That's Not a Hat - GameNight! Se11 Ep34 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] Angelic ingenious supplies [Music] game night tonight on Game Night Nikki Deborah Lincoln Russell and myself Dave are going to teach and play that's not a hat a game for 3 to eight players published by renberger and designed by Casper lap and I beg to differ I mean you know it fits it's not a good hat but hey Dave yes Lincoln will you teach us that is not a hat I that's really the name but you know close enough that's not a hat yes that's I will teach you that game uh that's not a hat is a it's a giftgiving game in the nicest sense of the word but really it's just a memory game in the game sense of the word oh no oh no uh we're all going to start with a gift in front of us face up so I'm going to have a Snowman and Nikki's going to have a safety pin and isn't that a safy pin totally you'll get uh flipflops flipflops and or zories and or whatever wherever whatever Coast you're from however you call that and there's a key for you Russ and um whoever received a gift last as a start player I think we figured that was yeah well I went to a children's birthday party yesterday and my son received a gift fa good enough all right that I used so you're going to start and what you're going to do is you're going to take the top gift from the card okay which is Dice right hi dice then you're going to turn it over or broken Domino you're going to turn it over face down and put it here okay and then you're going to gift that in the direction of the arrow on the card oh okay okay all right whenever you take one from the top like this that is the one you gift okay so you're going to gift that to Lincoln cuz that's the arrow that goes and you're going to say Lincoln I'd like to give you these dice or some form of that I'd like to give you these dice sure take that are not a hat so Lincoln is going to put that above his okay and then I give this one Linn's going to put that above now Lincoln has a choice he can either accept that gift and say thank you or he can say that's not a dice I'm just using the name of that that's not a hat but those aren't dice or that's not dice or whatever and he can challenge you if he challenges you then we will reveal the card and obviously if it is what you said it is then Lincoln will lose and if it isn't what you said it is then you will lose and you will take that card and place it face up in front of you okay and that is one card basically against you whoever gets three cards in front of them will end the round okay and then we will add up one point for each card in front of us and whoever has the fewest points wins right so Lincoln will take that and he now has to give someone else a gift now it is go to regift something that you've just received so he's going to take his Pig and he's going to turn it face down and based on the Arrow he is going to give that to you hey diber here's a pig for you and you can either accept that or not thank you for this pig all right every new gift you receive always goes above the previous gift you have I'm going to put it here okay and now you will slip yours face down and you will gift that to whoever up there you go are just going to play the game would you like some flipflops I will take these flipflops hey Nikki P yep here's some dice for you I will take those dice okay this is the game got it let's just go we're playing we're playing Dave yep take this safety pin thank you Nikki that's very nice of you you hey Russ I have a Snowman for you if you'd like it I'll accept that snowman all right I will I would love to give you in return yeah this key well thanks for the key I don't know what thanks for the key you know what that key was so nice I think you need a safety pin I I appreciate the safety pin um thank you so there oh so now I would like to give you these flipflops I accept these flip-flops and I would like to give you a pig in return I'll take the pig I think I'll take the pig thank you you're um I'll give you this paper clip safety clip safety pin I think I'm going to challenge all right okay flip it over then it was the safety pin so I now put this in front of me and it counts against me correct okay you now this card moves down okay you now take the top card from the deck ah which is lipstick right we this lips and you are going to gift the lipstick R would you like this lipstick I've always wanted some lipstick it goes on top I'm sorry thank you so much you're welcome um hey Dave yes Russ what do you got for me would you like a pig this pig that I just I I would love a pig now if I could only remember what this is you don't say that you're giving Nikki a chance to challeng fake it out no I know but hang on hang on I can get there I can get there that's right it's not that it's not that oh these are the flipflop s cuz those I don't believe are I think you are mistaken oh you're going to take you're going to give it back challenge that's not a flip-flop ke I did not remember me neither all right well in that case Nikki here's an umbrella sure Dave yep have some dice I'll take some dice and you can have a pig yeah that goes on top though right Y and then this is Lincoln have a key okay hey Nikki take these flip flops oh my gosh did they get there the plot thickens the flip-flop thickens yes I will this game is great this is so great those flipflops I'm terrible at this game already but I love it have an umbrella I forgot that was even even in the game there's an umbrella in the game okay Deborah take this pig no I'm going to challenge okay go ahead and flip it oh no so bad okay there we go this is show I mean I was I'm going to put my safety pin inside of my I like it my piggy B you can hide it you only have one so none of you know all right well you have to gift I have to gift again what are we calling that a globe okay calling that a glob this is a globe um Russell I'd like you to have this globe okay put it above oh above oh yes help me remember thank you for that Globe you're welcome um hey Dave yes Russell here's the good news I don't know either oh man um what did I even I don't know uh would you like oh man I know what it is you oh my gosh uh um have some flipflops challenge I forgot I didn't know I was challenging whatever you said so if you remembered it you were going to win okay pencil oh yeah uh okay so you have to give away the pencil I have to give away the pencil okay hey da yep sorry for the mistake earlier on but I've gotten you a better gift it's a pencil that's okay cuz I didn't need lipstick but you know what you need you need some dice all right I'll take those dice um hey Dave y would you like this fancy Globe sure I like that Globe because Nikki you need this pencil thank you Dave you're welcome Dave take these flipflops thank you for the and that goes on top flip flops I have already forgotten this other one oh wait no it is the globe oh there you go on the top on the top on the top it's so hard to remember that it's so hard to remember that you can have that Globe Nikki thank you I I accept Lincoln I got a present for you sure what is it tell well you should open it up to otherwise it's not a [Music] surprise linoln right we're terrible Bluff we're terrible bluffers you just got to be confident I know um but it's hard to be confident when I can't even remember something to pretend to be confident I've already forgotten what this is uh no no this is the uh Globe take this globe uh that's not a globe flip it I knew I I'm screwed because the pencil was my fake out for what I don't know so now that's gone banana yeah banana banana goes on top go on top oh hey banana I'll take it but I have to go no you have to give away the banana banana Dave tasty banana thank you Nikki because I don't need these flip-flops so they're they're for you babe thanks Dave as we say in h um um oh that's um would you like hey would you like this globe um no thank you oh the dice it's the dice okay you have to give away trumpet trumpet cornet um you know what I'm sorry again have this trumpet trumpet thank you um well I'm really excited about receiving that trumpet because I am going to give this pair of flipflops to Lincoln okay well that's not a flip-flop NOP I have no idea the round the flip flops I Deborah had thought so there somebody passed her the flip flops did I actually have the flipflops I no idea where they are no did I pass them the I did pass them correctly didn't matter as long as he didn't challenge you all right so wait three two 1 one Zer so Lincoln technically would win now you can play like a number of rounds and keep score and like that but that's just play another round yeah for the fun of it fun okay FL control hand down confir we are go for launch Angelic ingenious supplies all right uh here we go this is where it gets worse because now the last we have all in head good idea start us again oh boy okay so we flip these right nope not until you pass do you want me to start since I had the winner can start tape measure that's what we're calling that hey Nikki take this tape measure Okie do then we flip nope until you I see I see got it you get to see these until you pass guitar bird camera camera teddy bear dog tape measure tape measure ready yep Dave you have a dog to go with your teddy oh I want a dog so bad thank you Nikki that's so great all right Russ here's a teddy bear for you a thank you so much you're welcome um you know what why don't you take this camera okay take a picture of I will take a picture of my dog and then for some reason give him away there's a dog for you they are disposable aren't they de would you like this Teddy Tedd bath uh thank you very very much I would like that teddy bear uh Lincoln would you like this bird sure hey uh Nikki here's this guitar for you Okie do I take it this uh Dave you should take this um oh my gosh I was repeating it in my head the whole time you can get have this bird that's not a bird okay I think that's the tape measure oh that's right tape measure pull it back so yeah it's okay it doesn't be SE now you flip it yep bicycle Bic and this goes immediately correct you could ride a bike thanks Nikki I appreciate that bike you know what I took a nice little selfie of me on that bike so you can now have my camera sweet oh my God I'm right there with you how man my brain um have this I'm going to have this bird I don't think that's right but I'm going to take it all right on top on top thank you yeah cuz Russ needs this bike I have just learned how to ride a bike actually thank you perfect timing um hey Deborah M take this little sweet little pup thank you very much I love that puppy um Lincoln would you like a teddy bear sure hey Nikki here is a bird for you oh no go on top that's helpful actually yeah yeah yeah uh Lincoln mhm you need to have this bracelet that's not a bracelet okay all right here we go cheese yep cheese or do we want to be more specific fine Lincoln I know that you like cheese sure and I know you love dogs I surely do and man bird have a bird yeah wait you gave me two birds I think this one is this one's a bird they're love bird I think this one's a bird Russell you can have this guitar that seems plausibly a guitar um hey Deborah yeah have this bike thank you I will accept that bike Lincoln I would like to give you the puppy cuz this is the puppy is it is the puppy okay yes well I'm going to give away the bread hey Deborah here's some bread thank you very much um bread bread bread bread H you may have a bike okay uh here is I thought you were so strong in this game I did I did have it um but this like this little bit of a miss the puppy throws things off I was so happy when you bluffed that wrong cuz I was like oh it's going to help me when I cuz I know I have it uh oh you knew you had the puppy I knew I had the puppy and when it bluffed I was like great well let me think here I might get might get hked um that's not a HK that's a HK of a different color oh take this cheese oh cheese thank you I'll take some cheese it goes so well with my bread that I will give to you m I do like bread um in turn I'd like you to have [Music] this this thing that I'm about to describe for you I'm very excited about [Laughter] it it's a bird it's a bird wow I don't think that was in this game um I'm going to challenge that I think for you here you go trophy we're calling this a trophy trophy okay trophy uh turn over trophy I think it's perfect for you for getting that challenge correct you know what it's okay um you you know I want to give you some cheese to go on top oh on top sorry some cheese to go with my previous gift I do believe that might be cheese so I'm going to give this uh you just gave it to me I I even gave you a clue yeah I even gave you a clue thank you for the bread you know here was that bird you were trying to give that bird you were trying to give away last time okay all right great I like I'll accept that bird um why don't you take this uh it's not guitar cheese take this cheese so I believe you've been Leed on this cheese I don't believe that's cheese I thought it was somewhere else I thought you guys were Bluff and cheese the whole time that's great Bluff and cheese I like that bluff and chees cheese oh is that book book okay Nikki here's a book okay Dave yeah I thought this was the cheese yeah have a bicycle a Nikki have some bread no it is bread what did you just give me oh my gosh I need to pay more attention uh wow you just I know right from the top I was right there you could you could have seen it all of last round estrogen link here estrogen link we can do it it's not it's not working oh well I have this trophy okay well here take this trumpet that's not not a trumpet that was the bicycle oh my gosh I thought that was the B this okay yep here you go oh my God what do I have what do I have in take this stylophone thank you so much I'm going to give you a trophy oh my gosh ah it's not a trophy God dang it yes won I just got the book does everyone does anyone know what I have I think I gave you she gave me the bicycle no bread is here this is bread yeah yeah yeah what do I have maybe the bird oh my God I think the bird made itar original teddy bear original teddy bear came all the way back the bird remembered that I the bird no I was right I knew I was giving you the bird correctly all right I'd like to give you the bird 311 one0 Deborah for the win I had two actually that was no yeah yeah but yeah oh in face down yeah [Music] yeah [Music] G supplies so what do you think NP it's fun and I don't pay enough attention I mean it's when you've got a whole bunch of them in your head from like a previous round I don't know I'm talking and La it's a party game so I'm talking and laughing and I'm not giving it my full attention so even when you take it from the top and you're like agree that this is a teddy bear and then you're like what what yeah but it's fun and I Like the Way of the drawing style that it looks sort of handdrawn there's no colors to remember it's just black and white and really simple I think that if you started to add color it it would make more of an impression on you and it wouldn't be as forgettable potentially yeah right and the direction passing is a lot of fun it's not always way and it's not always this way and then this way it's all a mess randomed makes it crazy what do you think Deborah oh I love it it's so fun um I think I I but I figured it out I went from a three card loss to a no card win so I I would be excited to keep playing this and see if my strategy I definitely in my game I I was disrupted by that one I mean like and I feel thankful I remember the cheese like I could not believe it I just like and the problem is is like you think you have it but when somebody messes it up like in the previous game I kept it I kept myself under control but you did not have the flip-flops and you lied and I knew I had them right so I like but other times that happened where it where I know where it's at and then it shifted and then I'm like oh crap why am I paying attention to that card that does not matter to me all that matters to me is what's in front of you well but you never know when it might you have to pay attention when it's not your turn because if you have conviction yeah when if you have conviction when you send that next card there's a they'd have to be pretty darn certain that you're not correct on it so that the strategy that occurred to me was just to always cuz that's where I think you get stuck because if you can't sell it with conviction it's because you don't know what's in front of you so I just went anytime anyone passes me something unless I'm challenging it I'm just going to remember what that card is so that whenever I pass even if this person lied I know this is the teddy bear and I can have and then the only person who might know is someone else who knows they have it but the chances of that being the person that you're passing it to is just a fifth yeah but then you're stuck with your new card that you don't necessarily know what it is right as long as you tell as long as you say what it was the same thing that they told you and then I can challenge what helps is like oh I pretty sure that I have that and that bluff was used over there interesting you know and then I was able to call some challenges because I knew things anyways keeping track of like just my area helped me is be strategic I thought that though but I found that you do kind of have to pay attention to what's going on especially when they're going back and forth like in one end you can get cards that literally just go chain chain chain and then suddenly I'm like in in a thing I have no idea what what I'm doing but I think what's nice about the game is you only have a limited pool of things to remember because you know most of the same things are in that next turn one new thing so it's just not too reliant on memory but it's also just a silly fun game like you like we had a lot of fun just you know just telling you what it is it makes no sense what you're actually gifting I'm giving you a safety clip this is ridiculous this also really fun so I like games that are really quick and really easy to to to teach as well I like that the teddy bear stuck around long enough that no one remembered ITN snowman too like that was myg completely forgot that was even a part of it like took like 5 to 10 minutes and I was just completely forgot what was you guys have played this before have you played it with more players what's the most you played it with maybe six maybe seven actually I think one time is seven harder or easier oh yeah I mean it gets really I mean as long again Deborah has the right idea focus on the card you have and then try to remember what cuz it's I feel as long as you have conviction you're not going to get challenged and you're safe right you need to you can't really think about it that's why I was a miracle I was surprised maybe debor knew but I was like remembering that it was a cheese was a huge thing for me cuz I was like I had I so sure the cheese was here when you guys were saying cheese I'm like oh give me that give me that cheese cuz that ain't cheese you get bluffed out on the cheese somebody no no I I Dave did right was I did because I didn't think it was cheese but but but and I was right bread and cheese passing when you were passing the bird earlier I knew that wasn't the bird and I was right then so I had that reinforced from my knowing that earlier I'm like oh I'm going to do this again except I was wrong right but that's what's fun too yeah when you when you know someone didn't challenge something and I'm like oh I know that that's right because now there's misinformation going around the table that's a good rule that you can't challenge unless you're the one being offered I think because it it does sort of for sure and you're certain that it is I mean you just want to make sure but I mean don't get me wrong it fails you too it is certain certainly things can come up I really feel like when there's a lot of activity going on you into the table and you're not involved you're at risk right for sure because you have a lot of downtime and you're like I'm watching you just fun oh wait minute what was my C exactly um it'd be really funny to see people with really good memory play this and to see how long they can last yeah great the whole point of the game is that you know human memory is very fallible and like it just makes it more funny the worse that memory you are I love to play with Tashi she'd probably remember everything part of the reason I was asking on player count is it would be a very interesting three player game right because you are in you are actively involved in every movh right or yes most moves adjacent for sure so it's always and I wonder if that would help right because you'd be more actively involved and also there'd be fewer things to remember well you know what helped remember like why I was confident about cheese is when you have cheese and bread together there was like a little like I wanted to do the of like remember when I gave you bread last timey she used to go with it but then I went I shouldn't say say it you started to do I felt like you were stting to do that like don't say it but it helped me remember it because there were associations so I a smart player might make associations like I gave the teddy bear to Nikki because she had the toothpaste and teddy bears should brush their teeth you know like whatever it is at the beginning of that second game there were three animals and I was like I got to remember that that seems like quite helpful information teddy bear and there was also something else I noticed um there different colors on the back and and I remembered uh bike um interesting um and stuff based on the colors cuz I think if you're playing black and white it's funny because I thought black and white correlated to the arrows but they don't they don't they don't they're just half black and half white with you there two right there yeah when I passed Dave the bike which really wasn't the bike right I was going to say you can take pictures cuz you have the camera with your new bike right I'm like I don't want to remind people that there's a camera in this game but I think it's good in your head to do it like you were doing the selfie thing like I think it helps to give yourself a little mind Palace story well I was trying to sell the camera right of course I mean I in this case I I knew it was the camera so it wasn't like I was truly trying to sell it but there's something to be said for sort of overselling something to see if someone will challenge you on it well cool thanks for teaching us Dave you are welcome Lincoln and thanks to you for watching if you like this video hit the thumbs up button and consider subscribing to our Channel if you click on the Bell you get notified when we put up new videos see you next [Music] time [Music] a
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 17,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game
Id: iRpHZKg8RW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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