Texas Post Oak Brisket on WSM | Sharpe Cooking Wood |Grand Champion Harry Soo SlapYoDaddyBBQ.com

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hey everybody Harry stop by today his viewers had a question about using Post Oak and cooking Texas style and WSM so Harry gave us a call asked if we had Post Oak which we do comes all the way from Texas and he wanted us to cut it in half though so that it will fit in the WSM so that is no problem at all a Haas is gonna take care of them just gonna make carries bag and if you ever need anything we can get whatever you need so I'll show you how it's done so our phone over here seven one four seven seven one two six two six if you're out of state and ordering online it's sharp form a cookie would calm or sharp remain calm and if you just give us a call if it does if you can't find us on the website or you want something more specific just give us a call we're here to help and we want to make sure you get the hab salute best for all your cooking needs and the work is on right we're gonna keep the bar cut back on just like you cooking offset smoker well we know and then you can take the bark off also right if they want it that way right but we're gonna do it old-school stuff thanks enemy good job [Music] I'm back at the house and are ready to begin cooking using the wood that paddy provided which has custom cut for me as you can see it comes in a big bag like so and I sharp go make cooking wood from Orange County California and this is a postal comb Texas you can see that it's a pretty big log and they kind of cut it in half for me because he's one fitnah WSM she sells it in basically this size and you can buy the whole log if you're running an offset or you're running like me you're not up USM I wanted it to fit so they cut it half for me so I have my WSM here ready to go 22 it is time and I'm gonna start it up and light up the fire and get it to me a nice 275 degrees before we put the brisket we want the fire to stay in place when you use my grill gun from your gun come here and start up the wood you can use a fire starter or you could use a a wheat buckwheat burner but this just does the job really nicely let's me pay our brisket now I'm going to keep it really really simple with a simple trim and some basic ingredients this one is a Angus brisket choice great packaging here and you want to make sure that you get rid of the purge just uh a lot of pathogens here never wash your brisket and there's a link in my video description as to why you don't want to do that I recommend you towel it dry okay let's trim some of the excess silver skin and fat off here so that our wrap will touch the actually touch the meat instead of touching the silver skin the fat here I always trim with your fingers and no site so for example I'm noticing here there is a little bigger man here so right here so this is not good eating so you want to try to trim this just a little part off here on this part here put your hand on it and bow it a little bit some of the fat off fat show up see what skin you can you don't know don't sweat it not a bit not not like that okay let's get an app that looks good go ahead and make a simple rub here I'm gonna use a combination of regular Texas salt pepper and a little bit of my mula rub in here one pot pepper 1 cup salt I'm part of my route you can use just one rub but I just thought I'd kind of vary things around and kind of get a little bit more up in there to a nice color stir it up and add a little bit of celery seed for flavor it's a touch here maybe about two tablespoons and we're gonna fantastic rub right here smear you can use a beef paste or mustard wish this year and think you like it all works allow me to stick here since I'm looking it really dry it's up to you whether you want to season the fat cap and I don't think makes much of a difference but today I'm gonna do both sides good old Texas style well spike this little bit of snappy daddy first place mullah key truck all right we use about the pop-up movies about 2/3 to 3/4 of a cup of rub to cover one this is a 13 pound brisket I'll set put a couple of chunks of wood up there basic risk of the top so that he has a nice dome shape and it's all ready to go I have all three vents open but my post-doc is not heating the pit as hot as I wanted to be so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to show you guys a little trick here we want to do is just drop the WSM open and use a chunk of wood and that's probably to be looking for hair floor like so and that will allow you to kind of wrap up the temperature and get the wood to burn a little hotter and I want to get it up to be about 275 we have grease to start off my pit and get my brisket texas-style to be crusted nicely before we wrap in butcher paper however Smoky Mountain has finally settled into a groove temperatures about 275 the pit is burning really nicely what I found out is that in order to cook using false hope in a half log style what works best is you just kind of jimmied a little bit a little bit maybe about three-quarter inch half inch a little wedge of wood that keeps the temperature perfect and fires burning really well see here all right Valka they're burning creating a full block so what you're gonna do is you're gonna put a log and I tend to be on the side like that and then what a lot warms up and push it in the middle so that this one is been warming up so I'm gonna head another half just to show you guys so you stand by in love on the side myself and I wore my the log so that once in love it's warm she's gonna go toss it right in the middle like so and that's how you do fire management cooking with Post Oak on a Weber's keep it closed and then refuted law obviously if you're wondering what kind of door this is the Cajun band-aid or I change on all the doors from I've ever smoked about it because the flimsy stuff stop door is not user risk is coming on actually nice come now [Music] he's taken about seven hours to get a beautiful crust on the brisket we're ready to wrap it now I'm not gonna use any liquid since we're gonna be doing Texas style yes my butcher paper so the butcher paper is going to be cut about three times the length of the brisket so if I back up didn't see how long the library's from three to one ratio three times the length or the length of the brisket you guys read as many Mesa grab a brisket obviously this is just one way we are used I kind of put it kind of where half half the length is so I'm gonna measure the length or halfway like so brisket my first one is it goes over it so half after leg here and a lot easier to get around a pit it's been about two and a half hours well maybe two and a half maybe three hours and brisket is nice and tender we're gonna take it out of the oven let it cool down a little bit and get the tasting process so drum roll please as we kind of walk away to the brisket and see how it will actually taste to aid in comparison I have my conventional brisket here we're gonna do a B test and compare the two and see which one reigns supreme okay let's go to the brisket here very nice one from B chin back so we get a piece of the fatty in the lean compared to the back absolutely gorgeous beautiful smoke ring same here absolutely beautiful here's the fatty or the point where the burnin come from here's the flat or the lean and you see the beautiful kind of the Post Oak style crust super super dark and then you can see beautiful bark that's the characteristics of kind of a Texas style Post Oak here's the one that I need for my conventional recipe also pretty good and let's do a taste comparison of the two and see which one reigns supreme all right let's do the full test here pretty tender seam here accordion shape like that cool test perfectly tender your taste the fat is delicious smoky tender salty all the characteristics of a Texas brisket let's go give the fatty a chance here so who Park Wow the UH the burnt ends already good so fatty really tasty nice bark nice smoke ring so that's the impression from the texas-style brisket cooker post oh the flavor of the post oak is definitely there you can tell that it's cooked with a kind of a mild wood for many many hours so let's compare it against my standard here which is the one I usually cook on a weber smokey mountain with the hickory and Apple combination sometimes I use pecan depending on my mood this house also pretty good let me save a little bit of a fatty here the piece of the flat from the conventional brisket I strap it at a point now burn ants from the my conventional weber smokey mountain one if i jealous devil charcoal and chunks of wood also very good so I'm gonna go and have another background just to confirm my impression before I give you the conclusions me my way to a second set I've got two two rounds of tasting I'm ready to share my overall conclusion with you the flavor is both are very good but they are slightly different obviously the post coal has a different flavor then the wood that I typically use when I cook another BSM the charcoal and chunks of hickory and apple and being on my mortalities jumps of pecan the overall flavor is the Post Oak has a certain amount of likes unique smokiness it's mild this fragrant not too strong it definitely has a hint of smoke after smoking for about eight hours and the crust that only absolutely gorgeous right so that's kind of how the look and the flavor of a texas-style brisket over post-op looks like versus the damage one hook on the WSM you know my overall impression is both are very good it's just that the flavors are different primarily because of the wood the cooking process is the same the grain and the cut of the brisket was about the same tenderness is about same you can see if the color color is pretty good I mean confess on my side it's a comparable this one is reheated so it's not so fresh but the fresh one you can see that beautiful smoke ring so appearance wise a tie pendant it's a tie so you know comes out to taste and I would summarize it this way the taste is basically your preference both versions of brisket are very good the postcode definitely has the Texas tops type of flavor and Texas type of fragrance to the meat and whether you like it or not this is really kind of subjective you know you know a lot of folks who come from Texas this is the flavor that they like you know it's kind of like this one has maybe a sweeter smoke this one has more of a kind of a like a smoky kind of wood flavor and both are very very enjoyable but you know honestly at the end of the day on any given day I may wake up one day and I like this one on another day I mean like this one so I would say that the press the flavor is a tie so which is a surprise to me because I know I've eaten a lot of post o brisket in Texas that seems to be the would they like to use I'm gonna throw a piece of Mesquite to kind of you know recall a you know kind of spice things up a little bit but I think overall they're both comparable so my conclusion overall is that whatever flavor you like both woods do work and if you like that post or flavor that's the way to go so the summary I want to get to is the purpose of this video the purpose of this video was to do a test cook to see it what it is possible to cook my offset smoker style brisket on a WSM using wood only no charcoal the answer is yes it is possible to cook successfully on a weber smokey mountain using Post Oak the that's a past the way I had to end up doing that is that the WSM is designed to burn charcoal briquets so there really wasn't enough draft or the suction happening in the pit to draw the air in the way I modified it if you saw the video earlier for those who did not fast forward to the air is that I use the hack to put a piece of wood to kind of prop the lid open and that allows efficient exhaust air to come out hot air to exhaust creating a vacuum in a pit to draw more air in to kind of artificially generate the kind of a draft or the convection flow that is common in a offset pit if you look at offset pit typically from the torpedo-shaped chamber to the smokestack you'll notice that's a three-to-one ratio because that's a perfect kind of aerodynamic where the eight-inch draw from the chimney will draw the edge through the pit creating that beautiful airflow so if you want to cook using Post Oak Texas style so I've ever brisket on your WSM you can do that using the hack I showed you leave all three vents at the bottom open leave the top leg completely open and then adjust the draft accordingly by putting a piece of wood to prop the lid open to keep kind of your 275 250 degrees to ensure that the actual wood is burning and you have some clean smoke going and flowing all your meat you're gonna get the crust it looks like that it looks like a bird but it's absolutely delicious and nice and soft after you go through the butcher paper face as I told you guys before once you've hit the butcher paper or the foil phase BTU is BTU is BTU so you can put that back in your pit run more fuel and use more what he called spend more money on fuel or you can throw it out like I do and it also works but the key is to get it to the probe tenderness because we need super duper tender it's going to actually you know eat a lot better like this one here so you can do that and then flavor-wise flavor-wise I have to see the draw I like both flavors the you know Man 4 different kind of audiences flavor is a draw but being able to cook like a offset smoker on the WS really is a boon a lot of us don't have the investment to put in maybe $3,000 or a decent quarter-inch steel offset smoker but most of us can afford a you know 399 we're smoking Mountain and if you want to experiment using the wood this process does work now the key is finding the Post Oak and have it cut to you in the half size because the fool law he's gonna have hard time fitting into your weber smokey model charcoal gray I suppose you can remove the fire ring and then you can get a big a lot in but I have friends like patty patty was able to have Hoss cut the whole size log into half I probably used about maybe ten to eleven lakhs for a cook each log would last me about 50 minutes to about 60 minutes so it was a kind of a kind of a long cook I started off with more wood upfront to get the fuel burning I found the key to running a prop running the post of prop in the w sm is that to make sure that the initial batch of wood was enough to create enough what I call the coals and the cause would essentially set the next lock on fire and you saw what I did in the video I had that my my hot coals burning coals and I and I put a piece of unlit a lot beside it then as this one kind of burned down this one would burn up I would take this one and toss it on top and I put another piece on it exactly the same way that you would set up your fire management and control if you are running an offset pit okay so that's essentially my conclusion you can use the WSM to cook post op texas-style brisket at home so so much for me talking now the most important part is to let the mr. brisket dog taste it to see which one he likes and he prefers better alright let's pick a piece off mr. brisket dog here we'll get a piece from my conventional one here and get a piece from the Texas style let's see which one you prefer okay we need to make sure that you know which is which okay so sit sit okay so I'm going to put one here and one here and ever sniff beads and see which one you like better okay cool well mr. beads has voted and he went for the one on my left and that was the postal one cook in the Weber Smokey Mountain so beans looks like mr. beans has ruled I drew in a draw but mr. beans rule that the Texas post dog one tasted better because he went for that first highly unscientific every Eggman total only one data point but hopefully you found this video helpful and will I do this again that's the $50 question the answer is definitely yes because I'm always trying to push the envelope and you know what I say to you I feel so you don't have to in this case I think it's a pass definitely you can cook using Post Oak on a weber smokey mountain to mimic the flavor profile of a offset smoker if you don't have a few thousand dollars to spend to buy one and like me I do not have space in my tiny little California backyard to house a you know 12-foot a 10-foot smoker on a trailer so here you have it that concludes another episode from slappa daddy BBQ so thanks for stopping by please like subscribe and share and tell everybody about my channel and until the next video we will see ya [Music]
Channel: Harry Soo
Views: 105,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How-to, how to cook, recipes, food, cooking, recipe, meat, smoking, smoked, smoker, tasty, charcoal, smoke, harry soo, slap yo daddy bbq, brisket, texas, post oak, butcher paper, brisket burnt ends, bbq brisket, texas brisket, competition brisket, beef brisket, how to smoke a brisket, easy recipes, hot and fast brisket, competition brisket recipe, smoked beef brisket, smoked brisket
Id: elcqORHL5rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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