THAT MEXICAN OT: Sundae Conversation with Caleb Pressley

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Mio Caleb Presley I'm gny balls and this is our too Mexican OT and today on a very special episode of standing up Sunday conversation he is going to show us his famous morning routine presented by body armor flash I the morning's bigger in Texas as soon as the alarm clock hits OT starts his day with a bang empty my bows if anything I got to wake up and [ __ ] oh yeah that's what I do I probably just wake up and [ __ ] after exposing his moon to the toilet OT exposes his eyes to the sun vitamin D therapy everyone says the sun's good but how do we know doesn't that have [ __ ] vitamin what it got sun exposure is actually an OT family tradition mama said that the the sun the sun it hears you m does your mom say a lot of stuff that you make up yeah mama said it mama said it moms aren't the only thing watching over us do you ever worry you're not making the sun proud no no which leads to larger questions what do you say to people who say that the sun is the Moon's dick wow I was wondering after staring directly into the sun it's time for physical exercise 1,1 situps you don't do 1,000 huh no you what you say do say there's no way you do a th000 crunches every single day when you wake up you don't know I do boy something like that when you work out as hard as OT you have no choice but to replenish your system healthy breakfast I got a [ __ ] lock on my [Laughter] pantry people be [ __ ] eating and don't know how to clean up [ __ ] you ain't going to eat then ho I to get the peanut butter I couldn't find Jelly was in the fridge Jelly's in the fridge yeah yeah Mexican OT might be a funny guy but when it comes to his diet he couldn't be more serious in one word how would you describe your health I think I'm good I take a lot of medicine what kind of medicine do you take [ __ ] you know you know the good ones the ones that making sure you're good a healthy breakfast means avoiding common pitfalls I heard people who are lactose intolerant have to use the bathroom every single day I [ __ ] every day have you ever thought you lactose I don't think so cuz I drink milk as the morning starts to come to a close Mexican OT never stops putting his personal well-be first L book when was the last time you did something to enhance your physical Beauty but you're embarrassed for people to know know about it I've never done that this ass is natural has anyone ever questioned you on that yeah that bro I was walking a few days ago and they like damn but that's all you back there MH I like I a know what to say just walked off and finally to end of the morning Mexican OT indulges in America's pastime polish my glove hey true story I remember one time in the morning I got caught watching porn I always had Dish Network you know Dish Network right of course dude I ran up [ __ ] like over abandoned [ __ ] porn I didn't realize how quick $13 stuck up I would buy one and be like man she not my type and buy another one grand ball oh no nah uh you know I mean [ __ ] I used to see naked ass women around the house when I was a kid you know what I'm saying but like I don't know what you're saying yeah I well my mama she had a lot of Home girls and [ __ ] like that you know I got to hang out with your mom and her home girls more often she's dead now oh sorry rest in peace
Channel: Sundae Conversation
Views: 547,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interview, glenny balls, house tour, morning routine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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