Tuatahi! Work axe and "China" heads.

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there's a ton of shredded paper in there we got a uh thank you for the purchase all right I got my little number for the work ax here so let's go I got a couple erasers as well to hang the China's on so I'm gonna end up grinding those myself eventually here we'll have a wow those do feel way different than uh normal handles oh that's gonna be awesome but yeah great handles from tuatah here to great handles a little bit more here all right I'm gonna shop back out here got another handle from tuatah here a little bit of an inclusion there no it should be fine I'm not worried about that I've used worse [Music] all right let's get these guys out of here okay now some more paper here and some fly over there too God they backed the heck out of these things the weight on those if I save these for Center here get into the tree this is one of the China heads here I'll be excited there use this later on here probably do a video just grinding uh later on at some point here probably save this box I'm really gonna send that ax to somebody I know here oh my gosh wow it's got all the machine grease and stuff on there oh that is awesome even just the way to these things is pretty incredible to be honest through here that's real cool so I got the China here got the other China here that's the opening of that oh my gosh it's freaking excited all right and here is the work ax off to the side for now add on the work axes a little bit more finished than the unfinished access here's got a sheath with just the velcro on it I was looking at their weather ones with the strap and stuff too but I'll probably make my own nicer leather sheet but I figured I should probably get something to cover the work X just right on right off the on it out of the package here and I think this will do this will do just fine for that and I'll kind of copy this shape here for the other ones I'll probably use a leather welt looks like wool or felt a felt welt here so I'll just be careful with that make sure the work X doesn't go go into the stitching there cool nice thick leather on that too my wedges also be nice and I also got some wedges coming from uh Whiskey River here eventually all right here all right so it's uh he works here foreign that feels cool I've been looking at one of these for years now uh and finally decided to go on one uh just actually decided to get into Timber Sports and start going so I figured I should actually get some Timber Sports some racing style axes they're actually going to be close to what I'm going to be using so the work X I figure I live up here in Minnesota it's already getting cold here at the beginning of October middle actually I should say towards the end and the wood here gets pretty hard in the winter wonderful and I tend to chop a lot of maple so pretty tough chop here wax paper and some machine grease or whatever it is I got the wings wings round out on this thing here got some rubber there oh my that is beautiful a way to the end of that thing that is just going to be awesome but just look at the size of that thing and I got the fe6 here so the cutting face on these is totally different they're all the same weight um fe6 and this this is probably a little bit later but uh The Cutting face is totally different so I'm gonna be able to take some takes a few less chops hopefully this will cover a little bit more of my log quite sharp even just right out of the bus here it's here oh my goodness some plywood here and I could probably feather stick with this thing this thing is this thing is incredible the tuatah yeah I got my number on the back oh that is beautiful super happy with my purchase um took a little while to get here actually it didn't take as long as I thought uh once they once they sent it it only took about a week and a half to get here from New Zealand so uh once they actually get to your ax and ship it uh it's pretty quick but you got to wait wait for them to actually manufacture fact yeah those racing handles they feel way different than uh than Council tool even I mean Council has a good handle I like them but that feels way different so I'm excited to get this on the standing block here I'll probably do that today uh yeah we'll see we got tuatahi Ah that's beautiful all right I'll shut off this oh we got an aluminum wedge in here so we've got the Lumen wedge and we got the pin so that's I'm gonna use wood wood wedges for my uh for my China's here but the difference between the China and the work acts here pretty much exactly the same size uh minus the wing was ground out you can feel you can feel the difference with the wings out through here and this is just just a beast of an ax through here like the Vintage X Porter I'm probably gonna probably gonna take down this back through here so I don't get much for glances and probably put a uh relatively Stout uh banana grind that I'll probably do a chisel and a banana around 20 or just just sub 20 maybe that 18 to 19 on the China's so I can use them for practice axes and some harder Woods he has a 20 degree bevel on his I believe and he's been chopping Locust which is harder than uh most of the stuff that I am going to be chopping maybe Sun's Maple and the occasional Ironwood up here which I think is technically a hop hornbeam or something like that I think that's what we call it iron wood up around here but she's already all right I think she turned off here oh my God that's awesome
Channel: Axes'n'stuff!
Views: 512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SqjXJUwEjzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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