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hey guys hi everyone um I love discussing your welcome so today I thought I would be true to my brand and review cat products a while ago I reviewed Amazon baby products and you guys really liked that video for some reason I don't know why so I thought I would review baby products for my other babies which are my head babies which are at my gasps so I found the weirdest cat products on Amazon and I reviewed weird Amazon products for cats in the past but like I never like went out searching for the weirdest product and that's what I did today so as you see behind me there's a pile of weird cat toys everything that's all out of its packaging and sitting on the floor is because I've literally filmed this video like two months ago but the footage was all blurry and then you know I got really busy because like I'm gonna be on Broadway I really hate myself today I thought today would be fun to review these products again even though I already did this two months ago because I don't want these to go to waste I bought them and I want to show you what my cats thought of them so here we go I literally thought that those are the lyrics to that song ever since that song came out it wasn't till very recently that I realized it wasn't booty booty booty booty brachot like a whale it's rocket everywhere so so first thing is this cat laptop this has like a scratcher thing in it that you can put catnip in and it's supposed to be really cute and there's a mouse and it's a little mouse so on brand of them and it's just cute desktop thing and it has cute stickers on the back that I like I love catnip Dum Dums so it's cute it's super not practical and really bulky and a total waste of space and it's definitely gonna go in the garbage after I'm done with this video let's see if the cats would like it let's see if Gus and Daisy like this oh by the way my cat's name is art got it Daisy yes is a few years old Daisy is two years old um they're both Persian cat I love them even though they're kind of heads so are you allowed to see on you two anymore or will I get to monetize good for it work on your computer Gus your Daisy you guys suck it being cats they certainly do not like the laptop oh maybe you like some no no not so much okay my gosh bird but actually out it will gross I'm sorry I didn't see that sorry for him right popped out I gave birth to my child through my faheen and like I got a lot of em right about just killing things this is another toy that I got for the cat this popped up when I typed in weird cat products you know it's not that weird it's literally just a cat toy but it has a button in the middle and it can go slow fast or handsome if you're feeling kinky sit on slow and there's like magnets underneath and the toys inside got nice in them so it just like spins around and this is fast it's literally exactly the same and then this is random literally exactly the same so the buttons mean nothing I predict that Gus will stare at it and be like one star and I think Daisy will actually play with it let's find out what the cats think of this magenta [Applause] she's leaving mixed up the next thing I got was a cat stroller now that is downstairs and I am lazy so I'm not gonna go downstairs and get the stroller and bring a big stroller upstairs just to show you in this when you're gonna see it in one second but I think they had fun actual walk Gus and Daisy are always trying to escape the house mostly Gus like Gus really wants to escape and run away and never wants to see us again so I think this is a perfect way for Gus to experience being outside seeing the world that still he won't run away and die because Gus certainly could not survive out in the real world alone like he would die in one second just from shock like he would just look around and die of shock so let's test it out here is my cat and stroller mmm-hmm I bet he loved it I genuinely loves this disgust loves being outside but he's not supposed to be outside cuz he's a prison cat he's like so good at hunting but really he just like stares at buzz I think he's like freaking out right now in a good way like I think he's a happiest I think you like because he's like outside but save yeah I think he likes it too all right this one was a good purchase this is like a little pack that's supposed to make him look like a lion so there's a lot of stuff like this online we have bought stuff like this for my cats in the past and they used to not care like about clothes and hats and wigs and stuff we used to be able to dress them and stuff like that Nate didn't care at all now they're grown adults and now they have more of an opinions and when they're kittens they kind of let us do whatever we want and now they're like I don't need that thank you you don't put that on my head I don't know how they're gonna react to a head thing so we'll try it out and see what they think so cute Daisy oh my god she's so mad I'm sorry I'll take it off I'm sorry Daisy next we have this blue thing it's very similar to the pink thing I don't know this one has horrible reviews on Amazon this was like I think it was like one star but I don't see how it's any different from the other thing it only has one setting but let's be honest the pink thing only had one setting - why so this was has like a blue tail is falling apart literally it's falling apart like the blue fuzz is literally just coming off so just you turn it on and it'll just randomly whip around I don't think my cats are gonna like this [Music] you can next we have this ukulele Orson so this I'm actually really excited about put the cat's front legs and the pants here and it looks like a person is walking around holding a ukulele even though the rest of the cats like obviously back here from the front it should look like the cat is playing the ukulele and there's like a little person we'll see how it goes I'm gonna try it I think I'm trying on Gus I think Daisy legs close as much so I think I'll try it on Gus and see what he thinks this pokeball backpack is so cute I've seen people do cat backpacks before I think they'll like it I honestly do it amazing maybe not so much I think that's like it Gus nice being in small spaces covered up tight and hiding like he really does like that so I think he'll like that but Gus is also huge so cantly tom videos and pictures and stuff but my cats are very different in size Gus is huge and all muscle like he's not fat he looks fat but he's not he's mostly he's strong very very big and very heavy daizy is light as a feather tiny little fluff ball like she's all fur and she's very tiny like every time people see my cast in person they asked if Daisy's a kitten like because she's so tiny so I think a little finesse [Music] this feels so weird that like something I'm moving around in the backpack on your back like you're pregnant on your back oh no we love these kind of things like small dark places he likes thinking that he's invisible this I have seen in ads on Instagram and stuff and people have sent me this like sent me ads of this thing saying I should get it it's a tongue brush so you're supposed to put it in your mouth and pack out that like it's your tongue so the cap feels like you're the mom this is weird and really gross and my cats shed like crazy so I know once I try this I'm gonna get cat hair in my actual mouth which I'm not looking forward to but also it's kind of my life 24/7 already anyways really guys this is the next part I didn't going to try and I'm like legit kind of nervous about this mom okay Daisy ready I'm gonna try to kiss you this time so it's got this like a rager you put your mouth on it which reminds me of when I went to the orthodontist and had to get like the molds for my braces so I'm a little triggered but she's purring purring right now I don't see how this is different than just petting your cat though like I don't know this is weird and gross I hate this this is a banana bed it was one of the first things that popped up when I searched for weird cat products literally just a banana that they're supposed to sleep in I don't even like this first of all I think that's too big and Daisy I just don't think she's gonna have any and I think this one is probably a waste of money I was like a little velcro thing here so you can like open a little banana it's really cute I feel like Flint would be cuter in this in the cat what about the banana you see Gus is too big for the banana oh you like that good job we also got a Trump little cat toy that looks like a little Trump that they're supposed to eat and play with oh this would be funny because I'd love to watch my cats eating Trump's face so that's why I got this one but I can't show to you right now because like I said I got these products a couple months ago Gumble with the products I let them play with when I first got them and they destroyed this this Trump toy is demolished so I can't show it to you right now but I do have footage of them when they first play with it so check it out oh he got really tired me me Gus you're so relatable oh my god I never seen him play with a toy like that before Gus is not a Republican apparently Gus are you a Democrat I've never seen him act like that with a toy ever he grabs you by the now the grabs him [Music] well was that the baby or the father someone to date and it startled gossiper this is leash I have always wanted to take my cats on a walk I'm excited to see if they will let me take him on a walk okay me when you tell me to exercise he's like I give up I'm not gonna fight it I thought he would like bite it and like freak out but he's just like I just want it off so those are the products that we got for our little kitty cats I hope you guys like this video if you did give a thumbs up and make sure to subscribe to my channel push the bell notification right here I know everyone says that but legit it helps me out so much you guys push the little Bell notification YouTube doesn't like to tell my subscribers when I post videos so shout out thanks YouTube for helping a girl out but if you push that Bell notification it should tell you when I upload video so you won't ever miss an episode and just a reminder that I'm going to be on rock if you haven't seen my last couple of videos I know I'm going to be on Broadway in the show waitress I'm playing the role of dawn with one of my best friends todrick Hall I'm so excited and you guys can get tickets I'll be there only from August 20th to September 15 yeah I think that's right so make sure to get tickets before they're gone I also just announced my bus tour which is in October so if you want to see just me not on Broadway but me in my own show my one-woman show that worked really really hard on you can get tickets to see me on bus tour and also before I do all of that I'm going to Salt Lake City I have one final show in Salt Lake City before I go to Broadway so that's next month make sure to get tickets because they go really fast and I really want to see you guys and meet you and I want you to see my show and see me and Cory and Eric and Flynn and whoever else might join me VI I love you guys and I will see you next time thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Colleen Ballinger
Views: 3,030,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colleen ballinger, colleen, ballinger, psychosoprano, miranda sings, no lipstick, vlog, vlogging, singing, without lipstick, comedy, how to, tutorial, silly, funny, Cat, cats, kitten, kittens, products, amazon, testing, weird, strange, stupid, awkward, toys, cat toys
Id: 6vE38oNnpcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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