'That Is Unacceptable!': Nicole Malliotakis Hammers Ilhan Omar Over Past Statements

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p is recognized thank you Mr Speaker Mr Speaker I yield two minutes to the gentlelady from the great state of New York Nicole malliotakis the gentleman from New York is recognized for two minutes thank you Mr Speaker we've heard from my colleagues the reasons why the representative Omar should be re removed from this committee and but I feel like all the reasons have not just yet been stated which is why I Rise to add for the record we've heard about the comments that were made regarding anti-Semitism and anti-israeli Views but I Rise to add to the record that as a member of the Foreign Affairs committee I've sat there and heard the representative actually spew anti-American rhetoric as well I've been in that committee room where the representative equates Israel and the United States to Hamas and the Taliban absolutely unacceptable for a member of that committee I've also heard the representative Kuwait that it is the United States's fault that there is turmoil in Venezuela that is not because of the oppressive socialist and communism that has spread throughout Central and South America in Venezuela at the hands of the Maduro and Hugo Chavez regimes that is unacceptable and as a New York representative to hear the representative belittle to try to diminish the worst a terrorist attack on United States soil on September 11 2001 as some people did something that is unacceptable as well and I hold the same standard for this side of the aisle that I do the other because when another colleague on my side said something about 9 11 I also voted to have her removed from the education committee because I thought that was inappropriate so I'm being consistent here and I hope my colleagues will do the same to show that this is about consistency and accountability because we should not have an individual with those views on the committee that is tasked with representing our country and our Congress to foreign Nations I yield back this young lady yields back
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 317,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5lRmhNxCfyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 19sec (139 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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