Text To Speech 😍 ASMR Cake Storytime POVs @Pam Thomason @Luke Davidson | Roblox Conversations #86

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well we have homework this year are we gonna have a lot of tests do we have to learn long division can I go to the bathroom I brought you a Diet Coke and a Twix we heard they were your favorite and I even put the straw in for you already so my sister told me everything about this class and she said you were on Tick Tock do we get to make tick tocks with you guys not sleep last night I was so excited I picked up my outfit four weeks ago but then I changed it three times this morning and then I put this one back on do you like it this is my new lunch box what are we doing first today where do I sit hi Sarah this year's gonna be so easy I've already read all the Percy Jackson books I know how to add fractions and I can name all the presidents in order [Music] just moved here from Seattle so I'm new here my old school is a lot nicer than this one we never had to sit at tables at my old school my old school had the best cafeteria food probably way better than here [Music] hi guys hi Katie hi Emma hi Jake Jamie are you sitting by me I didn't have time to do the summer reading assignment my mom hasn't gotten the school supplies yet oh and I forgot my backpack and my lunch Miss Thomason can I use my teacher coupon today sure I'll just go get the desk all set up Emma I'm gonna be the assistant teacher today oh good assistant to the teacher dude I was gonna use my doordash thing today that's fine just write down what you want we will have to review and approve your order though Jake Sarah just because you're sitting at the teacher's desk doesn't mean you're the teacher that's Miss Sarah to you a whole day of this I'll never make it Miss Sarah can you help me with this math problem oh uh I I definitely could Katie but I think it'd be better if you used your resources and figure it out yourself [Music] Sarah just because you're sitting at the teacher's desk doesn't mean you're the teacher that's Miss Sarah to you a whole day of this I'll never make it dude you don't even wear glasses yes Emma can I go to the bathroom I don't know can you yes I'm just kidding I just always wanted to say that Jake your lunch is here I'm sweet I'm gonna have to take a teacher tax so that'll be one french fry please what here I'll give you three fries and a cookie if you just stop giving me that look very nice job Jake you get an A plus for the day oh looks like somebody is Sarah's teacher's pet it's good to be the teacher tomorrow is and yours too that's right me and Miss Thomason have the same birthday you do yep we're literally twins I don't think literally is the correct term let me guess you're having a Harry Potter party no Jake I'm not having a party this year just because my mom and dad have a lot going on with the new baby oh I'm sorry Sarah it's okay I still get to pick where we go for dinner and I am getting it Harry Potter cake I knew it he knows you anyway I just love CeCe so getting a baby sister is a pretty good present that's very mature of you Sarah I don't think I've ever heard the word Sarah and mature in the same sentence before I think confusing that with the words Jake and mature what do you mean I'm very mature yes I see that Miss Thomason happy birthday happy birthday to you too I brought you some crumble cookies thank you I love crumble cookies I know happy birthday Sarah I hope it's a really good one oh thanks Emma I can't believe you don't get to have a party this year I get to have two parties one at my mom's house and one at my dad's house oh but at least we're still going to dinner and we're getting ice cream that would be nice but we have to go right after school otherwise the baby will start to get too fussy yeah and your sister might get fussy too my sister is the baby oh haha you are so funny Jake I know I'm hilarious oh Subway is that for your birthday yep well and I think because my mom's too tired to pack lunch dude can I have some of your Doritos that's my favorite kind no way Jake I'm saving these for later after you clean up please get ready for a math quiz a math quiz on my birthday that seems like a crime yeah math quiz on my birthday that seems like a crime what is this it's a birthday present is it from you Katie it's not from me but open it it's a Harry Potter Pez dispenser and a whole box of fidgets and a water bottle there's a cat on it those are all of your favorite things it doesn't say who it's from definitely someone who really likes you Emma no it's not from me well if it's not from you or Katie then once you finish your quiz you can go on outside Miss Thomason guess what I brought you a present my mom wanted me to wait until next week to give it to you but I couldn't wait any longer oh my goodness thank you Sarah open it now okay let's see you're gonna love it let me help you unwrap it wow as soon as I saw I knew I had to get it for you you know these are my favorite now I'm gonna tell you the other part of the present so this is one yard of Twix bars right in math class I learned that one yard is equal to three feet yes that's right and there are 18 packs and each pack has two bars so 18 times two means there are 36 bars in the whole thing Sarah that is some good multiplication oh and one more thing if there are 36 bars and there are 18 of us if we divided 36 by 18 everybody would get two bars you are right but what if we divided all 36 between you and me divided by two then we'd each get 18. I never thought I'd say this but I think I'm really starting to like math that is the best gift of all just don't understand guess what I have a loose tooth see oh yep I bet you'll have that out by the end of the week end of the week no I gotta get it out at the end of the day so the Tooth Fairy can come tonight Sarah I know you have a lot of important wiggling to do but be sure to do your classwork okay oh sorry I just really want to get my tooth out how's it going with the tooth I gotta keep wiggling I really want that tooth fairy money do you want me to help you with that I'm really good at pulling teeth oh no thanks Miss Thompson my daddy always says if you want money you gotta work for it okay Miss Thompson I swallowed my tooth and now I don't have a tooth for the Tooth Fairy Oh no Sarah I am sure the Tooth Fairy will understand you really don't remember being a kid but you have to have the tooth under your pillow to get the money okay take some deep breaths and let's see if we can think of a solution I could draw a picture of my tooth even though I don't know what it looked like I could write a note to the tooth fairy or you could write a note and explain what happened I could punch Jake in the mouth and take one of his teeth that might not be the best solution yeah the Tooth Fairy would probably know it wasn't my tooth oh one time my little cousin swallowed a quarter and they waited a few days and then it came out if you know what I mean yep I got a lot of thinking to do well you've got some good options let me know what you decide Miss Thomas and I made this fake tooth to put under my pillow and I wrote the tooth fairy and note so can you just sign it so that she knows that I'm telling the truth okay I hope this works it's gonna work bye Miss Thompson Miss Thompson guess what it worked did what happened the Tooth Fairy left me this note and ten dollars wow what did the note say she said thanks for the note and she said kids swallow their teeth all the time really and look she also said that she was glad that I didn't leave her a poop tooth I bet she was she said to tell you thank you and I brought this for you to say thank you for helping me I know these are my favorite thank you Sarah go ahead get started on your work I'm so glad it all worked out um Miss Thomason guess what Miss Thomason is it okay if I organize the class Library during my free time today because it's a real mess right now sure if your work is all finished I would love for you to do that I've noticed it's a real mess lately thank you Sarah hey it's going to be so good when I'm done you have been working so hard over there I hardly even know you're here today gotta go get back to work now how's it going Sarah well you really took out all the books didn't you don't worry this is all part of the process when I'm done you are gonna love it Thomas and I finished just in time you're gonna love it I'm gonna go check out what a great job you did as soon as everybody's gone I'll see you tomorrow oh it's time for another class auction and you know what that means time to prepare some mystery bags first we'll put a little sweet and a little sour on the side some cute stickers and a coupon to choose two more stickers this bag will have a few fidget toys and this bag will have a coupon that lets them choose a fidget and here's a cute little squish Mill I wasn't sure if he would fit but beep it's not really sure what this is but in the bag it goes one lucky kid will get to have popcorn and a drink during class and I had to throw in this sticker with this coupon you can read in the tent all week and this is what the tent looks like and you're lucky if you get this coupon because then you can choose from any of the coupons that we have but not everybody likes to risk their dollars on a mystery bag so they also can just bid on these coupons and there will also be a few gift cards in the auction and you may recognize this and this from a video I did last month this is left over from Christmas time and this was definitely a Splurge but it's so cute and I think somebody's gonna pay a lot of dollars for it Thomason I'm ready for my first day on the job as librarian right Sarah you'll just need to make sure our shelves stay nice and neat and return the school library books when the basket gets full that's it yeah pretty much no Miss Thomas and I could do way better than that you'll see I'll be the best librarian you've ever had I bet you will oh I do have these new books that need to go on our shelves I'm on it thank you Sarah Katie look she got some new Dork Diaries books I know you love these Oh yay I've been waiting I'll put these on the shelf and when you want one just tell me and I'll get it for you dork diaries those must have been written by Sarah oh right just like Diary of a Wimpy Kid is based on your life story Sarah and Jake could write a book called Diary of a third grade love story dude Emma are you finished with that book I'll put it back for you because I'm the librarian thanks Emma I suggest you read this one next you'll really like it oh I've already read this but okay Joseph you don't even have a book on your desk what do you want I'll get it for you Sarah you haven't done any of your math assignment Miss Thomason being a librarian is a full-time job I just don't have time for silly little things like math everyone should have five dollars on their desk that's your pay for completing your classroom jobs last week now I have 57 and I really want to buy the coupon to sit at the teacher's desk when we have our next auction oh please no you at the teacher's desk I can't handle that get ready Jake because I will spend all of my money to buy it you would be a good teacher assistant Sarah thanks Emma I think I might want to be a teacher when I grow up oh not me they don't get paid enough and I don't even like kids dude Katie you are a kid I know right also this morning I need to assign you your new class job new jobs oh good because I do not like being equipment manager it's too hard to carry all that stuff out the Whiteboard manager will be Emma that sounds fun Katie you'll be our sanitation monitor nobody better do anything gross Jake you'll be our technology expert sweet you do know that doesn't mean playing video games right you might want to be careful when you log into your iPad just saying equipment manager is Joseph Joseph I think he's in the bathroom oh okay uh our librarian will be Sarah finally I've been waiting all year for that job just remember there are other books besides Harry Potter obviously there's also the Fantastic Beasts books Miss Thompson you are so lucky that you get to do all those fast food reviews for your Tick Tock it's pretty fun to do wait you've seen my Tick Tock remember I told you I always sneak my mom's phone while she's taking a shower so that I can watch Tick Tock oh but you told me that Mrs bench was your favorite Tick Tock teacher so yeah Mrs bench is the best but your tick tock's good too Miss Thompson mostly I like when you do the fast food because the food always looks so good it's really good but sometimes I get really full Miss Thompson I have the best idea you should let me do one of your fast food videos for you hmm it's not a bad idea and it would save me some calories I'll call your mom and see if it's okay with her yes she won't mind she'll let me do it your mom said it was okay and she's even gonna pick it up and bring it to you so look at all the orders and decide which one you want yes let's see um oh I want this one that one okay I'll let your mom know Miss Thomason guess what I for I forgot my lunch today that's okay Sarah I'm sure I can scrounge up something for you okay what are you eating I got a chicken sandwich from KFC oh I love chicken sandwiches me too here why don't you go ahead and have this really thanks Miss Thompson it has pickles on it I love pickles yum mmm it's so juicy it looks so chicken is extra crispy and the bun is toasted and it gives it a good crunch and you know I love a good crunch I do too and listen that is crunchy oh is that Mayo this is the best chicken sandwich I've ever had in my whole entire life I can see that good thing I forgot my lunch today oh it's a good thing you shouldn't get one for yourself I did you know what Miss Johnson's taking you to recess Sarah you're in charge and I'm going back to KFC I'm in charge okay whistle Miss Thompson guess what hey Sarah what is it I want to do really good in school this year so I have a really good plan well I love a good plan I am who could give me an example of this three times five is the same as five times three yes good Sarah five times three is the same as three times five yes [Music] Jake watch this never mind Miss Thomason it's really hard being Emma what that was my plan to just to do everything like Emma does because she's a really good student well honey yes she is a good student but so are you and I wouldn't want you to be anybody but Sarah just how you are really really that's really good because I really miss my ponytail Miss Thomason guess what hey Sarah what's up and we have our class auction today I'm not gonna buy anything because I'm gonna save my money I have 82 and I'm Gonna Save until I get a hundred dollars that is a very good goal my dad always says you should save for a rainy day I guess that's so you can buy an umbrella it's time for our class auction so go ahead and get out your money and count how many dollars you have to spend I already know I got 82 dollars but I'm not getting it out because I'm not gonna spend you can do your free reading with a flashlight in the tent for the week sold to Emma yay Emma you'll really like that next up I've got a mystery bag and sold to Jake what's in it Jake a homework pass you're lucky next up is a trip to the prize box and you can get whatever you want Matthew come pick out your prize that's a really good prize now I've got a big box of fidgets that Mrs bench sent me be strong Sarah be strong have this Shimmer bear I don't know if I can be strong okay I can do this save your money Sarah save your money with this price you get this whole bag of different kinds of black and white fidgets oh I really like that but I don't need it I don't need it and sold to Matthew here you go that's probably what I would have got too but I'm saving my money next is one of these globby balls I love the way these squish oh luckily I already have one of those with this one you can massage and move your fingers I've done really good saving money really isn't that hard and the last item today is this butterfly poppet 82 I've been 82 dollars I had a feeling you might want this but I'm sorry you didn't save your money why save money when you can buy this is Jonathan is it okay if I um brought a desk pet to school if I promise to keep it in my backpack I don't see why not as long as it doesn't become a problem Sarah I need you to stay focused on your work please huh oh okay sorry okay please line up for recess oh miss Thomason can I take my no Sarah you can't take your desk pet to recess okay oh Miss Thompson can I put some water in here for my desk pet I think she's thirsty I bet she is of course you can bye kids see you tomorrow Miss Thompson before I go you want to see my desk pet I'd love to I see you tomorrow going twice sold to Jake for 47 yes bro I'm gonna be eating good just let me know what day and what you want me to doordash miss Thomason you might regret that he's probably gonna order the entire menu dude I'm getting McDonald's and I'm getting a Big Mac because I'm a man I need meat I've had a Big Mac before I don't think you can eat all that oh yeah I can put it away BET next is the coupon to sit at the teacher's desk and it comes with special teacher privileges oh I've been waiting for this I've been fifty dollars fifty dollars any more bids I would but I already spent all my money I really want Sarah to get it thanks Emma going once come on anyone else besides Sarah Joseph dude sold to Sarah yay I've been wanting this all year oh you can use it any day oh and be sure to write down your favorite teacher snacks oh okay I can't wait I get to be in charge of the class oh well this should be fun down to the last golden ticket so either Emma Jake or Sarah has it it's gonna be me Emma you can open your bag I didn't get it Emma you really deserved it let Sarah open yours okay I feel pretty lucky Miss thomasin yeah I didn't get it must be you Jake go ahead and open it congratulations where is it it's not in there I know I put five tickets in you can eat three pieces of candy I'm gonna try to figure out where that at least we got all this candy Sarah look at your candy oh I did get it I got it found it yay Sarah so happy for you dude really miss Thompson you know what just when you think all hope is lost something great comes along so true Miss Thomason are we gonna have a lot of homework today because I'm gonna be really busy tonight organizing all my squishies that sounds important Sarah actually I'm not assigning any homework today because you have that big math test this afternoon no homework that's good because I have a lot of squishies Hey Jake do you want to trade lunches with me bro no not my pizza Lunchables please you can have all of this no way dude I don't like any of that stuff plus I have a cupcake well what if I do your homework for you tonight too then will you trade all my homework tonight yep all your homework but I've never had the pizza ones before I promise you I'll do my best work on your homework go ahead and clean up your lunches we'll get ready for our math test and you'll be happy to know that there is no homework tonight wow I guess I got really lucky hi Miss Thomason sorry I'm late today I had to go to the dentist but my mom let me get McDonald's on the way to school because I had no cavities way to go Sarah you're just in time we just started lunch did I miss anything while I was gone hey Sarah you want to trade lunches no way Jake dude I have Lunchables you know you love these yes I love them but you know McDonald's is better what if I do your homework for you too I don't know wait Miss Thomason are we gonna have homework tonight yes I have a math assignment for you math okay it's a deal yum make sure you get here early tomorrow so I can put my name on the homework okay handing back last night's homework nice job Jake 100. I got a 72 payback I never said I'd get you a good grade on it are you kidding me this is a good grade it's way better than what I would have got if I did this okay we just have three more jobs to draw names for and the librarian will be Emma oh okay Emma you're so lucky that's the best job and the Aaron Runner will be Sarah Aaron Runner do you have any errands for me right now not right now but I'll let you know if I do okay and that means Jake you're the substitute so if anybody's absent then you'll do their job that day cool wait but if nobody's absent do I still get paid yes you still get paid awesome nobody be absent so I can get paid for doing nothing so you got any errands your water for you Diet Coke no thank you I just finished my work so if you have any errands for me to run this would be a good time not yet miss Thomason I'm just gonna be in the bathroom just for a minute in case you're looking for me okay just let me know I'm available all day Sarah I've got an errand for you to run really yay what is it I sent some copies to the copy machine by the library can you go pick those up okay oh the sixth graders do neat projects here's her copies the library's right there oh I've never read this book is so good foreign there you are you are gone for a really long time really I just went straight there and back well did you find my copies the copies oh I must have dropped them I'll go back and get them oh no I think we've got just enough time for me to read one chapter before you go today oh miss Thomason yes Sarah my mom went to the hospital today to have the baby she did you're just now telling me yeah I kind of forgot until I just remembered that my grandparents are picking me up today well I am so excited for you dude it's coming today on May 4th yep bro that's awesome May the fourth they should name it Chewbacca or Yoda why would they do that he's talking about Star Wars because in the movie they always say May the force be with you and it sounds kind of like the date May the 4th I really like Star Wars my dad and I always watch Star Wars when I go to his house I don't really like it but he always lets me eat junk food you could name the baby Leia like Princess Leia I'm pretty sure they've already decided on a name even if it is May the fourth day well I cannot wait to hear all about it and I know you're gonna be a great big sister I hope so I got a lot to teach her about and warn her about I still think Chewbacca would be a cool name well I'll happily call you Chewbacca unless you prefer chewy I got to go to the hospital this morning to see the baby she's here how is she how's your mom she's good she made my dad go out and get her a burrito and a chocolate shake for breakfast well I hope he got it for her of course he did you do not want to mess with my mom when she's hungry congratulations on being a big sister Sarah thanks Emma my dad says she looks just like me but I don't know why he says that because I think she kind of looks like an alien well I mean Jake I mean aliens are cool I bet she's so cute and you'll get to dress her up in cute little outfits and put little bows in her hair she doesn't really have much hair yet so what did they name the Little Star Wars baby actually Jake she wasn't born until after midnight so her birthday is not May the 4th it's the 5th so the 5th of May yes and thank goodness so now you can't give her any more of those ridiculous names but Cinco de Mayo
Channel: Relaxing Story Slime
Views: 185,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: POV, pov slime storytime, TEXT To Speech Emoji Groupchat Conversations, TEXT To Speech, asmr video, asmr storytime, tik tok, Roblox storytime
Id: lN0EwPK0jw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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