That Was LUCKY | Goodwill Thrift With Me | Reselling

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these are interesting what are these it's a whole tea set of faces face tea [Music] set all right well today we are here in Le Mo Pennsylvania we are keeping it local today and we're about to head into this Goodwill and see what we can find bu and flip for a Prof so here we go all right well let's see what we can find today looks like this piece of McCoy is still here I know now that this is supposed to come with an underplate only because I picked one up once and everyone was like Jocelyn that comes with an under Bowl I guess it's not a plate it comes with an under Bowl I didn't know that at the time and now I do that is a doll in a box all right oh my gosh remember that one time we came in here and we found a whole bunch of these little figurines I think they weren't they Hallmark I can't remember now they're so cute they they're still super cute but last time I was able to find like a whole bunch of them a whole collection all at once that was the thrill of that find right this way a little piece of milk glass oh candle holder there's a little piggy he needs a cork for his mouth more milk glass see that's Fen I'm pretty certain the hob nail how much is that one H oh$ 2.99 I was going to say if it's not priced we can't buy it 2.99 it doesn't want to show you the oh there it goes $2.99 all right we're going to stick this one in our cart for $2.99 as long as all the little Crimson Ruffles are there okay here we are in the VES see if there's anything fun over here last week when I was here there was just like a random paper weight just sitting on the edge of the Shelf it was so exciting I don't know where it came from I just happened to be walking by and it was just like hi that's always so fun there's some nice purple goblets those are really pretty so far all we have is a milk glass compost this is really neat I've actually had these before I like the satin glass but it gets so scuffed up look how scuffy that is oh and it's got a giant chip on it that's a shame there's a bunch of red wear oh it's made in Japan it might have been this that Bonnie saw the other day and she asked about says radwear I think so oh there's a pretty set got a ginger jar back there king fisher en pan it is pretty it's definitely vintage thank more milk glass oh my goodness look at all the milk glass today it's kind of crazy I wish there was a second uh candles stick to go with that cuz I would pick it up if there were two candlesticks but I don't really want a single candlestick Qui that doesn't appear to be anything special we're going to leave it we have a candy dish I do like the shape of the lid on this but it's a greate pattern I'm really not here for the grae patterns it's a studio piece this is really pretty I do like the edged leaves on that uh what is that warning not for food use I don't like my dishes to come with warnings I mean I guess it's better they come with warnings than I get poisoned but you know what I'm saying oh hey look at that little guy he's got a little chip on his ear is that a lid maybe we can find the rest of it now we're on a quest I did walk right past this chicken without really acknowledging it but it does have a lot of cracking on there so anyway let's go find the rest of this cat I'm kind of trying to figure out what the rest of it could be I'm thinking that goes on top of a coffee mug is that the one no probably not it is black and red so I was thinking maybe that's the one but I don't think it is I'm not really seeing anything that screams I need a cat on top [Music] there's a cat mug but it doesn't need a cat on top that's a shame okay oh those are cute two piece salt and pepper shaer set wild blossoms those are kind of cute know [Music] what I think I'm kind of giving up on that cat I didn't find anything in the mugs that went with it a cute little basket $2.99 oh it looks like this is now all shoes this is no longer Christmas okay that's a fancy looking tripod [Music] beads mostly plastic beads that looks like BOS B I don't know how you guys want me to say that the naif Christmas um decisions decisions I might pick that up I know I might I said um and then over here this cat is so good what is it is it marked maybe we'll try to Google I'm and search it then look at these are these vintage or what they don't look vintage those aren't vintage cords right they look like real cords not vintage cords Merry [Music] Christmas all right I just found this chemx um pourover with the original collar I don't know if that's the Vintage one or not all right I think the cat's going back on the Shelf I could not find anything that goes with that which is kind of a bummer I think it's probably the lid to a mug something like that maybe I don't know what it goes with so for that reason um I'm just going to leave it there okay so here are some listings for the camx pour over um that's why it's worth picking up I don't know which one this is there's different kinds of collars there's different sizes there's different all sorts of different things um I believe this one might be more contemporary I'm not sure I'll have to research it uh when I get it back to the shop oh look at that that wasn't even planned I just have him to stopped here to film and we have the chemx filters right there oh my goodness that was lucky I like that a juice Ramer that feels waxy like it's soap or something you see a trinket dish down there that looks English bone china $1.99 on that we'll stick that in here and then n's got poppies on it I do like the pattern that says something England is it priced yeah it is $2.99 can't be scanned unfortunately but it is priced so that's a plus and I love those poppies so I will grab that all right what else do we see you no is that more GL oh yeah it's got that Greek key design down at the base what in the world is that thing that's wild it's like a somebody like put their horse in San wrap and yeah that's like Saran WRA horse that's a weird thing I didn't think I'd see one of those today okay all right well I think that's it for me today not a whole lot just a couple things I think I'm probably most excited about this chemx and the fact that we found the filters to go with it maybe I'll start using it myself who knows okay well I didn't find much and that Goodwill L Mo wasn't my best day but that's okay cuz we've moved on um we are now at the hamen Goodwill which I don't come to very often usually only when I have a bunch of stuff to donate um I don't have anything to donate today but we're going to head in and see if we can find anything here to buy and flip for a profit so let's head in here we go okay let's see what we can find day it's kind of cool I like the yellow looks to be contemporary though kind of fancy all right I don't know why I picked the Hol holiday section but here we are oh my gosh look at all of these trolls trolls in a box those are so fun I feel like those are vintage $4.99 [Music] Santa's creepy creepy Santa Ru $4.99 you can tell it has that charred bottom kind of nice stick it in there it's a cute mug it is a contemporary very ceramic it's very thin my gosh is that meline what snow babies meline right maybe gosh it's kind of creepy all right ey glasses are broken on that analie one of the petals is broken on that trinket box look at these sweet little shelf sitters little fox just chilling $2.99 there's a whole baggy I do like that um that little Chinese vase there I sold one of those recently but I don't really want to commit to the whole bag oh these are those weird dolls that oh my gosh like doing yoga on the Shelf look at that it's a yoga doll oo either that or possest all oh my goodness what is that this oh man this purse is made in China I see these a lot sold as Morano I don't know why Fifth Avenue Crystal these are listed a lot as Morano they're sold a lot of an malls as Morano I completely neglected this whole side of the Shelf are those what's his face those are made in Taiwan from a distance I thought these were those um those things you know the salt or the salt this the spice Village I was like oh wait did I just miss a whole spice Village I did not I'm actually surprised the shelves are so full today um historically this Goodwill is always empty if you guys have seen my videos from this Goodwill almost always empty there's nothing here so this is kind of surprising that there is stuff on the shelves and this is or force force Sweden $2.99 candle holder it's pretty great Crystal to whatever yeah 200 [Music] I it's a cute little in there who is that kind of want to take it out but I know that I can't but I want to tell it's Becky M or bbp oh that's pretty these are interesting what are these it's a whole tea set of faces face tea set I don't know how I feel about that a face tea set this is cool $4.99 is that a lamp shade or is it a bowl I can't tell whoa she's fancy is she doing [Music] yoga oo good night all right what do we have in here a little lion that's an interesting little fella isn't it $6.99 Fenton it's a shame that trunk is broken on that of course we find Fenton at the Goodwill and it's broken a bummer right a nice compot looks like possibly check glass $1.99 it's pretty I'd like it more if it had a lid that's pretty oh we made a Mexico and then did you see this how pretty is that see any signatures on it though fused glass I really like that with the Citrus markings on that who is that and did I walk by that Copenhagen is he broken no that's pretty oh yeah he's broken never mind alarm just barely make it in these anymore there's a rig bear wooden face I do like the flowers on that here's another big one down here for $6.99 has the original tag I don't know how much these go for anymore I know some are worth more than others remember the average being about 30 bucks so I usually I don't know that really make me excited think I'm going to leave him that's a fun Tom Clark I missed him as well I'm just wondering it's like Zoro he's got his little coin there he's $2.99 he's not broken he's got like paper stuck to him stick him in there this is why I do the aisles more than one time because I do things like that all right we're back should we look up that meline weirdo snow baby feel like we should it's weird enough it might be worth money apparently it is not weird enough there was one currently listed on eBay for $11 and now Department 56 website they're asking 50 for it brand new so actually not weird enough we're going to leave it there's another piece of fused glass wonder if that's made by anyone special or if that's just a run-of-the-mill piece my gosh someone's got the base thumping the whole building is is shaking and I'm in the back of the store maybe it's Thunder I don't know maybe it's Thunder um I should image search this I couldn't find anything I'm going to leave it behind all right on that note I am getting out of here all right well that was a pretty decent trip to the Goodwill we found a few things uh the shelves were a lot more packed than they normally are but there was also one entirely empty shelf so I think they just condensed it on the other shelves but hey you know what I found a few things um while I was sitting in line I was looking up some of those trolls and some of the Christmas ones can sell pretty well so I'm excited about that uh I think I'm going to get out of here now I don't recall my total span so I'll put it up here in the corner for you guys um it wasn't very much wasn't very much so I'd say we we're going to come out ahead cuz I think like one of those troll dolls is going to more than cover it so I'm making money right off the bat all right I'm going to head back towards the shop I've got to shop the shop tonight because it is Wednesday evening um but yeah I will see all of you tomorrow so long [Music]
Channel: Crazy Lamp Lady
Views: 95,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antiques, antique reselling, buying and selling antiques, thrifting, making money, never pay retail, relic recoverist, crazy lamp lady, vintage, thrift stores
Id: a493PZqtqvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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