Thanksgiving || Apostle John Kimani William

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[Music] m [Music] became [Music] come on [Music] [Music] whoever [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] wanna [Music] we foreign [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] come on whoever we give to you belongs to you [Music] hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] verses and give to you [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] to foreign [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] foreign lift your voice and worship the [Music] we give you praise our master we love you lord we give you all our praises lord we worship you this morning our father thank you jesus thank you lord thank you for what you have done for us we are grateful before the oh lord [Music] lazor brigadier santiago [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for choosing us lord to live in your holy sanctuary thank you for choosing us laura to live in your quarter leisure brilliant [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you are our destiny changer we love you lord we love you lord [Music] [Music] we love you jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the church at antioch there were prophets and teachers barnabas simeon called russia's of crane maniyan who had been brought up with her lord the tetrarch and seoul while they were worshiping the lord and fasting the holy spirit said set apart for me barnabas and soul for the work to which i have called them so after they had fasted and prayed they praised their hands on them and sent them off in a summer in the antioch in the church at antioch there were prophets and teachers [Applause] 23 john 4 verse 23 in a semi accomplished christo narikuna and a semi combat yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and truth for they are the kind of worshipers the father seeks happiness [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] we worship you lord we worship you our father we give you praise [Applause] [Applause] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] verse 11 renato ambia for i know the plan i have for you laser branes yeah not forever but to give you a hope and a future for i know the plan i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you prance to give you hope and a future um [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we love you jesus it is our glory and all now we lived our lives in ocean as we bless your holy name you deserve the glory of the unknown we lift our hands in ocean as we bless your holy name you deserve beauties of the glory [Music] you desire [Music] as you [Music] oh [Music] glory for [Music] [Music] for you [Music] there is no one else like you no one else like you there is [Music] oh there is no one else like you no one else like you there is no there is no [Music] it's what we're about to go [Music] [Music] is [Music] my [Music] [Music] when will the when for your grace for you [Music] every [Music] any pain [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] foreign oh okay me [Music] we foreign [Music] oh foreign foreign [Music] foreign me for your name there is someone like you father we exalt your holy name we magnify your name you deserve our worship you deserve all the glory and praise our god [Applause] mashallah we give you praise and glory [Music] boy yes lord we give you praise this morning we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship your god we praise you we praise you we praise your king blessed be the name of the lord this morning be exhausted lord our god for there is no one else like you we worship you we praise you we praise you we praise you we praise you we love you lord hallelujah amen i want us to just make a prayer of dedication as we dedicate the week ahead of us to god as we dedicate this prayer festival to god that this week is going to turn out to be a great blessing to natamani but we can pray to god in the beginning of this week that god is going to give us the grace he is going to be our helper he is going to give us the strength that we need in the mighty name of jesus let's pray together everlasting father our god and our king our trust and our hope we give you glory we give you honor this morning we are forever grateful for this far that you have brought us uh from the last year oh god when this pandemic began of covenanting you have seen us through you have called us oh god and sustained us you are provided for us you have been our shield oh god in the name of jesus you have healed all our sicknesses up and we are here this morning to tell you my father you are benezer this far oh god you have brought us my father receive all the glory even for giving us another year the year 2021 we continue to praise you we continue to magnify your neighbor declaring oh god this is the year that you are made up that we may rejoice and we graduate that we may receive restoration that we may receive grace in the name of jesus to help us in the time of need and our lord we have another weaker that we desire to dedicate to you a week of prayer a week of spending time in your presence are a week of divine alignment in the mighty name of jesus with your willer and with your purpose for our lives father how dear lord i pray take over this weaker have your way in this wicker remove all the barriers up remove every waiter in the mighty name of jesus we have a desire to spend time and seek your visa and launch into the deeper and arrive ourselves in the mighty name of jesus with you and so oh god want you now come and help us for the bible says whatever we do we commit it unto you that you may make our praiser to prosper that we may establish our in the mighty name of jesus whatever we do and our lord i commit the weak to you i commit the ministers who are going to minister i commit and worship him to you i commit the technical team to you i commit the intercessors interceding for these programs to you i commit everyone participating in this prayer festival with a desire to know you with a desire for more with a desire to run to the deeper i commit them wherever they are in the nations of the wilder to the ends of the other wherever my father there is someone oh god who is participating my father even within the church without warthog oh god i release your gracer i lisa you are covering her upon such my father do not hide your face from there my father in the name of jesus as they call upon your neighbor in the mighty name of jesus in their prayer crusader reveal yourself to them in the name of jesus and i declare and declare my god that this prayer we come would turn out to be the best prayer we can that we have had oh god because the bible says this from glory to glory have your way my father even as you help us or god to reach to a place where we have not reached before in the prayer festival that we give you glory we give you honor we sanctify this week to you even as we committed and sanctify our lives to you in jesus name we pray amen we give you praise we love you lord we desire more of you thank you jesus thank you lord amen hallelujah hey it's a wonderful thing to be in the house of the lord to be in the presence of god this morning and my heart is delighted and full of thanksgiving to god for this father he has brought us and for all the great things that he has done uh during the prayer festivals that we have been having from march we are celebrating one year from when we began the church without walls praise the name of the living god hallelujah this is our first anniversary week [Music] facebook or youtube warehouse of worship connecting with this program i pray that you're not going to miss your blessing this program may god bless you and give you the grace to fulfill your prophetic destiny sikuya kwanza we take time to give thanks to god this is a good tradition it is very biblical it is a key to increase and divine multiplication yes sir [Music] [Music] that should be our prayer now this being a day of thanksgiving for the benefits access the fryer and bio to my research post in the social media especially in my page yeah poster john kerman william facebook for the benefits of cc water i would like to explain the four points of thanksgiving that are in that friar and a little bit so you can be able to get um the richness of those points truly you have a reason to give thanks number one we need to give thanks because of our prophetic destiny giving thanks because of our prophetic destiny the bible says in the book of jeremiah chapter 1 and verse 5 god spoke to jeremiah and he told him before i formed you in the womb i knew you before you were born i set you apart i appointed you as a prophet to the nations i don't think this applies to jeremiah that it is only jeremiah who was known before he was born remember the character of god in isaiah chapter 6 and verse isaiah 46 and verse 10 is that he declares the end from the beginning i make known the end from the beginning from ancient times what is still to come i say my purpose will stand and i'll do other thai priests so before he began your life he saw the end he is a alpha and omega he is not just alpha yes yo tumanzo all of us who are born we have a prophetic destiny remember when we talk about prophecy it is it is about fourth terry inaudible in the book of fastimony chapter 1 and verse 18 that the prophecies that has been made concerning you timothy my son i give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies ones made about you so that by following them you may fight the good fight i have not received any prophecy concerning my life but i want to tell you the reality even if no prophet has ever prophesied over your life you have a prophetic destiny i thank you for my prophetic destiny [Music] jeremiah 29 and verse 11. i know the plans i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you prance to give you hope and one of the greatest attributes of divine nature is planning foreign [Music] so you can take time by faith some of us we have a lot of dormant potential that we have not been able to manifest some of us in our prophetic destiny and a quarter nevisorium pango oliopanga but the bible says in exodus 25 and verse 29 give us exodus verse um 25 23 29 sorry i'm trying to get it here this is a very important point mongodb but i will not drive them out in a single year because the land would become destroyed and the wild animals too numerous for you the kenya colombia little by little i'll drive them out before you until you have increased enough to take possession of the land verse 31 very important i will establish your borders from the lead sea to the sea of the philistines and from the desert to the liver i'll hand over to you the people who live in the land and you drive them out before you mongol this land i'll not give you in one year i'll drive your enemies literal by little i want you to be able to increase and build capacity to possess the land but i have said you are borders i have set your boundaries but god has set your boundaries that is your prophetic destiny and so even as we press on this week even as we continue to wait upon the lord this week it's very very important to tell god thank you for my prophetic destiny number two give thanks for the privileges and the opportunities god has given you in this life we have been given different opportunities and privileges opportunities you have a degree you have a masters we have different opportunities and privileges that there are opportunities he has given you and they are privileges the bible says in the book of hebrews chapter 5 and verse 4 there is no one who can be able to take this honor upon themselves no one takes this honor upon himself he must be called by god just as aaron was that means they are there you cannot take this honor upon yourself you must be called when i stand here before you it is a privilege that god has given to me you cannot just wake up one morning and say litaku apostle it is a privilege you must be called and so every time i stand before you to serve i know it is a privilege that god has given unto me now even if israel are the opportunities and privileges the bible says in the book of romans chapter 9 and verse 16 it is not of him who we live romans 9 and verse 17 it does not therefore depends on on man's desire or effort but on god's mercy go back let's let's lead uh verse 15 please for he says to moses i'll have mercy on whom i have mercy and i'll have compassion on whom i have compassion it does not therefore depends on man's desire or effort but on god's mercy for the scripture says to pharaoh i raised you up for this very purpose that i might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth therefore god has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy and he hardens whom he wants hardens i hate it you know when the bible talks about god hating esau see your video above your sisi to nowhere because the whole portion of scripture is god's election and that is why the bible says it does not therefore depends on man desire or efforts a good portion of scripture also we can refer to is the book of mark in the book of mark chapter 10 and verse 35 in hungarian was zebedee then james and john the sons of zebedee came to him our teacher they said we want you to do for us whatever we ask what do you want me to do for you he asked they replied let one of us sit on your right and the other at you are left in your glory you don't know what you're asking jesus said can you drink the camp i'm going to drink or be baptized with a baptism um baptized with we can they answered jesus said to them you'll drink the cup i drink and be baptized with the baptism i am baptized with but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant these places look at this these places belong to those for whom they have been prepared positions was a cup of suffering the baptism was a baptism of fire a baptism of suffering yes it's just a privilege that god has given unto us see and that is why we need to take an opportunity of telling god i thank you for the privileges and the opportunities that you have given unto me to want to come and be the year too to want to come and equate to to want to come up because we are we are givers or we are we we are prayer and so you need to understand and acknowledge that there are opportunities god has given unto me they are privileges that god has given unto me and i need to tell god thank you for every opportunity and every privilege some of them maybe they have not manifested fully but in times of thanksgiving you receive an increase you receive multiplication maybe my calling i am privileged in this life to do some things spiritually physically i am privileged but until i acknowledge her and i give thanks to god i will never see the full manifestation of that which god has called me to do may you take time this morning and this day to tell god thank you for all the opportunities and the privileges uh in the mighty name of jesus that you have given unto me in this life in the name of jesus not because of whom i am but because of who you are praise the name of the living god number three number three we are going to give thanks because of the possibilities available for us in christ there are possibilities that are available for us in christ i have been able to share about the possibilities in christ i know they are they have far reaching effect more than i have been able even to communicate and to share with you but one thing i know that there are possibilities that are available for us through christ galatians chapter 3 and verse 14 galatians chapter 3 and verse 14 the bible says he redeemed us in order that the blessing given to abraham might come to the gentiles through christ jesus that is a privilege that is a possibility there is a possibility for you to receive the blessing that was given to abraham for the bible says when he redeemed us he redeemed us in order that the blessing given to abraham might come to to the gentiles through christ jesus so that by faith we might receive the promise of the spirit praise the name of the living god so there are things that have been made possible especially to us the gentiles they have been made possible through christ so there are possibilities that are available for us through christ jesus and that is why paul said in the book of philippians chapter 3 and verse 12 paul say them and that is what we are doing this weekend not that i have already obtained all this i have not obtained all the possibilities that are in christ or have already been made perfect but i press on to take hold of that for which jesus for which christ jesus took quote for took hold of me poor and i said my aquaman i there are possibilities that are available for us through christ jesus and we have not been able to get hold of all those possibilities we have not been able to realize we have not been able to manifest all those possibilities and that is why we are here this morning that is why we are dedicating a weaker of prayer and fasting because we know as we align ourselves with god they are possibilities in the mighty name of jesus that are going to manifest through our lives and their possibilities are because of water chrysler did for rasa in the cross of calvary i thank you because i know even as i press on as i pursue it is because of the work of the cross that these things have been made possible to us receiving the holy spirit receiving the gifts of the holy spirit receiving the anointing of the holy spirit being a part take out the grace of god receiving the covenant well there are so many possibilities but all of them through christ jesus for the bible says that all the promises of god they are yes and amen through christ jesus our lord and number four we need to give thanks because of the far that god has brought us we should never forget some uh first samuel chapter seven and verse 12 we should never forget the battles the lord has fought for us then someone took a stone and set it up between mizpah and shane he named it ebenezer saying thus far has the lord help help helped us you may not be where you want to be but thank god you are not where you used to be you should look back and tell the lord i am grateful for this fire that you have brought me a heart of thanksgiving is there a is a password to greater things that god has ordained for your life but you need to be full of gratitude by looking back and telling god come and see where number five give thanks as the spirit leads you the bible says we make all kinds of prayer in the spirit so it's all also good to be able to give thanks as the spirit of god reads you maybe they are very personal things uh maybe they are aliens the holy spirit will lead you to give thanks there is more we can give thanks for because of our families because of our ministry because of where we live because of our nation as much as we have challenges as a nation we are forever grateful for this father god has brought kenya we have seen god fighting for us and giving us victory during the times of erections uh so we are not supposed to fear 2022 we are supposed to look back and see the victories god has given us especially in the last two elections and tell god we are grateful for what you have done for us as a nation so you can keep thanks as but let me see one of the things that the spirit of god was putting in my heart that you should not forget to give thanks to god because of your prophetic destiny the things that god is going to do you know we are living in a time when there is a prophetic alleged prophetic harvest and that is why my uh word for the year 2021 was an ear of new bad things [Music] and so when you give thanks to god because of your prophetic destiny it's like you are connecting with the grace and the anointing of the season of god bringing to fulfillment that which he has said and that which he ordained for this end time and i believe we are alive like molly the kai said to esther for such a time as this and so let's give thanks we may not have all the details of our prophetic destiny we may not have all the details of everything god ordained for our lives but because he knows he can be able to reveal to us as much as sometimes we know in part god can continue to help us to know more concerning our prophetic destiny because of this week is a week of prayer we are going to take time to pray every morning every lunch hour in the mini questions you're going also to create your own timer catch up nalanchawa we always have the lunch hour being ayada in mbci tv at night nairi kamaku zakupata in the mighty name of jesus i had to pray to know if we are going to continue with this prayer festival in this year in the lord say to me he is not yet done with us and what he desires to do through this platform manguba marisa so we are not going on with the prayer festivals as a tradition because we started last year but because this was god ordained and he is not yet done with us through this platform this is not a rock or church platform but this is a body of christ platform and i thank god for everyone who is connecting the many servants of god people from this nation and from other nations who are able to connect her with this platformer may god bless you and the good worker he has begun in your life he i am confident that he is going to perfect it in your life some of you there are things god began doing last year in the prayer festival i want to tell you as the bible says in philippians chapter one and verse six are paul cedar i am confident of this one thing uh being confident of this uh that he will be gone a good work in you will carry it on to compression until the day of jesus of the until the day of christ jesus i want to declare and declare that which the lord began to do in your life last year through the prayer festival i want to declare and declare he is going to complete it he is going to bring it to perfection in the mighty name of jesus ah i always like to cut to connect her with what god is doing from where i am coming from so that i may be able to progress to where i am going so this prayer festival is not isolated this prayer festival is connected to where we are coming from it is a journey some of you god has already begun to do a great worker in your arrival i pray for more grace i pray for more anointing in the mighty name of jesus i pray that the possibilities that are in christ are going to manifest in your arrival through your life may god cause you to become a sign in a wonder may god make you to be an epistle in our generation that people can look at you can look at your career your business your ministry and they can say see what the lord can do to a man or to a umanna who is holy surrender to the lord can you open your mouth this morning and start worshiping the lord in the mighty name of jesus and start praising the lord and start telling the lord lord i thank you because of my prophetic destiny before i was born there is a booker that was written concerning me oh god i thank you for everything that is written in your book concerning my life in the mighty name of jesus thank you for the prophetic destiny of my family of my ministry of my nation kenya in the mighty name of jesus i am forever grateful of being born a kenyan in the name of jesus because kenya is a nation of destiny in the mighty name of jesus i give you glory i give you honor i thank you for everything that you are tender for my life in the name of jesus thank you for the boundaries that you have set up for my life i know lord in jesus name i am not yet there but i am forever grateful for the boundaries that you have set up for my life for my ministry for my finances for my calling for my giftings up there is a boundary you have sata in the mighty name of jesus there is a place in god that i can be able to reach her in this life in the mighty name of jesus and so this morning oh god i am grateful for my prophetic destiny in the name of jesus i lift your neighbor and i say oh god not unto me my father but unto you oh god be all the glory be all the honor see your video thank you thank you this morning for all their privileges and the opportunities are you have given me in my life i don't take it for granted see i also thank you lord for all the possibilities are that are available for me through christ jesus name that i may have reifer and i may have it more abundantly in the name of jesus thank you for the possibility of abundant life through christ in the name of jesus that i can live a life of abadanza in the mighty name of jesus not because of where i was born but because of christ in the name of jesus for he came that i may have riper and i may have it more more abundantly thank you for that possibility possibility of abundant life of more than enough in the mighty name of jesus the possibility of sharing in the blessing of abraham the blessing of abraham was to become a blessing to the nations in the mighty name of jesus thank you for this possibility that that which oh god you say to abraham in the mighty name of jesus and every blessing that you released her upon him oh god i have become a partaker of the same blessing through jesus christ i give you glory i give you honor for you are ebenezer this far lord uh you have brought me you have fought battles for me you have made a ricca baganda we make i thank you recover ganda when my backer was against the waller rika baganda you made away you made a win this far you have brought me this far you have fought for me recover ganda bashandam and so i have a reason to say thank you i have a reason to praise you thank you lord even for this platformer that we began not because of our good planning but because you had a plan for your people even during the pandemica thank you for the miracles thank you lord for the testimonies of thank you lord for the wonder sir thank you for the great things that you have done for your people my father every miracle of healing every miracle of divine professional every miracle of deliverance in the mighty name of jesus that you are performed in this platformer in the prayer festival sir this morning i give you glory this morning uh i give you honor thank you for the miracle of transformational their lives that have been transformed in the mighty name of jesus their souls are that have been saved out in the name of jesus are they that have received your holy spirit them that have received the gifts of the holy spirit that have received an anointing then that have been sponsored by the grace of god i thank you for the church without warsaw the thousands of people who have been following her from different nations in the name of jesus from this nation of god different demon denominations in the name of jesus that have been enriched through this platformer i give you glory i give you honor i give you praise receive all the glory for all that you have done for every blessing that you have released for every breakthrough that you have best order upon your people i thank you this morning uh i bless your name i lift your name on high not young um [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for the privilege of serving you in this platformer in the name of jesus serving the body serving the nations uh in the mighty name of jesus through your word of grace in the mighty name of jesus that has given your people an inheritance in the mighty name of jesus in the name of jesus the inheritance that belongs to them through christ jesus thank you lord we have cena the possibilities are that are in christ becoming a reality in our riser we give you glory this morning uh recover ganda [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that i have been made perfect not everything is perfect in your life you are marriage you are ministry you are clear you are calling is not perfect but you have a reason to tell god thank you thank you for the good work he has begun thank you for what he has done in the mighty name of jesus christ [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] because of our prophetic destiny as santi as sante bohana as santebuana thank you for all the possibilities that are in christ oh my god we have not been able to exploit her those possibilities are but thank you because they are available for us we are still blessing honor that we may get hold of them but we thank you this morning that we know that i know there are still more possibilities there i refuse the religious spirit because i know there is more that is available for me there is more that is available in chrysler there is more that is available for the charger i thank you i thank you i thank you for the possibilities now i thank you for the possibility now i thank you for the possibilities now i thank you i thank you i thank you i thank you i thank you i thank you i thank you lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] our family lord i thank you for my prophetic destiny i thank you for my prophetic destiny i thank you for my prophetic destiny i thank you for my prophetic destiny i give you glory i give you honor i give you praise let the worship team come as we continue with thanksgiving and worshiping the lord this morning yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for your preservation even during this pandemic [Music] thank you for divine exemption thank you for divine exemption thank you for divine exemption thank you for divine exemption somebody help me to tell god thank you this morning thank you this day this is a day of praising him and thanking him out look at what the lord has done and tell him this is you are doing her and it is mad in my eyes and i have a reason i have a reason to give you praise worshipped in the name of jesus even as we continue with our lunch our later in the day we give you glory lord [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] who [Applause] [Music] my [Applause] so [Music] [Music] is i [Music] me foreign yes [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] i don't know [Music] foreign [Applause] bill [Applause] is oh sunday foreign foreign oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] m [Music] [Music] i've come to say thank you i've come to say thank you lord i've come to say thank [Music] [Music] [Music] you've been so kind you've been so precious to me oh god you've been a close friend [Applause] my god you've been my present help you've been my present help in time of need and i'm here to lift your level 9. i'm here to magnify your names i'm here to glory for your name i'm here to declare praises to your name i'm here to declare my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] healing [Music] [Applause] [Music] for now [Music] [Music] where [Music] wanna [Music] [Music] [Music] wanna [Music] foreign [Music] she [Music] [Music] well [Music] is come on [Music] to my [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay [Applause] okay [Applause] okay hey [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] or something the
Channel: Apostle John Kimani William Official
Views: 23,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0xj6BGI_5I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 50sec (8030 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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