BREAKING NEWS: Hawley Brutally Confronts Tracy Stone-Manning: 'You Lied To This Committee—Why?!'

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thank you Mr chairman um before I start Mr chairman I want to say thank you for your strong statement on the ra legislation yesterday and um for your your leadership on this issue it's it's much much appreciated uh director sound Manning let me just start with this when you came before this Committee in 2021 this is before I was a member of the committee you were asked as part of your confirmation whether you'd ever been investigated arrested charged by any federal state or local law enforcement Authority for the violation of any federal state or local law regulation or ordinance other than a minor traffic offense we asked that question of all people for the committee you answered no do you stand by that testimony uh Senator I do stand by that testimony and was proud to be confirmed to do this job what's tree spiking director uh uh Senator again um this committee uh uh engaged quite a bit in no that's a factual question do you know what it is I do it is you want to tell us go ahead yeah it's when people illegally put uh metal objects into trees so that they um prevent a Timber sail what happens if a if a chainsaw hits a spike uh uh sometimes when a chainsaw hits a spike it can Buck the saw yeah violently recoil potentially kill or seriously maim the loggers yeah which is why I notified the federal authorities that I had heard that that happened loggers like for instance Georg Alexander this is from an article on the Washington Post explaining what happens when trees get spiked loggers who are who are blue collar workers by the way these are not wealthy people these are not people who have had the advantages perhaps you and others have had people like George Alexander who for example in in May 1987 at age 23 his chainsaw hit a tree spike I'm quoting his face was slashed from eye to Chin his teeth were smashed his jaw was cut in half that's a typ typical typical reaction when a logger hits a spike now you just said I think just a second ago that that you were involved there were two people convicted in 1989 of putting 500 pounds of spikes in an Idaho Forest Senator Rich mentioned this just a moment ago you testified you sent a letter to the forest service on their behalf I have it here the letter says among other things this letter sent to notify you that the post office sale that's the Forest sale in Idaho has been spiked heavily the reason for this SEC for this action is that this piece of land is very special to the Earth it is home to the elk deer mountain lions birds and especially the trees it goes on I would be more than willing to pay you a dollar for the sale but you'd have to find me first and that could be your worst nightmare PS you bastards go in there anyway and a lot of people could get hurt why'd you send this uh Senator as I said at the time over 30 years ago a really um uh Angry and turns out violent person handed me that letter uh and said will you send this to the forest service and you did why I what you just uh talked about in 1987 to a logger this is 198 eight nine uh I understood that people could get hurt why did you notify the federal authorities why why did you send this threatening letter on behalf of these two men who were convicted of crimes I was terrified of them uh and uh uh and wanted no involvement with them well you wanted no involvement but you sent a letter that says you bastards go in there anyway and a lot of people could get hurt why didn't you just contact the FBI or any anybody any local Authority uh because the uh because the person who did this act threatened people's lives if they disclosed who did it yeah in fact you were investigated for being involved weren't you here we have the a letter sent to this committee from the special agent of the usdaa forest servants Michael Merkley who was in charge of the investigation he says and he de details this in the letter to this committee that he investigated you for your involvement he says and I'm going to quote now grand jury subpoenas were issued for hair samples handwriting exemplars fingerprints these subpoenas were served on Persons suspected of being involved having knowledge of the incident including Miss Tracy ston Manning you've testified you were never investigating ever for anything why' you lie to this committee uh Senator um this committee uh delved deeply uh went into the court records where I testified against these men were you issued subpoenas no you were not issued subpoenas I I was issued a subpoena to appear before a grand jury with really here's what he says Miss ston Manny was extremely difficult to work with she was antagonistic she was UN operative refused to provide her hair handwriting exemplars and fingerprints as ordered by the grand jury it was not until after we informed her she would be arrested if she did not comply with the subpoenas that she provided the samples to me so you were you were the target of Investigation do you have a question you were the target of an investigation you lied to this committee why Senator I never received a Target letter I'm curious um I I understand why uh this committee jumped over 30 years of my career um in considering my nomination and went to a salacious moment from graduate school where I where I tried to protect people what I don't understand is why we're not looking at the last three and a half years now um here's why is because people are killed in these kind of incidents it is an act of terrorism is expired a special agent in charge found that you were involved you lied to this Committee in saying that you were never investigated never T investigation in fact you were lied to us blatantly and you know it
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
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Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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