TESTING The Most Expensive Axe on AMAZON

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in today's video i'm going to be testing the most expensive axe on amazon at 500 the excellent german oscan comp e2 [Music] this is my first time seeing or using a racing axe so what is a racing axe racing axe is developed for competition for guys that do the timber sports and gals i guess for bucking and felling and they i was surprised when i un achieved it here how beautiful it was uh what a what craftsmanship i noticed one thing that was really disappointing though was the sheath i ordered this on amazon and when it arrived all of the the stitching had been cut by the blade itself it was so sharp and it's got a gusset in there so i don't know what happened there but that's kind of disappointing because this is so sharp that it's it's kind of spooky not something you want to have unsheathed but what a beautiful and interesting design very very heavy if i didn't say that already we've got a gorgeous one of the nicest hickory handles i've ever seen before grain oriented properly and look it's double stake there with those nice german round pins and of course speaking of pins this is kind of interesting they put a roll pin in here for safety i've heard in europe and maybe even canada i think it's required for tools that are mated metal tools made into a wooden handle to have a roll pin on them so that it's just an extra measure so they won't slip off you can do this to any tool yourself i have by simply drilling it and then you put a special roll pin that's a spring steel that will force itself out and hold itself tight in there i'm sure more than one of you are wondering why racing axes are the this crazy unique shape to be honest i have no idea i'm not really into that world i can compare what it feels like when we're done to a traditional axe today's video we're gonna do two things we're gonna fell and we're gonna buck that'll be two just normal average things that a guy would do with a regular traditional american felling axe how this performs is kind of curious my friends gave us access to a piece of land that they're developing and bringing a road through here so we have permission to take down any one of these trees we want so let's go find a suitable candidate and we'll start chopping this looks like a nice candidate this is about all the work i'm willing to do today huh huckleberries all right let's see where the wind's coming from winds coming out of the east lay it right down there oh it's a heavy axe what a beautiful handle this has i've never felt a handle snap like this the hickory almost feels like it's assisting you it might just be because of the massive weight of the head which i am not fit enough to swing very well i find it really tiring i have to stop every few minutes or so to get my heart rate down but man oh man does it bite timber maybe we won't be bucking that is one serious axe you know guys i was i thought this was gonna be on the ground i was gonna jump up on there and buck a piece or two but i'm not so sad that it hung up there professional homeowners are not used to swinging four or five pound axes that is a lot of work man the if you were a an athlete that trained for this uh and you know was really good with it my goodness the chips it would chop just take a look at what the what a professional homeowner can do i mean that's a pretty big chip for an axe right boy it comes at a cost it takes a tremendous tremendous tremendous my goodness public school strikes again a tremendous amount of effort but it does bite deep the handle is brilliant the handle is very very beautiful nice to use it's got a a liveliness and a spring to it that is among the best hickory handles that i've ever felt you could actually feel it you could just feel it springing and just assisting you as you go in for a bite really really interesting is this something that would be a viable option for a wood cutter i don't think so man unless you were paul bunyan uh or really you know a really fit guy who was really into it but just to pick one up get off the couch is a uh is a bit much but it's a beautiful axe and really fun to use and man oh man is it bite with a brilliant handle all right i guess that's about it thanks for watching may god bless you and your families i'm gonna take my time getting out of here and pick a couple pounds of huckleberries and we'll see you all on the next video if i hadn't seen it i wouldn't believe it yet here they are you want to try one these are even ripe i'll be bearing here pretty soon the old bear likes to come through here like a hoover machine oh my goodness is the best berry in the world you know huckleberries only grow in the wild you can't cultivate them [Music] it just happens a lot of us saved [Music] you
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 936,339
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Id: SudgtBYPltc
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Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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