ThanksKilling Commentary Highlights - Jaboody Dubs

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[Music] titty that's a titty boo to another government there are pretty good tits well that one's been through there an older woman's breasts yeah oh god my career brought me down to this why are they out whoa now they're bouncing around Wow well people who's wanted to stub this stuff so does this porno of a turkey in it oh god the Indians trying to [ __ ] me nasty dirty covered in leaves no no they're flopping over tits [ __ ] oh wow nice kids bed thanks Kim do you know we've established that he does talk and he does use Native American weapons okay I'm already on board wanderlust support star apparently numerically I mean I don't know I mean I don't know that just a nun damn Boston Oh bro before get mark possible oh my god let us know less always suck his dick last night thanks coming up so high oh it's Stifler look at sweet necklace is nice dude oh oh you're practicing that Thanksgiving tradition with your titties out shut up hot chicks over there Hey so Mike today is Thanksgiving break well it's it calibrating man wrong with you yes no sure now he's just [ __ ] he has no shirt yo G go good guy Thanksgiving sighs muscle you see real today that's right touch it guy I got a big bug he found another shirt thanks for care tank top come help me [ __ ] these two [ __ ] ain't gonna be able [ __ ] by myself no no no it's okay well lassie dogs Dale thanksgivings among us do you have a mud Thanksgiving Jack oh thank god nothing to be thankful for I'm just going Turk off in his outhouse where's that [ __ ] [ __ ] for 40 minutes with my door oh no he was saying artifact Native American totem ancient Indian burial ground what was that oh no that's how you see something that's a you summon the evil turkeys disrespect no fence on his grave it's turning an earthquake we got peed on thank you baby [Laughter] [Music] poison me [Laughter] what the [ __ ] is this move she served him [ __ ] please fake mustache he's got [ __ ] in his mouth he's very calm about that I'd be throwing the [ __ ] up took that like a champ oh well break some [ __ ] been through worse Oh danger killer Turkey look at the camera and say it yeah I'm getting scared dude quit spooking me Chris Turk and the ladies will have a fear of birds dude I'm [ __ ] up off of this beer oh this pod lights really got shit-faced yeah Hey he's been gone for 45 hours been three days thank you Oh [ __ ] [ __ ] that's her puppy I know on that Barker anywhere oh [ __ ] like a talking dick with a beat now the boys dark in Turkey got me with no teeth left I'll get you my god have you foreseen by dough [Music] I'm ready to go to bed what a party I just lost all this cool guy Craig Evers F ah you mother effers need to chill the eff out I'm gonna go zip off the pants on my legs make them shorts now I'll keep it down while I F this girl you damn no one wants me screw with me no one's good everyone's like a [ __ ] I slept in the oh [ __ ] I would be horrifying you got you got a / you down you [ __ ] like a piggy boy we've got the drop-ins those tootsie rolls on your sleeping bag [ __ ] chocolate marshmallows Anya I'm looking for my [ __ ] killer Turkey dhinam was awful tell us somebody was gonna buzz off buzz off a nephew dude go F yourself old-timer like a dumb kids hope dies a horrible death oh great is this texture the skin so gross it's just latex is that an evil [ __ ] Turkey Jared Jared Fogel got an idea for a new foot long me too what a badass what your does wait what yeah Ted Nugent I'm gonna find this [ __ ] Turkey I don't care if I walk the roads for seven days peel my poo have a car is just the older hermit man Oh Thanksgiving oh you're my woman could be my age mom don't be so bossy I'm a man now [ __ ] my family a man's good shirt no I'm thankful for [ __ ] smoke a boy with your old man you're the best son ever oh [ __ ] you old man I like that Johnny boy catch hot potato cranberry sauce [Music] yes I'm with that sucks man that's rough do you want some turkey they're all chewed they're still in my house bleeding out my dad probably should have called 9-1-1 or something Oh what ripped your night off is enough okay she just turned her head left to right that's how you died today death quicker that poor little girl gravy flavor condom gravy flavored condom make gravy flavored [ __ ] that's what it took somebody else got it oh yeah look I had gravy condoms I didn't know it's what she was into [ __ ] baby let me sum her babies and Mail bails bails divorce paper dollars is [ __ ] in this envelope a postcard Oh win contest it's like a long that was a lobster look at this what a seat take this in for a moment let's just realize that this is happening right now research had a cute turkey book reading montage little fries french fries pocket [Laughter] mathematical equations ad swaps where mathematical outlets tomorrow I don't know reading and math no algebra add numbers what they don't make none sense add them just letters you're not gonna be mad more french fries I don't know what you found those french fries in my garage solve this math problem those french fries a drawer in your garage to smack it down I'll read the book your dad just died you gonna blow up hey guys Oh reading about to blow master your dad died um sorry that's weird I finally solved for X and to kill the turkey we just have to apparently the answer was in the back of the book it actually is killed like any other normal Turkey instructions in the back powerful Indians in history [ __ ] I'm still hungry though he's gripping his guts to those purple ropes I think he's dead his father got the death grip I'm still good he's still breathing his hands getting all hard Wow umbrellas later but I feel misuse leave him guys if I ever die just leave me where I die don't call the cops don't have any rope rope in my cargo shorts always keep my pockets I would consider this more of a stream this is more string-like but still I think yarn but okay so I'm gonna go in there by myself and time up yeah yeah you get Jean player man don't you want to avenge your dead [ __ ] friend back there you're dead Epping friends you [ __ ] [ __ ] I hear price good job dude just now there will be instructions sneak in and tie them up one the hardest thing to sneak up on someone and just tie them up like this start playing they are by yourself you meddling kids so [ __ ] high your mug leg where Phi D Phi shut up shut up stop stop always you stop it it didn't work yeah here's another cheat code up up down down left right infinite ammo coming up a press start didn't work we're gonna lower our wanted level guys wait capture key remember make cash scratch fever [ __ ] even me told me to do to cut it Fred Nugent don't crave way below [ __ ] tree no the shotgun camp [ __ ] you dumb kids don't understand nothing with your cardboard relics well back to my outhouse it would the dee dee a shot I did done I had this band-aid over my eyes to really see still hit it 360 noscopes down sorry your dogs dead you know I'm sorry both your parents are dead and your friends dead and his parents are dead every Thanksgiving remember to give them what you got you know you might lose a lot but you still got something well I'm gonna go back to my woods to take a [ __ ] bout help well what a way to wrap up this shitty story what do you say guys let's go clean up or did Cruces house on top of her dead dad clean up all our dead family members let's party meanwhile of course back in 18 not - Night of the Living Dead let's watch horror movies on Thanksgiving I'd never be this closely if it wasn't for all of our parents and family members dying well you know it's all parents but I gained a girlfriend well you go on a date will you go girl i watch this is hot that's better than the movie we're gonna [ __ ] right in front of you you know their family's dead so I'll just start eating whatever they had let's see you turkey turkey your dad's face coffee coffee let's see a giant radioactive Turkey [ __ ] coffee [ __ ] coffee whoo it's hot that's a hot ass - ha nice hot ass oh god he's making out with someone who's gay people come on bro we can begin together Kevin John doesn't just do that bashi oh he's dead oh no baby sick how'd he die don't worry Johnny he'll get through this don't move the turkey Carver keep it in keep it in you don't trip on that wire I'm not gonna even make it I act up babe I wish we would've at least at first then Lisa got to make out with you you're my girlfriend all right never forget always remember you what was your name again though Chris crystal Christine object barely swing oh good job hotmail why would you eat it you're gonna turn into him from your active based on this movies logic you can be my girlfriend now way to go girlfriend way to go pretty mouth I saw the whole thing from afar I even watch you to [ __ ] make it out now you can come live with me my house another family next Thanksgiving I love Thanksgiving Jerry's not moving Jesus thank you that our families were not murdered by a turkey on this amazing day there were no radioactive killer turkeys this year we're thankful for that thank you for these tall glasses of milk thank you for our [ __ ] free coffee turkeys moving honey they ended up with that Turkey most of all with that you can get sold thank you for this delicious turkey [Music] there you have it guys TBD well god dammit yeah let's do it let's go all the way man we're going to the moon the pilgrims went to space whoa the Indians went to space we are you did space it's crazy whole set up to wanderlust for bringing these titties into this movie you did steal the scene yes you told the whole movie it's a great way to open a movie wow I feel like Thanksgiving now yeah that was the whole cast man you guys but I feel like grubbing dude go for something some radioactive turkey Turkey and stuff and cranberry green beans old baked turkey let's not forget the pumpkin behind now Oh leave it well that movie was a real [ __ ] fest that was a foul it's always fun I want to give thanks to all the fans yeah but we thank the fans yeah thanks to all the fans and everyone listening everyone watching our stuff everyone supports everything Djibouti we appreciate you thank you patreon you guys and ladies we give you our thanks on this Thanks killing I mean holiday so thank you and we'll see in the next one maybe we can make a Thanksgiving tradition and do with thanks killing every year will re watch it every year or will watch the sequels Oh we'll just rewatch the same movie every year all right guys we'll see you later Happy Thanksgiving [Music]
Channel: Jaboody Dubs
Views: 419,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: commercial, infomercial, sticky, buddy, dub, parody, comedy, jaboOodydubs, jabooody, dubs, jabo0odydubs, jabo0ody, jaboody, jadooby, jadoobydubs, billy, mays, dubbing, voice, over, jaboodydubs, stickybuddy, Guy Fieri, Diners Drive Ins and Dives, cathy mitchell, carrot, juicer, blender, Finding Bigfoot Dub, Thanksgiving, Thankskilling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2017
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