are all naughty see them check it out yeah and your son see right it's all not right there we go so this thing is a beast like a beast right what's that now I made this ax the other day and I freaking love it it's a Tasmanian pattern it's on a actually this is one of Eli's handles Eli this is your handle this is your handle here's one of Brad's axes bullet not exactly what we need here's the here's the original bullet right here that's the original bullet and it's crazy here's actually uh yeah this is actually a neat piece this one this is a lighter lighter weight ax with a kind of a neat handle um I like this it's it's a little fatter in profile that's why you notice it didn't stick but this thing's scary here is here is a is it well you'll you'll see what it is when I go like this see that this is what it is look that's what that is did you see that here's another one like that which means it's sharper and they're snipers these are freaking sniper axes okay so yeah you can see all that this is beautiful you don't need a big monster ax to do your business but I mean look what we got can can you guys see this see you see this what's going on here right it's naughty it's very naughty look at the size of those knots what are we gonna do with that right there what's our plan well we have a couple options we could get out the the freaking big huge uh double bit or we can look for a crack and if we don't see one which I do kind of see one but it's going through here oh this ax is sharp look at this friends this is sharp I'm talking sharp sharp so you have an option here the option on this is not to to to do this I mean you could flick it out but but it's not always the best option see that there it is split there we go done and that is because we went through the knots we we actually split these knots right in half look there it is here look at boom we split right down the middle of the knots now it's all about running with the knob see like this this is tough this one here we go look at friends look at you see what I mean there's no point in going across the knot this isn't the greatest tax for this job but I'm just showing you you don't need now here's here's another one see the nose it's right there at the top well we're not going this way we're not there's no point in doing this see you you're not even cracking it like that there's no point so you want to just come over beside it like that see this here's another little piece you got to make it smaller just crack the side off it telling you this is a wicked tool this one knock your wood around wherever you need it is where you need it here we go this is a nice tool very nice tool okay here's another absolutely freaking Wicked tool that I put on a a Hoffman handle these are all Tasmanian patterns every single one of them this is a really nice ax too this is that one I was taught is that the one I was just using oh no or was it no it wasn't see they're all similar to this but they all share they all share a little something different but they're all around four pounds average about four pound axes okay that's what they are so I'm just letting you know where we stand with this stuff okay so it's not about brute strength people ask me all the time about the Fleck well I guess I could show you uh a flick here or two right the flick let's get this out of the way this is a sharp ax oh no that's not that's not the sharp ax no see that isn't that interesting yeah look at that that pulls right out of there but watch this see the difference that thing was able to drag that whereas this thing I'm actually going to show you I want to show you what I'm talking about totally different animal right here totally different animal look at look at profile completely a different Beast friends seriously so that's why the bottom one is sharp Watch What Happens right watch this one see it doesn't stick but it's not to say that it won't split because it will let's give it a shot let's give it a freaking shot this is actually a very very nice little ax I love this tool see that here we go that's your flick for you the reason I split on the ground is because I don't need to I don't smash right through my wood right I'm gonna I'm gonna put one in slow mo see the ax what happened see that okay so we got the old I got some nice you know what I want to go over here friends now this is where it gets tough over here I'm taking the gorilla and I'm going in there that's the last piece of the stump and it's snotty and gnarly and we're going at it watch for the vortex so this is a live feed friends watch Friends this was a good example [Music] watch because oh it literally figurates it's nuts it creates turbulence we named it the vortex on the bunion show um trip I'm just watching in the place you needed to go and let go watch this see my hands the truth boom watch right there here's another one see that it's a figure eight we call that the vortex take a look see what I mean see that totally in the wrong spot hey done split there's another piece here we go I'm not gonna be in a hurry foreign that's interesting look at that wow see here I'm not looking see I'm better off to either flip this around so I can see where the knots are it's that simple friends that's why I split bark to me foreign see on a longer hand locks you can choke up two friends right hey I took a peek so I know what's there we go let's take a look what we got this one looks pretty good I still try and look for a crack yeah that's a long handle friends I'm gonna go after something else here and it does do damage but I I really like it you see what I mean it enters wood it breaks wood see it just look at that it is lovely and you can actually do a little more with a sharp ax then you can a door locks see the flick there see now this is what I'm talking about like this friends watch see it's in your way here's a noise here we go foreign to be honest I'd be silly to foreign to try and bust this to be honest I would so let's put this up here on this we just opened up all this space there now this is actually a really nice little handle foreign that's why sharp axes are nice okay so there's no sense in me hitting this piece of wood like this I can around take a look well friends Friday looks like we're getting some rain friends coming up tomorrow so I've been out enjoying the the Sun at this time of year is important for the body so as you can see this is a wood splitting ax Le video regarding a few different techniques um I'm not a chopping block guy most just know that depending on where I'm at and what I'm splitting and what the program is uh I incorporate the flick into not all mice button it again it depends I incorporate every little thing that I've learned through the years into the wood paw momentum is big for me um you know the ground doesn't really bother me that much it never has uh coming from a production background you want to touch that wood as less as possible standing It Up On a Block makes no sense to me uh when I do stand them up on a block you'll notice I'll probably use the ax I won't bend down and pick it up I'll I'll smack it with a sharp ax and if the wood will stick to the handle like that right there and I'll throw it up onto the handle I do that so I've got some wood splitting videos over the next couple of days um yeah so I hope you enjoy but if you can incorporate any of this into your world I think as I get older I'll probably just you know get the chopping block out and do different things but not right now it does one benefit to The Chopping Block is it saves your Edge out if you're not a flick man or woman it because we do go into the ground at sometimes we do right which doesn't bother me one bit but it does some so and I take more time with my edges these days so that's the benefit to a chopping block but you lose so much inertia you lose whatever size of firewood you're doing and whatever size of firewood chop and Block You've got you lose that inertia you just do foreign so you guys can kind of see what's going on let's grab the wood bullet this is Brad's wood bullet offering okay look for a crack I see one there it is the vortex thank you okay there we go okay I want to do something I know this ax works I already know it works now but this here is so light friends it's teeny but the important thing is look can you focus focus in on that look this is a small ax look at see where the Rock and the sock action is right there it's about an inch from the top of the handle that puts all your inertia up here now I want to show you a little something we're getting harder the wood is getting it says blunter than the others not as sharp so I won't be able to do much of this right see look at it it's it's I have to really hit it for but it does something different okay I actually see a crack in this this is a light ax to be smacking a big round of fur like that down at the buttress it just is I'm gonna give it a go or two then I'm going to the stringy outside see it's because there was a crack a a a natural offering if you will this is a light tool friends probably too late for what I've got here see you see what's happening this is a really nice little ax actually but we're getting stringy so this is not the right tool for this it will work I can make pretty much anything work here comes the big double bit [Music] big swing right big swing 36 inch handle so actually 37. black probably the first time I've gone down moved by hand click Fleck it's all split all of it from the Fleck we got two more big gnarly ones here three actually this is getting snotty I'm gonna take two seconds and just get down you got to go down once in a while you may as well just stay there right just stay there go to a place where you know you're gonna be put the elbows on the knees and get what you can right because I need space for this okay this is gnarly this thing right gnarly I don't even know where a good spot to go is here maybe here not bad wow look at that see that chip chip here we go chip chip here we go this here is very this outside wood is stringy there we go yeah it's right stringy now foreign foreign this is this is right snot completely right it's not yeah it's ugly I'm gonna use the big ax yeah this is this is not good foreign wow here we go wow foreign knots look at that wow I don't know it's gonna be tough that one there we go hey look at this stuff you're back I'm back you're punished punishing yeah to myself so there we are friends let's see how we got like pitch pouring out of this thing that's it she's done now we got one more over there and then small stuff this is why I'm gonna recreate this ax friends this is a beauty it is I'll show you the profile maybe later so friends I changed the handle on my original wood but let's see that that's a new handle from Jonesy it's a 34 inch handle and let me tell you something you're in for a treat thanks for watching I love you
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 123,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LBynyDE_PlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 50sec (2030 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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