That '70s Show: Cast Breaking Character (All Seasons) (4K)

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foreign [Music] [Laughter] no it's a car only put water in the gas tank instead of gas and it runs on water man parents talk to each other [Music] when I was his age I worked in a slaughterhouse it was a good experience I learned how to use a hammer [Laughter] what's his idea if I'm not doing that right now my mind's always doing things that I don't even know about Satan second choice is root beer [Music] foreign [Applause] [Laughter] before you guys got here Jackie and I were actually having a pretty good time [Music] I know I was surprised too [Music] after doing your chores for the last five days I've come to the conclusion that you're just a lazy spoiled brat hey so never talk like that Eric I can kick your ass let's go let's go come on if you want to think he's fair for me let's go [Laughter] wait a minute brownies your mom and dad okay good tonight be something no well I don't know maybe okay hey where are the cushions [Music] excuse me may I pick up a hickey please each other Jackie just give him a hickey okay I'm going home would anybody like to know what Jackie's middle name is [Applause] I swear I'm gonna kick so much ass and that's my fudgsicle foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe it's time I stop living the LIE foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how hard can this be you go over there and you say hey I'm a cat killer [Applause] I murdered but you try to say it with a straight face they called me Dr PP you know who cares I'm Dr peepee um foreign [Applause] whoops like remember when we first met and I hated you what yeah I thought you were like this big goon didn't we have this talk no I'm so sorry you lose again cracker why don't you go home and cry to a big white mama and you honey you gotta stop eating stuff off the floor the bond between a father and a son is complex and subtle you wipe that damn smirk off your face you can notice him next for oh my God guess what [Music] you're gonna pick him over me all right watch this because you're a decent good-hearted and pure you know that's easy [Laughter] Jonah look you have to believe me I have no idea whose panties those are those are mine [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] I'm red oh [Applause] oh my God that's what I do [Laughter] [Music] what is Donna's favorite pizza topping pepperoni Donna pepperoni according to Dana what is Donna's last name pinciotti oh my God what an unbelievable coincidence I was just telling Fez about how dumb you are okay no so I'm out in the field right that's a UFO right [Music] yeah man in the weird thing was I was the only one freaking out about it thank you hey you guys want to see the other City bro Caroline get this fast message okay thank you [Applause] great idea Donna oh yeah because the only thing better than eating lobsters eating lobster and hauling ass [Laughter] something because they are going to live next door to us for a long long time you don't know that he's out of work he'll probably lose the house [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] fans feel good man because you'll be like that first sweet relationship she'll look back on finally while she's on the tour bus straddling rock stars I got to tell you something I'm omnipotent [Laughter] people just think about it do you like Pam well I like parts of her x equals 7 then y equals two wrong Kelso l he did what the heck for is our sex life so boring that he has to sneak around and watch other people do it Don of course it is Paula made me see that I have been in a rut but the good news is from now on I am just going to explore life but you're psycho oh my God you guys the Peterson's just got a new dog how are you gay hi Pastor Dave say God's magic circle that sounds like an Eric Clapton song doesn't it kids it's faster Dave you kiss Fez oh my God it was so nothing in this stupid crush on me to give it up for heaven Saki You're Still The King man [Music] hey hey how goes the pool I guess when I ran all night and day so I've been thinking about great actors to model myself after and I choose Travolta Kelso I can think of no better way to impress red than by acting like travolt in his industrial film she likes red [Applause] you're gonna have to leave town why oh cause we're gonna tell everyone I checked Mike's red because he's a tough guy a hard ass you you're soft how soft ER than Liberace at the Playboy Mansion [Applause] [Laughter] because he plays piano wait [Applause] [Laughter] Eric you were a bear when you were born but red pounded you into the duck that we know and love what are you saying it's it's Red's fault yeah but the good news is is a duck you can move more easily through the water [Music] because I threw up twice that night all over my heart [Laughter] there toxic choking quick [Applause] watch this look at me I'm whipped cream here hear me all fear whipped cream head did you call me stupid lost your face ow Little Red Riding not okay let's just call it truths fine okay I don't want my tongue or Kelso's tongue is bad oh you better stay away from your mom then foot roll all right I'll stay right over here [Applause] [Music] not really into birthdays especially this one oh no you don't space [Applause] Eric threw a rabbit up a tree yeah he's a sadistic bastard [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Applause] you might be a little past your Prime but your mind is still Sharp oh um actually tomorrow night I haven't the need for the pain oh that's great anymore [Music] what do I do do I clap oh no the Giant's angry the radio station I work at wants me to work their job fair Booth is Hot Donna right is it from some object for guys to leer at oh foreign if you can learn to make this fancy deviled egg thingies I will lose my freaking mind I may need you to lotion me up darling but only rub where you can see no roaming [Applause] I like these chips they say now even crunchier and you're thinking oh man there is no way but then you take a bite and it is crunchier dude if something's crunchy you should really have that looked at friend I squirrel's lie about doing it with me when they haven't everything is backwards yeah this is just like freaky [Applause] this is [Laughter] he said penal code it doesn't mean that it's from the word penalty Penal I didn't write anything down because the test was uh oral oral test on the penal code any underwear foreign [Music] okay Donna you thought the engagement ring was big enough right so say something it could have been bigger Jackie boys have to play fight because they secretly want to touch each other wait a second you're trying to tell me that you were shampooing a girl and she got so horny she had to make out with you in the shampoo closet you sound real man that sounds like a Mad Lib yeah are you sure you aren't just kissing a moth because man I've seen you do that you'd hate it it's cold and boring and we both know the only ice you like is in your cocktails hey Jackie you're everything that's poor little oh my God I really am but I'm hungry then go get a pizza I had pizza for lunch well whose fault is that go to hell Fatso do that loud ass laughs that was awesome kiss it man we can't get caught now okay someone put their old gum in his mouth [Applause]
Channel: Edit Forman
Views: 1,450,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VY_7xSnMdF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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