Text Animation using Adobe Animate CC 2019

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hello everyone today we are going to make text animation using Adobe animate CC 2019 so this is what we're going to have so as the black text is coming in fading in and rotating invert and then white background turns to black and the black text turns to white invert so it is inverted now so let me replay it invert invert okay so let's get started first go to file make a new document excuse me we're not gonna change anything just yeah we're going to use the default setting 640 by 480 pixel 24 frames per second and html5 canvas and create yeah since my screen is too small I will zoom out a little bit Plus 70 percent okay so first we need a text so I'm going to choose impact 96 point just let me try me invert okay and there's our black text on white background to arrange it in the center so let me open a line check your line two-stage button and vertically and a horizon to the center so it is centered now okay so as we saw that the each letter is animating separately so what we need to do is we're going to ungroup on all these letters into an individual letter and we're going to assign individual layer per letter so go to modify break apart so there are 1 2 3 4 5 6 letters now and then go to modify and then go to timeline and distribute your layers so this function will make individual layer for individual letter just like this and the very top layer we don't need it anymore so just delete it ok so now we're ready to animate a party before we do that normally what I do is I always select all the letters and I apply the break apart again under the modify and break apart and it will turn your letters into graphics is like create outlines in Illustrator as the same thing the main reason is with the graphics we can have more options more changes and that we can change the opacity value there are more things we can do so that's why and then so since we're going to animate the individual letter we're going to apply motion tween one by one so from the bottom layer I insert motion tween insert motion tween for the next letter insert motion tween just to repeat insert motion tween insert motion tween and the last one insert motion tween so my playhead playback head this red box is on one second mark and then select all layers then insert the keyframe by clicking this insert keyframe if you're using any Macy C 2018 there is no of this button you will just need to insert a keyframe under the insert menu timeline and keeping or f6 key parameter this is the latest version so just click on this so we have a second keyframes and then I think there's 24 frames for this one animation is kind of too long so I'm going to make a little bit fast by reducing number of frames down to 10 all together okay so now I'm ready to animate it starting from the first letter I so on the bottom layer select the letter I on your stage click on your transform panel make sure the width and height link constraint so we can keep the same proportion I'm going to make your 500 percent is pretty big now we'll rotate 90 percent well I mean I mean my degree and then so this is what we have okay but I want to add more and more kind of on the country excuse me fitting in effect so on the frame number one click on your I make sure you click that on your stage now check your properties panel and the color effect change the color effect style to alpha starting from the zero percent of our value now check the last keyframe still this is a zero percent so select the eye even though we do not see anything but you can see that kind of blue outline meaning there's your eye then now properties channel the panel shows me at alpha value again now move up to 100 so starting from zero and ending at 100 percent zero to hundred zero to hundred once you're done lock this layer so we can interrupt Wow so we don't have to worry about the M the first letter so our second layer my letter n click on letter n open the transform panel 500 I'm going to insert I mean they add put the same amount and ninety degree angle and color in fact alpha from zero to hundred lock the layer now letter V third letter click on letter V open transform panel 500% rotate 90 degree angle starting the Alpha value from 0% to back 200 so three letters done lock the layer from the beginning letter e open transform 500 percent so I'm repeating the same routine 90-degree angle rotation and alpha value from zero to back 200 lock the layer beginning letter hard open transform 500% 90-degree angle alpha value starting from zero to 100 lock the layer now last letter T from transform panel 500 percent ninety degree angle and alpha from 0 to 100 okay and then let me unlock all the layers now you will notice that the base line of this individual letters kind of slightly shifted I don't know why this happening so let me select all on the air last keyframe and open the online panel uncheck align to stage I'm going to just the on line vertical center so it is all lined up now just like this okay so it is okay but um they are kind of coming in all together at the same time but um as I showed you I want to give a kind of a little bit different timeline so firstly I am NOT going to change it from the second layer and select a layer and grab your whole segment and drag it to the right five more frames like this same way for the V the third layer select a layer grab the whole segment and drag it now up to 20 so five more so we're making some kind of a steps e layer grab it five more next layer grab it five more frames the last layer grab it and move it to five more frames so as a kind of a like a chain reaction like a dominoes game problem is previous letters are gone so at the last keyframe you only see the letter T so in order to keep other letters of previous letters select the last frame from the euro second layer and hold down the shift key and click on the bottom layer so all these five layers kind of highlight it and insert the keyframe by clicking this or f6 so this is what we have now okay so this is done and next step is once it is done like this I want to have the whole world invert it's kind of expanding extending and disappearing and then also at the same time black texture turns to white and the background turns to black so we can have an inverted cut so we're starting from black text on white whether we're ending white text on black background so let's do that so what I'm gonna do is my playhead on the ID at the end the last keyframe select all from your stage and then go to edit menu and copy now make a new layer on top right after the last keyframe of your the current animation so in my case 36 here insert timeline blank keyframe so it's nothing there and then we copied the whole world invert so cool edit menu paste in place see okay and then on this new layer insert I'm going to insert the motion tween and maybe on another ten frames like a 45 let me insert a keyframe nothing's changing yet okay we're gonna make some changes and then I'm going to have another one so select your then layer 8 in this case with the top layer the new one and then hold down the ctrl key or right-click and we're gonna see the copy frames copy frames okay now make another layer highlight the frame frame 36 hold down the control and paste the frames control paste frames just like this okay so these top two layers exactly the same one what I'm gonna do is let me lock the top layer from the bottom one let me select the word invert and then click on transform or you can do that or let me this is gonna be easier use of free transform tool from your tool box and then at the end your playback hat is at the end and just extend it like that so this happens okay and then also at the same time I'm going to change the alpha value at the end of this big extended word alpha value down to zero so it is fading out expanding and fading out okay and the next one is I just need to invert the color of my text so let me unlock this top layer at the end click on my invert the word on the last keyframe let me change the color effect style to tint value and then I choose my I choose my tint color to white and tint value is 100% it doesn't look okay for it because I wish to have a white background so the only thing I need to add is I just need to add the as a black background behind so let me add new layer highlight that keyframe another frame where we start here new animation here in my case 36 and then insert timeline blank a keyframe and let me draw black square I'm in the rectangle so I set my field color to black and neutral color let me draw that like this so it seems to cover everything and now move this layer down to the first a invert the new text I'm going to rename it as black background black vision so this happens so it's okay but I'm my black background it just kind of a flat it just pops up which is not good I want to have a smoother transition so let me highlight the first keyframe of my black background insert motion tween and insert a keyframe now what we're gonna do is on my first keyframe of my this black background let me change the Alpha value down to zero and at the end back 200 so kind of fading in just like this some black letters coming in to white background and once it set white background turns to black and then invert the whole text expanding and disappearing and another inverted text on top layer converting to inverting to white text so we have invert a white text on black background okay so that's it thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Jong-Yoon Kim
Views: 25,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Animate CC 2019, Adobe Animate CC 2019 Tutorial, Text Animation
Id: ahVQY_tGk7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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