Thailand's Top Tourist SCAMS | Mistakes To Avoid #livelovethailand

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foreign thank you I've just asked a tuk-tuk driver  where is Watford and he said he can take me   for 100 Thai baht and it's only five minutes away  that's cool but in reality what PO is just behind   me and also the tuk-tuk driver so my friends  today I'm making a vlog telling you what are   the worst camps or maybe mistakes you might avoid  if you want to enjoy your vacation in Thailand   in a better way so it will be very informative  and interesting Vlog let us start it right now well the first scam or the first mistake that   you might make is to jump into a taxi  without asking them to turn on the meter now as I said my friends the first scam will be  our mistake is to jump in into a taxi without   asking to put the meter yes never ever enter  a taxi without telling them to use the meter   because most of the taxis especially in Bangkok  work on meter now one of the tips that I can give   you in order to avoid this scam is to speak  little bit Thai yes if you know the address   in Thai then you will save a lot of money and of  course if you know some numbers in Thai and it   will be much more better so keep that in mind  as for the meter and speak a little bit tight foreign just tell them bitter cup and  everything will be okay and if   they don't agree then there are a  lot of taxis in Thailand no problem well the second scam after the taxis will   be the tuk-tuks the tuktuks has two  scams let's talk about the first one well the first scam of the tuk-tuk is to  jump in without negotiating the price yes   you have always to negotiate the price and  moreover prepare the amount that you are   paying at the end of your journey I see a lot  of tourists especially in the touristic areas   jump into a chuck chuck without asking the  price that is a big mistake yes tuktuks are   cheap in Thailand but they are not that much  cheap the tuk-tuk driver could tell you it   will cost you 50 Baht and it will take you  wherever you want that is a big lie always   negotiate before enter the tuk-tuk and moreover  prepare the money before the end of the journey so my friends keep these rules in  your mind as the price negotiate   and of course prepare the money that you  are going to pay at the of your journey well guys the second scam of  tuk-tuks is to ask the tuk-tuk   driver for guidance that will be  the biggest mistake of your life   while you are in Thailand never ever as  tuk-tuk drivers where to go or what to do the biggest mistake to make in Thailand is  to ask the tuk-tuks for guidance that's the   biggest mistake and scam that you can have  in Thailand never ever ask where to go or   what to do because most of the time you will  be scammed one of the biggest Camp will be to   tell you the place that you are going like  Grand Palace what po what are on the famous   landmarks are closed and they can take you into  a place better than that then you will be guided   into a place you don't want to be and moreover  they take commission while they take you there well guys if you want to avoid all these  scams and mistakes then use the public   transportation because most of these places  the famous landmarks and touristic sports   are reachable easily by public transportation  and if you don't know just follow the science   and it's so easy and if you want help ask  the people that are working at the public   transportation so you will avoid all these  scams without even spending extra money foreign well another scam is the local  Friendly guides this is one of the biggest   camps that you might experience it  while you are in touristic areas well guys you will see lots of local Friendly  people wandering around especially at famous   landmarks and offering their help to you so  don't follow them because they are going to   guide you in wrong places and moreover you are  going to spend a lot of money and of course scam   so never ever follow these people smile tell  them thank you and continue your exploration foreign well another scam or mistake  is to buy from touristic areas   or from vendors especially around famous landmarks you will see a lot of people buying stuff  from touristic areas and especially around   famous landmarks yes they tell you we  are arguing it was 500 and we bought   it for 300 yes that's a good price let's  buy five well my friends in reality the   item that you are buying is 100 but at the  right market so be always careful where you   are buying your stuff especially when you  are at touristic areas these places are not   for shopping unless you know what you are  buying and how much you should pay foreign I consider it 100 a mistake why  to buy things from pristic areas   or from around famous landmarks don't  do it unless you know how to bargain well now we come to the restaurants  and the food scams while you are   enjoying your vacation in Thailand  and of course pampering your stomach well the first mistake will be to order  your food without checking the prices it   will be a big mistake in restaurants always  ask the menu and of course check the prices while Thailand is very affordable touristic  countries and you can do buy or eat anything   because the prices are so affordable but I see a  lot of tourists enter restaurants and Order lots   of things without asking the price or the menu  sometimes and at the end they will tell me we   have paid a lot and we didn't expect to pay  as much as we paid then guys once you enter   these places always ask the prices because  this is Thailand yes it's so affordable but   don't be a fool always check what you are  ordering and how much you will pay for it of course this is Thailand and you will think it's   so cheap let's order without asking the  prices don't do that mistake always ask   the price check the menu and of course  know what you are paying for foreign scams are the seafood scams in Thailand  always know what you are buying and   what you are paying for that's so  important especially at the islands Seafood scams in Thailand are a lot especially  at the islands so if you love Seafood then you   have to be very careful especially when you  are in a seafood market always check the   prices and always check what you are buying  because sometimes you are going to pay a lot   just buying a one fish so be careful if you  love Seafood then don't get scammed foreign food in Thailand always check what you  are paying for and what you are buying well another scam in Thailand are the Beggars  you will see lots of Beggars while you are   walking and wondering and enjoying  of course your vacation in Thailand   and helping these people is a very good act  you can do and I usually do but be careful   who you are helping because some of them  make business because of your good hearts guys there are lots of beggars in Thailand  and once you are walking around you will see   a lot of them especially in touristic areas  of course helping them is a very wonderful   thing but let me tell you that some of  them are making business because of the   tourists passing around so always keep in  mind help but don't get scammed and if you   want my tip then buy food give them food  or stuff but don't give them money foreign well all right now let's talk about  some of the mistakes or scams that   you might experience while you are  enjoying and partying in Thailand well the most famous scam of Thailand nightlife  is the invitation of wandering yes you will be   invited for wandering and you will never know  how much you will pay and where you will end I see lots of tourists entering pubs bars and  nightclubs just following the signs outside   which is telling juddering is only 70 or 60 bucks  well let's enter and have some fun and once they   enter they will pay a lot because that was only  a bait so guys be careful don't enter everywhere   because just you saw a sign outside telling you  it's 70 Baht for a drink so be careful that's   a bait and always ask the real price or maybe  go inside check and if you are okay then enter foreign scam in Thailand and especially  at The Nightlife are the ping pong shows   never ever follow someone  to watch a ping pong show try to follow every sign especially to watch  a ping pong show where you are going to end up   paying 1000 Baht and watching nothing don't do  that especially in Phuket Pattaya and Bangkok   foreign I hope you enjoyed this Vlog and had an  idea about some of the scams or maybe   the mistakes that you might avoid in order  to enjoy your vacation in a better way in   Thailand so thank you for watching stay tuned  And subscribe for more from live love Thailand must be
Channel: Live Love Thailand
Views: 696,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thailand's Top Tourist SCAMS, top scams in Thailand, thailand tourist scams, thailand scams to avoid, worst scams in thailand, things to avoid in thailand, Live Love Thailand, Thailand worst scam, thailand scams, dont do these mistakes in thailand, scams in thailand, bangkok scams, pattaya scams, top 10 scams in Thailand, Thailand nightlife scams, Dont do these in thailand, Thailand, dont do this in thailand, donts in thailand, things not to do in thailand, Lets talk Thailand
Id: 28BZgjm1u6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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