Testing Scary Minecraft Myths To Prove They’re Cap

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minecraft has over 167 in different biomes with infinite possibilities but what if we force only one biome to exist this is the myth of the walking tree game mode survival cheats turned off but this isn't just going to be any normal world we're going to be forcing only a single biome the birch forest now it theoretically doesn't matter which biome you choose but from my research i believe that this will increase our chances of encountering the walking tree the most and holy we're loading in and bruh this is a whole lot of birch dude this birch for days man all right well we better start crafting our basic resources and tools which are all going to be birch themed but honestly right now i am terrified of chopping any of these trees down well the walking tree is a result of corrupted code when a sapling is forced to grow in a world without its correct biome the results are terrifying since it's a literal birch party at you we just need any other sapling and since birch saplings are supposed to be the least likely to appear in loot chess this shouldn't be too difficult now i'm thinking the only place we can find is a mine shaft or a dungeon since well desert temples they don't exactly exist in birch forests yes a chest and no sapling surely we've got some saplings here oh you kidding me birch come on baby give it to me yes it is sapling oh this is actually huge guys no no what after exploring tons of caves i finally found what i was looking for okay dungeon number one like 17 please have a settling that is not birch oh my god diamond horse over yeah what am i going to do with diamond horse up the spruce dublin yes i was actually starting to think we weren't gonna have a chance let's get out of here boys let the ritual begin this is honestly the most over dramatic tree planting i've ever done looking up a little scared in cases is real but honestly i think it's fake clickbait all right here we go three two one bang it happened you even grow a spruce tree i mean there's no spruce blinds in this world whatsoever the code doesn't even exist here wait nothing's happening is this even possible oh there it is okay i mean this seems like a normal spruce tree i mean my brother my brother in minecraft where it looks exactly the same this is just normal what huh why did the living tree or the walking tree whatever it was called not spawn the report said it would spawn and yet here's the normal tree maybe it needs some more life around it to suck come on is this even real what is this trash i tried everything but the tree would just not come to life did i get clickbaited i i don't know what else to do this has to be capped guys i'm sorry video's over gg that flower that flower just vanished wait what am i trip over there hold up that flower vanish where was that where the flow is that wait i'm definitely seeing like something there going on right wait am i tripping or is wait there was a flower there there was a flower there was a flower there i'm not tripping guys stuff is disappearing what the bro are you seeing this right now bro random plants are just vanishing what is going on around here what bro they're just disappearing all over the place not just the flowers but the grass too we need to test some more if i grow some more bone meal will that like plant more stuff hold up hold up we gotta make a whole ton of steak that should be good enough what the tree the spruce spray's transmission but what i literally looked away for two seconds it's gone huh wait hold up wasn't there there was some birch trees here as well right there birch trees here am i trip there's no dirt left behind guys it's just plain grass maybe they weren't butch someone do a replay and check if there were birch trees i'm sure they were they've just vanished but but where what how did this happen okay you know what we need to get the high ground guys i i don't understand we need to get a better view of this has anything else with the world change we get a better view from up here okay i'm not seeing anything different do you guys notice anything at all wait hold up there's a spruce tree up there that's the same one from down ship it moved did it or okay am i literally just coming up with trash talk right now because trees can't move i know that i'm not stupid right guys but but this is supposed to be a birch only world you guys saw me make it okay i i don't know we still haven't actually seen the tree walk with my own oh flip what in the world is going on the leaves around the tree that is deteriorating the tree isn't just sucking up grass and flowers anymore it's full on sucking up all of these leaves what the bro this is it what is happening right now okay this is actually freaky right now what is going on we need to grow some stuff and give it something else to suck up wait it's growing roots into the ground what is that what is this bird's literally growing rooted arms okay this is bad this tree is hungrier than i thought we needed we need to stop the straight now okay i need an axe we need to cut this thing down i'm getting rid of you man i'm wait what the guys i literally cannot dig them up the wood is invincible how is that even possible okay how else can we destroy them uh tnt maybe with gunpowder sand i mean those could work potentially right whoa what is going on my screen is full of frizzy up what the ground is literally shaking bro what is happening what did the tree do the tree just flowing destroyed the ground and it's gone again where did it go guys wait over there it's literally running away we're gonna follow it before it does any damage go go go this thing is getting stronger by the minute quick guys we've almost caught up i'm about that proof that this walking tree biz i was actually real guys wait what where did he go he was just did was that not him was that just a bachelor i am losing wait what's wrong with this terrain i have never seen this byron before hold up sand clay i think this was supposed to be a lake but what happened to the water guys what is the walking tree deleting all the water around forever destroy life on this world we need to get a closer look at that lake guys that that has to be connected to that crazy ass tree okay wait what whoa muddy the shaped up leather beef what fruit pork chop how many mobs have died here what the where did all this come from did a wolf kill them but wait wolves wouldn't kill a pig or would they no no i don't think so and wolves don't even spawn inside a birch forest guys they only spawn in fried spruce forests which is exactly what my tree this is a spruce unless the walking tree is not only sucking life out of plants now but also animals no no wait what is that guys holy bro the roots are literally growing out of the lake i knew it the walking tree is behind the throat it's been sucking up the nutrients of this place what is going on guys no no no how are they spring so fast and far okay you know what we're not letting them touch us guys get out of the axe get out of there oh no no no no wait no no no switch the axe oh we're getting close pick it up dig it up dig it up come on ow what the world do not stand on them that full on spiked me no way oh my goodness they're getting closer and closer what the bro these things attacking me i need a golden apple get that go go go oh my gosh we gotta go wait what the roots are growing out from this side as well are you serious right now okay we just gotta go oh don't don't step on the life again i'm here okay you know what we're going back this way the roots aren't on the other side of the lake guys go go oh we gotta go out the west not gonna let us wait guys the trees huh they alternative spruce trees it's affecting the trees the how is that even oh no no no guys my crown is checking look my hands aren't even on my keyboard what is happening right now no no no no no no no what the bruh wait guys one of those particles wait are those trees connecting somehow i can't even tell wait what is that guys what's happening to the trees trees do not do that why am i blind why am i blind i do not like this at all what is that totally flip that's it that's the walking tree it's like change it's massive wait one of these mobs guys where do these even come from now i i i don't understand bro bro bro what is it wait what the bro this turn is poisonous get off get off wait that's killing the creepers that's killing the creepers they should drop gunpowder oh grab that perfect okay we need to quickly make a graphic we can use this to blow up the tree okay come on come on come on come on put that down go go go and okay we need sand oh my goodness they never remember how to make this guy this way yes there it is [Music] [Music] let's go [Applause]
Channel: EYstreem
Views: 4,792,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eystreem, eyestream, eystream, minecraft, family friendly, roleplay, funny, troll, prank, secret, hidden, tutorial, minecraft phone, minecraft bedrock edition, testing scary minecraft myths to prove theyre cap, testing scary minecraft myths, scary minecraft myths, testing scary minecraft hacks, testing scary minecraft myths eystreem, minecraft myths, scary minecraft, minecraft creepypasta, minecraft testing scary myths, minecraft testing myths, testing myths minecraft
Id: fWG82z81h8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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