Testing Scary Minecraft Legends That Are Actually True

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these are the scariest Minecraft Legends you should never try starting with a terrifying myth sent by St Louis kid which says no one is talking about this everybody is disappearing from this server do not go here left the server IP address with of course oh evidence on media fire okay now we're going to get hacked all right he's logging in oh wait we got a player at spawn we got Kennedy games 8 no oh Kennedy games too thank God I got glasses on and he's just standing on Redstone too like the Redstone always betrays me you know like I got to keep an eye on that stuff oh he heads the opposite direction buddy where you going St Louis kid is going in the opposite direction of Kennedy games oh oh okay I think he's looking for a house oh wait why is this house abandoned finds an abandoned house floating block above it oh okay things are getting interesting wait what wait that door just like broke and glitch but it's still there wait it's abandoned house that has 11 blocks of diamond yo sign me up who's leaving no dude a nobody's leaving this behind wait did yall see that no no no it was fast but dude it's on the middle right hand of the screen right as he leaves the house right here okay look at middle right leave now it's like 2 seconds on the screen now where's this man's going another abandoned modern house dude who is abandoning these hello okay he's trying to see if there's any friendlies is anybody there yeah you didn't do that last time before you robbed this guy of his Diamonds oh wait that's the guy at spawn Kennedy games that's the guy we saw at SP spawn oh yeah I forgot you man slowest typer ever where are you what do you mean he was at spawn oh okay just gets a TP courts okay coming okay are you really coming though is this guy actually going toward yeah he's going towards where Kennedy is all right so far the weirdest things are these abandoned houses that have so much loot in them and this random scoreboard message that says leave now oh this is a beautiful home and it's not even abandoned okay I'm here hey y what's up wait did he just wait Kennedy just repeated himself wait yeah he wait wait he literally repeated himself he sent the same exact message is this guy yo is Kennedy games chaty PT he does it again y okay this guy's broken or he's not real or he's a freaking entity wait was that name tag always there maybe I'm blind yeah he sees the name tag it's an armor stand yo wait this is creepy then he dies wait what hold on hold on he he just dead did something on the server kill him was it the armor stand was it Kennedy games I got to investigate all right I'm on the server ladies and gentlemen now this this is a piece wow this is a a work of art uh okay well first of all I don't see Kennedy games anywhere uh I see Turtle lunch 2011 uh this guy is definitely barely old enough to be playing this hello he is collecting wood how are you doing we we we gently greet them what are you doing on this server I like this guy's hoodie I'm not going to lie this guy kind of look fresh dude kind of got the bull cut going though I'm trying to prove the server fake what do you mean like we're Lally how is his fake we're lit logged in unless he's wait unless he knows about the myth does he know about the myth of Kennedy the rumor is the server is alive what do you mean what do you mean what what do you mean it's a alive dude I mean like all servers are living I mean like you know like in a way like they're on a a server like Hardware but they're not like you know physical haven't you seen the evidence I'm going to build a house to prove it false uh okay dude all right this guy a little crazy huh like you are not even like maybe 14 years old and you're already crazy all right why don't we just let Turtle lunch do his thing maybe we should go exactly where St Louis kid did he went in this direction this is the same direction that St Louis the kid went wait was that a house hey yo now wait a minute no no no no I mean I saw it out of the corner of my eye but I thought I saw it abandoned and now it's literally just green can you please rewind in 025 speed tell me I'm not crazy was this not abandoned this looks so bro this looks like brand new or refurbished at least wait everything about this is new is there any lther chests oh the chests are empty full enchanting Library this is so weird Okay this house is definitely not abandoned but St Louis the kid he found abandoned houses and I'm not finding any abandon where is the first house that St Louis the kid found in the evidence I know it was in this surrection I'm not crazy all right I'm not Turtle lunch please do not associate me with Turtle lunch oh wait is this it wait this is it right wait yeah wait this is the no it's not but it's not abandoned did somebody repair it this is wild hey yo buddy what are you doing in the freaking Corner uh hello sorry I thought this was abandoned band I could yo okay relax relax I'm sorry unless somebody literally in between the time of the evidence being sent in this guy just randomly comes in and claims the house again I'm investigating these homes cuz I I needed like how do I convince this guy to let me look in the chest because remember there was like 11 diamond blocks and like 61 diamonds no get out this is my house okay can I can I just can I just look at your chests okay this sounds really weird in context ah dude really this guy's man all right yeah this guy's a gamer okay okay fine okay fine I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving look I can do a Stak out okay I can stake it out all right let's just go over here we're going to be pretending like we're mining our own business all right we're going to be getting wood but in reality I'm waiting for Mr skeleton to leave I need to see if those chests have the same loot they have in them all right we've collected a total of three logs thank God I can watch literally have eyes in the back of my head did he leave oh he is leaving oh sick I'm going in then I'm going oh he's coming back he's coming back never mind bro make up your mind this guy what did he forget something you forget your car keys this guy's an idiot all right this is our time strike while the iron's hot what is in those chests what the freak is this w w bro this guy is a freaking Satanist oh yeah that's confirmed oh this guy literally worshiped the devil buddy I'm going to leave you a Bible is this not the creepiest thing to find in somebody's house like th this is not netherite this is not diamonds no no this is cursed man what is he planning on doing with these like this is literally witchcraft what the heck is he planning on these okay well I think I've seen enough that I need to see here we need to go find the modern abandoned house so far nothing in the server is proving to be real man that's just creepy like literally skeleton MC has skeletons in the closet and I do not want to unveil them all right that is for the police wait it's actually abandoned oh yes this the one thing that sucks about this though is in the evidence he didn't actually go inside I don't know why he just okay well now we're withered great he didn't even go in the house I wonder why okay maybe because there's freaking skull sensors here wa server by unknown original wait a second don't stay here oh no oh no what have we stumbled upon this isn't a good place okay this is a sign literally and the book just says you shouldn't be here okay okay now now I'm starting to believe this is somewhat real and then there's just freaking netherwart blocks on the ground freaking skullers this is weird it's even wither roses who decorates her house with wither roses huh you tell me this is it man this is our final piece of evidence the final piece of evidence is the house where we saw Kennedy as has an armor stand and of course it's abandoned but it wasn't in the evidence oh but wait a second won we see the armor stand through I don't see the name tag oh dude I'm I'm I'm I'm okay please like this video cuz I'm opening this door in three 2 1 no armor stand that was underwhelming but it's it's destroyed wait what's the bed pink I don't even remember a pink bed or an orange tulip dude what if somebody's been here since we watched the evidence either somebody was here or somebody moved oh no not the base oh no oh no no no oh what is this okay crazy plant man or crazy demon you tell me in the comments no no no no oh this is bad well I'm dead yeah I'm dead I'm literally freaking dead I'm did that sign just replace itself N I know it did I know it didn't say items you go and Rewind that and watch it in 0 25 speed tell me that didn't say items I did not see what it said but I know it didn't say items I literally how is there a command block how can you get a sign to automatically replace itself and rename ah man I I feel like I'm about to be the sacrifice does this not just look like I'm going to be sacrificed it's pretty normal like thank God there no armor stand hey no Kennedy no armor stand just a very very cursed pattern of redstone and redstone blocks what does this mean why is this here none of this is making any sense because none of this was in the evidence this fre somebody open the door huh okay maybe we don't oh no no no no no oh no is it wait is that that skeleton who is that no that's not SK is that Turtle lunch oh H wait that's not Turtle lunch he's got heterocromia that's when you have the different eye colors uh oh this is list bags I'm I'm so sorry I I thought it was uh abandoned that just I I genuinely didn't know I mean how am I supposed to know the door was the literally the the door was open I'm sorry please no punish no punish I can leave the house was literally missing blocks no door no signs Ed please don't call the police yeah it's under renovation get out get that was so unnecessary like Fire Nation I'd hate to be that guy but I think it might be time to move on from this myth because there is there's an abandoned house at spawn wait hold on hold that thought wait is this the house Turtle lunch was making if he was just making it then why is it freaking abandoned wait okay so who's on the server wait it's just Turtle lunch the glitch guy that just killed me isn't online and neither is uh what's his face the um skeleton MC we had no log off messages by the way I mean I can prove it like nobody logged off how could you he just made this and it's abandoned no no no whoa whoa wait this is the same thing that Kennedy said in the evidence I don't even want to do this I'm opening up this door 3 2 1 you got to watch until the end to see what happens next up is a seed to have Minecraft's scariest new entity the blood wither we're in creative mode cuz we got to get the materials these are the two screenshots that I have one is perfect but the other one it's basically pitch black and these were literally just sent to me so we're going to need some Redstone oh we definely going need some Wither Skeleton skulls too come here Johnny back it up Terry oh we're going to need some Soul Sand yes sir what else do we need oh we need a lever okay and then now we just got to build it exactly like the screenshot yeah okay then we have these like four block High pillars over here then we had oh this is weird wait in front of them okay wait why is there one there's one over here too so I'd assume there's one over there yeah this is cursed looking huh okay that's all of that now after we got the Redstone blocks okay now we just need actually the Redstone Dust which is really simple it just goes out like this kind of wraps around just making sure we got to build it exactly the way the screenshot does breaking news I just made four brand new shirts and they're available only for limited time at firem merch.com okay then it all feeds back right over here to a lever I mean this is literally identical to the screenshot I am following the instruction to a uh now now do we spawn I'm assuming now we put the Sal in here or maybe we should just summon him with a command so he doesn't fly away but he looks like he's like flying right above this redstone block facing this direction summon oh dude this is literally just like the screenshot okay now do we do we flick the lever is this Redstone somehow going to turn this guy into the blood weather all right if you don't think this is going to work put a skull emoji in the comments and if you do think it's going to work put a check mark Emoji in the comments 3 2 1 well we did expect that huh we did kind of expect that but I I like to believe although nothing has happened to our wither he is still just there and he is just normal look at that tail wh okay well I don't understand uh what what no no no no wait a sec okay look typically normally this would not be weird that the Wither is killing innocent mobs but the command I used to summon him it's like where he can't move like he shouldn't move and his AI should not be attacking anything oh buddy there's something wrong with you I'm killing you buddy you are a cursed we're killing you all right that did not work so let's move on to attempt number two maybe we just are doing this wrong huh what if we just make the wither really angry and maybe he'll turn into the blood wither oh and I got some things in mind like if there's one thing I know how to do it's bully I mean you can ask my wife but anyways oh yeah how about a little Anvil action buddy little anvils huh I mean that would make me angry that's a big Thun oh really still not turning red huh all right all right fine fair fair enough what about some harming potions huh you like you like this instant damage oh I think that might heal the weer okay he definitely likes that that's that's anti-bullying let's try some healing potions yeah what do you think about that huh wow it does actually no damage all right how about some flint and steel buddy huh you want some of this yeah you wait we have a bigger problem where did the end did you eat my anvils is a Wither capable of eating anvils I mean I don't know what his dietary restrictions are I'm not his doctor but I'm pretty sure he ate the freaking anvils why are you not angry do I just need to punch him huh you like this the old fish the fury oh hey yo he's getting a little angry oh yeah he getting kind of angry right now you want a little bit of lightning huh a little bit of Thor lightning bolt H really even the lightning doesn't get you upset what about having to listen to a villager yeah you like that sound cuz that would irritate me yeah good luck I mean that's it I mean I think we got to go old school here huh nothing I'm doing is working I'm going to try adding some lava onto him come on buddy you can't tell this is not only going to frustrate you but it will kill your villager and he's going to you're immune you're literally immune and my villager's dead this is clearly not working all right time to move on to attempt number three I do have another idea ladies and gentlemen all right do you guys remember the snapshot we've always used where you can make your own custom Dimensions this is available in vanilla Minecraft if you want to try it out again here's a snapshot what if we send the Wither through the blood Dimension I'm literally just naming this book Blood all right and now if it works the portal will change colors and it oh and it's red oh wait this is now dude this is getting Wicked now we just got to make a Wither happen I'm not going to use the command this time cuz it was being weird yeah come here buddy I know you're angry at me yeah if I could wait can I just push him through oh I can oh oh oh get in there get in there little unit Collision try not to push myself in you are literally in the portal what are you doing go to the freaking portal you Gob knobber all right fine I'll go in I'll go in survival mode without any gear on this is a terrible idea come here come here no just I should have made it taller huh yeah maybe I should have made this a little bit oh yeah yeah yeah yeah come in here come in here you're almost there dude okay you need to all right fine I'll go deeper aha what he's not going through the portal man there we go good with her now you need to go right here and think about your actions he's not what are you just immune to portals I mean dog this guy is literally inside the portal and he's not teleporting he's flying in and flexing on me not even the custom portal will work I'm on to my last attempt I have literally been going insane I mean as you can see I've been a mad scientist and I have been experimenting and nothing has worked I have tried this don't ask why but I did I even tried making them Ki like Mike Tyson doesn't work I even did this and this definitely doesn't make sense okay this shows you how delusional I really am but how far I'm willing to go in terms of the investigation oh wait but there is one thing I didn't try wait a second why don't we just try to use Redstone a oh hold on hold on the brother is cooking wait wait it the answer was right in front of me the whole time we just don't use Soul Sand we just use Redstone oh this is freaking it come on baby huh charge me up in the comments 3 2 1 get yeah I've lost it yeah it's it's official I have lost it I mean this is basically fake at this point I mean I think it's conclusive evidence that it where did my Wither in the cage go no no I did not okay so we killed the first wither we spawned but it wasn't the one that was in the cage so we couldn't fly away because the command we used is where he's stuck so either he despawned or he literally fleed the facility no there's just no way I think he despawned all right like I'm all willing to admit when a myth is fake and this one is certainly fake I'm sorry for wasting your time next up is a myth on Discord sent by Minecraft seed tester they say I found this naturally this isn't normal right something about this is super creepy yeah the seed name is creepy oh great another Mansion while in the nether what no way y that's another virus oh this guy starts off literally in creative mode oh I mean this makes sense okay so if there's a mansion in the nether he's yeah going into The Nether immediately yeah make that portal buddy right we could be faster on our clicks here but that's okay not judging Only God can judge oh okay is this the Strat you break the corner off okay what wait that's an evoker wait did he just hear an evoker H yeah I those do not spawn in the nether but there's no Mansion oh there's a Bastion well maybe there's a Bastion I I don't know what y'all this is crazy I mean lowkey Mansions belong in the nether wait there's just pillagers what wait why is there dude there's so many villagers wait this is like abnormal I mean yeah mansions in the nether are abnormal obviously but like there is so many villagers in this Mansion oh now okay now and now we got water in the mansion in the nether like you tell this is freaking crazy oh a redstone summoning Circle N no these these rooms mansion in the nether is already weird the amount of pillagers and these freaking rooms in the Mansion these are not vanilla what okay oh okay dude there is no there is no Mansion where a ghast is trapped in glass and there's a well there's a freaking well yeah why would you ring the bell I feel like that's the last thing I would do if I'm inside of a cursed mansion that's inside the nether with a million pillagers inside of it but you know hey to each their own I just don't think I would do that you know what I'm saying okay now he's just chilling it wait there's a a no whoa okay now my mind just got blown what this is like the BR to Terabithia all right I got to investigate this we're in the exact same place as Minecraft seed tester remember he grabs the obsidian gets the flint and steel immediately builds the portal yeah literally builds it right here boom just like this all the way up all the way down breaks this then lights it and then just goes through okay this is the same nether spawn in 3 seconds we should he here an evoker uh no evoker okay wait the Bastion still there okay so if this is correct the Mansion should be on my right I'm going to check only after you subscribe in 3 2 1 what what I of course the moment I ask viewers to subscribe and it's not there oh this is great huh why is it never this easy and the evidence it's right here and then of course in mind it's not there but even the bastion's there like everything is identical except for the fact that there's no Mansion or vocer sound I'm going to check out the Bastion and see if there's any clues inside of there I don't know man I mean I got to do what I got to do what a man's got to do what he needs to do uh wow load Stone now that's my favorite clue yeah I love the advancement made War Pigs L it's just load stones are there always this many chests in a Bastion like there's so freaking many I found like five at the beginning and literally nothing useful not a single clue nothing but a war Pig M okay just o oh wait a second wait dark oak planks wait we know Mansions are made of dark oak planks uh oh wait and we got gold wait now okay now Something's Cooking in here I mean the chest's pretty normal but this very abnormal now I know something's going on with this Bastion man something's freaking going on no you freaking no you freaking W you were not a piglin you rewind that in 0.25 prove that I'm not delusional I swear you were a different mob I think it was an evoker okay I think it was an evoker and now it's a pig no no I'm not even going to wait for you guys to prove in the comments I'm just going to slash kill evokers huh see this this can't be true this can't be true man I know it was an evoker I know it was I know I'm not crazy and I don't like green eggs and ham now what is this dude what now this is so there's no way amending diamond sword the rarest enchant of Minecraft and iron ingots no there's just no freaking way well I know what I need to do after I kill this guy what if we locate a mansion huh we got the locate we can we can do we can do this yes it's a long shot but it could work okay and it didn't work but hey we did say it was going to be long shot all right well clearly we're not finding this mansion that's in the nether so the only place we can go to is like the what the dark forest biome so then we have to go to a dark forest biome and we are we are in a dark we're in wait wait we're in a dark forest biome how are we in a dark forest biome if it says we're in Minecraft colon the nether now this is crazy n this is nuts wait so we're in a dark forest biome we shouldn't the Mansion be here then but it literally it should be right here wait isn't this terrain different where's the mansion what okay now what no no where did this hole come from now I know I went here there was no hole there was no mansion and now it just it's here and where are the pillagers there were millions of pillagers in this Mansion the moment Minecraft seed guy steps in front and there's none in mine there's not a single Pillager not in any of these rooms and my rooms were like well the rooms in the evidence were cursed these actually look like normal Mansion rooms like remember there was a gas in a freaking glass cage okay we're we're going back to the evidence cuz clearly I did something wrong the only difference okay so he oh he's upstairs okay so he didn't even look at the downstairs rooms the upstairs rooms are the ones that were crazy so let's go upstairs where are you stairs come to me oh there they are thank God okay so this is the room that should be crazy and it's not it's literally just a regular room yeah his had water around the chicken yes we have the same statue but there's no water so I don't understand what's Happening Here wait and there wasn't this room wasn't there red stone on the ground yeah dude he literally had red stone everywhere look at mine huh expectations reality yeah like every vacation video you see on Instagram reals well well well I mean the last thing we got to check is the gas room huh where was that at okay this guy hey Y no wait I hear a ghast but is that just a gas in the nether it is just a gas in the nether are you freaking kidding me this guy just jait me you made me have so much hope Mr Gab and then again reality okay it's time for the last piece of evidence um obviously wait the Well's actually there the well is there oh now I can't believe this I can't believe this man all right let's watch and see exactly what he did before he jumped in the well I don't want to mess anything up all right comes around the corner yeah okay I remember insulting him here yeah rings the bell and then just kind of looks around oh he Rings it three times so once pause ring ring jumps down okay and Rings this looks around huh nothing happening Rings it twice and then jumps down and then just freaking goes right here if it's if this is real this right here will say if this is real or fake cuz if I open this door and we're not in the Overworld it's fake 3 2 1 yep yeah I can't I can't like what why why you li huh no literally not not the Overworld literally just a freaking bunch of mansion rooms y this is so lame man that guy must have faked the evidence because this is a bus there's nothing real about this wait okay okay hold on hold on hold on hold on Investigation still investigating wait those are noises that you would hear in the Overworld you don't hear cave noises in the nether you hear them in the Overworld wait a second wait a second wait a second no no no how can this be where what Minecraft seats guy I'm sorry and finally what happened with the living server 3 2 1 oh oh it did oh buddy when did you swag uh hey wait now he's typing normal did you see your above messages you sent me coordinates what do those lead to I presume not a white van yeah haha did you just just build this then why is it abandoned looking outside you know like the freaking cobwebs come on you Turtle lunch there's something wrong with this guy man I mean I knew when I first looked at him I built it to look scarier because I wanted the myth to be true sorry haha okay I'll leave you alone I freaking knew this thing was fake man huh and here I was thinking I had some like hope for a split second nope had no Hope from the GetGo wait did he Ed wait his chat message was edited did anybody see that yo rewinding 0.25 it did not say see you man which first of all is creepy in itself it said something before that now I don't know how you edit your own chat message I mean I message sure Minecraft no that's not possible I mean he's still there but why is he not show up on the tab list is he a okay this does not make any sense the guy's got to be AFK okay I can't get up there hello what's he oh no oh this is where we die this is yep I can't open the doors that just killed me Turtle lunch don't even R what is this the house is just caving in on me it just caves in never go on This Server instead go on this video because it's much less scary
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 1,320,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Id: 8u3DLAPGv_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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