I Learned This When I Was Pipelinin'

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hey what's up guys welcome back to the channel today I'm going to show you my shop on wheels but first we've got to finish welding these six inch welds we got three here and three there those over there are welded the six inch pipe is drove down into the ground about seven or eight foot to keep this thing from blowing over but we gotta cap these with 532 8010 and then we've got to make a deal for this ladder right here a safety deal keep people from climbing on it we're going to put a little solid door with the sheet metal that's what we're going to do today also I hope you're ready to learn some information about pipeline welding there's a couple of things that I ran into while welding this six inch pipe that I actually learned whenever I was pipeline welding and I wanted to take the opportunity and share that information with you one of those being pressure build up inside the pipe and what to do about it so grab your cup of coffee kick back get ready to learn and enjoy the video so let's go ahead and get here's another thing I want to show y'all check this out this is a pigtail for my remote so my remote box plugs into this plug and it's got outlets on it so I can run a grinder off it but if I don't want to plug my remote in and I'm just running a grinder then I can plug this adapter in and just run my grinder off of it oh my gosh oh oh Mylanta [Music] [Music] [Music] this here is called the grasshopper we use them on Pipeline but and this is the mini that we carry in the Aros welding store I'll put a link in the description below and if you've been following you've probably noticed that I changed to regular ground in previous videos but I went ahead and put a T300 back on here this Stinger is T300 we use it on Pipeline work quite a bit and that's what this grasshopper is made for that's why it's got this little slot in it like so but so yeah like I said this uh it's grasshopper it's designed to weld on pipe like up here these pieces here are insulated so it doesn't arc on the pipe and it's pointed so you can set it on your welder in the bevel the whole idea is to not Arc outside the weld zone so that's that's the whole purpose of a grasshopper but I actually could set that up there looky there boys I might just do that you bet because I'm gonna have to weld down there on them plates I just got them stitched welded for now but I got to put a seam weld here cap this end all this down here I'll do with 7018 but on these welds Over Yonder I'll use 8010 downhill Rod all right let's fire this thing up [Applause] [Music] last minute change I've decided I'm gonna go ahead and use my remote by the way I don't have to walk back to the truck whenever I need to change my heat okay so let's brush this thing off put it on about 50 to start out [Music] we gotta put us some filler in this one and this side and then we'll be ready to cap I'm using a 1 8 60 10 to run meth uh quote-unquote hot pass AKA filler [Music] foreign [Music] I wanted to visit with you about these new Kevlar stitching Knox welding shirts if you've been following you know that I've been trying out these Knox FR welding shirts I like them so far I haven't done a whole bunch of downhill welding in them in them like I'm doing in this video but for being an FR they hold up good compared to some cheaper FRS and like I've mentioned previously I love the paisley pattern on the white ones they have and to save you some money if you want to try them out you can go to their website noxfr.com and if it's your first time ordering you can punch in the discount code Austin Ross all caps for 15 off of your very first order and any order after that you can punch in the discount code a Ross all capital letters on that one also and please let me know what you think about the welding shirt after you've wore it out per se I'm genuinely curious about how you like the shirt here at a Ross welding we love feedback we love quality products and the best way to find quality products is to get feedback from the consumers so please let me know if you try one and you wear it out let me know how you like it you can send me that information by texting it to 405-643-7176 or you can email me at eroswelding gmail.com [Music] foreign [Music] so one thing that I learned last week from an instructor named Justin at the 798 Hall I go there every once in a while and just make a whale last week I made some 12-inch welds on a 45 and Justin has helped me a bunch there at the hall so so what Justin told me to help me capping puddle capping a 375 wall 12 inch on a 45 was to practice making my filler my last filler pass like uh flat or you know I don't really want to use the word concave but like either u-shape or flat versus humped up in the middle because mine was kind of humped up because I was doing that level with the world thing that I talked about in another video we'll put that video in the description of this video because that works but he gave me this advice and it really helped so I'm doing the same thing here I'm trying to make this filler pass you know that's why I'm using 1 8 so it'll butter out more and I'm I'm just practicing trying to make it flat versus humped up because with it being humped up in the middle it affects your your cap to make long story short what we did on that 12 inch was he recommended especially on like a test was putting two passes in instead of uh so what I did was I put a bead which is what we got here and then I put a hot pass and I put a filler on that first one well on that second weld after I got his advice I put a bead a hot pass and I put two passes right next to each other so I put a pass on this side of the bevel and then I put a pass on that side of the bevel and that just made it that allowed my beads to be flatter this is all assuming that your bevels are wide enough for two passes it's also a good idea to practice putting one fill pass as your last pass before your cap which is exactly what you're fixing to see me do here because this bevel on the six inch is not wide enough for two passes but the whole goal and the whole advice behind the strip pass the two passes is to try to make that filler pass flat or a little bit concaved while also leaving an edge because anytime you're Fighting Gravity on pipe welding leaving that edge is what's going to help you it'll hold that weld up and by making it flatter you don't have that filler pass humped up and interrupting your your cap hope that all makes sense but maybe we can take a look see here and see what this looks like after I trying to weld it foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah so hope you can kind of see that that helped me a bunch whenever he told me that and it made my cap go a lot easier because with this pass being humped up a little bit it interrupts your your cap whenever you're trying to you know cap Against Gravity if you will but whenever it's more flat you don't get as much interruption [Music] all right I was just gonna time lapse all these welts but little interruption I wanted to share this with those of you what just happened here was pressure build up in this pipe so I actually learned this on Pipeline whenever I was pipelining whenever you're on like a final tie-in a lot of times there will be pressure in that pipe and whenever we're trying to put in a bead a lot of times we'll leave the the top open in other words weld everything else except the top put in a bead leave a gap at the top an inch or two Gap at the top put in your bead all the way at the bottom put in your bead all the way to the bottom leave that Gap at the top because that's going to be easier to seal up because the Top's easier to seal than the bottom whenever there's pressure in there so in other words there's air pressure built up in this pipe and it blows out that little hole you just seen this little hole right here happened whenever I was capping it it usually doesn't happen whenever you're capping it I guess unless you're welding on some real real thin pipe but on this job I did not put a proper bead I just the the fits weren't exact on something like this I don't I don't take the time to get like the Gap perfect and everything usually I don't in other words what I'm trying to say is I didn't have a proper bead in it so I didn't grind my tax I just I was just sealing it off so it was very likely that there was like a like a gap or some kind of fall in my bead and that's why I burnt through on this particular cap so long story short it's unusual to blow through on the cap but I say blow through it actually blew out but that's why that looks like that whenever I was capping it so I'm fixing to take a grinder and grind all that back out seal it up and then kind of put my pretty much sealed off good put a mini hot pass slash filler and then start capping it but I just thought that was interesting and a opportunity to share with those of you who are not aware maybe don't know anything about pressure build up you know in pipe so a little little fun fact something to be aware of whenever you're if you ever get into pipeline work [Music] [Music] this right here is called a button or at least that's the term I was taught that's where I started on this horizontal Weld and that's where I ended but that's also what it looks like whenever you tie in on the bottom of a regular 5G weld we call that a button the reason I'm mentioning that is because on fabrication like whenever you're doing you're building something with pipe and jack stands a good neat way to do fabrication and show that you have experience is to put all your buttons in the same spot so this is something that I actually forget about quite a bit because I just don't do fabrication every day fabrication every day but but I did put my buttons in the same place on all these legs cut my button on the back side here on the back side here like you just seen and I got it the same way on the other side organized neat that's one of the things that I love about pipeline work pipe fabrication is just the organization little things like that that just make things neater and neater not just your weld like trying to make your weld look better like every weld better but also just trying to remember all those little details like that another thing that I did was I put my seams the structural pipe has seams well even pipeline pipe sometimes has seams a lot of it does but I I tried to put my seam on the inside and on the bottom on these two pieces of pot by the way you wouldn't see them from out here Casino scene see on this Square Tubing how they put their seam right here and you can see it even after it's painted that's on the outside so you see a seam that's on those two I might have done this one the same way yeah seams on the outside here but it's on the inside on this column not a big deal but it's just a little detail that's nice to keep in mind all right now that we're done welding these it's time to cut some half by half by three or three eighths yeah half by three flat to cap the ends of our eight inch Square Tubing here because this whole frame was twisted that's the whole reason we put plate on the bottom is because there's a gap here and there's Gap cattywampus because this is tweaked so to get everything level and stay level we put this plate underneath here so to clean it up we're going to put a cap here and a cap cap on all four corners so it all looks uh clean so I told you I was going to show you my shop on Wheels so we've got chop saw just like in a shop we've got our two pieces of plate cut I'm fixing to make my line here because whenever I cut these bottom plates I forgot to add my four inches to this one over here if you notice there's two inches sticking out there and on the other side there's two inches sticking out but whenever I cut this one I forgot to add my two inches so to make it match I'm just going to cut me some cut me some of this plate right here and lay flat on the end that way it matches this one and then we'll put a plate on the end and then here in a little bit we'll be using a skill saw to cut this thin piece of plate [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] hey guess what boys are still on remote setting let's try local see if that'll get us some fire see if that'll get us some fire boys if it don't we got problems [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] has moved from this side of the feed bin to over there because it's a little more shady over there and check this out our pipeliners Cloud umbrellas now mobile so now I can lift that whole job up and move it around wherever I'm working still got my slam pole with my other umbrella I'll probably throw another umbrella on the back of my truck if well maybe not but if I needed it that shade leaves us before the end of the day but uh I've got all these corners sewed up all the gaps and stuff because we didn't originally plan on capping the ends I didn't make my three inch flat long enough so I had to cut short pieces to go like this here so I've got I've got all three corners welded up this is the last one I'm using 7018 and I'm just running it uphill and then I'll sand all them down like I did over there and then we will start welding this top seam we're gonna Stitch weld it down there but we're gonna seam welded along the top on both sides of both of these so we got lots of welding to do well in if you're from Louisiana Welling or welding if you're from Oklahoma it's weld in if you're from somewhere else or you're more proper it's welding I say welding welding I worked with some guys that called Weld and well and Welling well in I think I've said it before too but that's because I worked with them guys and they got me saying that stuff anyway moving right along let's go ahead and weld these last two and then we'll throw it on a time lapse to seam weld these these long sections Skinner now in here get your zoomed in a little hmm maybe not that much maybe like that much turn the lights down oh yeah wow let's burn some welding rod I forgot my gloves I'll be back with you over here on the back of my pickup truck I wear on my welding car my welding car all right we got a 332 70 18. and we've got her on 150 range on the SAE 300 and then we've got around 30 on the fine current stay cool [Music] you got a slight Gap here but luckily we've got half inch plate we're dealing with so [Music] I'm just keeping my rod shoved in there by the way it's got something to weld to and as you can see I'm moving it back and forth stay in that meat another thing a guy could do is run a little Hill uphill downhill 6010 in this Gap [Music] make this part a little easier because this allowed to be pretty ugly right here [Music] all right turn the lights back on here get us a foul I'll bust this off here see what it looks like okie dokie y'all need a closer view we'll do that three more times one here two on the other side and then we'll do this number all the way right here [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I tell you what ladies and gentlemen my mic went dead so that's why I'm having to get close to the camera hopefully you can hear me all right I can adjust it and edit but it's hard to get her matching anyway yeah I'm putting more out or out there's a job now on your knees that a good job you know anyway this side is all done I'm gonna have to come back tomorrow this other side and built this uh safety gate for this ladder because it is about quitting time but there you have her seam weld on top to 12 on bottom one thing I wanted to mention about welding lead is uh in my welding lead video I made a video just about welding lead like how long to make your welding lead uh as compared to breaker breaker one nine radio check can you all hear that does it sound like a microphone maybe I just stay underneath this umbrella maybe it'll sound like I have a mic on long story short is when doing a lot of heavy duty welding like this I say heavy duty like one rod after another like I barely sometimes don't let my machine idle down and I'll already have struck up another Rod so I'm just burning Rod constantly it would be even worse if I was running like a bigger diameter rod that's one of the good things about running 332 because it's a small diameter anyway long story short my my welding lead my Stinger was getting warm and my welding lead was getting warm because I do have a I believe I have number two or two two watt maybe I think I have two Watt on now which is smaller than what I ran whenever I was pipelining if I was to go back on the pipeline I would get another set of leads at least a number one but really I want a One ought one knot is is heavier than number one if I remember correctly because on the pipeline especially on bigger diameter pipe we're running 3 16 diameter welding rod and we're burning one rod after another so that's all the more reason whenever you have 100 foot of lead to have bigger weldingly bigger diameter welding lead with the kind of stuff I do here here at the house around the house and farm work and stuff I don't do a whole lot of what I'm doing now so that's why I took the cheaper route and got a welding lead that was a little bit smaller but if I keep doing stuff like this it's just going to make my my welding lead burn up faster I would assume anyway because even with uh one or number one lead welding on the pipeline all those years I mean I had a set of welding leads I still got them at the shop but that set of welding leads lasted uh I mean several years but the reason I changed them out and got new lead is because I kept cutting it back so one for one it was shorter and every time I cut it back it was it was still black the the copper there's several copper strands and Welding lead all those strands of copper we're we're like black so from my little 15 16 years of welding experience that's the little that I've observed about welding weed they still work it's just not I believe you'll have better welding overall better connectivity because after all we are messing with electricity you know what I mean so connect connectivity is key you know a good ground good welding lead everything's hooked up tight make sure all your lugs are tight your Stingers you know bolted on tight and the ground and so anyway I just wanted to mention that about welding lead using this as an example you know one rod after another and this is 142 inches so what is that 144 is 12 foot so just under 12 foot times two 24 linear foot of welding that took me a couple hours I don't know how long uh yeah two or three hours to to weld that with 332 welding rod got my Stinger you know warm it was warm it'll get so warm I'm rambling I hope you're not bored yet but it will get so warm that you won't be able to hold your stinger in fact I just talked to a buddy of mine that's pipelining and uh he's welding on sleeves so he's running a lot of well they're actually running 70 plus pipeliner not they're running 70 18 and python rod on sleeve work maintenance work on Pipeline long story short he said his Stinger was getting really really hot because they were running I forget what size of uh maybe oh maybe he was running 70-18 like a 532 or 3 16 like some big old rod and uh his Stinger was sure enough getting hot and that reminded me that whenever I was welding on the pipeline on big inch pipe and you know just bearing down all day through 16th Rod after another one 360 Rod after another that my Stinger would get hot also and that's those would be the times where you know after that weld I would trim my lead back to try to get you know some better welding lead up there close to my Stinger but um running a whip doesn't help if you go check out that welding lead video you'll find out what I'm talking about the whip is just a little bit lighter 15 or 20 foot lead on the end of your big lead that way it's lighter but that just actually makes it worse you know it as far as the electricity science of it you know it makes your stinger hotter especially the smaller leads you have but combination between comfort and you know quality so you're not turning up your welding leg you know welding's expensive so overall what I'm learning is don't cheap out on your welding lathe you can't go wrong having too heavy a welding lead and plus it'll make you tough when you go to roll it up come on all right speaking of roll up let's roll this welding car up is it sure enough toasty boys thank God shade trees call me the shade tree welder I like it good a couple of shade trees [Music] [Music] thanks for stopping by today we appreciate you being here for more helpful resources check out our website aerosswelding.com also don't forget to use the discount codes Austin Ross all caps or Aros all caps to save you some money if you want to try out the new Kevlar stitching Knox FR shirts and to watch part two of this project click on one of these videos on the screen and remember learn something every day
Channel: Austin Ross
Views: 168,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Austin ross, autin ross, aaron ross, arosswelding, a ross welding, austin ross welding, austin ross pipeline, mobile welding, stick welding, rig welding, shop on wheels, pipeline welding, welding pipe
Id: tJjFJ-kMR8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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