That time your character completely ruined an otherwise emotional moment?

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hey everybody Brian Von via here back at it again with another set of d d stories today we're going to talk about that time that your character completely ruined an otherwise emotional moment has your DM ever tried to squeeze some emotions out of you maybe they killed off your favorite NPC or the party is close to wrapping up a quest that you've put lots of hard work in many sessions into finishing or any other feel-good sad Bittersweet moments meant to dug at your heartstrings of course they have that's the part of any good storytelling so the real question is how did you totally ruin that moment oh I'll start our party was playing curse of strad for the first time so possible spoilers and our DM encouraged us to all pick widely varying alignments oh his plan worked and we ended up with an overall tense and stressful party Dynamic we had the lawful evil Necromancer the lawful neutral Druid the chaotic neutral Warlock and me the lawful good cleric every one of us had conflicting morals and motivations by all accounts we should have been split up and gone our separate ways by session three-ish that's where our last player comes in the chaotic good Rogue dijo Joey he was the glue that kept us together when the rest of us would argue dijo would step in with a heartfelt speech about how we all had the same goal we could do anything if we work together etc etc the rest of the party all had members they liked and hated but everyone adored dijo he was that perfect combination of awkward and funny that nobody could resist he was able to bring us all together no matter what conflict we faced be it internal or external but nothing good lasts in cos towards the end game dijo gets caught on the wrong end of a critical hit with some Smite added in he was out of reactions and already bloodied damage was over double his remaining HP which are DM rules as a death with no chance of saying waves dijo's body disappears and he was the only one with some crucial information we needed to win our battle with the OG Vamp himself I can't remember what that info was I already had the holy symbol so I wasn't paying a ton of attention so now our goal is to find his body and use speak with the dead to get that information and give him a chance for some last words the player obviously doesn't just want to sit out the rest of the campaign so they roll up a samurai that's supposed to be dijo's long-lost son fast forward to another boss fight that included dijo as a raised vampire spawn as a minion so this battle was already emotional as we not only had to watch dijo die a second time but it would be at our hands after many failed attempts at restraining him we reluctantly did what had to be done and put him out of his misery now comes the speak with dead spell if you don't know you're given a chance to ask only five questions all of us are close to crying both in and out of character we get the information we need and with the next three questions we ask him for his final words and any messages he wants us to pass along to his friends after we escaped barovia tears are actually flowing now the DM asks us if we have one last question for our friend now comes that time the title of the post my cleric whose alignment is more accurately lawful stupid asks the final question so we've obviously met your son what poor girl did you convince to have sex with you that led to that and through all the parties angry shouting about my dumbassery that I was all too familiar with dijo Chuckles and utters as last words your mother yes Deja this one will be short was going with a player's backstory where they found out their brother was the bad guy halfway through the touching Reunion where he was gonna turn his life around and possibly come back as an ally the Rogue who fell behind finally caught up with the party takes his knife and throws it net 20. brother is dropped in an instant table was silent for a good minute before the Rogue goes well looks like it was up to me again before he loots the body and walks off everyone else was stunned that Rogue is one bad mother I had a group of five I was dming for a neutral good cleric a chaotic neutral sorcerer a wizard a true neutral Rogue and a chaotic good fighter they were camping in the woods on their way to the next Quest when the fighter asks the others out of nowhere if I had an emotionally scarring experience would you four be there to support me wanna know what each of them said alright well the cleric replies first then the sorcerer the Rogue and finally the wizard ah nope shakes his head the others begin to laugh the fighter looks despondent and The Wizard simply drops his jaw of course not I hope it scars you deeply what's going on meanwhile the group is simply laughing their butts off as this fighter realized that no no one cares not a soul this would be brought up more than once and become our group's little inside joke Hey look it's mental health awareness month for dudes care about your Fighters damn it It's the final battle who's gonna screw it up my character has been battling with existential dread the entire campaign as a former Raider who was now mowing down other Raiders he had conflicted feelings about most fights he had resolved to lay down his life for the team at every fight when we arrive at the big bad evil guys Tower and find it flooded with infected The Horde is so thick we can't cut through so our Bard and Rogue climbed the side while we fight through a smaller group to get into a side Tower I find myself in the circular Arena where the big bad evil guy had closed the gates and allowed hundreds of zombies to pour in we're back to back in the center of the room when I noticed a small Gap just above the gate the dwarf Claire could fit through I went to pick up the dwarf and throw him through the gap never end and I'm almost out of spells and I'm running out of Eros I never thought I would die like this I have a family to get home to I just don't no reason we both have to go out here old friend do me a favor don't look back we both know how this ends then I rolled a Nat one and proceeded to just Spike the dwarf right into the ground the very next turn the Barden Rogue figured out the puzzle and the gates closed preventing more infected from coming in and allowing us to kill the remainder and escape and that dwarf never forgot that I bet before I get into the story credit to dijo for the best final words I've heard in a while absolutely okay on to the story my party and I all met in prison we all had our various backstories but there was one that would be important to this story the warlock's backstory long story short the warlord was an orphan and the only family he knew was his twin sister the orphanage they lived in burned down so they were forced to beg and steal to get food and all that stuff one night his sister planned to steal from a general who was increasing the village tax leaving many villagers to go poor starve she got the food and the money but one of the guards saw her as she left when the guards came to take her away the Warlock pretended to be her she had short hair like a boy and they were twins so they looked alike he was sent to jail at 16. he had to pretend to be a girl for all those years so his sister wouldn't get caught I'm pretty sure it was inspired by the servant of evil but I digress so fast forward a bit the party escaped the prison and has just arrived in a small town called Oak stepp as any party would do once they reached a new town we headed for the tavern we were all wanted and had wanted posters so we always had to stay in Shady taverns because the tavern owners never really cared so we walk up to the tavern owner and who do we see the Warlock sister the Warlock had long hair now so she didn't recognize him at first even though they looked like clones of each other apparently this girl had never seen a bloody mirror before because darn they look like the same person but once it finally did set in there was crying hugging vague threats to not worry each other again all that sibling stuff so what does my changeling monk have to say to the two's happy reunion after being separated for years oy Louisa stop bloody casting clone I already had enough of one of these bastards the world ain't ready for another for goodness sake we already have enough problems with the one we've got the Warlock sister didn't like my character that much I wonder why foreign not my character but the rest of the party was guilty of this I was playing the carnival raised Dwarven Thief who went by the name the beard being trained in the theatrical Arts I was more of a face I actively made connections in the local town a group of Thieves led by this powerful sorcerer asked me to help them with a small gig I was to perform a three-part act while the group went around pickpocketing unsuspecting audience members this was small Time stuff but still a perfect little way to establish trust among Thieves the gig goes off without a hitch and I consider myself having a new contract to work with fast forward a few sessions and we are charged to track down some Bandits at a camp as they kidnap the mayor for some Ransom well it turns out this Camp was actually a proper stronghold and the bandits were actually the thieves I just made contact with so trying to get a win-win deal by getting them all to leave peacefully I decided to negotiate rather than participate in an all-out conflict smart move however the rest of the party decided to frame me and ruin my chances of negotiation before creating a daring rescue mission to save me I found out they framed me because I rolled an at 20 on identifying the handwritten note that was written in purple ink our Alchemist was the only person for miles to have purple ink long story short I refused to leave and got dragged out I lost all my things including some family heirlooms from my carnival days I did however get to keep the knife the sorcerer stabbed into my back because I was running away and was a traitor yeah somehow I was branded a traitor to a group I wasn't part of the final words the sorcerer said to me yes me specifically was along the lines of if I ever see you again I will kill you you see the beard is Carnival folk family and honor are important as well as saying what you mean you betray one you betray them all you attack one they all come back with vengeance unfortunately the beard was in a carnival of one his new party betrayed him and now his latest Ally betrayed him in game and out of game I was pissed some time passes and we storm the stronghold with the help of some ants after surrounding the sorcerer she just passes everything off like nothing had happened she gave back all the items she stole from me without resistance and despite saying she wouldn't give me anything back and then she had the cajones to ask me specifically to lead a mission to save her friends after she swore she would kill me after she stole everything from me and gave it back as if I was a friend who left it at her place after heading home from a party after she trusted the rest of my party without getting to know them and downright ignored anything I had to say in my defense both in and out of game I was livid that the DM would do something like this so haphazardly the beard was so angry he reverted back to speaking dwarvish and speaking it in his thick native accent any smart DM would have used this heavily emotionally charged scene moment to create some character development rebuild some of the Lost trust and nope the rest of the party did not let me get a word in edgewise and all decided to speak for me by accepting the job and going on their way no conclusion no fulfillment of death threats no apology backtracking or groveling just a new Quest and my own emotions and those of my character were completely ignored luckily that was the last session of that campaign and we switched DMS table Dynamics improved But ultimately disbanded as the next DM felt the DM burnout I would like to play with them again in the future in some chaotic evil campaign but at the same time I'm glad that hindsight allowed me to see that in reality that table is simply toxic you know what you might know someone for years you might be playing with the same people for years and they could still be toxic I'm glad you found out you deserved better and I hope that the beard somewhere somehow in the Ethereal realm got his revenge hey everybody Brian vonvier checking in after the vid please make sure to leave a like subscribe ring that Bell tell your friends share us out there with the DND Community as we love to hear from all of you and to inspire many and leave a comment down below letting us know sometime that your character completely ruined an otherwise emotional event that said I love you all please be safe happy and healthy and realize every single one of you matters we'll see you next time bye for now foreign
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 15,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrRipper, Dungeons and Dragons, dnd stories, reddit stories, please sub for nat 20s, how to play dnd, one dnd, one d&d, how to play dungeons and dragons, dnd character creation, dnd 5e, asmr
Id: vhOOD1ROD2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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