TESTING The Cheapest Plasma Cutter On AMAZON

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I'm always a little nervous turning high-voltage Chinese equipment on [Music] welcome back friends to the shop today we're going to be thoroughly testing the cheapest plasma cutter on Amazon the hundred and fifty dollar hero cut now really is there anything worse than an unboxing video man we're not all over that I'm gonna make this very very brief but just kind of an interesting fact when I was looking at this there were two options available there was a 120 and a 240 and the 240 was $5 cheaper so I thought would always go with the 240 when you can it's so tiny I had no idea was gonna be so small I mean it looks like it's like the size of a lunch pail let's have a look at the accessory pack here it is so little guys thank you it's like the it's like the Mike Bloomberg of plasma cutters here before you is the complete kit well one thing I will give it is it it is comprehensive I mean it literally has everything a guy would need to get started you're probably not going to have to go to the store so we've got some extra electrodes there so that those are consumable so that's nice we got a couple of hose clamps we've even got three different options for your air hose to come in when I looked at the Box I was a little dismayed because it had this barb style of connection which who uses that you know we use automotive quick connection ones but they did give us an option for a small hose a large hose and the automotive style so we can simply thread that in there also 30 amp twist lock plug not the highest quality but that means we can go directly in to the plug so that was that's pretty nice to you know set up for kind of a US standard we've got it even came with a pressure regulator with some sort of a bit of a dryer in there now with your plasma torches it's imperative that your air going into it is very dry so I use an external automotive style dryer so we won't need this but this is a pressure regulator because it needs to run between 40 and 80 psi so if your compressor puts out 110 that's too high so you can control it there so that's nice pressure gauge as well as the mount for the hero cut test I've got three pieces of material we're gonna try we've got basic sheet metal this is just cut out of a 55-gallon drum so that something that should be simple for any plasma cutter we get up into quarter-inch a little quarter inch strap and then it's a very maximum of its claimed ability that eight millimeters which is going to be the 3/8 which we will see about that things look pretty good I mean solid line of solid brass it's a delicate of course everything is uh definitely has that Chinese iam feel about it next up is the connection for the grounding clamp you can see here solid brass it has a little little nipple on there for lining it up I should just twist in there like that the only thing left is the make of the connection with the air hose in the back that's what's so appealing about the plasma torches is you'd not buying any gas or anything now it comes with the barbed fittings we're not going to use that we're gonna use the automotive style of fittings here so it will remove this one yeah and I think I noticed here this is not the one I have there is a warm place in hell for the manufacturers who don't standardize things this is one of those things there are half a dozen different shapes and size of these things it would be nice that there was all one so we'll have to swap this out for one just as I was about to heap praise upon the hero cut and let me down this is not replaceable they are actually forcing us to use the regulator and dryer which you know it's not a bad idea so we can definitely do that here so we'll just use this barb connection what do you want to bet granddad's old stock of automotive stuff is gonna have what we need in here we need the different style of air Chuck here the good news is I found one the bad news is it's not metric yep the metric system rears its ugly head again and we are at a what we don't have a problem here so some of these actually these heads you can they're cross-platform I think you can use them on more than one air hose let's made it up with some air to it and see if it'll hold the heads that I have these stainless hose clamps they provided are among the worst quality wise that I've ever seen what's the chance that my air hose is gonna meet up to this you see there's God's grace in effect he's always helps out those who love Him this little unit if you don't know it does several different things one it's a pressure regulator it's also a water separator or kind of a dryer so this float bowl right here will collect a conversation that comes from your compressor and you can drain it out the bottom and then there's a small micron filter there there's not a whole lot to keep dryer or air moisture out of it so you this is not something you'd want to use on a long-term basis but how these work is this needs to operate between 40 and 65 according to the manual so with your pressure regulators as you screw them in now the pressure coming out of my compressor is 150 pounds so I can control it here so we'll go on the high side we'll go up to let's go up to 50 55 right there now if we turn the other way of course it will release that pressure this is an interesting comparison here so on the right is the grounding clamp for the Miller Matic which is of course you know a high end welder and then we have the hero cut grounding clamp so the thing that keeps coming to mind with this stuff is at least they're trying as far as thickness and spring tension it's you know it's not quite there but it's probably 70% of it but look inside they've got real copper grounding straps clamps there they've got a ground connecting them the two of them together the the cable itself is copper and exactly the same size as we have with the Miller on a much smaller machine so even the hard work connecting it's bigger so just kind of a fun comparison there from you know a high end clamp to to what you're getting there from kind of the Chinese Chinese ium stuff I'm always a little nervous turning high voltage Chinese equipment on a fear of being electrocuted all right turned on fans running we'll start with the sheet metal I've stenciled out a little picture of a yard bird here we can out or maybe we'll see here's the stinger there's a little safety pretty simple up functional doesn't bother me that bad but overall looks pretty good so let's see what we can do here [Laughter] well I am pleasantly surprised I can't say that I'd noticed any difference from my high-end plasma torch was very nice to use very fast be able to cut out a little thing out of sheet metal no problem pretty nice actually let's go up to quarter inch and see what what happens then here's a piece of quarter inch by one strap this is getting to be thicker but still well within the parameters according to the instructions there let's boost the power up to full give it every chance let's go with the 3/8 this is pretty pretty chunky stuff pretty heavy-duty here and see if it gets through that all right I notice the temperature light on its amber I don't know if that was on before not we'll keep an eye on that it will cut through 3/8 that's a pretty chunky steel I mean for common guys most guys I mean I don't think we're really gonna be working over using too much over quarter inch and quarter hitch that seem to have no problem there so that's pretty good of course you know not near as good as the one I have but good grief you could buy what eight of these for the price of one of those so you know it depends on what you need if you're cutting nut you know 3/16 eighth inch stuff it seems to work really good and actually the size of its it's really nice so what did we learn here well let's discuss the pros and let's discuss the cons pros first well obviously the price for $150 for a 240 volt plasma cutter that's pretty hard to beat having I would definitely recommend if you have the means to get to 240 over the 120 you're just gonna get better performance and the fact that it was $5 cheaper that's kind of a no-brainer but if convenience is a problem you know if you don't have a big 240 plug then go with the 110 I'm sure it's not gonna cut as good but it'll probably do 8 inch no problem you know the little it's a cute little thing it it kind of gives almost gives me the fizz maybe because I like the red color but I mean it's a decently put together little unit there's just nothing really glaringly bad about it now this is something that's going to be somewhat fragile I mean you can't expect the world for this price point but if you're just gonna be having it sitting kind of static at a workbench or something for small projects I think go for it I think it would be great for that'd be perfect for building wood stoves the the wood stove barrel that we had it worked great ergonomically the the little stinger the safety I found nothing to be a problem the switches feel good all of the connections seemed to fit it didn't have any air leaks I didn't get electrocuted it's just in the size of it the size of it is is very nice and and the fact that it came with everything that needed to get started right so I mean that that's worth something what are the cons well I'm not super I don't know about that 100 percent duty cycle rating that they have so what it said is if you plug this into a 25 amp service you could get 100 percent duty cycle what that means is it's designed to run continuous like imagine 8-hour shift we're guys we're just running it continuous without stopping you know that's pretty unusual to buy something if you're buying something that's a hundred percent duty cycle whatever it is compressors welders they're big-time industrial items they don't they're not like this so that is probably a bit optimistic 50 percent duty cycle at 30 amps I don't know where they got that or when it came from but anyway it doesn't really matter this is not something you're gonna be building Liberty ships with right so but as far as the yeah I mean it seems to be it seems to be fine I'd like to see a longer power cord of course you know the power cord is only a three feet longer so that's kind of an inconvenience but apart from that it's fine so it worked it got the job done we were able to to cut the steel that we needed to and I'd say that it's it is what it is for what it is it's pretty a pretty decent little unit so thanks for watching you keep us in your prayers may God bless you and your families I'm signing off because the hailstorm is so loud you probably can't hear me we'll see you guys on the next video [Music]
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 1,287,995
Rating: 4.8649344 out of 5
Keywords: Wranglerstar, youtube, plasma cutter, best plasma cutter, best plasma cutters, best plasma cutter 2019, plasma cutters review, best plasma cutters 2019, plasma cutter reviews, plasma cutter reviews 2019, best cheap plasma cutter, harbor freight, cheap plasma cutter, plasma cutter review, plasma torch, how to, amazon plasma cutter, lotos plasma cutter, plasma cutter how it works, plasma cutter art, plasma cutter projects, plasma cutter table, plasma cutter cnc
Id: OZAMU80myfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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